CAE Multiple Choice Question Pool No.2 Q101 200

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101. All the way along the winding street __________.
A. he came B. came he C. did he come D. comes he
102. It __________ able to finish it in an hour.
A. couldn’t be too hard if you are B. can’t have been too hard if you were
C. can’t have been too hard if you had been D. couldn’t be too hard if you had been
103. You must __________ asleep in the train.
A. have been tired if you had fallen B. be tired if you had fallen
C. have been tired if you fell D. have been tired if you fall
104. John was the first person I saw __________ hospital.
A. by leaving B. on leaving C. in leaving D. on to leave
105. __________ of their size and weight, grizzly bears are remarkably nimble animals.
A. Animals B. For animals C. As animals D. To be animals
106. The postman couldn’t make out __________ addressed to, so he took it back.
A. the letter B. who the letter was
C. where the letter was D. the letter was
107. The date on this yogurt is 1 June. It __________ bad by now.
A. must have gone B. will have been
C. could be D. must go
108. Mark is near-sighted. He __________ glasses ever since he was ten years old.
A. should have worn B. must wear
C. need wear D. has had to wear
109. Every Christmas of my childhood was the same. My father __________ late for lunch, weighed down with presents for the
A. would arrive B. had arrived C. was arriving D. was used to
110. I wish Ben worked as hard as Mary __________. arriving
A. does B. did C. had D. would
111. Did you notice Bob trying to __________ doing the washing up?
A. get up to B. break out of C. get out of D. get along with
112. The elaborate bridal costumes of the coastal Indians are __________: from mother to daughter.
A. taken after B. put by C. parted with D. handed down
113. Paloma will have to __________ her antiques, because she needs the money.
A. part with B. take out C. move on D. clear up
114. I expect the new trend will soon __________ here.
A. catch up B. catch on C. take up D. identify with
115. The meeting didn’t __________ until late.
A. end up B. break up C. come about D. fall through
116. I couldn’t hear what he said, because he was muttering __________ his breath.
A. out of B. under C. in D. on


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117. The red light goes on outside the studio door to let people know that you are __________ air.
A. on the B. by C. in D. through the
118. I’ve taken this watch __________ pieces, and now I can’t put it together again.
A. into B. to C. in D. out of
119. __________ luck, we should be in London by 3 o’clock.
A. For B. By C. With D. Under
120. Some people find it hard to accommodate __________ new situation.
A. for B. on C. to D. from
121. “Who sent you the letter?” - “The university I graduated __________ last spring.”
A. of B. by C. at D. from
122. “Did Jeff pass the test?” - “No. __________ he studied hard, he didn’t.”
A. Despite B. Even C. Although D. However
123. “Why did you ride your bike today?” - “It’s more __________ than driving my car.”
A. economical B. economic C. economy D. economically
124. “This concert is really bad.” - “Yes, it’s __________ worse than I expected it to be.”
A. more B. little C. lot D. much
125. The doctor examined me and then wrote out a __________ for me to take to the chemist.
A. paper B. recipe C. prescription D. ticket
126. I was really embarrassed in the supermarket yesterday. I got to the __________ and realized I had left my money at home.
A. check-up B. check-out C. check-off D. check-in
127. Don’t be late for the interview __________ people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless B. or so C. if not D. otherwise
128. Unfortunately, the company closed down because it couldn’t keep __________ with rapidly changing technologies.
A. speed B. time C. fast D. pace
129. Old houses have a __________ to be draughty.
A. tendency B. habit C. problem D. characteristic
130. The life expectancy of the average American male is 71 years __________ that of the female us 78 years.
A. because B. otherwise C. while D. not only
131. “Did you find out anything more about the fire?” - “If you do, you will be the first person __________.”
A. to know B. will know C. knowing D. who is knowing
132. “I found these books. Do you need them?” - “Oh yes, those are the ones I __________ earlier,”
A. was looking for them B. am looking for
C. looking for D. was looking for
133. “I haven’t been to New York yet.” - “Neither __________.”
A. haven’t we B. we have C. have we D. we haven’t
134. “The building’s nearly finished, isn’t it?” - “Yes, but it’ll be __________ we can move in.”
A. too much time till B. a long time before
C. hardly time when D. very soon that
135. “Do you mind if we schedule the meeting for 11 o’clock?” - “Well, actually. I __________ earlier.”


