Submit One PDF With Detailed Answers For The Following Questions

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Assignment 6

Submit one PDF with detailed answers for the following questions:
This assignment is done individually
Hint: You can use the following online calculators to compute the exponentiation
operator and to find the multiplicative inverse

1-[25 points] A painter comes up with a new business idea: He wants to offer
custom paintings from photos. Both the photos and paintings will be transmitted in
digital form via the Internet. One concern that he has is discretion towards his
customers, since potentially embarrassing photos, e.g., nude photos, might be sent
to him. Hence, the photo data should not be accessible for third parties during
transmission. The painter needs multiple weeks for the creation of a painting, and
hence he wants to assure that he cannot be fooled by someone who sends in a
photo assuming a false name. He also wants to be assured that the painting will
definitely be accepted by the customer and that she cannot deny the order.

Specify at least three necessary security services for the transmission of the
digitalized photos from the customers to the painter.

2-[25 points] Given an RSA signature scheme with the public key (n = 9797, e =
131), which of the following messages and corresponding signatures are valid?
Explain the answer with message verification steps.

1. (m = 123, s= 6292)
2. (m = 4333, s= 4768)
3. (m = 4333, s= 1424)
3-[25 points]In Elgamal encryption scheme, during the encryption operation, the
plaintext is masked with a random value 𝑟𝑟 by computing 𝑔𝑔𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 . Using different 𝑟𝑟
is needed to ensure that same plaintext gives a different ciphertext each time it is
encrypted. Thus if an attacker knows a plaintext-ciphertext pair, he/she can’t know
the plaintext when it is encrypted several times using the same key. Assume Alice
wants to send Message M=100 to bob using Elgamal encryption scheme. Bob
chooses P =139 and g=3, the private key a = 12. Proof that if Alice uses different
values for 𝑟𝑟 , she will obtain different ciphertexts each time she wants to encrypt
the message M=100. For this exercise use 𝑟𝑟 = 90 and 𝑟𝑟 = 12 to proof the impact
of using different values for 𝑟𝑟.

4-[25 points]Bob uses Elgamal digital signature scheme with the following public
parameters: P=23, g=5, y=10. Then, Bob share these public values to the public so
they can verify messages sent by him. Bob signs messages and Alice obtains two
messages signed from Bob as follows:
-𝑀𝑀1 = 7 and the corresponding signature pair (𝑟𝑟, 𝑠𝑠) = (2,11)
- 𝑀𝑀2 = 10 and the corresponding signature pair (𝑟𝑟, 𝑠𝑠)= (17,11)

Answer the following Questions:

a) What is the problem that Bob do when he generates the signature on the two
messages? [5 points]
b) Show with details how Alice can compute the private key (x) of Bob? What
is the value of this private key? [20 points]

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