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11618 Journal of Physiology (2001), 532.3, pp.

637–647 637

Repetitive nerve stimulation decreases the acetylcholine

content of quanta at the frog neuromuscular junction

Ligia A. Naves and William Van der Kloot

Departments of Physiology and Biophysics and of Pharmacological Sciences, State
University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8661, USA
(Received 24 August 2000; accepted after revision 22 December 2000)
1. We investigated how elevated quantal release produced by motor nerve stimulation affects the
size of the quanta. The motor nerve was stimulated at 10 Hz in preparations in which
excitation–contraction coupling was disrupted. Two hundred stimuli reduced the size of the
time integrals of the miniature endplate currents (∫MEPCs), measured at the same junction
immediately after stimulation, by 16 %. Three thousand stimuli reduced size by 23 %. When
the solution contained 10 µM neostigmine (NEO) 3000 stimuli reduced ∫MEPCs by 60 %, because
with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibited, ∫MEPC size is more sensitive to changes in
acetylcholine (ACh) content. Similar decreases in miniature endplate potential size (∫MEPP)
followed repetitive stimulation of contracting preparations.
2. The depolarization produced by iontophoretic pulses of ACh was scarcely changed by 3000
nerve stimuli at 10 Hz, suggesting that the decreases in miniature sizes are largely due to less
ACh released per quantum.
3. Following 3000 stimuli at 10 Hz the sizes of the ∫MEPCs increased back to pre-stimulus values
with a half-time of 8–10 min. Recovery was blocked by (_)-vesamicol (VES), by
hemicholinium-3 (HC3) and by nicotinic cholinergic agonists – all of which inhibit ACh loading
into synaptic vesicles.
4. The number of quanta in the total store was estimated by releasing them with carbonyl cyanide
m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). CCCP releases fewer quanta after stimulation than from
unstimulated controls. After resting for hours following stimulation, the releasable number
increased, even when ACh loading inhibitors were present.
5. We conclude that the inhibitors do not block a significant fraction of the ACh loading into
reformed reserve vesicles and propose that ACh can be loaded in a series of steps.
Most chemical synapses release their neurotransmitter in stimulation reduces quantal size did not establish whether
packets, or quanta. Quantal release produces a high local the size was smaller because less ACh was released or
concentration of the transmitter in the synaptic cleft, because the endplate was less sensitive to ACh (Doherty et
which enables the synapse to operate rapidly (reviewed al. 1984; Glavinovi´c, 1988). We set out to clarify these points.
by Van der Kloot & Molgó, 1994). The quanta are
packaged within synaptic vesicles. After the quanta are The present paper follows on recent work in which the rate
released the membrane of the synaptic vesicles is of quantal release was accelerated with elevated K+ (Van
retrieved and formed into new vesicles, which are then der Kloot et al. 2000). Because elevated K+ solutions depress
reloaded with transmitter. These recycled vesicles then choline (Ch) uptake into nerve terminals, they cannot be
become available for release. Within this broad picture, used to see whether release itself decreases quantal size
many details of the retrieval and reloading processes (Naves et al. 1996). Two methods used in the elevated K+
remain fuzzy (Betz & Angleson, 1998). work are used again: inhibiting ACh loading into synaptic
vesicles and measuring the store of releasable quanta.
A large body of previous work concluded that repetitive Three inhibitors of ACh loading were used. (_)-Vesamicol
stimulation does not alter the size of the quanta at the (VES) blocks active ACh transport into isolated synaptic
neuromuscular junction (reviewed by Van der Kloot & vesicles (reviewed by Prior et al. 1992; Parsons et al. 1993;
Molgó, 1994). Contrary reports that repetitive nerve Van der Kloot & Molgó, 1994). NH4+ inhibits ACh uptake
638 L. A. Naves and W. Van der Kloot J. Physiol. 532.3

