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Part I

1. .......................................
Most residents decided to the town following a recent spate of ethnic
Ten days after the disaster the rescue workers had to any hope of finding
somebody alive.
It turned out the vessel had been badly damaged by the torpedo and the crew had no other
choice but to ship.
2. .......................................
We the idea of trying to find a hotel and decided to spend the night in the car.
Nigel‘s parents him at a very early age and he was brought up by his uncle.
Motorists stranded in the snowstorm their cars and tried to walk to the
nearest emergency phones.
3. .......................................
It is difficult to _ all the information given in a lecture, so you should always
take notes.
We will coat the walls with sound-proof material so that they most of the
noise coming from outside.
We would rather advertising did not so much of the company‘s budget.
4. .......................................
His work him so much that he forgot to eat dinner.
She had only half of the information contained in the manual.
Many of the smaller colleges have been___________into the main university.
5. .......................................
Many inside the prison were suffering constant _ at the hands of the prison
Alcohol _ is one of the serious social problems eroding this country. No
wonder life expectancy is so low.
The president‘s _ of power and persecution of ethnic minorities made him a
pariah on the world scene.
6. .......................................

Samuel‘s not easily offended and if you say sorry to him, he will of course
your apologies.
For the time being, you need to the fact that famine and wars are part of our
lives and there‘s little we can do about it.
They won‘t you as one of their own unless you begin to talk, look and think
like them.
7. .......................................
The only _ to the camp site is down a narrow country lane.
Only authorised personnel can gain _ to classified information.
The press were denied to the Prime Minister.
8. .......................................
The ramp at the entrance of the building has made it to the disabled.
I kept my camera in case I saw something that I wanted to capture on film.
Health care should be _ to all people, regardless of financial status.
9. .......................................
The guest house can about 50 people which is not enough for our large group.
You have no choice but to___________to the new situation and make the most of it.
We‘ll do our best to your needs and make your stay here as pleasant as
10. .....................................
There is no chance you can get the actor‘s autograph because he‘s always by
his bodyguards.
In Oslo, a young budding violinist the renowned pianist during his tour.
Of course, we require that your job application be___________by your curriculum vitae.
11. .....................................
On no should passengers leave their seats during take off.
Spanish population in the city may _ for about 20 percent of all the city
Certainly, sir. You can charge all the drinks and food to your .
12. .....................................
Whenever our department receives a letter of application we always _ it
expressing our gratitude for sending it to us.

The two painters never failed to their debt to the artistic movement that
emerged at the turn of the century.
Now some of these experts that it was a mistake to condone sexual
13. .....................................
The museum has _ an important collection of late Roman coins.
When her children had grown up and left home, Sandra went to secretarial school and
_ new skills.
She _ a taste for olives during her holiday in Greece.
14. .....................................
No matter how hard I try I can‘t seem to get the idea of uncountable and countable nouns
to my students.
I came _ a really strange web site when I was looking for some information on
the Internet last night.
The shrill sound of the school bell cut the shouts and laughter in the
15. .....................................
He‘s always wanted to , but his father keeps telling him he‘s too young to join
the theatre company.
The police operation proved successful. The security guard was caught in the
of stealing classified information.
Trying to raise your kids, satisfying your partner and pursuing a professional career seem
to be a difficult juggling for many burnt-out mothers.
16. .....................................
My computer is out of at the moment so I can‘t e-mail you.
If he doesn‘t repay the loan they are threatening legal .
The police need to take to deal with violent crimes.
17. .....................................
I wanted to something to what she said but in the end kept quiet.
We were lost, and to _ to our problems it was starting to get dark.
To work out the average, up all the marks and divide by 20.
18. .....................................
The official had difficulty finding her because she didn‘t leave a forwarding .

Please don‘t make a social gaffe when you are introduced. You should the
king as His Majesty.
If we don‘t _ this problem now, it is bound to get worse sooner rather than later.
19. .....................................
In the first half of the book such important questions as the origin of the universe and the
meaning of life are .
There is a letter _ to you on the kitchen table.
The chairman__________the meeting, underlining the necessity for revaluation.
20. .....................................
In an emergency, there‘s no time to lose. You need to know how to first aid
safely and effectively.
If victims of crime try to punishment on their own, they risk becoming
law offenders themselves.
These units which public funds should be systematically scrutinized by
independent organizations.
21. .....................................
The murderer‘s sudden of guilt surprised the police.
It is expected that the museum will make a financial loss this year unless prices for
are increased.
The government‘s reluctant that the unemployment figures had risen was a
shock to everyone.
22. .....................................
The interrogation officer used less than typical techniques to crack him. Eventually, the
spy he worked for the CIA.
He was _ to hospital after an X-ray showed a huge brain tumor in his left
I‘m afraid, sir, you can‘t enter the place. Today only members are to the Club.
23. .....................................
When they realised they couldn‘t have children, they decided to _ a baby.
The government has decided to a firm policy towards civil disobedience.
The local Conservative party is to a recent recruit as its candidate to fight the
next election.
24. .....................................

Before you see the boss, I must warn you in that he can be intimidating at
The invention of the machine was described as a major in the field of
medical science.
In the morning, the French troops are expected to on the insurgents‘ positions.
25. .....................................
The factory managers began to look worried as the crowd___________shouting angrily.
Sheila‘s boss has kindly _ her two month‘s salary so she will be able to pay the
deposit on her flat.
The new theory was by two postgraduate research students in Cambridge.
26. .....................................
A person‘s age and background will always their choice of friends.
The actress said that she was happiest performing in front of a large group of people, so
first-night nerves didn‘t__________her greatly.
This disease is often difficult to identify as it doesn‘t everyone in the same
27. .....................................
Funnily enough, with the advent of the computer people began working more.
The day she came of _ she left the nest and set up her own home.
Racism is still a problem in many civilized countries in this day and .
28. .....................................
In democratic countries people are supposed to be free moral _ . They can do
whatever they want unless they do no harm to other people.
The farm was immediately surrounded by dozens of law enforcement tip- after a
off from a reliable source.
The writer‘s previous literary _ were useless at getting his books published, so
he decided to go it alone.
29. .....................................
Our club welcomes new members of all .
Ewan is studying the history of the Middle at university.
Renata always spends preparing her speeches.
30. .....................................
Looking _ to the future, what are you planning to do after you leave school?

My oral exam is looming , and I‘m really nervous about it.
If you want to get _ in life, you really need good qualifications.
31. .....................................
Clients with no financial resources of their own qualify for legal _ .
The medical officers quickly came to the _ of the wounded shop assistant.
It would be difficult to write this book without the___________of a computer.
32. .....................................
We intend to the magazine at older men, where we feel there is a gap in the
Some people appear to have no in life and go from one job to another.
My was bad and I missed the target by at least a metre.
33. .....................................
Everyone always said that Angela had a gentle about her.
They travelled by _ as it‘s a faster means of transport.
The foul smell of the polluted sea could be noticed for kilometres.
34. .....................................
The captain sounded the when the ship began swaying in the high seas.
The doctor said there was no cause for as the pain would soon go away.
Jane felt a growing sense of when the children hadn‘t returned from the
boating trip.
35. .....................................
Having been brought up in a city, Julie found the rural environment _ to her.
The aim of the festival is to bring together people from cultures, and enhance
understanding between them.
―The message seems to be coming from an __ spacecraft, Commander,‖ said
the astronaut.
36. .....................................
After a month‘s holiday, she seems more _ and looks forward to life‘s
The government is fully _ to any dangers the country might encounter in the
coming period.
The injured victim was still when the ambulance brought her to hospital.

37. .....................................
Our new call centre will for increased efficiency which, in turn, will
contribute to our clients‘ satisfaction.
Don‘t others to patronize you or make you feel small.
― me,‖ a man said to her, helping to pick up the items she had accidentally dropped on
the store‘s floor.
38. .....................................
The scholarship includes an of £100 for books.
As a married man his tax is higher than that of a single person.
The teacher made for the fact that the student had been ill when she took the
39. .....................................
The building was leaning at a 30 degree .
―It‘s hard to see his face from this _.
We discussed the problem from every conceivable , but we just couldn‘t find
a solution.
40. .....................................
She showed me a computer which might _ my particular needs.
Police are interviewing a man who is said to _ the description of the attacker.
Does anyone to the name of Devian?
41. .....................................
In a personal for money for the victims of the disaster the President showed
great emotion.
Does the idea of working abroad _ to you?
The accused intends to against his ten-year prison sentence.
42. .....................................
The sudden___________of the film star at the party caused a stir.
The modern extension did nothing to add to the of the grand old house.
Fears are growing about a possible typhoid epidemic following the of quite a
few cases in the village.
43. .....................................

Her visa was systematically rejected by the embassy on the grounds of
insufficient financial means.
This simple, yet useful, software frees computer users from having to recall
all those important arrangements they make.
The institute has great hopes about the _ of this new device in medicine.
44. .....................................
James graduated in the summer and has already _ for jobs abroad.
A clean dressing should be___________directly onto the wound.
The new law___________only to temporary residents of the country.
45. .....................................
To get a desirable effect you have to the paint evenly over the whole surface.
At secondary school one of the teachers motivated him to run sprints and 2 years later he
decided to _ himself to becoming a professional athlete.
I have some good news, Mr. Sanders. The new tax regulation doesn‘t to
taxpayers who are self-employed.
46. .....................................
She never _ the things he did for her.
He said that the value of the house had considerably.
His employer that he had been ill, and she did not penalise him for having
been absent.
47. .....................................
If this method fails to work, try adopting a more rigid to your child‘s
upbringing. Some even suggest corporal punishment.
Just before the plane was about to _ the airport, the pilot asked the passengers
to fasten their belts.
I don‘t think shouting and venting you anger on people is the right way to _ the
problem. Why don‘t you have a heart-to-heart talk with them?
48. .....................................
Nobody can really with his great talent as a musician, it‘s his honesty that‘s
in doubt.
You may disagree, but I would that this is a cause worth supporting.
The children _ about which TV channel to watch all the time. It‘s driving their
mother mad!

49. .....................................
A meal at the restaurant will cost you an and a leg.
I‘ve got a list of people to phone as long as your !
If you keep jumping on the _ of the chair like that, you‘ll break it.
50. .....................................
The duel was about to begin. Two knights in their massive suits of faced each
other in the castle courtyard.
Brian seems invincible, but I know a chink in his___________we can use against him.
The fatal incident could have been avoided if the policeman had worn body .
51. .....................................
When her smooth leg touched his under the table Brian felt instantly and
The guest on the show certainly_ _ the interest of the host by giving some
snippets of her latest love affair with the footballer.
Surprisingly, one day John from his deep sleep in a hospital ward. He saw his
wife holding his hand.
52. .....................................
When the TV set _ , the world began to shrink, turning itself into a global
The meeting paid off as the both parties had _ at a compromise.
All the pain and suffering experienced in the hospital ward were gone the moment Lucy‘s
baby______________in the morning.
53. .....................................
He was proud to see his short in print.
Police found an___________of clothing in the boot of the suspect‘s car.
There is an in the constitution which states that human rights must be
54. .....................................
Parts of the vehicle are welded together on the line.
A(n) of important officials were present to welcome the Prime Minister.
The child got to school too late to join the morning .
55 ......................................

