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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Pathophysiology of nerve
compression syndromes: response of
peripheral nerves to loading
David Rempel
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery American Volume

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Current Concepts Review
Pathophysiology of Nerve Compression Syndromes:
Response of Peripheral Nerves to Loading*
A ND G Ö R A N LU ND BO R G , M.D ., PH .D .‡, MA LMÖ , SWE D E N

Nerve compression syndromes involve peripheral- reactions to compression is essential to understanding,

nerve dysfunction that is due to localized interference preventing, and treating nerve compression injuries.
of microvascular function and structural changes in the
Structure and Function of Peripheral Nerves
nerve or adjacent tissues. A lthough a well known exam-
ple is compression of the median nerve at the wrist M icroanatom y
(carpal tunnel syndrome), other nerves, such as the ul- The neuron consists of the nerve cell body, located
nar nerve at the wrist or the elbow and the spinal nerve in the anterior horn of the spinal cord (motor neuron)
roots at the vertebral foramen, are vulnerable. This pa- or in the dorsal root ganglia (sensory neuron), and of
per focuses on studies in which the physiological, patho- the axon, a long protrusion extending into the periphery
physiological, biochemical, and histological effects of that is surrounded by individual Schwann cells arranged
biomechanical loading on the peripheral nerves were in a longitudinal continuous chain forming myelinated
evaluated in humans and animals. nerve fibers (Fig. 1). Lying next to the myelinated nerve
When tissues are subjected to load or pressure, they fibers are many nonmyelinated fibers associated with
deform and pressure gradients are formed, redistribut- one Schwann cell. Myelinated and nonmyelinated nerve
ing the compressed tissue toward areas of lower pres- fibers are organized in bundles, called fascicles, which
sure. Nerve compression syndromes usually occur at are surrounded by a strong membrane called the peri-
sites where the nerve passes through a tight tunnel neurial membrane, consisting of laminae of flattened
formed by stiff tissue boundaries. The resultant con- cells. The fascicles usually are organized in groups, held
fined space limits movement of tissue and can lead together by a loose connective tissue called the epineu-
to sustained tissue pressure gradients. Space-occupying rium. Between the nerve fibers and their basal mem-
structures or lesions (for example, lumbrical muscles, tu- brane is an intrafascicular connective tissue known as
mors, and cysts) can cause nerve compression injury, the endoneurium. The quantity of the connective-tissue
as can conditions associated with accumulation of fluid components may vary between nerves and also along
(for example, pregnancy, congestive heart failure, and the length of the same nerve. For example, nerves lo-
muscle compartment syndromes) or accumulation of cated superficially in the limb or parts of the nerve that
extracellular matrix (for example, acromegaly, myx- cross a joint contain a greater quantity of connective
edema hypothyroidism, and mucopolysaccharidosis) 76. tissue, possibly as a response to repeated loading76.
A lthough nerve injuries related to vibration occur near The propagation of impulses in the nerve fibers as
the region of exposure, the symptoms may be manifest well as the communication and nutritional transport sys-
at another site, where the nerve may be constricted. tem in the neuron (axonal transport) requires an ade-
O ther conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, may increase quate energy supply. Therefore, the peripheral nerve
the likelihood that a compressed nerve will undergo a contains a well developed microvascular system with
pathological response. In addition, there may be an in- vascular plexuses in all of its layers of connective tis-
flammatory reaction that may impair the normal gliding sue 36,38. The vessels approach the nerve trunk segmen-
of the nerve. Basic knowledge of the microanatomy of tally and have a coiled configuration so that the vascular
peripheral nerves and neurons and of their complex supply is not impaired during normal gliding or excur-
sion of the nerve trunk. When the vessels reach the
*No benefits in any form have been received or will be received nerve trunk, they divide into branches that run longi-
from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of
this article. Funds were received in total or partial support of the
tudinally in various layers of the epineurium and they
research or clinical study presented in this article. The funding source also form numerous collateral connections to vessels in
was the National A cademy of Sciences. the perineurial sheath. When the vessels pass through
†D epartment of Medicine, U niversity of California, San Fran-
cisco, 1301 South 46th Street, Building 112, R ichmond, California
the perineurium into the endoneurium, which contains
94804. E -mail address: primarily capillaries, they often go through the perineu-
‡Department of H and Surgery, Malmö University Hospital, 20502 rium obliquely, thereby constituting a possible valve
Malmö, Sweden.
mechanism 36,38.
Copyright 1999 by The Journal of B one and Joint Surgery, Incorporated The perineurial layer and the endoneurial vessels