by diminishing the proton gradient across the vesicular Use of neostigmine

membrane that is required for transmitter accumulation NEO (10 µM) was used in many experiments because it was found
(Van der Kloot, 1987). Hemicholinium-3 (HC3) blocks the that inhibiting much of the AChE accentuates experimentally
Na+-driven Ch uptake mechanism in the membrane of induced changes in ∫MEPC sizes (Van der Kloot et al. 1994). This is
the motor nerve terminal, which may be directly coupled predicted by mathematical modelling of the generation of MEPCs in
to ACh synthesis and loading (Yamamura & Snyder, the presence and absence of AChE. We used the model of Wathey et
al. (1979), which ignores the anatomical complexities of the endplate
1973; Gylys & Jenden, 1996). included in more sophisticated models (Stiles et al. 1996), which for
The number of vesicles in the releasable store was present purposes should make little difference. The equations, the
methods used for solving them and the parameters used are in Van
estimated by counting how many quanta were released der Kloot et al. (1994). Eliminating AChE has little effect on the peak
by the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide m-chloro- amplitudes of the model MEPCs (Fig. 1A), but has a substantial effect
phenylhydrazone (CCCP) (Molgó & Pécot-Dechavassine, on their time integrals (Fig. 1B). Without AChE the plot of MEPC
1988). The CCCP experiments showed that the number of size as a function of quantal ACh content has a steeper slope.
quanta released from different preparations varied Therefore with AChE inhibited, the changes in the ∫MEPCs reflect
substantially. However, the numbers released by CCCP changes in quantal ACh content better than changes in amplitude
from paired preparations from the same frog are (see also Van der Kloot, 1997).
correlated, which means that the muscle from one side of Electrophysiology
the body can be used as a control for the other (Van der When indicated in the text, nerve–muscle preparations were pre-
Kloot et al. 2000). Therefore CCCP was used in the treated by soaking in Ringer solution containing 2 M formamide for
present paper to see whether there are fewer quanta in 17–20 min to largely eliminate excitation–contraction coupling (del
the releasable store after prolonged repetitive Castillo & Escalona de Motta, 1978). The preparations were pinned on
stimulation, as reported by Ceccarelli & Hurlbut (1980). a layer of silicone rubber in an acrylic chamber with a volume of
about 5 ml. Recordings were at room temperature (18–22 °C).
The results are discussed in light of the recent discovery The motor nerve was drawn into a suction electrode for stimulation.
that there are two distinct endocytic pathways for The pulses were at least twice supra-maximal, 80 µs square waves,
reforming synaptic vesicles at the frog neuromuscular which in most experiments were produced by an FHC pulsar 6B
junction (Richards et al. 2000). stimulator (Brunswick, ME, USA) driving a WPI A360 stimulus
isolator (Sarasota, FL, USA).
METHODS MEPCs were recorded using the two-electrode voltage clamp; the
recording methods and criteria for accepting data were described in
Preparations detail by Van der Kloot et al. (1994). Briefly, the glass micro-
Sartorius or cutaneous pectoris nerve–muscle preparations were electrodes were bevelled, with DC resistances between 2 and 4.5 MΩ.
dissected from Rana pipiens, which were killed by double pithing in Clamping was done with an Axon Instruments Axoclamp-2A voltage
accordance with University guidelines (Van der Kloot et al. 1998). clamp amplifier (Foster City, CA, USA). The signals were passed on
The Ringer solution contained (mM): NaCl, 120; KCl, 2.0; CaCl2, 2.5; to an Axon Instruments CyberAmp 300 signal conditioner, which
Tes–NaOH, 4.0 (pH 7.4). Many of the recordings were made in amplified over a bandwidth from 0.1 to 1000 Hz. The signal
Ringer solution containing 0.03 µM tetrodotoxin, to suppress emerging from the CyberAmp was split, one branch going to an Axon
spontaneous muscle contractions. Instruments AI 2020 event detector, the other to a ComputerBoards

Figure 1. Calculations of model MEPCs with and without active AChE

1, with the enzyme active; 0, with the enzyme inhibited. A, the peak amplitudes; B, the time integrals.
With the integrals the slope of the relation between the number of molecules in the quantum and the
magnitude of the response is steeper when there is no enzyme.
J. Physiol. 532.3 Stimulation decreases quantal size at the neuromuscular junction 639