Upon seeing her daughter in a torn blouse and in tears after the date, she started to
the worst.
In his TV address, the president refused to full responsibility for the disaster.
He put the blame on the intelligence he‘d got.
Looking at the excavated works of art from that period it is reasonable to that
our ancestors were cultured individuals.
56. .....................................
General Santiago _ power following a largely bloodless coup-d‘etat.
Since he was wearing a uniform, I _ he was the doorman and gave him a
generous tip.
As she caught sight of her son, her face _ an expression of sheer delight.
57. .....................................
I don‘t think we should too much significance to her predictions. They hardly
ever come true.
If you want your money back, please _ the document of purchase to your letter
and send it to us stating when and where you bought the product.
You cannot _ labels to people after a five-minute conversation. Your attitude is
58. .....................................
We were unable to _ the wedding due to a prior engagement.
The minister left the meeting suddenly to to some urgent business
Would you please to your work and stop day-dreaming?
59. .....................................
Fiona had a free afternoon, so was able to give the problem her full _ .
The new research has been the subject of considerable media recently.
I think we should bring the problem to the of the local council.
60. .....................................
Professor Carson is an on mediaeval music.
The local planning _ will take the final decision about the new shopping
Without being given by the head of department, I cannot sanction your

1. .......................................
Marry felt emotionally abused when he announced he wanted to __ out of his
promise to marry her.
I was truly pleased to see the of him. In fact, he didn‘t fit in with us at all.
The pair chose to live in a street away from the bustle of the city centre
enjoying peace and quiet.
2. .......................................
Invertebrate creatures such as the worm and octopus do not have a(n) .
The small businesses in this city are in fact its economic _ .
Dan doesn‘t have the _ to tell his superior what he honestly believes.
3. .......................................
The Prime Minister has been fully by the opposition on this issue.
Since it onto a disused factory, I was reluctant to buy the house.
Simon put the car into reverse by mistake and into the car behind.
4. .......................................
The discussions to find a peaceful solution to the uprising took place against a
of continuing violence.
You shouldn‘t be ashamed of your working-class _.
The fabric she chose has got pink roses on a pale blue .
5. .......................................
Ever since John broke the window, he‘s been in the teacher's _ books.
Rumour has it that he quit the country leaving nothing but debts behind.
Poor Mark! I feel really _ about his being laid off on his birthday.
6. .......................................

The seafront was damaged in the aerial attack. Very few buildings remained
Nothing spelled the disaster. But things began to go wrong when civilians got
caught up in the line of fire.
She has been treated all her life. Even now, she‘s suffering from her violent

7. .......................................
The IMF is threatening to cut off its financial support if the government doesn‘t
the budget.
A sudden gust of wind blew the climber off his and down the steep cliff.
The future of the tsunami survivors is still hanging in the as relief efforts still
lack coordination.
8. .......................................
When she picked the rose, a thorn went into the of her thumb, and she fell
into a deep sleep.
Can you look in the top drawer in the kitchen and see if you can find a of
Her parents had arranged a formal _ for her eighteenth birthday, although she‘d
have preferred to go to a club.
9. .......................................
In sunny weather _ people are strongly advised to wear a hat.
If the tyres of a car are , there is an increased risk of slipping due to the
surfaces being worn down.
The company chairman‘s resignation come as a statement during the monthly
sales meeting.
10. .....................................
The changes proposed by the government will definitely hit people in the highest income
A marauding of soldiers was threatening the very existence of local peasants
and their families.
Analysts point out that small political factions need to together to
successfully compete with large parties in the upcoming elections.
11. .....................................
Their house was situated near the river _ on a small hill far away from the town.
Mike saw the plane _ and turn round flying back to the airport. He had a
premonition that something horrible might have happed up there.
Tomorrow is a holiday. So you‘d better contact the office today.
12. .....................................
Deborah‘s lack of a higher education is a _ to her getting promotion.

If you are going to have a shower, there‘s a new of soap in the soap dish.
Oh look, there‘s a coffee over there; let‘s pop in for something to eat.
13. .....................................
There she was. A small child with feet begging for some money. She felt
sorry and handed some cash saying it was for shoes.
In this region farmers used to make do with essentials. Now state subsidies
allow them to buy luxury items.
It‘s a grammar mistake. You should‘ve used the infinitive after would rather.
14. .....................................
The dog‘s alerted the watchman that something was wrong in the backyard.
For centuries, the indigenous population have used the of the tree to make
Our manager used to _ at us when she felt we could be more efficient with our
15. .....................................
How he survived in these conditions will probably never be explained. He had only a
bottle of mineral water to drink and a few chocolate________to eat.
The hardened criminal is sure to spend the rest of his days behind . He will
not get away with the crime like this.
When a new team of town officials came to power, they immediately closed down all the
licensed__________in the town to appease the moral majority.
16. .....................................
It is pitiful when people their assumptions on prejudices, not facts.
The tourists finally made it to the lighthouse. Standing there, at the _ of the tall
structure, they were a bit disappointed as it was closed for renovation.
It wasn‘t until the early years of the 20th century that the fishing port was turned into a
strategically important naval .
17. .....................................
The sight of hens huddled in their small cages put him off eggs for a long
Understandably, pupils must feel frustrated and exhausted having to undergo a
of exams at the end of the school year.

The community was relieved when the thug was finally convicted of assault and
18. .....................................
The figure was momentarily silhouetted in the of his bike‘s headlight, and
then disappeared into the darkness.
This seems to have been attacked by woodworm, so when you have the roof
redone, you had better make sure it is replaced.
She opened the door to her guests with a(n) of pleasure on her face.
19. .....................................
The recent terrorist attacks on the country's embassies the hallmarks of a
radical group linked to Al Queda.
I don‘t a grudge and I mean it. I understand it wasn‘t intentional.
The investment can be a bit risky and what‘s more, you have to half of its
20. .....................................
The children looked up to see their father entering the room _ gifts from
foreign countries.
Glancing in his rear-view mirror, the learner driver was horrified to see a large articulated
lorry________________down on him.
in mind everything you‘ve told me, I think we should postpone our trip until later in
the year.
21. .....................................
She felt there was some kind of in her. On the surface she came across as
sweet and kind, but deep down her kinky desires sometimes grabbed hold of her.
The desert during the day seems devoid of life. But at night it is a very different
A few ducks and one _ of burden was all that the poor farmer had on his farm.
22. .....................................
To appease the city dwellers, the council voted in favour of sending more police officers
on the .
So far nobody has managed to come close to his fantastic record let alone___________it.
Add some sugar, a pinch of salt, two eggs, some flour and then them together
until it‘s smooth.

23. .....................................
His time for the 100 metres has yet to be _ .
Don‘t put the milk in until you‘ve _ the eggs.
The Government were in the election because they‘d put up taxes too much.
24. .....................................
I think Jim needed such a sobering experience. Maybe now he‘s going to get it that life
isn‘t always a _ of roses.
Some marine creatures use camouflage to hide on the sea waiting for their
prey to arrive.
Susan hated the loose atmosphere in the office, all those lecherous men who thought she
would go to___________with them because they were her superiors.
25. .....................................
Once in front of the King, the messenger double in respect and handed the
letter from the Prince.
It is obvious the gutter press has__________the truth slightly to sell the story. Otherwise,
it would be dull.
The father was so on getting his kidnapped daughter back that he promised to
pay any ransom demanded.
26. .....................................
The funny thing about the wedding was the fact that the was more nervous
than the bridegroom himself.
Roy enjoyed the _ of both worlds. He could travel round the world and make
money at the same time.
To the of my knowledge, he was at his office at the time of the murder.
27. .....................................
It took only 5 years for the mayor to change the town recognition. Tourists
couldn‘t believe their eyes how it improved.
The thing he liked most about his log cabin was that it was situated in the back of
away from the slightest traces of modern civilization.
Mathematics has always been me. Even today I have difficulty doing the
simplest calculations.
28. .....................................

Those guys don‘t know what modesty means. They get too each _ _ for their boots
time they‘re praised.
The tycoon considered it funny when insignificant businessmen began thinking
and drawing up grand plans.
Las Vegas has a reputation for attracting _ spenders and the like who are
rolling in it.
29. .....................................
Most commentators were tempted to the show as the worst they had ever
The spy was given a clean of health as the preparations for the mission were
drawing to a close.
The bird‘s wings were not damaged, but its was in a sorry state.
30. .....................................
The derelict edifice was falling to _. Years of poor maintenance were to blame.
I was thrilled to___________when I saw the pop star in the flesh.
I don‘t know what‘s wrong with this watch. I‘ve got to take it to and see
what‘s inside.
31. .....................................
A feeling of failure overcame the team after the final. They‘d lost the game in the last
The fact that Garry had to give way to a new breed of upwardly mobile executives was a
pill to swallow.
The irony is that as a doctor he killed more people than his brother who
serves in the army.
32. .....................................
Motorists are being warned that driving conditions might be dangerous due to
One of the boys gave me a look when I identified him as the main culprit in
the mugging incident.
It‘s a great feeling to be in the and not to owe any money to your bank, isn‘t
33. .....................................
Don‘t put the on me for what happened!

Where does the _ for this tragedy lie?
We are prepared to accept some degree of as regards the condition of the
National Health Service.
34. .....................................
In the examination room, his mind went _ and he couldn‘t give a single answer
to the examiners‘ questions.
Fill in this _ with only one word. Is that clear?
Her _ eyes showed no interest in the subject, only impenetrable emptiness.
35. .....................................
In the winter, the hills opposite George‘s house were sometimes covered with a
gorgeous _ of snow.
It‘s useless to ask Liam to take part in the game. He won‘t join in the fun as he‘s always
been a wet _ .
The Ministry of Health suggested a _ _ ban on TV alcohol advertising. No
commercials should be allowed regardless of the time of their airing.
36. .....................................
A powerful bomb rocked the area shattering all the windows within 200
Finding her small teddy bear proved to be a from the past that brought back
hundreds of good memories from her childhood.
Each day politically charged lyrics with its pompous music would from a
huge loudspeaker in the city square to remind its dwellers which country they lived in.
37. .....................................
The space shuttle _ off successfully to the cheers of the people in the space
The solid rock wasn‘t an obstacle. The engineers simply their way through
the mountain using explosives.
As expected, the press _ the government for the lack of reforms and its
unwillingness to boost the economy.
38. .....................................
Living in a _ family with her stepfather‘s daughters proved difficult for Jane
and caused much pain.
The agent‘s disguise was so perfect that he easily _ in with the sect‘s members.

Her fans couldn‘t understand why she _ jazz with disco music and thought it
39. .....................................
Though blind, Amanda was richly with incredible artistic skills that she
systematically developed.
Some of those pagan nations believed that the goddess _their crops each spring
in return for bloody sacrifices.
You don‘t know how much I would give for a few moments of silence in the
40. .....................................
Sally on her soup to cool it down.
A sudden gust of wind out the candle.
They were making counterfeit money, but somebody the whistle on them,
and they got arrested.
41. .....................................
The genocide couldn‘t be explained rationally and has been described as being motivated
by prejudice.
Jennifer‘s dazzling beauty always makes men to her numerous quirks.
He slammed on the brakes bringing the car to a halt, realising he‘d found himself in a
42. .....................................
With the biggest stumbling out of the way, the process could pick up the pace
Gary‘s a chip off the old . He certainly takes after his father in many respects.
Having their own detached house was always their dream, but for the time being they had
to make do with living in an apartment _ in a poor district.
43. .....................................
I thought I had a good solution to the problem, but my plan was _ by the
director, who said it would be too expensive.
In many parts of the country, black clouds completely out the sun, and whole
towns were cast into semi-darkness.
Enrico had to take a different route home because the main road was by a
lorry which had overturned.

44. .....................................
The school staff needs new _ in order to bring in novel ideas.
Having met his parents, I can see that generosity is in his _.
The doctors said they would have to carry out a test prior to the operation.
45. .....................................
It‘s disgusting when you keep sneezing all the time. Can‘t you just your
The coach‘s resignation came as a further to the club following the
disqualification of its two best players.
Don‘t be naive. If they lay their hands on the story, they‘ll it out of all
proportion and tear you to shreds.
46. .....................................
Don‘t worry about the homework. The teacher checks it once in a moon.
When you feel and left out, put on some soothing music to calm you down.
By Jove! Where have you been? You‘re _ with cold. I‘ll bring you a cup of hot
47. .....................................
Your idea might be revolutionary on paper, but it‘s the of Directors that
makes the final decisions.
I‘m afraid the proposed changes will affect people right across the _, young
and old, rich and poor.
Haven‘t you heard the announcement? You‘ve got to the plane now as it
takes off in five minutes.
48. .....................................
The governing _ didn‘t approve of his new strategy and ordered him to come
up with something more down to earth.
There‘s a growing _ of evidence that points to him as the main suspect in the
What attracted her to the car was not its price or colour, but its that looked so
slim, almost feminine.
49. .....................................
All his arguments down to one thing - you need other people to feel happy.

