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[MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS , Qu. 2.6. A TEXT BOOK OF PHYSICAL, CHEMISTRY. inciple, the addition of the heat to the reactign == CH, (e) +2028 will cause it to shift to the right. The reaction can, therefore, be described ag (b) exothermic (©) endothermic (d) adiabatic any endothermic reaction would be favoured Se} According to Le Chatelier’s pr CO,{g) + 2,008) (a) spontaneous Reaction formation in an by which of the following ? (a) an increase in temperature hen a decrease in temperature. (b) first an inerease and U (d) a decrease in temperature. (c) no change in temperature ements about chemical equilibrium is accurate 7 (b) AG? = ~RTIn Keg (a) alloftheabove —[Ans. (aj) Ans (dy Which of the following stat (a) Equilibrium is reached when AG = 0 (ce) AG® is independent of pressure Le Chatelier’s principle states that ion equilibrium 1s obtained only in certain conditions of (a) react temperature and pressure (b) increasing temperature while reducing pressure at the same time, enhances equilibnum (ce) stress applied te a system at equilibrium, shifts the system in such a way as to relieve the stress. (d) neither temperature nor pressure have a major effect on [Ans. chemical equilibrium. Which of the following statements is true about the equilibrium constant, K, , for the reaction N,(g) + 3H,(g) == 2NH,(@) : AH =-46.19 kJ mol” at 25°C (a) K, increases with increasing temperatire (b) K, decreases with increasing temperature (c) K. is independent of temperature and pressure id) K. decreases with increasing pressure” ns An: Two aye bet 2 highway more sive than Cities A and B. When an accident slows traffic on oF taken as an example of : take the other highway. This situation mist! ™ (a) Charle’s Law (b) Hei Heisenberg uncertainty principle (c) Le Chatelier’s principle (@) Hung’ : 's ruiz as Qe Quo. Qu. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM eq 297 of the following bri 7 : m constant for the gaseous reaction : Nie) + 5H) = NH, : a, ‘NH. 2 nu, (a) Ka= ay, an, ©) Ke = ome 1 te) Kye See @ OH NH, Beg ema a Ans. (b) 2ONy24N2 Which of the following ia the characteristic of chemical equilibrium ? (a) equilibrium can be initiated from either side. (b) equilibrium cannot be attained in an open vessel. (c) acatalyst cannot change the equilibrium point. (d) all of the above. |Ans (a) Which of the following is not true about the dissociation of PCls into PCls and Cly ? (a) increase in volume will favour the dissociation of PCls.. (b) increase in pressure will decrease the dissociation of PCls. (c) increase in concentration of PCls or Cl, will suppress the dissociation of PCls - (@ decrease in volume will favour the dissociation of PCls. Ans. (a)! Kp for the dissociation of N20, to NOz is = 4a? (a) Kp = fa-P (b) Kp = 4a? - (c) Kp = yy qeP @) Kp = [= [Ans. (b)| At 298 K and. 1 atmospheric pressure, the closed system ; Cu, O(s) + $0, (@) <= 2Cu0(s): AH?=- 113k S Ir the equilibrium is perturbed by isothermally decreasing the of the following is not correct ? established is at equilibrium : Volume of the system, which (a) more product will be present, after equilibrium is re- () AG° will remain unchanged (c) the equilibrium constant, K,, , will decrease Ans. (c)| @) ) the temperature will remain constant p 00K OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY ee ATEXL 298. jibrivm 5 er ‘The eau pen S a Ne) + 3H, (6) al 2 ee they the most completely to the right under which of the a be driven the mom can rag eins? | vaprssure an tow temperature (0) RIGh PFESSUFe Ad high tome, (a) hit | {o._low pressure and high temperature ° t (@) low pressure and low temperature ay FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH SUITABLE WORDS 1. The equilibrium — constant ‘expression depends only on the of the reaction, ‘not on its * 2. Chemical equilibrium is characterized by two ————~ processes that occur at te same rate. 3. All physical and chemical equilibria are ———in nature . 4. ~The equilibrium — constant expression for a reaction written in one direction i the of the one for the reaction written in the reverse direction. 