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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Frequency Derivative-based Inertia Enhancement

by Grid-Connected Power Converters with a
Jingyang Fang, Student Member, IEEE, Ruiqi Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, Hongchang Li, Member,
IEEE, Yi Tang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Renewable energy sources (RESs) have been

extensively employed to replace fossil fuels for reducing carbon
providing any power system inertia, and hence, the inertia
footprints. Since RESs are normally coupled to the power grid generated by conventional synchronous generators
by fast-response power converters without providing any decreases dramatically [2−4]. There are two challenges
inertia, the power system inertia generated by synchronous associated with the lack of inertia concern. The first
generators continues to decrease, making modern power challenge refers to the ever-increasing level of the rate-of-
systems sensitive to frequency events. As a result, undesirable change-of-frequency (RoCoF), which has already been
load-shedding, cascading failures, or even large-scale blackouts
may occur under severe frequency events. To address the lack
identified as a major challenge by the Ireland Grid [4−6].
of inertia concern, this paper presents a frequency derivative- High-RoCoF exposure makes generating units prone to
based inertia enhancement method for battery storage systems. pole-slipping and protective tripping [7]. The second
Specifically, the method achieves inertia emulation by challenge is the large frequency excursion during severe
proportionally linking the time derivative of the grid frequency frequency events. Excessive frequency excursions may
and active power references of power converters. The main cause undesirable load-shedding, cascading failures, or even
contribution is to use a frequency-locked-loop (FLL) to
accurately estimate the frequency derivative signal, which large-scale blackouts [8]. As predicted by [9] and [10], the
avoids the high frequency noises introduced by differential load shedding due to frequency excursions will occur in
operators. Simulation and experimental results are finally Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) in the
presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. presence of large renewable penetrations.
Index Terms—Battery; frequency-locked-loop (FLL); To address the lack of inertia concern, one
inertia; power converter; renewable energy source (RES); straightforward solution is the use of synchronous
virtual synchronous generator (VSG).
condensers, which are essentially synchronous generators
I. INTRODUCTION operating without prime movers, so that more inertia can be
generated [8]. However, high costs act as the biggest barrier

paradigm shift in power engineering will transform
conventional power systems into more sustainable, to the widespread application of this solution. Curtailments
environmental-friendly, and high-efficiency smart grids [1]. of PV power for frequency support or inertia emulation have
As one important feature of smart grids, renewable energy been reported [11−13]. This method would only be justified
sources (RESs), such as solar photovoltaics (PVs) and wind, in high-PV generation systems, e.g. the California power
have already been greatly exploited to generate low-carbon system, where the polices on active power curtailments have
electricity. However, the large-scale integration of RESs already been executed [13]. Otherwise, a non-trial
brings in concerns to modern power systems. One pressing opportunity cost in the spilled energy would retard its
concern lies in that RESs are normally coupled to the power adoption, as PV inverters are forced to operate below the
grid through grid-connected power converters without maximum power points (MPPs).
The kinetic energy stored in wind turbines proves to be a
Manuscript received November 22, 2017; revised April 11, 2018 and potential source for inertia emulation [14−16]. Since power
August 3, 2018; accepted September 13, 2018. This research is supported converters decouple rotor speeds from the grid frequency in
by the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore
variable speed wind generators, no inertia can be naturally
under the Energy Programme and administrated by the Energy Market
Authority (EP Award No. NRF2015EWT-EIRP002-007). The paper has expected from them [16]. For inertia emulation, a method
been presented in part in [62]. (Corresponding author: Yi Tang) proportionally linking the time derivative of the grid
J. Fang, R. Zhang, and Y. Tang are with the School of Electrical and frequency to the torque reference of wind turbines has been
Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
639798 (e-mail:;; proposed [17]. However, after providing inertial responses, wind turbines should recover their rotor speeds, and this can
H. Li is with the Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N), be an important issue [15−19]. For speed recovery, several
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail: nonlinear inertia control schemes allowing smooth and fast
transitions between MPP tracking mode and inertial
response mode have been proposed [20], [21]. As a result,
the inertia

