Final Marketing Plan SPB 4712

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Marketing Plan for Toronto

Scott Bousek, Crystal Faddoul, Jevon Henry,

Alexander Oros, Jamie Reams, and Andrea Valbuena

Muma College of Business, University of South Florida

SPB 4712: Sport Marketing

Dr. Broderick Day

November 23, 2021


Marketing Plan for Toronto

Executive Summary

Concacaf is trying to bring more awareness and participation to women’s soccer in order

to increase ticket sales and attendance for the Concacaf W Gold Cup and prelim games. We have

chosen the Toronto Women's League to help reach their goal of higher attendance and ticket

sales. As a result, we will need more ticket vendors, a higher level of marketing personnel, a

sponsor with high outreach and multiple marketing funnels, and a full team roster.

Currently Toronto’s sales are lower than needed to gain advantage from popularity,

however through our marketing plan to gain fan interaction, we believe we can raise engagement

and ultimately bring more sales to the Toronto Women’s League.

We have Karina LeBlanc who is the head of women’s soccer at Concacaf, and plays for

the Canadian national league (Olympics and FIFA). By having this woman on our side we can

gain more knowledge on how to work with Concacaf and our players to create an unstoppable

and recognizable team.

Our plan is very centered around TikTok players between 12 and 20 years of age. We

plan on using people from the marketing team to go to local schools in Toronto to take videos of

players on their soccer team. These videos will be posted on the Concacaf Toronto TikTok page

to make younger fans more excited in posting their own videos. The videos will also be played

during the game on the screens.

As for sponsorship opportunities we plan to utilize the most loved brand in Canada, Tim

Hortons. The plan is to ask them to sponsor us with goods instead of money. We would like them

to use promotional tactics by providing free coffee coupons for every person who buys a ticket if

Toronto wins.

The final plan we have is to put people in a raffle to win free tickets to the Concacaf W

Gold Cup. The raffle rules will be that the person entering must have gone to all Prelim Games.

I. Introduction

Concacaf’s Mission statement: “In places where culture is primed to move women in football

forward, we empower women and girls of all ages to join, to grow and to thrive. Our attitude is

bold because we are more than meets the eye. We make no apologies. Our goal is to strengthen

and solidify the progress that has been made for women in the sport, to make it known with full

rosters, full stadiums and full hearts that know…WE BELONG” (ConcacafW, 2021)

● This mission statement demonstrates that engagement is the driving force for Concaf.

Through our marketing plan, we believe we can drive engagement to a sharp increase

whilst simultaneously keeping focus on the main goal of female empowerment and the

growth of women in the soccer league.

Organizations Product: Concacaf has a unique product by creating Women’s soccer leagues

across North and Central America, they were also the first to do so. More recently they have

created the Concacaf W World Cup.

Customer Demands: customers have few demands but they include fun, entertaining soccer

games with the best possible players and a great coach.

Current Marketing: to achieve these goals for the fans, Concacaf scouts for the best player

possible and for a highly effective coach. In order to market properly, the marketing team plans

for pregame events to keep the crowd engaged, as well as entertainment during the game,

anticipated fan interaction.

Background: The Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football,

also known as Concacaf, was founded in september 16th 1961. Currently it’s one of FIFA’s six

continental confederations and serves 41 member associations. This organization started the

Concacaf Women's Championship in 1991 and later renamed it the Concacaf Women's Gold Cup

in 2000. Later in 2002 the federation decided to have the game every four years before the FIFA

Women's World Cup.

1. The organization's primary stakeholders are the 41 members that are a part of the

association. If the organization were to fail, these 41 members would have no other

options than to close their doors.

2. CONCACAF has multiple classifications for an end user that meets their project goals.

However, concacaf does have a target audience of girls between the ages of 12 and 20.

The reason they have this target is because they want womens soccer to grow and spread

female empowerment.