F IG . 1
D rawing showing the microanatomy of the peripheral nerve trunk and its various components.
a: Bundles of nerve fibers are surrounded by the perineurium (p), thereby creating fascicles that are embedded in loose connective tissue,
called the epineurium (epi). The intrafascicular connective tissue is called the endoneurium (end).
b and c: The appearance of nonmyelinated (b) and myelinated (c) nerve fibers. Schw = Schwann cell, my = myelin sheath, ax = axon, and
nR = node of R anvier. (R eproduced, with modification, from: Lundborg, G.: N erve Injury and R epair, p. 186. E dinburgh, Churchill Livingstone,
1988. R eprinted with permission.)

play an important role in protecting the nerve fibers thirty millimeters per day) involves primarily cytoskele-
in the fascicles. The endoneurial milieu is protected by tal elements such as subunits of microtubules and neu-
a blood-nerve barrier, and the tissue pressure in the rofilaments. It should be noted that axonal transport is
fascicle (endoneurial fluid pressure) is slightly positive 50. energy-dependent, and disturbances in axonal transport
This is obvious when there is injury to the perineurium; may be involved not only in the development of dia-
after a transection, a so-called mushrooming effect is betic neuropathy but also in nerve compression injuries8.
observed. There are no lymphatic vessels in the endo-
neurial space; therefore, there may be problems when N orm al G liding of N erve Trunk s
edema occurs in the endoneurial space. Following such Surrounding the nerve trunk is a conjunctiva-like
edema, the pressure in the fascicle may increase and adventitia that permits excursion of the nerve trunk.
rapidly interfere with the endoneurial microcircula- This extraneural gliding surface, together with the nor-
tion 43. The epineurial vessels are more vulnerable than mally occurring sliding of fascicles against each other in
the endoneurial vessels are to trauma and even to oper- the deeper layers (intraneural gliding surfaces), makes
ative handling of the nerve. the normal gliding of the nerve during joint motion
A s already mentioned, the neuron is a unique cell possible. The median and ulnar nerves may glide 7.3
with a cell body and an axon. The length of the axon may and 9.8 millimeters, respectively, during full flexion and
be 10,000 to 15,000 times the diameter of the cell body. extension of the elbow, and the extent of excursion of
Therefore, there is a need for an intraneuronal transport these nerves just proximal to the wrist is even more
system (axonal transport) whereby essential products pronounced (14.5 and 13.8 millimeters, respectively) 90.
are produced and constantly transported from the nerve In relation to the flexor retinaculum, the median nerve
cell body along the axon (antegrade transport) while can move a maximum of 9.6 millimeters during wrist
disposal materials and trophic factors are transported flexion and somewhat less during wrist extension; it also
in the opposite direction (retrograde transport) 24. A xo- moves during motion of the fingers48.
nal transport consists of various components. Fast axo-
nal transport (as much as 410 millimeters per day) Inducement of Nerve Compression in A nimals
involves various enzymes, transmitter substance vesi- Various methods have been used to induce acute or
cles, and glycoproteins, and slow transport (as much as chronic compression of a peripheral nerve in animal

VO L. 81-A , NO. 11, NOVE MBE R 1999


models, and each method has advantages and disadvan- extraneural pressure fluctuates rapidly, the effects on
tages. Tourniquets have been applied around the limbs nerve function are associated with the mean value of
of rats, rabbits, and baboons for minutes or hours. In the pressure waveform rather than with the minimum or
baboons, very high pressures (range, 66.7 to 133.3 kilo- peak value 79.
pascals [500 to 1000 millimeters of mercury]) have been In several studies of healthy human volunteers, the
shown to induce structural nerve changes19,36,57. H owever, extraneural pressure in the carpal tunnel was elevated
it is difficult to control the precise location and pressure experimentally and compression was maintained for a
on the nerve with use of the tourniquet method. U sing maximum of four hours while nerve function was moni-
an invasive method, others have applied a miniature tored 22,77. The pressure was controlled precisely with a
inflatable cuff around a mobilized nerve to achieve con- clamp that applied an adjustable external load to the
trolled, low-magnitude extraneural pressure for several palm; the extraneural pressure in the carpal tunnel
hours8,16,67. was measured simultaneously with use of a fluid-filled
In models of chronic nerve compression, mobilized catheter. Nerve function was blocked at 6.7 kilopas-
nerve segments have been compressed for weeks or cals (fifty millimeters of mercury) of pressure, whereas
months by surrounding the nerve with tightly fitting some function was lost at 5.3 kilopascals (forty millime-
arteries87, metal spring clips15, compression clamps27,56, ters of mercury). In subjects with different blood pres-
and tubes of various materials such as polyethylene 85 sures, the critical extraneural pressure threshold above
and silicone 11,28,29. With these methods, it is possible to which nerve function was blocked was 4.0 kilopascals
obtain a graded compression but it is not possible to (thirty millimeters of mercury) less than the diastolic
relate the compression to a specific pressure level as can pressure. This finding, combined with the observation
be done with the miniature inflatable cuff. Furthermore, that carpal tunnel syndrome may manifest with the treat-
the implanted foreign material also may induce an in- ment of hypertension 17, provides additional support for
flammatory response 28,44. A model of normally develop- an ischemic mechanism of acute nerve dysfunction.
ing chronic entrapment of the median nerve at the wrist A lthough these studies demonstrated a rapid effect
in guinea pigs also has been used to study the structural of intermediate pressure on nerve function, they did not
changes of myelinated fibers58, but, as with the other address the effects of low extraneural pressure after
models of chronic nerve compression, neither external days or weeks. To discuss those effects, it is necessary to
load nor extraneural pressure has been measured. review the results of animal studies.