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

from wind turbines is different from the synchronous inertia inertia emulation by batteries is discussed in this paper. Its
in practical tests, and active research on the accurate inertia underlying principle lies in proportionally linking the time
emulation by wind turbines is still ongoing [22−24]. derivative of the grid frequency to the active power
Recently, research efforts have been targeted towards reference of battery storage for inertia emulation.
utilizing the energy stored in capacitors for inertia emulation Differentiating the frequency signal directly by differential
[25−32]. Specifically, capacitor voltages will vary with the operators will cause noise amplifications [53]. As a solution,
grid frequency for generating a desired amount of inertia. this paper proposes a noise-free estimation of the frequency
Inertia emulation can be achieved in this way due to the derivative using frequency-locked-loops (FLLs).
similarity between capacitor voltages and rotor velocities of The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
synchronous generators. As such, the DC-link voltages of describes the system configuration. Following that, the
grid-connected power converters are proportionally linked fundamental principle of inertia emulation is discussed in
to the grid frequency in [25] and [26]. As a result, the Section III. Furthermore, the use of FLLs for the accurate
distributed virtual inertia can be generated, leading to the estimation of the frequency derivative signal is detailed in
increased power system inertia and improved frequency Section IV. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the
regulation. This method presents a clear benefit from the proposed method, simulation and experimental results are
implementation point of view in that the detection of the provided in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes the
frequency derivative can be avoided. Other candidate main contributions of this paper.
applications for the inertia emulation by capacitors include
ultracapacitor storage systems [3], DC microgrids [33], [34] II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
and virtual synchronous generators (VSGs) [35−38], which Fig. 1 details the schematic diagram of a small-scale
are essentially grid-connected power converters functioning power system, where two three-phase power converters
as synchronous generators [39−42]. Although the inertia filtered by an LC filter and an L filter, respectively, can
emulation through capacitor voltage control can be quite clearly be observed. Being regulated as a VSG, the LC-
effective, it is only applicable to the power converters filtered power converter is responsible for frequency
employing capacitors in their DC-links, where the capacitor regulation and voltage support. Its control scheme consists
voltages are adjustable. For the converters fed by other of a cascaded structure including an inner-loop
energy storage units, such as batteries, this method may no voltage/current controller and an outer-loop
longer be valid because of fixed terminal voltages [43−45]. frequency/power controller. The outer-loop controller
Attractive features, such as high energy density, fast mimics the frequency regulation of conventional power
response, and moderate cost, make battery stand out among systems while the inner-loop controller simply regulates the
all the energy storage units when applied to the frequency- AC output voltages vgx (x = a, b, c), namely the grid
droop control [45], [46]. However, the batteries being used voltages, according to the references given by the outer-loop
to emulate inertia have so far not been reported in the controller. The detailed guidelines for tuning the VSG
industry [19]. Despite that various optimization schemes controllers can be found in [54]. It should be mentioned that
attached to the inertia emulation by batteries have been the employment of the VSG serves to provide and regulate
presented [47−51], the relevant control implementations the grid frequency and voltages so that the feasibility of the
have only been briefly touched without experimental proposed inertia enhancement method can be validated.
verifications [52]. In contrast, the grid-connected power converter, denoted
To fill this research gap, the control implementation of as GCC in Fig. 1, aims to implement the proposed inertia

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the test system.