II. SWOT Analysis


● Strengths

○ Players/team - We currently have well trained players with a large following for

their skill and the team is one of the best in the world

○ Stadium - We have a high capacity stadium with enough seating and is visually


○ Coaches - we have well trained coaches who know how to develop the team

○ Established in the business world - we are a well known team so if offers

credibility to sponsors

○ Pre-existing fan base - we already have a fairly large fan following so we can use

that to grow attendance.

● Weaknesses

○ Social Media - this is a weakness because we could not have enough followers, or

people using the hashtag we create to promote the games.

○ There is no current social media account exclusive for the women’s team

○ Sponsors - we only have one official sponsor at this point which could cause us to

lose revenue from picking up more sponsors

○ Price Point - our tickets may cost too much money for the masses to be able to


● Opportunities

○ Opportunity to promote women’s soccer team as its own entity

○ Reachability of local fans through TikTok’s features

● Threats

○ Security issues - Some security issues that could come from this game are crowd

crush, people sneaking into events, people sneaking onto the field, and not having

enough people on the security team.

○ Social media - the main hashtag used to create the promotion could be suppressed

by social media apps.


○ Violence - this could be anything from fights breaking out to people bringing

weapons and bombs into the games.


● We have three products working with Toronto in the Prelim and W Cup games

○ The sports entity: players, stadium, team, coach, trainer

○ The sponsor: Tim Hortons

○ Memorabilia: jersey’s, shirts, cups, balls, scarves, etc.


● Ability: The Concacaf federation has fluency in four languages which allows them to

speak to all 41 members of the confederation. They also have technology which makes it

possible for stakeholders to have advanced relationships and add value.

● Attitude: Concacaf has a great attitude and has created four pillars to help all employees

to have the same deminor. These pillars are good governance, successful strategic

planning for competitions and commercial partnership, investment in football

development and infrastructure, and solid leadership.

● Experience: Most of the management staff have experience when it comes to playing and

managing the sport. Leading by example the confederation’s President, Victor

Montagliani and head of women’s soccer at Concacaf, Karina LeBlanc, both of whom are


● Quantity: Concacaf has a council made up of roughly 15 members: the President, three

vice-presidents, three Member Associations Members, up to three Independent Members,

four Concacaf representatives to the FIFA Council, and one specifically-designated

female member (there can be multiple female members).



● Ability: All employees must have the basic ability to:

○ Be Confident, positive, professional, with a strong attention to detail and reliable

People oriented

○ Work well with people at all levels

○ Strong communication skills

● Adequately trained: CONCACAF currently has 51-200 employees that are adequately

trained to help enhance customer experience whether it is at the stadium or on television.

Budget and Finance

● In order for this event to run smoothly there are several things we need for each game.

The first being security, this team would check bags, be watching the crowd and field

during the game, and watching the exit after. We will also need a ticketing team, this team

would be in charge of scanning people in, getting the people to their seats, and helping

the crowd find simple things. We will also need ticket vendors to sell the maximum

number of tickets possible. We will also need marketers to work on the event, go to

schools, and find maximum reach on social media by knowing how to utilize social

media algorithms.

● Cost:

○ Security Team: $465,000

○ Ticketing Team: $139,500

○ Ticket Vendors:$135,000

○ Marketing Team: $82,000

○ Raffle tickets: $1,000


○ Text voting software: $7,300

● Total Budget Per Game

○ The total budget for the team will be $829,800.


The customers currently want more interaction with the team and would like more

reasons to come to the games. Our customers are lacking in a sense of community and feeling a

part of the team.

● External environmental analysis

○ Demographics:

■ 15 to 19 years

● Male: 75,000

● Female: around 70,000

■ 10 to 14 years

● Male: around 12,500

● Female: around 12,300

(HealthCheck, 2016)

○ Economic Climate:

■ Toronto’s economy is the largest contributor to the Canadian economy -

20% of national GDP (City of Toronto Cite, 2021).

