29.12.2021 - BUS 303 - 1832300499 - Đinh Thị Huệ Thu

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GIẤY BÀI LÀM (cho thi trực tuyến)

ANSWER SHEETS (for online examination)

Học kỳ/Quarter: 1 - Năm học/Academic year: 2021 – 2022

Họ và tên sinh viên: Đinh Thị Huệ Thu Mã môn thi: BUS 303
Student’s full name Course code
Mã số sinh viên: 1832300499 Tên môn thi: Business Research Methods
Student’s number Course name
Ngày sinh: 10/12/2000 Mãđềthi:
Date of birth 01
Exam code
Điện thoại di động: 0975809075 Ngày thi: 29/12/2021
Mobile phone Date
Email: Thu.dinh.bbs18@eiu.edu.vn Giờ thi: 09:00-10:30
Số trang bài làm: 4
No. of answer sheets
Hướng dẫn/Instruction: Sinh viên nộp bài qua email bằng cách gửi lại (Reply) email phát đề và đính kèm
file bài thi được đặt tên đúng theo định dạng “Ngày thi_Mã môn học_Mã số sinh viên_Họ tên sinh
viên”/Student submit the answer sheets by replying to the exam paper’s email with the file name in the
correct format “Exam date_Course code_Student ID_Student
name”14.07.2021_UNIV112_000001_Nguyen Van A

Câu 1 (30 điểm): What are the differences between research questions and hypotheses?
Give an example for each type.
Research questions Hypotheses
- Definition: research questions are made - Definition: Hypothesis is designed to
to find the answers for the research study. predict the relationship between two or
It is simply a hypothesis stated in question more variables and answer the question
form. posed by the research problem.
-> inquisitive in nature -> predictive in nature
- is mainly used in experimental - can be used in both quantitative and
quantitative studies. qualitative studies.
- allow the researchers to conduct more - is useful to test a specific theory or
open-ended inquiries -> allow a wide model -> don’t allow a wide range of
range of outcomes. outcomes
For example: what factors affect customer For example: If the customers experience
complaint behaviors in the Bind Duong the service failure, they may choose
Hotels? choose to complain the service provider to
gain benefits.

Câu 2 (30 điểm): Differentiate between exploratory and conclusive research?

Conclusive research this research will be used as an inputs of
- is more like a quantitative research (rely decision making
more heavier in the statistic test and - Design: formal and structured because
advanced analytical techniques) the main purpose of this type of research
- Purpose: to find a result and/or decision. is to provide final finding.
It can also be used to test specific - Sample size will be large and
hypotheses and examine specific representative for the population
relationships. Therefore, it will result in Exploratory research
the only 1 solution to the research - is more like a qualitative research
problem. In another word, the findings in (interviews, focus groups, and case

- Purpose: is to provide insight and better - Design: More unstructured, so it is more
understanding of a research problem. As a flexible for the researcher to conduct a
result, it can result in various causes and research. It leaves room for the researcher
alternative options for the research conducting further investigation into.
problem. Therefore, the findings can be -Sample size can be small and
used in further exploratory or conclusive non-representative

Câu 3 (20 điểm): What is the difference between “proportional” and “disproportional”
stratified sampling? Give an example for each type.
Proportional stratified sampling Disproportional stratified sampling
- In this sampling method, the elements - In this sampling method, the elements
are selected from strata in exact are selected from strata in different
proportion to their representation in the proportions from those that appear in the
population. As a result, the proportions in population. Therefore, the different strata
the sample will be equal to those have different sampling fractions.
proportion of the population. For example: Ex: There are 3 strata with population
There are 3 strata with population sizes of sizes of 100, 200, and 400. The researcher
100, 200, and 400. And the sampling chooses different fraction for each stratum:
fraction is 1/2. It means that the researcher 1/2 for the population sizes of 100, 1/4 for
must random sample of 50, 100, and 200 the population sizes of 200, and 1/8 for
from each stratum respectively. the population sizes of 400. It results in
the sample of 50, 50, 50. The researcher
must choose the stratum fraction carefully
to avoid resulting in a over-represented or
under-represented results.

Câu 4 (20 điểm): When might a researcher want to use cluster sampling? Give an
Cluster sampling is a sampling method in which elements are selected in 2 or more stages,
with the first stage the clusters are grouped naturally and then choosing randomly the
representative elements within clusters. This method will help the researchers to save
costs and time (cheaper than stratified random sampling method) as it requires the
population to be divided into smaller and homogeneous, which helps the researcher to
gain more reliable outcomes.
Cluster samples are usually used by the researcher when the lists of the sample
population are not available. It is also used to study large populations, especially with
those in different geographical locations.
For example, a researcher is going to do a student survey to see the impact of tutoring on
students. They found that the comprehensive list is not available, so they decided to
choose cluster sampling of grade 6, 7, and 8 student in a private school. Those students
tend to have the similar belief, interests, and behaviors. Next, the researcher can select
randomly individuals who studying tutoring more than 2 courses outside of the school
and interview their result at school in the closest semester.

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