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

emulation method and execute the relevant control governor and reheat turbine are obtained from [8]. The
algorithm. Similar to the VSG control, the GCC control also subscripts pu and ref denote per-unit and reference
contains a cascaded control structure. Normally, grid- notations, respectively. The prefix Δ represents the change
connected power converters are regulated as controllable in relevant parameters. First, ignore the dashed line, and
AC current sources, and this can be achieved by the inner- then the inertia and damping unit describing the well-known
loop current controller. The designs of current controllers swing equation can be expressed as
are elaborated in [55]. In
addition, the outer-loop frequency/power controller, which do _ pu
links the frequency derivative to the active power reference Pm _  Pl _  Do _ pu 
2H dt , (1)
pu pu
of the GCC for generating the emulated inertia, is the focus
where Pm_pu stands for the VSG input power, Pl_pu signifies
of this paper. The mechanism for inertia emulation will be
detailed in the following section based on the system the power absorbed by frequency-independent loads, D
parameter values listed in Table I. denotes the damping factor contributed by frequency-
dependent loads, and ωo_pu and fo_pu represent the grid
It is noted from Fig. 1 that the VSG and GCC are
directly paralleled in the AC side without any long-distance frequency. Special attention should be paid to H, namely the
transmission line between them, and therefore the emulated inertia constant. It is defined as the ratio of the kinetic
grid is essentially a stiff grid. Moreover, remember that the energy stored in the rotors of synchronous generators at the
power ratings of VSG and GCC will not influence rated rotor velocity to the system base power, i.e. H = Jω0m
frequency regulation. This is because frequency regulation / (2VAbase), where J denotes the moment of inertia, ω0m
is generally performed on a per-unit basis. In addition, since represents the rated angular velocity of rotors, and VAbase
the GCC is fed by a battery, which is represented as a DC stands for the rated power of synchronous generators [8].
voltage source in Fig. 1, it is impractical to regulate the DC- Note that H is an indicator of power system inertia, and the
link voltage for inertia emulation. objective of enhancing inertia can be translated into
increasing the value of H [8], [25].
B. Fundamental Principle
This section will first describe the standard frequency
regulation framework implemented by the VSG, based on The fundamental principle of inertia emulation can well
which the fundamental principle of the inertia emulation by be represented by the dashed line shown in Fig. 2, which is
the GCC will then be introduced. mathematically described by
A. Frequency Regulation Framework Pc_p  2Hc
o_pu (2)
u dt ,
Fig. 2 presents a standard frequency regulation where Pc_pu denotes the power absorbed by the GCC, and Hc
framework, where the mathematical models of speed represents the emulated inertia coefficient, or equivalently,

Table I. System parameter values.

Description VSG parameter Description GCC parameter

Symbol Value Symbol Value
DC-link voltage reference Vgdc_ref 360 V DC-link voltage reference Vcdc_ref 360 V
Filter inductance Lgf 1 mH Filter inductance Lcf 7 mH
Filter capacitance Cgf 50 µF Rated reactive power Qc_ref 0 kVar
Rated active power Pg_ref 1 kW Rated active power Pc_ref 1 kW
Sampling / switching frequency fg_sw 10 kHz Sampling / switching frequency fc_sw 10 kHz

Fig. 2. Frequency regulation framework implemented by the VSG.

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

the virtual inertia coefficient. It can be derived from Fig. 2 C. GCC Control Scheme
that the system inertia constant will change from H into (H
To implement inertia emulation, a proportional
+ Hc) after considering the effect of the emulated inertia.
Fig. 3 demonstrates the power requirement of the GCC controller with a gain of 2Hc, the estimated frequency
|∆Pc_pu| under various load step changes |∆Pl_pu| and derivative dΔfg_pu
emulated inertia coefficients Hc (H = 5 s). As observed, it is / dt (note that fg_pu = fg / fg_ref = ωg / ωg_ref = ωg_pu) as its
necessary for the GCC to process a larger amount of power input, and the active power reference change ΔPc_ref_pu as its
for emulating a higher value of Hc. As Hc increases, |∆Pc_pu| output, has been included in the frequency/power controller
gradually approaches |∆Pl_pu|, indicating that the GCC will of the GCC, as shown in Fig. 4, where dΔωg_pu / dt =
play a more dominant role in balancing the power mismatch dΔωo_pu / dt can be satisfied if the frequency derivative
between generation and demand. The design procedure of signal is accurately estimated. Under this condition, (2) can
the virtual inertia coefficient as well as the quantitative be satisfied after employing the proposed controller, where
analysis of the effect of inertia on frequency control can be the major part refers to the FLL. It allows an accurate
found in [25]. estimation of dΔfg / dt from the grid voltages, as will be
discussed in the next section based on the control parameter
values summarized in Table II.
This section serves as the major part of this paper. It
aims to generate the frequency derivative signal. To achieve
this purpose, phase-locked-loops (PLLs) will briefly be
reviewed first. After that, the mechanism of FLLs for the
estimation of the frequency derivative will be elaborated.
A. Limitations of PLLs
PLLs are enabling modules for grid-connected power
converters to maintain in synchronism with the power grid.
For illustration, Fig. 5 presents the block diagram of a
typical single-phase PLL [56], where KPLL_p and KPLL_i
represent the proportional and integral gains, respectively.
As noted, it would be very straight forward to obtain the
Fig. 3. Power requirement of the GCC |∆Pc_pu| as functions of load step frequency derivative signal by differentiating Δωg in Fig. 5.
change |∆Pl_pu| and emulated inertia coefficient Hc (H = 5 s). However, the differential operator will inevitably introduce
high- frequency noises, and thus, it cannot directly be
applied here to estimate dΔfg / dt.