5. The increase in pressure will the dissociation of PCls. 6. The effect of change of temperature. on equilibrium constants is describe! quantitatively by equation - 7. Van't Hoff described quantitatively the change of temperature on equilibri® constants as a function of of the reaction. * 8 Chemical equilibrium involving gases is attained only in a ———- 9% Catalyst affect the _ at which equilibrium is reached but do not affect: ihibriva 10. For an endothermic reaction an increase in temperature shifts the equilil _ : . ie ae ilibr’ i. When a reactant or product, is added to a system at equilibrium, the ea! will shift to the added substance. A ooal 5 205, ‘nsWers. 1. stoichiometry, mechanism 2. opposing 3. dynamic 4. TeclPF’ ' 4. ight ; et ant 10+ 6. Van't Hoff 7. AH® 8, closed vessel 9. speed, equilibrium const: consume. 201 i __ QUANTUM MECHANICS and ATOMIC STRUCTURE l re HOICE QUESTIONS qe ™ weakness in Bohr's model of an atom is : ei (q)__ the electron was treated as a wave rather than a particle. (b) | it neglected the radiation emitted by accelerating charged bodies. {¢) the model worked only for hydrogen atom. (@) the neutron was not considered (Ae he Shrodinge i } | i | | I | | 1 Equation when solved for any system gives : (b) the wave function 2. ; Q2 ) . the polarizability (¢) | themean free path (@) the energy fluctuation Which of the following formulas would be ‘most appropriate to caleulate the m of an electron ? momentu (b) hv? (c) meV (d) mev® (a) mev?/2 article is the product of its mass Hint; The momentum of any P: and velocity ay ey a qd. The equation . 5,2 +5 $4 - (a) the Schrodinger Equation + (¢) the Maxwell’s Equation mM yyy = Ois referred to as (b) the de Broglie wave relationship a [Ans. (a) (4). Bohr’s atomic energy equatio following is not evoked in Quantum Theory ? Q5. Which of the (b) the particle in a box (a) Boltzmann. distribution harmonic oscillator id) | Shrodinger Equation grees of freedom for CO2 is 4 id) 5 (co) the simple ional de; Q6. The number of vip 2 ib) 3 a) vibrational degrees of freedom = 3n-5 the wavelength ( 4) of an electron Hint: For a linear anolecule, Q3. Which formula below could be used to calculate given its velocity (v )? () he Wmv (@) X= mv2/h {Ans. (c)] a (a) = hmv (b) A= hin postulates was not a part of the Bohr's model of the atom ? Q8. Which of the following netic radiation: (a) the quantization of electromag b) the quantization of an electron’s angular momentum. Tans: (ol bo {An (©) the quantization of an electrons spin. (d) the nuclear model of the até ra atom. 0. Wi ‘ 29. Wh postulated the drops from state ny to Mm 245i following equation for energy emissi : e ission ( AE), when-an electron AE= . @ | Einstein (b) Bohr (d) Rutherford erfor PHYS! ATEXT BOOK OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 202 quo. Whi hp of the following repre nts the equation of standing waves a) v= Asin (2mx/h) — B-cos (nei () vie Asin (neh) + Bos (2rxih) | (ce) win) = Aes (n/L) d) © ya) = Asin (2rx/L) mn Bag erent scattering of X - rays is called + Qui. Incoh (b) Photoelectric Effect (a) ( Stark Effect 4 ({d) Zeeman Effect (e) is he Q.12. The operator ; (- in Compton Esfect 24 v) in Shrodinger Wave Equation is calleg led: (a). Laplacian operator (>) Hamiltonian operator (c) Linear operator (d) All of the above ia Q.13. Which of the following will satisfy the Eigen functions of the Shrodinger Way, Equation (a) y must be single-valued and definite (b) y must be continuous (d) Allof the above (cy must become zero at infinity Land m (all integers), characterizing et Q.14: ‘There are three quantum numbers: 7 n, If n=, what is the range of possible solution of the Shrodinger Wave Equat values for m ? (a) 0 (b) #2 () +3 (d) +4 s that the predictions ofthe se of classical mechanics to the macrostpic Q.15. In the Quantum Theory, which of the following: tells us quantum mechanics must pass smoothly into th sanever we progress in a continuous way from the microscopic (a) Uncertainty principle (b) Probability distribution (@_ Probability density theory. (d)_ Correspondence principle (Ans. (@) idden for a hydrogentt Q.16. Which of the following electronic transitions is