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<Nombre Proyecto>

Manual de Usuario

Version: 0100
Date: 10/20/2021

[Software Version 1.0]

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<Nombre Proyecto>
Manual de Usuario

1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................4
1.1 Purpose.............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Scope................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Functionality.....................................................................................................................4
2 SYSTEM MAP...........................................................................................................................5
2.1 Logic Model......................................................................................................................5
2.2 Navigation.........................................................................................................................5
3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................7
3.1 FAQ...................................................................................................................................7
4 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................8
5 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES...........................................................................................9

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<Nombre Proyecto>
Manual de Usuario

1.1 Porpose
The purpose of this document is to instruct the different types of users in the use of the
SARA web application (admission and academic record system). It also seeks to clarify any
doubts that may arise during the use of the system.

1.2 Scope
This document will explore the use of the various options that the user can access, it will also
explain the management of the system windows as well as their functions.

1.3 Functionality
The system is designed to manage the admission and academic registration process; Within
the system, users are divided into 3 types, students, teachers and administrative staff;
Depending on the authorization level, each profile has different options within the system,
for example:
In the case of students, the system allows them to enroll in any of the academic options
offered by the institute, check the status of their enrollment application and generate the
payment receipt as the case may be.
In the case of teachers, the system allows them to view the number and list of students
admitted to their courses.
And finally, in the case of administrative staff, within the system they have access to approve
enrollment requests, create or modify users for teachers, view enrollment figures, create or
modify academic options, and manage payments made by students.

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Manual de Usuario

2.1 Logical Model

 REGISTRATION MODULE:In this module, applicants can register through a registration

form. This form is reviewed by the administrators who determine whether or not the
applicant is admitted to the academic offer in question.

 ADMISSIONS MODULE: This module stores the data of each student, also allows
teachers to view the enrollment data in a generalized way and in the case of the
administrative ones, it allows to view, modify and manage all the global data.

2.2 Navigation

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Manual de Usuario

The graphical interface of the web application is designed with the aim of being functional
and easy to use. In the main window, the user will be able to view a calendar, in addition to
the support and enter options; In the support option, you can send a message to the
programmers along with their contact information, this in order to inform about the
problems that you are presenting. In the option to enter, you can choose according to the
type of user, for example, students or (applicants) can enroll in any of the academic offers
offered by the institute, they will also be able to see the status of their enrollment requests
and generate the invoice payment if applicable.
In the role of teacher, they will be able to see their curriculum with the most important
information and they can also view the total number of admitted in each program.
In the case of administrative staff, they can create or modify users and passwords for
teachers, they can also define which enrollment requests will be accepted and which ones
will be rejected. Among the common errors are the use of capital letters or characters that
are not allowed.

3.1 FAQ

 The main window or another of the system windows does not load me.

A: Check your internet connection, if your internet connection is stable please report
the error via the support button.

 My account has been closed, how can I access it?

A: Return to the main window, choose your user profile and enter the username and

 Do I need to change my password how I do it?

A: the username and password are assigned by the administrators; to change or

modify them you must contact them.

 I have forgotten my password, how can I recover it?

A: the username and password are assigned by the administrators; to change or

modify them you must contact them.

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Manual de Usuario


Finished Description
An access is the positive result of an authentication, so that the access lasts a
ACCESS predetermined time, the server saves a cookie on the client, this will allow the user
to enter his account on the server until it expires.
WEB In software engineering, a web application is defined as those tools that users can
APPLICATION use by accessing a web server through the Internet or an intranet through a
Backup application for files, folders or complete units that allows you to divide the
BACKUP information or files on several floppy disks and that also compresses it.
DATABASE Very flexible data storage system that allows information to be organized very
Internet server that organizes the files by thematic groups and that allows the
SEEKER location of Web pages by means of keywords that the user enters, without the
need to know the addresses of the aforementioned pages.
EMAIL Messages, documents, files that are sent to people over the Internet or a network.

It is the curriculum or general educational project where the ideological, socio-

anthropological, epistemological, pedagogical and psychological conceptions that
CURRICULUM determine the objectives of school education are specified; that is, the aspects.

In general, all those that establish general conditions of the game that affect
GLOBAL DATA various processes are declared as global data; an example could be the points
obtained by the player, which could be stored in the global variable score, so that
any process of the game could increase it.
IP ADRESS Numeric string that identifies a machine on an IP network.

As an interface we designate, in computing, the physical and functional connection

INTERFACE that is established between two devices, devices or systems that function
independently of each other. In this sense, communication between a human being
and a computer takes place through an interface.
LOGICAL It is a systematic and visual way of presenting and sharing your understanding of
MODEL the relationships between the resources you have to operate your program, the
activities you plan to do, and the changes or results you hope to achieve.
Technical support is an area that provides assistance to users when they have a
SUPPORT problem when using a product or service, be it the hardware or software of a
computer, an Internet server, peripherals, or any other equipment or device.

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Manual de Usuario


Reference Qualification Information systems design and analyses
ECASILARI/Research/ User Manual (Example)
bitstream/handle/20.500.12277/6111/ Manual (Example)

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