Most critics admit that the director has gone off the _ after he made a movie
that attempted to please everybody.
Bring the sauce to the and stir gently.
50. .....................................
What had started as a minor disagreement over the bar bill soon over into a
By the time I got off the phone, the pan had _ dry.
When the reasons for the conflict were analysed, they all down to the
question of land ownership.
51. .....................................
You‘ve impressed me with your move. I thought you were bluffing.
The dictionary is easy to use and, of course, all entries are in type for clarity.
It‘s a popular misconception that only eccentrics and the like choose to wear _
52. .....................................
The metal _ on the door refused to give in to the burglars.
Russell became paralyzed from the waist down after being struck by a of lightning.
The kid used to down his lunch and spend hours in front of the TV.
53. .....................................
Since the issue was first discussed in 1950, it has become a___________of contention. It‘s
never failed to generate passionate reactions.
Kate has been burning the midnight oil recently as she has to up on ancient
history for a big test next week.
The farm looked grim. The land was dry with no vegetation as far as the eye
could see.
54. .....................................
Any breach of discipline in the army could result in you having the thrown at
The experiment must be carried out by the , otherwise we may face
accusations of professional misconduct.
I think you should take a leaf out of Jim‘s form of exercise.
55. .....................................
I‘ve been in my mother‘s bad since I forgot her birthday this year.

The company‘s may show a profit, but it isn‘t reflected in their share price.
Petroleum engineers are currently in great demand so the recruitment agency has only a
few on its _ _ at the moment.
56. .....................................
During the crash the front of the car the burnt of the impact. Fortunately, the
driver suffered only a few minor injuries.
The coin they found at the excavation site _ the name of the Roman Emperor.
The child such a striking resemblance to Natasha that there was no doubt it
was hers.
57. .....................................
You may suffer psychological damage if you up your emotions and feelings.
It‘s good to have somebody you can confide in.
When his family died in a car accident all his life collapsed. He tried to find consolation
by hitting the and leading a reckless life.
The process of wine making must be closely supervised. Even the last stage when you
_ the wine must be carried out in hygienic conditions.
58. .....................................
You should‘ve seen his face when the bank _ the cheque and he was left with
no money to survive till the end of the month.
The light _ off the mirror and into Karen face blinding her for a moment.
Nobody expected that Tim would recover from the illness. But against all the odds, he
back and returned to acting.
59. .....................................
The book was a masterpiece in the art of printing. Richly encrusted in gold and
in leather it stood out among other publications.
Despite his frantic efforts, he is _ to lose the game. It‘s inevitable.
A plane _ for New York has been hijacked by a group of armed men. We‘ll
keep you updated as more news comes in.
60. .....................................
The Prime Minister said he would never to the terrorists‖ demands even if it
would cost him the next elections.
When in front of the royal couple you should _ low respectfully and remain

The stem of the ship looked solid, but its showed signs of rust and negligence.
61. .....................................
Could you help me up these old toys? I want to give them to charity.
When the black___________was finally found at the bottom of the sea it was immediately
transported to the base for examination.
We can be sure that voters will decide who they want as their leader at the ballot
62. .....................................
Encouraged by the enormous success locally, the language school made a bold move to
open its first overseas.
The view was partially blocked by a huge that stuck out from a massive tree
in the backyard.
Miriam became to feel uncomfortable when the conversation started to off
into the areas that she knew very little about.
63. .....................................
What of shampoo do you use?
I never buy clothes with names.
The series launched an exciting new of humour on British TV
64. .....................................
If you tell him you don‘t want to many him, you‘re very likely to his heart.
This new model will satisfy the most demanding drivers and what‘s more, it won‘t
the bank.
It‘s hard to build trust between these two ethnic minorities. It will take generations to
down prejudices.
65. .....................................
We had a in the middle of the Nevada desert and it took hours to get the bus
This sheet gives a of the budgetary needs of our school.
Her poor mother had an emotional___________following the death of her husband.
66. .....................................
Susan was born and in the West Country.
Unemployment after the first World War social unrest.
This particular kind of dog is for its aggressive nature.

67. .....................................
School officials have been making efforts to the gap between teachers and
students, but with not much success so far.
The _ of her glasses was broken. It snapped when her brother accidentally sat
on them.
Carl, would you like to join us? There are Just three of us and we need
another person to play .
68. .....................................
Morris was a man of few words. His _ comments and laconic answers were
You can be sure you‘ll be kept fully informed about the situation. We‘ll you
on the latest news as it comes in.
And now, other headlines in . The Prime Minister will visit Japan later today
on his three-day tour of Asian countries.
69. .....................................
Laura is a very student who learns quickly and does all her course work very
Paul always looks on the side of life, so you never find him getting really
We came out of the dark cinema and into the _ sunshine.
70. .....................................
The aim of the campaign is to an end to poverty in our inner cities.
The purpose of using old films in the classroom is to history alive for the
The new water pump will about a significant change in the lives of the local
71. .....................................
She has a gift for out the best in people.
I don‘t like her high and mighty attitude: she needs___________down a peg or two.
I hope you don‘t mind me my mother here with me.
72. .....................................
This callous crime, perpetrated in daylight, has caused widespread outrage
both in the country and abroad.

The actor came into the cinema surrounded by a bunch of bodyguards hiding behind their
_ shoulders.
With his _ German accent, he was immediately spotted by the producer to play
a Nazi in a war film.
73. .....................................
I can‘t afford to go to the cinema. I‘m completely _ at the moment.
Sally _ her mother‘s favourite vase, so she bought her another one that was just
the same.
We down on the motorway last week and had to wait ages before anybody came.
74. .....................................
In the late 1990s his groundbreaking book about a revolution in academic
Seeing the hero die in the last scene tears to her eyes. She thought it was
And this final argument has our discussion to an end. That‘s all. Thank you
very much.
75. .....................................
The book shop was full of poor students who were through magazines and
books unable to buy any of them.
Despite the Internet for five days, the researchers still have very little
information on the issue in question.
The moment the farmer saw his neighbour‘s cows _ peacefully in his field he
almost had a fit.
76. .....................................
His first and only with the law happened at the age of 65 when he exceeded
the speed limit.
If you want to _ up on your skills, our course is the thing for you. It‘s
affordable and extremely effective.
I use a special paste and them regularly, but still there‘s that awful plaque
that troubles me.
77. .....................................
It was during my first flight in the balloon that I was instantly bitten by the flying

Sh! Let‘s not talk in this room. They might have put a to listen in on our
To stay home, little Mike pretended he had a nasty stomach _ , but his mother
didn‘t fall for that trick.
78. .....................................
The company was _ on the principles of trust, integrity and reliability.
It was a good idea to have Information Technology into the syllabus.
By working hard Bill _ up his savings and managed to buy a car.
79. .....................................
The neighbourhood called on the council to install a speed on the road after a
speeding car ran over an elderly woman.
You never know who you may into on your holidays abroad. For instance,
Luke met his secondary school Geography teacher last year.
If the mafia finds out he is unwilling to give back the money, they‘ll him off
and he‘ll end up in a mortuary.
80. .....................................
There are fears that more than 20 people have been alive in the Russian coal
Once the two families the hatchet and let bygones be bygones, life got back
to normal.
The professor struggled to find his mobile which was _ somewhere under
heaps of books and encyclopedias on his desk.
81. .....................................
Brian Yarrow has got money to _ , that‘s his trouble.
For goodness sake, try not to yourself out on this project!
Every night, the lights in the window to guide the sailors home.
82. .....................................
His sudden of anger took everybody by surprise. Nobody expected it from
the man who was supposed to teach self-control.
After a decisive victory, the whole army _ into song to mark the occasion.
The services were immediately called in when the water pipe in the city
centre causing havoc and panic among city dwellers.
83. .....................................

Their business went after just three months. By the way, what can you expect
from two guys with no experience in the market?
The chairman had a plaster Lenin _ on a stand in the corner that always
reminded him about his political orientation.
For more than a week the syndicate knew that the police would its drug
factories and relocated its operations.
84. .....................................
After the gaffe he‘d made during a formal reception in the embassy, he became the
of his colleagues‘ jokes.
At first glance, it seemed that the room wasn‘t occupied, but the detective spotted a
cigarette still smoldering in the ashtray. He immediately grew suspicious.
Be quiet, you naughty boy! Don‘t _ in if you‘re not asked.
1. .......................................
The system was not to deter tax evaders.
Hiring a lawyer was a attempt to frighten us into giving them what they want.
Investing in property at such a time was a risk that paid off.
2. .......................................
I‘m not going to remain silent any longer, my dear. Let‘s a spade. You are a
big-headed spoilt child in an adult‘s body.
When the boss started to suggest that she should him by his first name, she
thought he was going a bit too far.
It was a of nature that made him leave the place for a while, and not his
shyness. Don‘t read too much into the situation.
3. .......................................
Explaining why the soldiers were sent in so quickly, an army spokesman said that the
situation had for immediate action.
The police were___________to deal with the fight but no arrests were made.
The performance had to be___________off after fire destroyed the stage.
4. .......................................
Our previous teacher _ across as being less confident than the new one.
The truth about why Phil was expelled from school only out a few days ago.

An interesting point _ up when we were discussing the environment in class
5. .......................................
I couldn‘t believe my ears and I was so grateful when the bank manager said they were
willing to my debts.
If the chairman doesn‘t show up by 3.30, we will have to _ the meeting.
Taken separately, the two forces are powerful. But combined, they _ each other
6. .......................................
If you don‘t want any more, put the back on the bottle.
The scientists were thinking of drilling a hole through the polar ice to reach
the lake which, according to their calculations, was exactly under their feet.
A swimming is required if you want to take a swim in the pool.
7. .......................................
On the night on his debut, the concert hall was filled to . All the tickets had
been sold out well in advance.
Mary often has to travel to many places in her _ as chief inspector for the
The learning _ of the brain seems infinite. Scientists claim it can store almost
all the information that comes our way.
8. .......................................
The company was in difficulties and needed an injection of _ to solve its
Tonight everyone in the country is converging on the for the New Year
Like all politicians, he was keen to make as much as possible from the
rumours surrounding his opponent‘s business dealings.
9. .......................................
The management are playing their close to their chest when it comes to
informing us about what will happen after the takeover.
Judging from the political turmoil in the country, an election could be on the
Tony finally laid his on the table and told his parents that he‘d dropped out of

10. .....................................
Take good of my daughter: she‘s the only one I‘ve got.
There are over 600 children in in our town, of whom ten per cent are in the
local children‘s home.
I don‘t what you say; I believe I‘m old enough to make my own decisions.
11. .....................................
Her car skidded on a slippery road and was about to into a roadside tree when
she managed to regain control.
Nobody denies that he had a checkered _ in business, but now he‘s shining as
one of the stars in our department.
Being at a crossroads after leaving college he sought some professional advice from a
12. .....................................
Although she‘s far from being poor, Diana is always with money.
Seeing that her boss was in a bad mood, his secretary was especially to avoid
saying anything that might upset him.
After study of your proposal, we have decided to accept your offer.
13. .....................................
Insects such as mosquitoes and lice___________many serious diseases.
He was required to _ all the details in his head, as it was too dangerous to
commit them to paper.
All our products are fully refundable in case of dissatisfaction and _ a full
twelve month guarantee.
14. .....................................
When his computer broke down, he wasn‘t afraid as it a 24-month guarantee.
It has been suggested that the disease might be by a small insect which
incubates in the flesh of dead animals.
In the past, almost all men in this area guns. Now they are regarded as the
most peace-loving people.
15. .....................................
Who‘s going to___________the chicken? I‘m absolutely ravenous.
The company might be small, but it‘s very successful. It managed to out a
niche in the audio industry for itself.