A cute Effects of Nerve Compression Short-Term Effects of Nerve Compression

(Effects within Hours) (Effects within D ays)
In animal experiments, low-magnitude extraneural Persistent intraneural edema has been observed in
compression was noted to decrease intraneural micro- animal models after short-term compression at low pres-
vascular flow, impair axonal transport, and alter nerve sures67. With use of a miniature pressure cuff, the ex-
structure and function. E xtraneural pressures of 2.7 kilo- traneural pressure around the sciatic nerve of rats was
pascals (twenty millimeters of mercury), induced with elevated to 4.0 kilopascals (thirty millimeters of mer-
use of miniature inflatable cuffs, reduced epineurial ve- cury) for periods of two, four, six, and eight hours40. In
nule blood flow68. A t pressures of 10.7 kilopascals (eighty addition, a sham intervention was performed in which
millimeters of mercury), all intraneural blood flow the cuff was applied and left in place for two to eight
ceased. Similarly, pressures of 4.0 kilopascals (thirty mil- hours but was not inflated. The endoneurial fluid pres-
limeters of mercury) inhibited both fast and slow ante- sure was measured with a micropipette at one hour
grade as well as retrograde axonal transport 8. Therefore, after removal of the cuff and again at twenty-four hours;
cell nutrition and the intraneuronal communication sys- the nerve then underwent histological analysis. Com-
tem are compromised at elevated extraneural pressures. pression of 4.0 kilopascals led to an elevated endoneu-
E xtraneural compression of 6.7 kilopascals (fifty milli- rial pressure, which persisted for twenty-four hours after
meters of mercury), applied for two minutes, altered release of the cuff. Furthermore, the endoneurial pres-
the shape of myelin sheaths, and at higher pressures the sures at twenty-four hours after release of the cuff
myelin was severely split and distorted 16. increased with increasing durations of compression. H is-
The effect of fluctuating extraneural pressure on tological examination demonstrated endoneurial edema
nerve function was investigated in a rat tibial-nerve in the nerves that had been subjected to eight hours of
model79. A fluctuating pressure (minimum, mean, and compression but not in those subjected to shorter dura-
peak values of 2.7, 4.7, and 6.7 kilopascals [twenty, thirty- tions. E ight hours of compression led to an increase of
five, and fifty millimeters of mercury]) was applied to the the endoneurial pressures to levels that can reduce in-
nerve at one cycle per second for 20,000 cycles. The traneural blood flow51. The study demonstrated that, af-
resultant decrease in nerve function was similar to that ter low elevations of extraneural pressure for only two
caused by a static pressure of 4.0 kilopascals (thirty hours, endoneurial fluid pressures increased rapidly and
millimeters of mercury). This study indicated that, when the increases persisted for at least an additional twenty-


