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The system of Workers’ Compensation was established in the early part of the

20th century. It was a compromise. Workers were guaranteed some compensation and
coverage of medical costs if they were injured on the job, regardless of whom was at
fault. In return, workers gave up their right to sue their employer for a work-related
injury. Workers’ Compensation became the “exclusive remedy” — the only method for
workers or their families to be compensated for the worker’s lost ability to
work .Regardless of the size of the enterprise, or how they chose to measure it, the
safety of each and every employee is crucial to your organization’s success. No matter
how sophisticated the operations, activities, communication and data processing
systems become, they are designed, maintained and operated by people. It took people
to establish the business, to provide the services or fabricate the products, and to get
them to the customer. When problems are encountered, it will take the efforts of your
human resources to resolve them; which are why it is very crucial for the supervisors or
handle to know each negligence that could possibly lay their employees’ life at risk.

It is your employer's responsibility to fix hazards. But sometimes you may be able
to fix simple hazards yourself, as long as you don't put yourself or others at risk. For
example, you can pick up things from the floor and put them away to eliminate a trip
hazard. The best way to fix a hazard is to get rid of it altogether. This is not always
possible, and sometimes fixing it yourself is also a risk, that is why when you observed
things like this, you should proceed immediately to reporting it to your supervisor. Your
supervisor then, should assess your complain and deal with it professionally. This is a
standard practice that should exist in any workplace and every employee should be
made aware that this is the appropriate action to take should they encounter any hazard
or potential hazard they discover.

Work safety is both an obligation for the employer and employee, it is very crucial
for the both to help each other in preventing risk from happening in their specific

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