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Eee tout. oe eos viso ween co, 110, She: Dauswszoaeacon "HE WEST AMHE Romo, ARNG COUNTY HE Be PROMEEC oD - CONTRACT aah Date of PO: aS [Dato of Genfack ase tm jou sorecrueaze-201-08 [Sete’s contact No fuczae nse. cone ao os [raw auoe DUNG Bote Lay Hu [compa [ALPHA WSPECTION SC [company (EOF ULSO TECH GO, 17 [the west Janse Roa, . lwo. s7, Road No, Var 12, Tan Bi aiang County, Xing Cty, Asses sic! Ho chintan’cy, 5, Vietnam sess eves Province, Cana, [coasaaostr ra [ns is007aa3655 [dung-tagpaiphe-nateom mal ak Gentech com |vetoam [county xg foun This contacts mado by and batweon te Buyer and ho Soler whereby be Soler agrees o sll andthe Byer agro toby ‘he blow mentioned products on tho fers and condtons stipulate round. wo. 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BRANCH 40 ZIQINNG ROAD, SHUIAZHUANG, HEBE! PROVINCE.CH PoBCCNaIHEX “The Sato (signature: ‘Ay H (is mange HEBEIULSO TECH ote HP ri i ULS® a Te stones er u80 TECH CO, Lr. Emm tout THEEST AME ROAD, RADUNG.COUNT.HEBELPROME, A osasn PE HENAN Packing List as me : "bas aang Fares Boers PO Joi sree at Sts InclCoinas |U05SS COO OTS Ins tran auoe buna ste: ys Sang — [PA nSECTION en few uso TETSU Fe Wester Ros hos, poe nae 2 tan is enn Sao oa i, aces tres eur ocx isc, 9 Venn Wn Pee ca, ozrn he [eoosacstr a ants natin tanto ena rai oo eer ' leary _frewam cariyororaes __[oHna wo, [rem oescrirron] parr on oy + ptenaray rane fe OBHOAIR AO tes 2 2 (met aroyree [ROL SEHOAES res 2 ee ee ee 2 a re ro 2 = Tos nay re” AONB ET > [PEK = © rma arayPase [gOwTBa-AaTRS | pay 2 7 rrmeannyrone SSIPOSHOAERS| pay “ aeconcearares —frmsnrayrnne a re ' = [vam |S aRBen fora: oe eae ALPHA INSPECTION JSC. ‘dares NO. 37, Road No A, Ward 12, Tan Binh Distt, Ho Chitin Cy, 8.8 Vitam Shipping TRAN QUOC DUNG. ‘TEL(O28)ou405117 Faxo29ys4405118 Prepared by: Fangtang Wang CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN [exporter (Name SAaaresey HeBeI ULSO TECH CO, LTD. | ansho Read, Baxian, Xingtal Ci, Hebei Province, China, 056450 Pz Consignootamaanaeress) [ALPHA INSPECTION JSC. INO. 97, Road No.A4, Ward 12, Tan Enh Distt, Ho Chi Minh Cy, 8, Iveta 5: Was of wanaport and Route |AIR WAY EXPRESS FROM BEING TO HO CHI MINH [+ Counirygion destination Tn Binh Distt, Ho ChiMinh City, SR Vietnam INARKS&NUMBER OF PACKAGES-CESCRIPTION OF THE GOODS. TENS DESCRIPTION [PART # [unr PRICE [QUANTITY|TOTAL AMOUNT(USD) JPHASED ARRAY PROBES|sL-onoAr2P-r01Pex |rso00 arcs — fe20000 JPHASED ARRAY PRoBES|sisoaeoni2Psircx soso faecs 2.0000 PHASED ARRAY PRoBES|siso5oAs2-Ps0IrEx |110000 [2Pcs — [aa0000 JPHASED ARRAY PROBES|sLor0scDAs2Psirex frosoo arcs fe-t00.00 PHASED ARRAY PROBES| ¢oMio.2-tesazre-touPex |2.75000 [2Pcs —|ssan00 JPHASED ARRAY PROBES| aout62.10.427-P.51PEx [26500 fapcs — fsa00.00 PHASED ARRAY PROBES|7ssi6-05r104%5.P-1°ex [150000 |apcs — |eo00.00 [PHASED ARRAY PROBES|aLsioedearzP2siPex [1.00 h pos: [FoTAL2 CARTONS [DECLARATION BY THE EXPORTER { : Date: tis hereby declared that tho above dots an statement are core, that al the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the People's Republi of China, Signature 2) FEAR E ORR Banas. 2 sas. aye: aan Esa a as ae ae manatee nomiseatno [ERE ees ser eR a arease Bra ez parr Boetefinen nvmmmme [EE ae cae es aT a ine a ER oto = fee = Ee ae eS lees — ee Jo a a ss 2s ie ar peau ea pero SAEse sa/ah/en oa _EnteS aaa sai a -eanemmenenrs eogate, sie, gteum, ose. goon mem ow awe Sr uORereMaeenine ie) ednae” ot 5 ha: Eamnan unt anercaauen, linge staaadmam wana Wo er ae Seu oe at Score 3031800080 1080 7a ai ae ansnremnan ® woes. xae, atewR, cae, woxse ne amos neue SE UGReKeReeSRERN kay cdnee ot nar Eames anvanencaanen, isha nea ai cae, ne SRT 900080 18 aa ee Zennepaonns » engsue, Tae, area. cue, waxes mo am ow nsee Srasharaeacensoe au sdege” os & eb Zoamen Ue teAawennnae, Seamancouncan wolaas at use as GSroaeeioviehy erty 3. cae [sr Tae FR ew aE | nsoinaswatr ns © snkeme Sag, QpeuE. eam, unset 2100 & dakwnameegennn cea) enue * Sau, ranban SATAACR RENEE: SbAE-Snezas-am. 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