Ruben used to _ _ miniature sculptures as a craftsman. Now that tourists are
gone, he makes a living selling local produce.
16. .....................................
The new manager made a very strong for changing the office layout.
I don‘t think I have ever seen a worse of cruelty to a pet.
I am hopeful that they make an exception in my _ because of the unusual
17. .....................................
He a quick glance at his watch and realized it was 2 p.m. He was already late for the
His suspicious behaviour doubt on his loyalty to the company. We‘ll need to
keep a watchful eye on him from then on.
Unfortunately, Eliza couldn‘t find the actor‘s name in the .
18. .....................................
She didn‘t want to form any lasting relationships with men. All she needed was
sex every now and then.
His _ trousers stuck out in an environment that put a lot of emphasis on being smart at
To the observer, the painting has nothing special to offer, but those who are
experts know it is a masterpiece.
19. .....................................
Their house is so tiny that there‘s no room to swing a in it.
She promised to keep it a secret, but then she went and let the___________out of the bag.
I think my boss is playing___________and mouse with me, as the promotion he promised
me three months ago still hasn‘t come through.
20. .....................................
What? You‘re going out without a cap in such weather. Do you want to a
Our new teacher definitely knows how to make us study and she always manages to
our attention unlike any other.
I doubt whether these shoes will ever on in this region. People here are more
conservative than you think.
21. .....................................

He promised himself to steer away from the conflict, but in the end he found himself
up in the dispute.
On her way home, a huge headline reading NO MORE MILK her eye. She
stopped and bought a paper.
Scott was red-handed taking photographs of the prototype of the machine.
22. .....................................
Two special agents were assigned to penetrate a terrorist that was operating
in the south west of the country.
Scientists around the world were astounded at the pace divisions happened in
this newly discovered organism.
With a straitjacket on, he was led away to a padded on the first floor.
23. .....................................
A double-page _ _ spread in the country‘s most widely read magazine is to
convince the customers the company is still a big player in the game.
Rufus was caught red-handed and was immediately sent to a correctional _.
Their discussions almost always _ on money and what they have both brought
to their marriage.
24. .....................................
Luke has shares in the building industry and a of hotels strewn all over the
People formed a human stretching for 5 kilometers to protest against the
proposed tax rise.
It was breathtaking to watch the mountain from the top of its highest summit.
25. .....................................
Given that Roger Blake, who is a man of integrity, is to _ the committee, we
can be sure of its independence and sound judgement.
She was reclining in an easy daydreaming of her Prince Charming.
One of the infamous attractions of the prison was the electric___________that saw many
convicts electrocuted.
26. .....................................
Allan is known to be a meticulous worker. He never leaves anything to .
If you asked me, I‘d say he stands a better of accomplishing the task with the
help of professional advisors.

It‘s ridiculous to spend money on games of _ . In addition, you may easily get
hooked on them.
27. .....................................
I don't know how dangerous the jungle is - if you go, you‘ll have to take your _.
The _ are that the zoo will be forced to close.
Doing the course will certainly improve your of getting a job.
28. .....................................
There is unlikely to be any___________in the weather this week.
Johann says he is really looking forward to his holiday because he needs a _.
Could you let me have some for the parking meter?
29. .....................................
Full of beans? Why don‘t you your energy into some sport or hobby?
By popular request, the company added a sports to its offer in order to attract
more TV viewers.
The that connects the lake with the sea lost its importance once the forests
had been logged.
30. .....................................
Don‘t you think they _ over the top in this pub? It‘s a rip-off.
I wouldn‘t put John in of a research department. He lacks creativity and is so
The man was facing _ a of sexual harassment. Two former female employees
had filed a lawsuit against him.
31. .....................................
A highly atmosphere permeated the sporting venue. Violence could erupt at
any moment.
The dog at him at full speed. There was no time to run or hide so he chose to
remain in that position no matter what.
A refugee gave a graphic description of what had happened in the village. A band of
armed militia had around the place dragging men, women and children out of
their homes.
32. .....................................
The volunteers were expecting to raise about 20,000 dollars for _.
Focus on your family first. As the old adage goes: begins at home.

The rocker came up with the idea of putting on a concert to help the poor in
Africa and it met with an enthusiastic response from the music community.
33. .....................................
Peter‘s and sense of humour made him a welcome guest on anyone‘s list.
Although he claimed not to be superstitious, he put a in his back pocket
before heading for the exam.
The plan was a great success. It worked like a .
34. .....................................
The Government is determined to the recent rise in unemployment levels.
I‘d better just ring and what time the pool closes this evening.
If the liquid changes colour, you should__________against the chart to assess the acidity.
35. .....................................
I reckon you want to tell me something. Don‘t bottle it up! Get it off your _
and you‘ll feel much better.
With a war of 20 billion dollars and the backing of the Congress, the President was ready
to lead the nation to war.
Isn‘t it time we threw out this of drawers? It‘ll never go well with the rest of
the furniture.
36. .....................................
I always find it hard to talk to other people in social situations. At parties I usually stand
alone looking miserable while my friends the fat with attractive girls.
The offer sounded fantastic, but he needed a few more days to it over before
taking any decisions.
You call it a proper meal? You can hardly _ this steak!
37. .....................................
Be careful when you wash up these china cups. They are very fragile and may
Listen, if we all___________in to buy Andy a present, it‘ll be much cheaper.
At first the silicon was exclusively used in computers, but the prediction is
that one day it may be implemented in every household appliance.
38. .....................................
As sales continued to decline, Patrick had no _ but to close down the business.
At the new shopping centre, customers will find a wide of goods on display.

Although Sally Green would have been Paul‘s for the job, other members of
the interview panel had different ideas.
39. .....................................
Only Jane‘s inner _ of friends knew she was adopted at the age of three. She
thought it a bit embarrassing to talk about this with strangers.
In this multiple choice exercise you have to the correct answer.
The spokesperson told the reporters that the only way to end this vicious of
violence is to adopt new regulations concerning ethnic minorities in the country.
40. .....................................
Having seen the test results his GP began to be concerned about his poor blood
The magazine has a weekly of 100,000 copies which is a significant number
in this small country.
Amazing stories about their private life were in and they soon began
considering suing the media for damages.
41. .....................................
They were married secretly in a ceremony to avoid the glare of publicity.
Even if you are not helpful, you can at least be in your replies.
Humphrey had been a servant for many years.
42. .....................................
The tornado was bound to hundreds of lives due to an inadequate warning
The moment he knows he has the majority of votes, he will _ victory over his
powerful rival.
If you feel you have been treated unfairly by this travel agency, you can always
43. .....................................
Polly has an enormous amount in travelling expenses following her trip to
the USA.
My boss has to be a direct descendant of the famous explorer.
The bank‘s collapse many victims in the city‘s financial institutions.
44. .....................................
When she saw the balloons, Gina _ her hand over her mouth in amazement.

Adam James on the shoulder and said, ―Well done!‖
As the comedian finished his performance, the audience politely.
45. .....................................
The colours of your clothes do not match – they _ .
They don‘t get on well with my brother because our personalities .
Unfortunately, I won‘t be able to go to both Theresa‘s and Jane‘s weddings as the dates
46. .....................................
Her cooking is good, but it‘s not in the same _ as her husband‘s.
He graduated from Oxford with a first degree in English literature.
She‘s attending an extra-mural in medieval history at the university.
47. .....................................
The Green Party are pinning their hopes on _ energy coming from the Sun in
an attempt to break free from the syndicate of oil producing nations.
Benjamin got a substantial discount on his insurance when he showed his
driving license.
Dear voters, I‘ve got hands and I‘ve got nothing to hide. You see you can
completely trust me.
48. .....................................
Let me make one thing crystal , Billy. You can‘t go out and that‘s flat.
I don‘t think I‘ve done anything wrong as you‘re suggesting. I‘ve got a
My philosophy is to steer of trouble and everything will be all right.
49. .....................................
His uncle‘s resignation the way for Tom to take over the business.
Susan a shelf to make room for the books she had recently bought.
As a result of new evidence produced in court today, Smith was of all blame.
50. .....................................
It was very of you to convince our clients to buy the more expensive machine.
As well as having a vivid imagination, you need to be _ with your hands to be a
good sculptor.

Sylvia had always admired people and Richard certainly seemed more
intelligent than most men she‘d met.
51. .....................................
Raul and Terry are now best friends. In fact, when they first met they _ straight
He his fingers to get the students‘ attention, but they were still running round the
To show him how it worked, the graphic designer twice on the icon and the
photo got bigger.
52. .....................................
It was quite a to reach the castle, which was built on a rocky hill.
After a steady , the price eventually leveled off at $5 a litre.
The speed of her new album‘s up the charts has been sensational.
53. .....................................
The temperature has _ steadily over the last week which bodes well for those
wanting to enjoy the warmth.
Unexpectedly, her first record entitled HIGH to number one in the disco
music charts across Europe.
The burglars must have into the room through the back window.
54. .....................................
Rescue workers are searching the area around the to find survivors of the
At the end of a working day most employees _ off at about 5, but some staff
have to stay a bit longer.
The on his dashboard indicated that he was travelling well beyond the speed
55. .....................................
I had a pretty _ shave in the reserve when an alligator missed my hand by 2
The reporter had the chance to see sectarian violence at quarters while in the
And this joke has brought our show to a.....................Thank you and see you next time.
56. .....................................

I‘m glad we the deal before oil prices went up. A week later, and it would
have cost us much more.
The country _ its borders to foreign beef after a farmer‘s union blocked all
major roads for two days.
The autumn suddenly arrived and the days _ in. Less sunshine meant gloom
and depression for the small village.
57. .....................................
With her passed exams and a lucrative job on the horizon, Melinda felt on
The nuclear bomb hit the centre and seconds later a huge mushroom was
ominously hanging over the town.
Cheer up! Every has a silver lining. There are some valuable lessons to be
drawn from this experience.
58. .....................................
A tired, slouching caddy was following the player, carrying a bag full of golf .
The magician produced the ace of , seemingly the same card that he‘d torn in
two a moment earlier.
It has been reported that many football have to struggle with their tight
budgets because players demand more money each year.
59. .....................................
Our ski was a dynamic young Austrian chap.
We travelled by _ so we saw some wonderful scenery.
At midnight Cinderella‘s changed back into a pumpkin.
60. .....................................
Particular clans were easily identified on the battlefield. A knight‘s of arms
on his shield gave insight into his background.
A second _ of paint can be applied at least 3 hours after the first one.
You‘d better put on your winter _..................It‘s got quite cold in the evening.
61. .....................................
What Pamela didn‘t like about her job was the strict dress all the employees
had to observe.
A famous mathematician was asked to help the military break the secret the
Germans used to send messages to their allies.

The scientific community agreed that understanding the genetic would allow
us to combat incurable diseases in the future.
62. .....................................
It‘s not only poets or writers that new phrases. Some words are invented by
ordinary people.
The house‘s quite cheap. The other side of the , though, is that it needs
She picked up the phone, put a into the slot and dialed the number.
63. .....................................
Leo gave the other passengers a look and went on reading his newspaper.
It was comfort to the workers to be told that their wage rise would be below
the rate of inflation.
I was tracking the deer in the wood when suddenly the trail went _ .
64. .....................................
He thought that a few illustrations or anecdotes would add to his report.
The fascinating old market is full of and activity and is well worth a visit.
You‘re looking better today - you‘ve got a bit more than you had yesterday.
65. .....................................
At medical school, Peter had to himself to his studies instead of socializing.
The severe penalty put people off the temptation to crime.
The medical board decided to more money to the children‘s ward.
66. .....................................
The robin is a sight in winter in many British gardens.
You will notice a fruity taste to all drinks made from this grape.
James was not an officer, but a soldier.
67. .....................................
It‘s said that the building _ because poor materials were used during
Grandpa got out of the bed, but after taking only a few steps, on the floor.
They hadn‘t predicted the amount of work the system would have to handle and it
eventually shortly after its implementation.
68. .....................................

