Debateable That Testing Prospective

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Nowadays, the use of anima testing in medical research has

become a hot topic. some poeple believe that animal testing should
be banned, whereas other claim it is necessary. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

Since decades in medical science animal testing is debateable topic.

There are people who think that animal testing experimentation
should be prohibited, however, other having opposing view and said
that it imperative to have medical trails on animal instead of on
human directly. This essay will discuss both prospective along with
my opinion and explain why animal experimentation should be

There are various reasons why animal testing is necessary, initially,

animal testing is helpful to for medical breakthrough because
animals are used to fight against the deadly illness. To exemplify,
presently in Covid-19 pandemic vaccination are tested on animals
instead directly on the humans. Another worth mentioning point is
none any country proves to test newly invented medicines diretly on
the humans. Also, they are limited people to test vaccinations.
Consequently, in medical field animal trails play vital role.

On the contrary, behind forbidden animal experiment, there are

several reasons one of them is animals are creatures of god and have
equal right to live. If there are any testing on animal it will be crule
and imoral as animal frequently suffer from pain and affect on the
survival during testing. Besides this, various other methods are
available to test effects of medical trail such as, computer simulation.
Advancement in technology made it possible to find out the outcome
without involving any animal in the trails. According to a web-based
article, for instance, In USA almost 50% animal testing is stopped as
they devloped computer who can help to find accurate results.
In the conclusion, although there are various benefits of animal
testing in medical field, however, adverse effect on animals life and
inaccuracy is reason why testing should be banned.
task 1

Provided pie charts illustrate the information about proportion of

qualified graduation in a specific nation in the year of 1980 and 2008.

As and overview, there are mainly six category in qualified graduate

where master Science remained same in both years and and PhD
Arts was least proffered stream for graduates.

Over the quick glance on the charts, in the year of 1980, first degree
Arts and master in Science were almost equal held one-fift
propotion. Followed by, first degree Science which was 19 percent.
In addition, PhD Science and master Arts were above one-tenth.
Whereas, PhD in Arts was least preffered in both years, however,
master Science remained constant.

Moving further, in the year of 2008 significant proportion is held by

PhD in Science and master Science. One-tenth of proportion held by
first degree Arts and first degree Science. While master arts was also
help above one-tenth proportion.

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