Societal Ethics

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Societal Ethics: standards that members of society use when dealing with each other.

The decision are not clear, - many firms, groups have a association to inform – a guide of ethics,
show you the base of. The ethics may different from country to another country
Code of Ethics – Social Ethics, Professional Ethics, Individual Ethics
- Try to relate founders, avoid harming others
- Responsible for protecting and nurturing resources in their charge.
- Unethical managers run the risk for loss of reputation.
- This is a valuable asset to any manager.
Why ethical people make unethical choices? Maximize the profits,
Social Responsibility: the manager’s duty to nurture, protect and enhance the welfare of
skateholders but there are many ways managers respond to his duty.
- Defensive response
- Accommodative response
- Proactive responsive
Promoting Ethics
Managing Diverse Workforces
Business Ethics and Gender Diversity
The Equality and Human Rights Commission defines diversity as “where many different types
Manage Diversity -> How ? : increase diversity awareness, understand cultural differences,
practive effective communication with diverse groups, be sure top management is committed to
diversity. Be responsible to increase the diversity.
Distributive Justice
- Diverse employees provide new, different points of view. Still, some employees may be
treated unfairly.
- Biases: systematic tendencies to use info in ways that result in inaccurate perceptions.
Diversity: age, sexual orientation, race, gender
Problem: consulting firm, financial, work contest dominated by man.
Gender diversity
Innovation process: that builds upon technical inventions – innovation is not standing alone,
include specification of work. Essential features: specialization and simplification of work
You manage your external ecosystem by innovation: change your products.
The physical climate change and the low carbon transition may deliver risk of stranded asset,
financial stability
Climate physical stock – market rise low, financial actor – difficulties to asset
How climate change impact financial industry
Very important – tax: Europe establish – what is gain in vehicles economics? Europe decide one
and only language. Agenda Carbon neutral – 2015, tax elevate some. European expert, many
governments define. Consider all the articles. Bank – green loan.
Green loans (and bonds) can encourage corporate prioritisation of green projects and assets over
non-green ones. Green loans for many borrowers accelerate an internal push to integrate green
into the borrowers' other investment strategy as well as internal corporate strategy.

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