■ Banking and stock center, and primary wholesale and distribution point of


■ Raw materials and hydroelectricity make it a centre of industry


■ Metropolitan area of Toronto is responsible for more than half of Canada’s

manufactured goods

○ Demand Trends: With the Canadian women’s soccer team winning the gold medal

at the 2020 (played in 2021) Olympics, there is clearly a shift upwards in demand

for the sport of soccer in Canada. When a representing country’s team wins a

prominent tournament in a particular sport, the demand and interest naturally go

upward. However, what is important is that it does not simply become a flash in

the pan of interest. Instead, along with continued success from the Canadian

women’s national team, the organizations such as CONCACAF need to take

advantage of such successes to continue growing the sport in that region/country.

The ultimate growth of soccer in a particular country helps the CONCACAF

organization as a whole.

○ Technological Trends: Technology plays an ever-changing part in the organization

as a whole. As technology changes and develops, so does the organization.

○ Hydroelectric power plays an important role in Toronto’s economic


○ Toronto-Waterloo Corridor: Supports innovation and startups

○ Welcoming to companies like Uber, Intel, LG, and Samsung

○ Artificial intelligence, blockchain, augmented reality/virtual

reality, and cybersecurity

○ Digital Marketing – Digital marketing has shifted from a place of

strategy to a place of necessity. Nearly all companies have/are

adopting digital marketing into their advertising and business


plans. It has become crucial to remain competitive in today’s

business landscape. That is no different for the CONCACAF


○ Social Media:

■ Instagram – Largely geared towards the sharing of individual pictures or a

series of pictures at specific events

■ Tik Tok – A platform that has seen a rapid growth in usage by the under

20 age group over the last 2 years. Uses short form video

■ Twitter – The primary social media where “Hashtags” can make a topic or

event go viral

■ Snapchat – The most likely platform where the average person would

share their attendance, in some way or another, at any women’s soccer

events. They would do so either by communication with one friend

individually or all friends through his or her snapchat story

■ YouTube – Largely geared towards relatively longer form video. A great

source of team generated content, but not nearly as good of a source of

content from fans

■ Facebook – The best source of finding upcoming events in a particular


○ Government and Public Policy Trends:

■ COVID-19 Gathering Restrictions (As of 11/15/2021)


● Those traveling into the country must show proof of vaccination

having been administered at least 14 days prior to the date of

entering the country.

○ Being that Toronto is so close to the border with the U.S.,

this is especially relevant

● For vendors serving food, a handwashing station with proper

access to water, a collection tank, liquid soap, and paper towels

must be readily available

● For live entertainment, which includes sporting events, performers

must maintain a physical distance of at least two meters from any

spectators or separated from any spectators by plexiglass/some

form of impermeable barrier.

○ This ultimately means that players must understand they

cannot jump into crowds or interact closely with the fans as

they may have otherwise

● Those attending an event outside must be wearing a mask unless

seated with household members only. Every person must wear a

mask while attending an event indoors and situated within two

meters of another individual who is not part of their household.

○ Macro-environmental Trends:

■ One of the biggest trends that plays into the favor of the Women’s

CONCACAF organization is that of a push for equal coverage of women’s

sports as men’s. To go along with that is the push for equal pay. However,

while the market ultimately decides what a particular entertainment event

is worth, the seemingly greater push to give women’s sports more

coverage on ESPN and the like plays a large factor in people’s interest and

engagement. While the push seems to be focused on women’s basketball,

the WNBA, it very likely could mean good things for women’s soccer as

times goes on.

■ Aside from the factor of women’s vs. men’s sports is the factor of the sport

of soccer itself vs. other sports. Soccer specifically has lacked the same

level of interest that other sports receive in North America, particularly in

the U.S. and Canada. In the U.S. there is football, basketball, baseball. In

Canada, there is especially hockey, with other sports firmly behind yet still

well ahead of soccer. However, the interest in those sports is due in large

part to generational factors. Older generations just simply did not grow up

playing or having much knowledge about the game of soccer. Now that

essentially a whole generation of children have been familiarized with the

sport through casual as well as more serious little leagues, there is a far

larger base of fans. The interest in certain sports, in many ways, stems

from the younger age groups. These younger age groups grow up and

continue their fanhood into adulthood because of the memories that they

carry with them. It is especially important to develop an emotional bond

with fans so the experience sticks around and is not lost on them.