DAS-16 330 A/D converter (Mansfield, MA, USA). When a MEPC distributions actually fitted the data better or merely because more
passed a threshold set just above the noise level, the event detector fitting parameters were used (Horn, 1987; Van der Kloot et al. 2000).
delivered a TTL pulse to the A/D board, which digitized at 10 kHz. The ∫MEPPs, arranged in ascending order, were sorted into bins, each
The 200 points (2 ms) before the TTL pulse and the 800 (8 ms) after of which contained a minimum of five observations. The predicted
the pulse were output to a computer. An operator observed the values from the one lognormal and two lognormal curves were sorted
signal. If the MEPC was not contaminated by an overlapping MEPC into the same bins. The likelihood functions, ll = Fobs w ln(fobs/fpred)
or by electrical noise, its voltage–time integral, ∫MEPC, was were calculated for each bin. These likelihood functions were then
calculated as the measure of the quantal size (Van der Kloot, 1997). If summed, ∑llone and ∑lltwo. Then:
the holding current began to markedly increase during an
experiment the clamp was discontinued and the data discarded. G = 2(∑llone _ ∑lltwo).
MEPPs and ∫MEPPs were recorded with the same apparatus, except G is distributed as x with 3 degrees of freedom, because the curve
that only a single intracellular electrode was used. The amplitudes of that is the sum of two lognormal distributions is calculated with three
the MEPPs were corrected to a standard resting potential of _90 mV more parameters than the single one. The probability that the data
by the method of Katz & Thesleff (1957). Examples of the MEPPs are best described by one lognormal curve rather than two is obtained
and MEPCs were shown previously (Van der Kloot, 1991; Naves & from the x2 and the degrees of freedom
Van der Kloot, 1996). Statistics
Estimating the releasable store of quanta with CCCP All of the means reported in the text and in the figures are given with
Briefly, the number of quanta released following exposure to CCCP the ±95 % confidence intervals, which were determined by
was measured as follows (details in Van der Kloot et al. 2000). An resampling (Van der Kloot, 1996). In the experiments on the
endplate was penetrated. CCCP was added to the bath to give a final recovery of quantal size after stimulation, resampling was also used
concentration of 10 µM. Every 100 s the computer recorded a series of to determine if there was a statistically significant difference
A/D points at 2 kHz extending for 0.64 s. If the membrane potential between the first 30–50 ∫MEPCs after the end of the repetitive
of the fibre fell to a level where seeing the MEPPs became stimulation and the last 30–50 ∫MEPCs recorded at the junction (Van
problematical the microelectrode was inserted into a fresh endplate. der Kloot, 1996). If P < 0.05 the differences are termed significant.
In some sets all recording was from a single fibre, in others as many Chemicals
as three junctions were penetrated. Previous work showed that the The drugs were from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA), except for
number of quanta released from paired muscles was correlated, (_)-vesamicol (2-(4-phenylpiperidino)cyclohexanol), HC3 and
regardless of how many penetrations were required (Van der Kloot et nicotine bitartrate, which were obtained from RBI (Natick, MA, USA).
al. 2000). Recording was terminated when the miniature endplate
potential frequency (FMEPP) reached a low value, usually < 1 s_1.
After the recording was completed, the operator reviewed the RESULTS
records in the form of 64 ms segments, counting the number of Quantal size decreases with stimulation
MEPPs in each segment. The total number of MEPPs released was
estimated assuming that the measured rate persisted until the next Preparations pretreated with formamide to disrupt
set of measurements was taken in. excitation–contraction coupling were placed in Ringer
Measuring evoked quantal output solution without NEO. Junctions were voltage clamped
and ∫MEPCs were measured. Then the clamp was
To test for possible effects of a drug on evoked quantal output
nerve–muscle preparations were placed in a solution containing discontinued, the motor nerve was stimulated 200 or 3000
(mM): NaCl, 120; KCl, 2.5; MgCl2, 2.5; CaCl2, 0.2; and TES, 4.0. This times at 10 Hz, the junction was re-clamped and 50–100
solution substantially decreased quantal output. Mean quantal ∫MEPCs were measured. Since FMEPP was elevated
outputs (m0) were estimated by the method of failures, counting the following the stimulation, all of these ∫MEPCs were
number of stimuli at 0.5 Hz that were not followed by an endplate recorded in less than 5 min; the short recording time is
potential (n0) and the total number of stimuli (N). Then: important because, as will be shown shortly, size recovers
m0 = ln(N/n0). as time passes. There was a significant decrease in ∫MEPC
The standard error of the estimate (S.E.) is given by: size following stimulation (Fig. 2A). The decrease in
∫MEPC size following 200 stimuli was almost identical to
1 _ (n0 /N) the decrease in MEPP amplitude measured by Doherty et
S.E. = ÷—————
n0 al. (1984), who withdrew the recording electrode during
(Martin, 1966). Differences between mean quantal outputs were stimulation. When we repeated our measurements in the
tested by Student’s t test. presence of 10 µM NEO the decreases in size following
Detecting subpopulations of quantal size
3000 stimuli were greater (Fig. 2A). This is accounted for
by a mathematical model of MEPC generation, which
The methods described in this section were used and tested for shows that the slope of the plot relating the time integral
reproducibility previously (Van der Kloot et al. 2000). To perform the
test adequately, at least 300 ∫MEPPs must be recorded in each set of of the number of channels opened as a function of the
data. The ∫MEPPs from each set were sorted in ascending order and ACh released is steeper when AChE is inhibited (Fig. 1).
plotted as a cumulative curve. Each of these curves was fitted with No significant decreases in ∫MEPC sizes were detected
one and with two cumulative lognormal distributions, as illustrated following 50 (n = 4) or 100 stimuli (n = 4) in 10 µM NEO.
in Fig. 8, using the Levenberg-Marquardt method (Press et al. 1989). Doherty et al. (1984) showed that size decreased because
If the fit to two distributions appeared to be better, the next step was there were fewer MEPPs with large amplitudes, and an
to determine whether improvement was because the two increase in the proportion with smaller amplitudes. They
640 L. A. Naves and W. Van der Kloot J. Physiol. 532.3

