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March 22, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,
In May, our Patriot Singers will be traveling to King’s Dominion to perform in front of 3 judges as part of their “Festival of Music '' on Saturday, May 7, 2022. During this
event, there will be other chorus groups, as well as other bands and orchestras from all over the state who have practiced and are performing as well. This is a special event
that I hope as many of our Patriot Singers as possible will be able to take part in, but please know that it is not a required performance.
Performance Attire: Please make sure your student has their red Kindness t-shirt (that students were given at the beginning of the year) and blue jeans. It is important that
we all look uniform and professional for this event, since we will be singing in front of judges. Please help to make sure that your child has their Kindness t-shirt AND jeans
to wear for the performance. No leggings, sweatpants, or other colored jeans will be acceptable. Students can bring their own change of clothes for before/after our
performance, but must have those clothes to wear while on stage.
Chaperones: Specific chaperones will not be needed on this trip, however, you are expected to be your own student’s chaperone. Mrs. Mull and Ms. Porter will not be
watching after the students besides during the performance time window of 10:30 AM-11:30 AM. You will need to be with your student throughout their day/time in the
Please realize that you will have to check-in/check-out your student once we are at King’s Dominion for their performance. Also know that you need to be responsible for
making sure your student does not miss the performance check-in time. We need all of our fabulous Patriot Singers there to make it the most enjoyable experience possible
and to give us the best sound we can.
Transportation: Transportation will not be provided to King’s Dominion on May 7 . You will need to make sure to find your own transportation for your family. Feel
free to work together and carpool as necessary to save on the cost of parking. Parking at King’s Dominion is $25, per car, due the day of the event via credit card (they do
NOT accept cash).
Tickets: Please realize and understand that you will need to purchase tickets for the event prior to when we will go. Tickets for adults will be $36 each. Tickets for students
will be $43 each. Students who have a season pass will only pay $12, whereas adult season pass holders will not have to pay. Please complete the ticket order on the next
page, complete with money, for the number of tickets you need to purchase.
The student price is more than the adult price simply because of the performance opportunity. That helps to cover the cost of the judges, the potential trophies/certificates,
and the use of the facilities.
No food or drinks are covered in this initial price, so additional money will need to be provided on the day of the event for any food, beverages, or souvenirs you may want
to purchase.
Also, they do not accept cash in the park, so please be aware of this as you are planning for your day.

Schedule for the day:

9:30-9:45 AM- Students and parents need to plan on arriving at this time. The parking lot will open at 10 AM, so we need to be ready once they open the gates to park.
10:00-10:15 AM – Students and parents will meet Mrs. Mull and Ms. Porter outside of the park’s front gate to get tickets from her as well as last minute reminders about
times and what is expected for this experience. We will all wait together and enter as a group since the park will not be open to the public yet.
10:20 AM – Students will check-in for the warm-up time
10:45 AM – Students will perform their songs at the Action Theatre for the King’s Dominion Festival of Music
11:00 AM – Students will be outside of the Action Theatre for check-out with Mrs. Mull and Ms. Porter.
11:00 AM-end of the day – Parents and students will spend the rest of their day as they wish throughout King’s Dominion. You have no other chorus responsibilities and
can enjoy the rest of your day in the park.
After the performance, you must sign out your student with Mrs. Mull and Ms. Porter before you may take them back in the park to play. Sign-out will be right outside
of the Action Theatre where their performance was. This is for your student’s safety!
If you give your child permission to attend this event, please fill out and return the attached permission slip to Mrs. Mull and Ms. Porter. All money and permission slips
must be returned by Friday, April 8 in order for us to get our tickets in time. Again, this is not a required performance, but instead is an event that is meant to be an
enjoyable way to move outside of Louisa County to perform and receive feedback.
Kaitlin Mull
Annabelle Porter

Must be returned by Friday, April 8th, 2022

My child, _____________________________________________________ has my permission to participate in the King’s Dominion Festival of Music celebration on
May 7 .

I understand that my child will need to have a parent/guardian chaperone with them to take them to the park, be with them during the day in the park, and to

take them home following the day in the park. Transportation is not provided to and from this event.

I will make every effort to attend the concert, to support my child and to support

TJES Patriot Singers at 10:45 AM in the Action Theatre at King’s Dominion. If that is not possible, I will drop off and sign in my student at 10:20AM at the Action Theatre

and pick up and sign out my student at 11:00 AM at the Action Theatre.

I understand that my student is responsible for wearing their Kindness t-shirt and jeans for this performance.

I understand that Mrs. Mull and Ms. Porter will not be providing snacks or drinks for students throughout the day and that students will need to provide their

own money for this event.

____________________________________ __________________________________
Sign Name (parent or guardian) Print Name
Ticket Order Form: Please mark the correct number of tickets that you will need in each available space. Please make checks payable to TJES. Please send the exact
amount as I am unable to make change. Thanks!
Quantity Item Unit Price Amount Paid
________ Ticket for student……………………....... $43.00 $___________
________ Ticket for adult…………………………....$36.00 $___________
________ Season Pass Holder (student)…………......$12.00 $___________
________ Season Pass Holder (adult)…………….......$0.00 $___________
Total $$ Enclosed

Student’s Name____________________________

Homeroom Teacher _________________________

Parent’s Name _____________________________

Parent’s Signature __________________________

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