It is her secret weapon. First make him get hot under the and then make him
feel guilty for being too aggressive.
Surprisingly enough, the cuffs of the shirt were spotless whereas its was in a
sorry state.
Each time they fell out over some trivial matters, he used to _ her in the
tearoom saying how sorry he was.
69. .....................................
As he was broke, he called his mother to ask for some cash to survive till the
next month.
Unusual as it may seem, the old lady used to cigarette packets though she
didn‘t smoke at all.
Hold on a moment. Give me some time. I need to my thoughts before I
70. .....................................
She began to as Tom related the embarrassing incident.
In pursuit of a new image, she decided to _ her hair.
your narrative with more adjectives which will hold the reader‘s attention.
71. .....................................
Miss Staples reads the newspaper‘s social , hoping to see her name.
The thin gave way under the pressure of the heavy ceiling.
The accountant added the of figures, trying not to make a mistake.
72. .....................................
Each day the cock was strutting in front of the hens displaying its impressive red
that stood on its head.
He was grateful that local villagers were willing to the area for his missing
Look at your hair, Tom! It‘s a mess. Haven't you got a to do something about
73. .....................................
The ex-soldier was suffering from fatigue which he developed when fighting
in Afghanistan.
Unable to inflation on their own, the government turned to foreign experts
for help.

The private widowed his wife and two children when he was killed in .
74. .....................................
Customs officials will down heavily on anyone smuggling illegal goods into
the country.
We were a bit worried as it took her a few minutes to round after being
knocked on the head.
He has a tendency to _ out with some strange expressions he learnt from an old
phrase book.
75. .....................................
He spent the evening in the of his 1000-dollar armchair watching soap operas.
At first it must have been difficult for him to get over the death of his wife. But, I think,
now he‘s finally found in helping others to cope with similar problems.
Brain has lost the game and it‘s cold for him to know that he will be given a
chance to beat his opponent next year.
76. .....................................
I don‘t feel when I‘m with her. I don't know why, maybe it‘s because she‘s
always gossiping about other people.
When Sarah wasn‘t working they were really badly off. Now she‘s got a job, they‘re
quite again.
Not only does this sofa look great, it‘s really _ too.
77. .....................................
I bet your item will a high price at the auction. It looks like a masterpiece.
Carl might be a bit shy, but he has a very good of Chinese, which is most
The major had only 20 soldiers under his . Highly skilled as they were, they
couldn‘t stop the advancing enemy troops.
78. .....................................
Few toys have had such long-running success as the Barbie brand of dolls.
I usually listen to radio in the car on the way to work, but when it comes to
TV I like to watch channels which don‘t have advertising.
I used to like that band, but I think they‘ve become very since they had that
top ten hit.
79. .....................................

He wasn‘t paid a salary because he worked on _ . When he didn‘t sell the
products, there was no money and he was often starving.
As a monarch with a weakness for fine arts Louis used to _ Italian artists to
produce paintings for his palace near the capital.
Shortly after the major military operations were over, the interim government set up a
special to investigate crimes against humanity.
80. .....................................
You didn‘t have to ask him twice. He all the information to memory in no
The tribunal was provided with sufficient evidence that the dictator had some
of the worst atrocities in human history.
A lot of funds have been to the restoration process in parts of Asia ravaged
by the tsunami.
81. .....................................
Laura despised having to in the morning because her journey to work took 2
To the last moment the convict hoped the governor would his death sentence
to life imprisonment.
If you would like to _ your pension for a tax-free lump sum at retirement you
have to fill in this form.
82. .....................................
When my parents go out, I hate being alone so I‘d really appreciate your .
We‘re in good __ because the Prime Minister made the same mistake a few
years ago.
The KSC is probably the most famous theatre in the world.
83. .....................................
Winning the competition came as a___________surprise to Marianne.
Robin is determined to keep on collecting football stickers until he has a set.
Sir Ralph arrived at the fancy-dress party in full army uniform, with badges
and medals.
84. .....................................
On of their meal, hotel guests are invited to retire to the lounge for coffee.

The work on the new extension to the museum is nearing _ and a date for the
reopening of the building will soon be set.
Following successful of the introductory course, students will be invited to
sign up for the options of their choice.
85. .....................................
Simple as it may seem, it is a highly process that still perplexes scholars.
A new plan to build a leisure near the forest is now taking shape and will go
ahead as soon as possible.
Chris visits his psychologist regularly to overcome his inferiority .
86. .....................................
Before the interview Brian took a deep breath and tried to___________himself.
Did Schumann this symphony, or was it Brahms?
Try to your thoughts before you start on the essay.
87. .....................................
The of the new government will be announced the day after the general
Mark forgot to write his name on the front page of his .
You Make Me Feel So Young, sung by Frank Sinatra, is probably Myrow and Gordon‘s
most romantic .
88. .....................................
The shareholders were glad the business is still a going and they could sleep
Sir, no offence, but my past record should be none of your .
The hospital official expressed _ for the health of the critically ill patient. He
feared she might not make the night.
89. .....................................
The Palestinian authorities quickly __ the attack as barbaric and totally
Though it‘s expected that the edifice will be pulled down next week, the squatters still
refuse to abandon the building.
Most people in the shantytown felt to a life of misery and suffering, devoid
of any hope whatsoever.
90. .....................................

He has a heart so he has to take things easy.
My aunt is 85, and in no to travel round the world.
One _ of the job is that you should be able to work at night.
91. .....................................
When the tenant broke the of the lease, the landlord took him to court.
As he has a low salary, we were surprised he lived in such comfortable .
Skin such as eczema can be triggered by anxiety.
92. .....................................
Mr. Brown is going to the Junior Philharmonic in its first performance.
Be careful how you yourself when you visit my parents.
The government is going to an experiment.
93. .....................................
Their groundbreaking experiment they two years ago won them a Nobel
Prize and recognition in the scientific world.
A group of German tourists were on a _ _ tour of Olsztyu, a small town in the
north east of Poland, when this incident occurred.
The concert will be held on 2nd July and the orchestra will be _ by Roger
94. .....................................
John has great in his mechanic‘s ability to get the car going.
My father is usually successful in interviews owing to his air of .
Susan has never betrayed a___________and I don‘t think she ever will.
95. .....................................
Scientists are close to proving that there is definitely a between diet and
certain medical conditions.
Tom‘s local flight was delayed, so he missed his___________at the international airport.
The lights in the old car sometimes go out because there is a loose in the
electrical circuit.
96. .....................................
The information leaflet provides all the information you need to make a
decision. We don‘t want you to act hastily.

Despite suffering multiple injuries, he remained _ at the beginning, but later
slipped into a coma.
Nike has always catered for fashion teenagers.
97. .....................................
estimates put the number of casualties at below 30.
Susan‘s _ views were often frowned upon. She often came across as old-
fashioned and behind times.
The place has long been a stronghold of the _ Party.
98. .....................................
Once under the rubble, the resident had to as much energy as he could to stay
More and more nations are now aware that we need to _ our resources to
secure the future.
The thing that Chris remembers most from his childhood years is the taste of his
grandma‘s sweet strawberry .
99. .....................................
Most students find this grammar difficult to master because it doesn‘t exist in
many languages.
Unfortunately, some sports facilities are still under and will not be in use
when the Olympic Games begin in July.
The of the peace plan was going smoothly with experts on both sides sharing
100. ...................................
If you feel that unwell, I think you should a doctor.
In principle I think the suggestion is good, but I‘d need to my boss before I
can give you a final decision.
She speaks French fluently, but needs to a dictionary to check spellings when
it comes to writing a letter.
101. ...................................
As our previous car more fuel and was slower, you will certainly appreciate
its more economical and faster sibling we‘ve just produced.
Other girls in the neighbourhood have been with jealousy since Claire got
engaged to the local heartthrob.

The study reveals that in the past this Amazon tribe _ less meat and more fruit
than now.
102. ...................................
He got the job because he had a useful in the company who arranged an
interview for him.
We used to phone each other regularly, but I haven‘t been in _ with her for
some time.
In my job I have personal with members of the public every day.
103. ...................................
The new commander arrived at the base to take of the army.
The radio works OK, but there‘s something wrong with the volume _ .
I‘m not saying she‘s a bad mother, but she seems to have very little over how
her son behaves.
104. ...................................
The drink can‘t be served to adolescents because it has a high alcohol .
Certainly, the way she wrote the book is fresh and revolutionary, but the is
mediocre, to say the least.
Though life has been hard on George, he's finally found peace and is with his
105. ...................................
The company‘s in for a lot of flack. What they have done verges on breach of _.
Expose this substance to sub-zero temperatures and it will leaving the
impression that it‘s lost some of its weight.
Studies have shown that children under 5 are especially vulnerable and may
the disease.
106. ...................................
With both political parties organizing their big in March, a series of security
measures were implemented.
The writer didn‘t follow the _ of a classic detective story. The reader knew
who the culprit was from the very beginning.
You have to obey some social when in a foreign country. Simply when in
Rome do as the Romans do.
107. ...................................

She is well-known for her strong religious .
My parents taught me to have the courage of my own _ and not to give in to
persuasion by people I didn‘t respect.
The defendant has asked for two other for shoplifting to be taken into
108. ...................................
Betty, you look, _ _ in those sunglasses, almost like Julia Roberts.
It is difficult, if not impossible, to throw him off his balance. He‘s always as _ _
as a cucumber.
There‘s nothing like a drink on a hot day lying on the beach.
109. ...................................
You‘re a grown-up, Tom. It‘s high time you cut the umbilical tying you to
your mother.
It was now clear why the victim was unable to contact the police. The phone
was cut off.
Have you got a piece of to secure this pack to the roof of the car?
110. ...................................
Scientists from every _ of the world attended Dr. McBean‘s seminar.
The driver attempted to turn into Brick Lane, but he was going too fast to negotiate the
safely and smashed into a lamp Post.
The young politician was inexperienced, but he had several senior party members in his
111. ...................................
The airbags were included with the car at no extra _.
I learnt to my that Darryl was not always to be trusted.
She‘s now counting the___________of not taking out travel insurance before she went to
America on holiday.
112. ...................................
In this new computer game, the higher the body _ , the higher your score is.
I‘m afraid you have to me out. I‘m not going out with you today.
The unemployed girl soon lost _ of how many jobs he had already applied for.
113. ...................................

They‘ve had a _ of disagreements recently, but normally they get on fine
Can you reverse the car a little more so we can it to the caravan?
The whole restaurant had been booked by a middle-aged married celebrating
their silver wedding anniversary.
114. ...................................
So what _ of action do you propose to follow?
Throughout the of history, we see that people do not learn from their
The river followed a meandering _ and finally flowed into the sea.
115. ...................................
We derided to settle out of to avoid the publicity and expense of a trial.
Famous artists used to hold in this cafe, and students, models and admirers
would come to share a beer anil listen to them talk about art.
The ball hit the back of the___________and bounced back over the net.
116. ...................................
The escape fell on a moonless night and the inmates broke out under the of
Mr. Rhon, will you be so kind as to for Mrs. Lucid when she‘s on sick leave?
On our bike tour in Denmark and Sweden we managed to _ about 100
kilometres a day.
117. ...................................
With this new householder‘s policy, we are against fire and theft.
The stone carving they found in the jungle was by a thick layer of mud.
On the first day after leaving camp, the explorers only ten kilometres.
118. ...................................
We don‘t need any preferential treatment. All we want is a fair of the whip.
His policy to _ down on drug addicts hanging out near schools won him a lot
of respect from the parents.
The bank boasts that with the latest technology it is impossible to _ the code
and all online transactions are safe.
119. ...................................

To get the job, she was forced to enroll on a course in Italian. The company
wanted her to get the hang of it in less than 2 months.
I‘ve had a terrible row with my wife and I wonder if I can at your place
tonight. Look, I‘ve brought my sleeping bag.
It was obvious that the computer system would one day due to the enormous
influx of junk mail that had been ignored so far.
120. ...................................
Traffic was reduced to a due to a car accident on the motorway.
In the morning a terrible hangover woke him up. He tried to out of bed, but
his body refused to obey his commands.
Seeing dead bodies scattered all over the mortuary made his skin .
121. ...................................
He put some shaving _ on his stubble and began his daily routine in the
The cake looked appetizing with its white layers of whipped and cherries on
Soon after the breakup of the Soviet Union, the of Russia‘s scientists began
their exodus to the west where the money was much better.
122. ...................................
Encouraged by the market, consumers buy on and later regret having to pay
huge interest rates.
It‘s not fair when your boss takes the for the work done by those under him.
The jury found the defendant‘s explanations hard to and as a result found him
guilty of the committed crime.
123. ...................................
He was rightly with getting the company out of a very difficult situation.
I got a full refund - my account was___________with the money last week.
He has been falsely by historians with discovering the island.
124. ...................................
The opposition started its campaign by becoming highly of the ruling party‘s
handling of the energy crisis.
After the riot, one policeman with serious injuries was rushed to hospital and he still
remains in a________condition.

