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Topic 5:

A: Hey. Do you have a lot of friends? 

B: No, I don't. Although I enjoy socializing ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz
with others, I only choose my good friends from the crowd. I
have a close friend _ her name is Ngoc Anh. We have known
each other for 12 years. 
A: How do you know her? 
B: We were in the same class together. We went to the same
school in middle school and high school. What about you ? Do
you have a closed friend ? 
A: I have a group of friends 3 of us met when we were in middle
school. What do you and Ngoc Anh usually do together?
B: Me and her are both fans of Korean idols. We often buy
bubble tea to drink in class and tell each other what we see
from our idols. It's funny how there was a time when we were
scolded / skəʊld/by our teacher for talking in class. I would like to
ask what has made your group of friends so cohesive kəʊˈhiːsɪv
until now? 
A: That's a good question, I never thought someone would ask
me this question. I think we understand each other, are loyal to
each other and we accept each other and don't judge each
other about anything. How is your friend? 
B: She is a good friend, she always listens to what I have to say.
We always face difficulties together, she always tells jokes
when I'm sad. I think our friends are all wonderful people.
A: That's right. Hopefully I can meet Ngoc Anh because I'm also
a Kpop fan. 
B: That's great, so when we have free time, we'll go out

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