Figure 2. Tetanic stimulation at 10 Hz reduces miniature sizes

A, the reduction in ∫MEPC sizes after stimulation from preparations uncoupled with formamide pre-
treatment; in each of the experiments the ∫MEPCs were recorded at the same junction before and after
the stimulation. The reductions following 3000 stimuli were greater in 10 µM NEO. 4, in Ringer solution;
$, in 10 µM NEO. In parentheses above each bar is the number of experiments. The error bars show the
95 % confidence intervals. B, the decrease in ∫MEPP size following stimulation at 10 Hz in preparations
with contraction intact; recording was in Ringer solution containing 10 µM NEO. ∫MEPPs were recorded
at randomly selected junctions before and after the stimulation. The numbers of junctions recorded from
was as follows: 0 stimuli, 11; 100 stimuli, 28; 150 stimuli, 5; 200 stimuli, 12; 300 stimuli, 6; 1500 stimuli,
16; 3000 stimuli, 5.

argued that this shows that the quanta are smaller more fibres in each preparation before and after
because less ACh is released in each packet. We will take treatment (reviewed by Van der Kloot, 1991). Measuring
up this question shortly. from a number of fibres after stimulation was not feasible
in the present work, because quantal size recovers over
Because of the natural variation in quantal size at time (see below). The best we could do to see whether
junctions and between junctions, for accurate quantal size also decreased following stimulation when
measurement of size changes it is necessary to measure excitation–contraction coupling was intact was to
from the same junction before and after treatment, as in stimulate at 10 Hz and then rapidly measure ∫MEPPs
the experiments just reported, or to measure from five or (Fig. 2B). Size surely decreased following stimulation, so

Figure 3. A period of repetitive stimulation does not reduce the endplate response to an
iontophoretic pulse of ACh
A, the larger signal, peaking at 60 ms, is an example of the depolarization produced by the ACh pulse. The
smaller signal, at 20 ms, is a MEPP. The solution contained 10 µM NEO. B, the time integrals of the
responses to ACh pulses over time. During the interruption in the recording the motor nerve was
stimulated 3000 times at 10 Hz.
J. Physiol. 532.3 Stimulation decreases quantal size at the neuromuscular junction 641

the decrease is not an artifact somehow produced by the responses had been collected, the iontophoretic pulses
uncoupling in formamide. were stopped while the motor nerve was stimulated 3000
times at 10 Hz. Then the iontophoretic pulses were
Stimulation does not substantially decrease resumed and the responses measured once again.
sensitivity to ACh Stimulation decreased the response to ACh only slightly
Quantal sizes might be smaller after stimulation because (Fig. 3), even though ∫MEPCs were reduced by roughly
less ACh is released per quantum, because the endplate is 60 % (Fig. 2A). Similar results were obtained in five
less sensitive to ACh, or both. Repetitive stimulation additional experiments. This suggests that quantal size
decreases quantal size at the Drosophila neuromuscular decreases mainly because less ACh is released per
junction by desensitizing receptors (Adelsberger et al. quantum. Additional evidence supporting this conclusion
1997) and there is evidence for desensitization with will be presented shortly.
repetitive stimulation at the frog neuromuscular junction
as well (Giniatullin et al. 1989). One experimental test Recovery of ∫MEPC size following stimulation
used to help decide between these alternatives was to Formamide-treated preparations were placed in Ringer
apply iontophoretic pulses of ACh to endplates in Ringer solution containing 10 µM NEO. ∫MEPCs were measured.
solution containing 10 µM NEO, the solution in which The clamp was discontinued and the motor nerve
stimulation produced the largest decreases in quantal size. stimulated 3000 times at 10 Hz. As soon as the
The preparations were pretreated with formamide to stimulation was terminated, the clamp was reestablished
uncouple contraction. The depolarization of the endplate and ∫MEPCs measured once again. Immediately after
in response to each ACh pulse was measured as the time stimulation the ∫MEPC size was substantially decreased
integral of the endplate depolarization. After control compared to before stimulation; the mean decrease was to

Figure 4. ∫MEPC size falls following tetanic stimulation and then recovers toward initial size,
unless inhibitors of ACh loading into synaptic vesicles are present
All solutions contained 10 µM NEO. The filled bars show the mean ∫MEPC size before stimulation. The
break in the x-axis indicates that the motor nerve was stimulated 3000 times at 10 Hz. The subsequent
plot shows the mean ∫MEPC size during the succeeding bins. Each bin contained 50 MEPCs, so their time
durations varied as shown. A, in Ringer solution without any inhibitor; B, in 2 µM VES; C, in 1 µM HC3;
D, in 1 µM DMPP.
642 L. A. Naves and W. Van der Kloot J. Physiol. 532.3