Her contribution proved to be absolutely _ to the success of the project. If it
hadn‘t been for her, we‘d have been done for.
125. ...................................
Both the farmers and manufactures are expecting a bumper this year because
the spring this year was almost perfect.
I don‘t want you to mention the issues in his company. Each time they up, he
seems to get agitated.
Rufus was sitting in a chair watching the hairdresser his child‘s hair.
126. ...................................
Johnny, I was really _ with you when you told the interviewer how much I
weigh. It‘s nobody‘s business.
I don‘t think our paths will ever again. I‘m going to live in the rainforest with
indigenous people.
She was the first woman to___________the Atlantic in a hot-air balloon.
127. ...................................
The sun was setting as the ferry to the opposite shore of the river.
He his arms over his chest and waited to hear his son‘s excuse.
Anastasia‘s name was off the list of guests as she couldn‘t attend the event.
127. ...................................
Mary Queen of Scots was nine months old when she was , but she did not rule
Scotland until she was eighteen years old.
The dentist says I need to have that broken tooth , which is going to be
In late spring the sea is warm enough to swim in and, floating in the water, you can look
up and see the mountains still with snow.
129. ...................................
The oil is pumped in through here and the treatment process begins.
They were forced to live in wooden shacks after their homes were destroyed
in the earthquake.
Despite accusations that the paintings were , the gallery insisted on putting
them on public display.
130. ...................................

A car parked outside the house. Somebody must have got out as she heard gravel
under their feet.
Accountancy is not for you. The job‘s not inspiring. You have to numbers
and sit at a desk for hours.
The is an excellent classic exercise for those who want to flatten their
131. ...................................
The opening of the new store grabbed the nation‘s attention when three people including
a small girl were _ to death as crowds were storming the shelves.
Unfortunately, the Nazis brutally the uprising with the help of local
To make matters worse, the accident has his hopes of ever playing basketball
132. ...................................
The handyman used a special device to check whether there was a flow of electrical
in the wire. There was none.
There seems to be an invisible of mistrust in our company. It may give rise to
resentment and other strong feelings.
Have you already read the issue of Time? They are trying to expose the
scandal surrounding the Prime Minister.
133. ...................................
The winner of the competition put his arms up in the air holding a silver in
his hands.
Even when the milk was hot Liz used to her hands around the bowl and sip it
To tell you the truth, talking about politics isn‘t my of tea. Can we change the
134. ...................................
The doctor was unable to the child as he did not have the right drugs.
Attempts to unemployment have so far failed in spite of all their efforts.
In olden times people used to meat with salt to preserve it.
135. ...................................
In the evening the cat would up on her lap and go to sleep as she was
stroking it tenderly.

I‘m not chicken-hearted, but when I heard his piercing scream it did make my hair
There was nothing left of the building. Only a single long __ of smoke was
coming from the charred remains of the fire.
136. ...................................
After her divorce she was awarded _ of their three children. Their father could
visit them once a week.
The woman has been held in police _ connection with the bank robbery.
The guide book says that the artist‘s paintings are now in the of the National
Museum for future generations of art lovers to admire his talent.
137. ...................................
It isn‘t Anna‘s _ to speak to strangers on trains.
When that night-club refused me entrance because I wasn‘t wearing a tie, I decided to
take my elsewhere.
In large cities, the old French of going home from work for lunch is dying
138. ...................................
The red car in on him and David had to slam on the brakes to avoid a
When working to a tight deadline, you may be tempted to _ corners sacrificing
good quality.
A period when small babies their teeth is painful both to them and their
139. ...................................
The driver escaped with just a few _ on his face.
The writer was annoyed that so many had been made to the script.
The recession means that in pay are inevitable for many workers.
1. .......................................
The opponents of the war effort pointed out that the collateral is bound to
draw a lot of criticism from the world community.
The revelations in the press exposing his sexual orientations caused considerable
to his reputation as a respected politician.

Make sure you wear a pair of high quality sunglasses on a sunny day as the sun‘s rays
can irreversibly your eyes.
2. .......................................
Unexpectedly, a 16-year old girl turned out to be the horse in the competition
beating 32 other contestants, including some famous names.
Cross my heart! I knew nothing about this. I‘ve been kept in the _ about the
whole plot.
The side of his personality sometimes whispered nasty ideas to his warped
3. .......................................
We made a _ for the shelter as the rain started pouring down.
He put a of lemon in my drink, which made it much more refreshing.
There could be a _ between these two words but I will have to check it.
4. .......................................
At long last the couple decided to arrange a for their wedding.
This particular kind of grows in Egypt.
Susan had a dinner so she couldn‘t attend the meeting.
5. .......................................
People have wanted to express their emotions and feelings in writing since the
of civilization and we see it as a basic human need.
One day the full scale of the problem will _ on him and he will come to his
senses, but you have to remain patient.
The group set off for the mountains at the crack of .
6. .......................................
Soon they realized they were given misleading information when their car reached a
end and they had to turn back.
I‘m on my feet. I‘ve been working for the last 15 hours.
Latin and a couple of other___________languages are taught at our university, along with
modern languages. We invite you to see our prospectus if you want any further
7. .......................................
The man was known to in antiques and second-hand books. Later, though, it
turned out he had been selling fakes he‘d produced himself.

Jack was watching his hands closely as the man started to _ out the cards.
It took Nora a good of time and patience to do the 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
8. .......................................
The young boxer _ the champion a powerful uppercut and knocked him out.
During his trip to Morocco, Jim with various African businessmen who are
interested in our services.
Considering all his financial problems, Tom has with the situation well.
9. .......................................
The town didn‘t___________itself out in any flags. So during the festival it looked drab.
Shortly after take off, the terrorist made his way to the flight and threatened
the pilot with a gun.
On the ship slaves were kept below___________in appalling conditions.
10. .....................................
A small group of disgruntled taxpayers decided to _ war on the bureaucracy
flooding the Tax Office with thousands of letters.
―Do you have anything to , sir?‖ the customs officer asked Jerry the standard
If the current situation doesn‘t get any better, the government will be forced to
martial law in the province.
11. .....................................
The republic___________war on its neighbours on 25 June.
The accused that he was innocent of the murder.
Have you all your earnings for the previous financial year?
12. .....................................
Because she all her life to a political career she had no time and willingness
to form a stable relationship.
Encouraged by the latest invention, the firm _ another 5 million pounds for
medical research.
The author has _ his new book to his wife, who was a constant source of
inspiration throughout the creative process.
13. .....................................
His political views made a impression on her young mind. She also wanted
to join the ranks of the Conservatives.

Now that you‘re in water, you want my help? No way.
The walls were painted a blue colour with yellow spots here and there.
14. .....................................
All books agree that it‘s a sensitive age. Youngsters often rebel and their
Those gorgeous butterflies description. They are small masterpieces with
intricate colorful patterns on their wings.
The acrobat‘s movements seemed to _ physical laws. The audience were
mesmerized by his performance.
15. .....................................
It is necessary to wash clothes made from fibres at a low temperature.
Negotiations between the rival factions have reached a very _ stage, with
neither side willing to give an inch.
Although it is made from various root vegetables, the dish has a very taste.
16. .....................................
Worried about the morale of the group, the manager a fiery speech to
encourage the team.
Look, I promised you a satisfying holiday and I have the goods. So, what‘s
all the fuss?
Linda thinks the hospital is a nasty place to give birth to a child. That‘s why hers was
at home by a midwife.
17. .....................................
My to see the hotel manager went unheeded, so I left in disgust.
This computer game is in such that we have run out of stock.
All our products are half price this month, and credit is available on _ .
18. .....................................
The cyclist was disqualified despite the fact that he strenuously _ taking
performance enhancing drugs.
His followers themselves the luxuries of modern life and obeyed their
leader‘s commands slavishly.
Sadly enough, ethnic minorities are usually _ the opportunity to be promoted in
certain professions.
19. .....................................

I can‘t believe you were so as to let the burglars in and make them feel at
home. You really need your head examined.
In the morning the moors look gloomy and dreary, always covered in , almost
impenetrable fog.
The population of the city makes many feel small and insignificant among
the masses of people.
20. .....................................
The town is not a safe place for tourists. So if you want to take a walk, it‘s advisable to
your valuable possessions in the reception.
Certainly, sir. I can put the DVD player away for you, but you have to put down a of at
least 20 percent.
High levels of Low-Density Lipoproteins increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
as they cholesterol on the walls of your arteries.
21. .....................................
Although students on the course should be familiar with the basic theories of economics,
they are not expected to have any great _ of understanding.
In the company of such well-known figures as the town‘s mayor and a presenter from the
local radio station, Paula felt out of her , and so remained quiet.
When planting asparagus, it is necessary to dig a trench of sufficient to
ensure that the roots will be entirely covered
22. .....................................
We were proud when we reached the top of the mountain. Unfortunately, we had to
it quickly as the weather was turning fast.
Every year aunt Bellamy and her family would on our small house and
overstay their welcome.
It‘s no good fighting evil with evil. You simply _ to their level and lose respect
for yourself.
23. .....................................
The original _ of the restaurant included an open kitchen by the front entrance.
My heart is set on a couch with an embossed floral _.
I have to admit that I met him by ; I waited in the lobby until he arrived.
24. .....................................
If you don‘t provide your body with proper nutrition when you‘re growing, you are likely
to _ all kinds of diseases later in your life.

At first it was a small conflict in the south of the country. But analysts predicted that it
would _ into an all-out war if not properly handled.
Even if you don‘t understand cricket, don‘t worry. In time you‘ll a taste for it.
25. .....................................
I would like to have this film by Monday. It‘s very important to me.
Poor nations often accuse countries of not doing enough to write off their
I think I have as an actor over the years. I‘m more self-confident now and I
have a clear purpose in my professional life.
26. .....................................
There was much confusion when the businessman passed away because he
I tell you, I nearly when they called me to say I was one of the people to get a
Green Card.
She left the room and Roger could hear her footsteps on the floor until they
27. .....................................
If she continues talking to the boss like that she‘ll end up her own grave.
Since John lost his job we‘ve been _ into our savings just to pay the monthly
Yon don't need to keep me in the ribs every time you make a joke; if it‘s
funny enough, I‘ll know when to laugh on my own.
28. .....................................
Because of light and dense smoke in the restaurant he couldn‘t recognize the
person he‘d arranged to meet.
At home Lora was always told that she was and couldn‘t learn anything.
Despite all of these negative comments, she made it to university and got a
Mrs. Johnson generally takes a view of people who are deliberately on the
29. .....................................
Hopes of saving the island from tourism development _ as the building
supplies arrived.
The guest speaker _ the lights as the film footage was projected onto the screen.

Her eyes with sorrow as she watched them go.
30. .....................................
Tony turned up the radio, the lights, and sped on through the gloom.
Although I‘ve into a lot of his theories, I‘ve never quite got to grips with any
of them.
The knife should ideally be___________in boiling water between cutting each slice.
31. .....................................
When Irvin‘s health improved, he was immediately from hospital so that he
could enjoy being with his family more.
The report found that a huge amount of chemical waste has been into the
river since the new laws were implemented.
Her colleagues described Mary as a paragon of virtue. She always her
obligations properly maintaining high moral standards.
32. .....................................
It was a delicious _ of fried fish and rice.
The got smashed to pieces when it slipped from her hands.
The larger your satellite the greater its reception bandwidth.
33. .....................................
Don‘t make me laugh. This idea is ridiculous. It should be___________out of hand.
The bell rang and the professor immediately _ his students. They made a
frantic dash for the door.
As dozens of office workers have been , she felt she could be the next one to
be axed.
34. .....................................
His chronic___________affected his ability to work.
The house was left in total___________after the party.
Incidents of civil _ led to the formation of a riot squad.
35. .....................................
To critics‘ surprise, the artist‘s futuristic sculptures were put on in the
national gallery.
Don‘t be misled by his cool manners. Ron can a whole range of emotions if
you get to know him better.