Fig. 4. Block diagram of the frequency/power controller of the GCC.

Table II. Control parameter values.

Description VSG parameter Description GCC parameter

Symbol Value Symbol Value
Frequency-droop coefficient R 0.05 Current control proportional gain Kcp 15
Speed governor coefficient TG 0.1 s Current control integral gain Kci 300
Turbine HP coefficient FHP 0.3 s Reactive current reference Icq_ref 0A
Time constant of reheater TRH 7.0 s Maximum active power deviation ΔPc_pu_max ±5%
Time constant of main inlet volumes TCH 0.2 s FLL proportional gain KFLL_p 1.414
Load damping coefficient D 1.0 FLL integral gain KFLL_i 1.414
Inertia constant H 5.0 s Virtual inertia coefficient Hc 5.0 s
AC voltage reference Vg_ref 150 V Frequency reference fg_ref 50 Hz

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Fig. 5. Block diagram of a single-phase PLL.

Alternatively, it can be inferred from Fig. 5 that the input

signal of the PI controller will be proportional to the (a) Overall view
frequency derivative provided that the PI controller is
replaced by an integrator, i.e. let KPLL_p = 0. However, this
will introduce an instability issue. To prove this statement,
the grid voltage vga is expressed as
vga (t)  Vga coso  Vga (3)
where Vga and θo denote the amplitude and phase-angle of (b) SOGI
Fig. 6. Block diagram of a single-phase FLL.
vga, respectively. After being multiplied by −sinθg, vga
v (t)sin   0.5V sin(   )  sin(   )  . (4) qv (s) K  2
ga g ga o g o g FLL
 FLL_p g (9)
In steady state, the phase-angle locked by the PLL θg vga (s) 2 2
s K s FLL_p g g

equals θo. Therefore, (4) can further be linearized It is clear from (8) and (9) that vFLL and qvFLL are
considering that sin(θo − θg) ≈ (θo − θg). Additionally, the essentially the band-pass-filtered and low-pass-filtered vga,
double line- frequency ripple term sin(θo + θg) can be respectively. Moreover, qvFLL lags vFLL by 90 degrees. Since
ignored when PLL control is designed with relatively low FLLs track the grid frequency rather than the phase-angle of
bandwidths. Under these assumptions, (4) can be simplified grid voltages, the closed-loop transfer function from Δωo to
into Δωg will be derived. In steady state, ωg = ωo and vFLL = vga
0.5Vga sin(o   g )  sin(o   g )   0.5Vga (o   g ). should be satisfied. During system dynamics, it is assumed
that (ωg − ωo) is very small but ωg ≠ ωo, and then the
(5) magnitude and phase-angle of vFLL / vga at ωo are derived as
Replacing the output of −sinθg in Fig. 5 with (5), one can
derive the small-signal gain from Δθo to Δθg as
g (s)
G (s)   0.5Vga (sKPLL_p  KPLL_i ) . (6) v ( j ) K 
PLL_cl  (s) s 2  0.5V (sK K ) FLL o
  (10)
o ga PLL_p PLL_i 1,v ( j ) FLL_p g o

Substitution of KPLL_p = 0 into (6), it yields ga o (K g)o  (

222 2
go  )
 (s) 0.5V K v ( j ) 
 2(   )
G (s)  g
ga PLL_i (7)  FLL  arctan
 g o
 . arctan g o
PLL_cl  (s) s  0.5V K
v ( j ) K  K 
o ga PLL_i ga o FLL_p g o FLL_p g

Note that all the closed-loop poles of (7) are located on Accordingly, vFLL and qvFLL can be expressed as
the imaginary axis, thereby leading to a critically stable  v ( j ) 
system, which will be unstable in practice [57]. It should be vFLL (t)  Vga cos o t   FLL o   V cos(), (12)
recognized that this instability issue applies equally to  vga ( jo )  g
 v ( j  )  g
single- phase and three-phase PLLs.   g
B. Frequency Derivative Estimated by FLLs qvFLL (t)  Vga sin  t   sin(), (13)
o ga