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A. should prefer it will be B. am preferring it to be
C. will prefer it D. would prefer it to be
136. “How fast was the car traveling?” - “About 50 __________.”
A. kilometers per hour B. kilometer per hours
C. kilometer per hour D. kilometers per hours
137. Mary’s father approved of __________ in the United States for another year in order to work toward her MA.
A. her to stay B. her staying C. she staying D. she to stay
138. There’s no need to be nervous. You’re quite capable __________ your driving test.
A. of passing B. passing C. to pass D. pass
139. I agree with most of what you said, but I can’t __________ your idea of letting children leave school at 14.
A. keep up with B. catch tip with C. put up with D. go along with
140. I think that you had better __________ earlier so that you can get to class on time.
A. to start to get up B. started getting up
C. start getting up D. to get up
141. My cousin is obsessed __________ keeping fit.
A. from B. with C. in D. for
142. Many frozen foods are deficient __________ vitamins.
A. off B. in C. at D. to
143. They say that there is an exception __________ every rule.
A. for B. out of C. to D. under
144. With complete disregard __________ her own safety. Ann jumped into the sea to rescue the dog.
A. for B. in C. at D. of
145. There were no ripe apples __________ reach, so I moved to ladder.
A. from B. for C. at D. within
146. Getting up so early really gets me __________.
A. out B. up C. down D. off
147. Terry’s new book comes __________ next week.
A. out B. at C. in D. down
148. Someone was asking __________ you in the club yesterday.
A. for B. after C. off D. in
149. Just as I was dropping __________, there was a knock at the door.
A. out B. for C. off D. with
150. Neil was too embarrassed to bring __________ the question of who would pay.
A. in B. out C. to D. up
151. She is extremely competent and __________.
A. industrial B. industrious C. industry D. industrialized
152. The whole family was in __________ with her about what they should do.


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A. agreeing B. agreeable C. agreement D. agreeably
153. When we give dolphins food they may take the easy way out.
A. attend to avoid danger
B. choose the easy way of finding good, though it’s not the right way
C. do bad things to people who have been good to them
D. fall asleep
154. A __________ is a large area of the sea that is partly surrounded by land.
A. gulf B. bay C. lake D. pond
155. She had __________ her jacket because of the heat.
A. discarded B. got rid C. stopped D. dropped
156. Don’t interfere in what __________ you.
A. doesn’t relate B. doesn’t concern C. isn’t related with D. isn’t concerned
157. I would like to thank my publisher, my editor and, __________ but not least, my husband.
A. last B. finally C. after that D. lastly
158. She __________ into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.
A. burst B. cried C. laughed D. broke
159. These workers have had __________ absences from work this month.
A. repeating B. repeated C. repeatedly D. repetition
160. One of the tigers has got __________ Warn everyone of the danger!
A. loose B. loosen C. lost D. escaped
161. “Eric is really upset about losing his job.” - “Well, __________ fired once myself, I can understand.”
A. having B. to have been C. having been D. have been
162. He talked about the books and authors __________ impressed him.
A. who B. that C. which D. whom
163. I didn’t get home until after midnight last night. Otherwise, I __________ your call.
A. returned B. had returned
C. would return D. would have returned
164. “If it is a girl, she’s going to be called Etheldreda.” - “What __________ name to give __________ girl.”
A. ⍉/ the B. a/ the C. ⍉/ a D. the/ the
165. __________ more help, I could call my neighbor.
A. needed B. should I need C. I have needed D. I should need
166. A bull charged forwards the car, __________ I drove away quickly.
A. when B. where C. at which point D. at the point
167. __________ after the Second World War that test pilots first attempted to break the “sound barrier”
A. It was shortly B. Was shortly
C. There was shortly D. Shortly
168. Up __________, and the people cheered.
A. went the balloon B. did the balloon go
C. had the balloon go D. has the balloon