The day is packed with attractions. The festivities will include local dances and a
fireworks at midnight.
36. .....................................
A bomb team arrived soon after the caller had threatened to blow up the
Feelings were running high when the locals learnt their area had been marked as a perfect
site for of hazardous waste.
The army had all that sophisticated weaponry at its to get the conflict right.
37. .....................................
Environmentalists often come into___________with large corporations.
Tom‘s decision to drop out of school caused a major between him and his
The relationship between the two countries is already strained so we must avoid doing
anything that will cause further .
38. .....................................
Put the tablet in water and it should within three minutes. Then drink the
The article in the country‘s law stated that only adultery could _ marriage. No
other reasons for ending the bond were taken into account.
Hearing the clown hiccupping always makes small children into laughter at
the circus.
39. .....................................
I don‘t like taking pills so I use soluble aspirin because it can be in water.
She into tears when she found out that her cat had died.
His courage when he realised that he was going to be competing against a
professional athlete.
40. .....................................
Realising that too much publicity about his alleged connections with the Russian mafia
was no good, the politician went to great lengths to himself from the
I get the feeling my neighbours are a bit aloof. They seem to have kept their
since I moved in.
―Do I have to take a bus?― - ―No, it‘s within walking ...................‖

42. .....................................
I remember telling you that I‘d be working late at the office today.
His grammar and vocabulary are impeccable, but he has a foreign accent
when he speaks.
The witness says that she saw the defendant‘s face quite even though it was
dark at the time.
42. .....................................
The soldier managed to himself in battle, despite his obvious fear beforehand.
Politicians need to between ageing as a process and ageing as a social
If you look to the right, you should be able to the foothills of the Black
Mountains quite clearly.
43. .....................................
When the car blew a tyre, it skidded off the road and into a deep _ .
After a lot of careful consideration, the team leader decided to _ the plan as
being too risky.
If I were you, I would never Erik in favour of another one. You can‘t leave a
man who cares about you, can you?
44. .....................................
And now bad news for motorists. A car accident has caused the E7 to be closed and
traffic has been .
I bet the magician must have the audience‘s attention to perform this trick.
Each time the detective left his office to work on the case, he always phone
calls to his mobile to keep in touch with his clients.
45. .....................................
Our local football team has been trying to get into the first _ for the last two
Tim is no good at long but he's brilliant at multiplication.
The seemingly unfair _ of wealth seems to be balanced in favour of those who
have been well-educated.
46. .....................................
A little sunshine can wonders for the health.
The flat looked so dreary that we decided to _ it up.

It‘s always the new recruits who have to _ the donkey work.
47. .....................................
My father thinks the country‘s been going to the _ since the last government
was elected.
If I were you I wouldn‘t interfere; sometimes it‘s better to let sleeping lie.
Take an umbrella as it‘s raining cats and _ out there!
48. .....................................
The outspoken critic of the current regime the discussion. Nobody could get
a word in edgeways.
Located in the centre, the huge domes of the white churches the small town.
The province is overwhelmingly by blacks. They account for more than 90
percent of the whole population.
49. .....................................
His health is getting worse by the hour. It's not an exaggeration to say he‘s at death‘s
The court ruling against our company means opening the___________for other people to
file lawsuits.
In the pub he got drunk and became violent. Soon the bouncer had to show him the
50. .....................................
The report is nearly finished. I‘ve just got to _ the i‘s and cross the t‘s.
Looking out of the plane window, she could just make out the farm, a little black
between two enormous golden fields.
All university email addresses in Britain end ac uk.
51. .....................................
With the loans from the EU, the local firms have been able to their profits
and increase their productivity.
Fearing assassination, the agents used the president‘s at the ceremony.
Ann‘s parents were shocked when it was revealed that their daughter had been leading a
life taking drugs after school.
52. .....................................
Boris had a small part in the play but as a programme seller before the

Pippa her efforts as she was determined to succeed.
The investment was so good that I _ my money in three months.
53. .....................................
When the mysterious man began to sing, nobody was left in any as to his true
The recent heavy storms have left a in everyone‘s mind regarding the
strength of the town‘s flood defences.
I have no _ that Tony will go on to great things after leaving this school.
54. .....................................
The birds looked comical without their feathers. The _ was collected and
transported in bags to the factory on the outskirts.
All the workers came to the conclusion that it would be best to tools and put
more pressure on the management.
― with the President!‖ shouted the angry crowd in front of the palace.
55. .....................................
The tracks show that the victim must have been _ along the road only to be
thrust into a ditch 30 metres further.
I will never forgive her that Alice has _ us into her domestic problems. She
should have solved them herself.
As expected, their legal battle on for years, costing them fortunes and nerves.
56. .....................................
Ron, you haven‘t _ the potatoes, have you? They are soft and unappetizing.
Big investments seem to have our resources and we need to economize now.
When she read his suicidal note, the blood from her face. She looked pale.
57. .....................................
I can feel a here. I‘m a bit cold. Can you close the window?
Jack‘s not in favour of bottled beers. He prefers ones sold in pubs.
At times, the farmer dreamt of at least one animal that would make his work
in the field less tiresome.
58. .....................................
Though the match ended in a scoreless , football fans and sports
commentators enjoyed it immensely.

With the onset of old age, the farmer found it more and more difficult to
water from the local well.
She could easily _ on her 10 years‘ experience in the teaching business and
write a book on the subject.
59. .....................................
There are some worrying conclusions to be from our last sales results.
Improvements have to be made to avert the disaster.
Over the years, the musical has been a great success and has huge crowds.
Sir, it‘s so dark in here because I‘ve the curtains just as you ordered me.
60. .....................................
Janet up a list of the things she had to pack before leaving for Las Vegas.
In the summer, the square was occupied by artists who pictures of tourists for
The book a lot of criticism from historians accusing him of doctoring the
61. .....................................
Even in best marriages, mates may apart if they don‘t take care of each
other‘s emotional needs.
As more and more people want peace and quiet there‘s been a huge towards
living in the country.
I‘m sorry. I don‘t quite follow your _. Can you explain it more clearly?
62. .....................................
Overnight, snow had _ up against the door, so we could not get out.
The lecture was so boring that he _ off to sleep after 15 minutes.
The boat had come loose from its moorings and out to sea.
63. .....................................
She was just off to sleep when there was a loud knocking at the door.
Snow was___________across the road, making driving increasingly difficult.
She was aware that they were _ apart but couldn‘t see how to save their
64. .....................................
My book on insects says that a big group of cicadas can create a sound that is louder than
a pneumatic .

As the area records considerable seismic activity, it isn‘t surprising that the local school
organizes an annual earthquake _ for its pupils.
After the fall of the communist regime many foreign investors poured into the country to
for oil in the rich fields off the west coast.
65. .....................................
If the weather is fine on Sunday, let‘s go for a in the country.
The _ for survival kept the castaway alive for weeks.
The new manager has plenty of and enthusiasm.
66. .....................................
The vehicle involved in the crash was being _ by a man of about 30.
The President was a man by ambition.
Many people were _ from their homes by the rising flood water.
67. .....................................
The lawyer was superb at the point home and he eventually won the jury over.
Your everlasting complaints are and _ me mad. Can‘t you just roll up your sleeves
get down to work?
The sleet had been _ hard all night causing havoc on the streets.
68. .....................................
The court is going to _ the charges against him due to insufficient evidence.
Various agencies have so far donated about $1 million to the cause. Still it‘s a
in the ocean given that the project will cost about $50 million.
It‘s expected that new safety measures will make the death rate _ in a few
69. .....................................
Jim only a few hints about the matter. Then we had to do our fair share of
work to connect the dots.
The rugby player was finally from the squad following a drug abuse scandal.
A burning match is believed to have been _ on the carpet before it caught fire.
70. .....................................
The course involved a lot more work than Natalie had anticipated, and she considered
out after only a few weeks.
If you‘re going into town in the car, would you mind me at the shops so I can
buy a paper?

Although clearly nobody was interested in hearing about Clive‘s golfing exploits, he
showed no sign of the subject.
71. .....................................
The striker lined up his shot and _ the ball into the back of the net.
Anne‘s constant chatter nearly me mad.
John used to have lots of friends, but he _ them away with his incessant
72. .....................................
She was shouting something to him at the top of her voice, but her words were
out by the powerful growl of the engine.
Only seven people are reported to have _ in the sea last year, which constitutes
a big drop in these types of accidents.
His life was devoid of any purpose whatsoever. No wonder, he often his
sorrows in a local pub.
73. .....................................
They rounded off a lovely lunch with a glass of Spanish wine.
It can be really embarrassing when you _ up in mid-sentence during an
interview and you can‘t produce a single word.
―What‘s wrong with you?‖ - ―I have a _ cough and an awful headache, doctor.‖
74. .....................................
The building serves a _ purpose. It‘s both an office building and an art gallery.
Having nationality helps enormously in the world of business and crime.
What a coincidence.
The popular seaside resort town will be linked to the capital by a carriageway.
75. .....................................
Despite the convincing results, Dr. Peres was about using alternative
medicine to treat illnesses.
Claims about the success of diet pills for weight loss are .
The country has earned the distinction of having the worst health care system
in Europe.
76. .....................................
Quick,.....................The boom‘ll hit your head if you don‘t.
Sandra took to snow-boarding like a to water.

One of my favourite dishes is with orange sauce.
77. .....................................
We were unable to have the picnic by the river to the dreadful weather.
The accountant asked him for a cheque to cover the money that was _ to the
tax office.
According to the timetable, the next train is to arrive in a couple of minutes‘
78. .....................................
Yesterday Mike set fire to our carpet. You know, never a moment with our
The patient in the corner was moaning loudly so the nurse administered some kind of
drug to the pain.
The blade of the kitchen knife was so that it was impossible to slice the bread.
79. .....................................
During the war, the military used a lot of tanks and other weapons to confuse
the enemy that mostly relied on satellite pictures.
The ventriloquist‘s stuck on his hand looked like one of the famous TV
presenters which only added to the attractiveness of the show.
The moment the mother put a in her baby‘s mouth, it stopped crying and
began to calm down.
80. .....................................
The kitchen was spick and span and not a speck of could be seen.
A team of police officers set out to the place to find any fingerprints that
might have been left at the scene.
It‘s still unclear what may develop from this confusion. So the best thing to do now is to
wait for the to settle.
81. .....................................
It‘s the of a pilot to look after the welfare of his passengers.
We could go to the cinema this afternoon - I don‘t go on until seven o‘clock.
You do realise that you have to pay _ on goods imported from abroad, don‘t
82. .....................................

Rufus is probably the last representative of a _ breed of people who keep
I‘m really _ to see a good Polish film, but there are none on at the moment.
Scholars predict that this species will be in danger of out within five years.
So, there is much at stake right now.
1. .......................................
Don‘t waste your breath. He won‘t listen to you. It just goes in one and out
the other.
In the cinema, instead of watching the movie, he was whispering some sweet nothings in
her that made her blush from time to time.
Contrary to popular belief, it's not true that you need to have an _ for languages
to master them. Hard work has its own rewards.
2. .......................................
It has been a really nasty conflict with insurgents resorting to intimidation, looting and a
scorched policy.
What on are you doing in here, Ross? You are supposed to be attending a
conference in Japan.
Wow! A new BMW! It must have cost the .
3. .......................................
The pain began to _ off not long after I‘d taken the medicine.
The interviewer tried to put me at my by talking about his family.
The first time my brother tried snowboarding, he managed it with .
4. .......................................
During the breeding season, the male constitutes an prey for predators as it
can‘t defend itself.
If you think you are going to make money here, you‘re wrong. It takes a lot
of hard work to get it.
You‘d better go _ on Terry. Your draconian methods don‘t work at all.
5. .......................................
Rachel makes friends as she enjoys meeting people and has a very outgoing
The carnival is the most important event in the local calendar.