To address the instability issue faced by PLLs, the grid o vga ( jo )  o
frequency instead of the phase-angle can be locked so that where φ denotes the FLL phase-angle. Furthermore, the input
the order of the closed-loop system can be reduced to one. signal of the integrator can be derived as
Correspondingly, single-phase PLLs are changed into single- qvFLL (t) vga (t)  vFLL (t) 
phase FLLs, and the block diagram is illustrated in Fig. 6 g
[58]. As observed from Fig. 6(a), there is a second-order-  V sin (V cos V cos)
ga g
generalized-integrator (SOGI) in the FLL control, whose on the  o
detailed representation can be found in Fig. 6(b). As the  g

name suggests, the SOGI contains two integrators. Based  0.5V 2

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

  (14)
sin(   )  sin(   )  sin(2) ga o o
block diagram of the SOGI, the transfer functions from vga to o  Double line-frequency terms 
vFLL and qvFLL in Fig. 6(a) can further be derived as 
 V2
vFLL (s) KFLL_pg s (8)  0.5V 2 g
(   )   (   ).
 ga
 ,
ga  o o KFLL_p o
vga (s) s 2  FLL_p g s  g 2 o

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Substitution of (14) into the input of the integrator quadrature signals. Similar to (12) and (13), these estimated
depicted in Fig. 6(a), the closed-loop transfer function from signals can be expressed as follows:
Δωo to Δωg can be derived as vFLL (t)  Vga cos, (19)
g(s) V2K
G (s)   ga FLL_i . (15) g
FLL_cl  (s)  K sV2K qv (t)  sin (20)
V ,
o o FLL_p ga FLL_i FLL ga

It is obvious from (15) that the closed-loop system only o

has one pole, and this pole is located in the left-half-plane, vFLL (t)  Vga sin, (21)
indicating that FLLs can always be stable. In this case, it is g
easy to obtain the frequency derivative signal from the input qv (t)  cos. (22)
of the integrator in Fig. 6(a). FLL ga

It should be mentioned that the proposed inertia o

emulation method can be applicable to both single-phase Further, the input signal of the integrator can be derived as
and three-phase systems. However, single-phase FLLs 0.5qvFLL (t) vg (t)  vFLL (t) 
contain the double line-frequency ripple terms in dΔfg / dt,
have been ignored in the above analysis, as indicated by 0.5qvFLL (t) vg  (t)  vFLL (t)  (23)
(14). These ripple terms will negatively influence the  
estimation 2 2
accuracy and inertia enhancement unless being eliminated.  0.5Vga
 ) 
(  ).
Fortunately, three-phase FLLs serve as one solution to the sin( 0.5V
 ga 
ripple issue, and therefore the proposed inertia emulation o o

method will be tested on a three-phase power conversion As compared with (14), (23) indicates that the double
system. Fig. 7 presents the block diagram of a three-phase line- frequency ripple terms are removed. To visualize this
FLL implemented in the αβ-frame, where the block abc/αβ effect, Fig. 8 illustrates the frequency derivative dfg / dt
transforms the signals from the abc-frame to the αβ-frame, estimated by the PLL, single-phase FLL, and three-phase
and it can mathematically be described by the following FLL under step changes of the frequency derivative, i.e. the
matrix: change from 0 Hz / s to 1 Hz / s at 0.5 s and restoration at
1.5 s. Obviously,
2 1 the PLL and single-phase FLL yield incorrect results because
T  1 / 1 / 2  . (16) of instability issue and ripple terms, respectively. Only the
 23 / 
abc / 3
2 0 3/2 three-phase FLL gives an accurate estimation of
df / dt.
  g

The three-phase grid voltages can be expressed as It is feasible to implement three-phase FLLs in the abc-
vga (t)  Vga coso  Vga cos(ot) frame. However, one more SOGI is required, and this will
 complicate the control structure of FLLs [59]. In contrast,
vgb (t)  Vga cos(o  2π / 3)  Vga cos(ot  2π / 3) (17) the αβ-frame FLL in Fig. 7 features a simplified structure,

v (t)  V cos(  2π / 3)  V cos( t  2π / 3). and therefore it is eventually employed. After being
 gc ga o ga normalized,
dΔfg / dt in Fig. 7 will be sent to the frequency/power
When expressed in the αβ-frame, (17) controller in Fig. 4. As for the design parameters KFLL_p and
(18) KFLL_i, they should be tuned according to the settling time
vg (t)  Vga cos o  Vga
requirements of the SOGI and FLL, respectively. Moreover,
v (t)  V sin
 g  ga
  Vo sin(ga t). o
As observed from Fig. 7, there are two SOGIs included the stability of power conversion systems under various grid
in the three-phase FLL tracking vgα and vgβ together with conditions must be guaranteed when designing FLLs.