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169. After carrying out a large number of experiments __________.
A. Alfred Nobel finding the formula for dynamite in 1866
B. The formula for dynamite was found in 1866
C. It was in 1866 that the formula for dynamite was found by Alfred Nobel
D. Alfred Nobel found the formula for dynamite in 1866
170. The two friends, __________, met by chance on a European tour.
A. for many years they had not seen each other
B. had not seen each other for many years
C. who had not seen each other for many years
D. for many years they haven’t seen each other
171. He stood up the work __________ enthusiasm.
A. in B. with C. about D. on
172. The head is __________ proportion with body.
A. out of B. outside C. off D. away
173. You’re __________ luck - there’s one ticket left.
A. in B. on C. by D. with
174. The award-winning novelist often has three or four books __________ the go at once.
A. at B. in C. on D. with
175. The policeman __________ me off with a warning as it was Christmas.
A. sent B. gave C. let D. set
176. These painkillers __________ after about two hours.
A. wear off B. drop off C. turn down D. stand for
177. Smog occurs in the atmosphere when nitrogen oxides and organic gases combine __________ the influence of sun light.
A. in B. with C. under D. on
178. We still haven’t __________ a solution to the problem.
A. come up with B. come up against
C. come up to D. come about
179. It was very careless __________ you to go to bed without locking the door.
A. for B. of C. about D. in
180. They wouldn’t let me in the club because I was __________ age.
A. below B. under C. out of D. on
181. He was awarded the medal for “displaying professional competence of the highest __________ in the rescue attempts.”
A. ability B. order C. position D. credit
182. People become less __________ to new ideas as they grow older.
A. attractive B. available C. hospitable D. receptive
183. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is __________ starring in a new musical.
A. actually B. currently C. lately D. recently
184. The professor’s __________ theory is that singing preceded speech.
A. fancied B. fond C. pet D. preferable


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185. She always __________ the smell of fresh bread with her mother, who loved baking.
A. associated B. attributed C. exemplified D. remembered
186. He spent his entire life __________ round the world, never settling down anywhere.
A. roaming B. scattering C. scrambling D. transporting
187. The government’s new safety pamphlet __________ against smoking in bed.
A. advises B. declares C. emphasizes D. stresses
188. If he tries to __________ ignorance as his excuse, just tell him we’ve got a copy of the authorization with his signature
on it.
A. defend B. plead C. pretend D. protest
189. We were working overtime to cope with a sudden __________ in demand.
A. boost B. impetus C. surge D. thrust
190. The confidence trickster __________ the old lady out of her life savings.
A. deceived B. misled C. robbed D. swindled
191. Of Charles Dickens’ many novels, Great Expectations is perhaps __________ to many readers.
A. the most satisfying one B. most satisfying one C. more than
satisfying one D. the more satisfying one
192. Children learn primarily by __________ the world around them.
A. experiencing directly of B. experience direct
C. directly physical experience D. direct physical experience of
193. The total weight of all the ants in the world is must greater than __________.
A. to all human beings B. all human beings is that
C. that of all human beings D. is of all human beings
194. Tuna, __________, may weigh up to 1,000 pounds.
A. is the sea giant B. can be giants of the sea
C. one of the sea giants D. the sea of the giant
195. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds __________.
A. occasionally to find B. occasionally found
C. have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found
196. Under no circumstances __________ in areas where poisonous snakes are known to live.
A. one should not climb rocks B. one should be climbing rocks
C. should one climb rocks D. should be climbing rocks
197. Many historians believe it was never __________ to practice genocide against the Native Americans.
A. the government’s official policy B. official the government’s policy
C. the government’s policy official was D. been the government’s official policy
198. Not only __________, it also performs an essential function in the reproduction of the plant.
A. the flower looks beautiful B. the flower is looking beautiful
C. does the flower look beautiful D. the beautiful flower
199. Although many people do not consider it harmful, alcohol is the __________ in the United States.
A. drug commonly abused most B. most commonly abused


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C. most abused commonly drug D. commonly most abused


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