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Real Options and Flexibility in Organizational Design

Conference Paper · May 2007

DOI: 10.1109/SYSTEMS.2007.374655 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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John Dahlgren


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Paper #023

“Real Options and Flexibility in Organizational Design”

John W. Dahlgren
The MITRE Corporation
903 Gateway Boulevard, Suite 200, Hampton, VA 23666

every member of the team. Organizations

Abstract have traditionally followed some form of a
hierarchical structure. This form of structure
This paper applies the concept of Real was easy to understand, thus easy to follow.
Options (RO) to the design of a flexible While the hierarchy existed in some form
organization adaptable to changing team throughout much of history, this
members and evolving requirements. While organizational structure truly blossomed in
management theory is often used to develop post-World War II America. WWII
an organization and later align it with specific represented a significant historical event in
goals, this author contends that applying 20th Century America, bringing 10 million
systems engineering principles will prove people under arms and mobilizing the entire
more valuable to an organization’s success. nation. As the military used a command and
This paper provides a comparison of the control organizational construct, post-war US
traditional hierarchical organization to how an industry was quick to follow. This enabled
organization really functions - through industry to leverage the skills of all of those
interpersonal connectivity. The author relates soldiers returning home and looking for jobs.
the connectivity of the organization to recent Since soldiers understood the basic Command
laws for valuing a network, and shows where and Control (C2) concept of the Corp,
these laws both demonstrate the potential RO
in a networked organization and how using
connectivity to measure the quality of good
organizational design provides a misleading
evaluation of organizational health. This
research includes a review of historical Division, Brigade, Battalion, Company, and
organizational structures that enhanced Platoon, they could easily understand who
organizational flexibility and organizational they were expected to follow.
Figure 1. Standard Hierarchical
Organizational Connectivity Organizational Structure
Organizational structure greatly impacts
the flow of information and the ability to This hierarchy depicted in Figure 1
exercise an option on using the talents of worked well when everyone had clearly
defined tasks, were well trained in their tasks, requirements definition for this system/team.
and the industrial world was somewhat A key factor that must not go unstated is the
predictable, allowing for an accurate reliance of this structure on trust and

CSER 2007, Stevens Institute of Technology, ISBN - 0-9787122-1-8
PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA
discipline. Each group needed to be able to Networking Constructs
trust the other group to do their job to the level
of competency needed. Discipline at each Computer networks have developed a
level was expected so as to not subvert the variety of topologies to connect nodes.
chosen leaders of their group and above them. Coincidentally, organizations have developed
Additionally, in an era where the most modern similar topologies for their own connectivity.
communications device was the hard wired The following subparagraphs discuss various
telephone, and businesses did not have many topologies that both computer networks and
of them, most workers were geographically organizations have used to connect
close to their supervisors. This structure nodes/people.
allowed for clear requirements definition and Star. A common networking structure
management by one person for the team. used very early in the telecommunications
Modern Day Organizational Constructs: renaissance was the star. As shown in Figure
While the above hierarchical construct worked 2, all connections flow into and out of one
well for many decades, its existence was node, and thus a single point of failure is
facilitated by the lack of communications designed into the network. Whereas modern
devices and by the discipline of society at that day computer networks are usually designed
time. A number of influencing factors have to avoid this construct, some managers still
changed the world in the past 25 years that insist on this type of construct. A manager
have made the hierarchical organization a relic using the star construct ensures that they are
of the past, at least in practice. The first major the center of information flow, are as up to
change was the break up of AT&T into the date as possible on all information, and can
seven Baby Bells. This division brought likely take credit for everyone else’s work.
competition to the telecommunications Star oriented managers often want all of their
industry and started the trend of phone lines people sitting near them. Basics risk
and high speed data lines as a commodity management indicates this type of network
item. Users could suddenly send a multi-page and organization will suffer from a single
facsimile across the country instead of waiting point of failure. Additionally, the value of this
days for the postal service to deliver a letter. network is limited to the one-to-one
As computers gained a foothold the idea of transactions that the Star manager can form
networking also took off, giving people e-mail with each worker, and eliminates the possible
connectivity that made the facsimile suddenly options to exercise through interactions
look outdated. Increased modem speeds between the workers, much less interactions
meant that attaching files to e-mails made with the outside world. Trust is not often
communications even easier. Then came the found in organizations that use the star
Internet and the World Wide Web. Suddenly construct.
information was readily available and the cost
of obtaining the information became almost Worker Worker

negligible. This combination of events

coupled with society’s move away from strict Worker

organizational discipline, as the baby boomer

generation took over from the WWII Worker Worker
generation, provided a series of events that
have changed how people interact, earn
money, and have influence. Figure 2. Star Organizational Structure

PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

Small World Network. A Small World the number of links between two nodes to be
Network is distinguished by a network that randomly distributed around a mean degree of
consists of a large number of nodes separated distribution.
into clusters of sub-networks that are then Scale Free Networks. While Random
loosely connected in a manner facilitating Networks exhibit a topology that can be
connectivity between any two nodes by a described by a normal distribution, other types
minimum number of hops. These lose of networks exhibit a totally different
connections, or shortcuts across the major distribution. To describe a Scale Free
network, shorten the average distance (# of Network, imagine that a random network
hops) between any two nodes. This distance already exists, and that you represent a new
is often called the path length between two node that wants to join the network (Barabasi,
nodes. A Small World Network is 2002). Would you choose to connect to a
characterized by a high clustering coefficient node that has almost no connectivity, or would
and relatively short average path lengths you connect to a node that has a large number
between any two nodes (Atkinson, 2005). of other connections? Most nodes will choose
While Figure 3 shows a theoretical version of to join a node with many other connections
a Small World Network, a real world example that they can leverage. As the Random
of a complex version exists in rural Network grows, similar to how the Internet
communities that form distant clusters grew, more and more new members will
connected by the Interstate Highway System choose to link to already highly connected
(long path lengths). While not a subject of nodes. Therefore the distribution of
discussion for this paper, it is possible that the connectivity will evolve from a normal
Interstate Highway System was a key factor in distribution to one where a few nodes have a
the United States’ move from a large number large number of connections, and a large
of separate communities to a Small World number of nodes have only a few connections.
Network. This can be described by what is called the
Worker Worker
Power Law (Barabasi, 2002). Studies on the
Internet have shown a very different
Worker Worker Worker Worker distribution on the number of connections for
The The
Star Star each Internet site. The Power Law
Distribution, as shown in the right hand side
Worker Worker Worker Worker
of Figure 4, shows that most Internet nodes
have a few active links. Those nodes with
Figure 3. Simplified Small World many links tend to be the Internet Service
Organizational Structure Providers (ISP) or web sites for large search
Random Networks. Random Networks
are just that, random. The topology of these
networks is similar to what would result if the
connectivity between two nodes were
determined by the results of rolling a dice or
using a random number generator. While a
random network is not easy to illustrate,
statistics can be used to predict whether two Figure 4. Bell Curve and Power Law
nodes are connected, or how many steps are Distribution (Barabasi, 2002)
required to link the two. A Random Network
can be shown to have a normal distribution of

PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

distance connection is re-established. The
main advantage of the Small World Network
is that it is highly clustered. The figure below
Risks of Various Networking shows a hypothetical Small World Network
Topologies for a systems engineering project. Figure 5
was developed from the Design Structure
The risks of the various network Matrix (DSM) shown in Figure 6. The
topologies to a technological network are thickness of the lines connecting nodes
similar to those of an organization designed indicates the strength of the connection. All
(or evolved) to use them. A Star topology has of the individual tasks are tightly linked to
an inherent single point of failure, and has the contributors on their respective task.
additional risk that it inhibits leveraging the Additionally, in some cases contributors on
full capabilities of each node or the sum of the different tasks are somewhat connected.
nodes. An organization with a Star topology Therefore, even if the Project Leader (PL)
not only does not achieve synergy of the were removed from the topology, the overall
capabilities of the nodes/people, but rather project would still have significant
inhibits the use of those capabilities. The connectivity.
Random Network has inherent risk in that it
fails to optimize the connectivity by
minimizing the average distance between all
of the nodes, thus inhibiting the use of all of T3 TL
the capabilities of the nodes. On the other C1 4 TL=Task Leader
PL=Project Leader
hand, the Random Network is much more PL C = Contributor
difficult to disrupt/attack since the probability T2
&TL T1
of an attacker disrupting a key node is very TL2 TL1

low (Barabasi, 2002). The Scale Free T2 T1

C2 T1 C2
Network topology appears to exhibit the same C3

statistical robustness as the Random Network. Figure 5.