Competitive Analysis

● Main Competitors - What are the main competitors of the CONCACAF organization?

Well, it could be easy to automatically think that other soccer organizations are the main

competitors, such as FIFA, but in all reality that’s not quite the case. The main

competitors to the CONCACAF organization are other sports and realistically other

sources of entertainment. The competitors are those that are taking away the time, energy,

and interest from their soccer leagues to other sources, largely in the area of

entertainment. For instance: NHL - Professional Hockey, NBA - Professional Men’s

Basketball, WNBA - Professional Women’s Basketball, MLB - Professional Baseball,

NFL - Professional Football, and MLS - Professional Men’s Soccer

○ NHL – The NHL’s largest revenue generating team was the New York Rangers in

2020, who generated $225 million. The Toronto Maple Leafs were second,

generating $223 million.

○ NBA – The NBA’s most valuable team in 2021 is the New York Knicks, with an

estimated value of $5 billion. The Toronto Raptors come in at 10 th place with an

estimated value of $2.15 billion.

○ WNBA – The revenue of the entire WNBA was roughly $60 million in July of


○ MLB – The MLB’s largest revenue generating team was the Los Angeles Dodgers

in 2020, who generated $185 million. The Toronto Blue Jays generated roughly

$116 million

○ NFL – The NFL’s most valuable team in 2021 is the Dallas Cowboys who are

estimated to be worth nearly $6 billion


○ MLS - The Los Angeles FC is worth nearly $860 million, the most valuable MLS


● Competitors Strengths and Weaknesses:

○ Strengths:

■ Considerably larger pools of money to pull from as they have built big

brands and generated respectively large revenues to this point

■ The best male players in respective sports. The main reason the male part

of the equation is important is because the male leagues simply

outperform those of the female leagues. They are simply more physically

gifted nearly across the board

■ Sizable, developed, and loyal fanbases

■ The average individual’s familiarity with both the major teams in the

league as well as the leagues as a whole

○ Weaknesses:

■ Not approaching the target markets with a fresh mindset, but instead very

possibly remaining “stuck in their old ways”

III. Customer Analysis and Identification

Customers Currently Served: Currently Concacaf’s customer base is girls and women of all ages

with an interest in soccer. The other market they serve would be the parents of the younger

generation that gained an interest in soccer through Concaf.

Current Target Market: Concaf’s current Target market is women and girls of all age groups.

These females are found in North and Central America. They don't currently have an income

demographic. They do caitor toward women with a love for sports and have played or want to

start playing.

Our Plans Target Market: With the marketing plan we will be pitching to Concacaf we would

like to create a target market of females in Toronto, Canada between the ages of 12 to 20

currently in school that have interest or some background knowledge in soccer. The female

participation should have knowledge in how they are progressing in soccer, be able to take

constructive criticism, and be able to play in front of large crowds. These females should also be

on social media primarily TikTok in order to be entered in the contest. These women would

ideally come from upper middle class and higher families. Their families should show interest in

their child’s sports progression.

IV. Marketing Objectives

Organization Goals: Our organization’s goal is to increase sales and awareness for

women’s soccer. We want to speak to a diverse set of consumers who are interested in women's

soccer. This group would consist of girls aged 12-20 through social media and fans of any age

who would be interested in coming to games. We have chosen the sponsor Tim Hortons because

it is a beloved favorite for Canadians and it will target the parents of the children wanting to

attend the games. Through TikTok and finding a way to incorporate the fans into the game we

will be able to boost sales and attendance.

Objectives: Projected ticket sales for the entire event will attempt to reach $2,000,000.

This covers the marketing budget of $821,500 and allows room for expansion. The three most

popular sports in Canada are Ice Hockey, Lacrosse and Soccer (Neoprimesport, 2020). The

Canadian’s women soccer team will organically aid the promotion, since the women’s soccer

team has done well at an international rank and performed well in international tournaments. As

a result, we expect market share for women’s soccer to range at around 20% within 3 years

whilst keeping in mind other popular sports such as Cricket, Hockey and Lacrosse.