50 ± 12 % (n = 24). Following stimulation quantal size because less ACh is released per quantum, and that
rose back toward the pre-stimulation levels over a period recovery occurs when additional ACh is packed into the
of minutes (Fig. 4A). Routinely there is a considerable vesicles.
spread in quantal sizes, so the means of relatively small
samples of ∫MEPCs have substantial variance. Because of Hemicholinium-3. HC3 at 1 µM blocked the recovery of
this scatter the half-time for recovery can only be quantal size following the stimulation, while 0.1 µM HC3
approximated; 8–10 min seems a reasonable estimate was ineffectual (Figs 4C and 5). (In some of the experiments
from the 24 experiments. Doherty et al. (1984), who with 1 µM HC3 the quantal size decreased significantly
recorded MEPPs in contracting preparations by during the recovery period following the stimulation.) Much
withdrawing the recording electrode during stimulation of the previous work on the effects of HC3 on quantal size
and then reinserting in the same fibre, observed similar was done with concentrations of 10 µM or even 30 µM. Such
time courses of recovery. high concentrations should be avoided because they might
have additional effects on the preparation.
Effects of ACh loading inhibitors on the recovery of
∫MEPC size If the uptake of Ch is important for the recovery of
quantal size following stimulation, we were concerned
The inhibitors were added to the solution just before the that the extent of the recovery might be diminished by
beginning of recording, because in 10 µM NEO in the anticholinesterase in the extracellular solution, which
unstimulated preparations they gradually decrease by blocking ACh hydrolysis might materially diminish
∫MEPC size by as much as 30 % (Van der Kloot et al. 1994; the quantity of Ch available for recycling. Therefore we
Naves & Van der Kloot, 1996). repeated the control experiments in solutions containing
(_)-Vesamicol. The results so far suggest that quantal 10 µM Ch. The presence of Ch did not significantly alter
size recovers because additional ACh is added to the the extent of the recovery (Fig. 5).
quanta. To test this hypothesis further, we measured HC3 might act on another target. In snail neurons, HC3 is
∫MEPCs in the presence of VES. Quantal size did not an agonist for a neuronal-type ACh receptor (Poulain et
recover significantly when the solution contained 2 µM al. 1987). We can see whether HC3 is also an agonist for
VES, but did recover in 0.2 µM (Figs 4B and 5). The the neuronal ACh receptor on the frog motor nerve
inhibition of recovery by VES supports the explanation terminal because if so it will decrease evoked quantal
that quantal size decreases after stimulation mainly output (Van der Kloot, 1993). The mean quantal output,
m0, was estimated by the method of failures. In control
preparations 2 µM carbachol, an ACh agonist, decreased

Figure 5. The effects of drugs on the recovery of Figure 6. ∫MEPP sizes grow smaller following
∫MEPC size following 3000 stimuli at 10 Hz repetitive stimulation at 10 Hz in the presence of
Each column shows the ratio of the size in the final inhibitors of ACh loading and 10 µM NEO
time bin following recovery to the size in the initial The error bars show the ±95 % confidence limits. ª, in
time bin, immediately after the stimulation. The 30 mm NH4+; 1, in 1 µM HC3; 3, in 2 µM VES;
error bars on the right of the columns show the +95 % 0, with all three inhibitors together. As pointed out
confidence limits. The vertical dashed line shows the in the text the significant differences between the
ratio expected if there was no recovery in quantal mean ∫MEPPs in different inhibitors after
size. The numbers to the right of each bar show stimulation are likely to reflect differences in the
(number of experiments in which the sizes in the final preparations themselves, rather than treatments
time bins were significantly larger at given. The number of endplates recorded from ranged
P < 0.05)*/(total number of experiments). from 6 to 21 for each point.
J. Physiol. 532.3 Stimulation decreases quantal size at the neuromuscular junction 643