four hours40. These effects probably are due to the in- amount of pressure and the severity of the effects.
creased vascular permeability of the epineurial and en- Changes proximal to the nerve cell bodies also have
doneurial vessels after compression. O ther studies have been observed after a brief period of distal nerve com-
demonstrated that ischemia alters the structure of the pression. In a rabbit model, extraneural compression of
endothelial and basement membranes over a similar 4.0 kilopascals (thirty millimeters of mercury) for two
time-frame 2. hours led to changes seven days later that included a
decrease in nuclear volume density, an eccentric posi-
Long-Term Effects of Nerve Compression tion of the nucleus in the cell, and dispersion of the Nissl
(Effects within Weeks) substance 9. These changes may be followed by a change
The same model was used to study the long-term in the tubulin transport in the neurons13 as well as by
effects of only two hours of extraneural compression functional changes in the neurons and the nerve trunk
applied to the sciatic nerve of rats 62. In one group, a (the conditioning lesion effect)11,14. Such changes may be
pressure of 10.7 kilopascals (eighty millimeters of mer- involved in conditions such as double-crush or reverse-
cury) was applied and the nerve was excised for histo- double-crush syndrome, in which one part of the nerve
logical analysis at intervals of four hours and one, two, trunk is compressed, thereby making other parts of the
seven, ten, fourteen, and twenty-eight days. In another, same nerve, at another level, more likely to undergo a
smaller group of animals, pressures of 1.3 and 4.0 kilo- pathological change 10.
pascals (ten and thirty millimeters of mercury) were In order to produce a model of chronic nerve com-
applied and the follow-up intervals were five, six, and pression, investigators applied loose ligatures or short
seven days. Sham procedures were also performed in silicone tubes with various internal diameters around
the contralateral limbs: either a chamber was inserted the sciatic or sural nerve of rats and left them in place
and not inflated or an operation was done without in- for weeks or months46,49. The tension of the ligatures or
sertion of a chamber. E dema was visible in the sub- the inner diameter of the tube generally was selected
perineurial space within four hours in all compression so that blood flow was not visibly restricted. The re-
subgroups, and it persisted for the entire duration of sponse of nerves to compression in these studies was
the study. Inflammation and fibrin deposits occurred similar to that in the experiments involving compression
within hours after compression, followed by prolifera- with a cuff. For example, the application of loose liga-
tion of endoneurial fibroblasts and capillary endothe- tures around the sciatic nerve led to perineurial edema
lial cells. Vigorous proliferation of fibrous tissue was with proliferation of endothelial cells and demyelina-
noted within days, and marked fibrosis and sheets of tion within the first few days, to proliferation of fibro-
fibrous tissue were seen extending to adjacent structures blasts and macrophages as well as degeneration of distal
at twenty-eight days. E ndoneurial invasion of mast cells nerve fibers and the beginning of nerve sprouts within
and macrophages was noted, especially at twenty-eight one week, to invasion by fibrous tissue and remyelina-
days. A xonal degeneration was noted in the nerves sub- tion at two weeks, to regeneration of nerve fibers as well
jected to 10.7 kilopascals of compression and, to a lesser as thickening of the perineurium and the vessel walls at
extent, in those subjected to 4.0 kilopascals of compres- six weeks, and to remyelination of distal nerve segments
sion. It rarely was seen in the nerves subjected to 1.3 at twelve weeks73. In another model, in which loose-
kilopascals of compression. A xonal degeneration was fitting silicone tubes were used, no changes were ob-
associated with the degree of endoneurial edema. D e- served at three months, whereas at five months there
myelination and Schwann-cell necrosis at seven and was epineurial and perineurial thickening along with
ten days was followed by remyelination at fourteen segmental demyelination in the peripheral part of the
and twenty-eight days. D emyelination was prominent fascicles, followed by wallerian regeneration 45. A pplica-
in the nerves subjected to 4.0 kilopascals of compres- tion of silicone tubes with a wide internal diameter can
sion and, to a lesser extent, in those subjected to1.3 kilo- induce increased expression of interleukin-1 and trans-
pascals of compression. The sham intervention in which forming growth factor beta-1 in the nerve cell bodies in
the cuff was applied but not inflated also led to de- the dorsal root ganglia, but the relevance of this finding
myelination in regions close to the surface of the cuff; remains to be clarified 92. The limitations of these models
this was thought to be due to the tense but uninflated are that (1) the effects of the tissue inflammatory reac-
rubber cuff pressing on the nerve. The sham opera- tion to the device (foreign-body reaction) usually are
tion in which no cuff was applied did not cause any not considered but do occur 29 and (2) it is not possible
lesions. This study62 and another 16 demonstrated that to measure or control the applied extraneural pressure.
relatively brief periods of extraneural compression re- H owever, these observational studies provide some in-
sult in very long-lasting subperineurial edema, which sight into the biological response of the nerve to chronic
later is accompanied by degeneration and regenera- low-grade compression.
tion of nerve fibers and initiation of the permanent Similar biological responses have been observed af-
changes of the laying down of fibrous tissue. A gain, ter chronic low-grade compression of the cauda equina
there was a dose-response relationship between the and the spinal nerve roots7,84,93. It should be noted that,