● By using the organic coverage of the women’s soccer team, promotional tactics with

tickets and influencers, the organization promotes heavy users and fan engagement to

drive its expected growth to a 20% market share within 3 years.

Product Portfolio:

● The product positioning for TikTok is mainly seated towards millennials and Gen Z, since

older age groups do not have TikTok. Although the older age groups do not participate in

TikTok they will attend to support their children who will be shown and will be the ones

with the purchasing power.

● The product mix provided includes using social platforms such as TikTok to provide an

inclusive and interactive environment towards fans. This also benefits the organization

since organic advertising is conducted through the social media accounts of the

influencers, as well as fans looking to repost for their own traffic. The interactive

environment builds brand credibility.

● To determine product positioning, it is important to understand the personas that could

hopefully purchase the product. With TikTok, the audience mainly consists of younger

people, but invites parents since they will be indirectly influenced by their children who

watch the Toronto Players page.

○ Tim Hortons’ promotional mix benefits consumers of all ages due to the

company’s widespread influence as a fast-food restaurant chain. Furthermore, the

recent signing of Canadian-born singer Justin Bieber will also benefit the goal of

increasing customer engagement by overlapping the fanbase of the singer into the

Toronto sports team.

○ The raffle is the final portion of the portfolio, and rewards heavy users with an

entry into the raffle if tickets were bought to all preliminary games.

○ The product lines mentioned provide coverage to all audiences. Young and old;

established consumers as well as consumers with lower income demographics,

and heavy Toronto sports fans.

V. Marketing Tactics

● Product: we have several products we plan on using to boost ticket sales and attendance.

○ TikTok: The product we have for this is the players and our fans. We plan on

using social media as a platform to showcase the talent of our players and as a

way to harbor fan interaction. These videos people post under our hashtag will be

shown at the games on the big screen. Fans will be able to vote by texting into a

phone number, for a TikToker to have the opportunity to work with one player

from the Toronto Team on their soccer skills.

○ Tim Hortons: the product from this company is going to be free coffee/ a free

coffee coupon for our fans if we win the game.

○ Raffle: the product for the raffle will be a free ticket to the Concacaf W Gold Cup.

● Promotion: Our promotion for these products will be out of the ordinary.

○ TikTok:we plan on sending our marketers to local schools in the area to let

students know about the contest that is open on TikTok as well as get some videos

of the teams for the Toronto players to review and react to on the Toronto soccer

team’s TikTok.

○ Tim Hortons: To promote Tim Hortons to our Fans and guests attending we plan

to have all of the merchandise having a Tim Hortons logo on it and make it

known on all social media platforms if we win everyone in attendance will

receive a free coffee from Tim Hortons. For Tim Hotons to promote us we plan

on having life-size cardboard cutouts of all the players in stores around Toronto.

○ Raffle: To promote this raffle we will be using all of the ticket vendors we have

hired to make our fans aware that if they purchase tickets to all of the preliminary

games they will be entered in a raffle. By utilizing our ticket vendors to promote

this we can have fans have a now or never mentality so they are more likely to


● Price: The price of the product will vary based on the product and platform.

○ TikTok: The cost for TikTok mainly comes from the marketer we have hired to

manage social media. However, there is an additional cost of what we must pay

the player for a one on one session with the winner and there is a cost for the

texting software. The price for a private lesson with a player would normally be

$1,000 a session so we will be paying the player that much out of company

money. The normal cost for the texting software is $7,300 and in order for this

contest to go well we must pay that out.

○ Tim Hortons: Because Tim Horons will be our sponsor, there will be no cost. It

will be a mutually helpful relationship since we will give Tim Hortons exposure

and free advertising to the venue, and they will respond with tickets.

○ Raffle: Much of the cost of the raffle will be from the ticket vendors. However,

there will be a cost of giving away prime tickets. Each of the prime tickets cost

$100 if we multiply that by the ten we will be giving out that cost would be


● Distribution

○ Creative Component: Sense of community through social media. By utilizing

TikTok as the main form of marketing we will see a large number of fan

interactions and people from across the world have brand awareness and a sense

of being part of the team.