evoked quantal output, m0, to 56 ± 11 % (n = 10; 95 % when all three inhibitors together were present. Even
confidence interval) of the pre-drug control. In 1 µM HC3 after the longest stimulation periods, MEPPs were
evoked quantal output was 128 ± 22 % (n = 10) of the readily seen and their frequency was in the normal range.
control. Clearly HC3 does not act like a nicotinic agonist
by decreasing evoked output. HC3 probably halts the The number of quanta released by CCCP following
recovery of ∫MEPC size by blocking the Ch transporter. repetitive stimulation
To see whether the store of releasable quanta falls
ACh agonists. Nicotinic ACh agonists block the addition following repetitive stimulation and whether quanta
of ACh to quanta in preparations that have been treated containing ACh can be formed when ACh-loading
to produce an increase in quantal size (Van der Kloot, inhibitors are present, we used CCCP to estimate the store
1993). In the next experiments 1 µM carbachol was added to of releasable quanta (Molgó & Pécot-Dechavassine, 1988;
the extracellular solution before the repetitive stimulation. Van der Kloot et al. 2000). To answer the first question
In five experiments quantal size did not recover the nerve from one preparation of the pair was
significantly after the stimulation; in two of the five stimulated 3000 times at 10 Hz. Then it was placed in
experiments quantal size decreased significantly during the 10 µM CCCP and the number of quanta subsequently
recovery period (Fig. 5). Nicotine and 1,1-dimethyl-4- released measured. The second preparation was exposed
phenyl-piperazinium (DMPP, an agonist which targets to 10 µM CCCP without any stimulation (Fig. 7A).
nicotinic ACh receptors) also blocked the recovery of Stimulated preparations released fewer quanta than the
quantal size (Figs 4D and 5). unstimulated controls. To see whether rest increases the
∫MEPPs after stimulation in the presence of ACh- releasable store once again, one preparation was
loading inhibitors stimulated 3000 times at 10 Hz and then kept in Ringer
solution for 4–5 h before exposure to 10 µM CCCP. The
Preparations were exposed to 1 µM HC3, 2 µM VES, other preparation was exposed to CCCP immediately
20 mM NH4+, or all three simultaneously. ∫MEPPs were after stimulation (Fig. 7B). The rested preparations
measured at several junctions, and then the motor nerves released more quanta than those treated with CCCP
were stimulated at 10 Hz for varying times. After the immediately after stimulation.
stimulation ended, ∫MEPPS were measured once again. In
all the inhibitor-containing solutions, the size of the We used paired preparations once again to see whether
∫MEPPs decreased with stimulation (Fig. 6). The fewest ACh-loading inhibitors would decrease the number of
stimuli used was 3000; more stimuli did not appear to quanta added to the releasable store during a recovery
decrease quantal size further. The declines were very period following repetitive stimulation. One of the pair
similar in the presence of the individual inhibitors or was stimulated 3000 times at 10 Hz in Ringer solution,

Figure 7. Changes in the number of quanta released by 10 µm CCCP as a result of stimulation,

after recovery from simulation, and after recovery in the presence of ACh-loading inhibitors
A, one muscle was unstimulated (x-axis), while the second was stimulated 3000 times at 10 Hz (y-axis)
before exposure to the CCCP. The continuous line shows the expectation if the number of releasable
quanta was unchanged. The dotted line is the regression coefficient for the data, R 2 = 0.47. B, one muscle
was exposed to the CCCP immediately after being stimulated 3000 times (x-axis), while the other was
allowed to rest for 3–5 h before exposure to CCCP (y-axis). The continuous line shows the expectation if
rest had no effect. The dotted line is the regression, R 2 = 0.70. C, preparations stimulated 3000 times at
10 Hz either without drugs or in the presence of ACh-loading inhibitors. The number of quanta released
by CCCP after 3–5 h rest was measured. The continuous line is the expectation if the drugs had no effect
on releasable number. The dotted lines are the ±95 % confidence limits for the regression. The slope of the
regression, which is not shown, was 0.82, R 2 = 0.82. 0, 2 µM VES; 1, 2µM VES + 1 µM HC3.
644 L. A. Naves and W. Van der Kloot J. Physiol. 532.3

