Translation Project Rubric

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Translation Project 

5 ptsFair
10 ptsGood
15 ptsContent 

The translation does not explain the original author's main points, but only some of them. Many ideas are left out. 
The translation does explain all the points the original author makes, but is incomplete or confusing. 
The translation hits all major points the original author makes. The translation completely tr4anslates every idea and does not leave anything out. 

Sloppy handwriting, cross outs and white out used, and the presentation looks rushed with many mistakes. 
It is clear and neat, but it looks unprofessional - pictures are sloppy, handwriting is sloppy, and 
The presentation looks like it has gone through 2 or more drafts. There are no cross outs and the handwriting is clear and can be easily understood. 

There are many spelling and grammar errors. Commas, periods, and quotation marks are left out. Capital letters are used incorrectly. 
There are some spelling and grammar errors, but the author uses commas, periods, and quotation marks correctly most of the time. 
There are no spelling mistakes, no grammar mistakes, and all punctuation is used correctly. 

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