VO L. 81-A , NO. 11, NOVE MBE R 1999



Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pressure* (k Pa)
No. of Wrists Mean Wrist in Wrist in Wrist in
Study (No. of Patients) G ender A ge Neutral Flexion E xtension
G elberman et al. 15 (15) 11 M, 4 F 56 4.3 ± 2.0 12.5 ± 10.3 14.7 ± 11.4
(1981) 21†
Werner et al. 16 (16) 1 M, 15 F 46 4.1 ± 1.6 10.0 ± 7.9 14.0 ± 7.5
(1983) 88†
Szabo et al. 22 (22) 6 M, 16 F 51 1.3 4.3 6.8
(1989) 78†
O kutsu et al. 62 (46) 16 M, 30 F 51 5.7 ± 2.3 25.6 ± 8.5 29.7 ± 5.9
(1989) 60†
Luchetti et al. 30 (26) 1 M, 25 F 51 5.9 ± 2.7 — —
(1989) 35
R ojviroj et al. 61 (33) 8 M, 25 F 46 1.6 ± 1.6 3.5 ± 2.6 4.4 ± 3.4
(1990) 66†
Seradge et al. 81 (72) 18 M, 54 F 46 5.8 ± 4.3 10.6 ± 5.3 13.5 ± 6.8
(1995) 71‡
H amanaka et al. 957 (647) 253 M, 394 F 54 8.0 ± 4.2 — —
(1995) 25
*The values are given as the mean and the standard deviation. 0.1333 kilopascal = one millimeter of mercury.
†The wrist was moved passively into three positions.
‡The wrist was moved actively into three positions.

especially at the nerve root, increased age is associated eighty-one years1. The greatest density was observed
with increased degeneration and regeneration of fibers at the level of the wrist crease, whereas the density
but not with changes in the number of myelinated fi- decreased forty millimeters proximal and distal to the
bers in each nerve or fascicle33. In addition, degenera- crease. Similar findings were observed in the ulnar
tion of the nerve in response to compression is more nerve at the elbow54. These findings suggest that extra-
pronounced in older animals84. cellular matrix is deposited in the nerve at sites of
Histological Evaluation of The tissues that lie next to a nerve, within a confined
Nerve Compression in Humans space (for example, synovial tissue within the carpal
A biopsy of a nerve is likely to lead to permanent tunnel), are more easily obtained and can provide infor-
nerve dysfunction; therefore, there have been few histo- mation on the response of these tissues to compres-
logical studies of nerves at common sites of compression sion 18,20,32,53,61,69,70,91. In one of the few studies that included
in humans. In a few case reports on patients in whom a a control group, synovial tissue from 147 patients was
nerve segment was resected, the nerve at the site of the obtained at the time of carpal tunnel release and was
injury was compared with a nerve at a site proximal compared with that from nineteen controls20. The im-
or distal to the injury47,55,82. In each instance, there was portant findings were increased edema and vascular
thickening of the walls of the microvessels in the endo- sclerosis (endothelial thickening) in samples from the
neurium and perineurium as well as epineurial and peri- patients, who were between the ages of nineteen and
neurial edema, thickening, and fibrosis at the site of the seventy-nine years. Inflammatory cell infiltrates (lym-
injury. Thinning of the myelin also was noted, along with phocytes and histiocytes) were observed in only 10 per-
evidence of degeneration and regeneration of fibers. cent (seventeen) of the 177 samples. Surprisingly, the
The patients in these reports had advanced stages of prevalence of fibrosis (3 percent [five of 177]) was much
compression syndrome. E arlier in the course of the dis- lower than the prevalences of 33 percent (fifteen of
ease, a segment of the nerve usually is compressed with forty-five) to 100 percent (twenty-one of twenty-one)
disturbance of the microcirculation, which is restored reported in the other studies. The lack of definition of
immediately after transection of the flexor retinaculum. histological end points in this study and the others, as
There is usually both an immediate and a delayed return well as differences in the selection of subjects, may ac-
of nerve function, indicating the importance of ischemia count for the differences in the prevalences of inflam-
in the early stages of compression syndrome 43. mation and fibrosis. In patients who have carpal tunnel
Increased connective-tissue density has been ob- syndrome, the most consistent histological features of
served along the median nerve in cadaveric wrists from synovial tissue from the carpal tunnel are edema and
individuals who died between the ages of sixty and thickening of the vascular walls. To a limited degree,


Control Subjects
Pressure* (k Pa)
No. of Wrists Mean Wrist in Wrist in Wrist in
(No. of Controls) G ender A ge Neutral Flexion E xtension
12 (12) — — 0.3 ± 0.3 4.3 ± 1.4 4.0 ± 2.0

