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Due to new technologies and advances in it, artificial intelligence better known as

AI has been developed that can replace human labor in its entirety, we have tried

to make our work easier with the help of technology by automating everything type

of jobs. Previously, over the years, stone, bronze, and iron tools were replaced one

after another, leaving those who made them unemployed; forcing them to adapt.

adding globalization that has made thousands of companies move to other

countries where wages are much lower, thus leaving millions of people without


technology advances in a very fast way, let's take as an example the processing

power of a computer that advances every two years; The information that Apollo

controlled on the moon can now fit on our smartphone, let's give us an idea of how

smart computers can become in a few years if technology and AI continue to

advance in such a way; Computers today already have artificial intelligence, as an

example of this, let's take this famous chess game, since the greatest masters of

the game have been defeated by AI.

With the passage of time, every human population will be forced to have different

skills, to obtain knowledge of many work activities since AI will be replacing us in

our jobs, regardless of whether we advance the same in a moment, the AI will

leave us behind and we will have to advance again turning it into a vicious circle.

This revolution is not seen in the future, it is happening right now and all the people

of the world will be affected, in one way or another we must be prepared for


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