and then allowed to rest for 3–5 h before being exposed to released (Van der Kloot et al. 2000, Fig. 5B). A decrease
10 µM CCCP and the number of quanta released in the fraction in the larger subpopulation was by no
estimated. The second preparation was treated the same, means as sure in nerve stimulation experiments, perhaps
except that during stimulation and recovery the solution because the rate at which the number of quanta released
contained either 2 µM VES, or 1 µM HC3 + 2 µM VES. The falls off with nerve stimulation varies from one
inhibitors did not decrease the size of the releasable store preparation to the next (data not shown). A decrease in
(Fig. 7C). Since releasable quanta are formed during the the fraction in the large subpopulation suggests that in
rest period, it seems that they can be made even in the ACh-loading inhibitors the newly formed quanta are
presence of ACh-loading inhibitors. smaller. The ratio of the mean size of the ∫MEPPs in the
larger subpopulation to that in the smaller was 2.6 ± 0.26
Subpopulations of quantal sizes following stimulation (n = 46), close to the ratio found in the elevated K+
in VES experiments. The advantage of the K+ data is that we can
The approach in these experiments was used previously estimate the total number of quanta released by the
when we enhanced the rate of quantal release with treatment: 60 % of the ∫MEPPs were in the larger
elevated K+ in the presence of an ACh-uptake inhibitor subpopulation when 100 000 quanta had been released.
and then examined the ∫MEPPs to see whether there were
two size classes (Van der Kloot et al. 2000). Since there DISCUSSION
were no obvious differences in the effects of the inhibitors
tested, all the experiments looking for two sub- Katz (1969), who introduced the term ‘quantum’, later
populations of quantal sizes were done in 2 µM VES. (We pointed out that the name misleads some readers. By a
stimulated at 30 Hz because we hoped that we could use misconceived analogy with the physical quantum, they
others’ data to estimate how many quanta were released acquire the false idea that miniatures have almost
by the stimulation, but this required too many uniform size. In reality quantal size at a junction varies
assumptions to be useful.) Van der Kloot et al. (2000) over a fivefold range; in untreated preparations the CV is
showed that at junctions most ∫MEPP distributions are about 0.3. With treatment, the range is much greater.
fitted by a single lognormal probability distribution A variety of treatments substantially increase quantal
function. However, after 1000 or more stimuli, the size (references in Van der Kloot et al. 1998; reviewed by
cumulative distributions of the ∫MEPPs from most of the Sulzer & Pothos, 2000). In the most dramatic instances at
junctions were fitted best by two lognormal curves in 46 the neuromuscular junction, mean size increases fourfold.
out of 61 cases (Fig. 8). The figure shows the data plotted At both the frog and the mouse neuromuscular junctions
on probability scales; the classical approach for detecting size increases because more ACh is loaded into the readily
two subpopulations was by examining such plots for releasable pool of quanta (Yu & Van der Kloot, 1991; Van
breaks between two lines fitted to the plot. The figures der Kloot, 1993).
show how difficult this approach is in practice. In earlier
experiments in elevated K+ the fraction of the ∫MEPPs in Surely it is less surprising that quanta can also be made
the larger subpopulation decreased as more quanta were smaller. What is unexpected is that relatively modest

Figure 8. Examples of the fitting of the distribution of ∫MEPPs to one and to two lognormal
The points are shown as black circles. Red curve, one lognormal; blue curve, two lognormals. The ∫MEPCs
were recorded after stimulation at 30 Hz in solution containing 2 µM VES. The x-axis is a probability scale;
plotting data that fitted to a normal probability distribution function on the scale produces a straight line.
J. Physiol. 532.3 Stimulation decreases quantal size at the neuromuscular junction 645