forb atoms ? (a) 2p—23p —(b) 2p—1s_ (@) 2p— 3d Md) 2p— 4s the Eigen-value® Q.17, The function Flx)= esin (ax) is an eigenfunction of d2/dx®, (ac b)a () -1 @) = 2 (@) ae esate propefli exactly a Q.18. In Quantum Mechanies, the measurements of two different physis represented by the operators A.and B . It is possible to know, simultancously, the values for both these measured quantities only ifthe * (a) __ eigen functions for both operators A and B can be normal.zed. (b) _ eigen functions for both operators A and B are real numbers (c) operators A and B commute . B. are both Hermitian . id) operators A and t qs. 20. qa. s a 3 (b) 5 7 @ 10 {Al crap Sl QUANTUM MECHANICS and ATOMIC STRUCTURE. 203 Of the following experimental’ ; ental observations, whi oe earactttot cheers jons, which one best demonstrates the wave: (a) the photoclectric effect (b) rotoclec : the flow of electrons in ‘i (c) the od pattern of electrons scattered from a asyatalndaoli (@) the deflection of an electron beam by electrical plates ; The kinetic eriergy of an electron ej : aay jected from a tal s is om monochromatic light depends on all the following except nt anaes (a). the metal used (b) frequency of the light used (©) intensity of the light used (4) _ wavelength of the light used [Ans. (c)] What is the total number of values that the magnetic quantum numbe have for the f orbital with orbital angular momentum quantum number / Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is applicable to (a) electron only (b) atoms only —(c) nucleus (a) any microscopic moving object in the position of an electron is zero, the uncertainty in its If uncertain‘ momentum will be (a) zero. (b) infinite (c) > b/2n (d)< b/2n ‘Ans. (0)| The wave property is associated with a particle having (a) large mass and large velocity _(b) large mass and small velocity ¢ (a) small mass and large velocity |Ans. (d) (c)a small mass and small velocity When an election is brought from a infinite distance close to the nucleus of the atom, the energy of the electron—nucleus system (a) decreases to a smaller positive value (b) does not change (c) decreases to a greater negative values (d) increases toa greater positive value Construction of electron microscope exploits the (a) dual nature of the election (b)wave nature of the electron (©) particle nature of the electron (d) none of the above The momentum of a photon {b) depends on its speed (a) iner : ) increases aé the wavelength decreases (©) incre; i increases as the wavelength increases (d) depends on Planck's constant [Ans. (a)! 30. x The de Broglie \L_UREMIS TRY xT BOOK OF PHYSICA an be expressed &s *(eyh = mp (d) A = h/mv ie relationship. © (A= mp eh /mv : oe f finding the electron in the nucleus is o robability ne win forces of attraction (Bb) zero due to (a)100% due “ fir all orbitals” (d)all of the above 2 {c) finite for 2 fay The photons of visible region do not show Compton effect, because they : ‘he photons of vis ) have small mass (b) have large wavelength (a) have small mass y slowly ave no momentum (c) travel very slowly (d) have no iy LIN’ THE! BLANKS V wITH SUITAB LE WoRDS For each meial there is a characteristic —- can eject electron frequency at which incieg, We The wave character of the clectron was verified by — Schrodinger wave equation is based upon the idea of the electron the nucleus. as — The Schrodinger wave equation has physically valid solution for certain v —~--- energies. lluesd The branch of physics that mathematically describes the wave properties af — particles is called wave mechanics. The wave and particle pietures of light should be regarded as same physical entity ~ views ofthe The probability of finding the partic! and its values are —- in-one dimensional box corresponds 0 at the boundaries of the bos According to Bohr’s model of atom, the energy of the electrons in the orbit When a particle of mass is cinclosed in a one dimen x tenet? onal box having lens then the lowest energy level but is equal to Bobr's concept of an orbit in an atom —-—-~ uncertainty principle 1. threshold 2, davisson and Germer 3, Standing wave 6. comple

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