— — — — — —

6 (6) 6M 32 0.7 2.1 3.6

16 (16) 10 M, 6 F 36 1.9 ± 1.3 19.2 ± 8.8 21.0 ± 8.7

4 (4) 1 M, 3 F 48 2.0 ± 2.4 — —

32 (16) 12 M, 4 F — 0.5 ± 0.3 1.2 ± 0.8 1.7 ± 0.8

21 (21) 10 M, 11 F 20-74 3.2 ± 2.1 10.6 ± 5.3 13.5 ± 6.8

31 (31) 19 M, 12 F 38 2.0 ± 1.4 — —

these non-neuronal findings correspond to the biologi- division of the ligament. This stage usually is seen in
cal responses of nerves (for example, edema, thickening older patients, and the wallerian degeneration and axo-
of the vascular walls, and fibrosis) observed in the later nal regeneration may be impaired in these patients43.
stages of the chronic compression models.
The events taking place in peripheral nerves during Vibration-Induced Neuropathy
compression that have been observed experimentally Vibration is also a form of loading that can induce
can be related to various clinical stages that have been peripheral neuropathy. There have been histological
observed in patients. The initial symptoms of compres- studies of human nerves exposed to vibration as well as
sion of the median nerve at the wrist (carpal tunnel associated animal models. The prolonged use of hand-
syndrome) usually are intermittent paresthesia and def- held vibrating tools can lead to a complex of symptoms
icits of sensation that occur primarily at night (stage I). known as the hand-arm vibration syndrome, in which
These symptoms probably are due to changes in the sensorineural disturbances are prominent 74. The patho-
intraneural microcirculation that are associated with physiological process associated with vibration-induced
some edema, which disappears during the day. Progres- neuropathy remains to be clarified, but there is evi-
sive compression leads to more severe and constant dence that the injury may be located along the entire
symptoms that do not disappear during the day (stage length of the neuron.
II); these include paresthesia and numbness, impaired A nimal models have been used to evaluate the
dexterity, and, possibly, muscle weakness. D uring this events taking place in peripheral nerves following expo-
stage, the microcirculation may be altered throughout sure to vibration. A cute vibration (eighty-two hertz at a
the day by edema and there may be morphological peak-to-peak magnitude of 0.21 millimeter) with an ex-
changes such as segmental demyelination. In the final posure time of five hours per day for a maximum of five
stage (stage III), there are more pronounced morpho- days was found to induce intraneural edema as well as
logical changes accompanied by degeneration of the transient structural changes in thin, nonmyelinated fi-
nerve fibers; these changes manifest as constant pain bers in the nerve trunks close to the vibration exciter 41,42.
with atrophy of the median-nerve-innervated thenar O ther studies have indicated that demyelination is an
muscles and permanent sensory dysfunction. D uring early event in the process and that loss of axons may
stage I, use of a night splint, which prevents volar flexion occur later 4,26. Functional changes of both nerve fibers
of the wrist, may result in complete relief of symptoms. and non-neural cells such as Schwann cells also may
D uring stage II, operative division of the transverse car- occur following exposure to vibration and are part of
pal ligament can provide complete relief, but recovery a regenerative response following a nerve injury3,12.
may take days to many weeks because of the morpho- Biopsies of specimens from the fingertips of patients
logical changes and persistent edema. D uring stage III, who had been exposed to vibrating handheld tools dem-
the symptoms usually do not disappear completely even onstrated nerve demyelination, loss of axons, and fibro-
if the pressure on the nerve is relieved by operative sis in small nerve trunks80,81. R ecently, biopsy specimens

