Tano Sherwin P.

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1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist will you be? What art will you
I wanted to be a dancer. As a dancer,I will explore the different genres in
dancing like modern dance,street dance ,power dance and etc. So that my knowledge
about dancing will widen and improve that I can apply in teaching and doing it. I
need to explore more the different steps that have a symbolism or message that It has
something to portray,emotions that we need to a certain dance and make it more
creative to really appreciate the beauty of dancing.I am a person who has a talent in
dancing specially in contemporary dance but it doesn't mean I don't need to learn
those things anymore.I am a person who likes trying something new and I know with
this it can boost my self-confidence and improve my skills.

2. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, the community and your
relation to others and with the environment?
Through dancing I can express my feelings and emotions because it is a one
form of freedom of self-expression. In every step or movement, It symbolises my
feeling and emotions and the message I'm trying to show to the audience to deeply
understand the dance I made. I rest assure that through dancing I will portray some
environmental issues that we are facing and for me to reconnect to people to
enlightened them to take actions make our environment safe and beautiful to live in.
When it comes to expressing it to my community I can dance traditional dances.


1. Why does art involve experience?

Our life is full of experiences but not two people have the same experiences in
life. Having experience is an advantage to create art,it makes it relatable and you can
also influence people. Doing art personal experience plays a significant role in the
creation of artworks because it implies stories and creativity in doing that and it
allows artist to strive for improvement and perfection. Different people, different
experiences and different artwork but those individual differences may come
together to influence other people to make something that can help and bring colors
to the world of art.

2. In simple terms, discuss the difference between imagination and creativity?

When do we say that man is creative?
Creativity is the act of creating something in real world and it requires thinking
outside the box while imagination deals with unrealistic thoughts and things can a
person imagine.
A man is creative if he/she has the ability to make or develop his/her original
ideas in arts. A man that can create an artwork that inspire and inform others often in
aesthetically pleasing ways. Also he/she knows how to create arts outside the box not
just only stay within the boundary of what society dictates. It is being able to express
oneself in different varieties of arts such as paintings, sculpting, fashion,dancing and

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