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Fig. 7. Block diagram of a three-phase FLL.

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Fig. 9. A photo of the experimental test-bed.

(a) Overall view

Fig. 10. Simulation waveforms of grid voltages vgabc, converter currents

icabc, and DC-link voltages vgdc and vcdc.

(b) Zoom-in view

Fig. 8. Step changes of the frequency derivative dfg / dt estimated by the
PLL, single-phase FLL, and three-phase FLL.

Detailed guidelines for tuning of these parameters can be

found in [59].


To validate the effectiveness of inertia emulation,
simulations and experiments have been carried out based on
the schematic diagram shown in Fig. 1 and system and
control parameter values listed in Tables I and II,
respectively. After simulations were performed under the Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms of grid voltages vgabc, converter currents
Matlab/Simulink (R2016b) environment, the experimental icabc, and DC-link voltages vgdc and vcdc.
test was conducted. For demonstration, Fig. 9 shows a photo
of the experimental test-bed. As observed, the VSG and frequency is maintained as its nominal value 50 Hz. Note
GCC were fed by two DC power supplies and regulated by a that in the case of distorted grid conditions, FLLs can also
dSPACE (Microlabbox) control platform. operate well and accurately estimate the grid frequency and
The steady-state waveforms of grid voltages vgabc, its time derivative, as verified by [59]. However, it should
converter currents icabc, and DC-link voltages vgdc and vcdc are be emphasized that the inertia emulation under weak and
illustrated in Figs 10 and 11. As seen, the waveforms of grid unbalanced grids may cause instability and power quality
voltages can be shaped as clean sinusoidal, validating the issues, which require further investigations.
feasibility of the VSG control. Moreover, the converter Figs. 12 and 13 present the simulation and experimental
current waveforms can be regulated to follow the voltage results of the grid frequency responses under a 5% step-up
waveforms. Additionally, although not being shown, the

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Fig. 12. Simulation waveforms of frequency responses under a 5% step-up Fig. 14. Simulation waveforms of GCC power change ΔPc_pu and
load change. frequency derivative dfg / dt under a 5% step-up load change.

Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms of frequency responses under a 5% step-

up load change. Fig. 15. Experimental waveforms of GCC power change ΔPc_pu and
frequency derivative dfg / dt under a 5% step-up load change.
load change. As observed, without activating the proposed
method, the minimum value of the grid frequency, i.e. the Under the same 5% step-up load change, the simulation
frequency nadir, reaches 49.73 Hz. In contrast, the proposed and experimental waveforms of GCC power change ΔPc_pu
method manages to arrest the fast frequency decline and and frequency derivative dfg / dt are depicted in Figs. 14 and
change the frequency nadir into 49.77 Hz. As a result, a 15, respectively. It should be kept in mind that the RoCoF is
15% improvement of the frequency nadir can be expected. an important performance metric for evaluating frequency
Note that generator tripping or load shedding is responsible regulation, and a high RoCoF level, such as 1 Hz / s, may
for the step changes in power systems, and a 3% to 5% load lead to tripping of protection relays, resulting in a large
step change is considered to be a large disturbance to power disturbance to power systems [61]. Through the proposed
systems [3], [61]. Therefore, the 5% step-up load change is method, it is expected that the RoCoF can be improved 50%
employed to represent a relatively serious frequency event. from −0.25 Hz / s to −0.125 Hz / s, and this value can
Under disturbances, the grid frequency should always be further be improved in the presence of a larger Hc. The
maintained within its normal operating range, otherwise the design of Hc depends on the inertia requirement and the
interruptible loads will be triggered and tripped, e.g. at 49.7 existing power system inertia. The difference between
Hz in Singapore [60]. Even larger frequency excursions may required inertia and existing inertia will be the targeted
cause undesirable load-shedding, cascading failures, or value of Hc. A general design procedure of virtual inertia
large- scale blackouts. It should be recognized that larger
has been given in [25].
load changes (> 5%) may happen in microgrids, where the
In addition, it is clear that the GCC absorbs extra power
proposed method can also be applicable as long as the
ΔPc or injects −ΔPc in proportion to dfg / dt during frequency
capacity of battery storage is sufficient. In addition, It is
noted from Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 that another expected effect events for inertia emulation. After frequency dynamics, the
of inertia enhancement lies in the prolonged frequency output power restores to its normal value, and hence, the
dynamics. As such, the grid frequency can be better proposed method poses no threat to the normal operation of
regulated, and this is beneficial in terms of system stability. grid-connected power converters. Notice that the GCC
Normally, primary frequency responses will settle in the should provide sufficient power for emulating a desired
range of tens of seconds [8]. amount of inertia according to (2), otherwise the effect of
inertia enhancement and frequency support would be