VO L. 81-A , NO. 11, NOVE MBE R 1999


were obtained from the dorsal interosseus nerve just the patients who had carpal tunnel syndrome. H owever,
proximal to the wrist of ten men who had been exposed in one study, the mean pressure in patients who had
to hand vibration at work and in twelve male age- very severe or end-stage carpal tunnel syndrome was
matched cadavera (controls) 75. A ll ten subjects who had low78. D ifferences in the selection criteria and the mea-
been exposed to vibration and one control had patho- surement techniques (for example, the type and loca-
logical changes, such as breakdown of myelin and inter- tion of the catheter, the inclusion of patients who had
stitial and perineurial fibrosis. These histological results paraplegia, anesthesia, and the position of the forearm)
suggest that, in neuropathy, demyelination may be a may explain the differences in the pressures that were
primary lesion that is followed by fibrosis associated measured.
with incomplete regeneration. This study demonstrated Taken together, these studies demonstrate that ex-
that exposure to vibration at work can induce structural traneural pressure is elevated in patients who have car-
changes in a peripheral nerve trunk at the wrist 75. Such pal tunnel syndrome compared with that in controls. The
changes are likely to occur in the median nerve in the elevated pressure may be due to the formation of edema
carpal tunnel of people who have been exposed to vi- in adjacent tissues (for example, synovial tissue). H ow-
bration. These findings may account for the poorer out- ever, the events leading to these tissue changes are not
comes after carpal tunnel release in patients who have precisely known. O ne theory is that, if the repeated
a history of exposure to vibration. elevation of extraneural pressure that is associated with
joint-loading is sustained, it may lead to extraneural and
Nerve Excursion in intraneural edema, fibrosis, and nerve fiber injury as
Nerve Compression Syndromes observed in animal models.
Longitudinal gliding of the nerve trunk occurs nor-
mally during joint motion and has been measured with Effects of Joint Position and Hand-Loading on
use of ultrasound in humans and with markers placed in Extraneural Pressure in Normal Subjects
the nerve in cadavera. In a study of the ulnar nerve at In many of the studies mentioned earlier (Table I),
the elbow, localized areas of strain (nerve-stretching) of extraneural pressure was measured with the wrist moved
greater than 10 percent were observed in some cadav- either passively or actively into full flexion or exten-
eric arms83. A strain of 6 to 8 percent can limit blood flow sion. In patients who had carpal tunnel syndrome, ex-
in a nerve or can alter nerve function 5,37,59. In a study traneural pressure increased by a factor of two to ten
of the cubital tunnel in cadavera, intraneural and ex- with flexion or extension. A lthough the pressures in
traneural pressures were recorded simultaneously dur- normal subjects were of a lower magnitude, a similar
ing elbow flexion 23. A lthough both types of pressure response to extension and flexion was observed consis-
increased with flexion of greater than 70 degrees, the tently (Table I). A similar pattern of increased extra-
intraneural pressure always exceeded the extraneural neural pressure with increased joint flexion also was
pressure. Furthermore, the increase in intraneural pres- observed in the ulnar nerve at the elbow in cadavera 23,47.
sure with flexion was unchanged after release of the In healthy subjects, the relationship between extraneural
cubital tunnel. It is therefore likely that the increase pressure and the position of the joint appears to be
in intraneural pressure with flexion was not entirely independent of gender or age34.
due to an increase in extraneural pressure. Instead, it The simultaneous recording of joint position and
is probable that traction contributed to it. extraneural pressure in the carpal tunnel has been per-
In patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve ex- formed in healthy subjects in order to investigate the
cursion during flexion and extension of the wrist or dose-response relationships between finger position 30,89,
during flexion of the fingers is restricted compared with wrist extension and flexion 30,65,89, and forearm rotation 65,89
that in healthy controls52. The basis for this limited mo- and pressure. For example, extraneural pressure was
tion and the resultant localized strain is unknown. If it measured in seventeen healthy volunteers while they
is due to adhesions to adjacent tissues and resultant slowly and repeatedly rotated the forearm from supi-
traction, local regions of limited microvascular flow may nation to pronation 65. The lowest pressures were re-
occur because of nerve strain. corded between 0 degrees and full pronation, while
maximum pressures of 7.3 kilopascals (fifty-five milli-
Extraneural Pressure in meters of mercury) were recorded with the forearm in
Nerve Compression Syndromes full supination. These studies had several limitations.
In humans, hydrostatic pressures in the tissue next First, because of the invasiveness of the procedure, the
to a nerve can be measured with a small-diameter cath- sample sizes were small, leading to difficulty in evaluat-
eter filled with saline solution. A number of investi- ing the effects of gender, age, and other factors. Second,
gators have measured extraneural pressure in patients sources of high intersubject variability were unknown.
who had carpal tunnel syndrome and have compared Third, the tasks that were studied are difficult to gener-
it with that in healthy controls (Table I) 21,25,35,60,66,71,78,88; the alize to working populations. H owever, these studies
extraneural pressure has almost always been higher in confirmed that increasing wrist extension and, to a lesser