While from a statistical standpoint this might Value of an Organization is not Determined
be accurate, statistics fail to take into account by the Number of Nodes
the fact that the organization’s enemies may
expend significant resources to identify those
PL & TL3

T3 C1

T2 C1

T2 C2

T1 C1

T1 C2

T1 C3
key nodes and develop plans for the


systematic disruption of them and the entire PL & TL3 H H H M H H
network. The Scale Free Network has more T3 C1 H M H M
robustness than the Star against attack, or TL2 H M H H
disruption due to any event that impacts the T2 C1 H H
T2 C2 H H
key nodes. Yet, the Scale Free Network is not
extremely robust. T1 C1 M M H L H H
The Small World topology may provide T1 C2 H L H
the most robust topology. This topology T1 C3 H H H H
allows communities to be richly connected as TL4 H H

needed, and also includes the long distance Figure 6. Organizational DSM
connections to minimize the average path
length between any two nodes in the network.
Additionally, if a long distance connection is Network Valuation and Concepts that Add
lost, most of the communities can operate Value
effectively for some time before the long

PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

Over recent years, a number of methods have people with the same number of
have been hypothesized to determine the value connections. This author’s experience has
of a network. Initially David Sarnoff shown that some people are very valuable
developed a law to value a radio or television connections to have. On the other hand, some
network, saying Value = N (number of people spend a great deal of time exchanging
network participants) (Reed, 2001). Metcalfe information that is often inaccurate, taking up
later focused on networks that support one-to- a tremendous amount of other network
one connections, such as telephone networks. participants’ time. These people are
Metcalfe’s Law stated that Value = N2. David essentially the human equivalent of a network
Reed later developed a law that acknowledged virus. Thus, individuals in an organization
the benefits of both Sarnoff and Metcalfe, but should not be valued merely according to the
then said that Value = 2N, with the value number of connections they keep active. A
growing much faster than in the case of robust organization will focus on connections
Sarnoff’s Law or Reed’s Law (Reed, 2001). and the quality of the information exchanged.
Reed acknowledged that every connection For instance, some people are introverts and
may not be used, but that the network others are extroverts. Valuing people based
represents the options on connections that can on the number of connections will likely lead
be used in the future. Some organization to an organization of extroverts. Yet, an
leaders have chosen to use this metric to value organization needs thinkers as well as
their people. Essentially these leaders are information exchange nodes. Leaders should
saying the person with more connections is evaluate their organization and the individuals
more valuable than the person with fewer according to the quality of information they
connections. This choice of such an easy develop, and the quality of their connections.
metric to measure may indicate intellectual In this way the leader of an organization can
laziness. optimize performance by teaming information
Unfortunately few organizations or developers with highly connected individuals
individuals will establish connections without to ensure dissemination of high quality
an initial need for the connection. This led to information. The ideal contributor develops
the development of the Dahlgren and Evans high quality information and also has high
Law for valuing a network (Dahlgren & quality connectivity to ensure the
Evans, 2006). This law states: dissemination of this information. Developing
an organization to team information
VN = f (V (COIs), t (joining a COI), C developers with information disseminators
(joining a COI), C (distance), C provides the organization with many options
(complexity) to share high quality information with the
greatest number and highest quality of nodes.
VN = ∑ V(COI)i, 1<i<20 The contributor that can develop and
disseminate information represents a person
By not linking network value to the total that provides the organization with many
number of COIs, the network value then options for their participation.
increases or decreases according to the value Clustering. This concept, and the below
of the sum of the COIs. While this law was equation, discuss how well connected the
originally developed to relate to the value of nodes are that are immediately adjacent to a
an airborne network, it can also relate to given node (Barabasi, 2002). A large
organizational networks. A key item in this Clustering Coefficient (CC) means that people
law is that each node is valued at different who work immediately together are well
levels, just as connections to different people connected to each other. This can work well
have different values. Most organizations will for individual tasks in a project. While

PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

clusters often serve a task very well, clusters coupled due to the impacts of changes in one
need long distance connections between each system on other systems with which it
other to leverage the value of all of the nodes interfaces. Technological systems may lessen
and clusters. These long distance connections degrees of coupling by converging on
are the RO that can be exercised as needed, common standards. Therefore, subsystems
whereas all tight connections limit the that converge on common standards can
person’s options. As an example, the Star separately evolve within the minimum
represented in Fig 2 has a CC = 0.22, whereas standards of convergence. The organization
the Small-World shown in Fig 5 has a CC = having a common understanding, or common
0.4. Research is still ongoing to determine the operational picture, is likely analogous to a
optimal CC. technological standard on which people can
CC= # Tight Connections Figure 7 relates the effectiveness of an
# Possible Connections organization to the management styles used
and the external environment that is present.
Hop Count. The average number of hops This figure, originally presented in (Atkinson,
between team members, and the average 2005) offers an explanation of where and
number of hops for an individual can be used when loose coupling for an organization can
in concert with the CC to look at how closely be optimal, and where and when it can be
an organization and each individual is detrimental. As shown in the figure, an
connected. The Star in Fig 1 has an average organization that finds itself in a very stable
hop count of 1.422, while the Small World in environment will often perform best when
Fig 5 has an average hop count of 1.89. This organized in a manner that is tightly coupled,
indicates that while the members of the Small such as a strict hierarchy. In a stable
World are connected, they have not exhausted environment contributors generally know
their connections all on their own team and what is expected of them (subsystem
have the RO to reach out to other networks. requirements) and procedures guide their
The relative closeness of the two hop counts actions. On the contrary, a loosely coupled
indicates that this does not offer a single organization, where people self-organize as
measure to evaluate the robustness of the needed to accomplish emerging tasks, may
network. result in confusion and a lack of focus on the
Loose Coupling. Often forces are self- task at hand when trying to operate in a stable
synchronized under a leader in order to environment. On the other hand, a tightly
achieve a higher level goal. This type of self- coupled organization will likely be very
synchronization relies on a sufficient level of unresponsive during turbulent times, whereas
networked connectivity (networked does not a loosely coupled organization can be more
imply Internet Protocol). A system can be responsive during such times. This author
described as loosely coupled if the units in the contends that the current management and
organization have the freedom to act in a technological focus on loose coupling is in
manner that supports the overall intent and direct proportion to the level of turbulence that
within the constraints as dictated by the management perceives in the environment.
leadership. A loosely coupled team must have Just as technologies are rapidly changing, the
team members that can act as they feel they environment for an organization may also be
need to act, and the looseness is inversely rapidly changing, driving the need for
correlated to the number and strengths of organizations to move away, at least in
constraints directed by their leadership practice, from a hierarchical structure. Loose
(Atkinson, 2005). This is analogous to coupling also has a relationship to RO in an
technological systems that may be tightly organization. Loosely coupled teams can

PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

enable an organization to make better use of motivations, sometimes as basic as their own
the capabilities of each individual, just as career survival. The concept of self-
networking a group of laptop computers organizing to accomplish a task that supports a
together can provide significant processing higher principle than just keeping the boss
power. satisfied requires a tremendous maturity in
each team member. Once motivations are
Failure aligned, trust must be of a sufficient level or
Coupled Robust
Focus individuals will spend a significant amount of
time on survival issues. Team size can also be
Management Tightly Failure a key constraint to successful self-
Style Optimal To
Coupled organization. Studies have shown that the
optimal size for a team is 4.6 people (Colvin
Stable Turbulent et al, 2006). This study contradicts a common
belief that teams should be very inclusive and
External thus include as many people as possible. The
Environment time in which to accomplish a task can have a
negative correlation to the success of a self-
Figure 7. Management Style & the External organized team.
Environment (Atkinson, 2005, P 93) Much of the above mentioned concepts are
Self-Organization. A concept frequently the result of this author’s experiences over 22
discussed as an alternative to the hierarchical years in the Air Force and engineering
organization is the theory of self-organization. communities. A recent working group
The basic concept is that workers will included action officers from over 8
organize in a manner to accomplish the task at organizations working on an overarching task
hand, and then may or may not disband that would take roughly 1 year to accomplish.
depending on the capabilities required by the Common participants included 12 people from
team to accomplish the next task. The concept 5 organizations, all possessing a high level of
of self-organization was not developed to maturity and intelligence, and well connected
support management theory, but was instead to each other. The short-term result was that
recognized in the field of biology during the the team had a very difficult time organizing
study of complex ecosystems. In this concept, to define goals and outline tasks. The net
the parts of the system interact in a local, non- result was that the team was accomplishing
linear manner. In a complex system the whole very little and almost had a mutiny. Four
of the system is believed to be greater than the months later 1 action officer used “push”
sum of the parts of the system (Atkinson, leadership to get the group organized. The
2005). If the interactions are in a linear and action officer organized the meetings; another
predictable manner, then the system is action officer met with the people who were to
considered to be complicated but not complex. be the leaders and explained the situation.
In a complex biological system the parts of the During the next couple of meetings the group
system aid each other, fight, compete, and outlined specific tasks and responsibilities.
ultimately coevolve. This “push” leadership worked for the initial
The concept of self-organization can be draft of the product. At this point in time one
both positive and negative for a team in most of the two main leaders has moved on, and
fields of endeavour. The idea that humans self-organization is again failing.
will self-organize is not untrue, but this This experience, as well as other similar
author’s experience is that successful self- experiences throughout this author’s career,
organization depends on a variety of factors. has led to the following hypothesis on the
Teams consist of individuals all with different relative success of self-organized teams. The

PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

success of a self-organized team correlates to must develop detailed procedures that they
maturity, intelligence, competence of the trust. The development of such procedures
people performing the task at hand, aligned can come at a high cost in time and money.
motivations between team members, and a This contrasts to a team where each individual
definition of the task at hand. Furthermore, the trusts each other and thus can be flexible with
success of a self-organized team is negatively how they handle given situations and choose
correlated to team size, time to complete the to attempt to solve new problems that might
task, number of different organizations that be outside of any written procedure. Readers
pay the salaries of the team members, and should also note that trust in other people does
vagueness in task definition. Above not indicate a personal friendliness for the
everything, team members must be able to other team members (Colvin et al, 2006). In
trust each other or self-organization will have fact, building teams of people who are linked
very limited success as the team will only primarily by friendship (rather than
stick together so long as they have a common professional competence and respect) can
enemy. have a negative impact in that the team may
Trust. Throughout the study of agile not be willing to provide constructive
organizations and networks, a key item feedback for fear of ruining the friendship. In
appeared over and over. Without the ability to this manner, trust between team members
trust some key factor in the enterprise, be that provides an option for the team to attempt to
the individuals or the rules that guide solve problems not detailed in a governance
behaviour, organizational performance document, whereas a focus on friendship may
plummets. On smaller teams, no matter the actually be a negative option in that it inhibits
field of endeavour, trust between the team performance. A key item for network
individuals to complete their specific tasks, performance is that a network built on trust
share information that can be trusted, and act may last for many years (Atkinson, 2005,
as a team player is required for the team to p68).
function, much less to reach an optimal
performance level. In an enterprise, such as Other Key Factors in Organizational
the government of a country, the populace Flexibility and Success
must trust either in the leader or the legitimacy
of the government due to the governmental The concept of optimizing team
structure and laws. For instance, when performance has received significant emphasis
George Washington set the example of the by management theorists in recent years. A
principal military leader relinquishing power subset of those management theories relates to
at the end of the American Revolution, he flexibilities, options, and in some cases
established a practice that the military exists to destroying flexibility and options. The
serve the populace and not to overthrow the following are a few theories of particular
government. In the case of the American noteworthiness.
government, our populace trusts in the process Team Size. Previous theories claiming
and the laws even when we may not trust in a that personal or organizational value(s)
particular president or congress. One can increase(s) with the number of connections
contrast this with a country ruled by a dictator. have been proven false, and recent studies on
When the dictator leaves office, via natural or team size also demonstrate the mistake that
unnatural causes, the country often does not unabated inclusiveness does not add value to a
have an organization they can trust, resulting team. Studies going back as far as the 1970s
often in anarchy. show that a team needs at least three
Moving back to the aforementioned small members; the optimal size is 4.6 people.
team, without trust in each other the team Furthermore more than six members on a team

PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

leads to decreasing value of the team (Colvin the need for connectivity to ensure
et al, 2006, p 122). Teams of 3 to 6 people organizational value. A team that is overseen
have the options to thoroughly discuss issues with frequent reviews, constant input from
and work closely together without spending a others, and continued connections to others
significant amount of time gaining consensus. means they risk the loss of reputation or the
As a team grows larger than 6 members, each need to satisfy other constituencies, detracting
member represents a negative return and from the work on the task at hand (Colvin et
possibly a put option on the future success of al, 2006, p. 132). Isolating the team provides
the team. a RO on the team’s ability to explore new
Role Players. Organizations that include ideas, abandon some ideas, and progress
role players, synonymous with unselfish without the risk of loss of reputation or
players, have the ability to adapt to changing continual interference from others.
conditions. Organizations that consist of Team Capacity. Team capacity is a
selfish members that insist on performing technical requirement derived from
exactly how they choose lack the flexibility to operational requirements, and must be defined
respond to changing conditions that demand as part of the requirements development
team members to perform tasks they perceive process so that organizations can be correctly
to be less than glamorous. This is also a key designed, and realistic work programs can be
factor in why All-Star teams often fail (Colvin developed and implemented. Failure to do so
et al, 2006). These types of teams do not will result in all contributors doing more tasks
embrace processes that focus on a common than they can do in a quality manner. Often,
goal, but instead have individuals focused on when a team has experienced success,
their own performance. additional work is heaped onto the team until
Inclusion of B-Players. Jack Welch, the team essentially fails to perform, similar to
former Chief Executive Officer of General a technological system driven past its original
Electric (GE), was famous for wanting A- designed capacity.
players. At the time an A-player was a top
10% performer, a B-player fell within the next Conclusion
80%, and a C-player was a bottom 10%
performer. The focus on A-players, while Systems engineering principles such as
sounding glamorous, inherently omits a huge requirements development and management,
talent base of B-players. Including B-players risk management, design, and metrics all
on your team can open options provided by apply to organizational design as they do to
having people willing to be role players who the design of a technical system. Real Options
still have significant talent to contribute to the can and should be included in organizational
team, and who likely have a number of high design to facilitate reacting to changing
quality connections. All of these represent requirements for the system/team. While
options that can be exercised as needed to modern management theory appears to
accomplish the team’s tasks. Focusing on correlate increasing network connections with
only A-players reduces options by narrowing individual and team value, this paper has
the population from which members can be shown that connections alone do not make for
drawn. a flexible and successful organization.
Team Isolation. Teams that are Connections need to be teamed with quality
attempting something difficult and totally information to have real value. Applying
different often benefit from being removed requirements development to team design will
from the normal working environment and in aid in the team’s clearly understanding what
some ways being isolated from outside they are to accomplish and designing the team
influences. This concept flies in the face of according to the expected capacity of work.

PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

Risk management processes should also be Dahlgren, J.W. Real options and value driven
applied to evaluate the organization’s design design in spiral development. Paper
for robustness. While the Scale Free Network presented at 2006 Command and Control
represents how the Internet has developed, the Research and Technology Symposium
Small World Network, which allows for (CCRTS), Coronado, Ca. 2006
continued operations even with the loss of any Reed, David P. 2001. The law of the pack.
single node, probably provides the highest Harvard Business Review. (February): 23-
performing and most robust design for an 24.
organizational network. The fitness of the
organization’s design needs to be measured Biography
against a variety of metrics and
considerations. The coupling coefficient and John Dahlgren is the Project Leader of the
average number of hops between nodes do not Air Combat Command Systems Engineering
alone indicate the robustness and flexibility of project, working at the MITRE Corporation’s
an organization. The advent of inexpensive Hampton, VA site. Dahlgren previously
communications systems along with society’s provided systems engineering and project
move towards a less rigid structure appears to management leadership on the Air and Space
have led to organizations that can exercise RO Operations Center Weapon System program,
of increased connections between people and the MILSATCOM Advanced Concepts
away from a single point of failure network. Engineering project, and on multiple projects
A significant factor in a flexible and during his Air Force career. Mr. Dahlgren has
successful organization is trust. When trust is a Bachelors of Science Degree in Electrical
present then an organization can exercise the Engineering from the University of Illinois, a
RO of having many people work relatively Masters of Science Degree in Systems
unsupervised, and can adapt to changing Management from the University of Southern
requirements, whereas when trust is not California, and an Advanced Project
present an organization needs to have detailed Management Certificate from Stanford
rules that often impede an organization’s University.
ability to adapt to changing requirements.

Atkinson, Simon Reay, and James Moffatt.
2005. The agile organization: From
informal networks to complex effects and
agility. Washington DC: The Command
and Control Research Program (CCRP).
Barabási, Albert-László. 2002. Linked: How
everything is connected to everything else
and what it means for business, science,
and everyday life. New York: Plume.
Colvin, G, Marc Gunther, Paul Hochman,
Josh Hyatt, Adam Lashinksy, Jerry
Useem, et al. Secrets of greatness:
Teamwork! (Second in a Series). Fortune
153, no. 11 (June 12, 2006): 64-152.


PROCEEDINGS CSER 2007, March 14-16, Hoboken, NJ , USA

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