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

consequence, the grid-connected power converters fed by

batteries can contribute to inertia enhancement and the
improvement of frequency nadir and RoCoF during
frequency events, as verified by simulation and
experimental results.
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1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2871085,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

[59] P. Rodriguez, A. Luna, R. S. Munoz-Aguilar, I. Etxeberria-Otadui, R. Yi Tang (S’10−M’14) received the B.Eng. degree
Thedorescu, and F. Blaabjerg, “A stationary reference frame grid in electrical engineering from Wuhan University,
synchronization system for three-phase grid-connected power Wuhan, China, in 2007 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
converters under adverse grid conditions,” IEEE Trans. Power degrees in power engineering from the School of
Electron., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 99–112, Jan. 2012. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
[60] Enhancement to the Spinning Reserve Requirements for the Technological University, Singapore, in 2008 and
Singapore Power System, Energy Market Authority, SG, Singapore 2011, respectively.
[Online]. Available:, Accessed on: Nov. 20,
2017. From 2011 to 2013, he was a Senior Application
[61] P. F. Frack, P. E. Mercado, M. G. Molina, E. H. Watanabe, R. W. D. Engineer with Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific,
Singapore. From 2013 to 2015, he was a
Doncker, and H. Stagge, “Control strategy for frequency control in
Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
autonomous microgrids,” IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power
Since March 2015, he has been with Nanyang Technological University,
Electron., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1046–1055, Dec. 2015.
Singapore as an Assistant Professor. He is the Cluster Director of the
[62] J. Fang, R. Zhang, H. Li, and Y. Tang, “Inertia enhancement by gird-
advanced power electronics research program at the Energy Research
connected power converters with frequency-locked-loops for
Institute @ NTU (ERI@N).
frequency derivative estimation,” in Proc. PESGM 2018, Portland,
Oregon, USA, 5–9 Aug. 2018. Dr. Tang received the Infineon Top Inventor Award in 2012, the Early
Career Teaching Excellence Award in 2017, and four IEEE Prize Paper
Awards. He serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Emerging
and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE).
Jingyang Fang (S’15) received the B.Sc. degree
and M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2013
and 2015, respectively. He is currently working
toward the Ph.D. degree at Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore.
During the summer of 2018, he was a Visiting
Scholar with the Institute of Energy Technology,
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. His
research interests include power quality control,
stability analysis and improvement, renewable energy integration, and
digital control in more electronics power systems.
Mr. Fang received the Best Paper Award of Asia Conference on Energy,
Power and Transportation Electrification (ACEPT) in 2017.

Ruiqi Zhang (S’17) received the B.Eng degree in

electrical engineering from Wuhan University,
Wuhan, China, in 2017. She is currently working
toward the M.Eng degree at Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore.
Her research interests include distributed energy
storage systems and modeling and control of
power converters for renewable energy systems.

Hongchang Li (S’12−M’16) received the B.Eng.

and D.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2011
and 2016, respectively.
From August 2014 to August 2015, he was a
Visiting Scholar with the Molecular Foundry,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA, U.S. He is currently a Research
Fellow with the Energy Research Institute at
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
His research
interests include wireless power transfer, electron tomography and
distributed energy storage systems.

1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more

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