stimulation, releasing fewer than 20 % of the quanta in added to the readily releasable pool. Previous work
the terminal, significantly decreases size. The best data showed that the enlargement of quantal size occurs
come from experiments in which ∫MEPC size was largely by increased final loading, so the amount of ACh
measured in the same fibre before and after the incorporated in final loading can be regulated.
stimulation, which bypasses problems with the variations
in size from junction to junction and from preparation to There is substantial evidence for final loading (Doherty et
preparation or the uncertainty of reinserting electrodes al. 1984; Van der Kloot, 1991; Naves et al. 1996; Naves &
into the same fibre before and after a bout of contraction Van der Kloot, 1996). Final loading can be blocked by all
(Fig. 2A). Size is significantly decreased by 200 stimuli. the inhibitors of vesicular ACh uptake that we have used.
Three thousand stimuli reduced the ∫MEPCs recorded in The half-time for final loading is 8–10 min (Doherty et al.
10 µM NEO by roughly 60 %. Experiments in which 1984; Van der Kloot, 1993; Fig. 4). Vesicles reaching the
MEPPs from randomly chosen endplates are sampled readily releasable pool either via the rapid endocytic
before and after tetanic stimulation are less reliable for pathway or from the reserve pool seem to receive final
measuring the magnitude of the size changes, but they loading. Quantal size is transitorily decreased following
clearly show that quantal size also decreases following 200 stimuli, in which most of the vesicles released from
stimulation of preparations in which excitation– the readily releasable pool presumably are replenished by
contraction coupling was intact (Fig. 2B). the rapid endocytic pathway. It is also transitorily
decreased by 3000 stimuli, when many of the
There are two reasons to think that after stimulation the replacement vesicles must come from the reserve pool,
quanta are smaller largely because they contain less ACh. judging from the substantial decrease in the number of
First, the response of the endplate to ACh applied by releasable quanta in the terminals (Fig. 7).
iontophoresis was little changed after repetitive nerve
stimulation that would decrease ∫MEPC size by 60 % Our data give no more information about the initial
(Fig. 3). Second, after stimulation was over quantal size loading of ACh into the vesicles formed by the fast
gradually rose back toward the pre-stimulus value as the endocytic pathway. They do suggest that the filling of
preparation rested. Recovery was blocked by the the vesicles in the reserve pool involves more than one
inhibitors of ACh loading into synaptic vesicles: VES, step. After prolonged stimulation in the presence of VES
HC3, NH4+, and nicotinic agonists (Fig. 5). two subpopulations of quantal size were often detected
(Fig. 8). Note that final loading is not operating in these
When do vesicles receive their stockpile of ACh? The experiments because it has been blocked by the VES.
answer seems to be that loading can occur in several steps. Apparently during the stimulation vesicles released from
Two hundred stimuli at 10 Hz releases somewhere the reserve pool are replaced by recycled vesicles
between 10 000 and 20 000 quanta (Doherty et al. 1984; containing less ACh. This was more clearly demonstrated
Van der Kloot, 1993). Doherty et al. (1984) pointed out in earlier work when the release rate was increased with
that this is about the number of vesicles in the readily 30 mM K+ solution. The fraction in the subpopulation of
releasable pool, probably those attached to the active larger size quanta decreased as more quanta were released
zones at the motor nerve terminals. So it seems that once (Van der Kloot et al. 2000).
the vesicles join the readily releasable pool they receive an
appreciable supplementary loading of ACh. We called This leaves us with the question of how ACh first gets into
this second-stage loading (Van der Kloot, 1991; Naves et reformed, recycling vesicles in the reserve pool. Even
al. 1996; Naves & Van der Kloot, 1996). after thousands of stimuli in the presence of ACh uptake
inhibitors, quanta were still readily seen and measured
This name should be replaced. It was based in the idea (Fig. 6). One possibility was that these quanta were all
that the readily releasable pool is replenished by vesicles loaded before the inhibitor was present, and the recycled
coming from the reserve pool in the axoplasm (Betz & vesicles contain no transmitter. At the snake
Angleson, 1998). Loading ACh into vesicles in the reserve neuromuscular junction empty vesicles are formed and
pool was the first stage and further loading in the readily fuse with the terminal membrane when the preparation is
releasable pool was the second. This picture has been stimulated (Parsons et al. 1999). We do not know whether
redrawn by Richards et al. (2000), who show that when this occurs in the frog. Previous work shows that
stimulation first begins the vesicles in the readily repetitive stimulation reduces the number of releasable
releasable pool are replenished via a discrete, fast quanta and the number of vesicles in the terminal
endocytic pathway. It requires more prolonged (Ceccarelli & Hurlbut, 1980). After 9000 stimuli frog
stimulation to move vesicles from the reserve pool into nerve terminals are maximally stained with FM2-10 after
the readily releasable pool. A second, slower endocytic resting for 20 min (Richards et al. 2000). We estimated
pathway that involves membrane infoldings and the number of releasable ACh quanta by counting the
cisternae replenishes the reserve pool. Since there is no MEPPs released by CCCP treatment. The CCCP-
single first stage, the term second-stage loading is releasable store decreased when the drug was added
misleading. ‘Final loading’ seems a better name for the immediately following 3000 stimuli (Fig. 7A). On the
pumping of additional ACh into the vesicles once they are other hand, the number of releasable quanta increased
646 L. A. Naves and W. Van der Kloot J. Physiol. 532.3

again following a period of rest, and this increase also When the link between quanta and vesicles was first
occurred when uptake inhibitors were present (Fig. 7B proposed, it seemed reasonable to think that vesicles were
and C). Apparently some ACh is loaded in recycled formed, filled and then stand by until released. Now we
vesicles even when an ACh-loading inhibitor is present in know there are two endocytic pathways for recycling and
a concentration adequate to block the recovery of quantal several steps in transmitter loading. At least the final
size in final loading (Fig. 5). The initial loading of ACh step in transmitter loading can be regulated to vary the
into recycled vesicles does not seem to require the VES- ACh content of the quanta. The picture now lacks the
inhibited ACh transporter or the proton gradient elegance of simplicity, but does account for the data.
diminished by NH4+. Naturally enough, as we have pointed out, there are still
open questions to be answered.
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the presence of HC3, which might be expected to block all
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TIAN, L., PRIOR, C., DEMPSTER, J. & MARSHALL, I. G. (1997). W. Van der Kloot: The Boat House, 1 Fort Gate, Newhaven, East
Hexamethonium- and methyllycacoconitine-induced changes in Sussex, BR9 9DR, UK.
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Journal of Pharmacology 122, 1025–1034. Email:
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FUMAGALLI, G. (1995). Immunohistochemical localization of
neuronal nicotinic receptor subtypes at the pre- and L. A. Naves: Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Federal
postjunctional sites in mouse diaphragm muscle. Neuroscience University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
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