degree, increasing wrist flexion, increasing forearm su- These findings also may support a rational approach
pination, and increasing metacarpophalangeal deviation to the management of patients who have entrapment
from 45 degrees of flexion all lead to increasing extra- neuropathies. For example, a patient who is seen early
neural pressure in the carpal tunnel. enough after the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome, when
Finger-loading (for example, pinching) also increases the symptoms still are occurring only at night or during
carpal tunnel pressure in normal subjects and in ca- exertion of the hand, may be managed with a splint,
davera. In cadavera, the extraneural pressures in the modifications of work activities, and corticosteroid in-
carpal tunnel increased when the flexor tendons were jections. These interventions may be adequate to per-
loaded 6,72. Similarly, in healthy volunteers, the pressures manently reverse intraneural and synovial edema and
increased during simulated holding and gripping tasks. demyelination. A fter the condition has progressed and
Seradge et al.71 found that the mean extraneural pressure the symptoms have become more frequent and severe,
increased to 10 ± 8.7 kilopascals (75 ± 65 millimeters the underlying nerve-fiber degeneration and regenera-
of mercury) when subjects held a 10.5-centimeter cylin- tion and the fibrosis may necessitate operative release,
der and that it increased further to 31.2 ± 1.32 kilopas- and there is no guarantee that nerve function will return
cals (234 ± 10 millimeters of mercury) when they made completely. If the condition progresses even further, to
a fist. Similar findings have been reported by others25,60,89. the point where the symptoms are constant and there is
In another study, carpal tunnel pressure was measured muscle atrophy, it is unlikely that even operative release
in nineteen subjects during a task of loading and unload- will lead to complete recovery.
ing 0.45-kilogram (one-pound) cans from a box at a
rate of twenty cans per minute 63. The pressures fluctu- Overview
ated, with peak pressures occurring during gripping. The main conclusions that can be drawn from the
The mean pressure increased significantly (p = 0.0003), literature regarding the role of tissue loads in the patho-
from 1.1 ± 0.8 kilopascals (8 ± 6 millimeters of mercury) genesis of peripheral-nerve entrapment are as follows.
at rest to 2.4 ± 1.7 kilopascals (18 ± 13 millimeters of First, elevated extraneural pressures can, within min-
mercury) during the task. In two subjects, the mean utes or hours, inhibit intraneural microvascular blood
pressure was greater than 4.0 kilopascals (thirty millime- flow, axonal transport, and nerve function and also can
ters of mercury). cause endoneurial edema with increased intrafascicular
In two studies of healthy volunteers, loading of the pressure and displacement of myelin, in a dose-response
fingertips and extraneural pressure in the carpal tun- manner. Pressures of 2.7 kilopascals (twenty millimeters
nel were measured simultaneously to investigate their of mercury) can limit epineurial blood flow, pressures
dose-response relationships31,64. In one of these studies, of 4.0 kilopascals (thirty millimeters of mercury) can
subjects pressed a load-cell with the index finger and limit axonal transport and can cause nerve dysfunction
pinched the load-cell between the index finger and the and endoneurial edema, and pressures of 6.7 kilopascals
thumb 31. In both positions, increasing loading of the fin- (fifty millimeters of mercury) can alter the structure
gertips led to increasing extraneural pressure, in a dose- of myelin sheaths.
response manner, with the highest mean pressure, 6.6 Second, on the basis of several animal models, it is
kilopascals (fifty millimeters of mercury), occurring dur- apparent that low-magnitude, short-duration extraneu-
ing the pinching task at a force of fifteen newtons (1.5 ral pressure (for example, 4.0 kilopascals [thirty millime-
kilograms). The pinching task led to extraneural pres- ters of mercury] applied for two hours) can initiate a
sures that were twice those observed during the pressing process of nerve injury and repair and can cause struc-
task. A limitation of this study was incomplete knowl- tural tissue changes that persist for at least one month.
edge of the location of the catheter tip, which may have While dose-response relationship effects of both pres-
contributed to intersubject variability. sure and duration have been observed in some studies,
The findings that non-neutral joint positions and the critical values for pressure and duration with respect
external load (for example, during pinch grip) can affect to nerve injury are unknown. The cascade of the bio-
extraneural pressure, combined with the findings from logical response to compression includes endoneurial
the animal studies, can guide our understanding of the edema, demyelination, inflammation, distal axonal de-
pathogenesis of nerve entrapment related to loading. generation, fibrosis, growth of new axons, remyelination,
O n the basis of the animal studies, it appears that if and thickening of the perineurium and endothelium.
elevated extraneural pressures are maintained for an The degree of axonal degeneration is associated with
adequate duration the initial injury, remodeling, and re- the amount of endoneurial edema.
pair mechanisms, which are constantly ongoing, may be Third, in healthy people, non-neutral positions of the
overwhelmed, leading to persistent extraneural or in- fingers, wrist, and forearm and loading of the fingertips
traneural edema and eventually to synovial or intra- can elevate extraneural pressure in the carpal tunnel in
neural fibrosis and loss of nerve function. H owever, a dose-response manner. For example, fingertip pinch
the precise characteristics of this critical time-pressure forces of five, ten, and fifteen newtons can elevate pres-
threshold remain to be determined. sures to 4.0, 5.6, and 6.6 kilopascals (thirty, forty-two,

VO L. 81-A , NO. 11, NOVE MBE R 1999


and fifty millimeters of mercury). E xtraneural pressures Fifth, exposure to vibrating hand tools at work can
in healthy people performing hand-intensive tasks in lead to permanent nerve injury with structural neuronal
the workplace or at home are unknown. changes in finger nerves as well as in the nerve trunks
Fourth, in a rat model, exposure of the hindlimb to just proximal to the wrist. The relationships between the
vibration for four to five hours per day for five days duration of exposure, the magnitude of the vibration,
can cause intraneural edema, structural changes in my- and structural changes in the nerve are unknown.
elinated and unmyelinated fibers in the sciatic nerve,
and functional changes both in nerve fibers and in non- N OTE : A n early version of this paper was commissioned by the National A cademy of
Sciences and appears in W ork -R elated M usculosk eletal D isorders: R eport, W ork shop Sum -
neuronal cells. m ary, and W ork shop Papers, Washington, D .C., National A cademy Press, 1999.

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