○ Promotion Tactic: Our promotional tactic is to gain momentum by sending one of

the marketers to schools and soccer teams in the area to take photos and videos of

the players and tell them about the contest that we are running through Tiktok

VI. Implementation and control

● Action Plan

1. Our first plan of action is to start a Tik Tok account for the Concacaf W league of

Toronto. In order to grow this account we will utilize current trends and hashtags.

Once we gain 10- 15 thousand followers we will begin posting about our own

hashtag that we will utilize to gain attendance at the game. In order to gain

attendance from Tik Tok we will be running a contest in which girls aged 12-17

will post videos of themselves showing their soccer skills and players of the

Toronto team will pick a player to come and participate in the half-time game.

2. Our next plan of action is to create a deal with Tim Hortons to sponsor the team.

This sponsorship will be a free product instead of cash. We want Tim Hortons to

donate free coffee coupons to give to the attendees if the team wins. For their

benefit we will make them the top official sponsor of the team, printing their logo

on the jerseys for the half time game and other products available for sale at the


3. As for internal planning, we recommend the team hier a team of marketers to

work for the team on a day to day basis. This marketer would be in charge of

social media, fan interaction, and staying up to date on our sponsorships. We also

recommend gaining more ticket vendors not just at the stadium but on online

forums to gain more insight on who is buying the tickets, this would include age

groups, geographic location, and social media activity.

4. Our last plan of action is to make it known to all people buying tickets that if they

purchase tickets to all of the Preliminary games they will be entered in a raffle to

win tickets to the Concacaf W Gold Cup front row. There will only be ten tickets

available to raffle off.

● Budget

● The total budget would be $829,800.

● Marketing team: for two new marketing coordinators it will cost $82,000

yearly. The salary per person will be $41,000 a year.

● New ticket vendors: for five new ticket vendors it will cost $135,000 a

year. The salary per person will be around $27,000 a year.


○ By having both of these positions filled we can gain reach when it

comes to fan involvement. We will be able to identify fan

demographics through ticket sales and social media. We will also

be able to use social media to promote the games to gain fan


● Security team: For a team for 200 security people the cost would be

$465,000. This team would be in charge of possible threats.

● Ticket Collectors: for the team of ticket collectors there would be a charge

of $139,500. This would be for 50 collectors so each door could have a

team of 2-5.

● Evaluation

1. We will measure if the hiring of ticket vendors is helping the organization by

increasing the number of ticket sales.

2. We will measure use of marketing by information gathered and number of

followers and utilization of the demographics for games and events

3. We will measure sponsorship utilization by gathering data on how many free

coffee certificates are used compared to how many fans we are in the studium on

the winning game day.

4. We will measure the Tik Tok pull by number of videos under the hashtag, user

demographics and follower count and percentage of views in comparison to likes.

5. We will manage the attendance raffle by having our vendors tracking individual

ticket sales through an online forum.



Overall, our marketing plan is to involve the fans more than ever. We have decided to

give a platform to the youth by utilizing the social media platform TikTok. We are also giving

back to our fans by using our sponsorship to give back and getting them a free coffee if the team

wins. For long term fans, we are offering them a chance to win great seats to the Concacaf W

Gold Cup.

We want to make Toronto Women's League fans feel as if they are a part of the team too.

Through this sentiment, they will be more motivated to join the team’s journey in the Concacaf

Pelim and W Gold Cup.


To determine our budgets, we contacted private marketing companies that work with

metal bands in Tampa, such as Ardent Protection for the security quote. We called and asked for

quotes on hiring a security team, ticketing team, ticket vendors, marketing team, and text voting

software. After they gave us these estimates we also did some research online to make sure that

the numbers they provided made sense. Still, some numbers needed to be adjusted, therefore,

considering the ticket takers get paid around $10-$12 an hour, and would be working 5 hours at a

time for 12 games, and there would be a total of 50 ticket takers, we were able to use these

numbers for our final calculations based on the original numbers provided by the companies we

reached out to.



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