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Le Présent et Les Types de Verbes

French verbs are classified into 3 main groups:

Endings Examples
First Group er Chanter (to sing), danser (to dance) ,
manger (to eat),…
Regular verbs Second Group ir Finir (to finish), agir (to act), punir (to
punish), obeir (to bey),…
Irregular verbs Third Group oir, re, Aller (to Go), Vouloir (to want), mettre
dre (to put), prendre (to take)…

Le Présent de l’indicatif

It express a fact that takes place at the moment when we express. All verbs endings with “er” and
“ir” conjugated to simple present have the same endings. Only for the verbs endings with “ger”
(manger, partager, ranger…) we must add an “e” in first person of plural “nous”.

First group and second group are called regular verbs because they have same endings in the
present tense.

For Example:

Regular Verbs

First Groups = “er” Second Groups = “ir”

Endings Parler Manger Endings Finir Choisir

Personal Je e Parle Mange is Finis Choisis

Pronoun in
Tu es Parles Manges is Finis Choisis
Il/elle, e Parle Mange it Finit Choisit

Personal Nous ons Parlons Mangeons issons Finissons Choisissons

Pronoun in
Vous ez Parlez Mangez issez Finissez Choisissez
Ils/elles ent parlent Mangent issent Finissent Choisissent

Année Neuf
However, third group is called irregular verbs because they have different endings in their
present tense. Only the verb Aller (to Go) and some “ir” (partir, dormir …) verbs are classified in
the third group because it has different endings of its present tense.

For Example:

Irregular Verbs
Third Groups
Aller Dire Vouloir Mettre Partir Faire
Personal Je vais Dis Veux Mets pars Fais
Tu vas Dis Veux Mets Pars Fais
Singular Il/elle, on Va Dit Veut Met Part Fait
Personal Nous Allons Disons Voulons Mettons Partons Faisons
Vous Allez Dites Voulez Mettez Partez Faisez
plural Ils/elles Vont Disent Veulent Mettent Partent Font

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