You can get to the beach by going out the back door of the hotel and
following the cliff path.
6. .......................................
Not only does he often overstay his welcome, but he can also you out of
house and home.
If you throw in your lot with Emmy, one day her extravagant lifestyle will start to
away at your modest financial resources.
I‘m innocent and your accusations are baseless. I can prove it and you‘ll have to
your words.
7. .......................................
The company is currently at the cutting of computer technology and is
determined to hold this position for years to come.
Dressed in a new, aerodynamic swimming costume, the swimmer seemed to have an
over the other competitors.
His latest action-packed movie starring Jennifer Ron and Mike Prize will keep you on the
of your seat.
8. .......................................
William needs to make a greater if he wants to pass his driving test first time.
New credit card technology is being developed in a serious to stop fraud.
The new reserve is a joint between the council and the Natural Wildlife
9. .......................................
I don‘t think he‘s your friend. If he was, he wouldn‘t you on to do all these
daring things which you later regret.
At all costs avoid products high in dietary cholesterol like _ yolks.
She always kept a nest for emergencies which came in handy when she was
laid off unexpectedly.
10. .....................................
Thanks to his knee and pads Billy didn‘t suffer any serious injuries when he
fell off his skateboard.
Fans look pitiful when they _ their way through the crowd to get a glimpse of
their idols.
Our specially designed brush will save a lot of grease when cleaning floors.

11. .....................................
With the breakup of the traditional family, more and more marriages in
If you don‘t plan your professional career, you might up having a deadend
Diana doesn‘t cringe at using dishonest methods to achieve her goals because she‘s
always believed that the justifies the means.
12. .....................................
Because it was doing an increasing amount of trade in the Swedish market, the company
decided to the services of a bilingual secretary.
A politician needs to be a good public speaker who can the attention of an
I‘ve tried to _ my new neighbours in conversation, but they always seem in a
hurry to get away.
13. .....................................
The workers at the car factory are at present _ in negotiations to improve their
As the business expanded and more staff were required, the company _ the
services of a recruitment agency.
When my brother and his new girlfriend announced that they were _ it took the
whole family by surprise.
14. .....................................
There must be an _ of surprise if we want to catch him off guard.
Roger is really into his -making models. I‘ve never met anybody so keen on
Your poor health might be the result of the lack of a trace _ or two. Let‘s hope
further tests will shed some light on this.
15. .....................................
Heavy rain and cold won‘t put off football fanatics and I‘m sure they‘ll brave the
to see their favourite team in action.
There are a few undesirable within our legal profession. If we don‘t expel
them, they‘ll tarnish our reputation.
Hold your horses! First you have to learn the basic of the job and then you
can be entrusted with more duties.

16. .....................................
When he saw her getting off the train, he ran to her.
Adam knew he would never find it easy to the new culture.
We are trying to come up with a solution which will all our ideas.
17. .....................................
My mother___________me warmly as if she hadn‘t seen me for ages.
Most trade union leaders the new European rulings regarding pay and
working conditions.
His first novel a whole range of emotions, however, I found his second book
rather shallow.
18. .....................................
The room was _ except for a rocking chair in the corner.
After years of experience, I finally realised he made nothing but promises _.
Being separated from his young son left Eric feeling .
19. .....................................
At the age of 18, George in the army.
We the help of some well-known names in the field of journalism when we were
preparing our report.
Everyone in the family was___________to organise the party.
20. .....................................
His role in the peace process was indisputable. He had always been actively _
in fence-mending talks.
Each time he called, he heard the _ tone in the receiver.
After a few drinks he wound down a bit and himself in conversation with
some girls at the counter.
21. .....................................
I‘m really sorry I can‘t accompany you to the airport because of a previous .
She broke off their claiming she now had serious doubts about his true
The commander-in-chief said that the soldiers had obeyed the rules of when
conducting house-to-house searches.
22. .....................................

Encouraged by her family, Loraine has finally the beauty contest.
Talks and negotiations between the two rival groups their second week.
I can assure you I have nothing to do with this plan. In fact, such an idea has never
my head.
23. .....................................
She scanned the room, looking for something to herself with while she
He refused to the possibility of his daughter going to Africa.
Part of the secretary‘s position was to _ the wives of the visiting dignitaries.
24. .....................................
It still remains a mystery how the burglars gained _ to such a closely guarded
The dictionary _ says that a wand is a stick which a magician holds to do tricks.
George‘s _ in the contest was immediately spotted and given the first prize.
25. .....................................
Ethnic violence and fighting _ following the assassination of a black human
rights activist.
The courtroom _ into laughter when the woman said she locked up her husband in
the attic because he‘d been disturbing her while she was watching a soap opera.
Residents began to flee the area in panic soon after the volcano sending
plumes of ashes into the air.
26. .....................................
Make sure you close the container tight so as not to let the gas___________from it.
We had a lucky___________the other day. Our scatter-brained neighbour nearly ran over
us when he was backing up into his drive.
Spending time alone at the weekends in his log cabin was an___________from the hustle
and bustle of the city.
27. .....................................
I was so ashamed when her name me given that we had been working
together for two years. I must have a memory like a sieve.
The two shoplifters _ detection because they had dressed up as supermarket
shop assistants.

The detective has been hot on the heels of the prisoner who broke out in
28. .....................................
It‘s to read the small print at the end of legal documents.
I believe that the _ difference between man and apes is the awareness of time.
The village has retained its character in spite of the new developments.
29. .....................................
It is essential to___________good working relationships with your potential in-laws.
A special committee was formed to___________the facts surrounding the alleged coup.
Eventually, the capsule will land and the astronauts‘ aim will be to a
permanent space station on the Moon.
30. .....................................
With his pinstripe suit, dark tie and bowler hat, Mr. Prescott was clearly a man who was
part of the .
All food and drinks bought here must be consumed inside this _ _.
The of a working party to look into immigration was the first item on the
government‘s agenda.
31. .....................................
Make sure the ground is perfectly _ before you start laying paving slabs.
It looked incredible when the lottery machine chose seven _ numbers in a
sequence starting from 4.
Brian‘s composure was outstanding, _ his facial muscles didn‘t divulge any
emotions whatsoever. This helped enormously in business negotiations.
32. .....................................
Having the ship, the scientists couldn‘t provide any plausible explanation
what might have caused the disease in the first place.
The proceedings have been adjourned and tomorrow other witnesses will be _
by the prosecutor.
I‘ve just had my lungs and the doctor said they look quite OK.
33. .....................................
The school staff officially welcomed a group of students from Norway who
were to spend two weeks with their English peers.

During the debate there‘s been a heated of words between the two

contestants vying for the party‘s nomination.

The remorseful drug dealer agreed to work with the police in _ for protection
and immunity.
34. .....................................
The paper boasted that it would soon publish an interview with the reclusive
Her shop was situated in an area populated by thousands of rich people that
could afford upmarket goods.
Laziness and top grades are mutually . You know no pains, no gains.
35. .....................................
Please the terrible state of this room, I haven‘t had time to tidy it up.
I know that she‘s under a lot of pressure, but nothing can _ her terrible
Would you _ me for a moment - I need to leave the room and make a phone
36. .....................................
The public felt that the Prime Minister had failed to good judgement in her
handling of the crisis.
Using a rowing machine is a very good way to the muscles in your legs and
Afternoons in the country were his favourite form of relaxation - and a perfect way to
the dog.
37. .....................................
The problems of global warming are the minds of scientists.
During the summit meeting, protesters were _ the right of free speech.
By playing tennis, you are in fact nearly every muscle in your body.
38. .....................................
The car market rapidly when the tax on imported cars was finally lifted.
John‘s extensive travels to foreign countries has his horizons enormously.
Now he calls himself a citizen of the world.
This short explanation didn‘t satisfy the press, so the spokeswoman on her
early comments to provide further information.

39. .....................................
For centuries millions of African slaves were on plantations by a handful of
white supremacists bent on profit.
The logging industry has already thousands of acres of rain forest to the
detriment of indigenous communities.
I‘m feeling by my boss who is demanding complete devotion. I‘m not a robot,
am I?
40. .....................................
By not helping the poor he himself to a lot of criticism from the media and
charities to the detriment of his career.
The last fire drill has _ the weaknesses of the system. Some measures must be
taken to ensure the safety of the students.
The wasteland was completely to the scorching sun and strong northeast
41. .....................................
Porn advocates said that the law, which was about to be introduced, was against freedom
of enshrined in the Constitution.
Susan is, if you will pardon the _ , mentally disturbed. I still can‘t work out why
she behaves the way she does.
He was famous for telling jokes with a deadpan on his face. The audiences
roared with laughter when he performed.
42. .....................................
I would like to a warm welcome to you all and thank you for being with us
They are planning to _ the road by twenty kilometres.
They originally intended to spend ten days in Egypt but now they‘ve decided to
their visit.
43. .....................................
In a fence-mending gesture, the Prime Minister his invitation to her
counterpart asking him to visit her country next year.
The trade was going smoothly and the company its business to other markets
as well.
Once the sandy beach for miles. Now it‘s a desolate place with hardly any

44. .....................................
The parents are thinking of building an _ to the existing house if a second child
enters the world.
There‘s a slight problem. I know Mr. Frisk works in this firm, but I must have lost his
We‘re very unlikely to meet the deadline. If we aren‘t given an , we won‘t
finish on time.
45. .....................................
There was a twinkle in her when she learnt she had been granted a
I think the sculpture is horrible. I can‘t work out what it is supposed to be. But you know,
beauty is in the of the beholder.
Matthew looked awful after the fight. A black and a lot scratches all over his
1. .......................................
The clock _ looked a bit bare without its hands.
Most analysts described the system in the country as capitalism with a human .
At last, he was brought to justice and had to serious charges of indecent
2. .......................................
The house south, with a beautiful view of the sea.
Sanchez Martinez in the final of the tournament, and won.
Wendy finally up to the fact that Fred wouldn‘t be coming back.
3. .......................................
When he was in his nineties, the famous writer‘s health began to _ .
If the potato crop were to , it would create many problems for the local people.
Please do not to check the safety precautions for this device.
4. .......................................
His unpopularity with his colleagues was largely due to his _ meet deadlines
and participate in projects.
The pilot had to make a crash landing, and it was later discovered that the problem had
been engine _.

She decided to take the flat even though it was damp and gloomy, but her efforts to make
it more cheerful were a total .
5. .......................................
Her head was spinning even more. She felt she was going to soon, which
happened 2 minutes later. When she came round, curious pedestrians were staring at
Some nocturnal animals have an amazing sense of hearing that enables them to hear even
very _ sounds.
Theoretically, there is a possibility of him getting better. But, it‘s highly
6. .......................................
1. He‘s been looking for work since he lost his job. He has called a job centre several
times and has even visited a careers in the province capital.
2. Susan‘s bright shoes and jacket matched her _ hair. She looked gorgeous.
3. You can forget your right to a _ trial in a country based on corruption and
7. .......................................
1. I‘ve never cheated on my wife and I‘ve always been to her, cross my heart.
2. Independent sources corroborated his version and said he‘d provided a
account of the events.
3. The boss knew he could count on Mark‘s loyalty as he‘d remained to the
company before despite its many problems.
8. .......................................
1. When she goes out too much, Samantha starts to behind with her homework.
2. The magazines on the market tend to into three main groups.
3. Following the opening of a rival nightclub, Cinderella’s has begun to out of
favour with the city‘s young people.
9. .......................................
1. You‘ve victim to these fraudsters because you ignored my advice. It‘ll teach
you a lesson.
2. Mom, can you help me out this time? I‘ve lately and they‘re threatening to evict me.
3. The shareholders were furious which didn‘t surprise the CEO because their shares
had to a record low.

10. .....................................
1. Don‘t be taken in by his promises - I‘m sure they are .
2. The police are going to charge the man with giving evidence.
3. I didn‘t say anything before because I didn‘t want to raise any _ hopes.
11. .....................................
1. His face looked_______, but I couldn‘t say where or when I had seen him before.
2. And the last piece of advice. Don‘t get too with the interviewers.
3. Martha might help you make a deal as she‘s on terms with all the council
12. .....................................
1. The film was banned fearing that it might the flames of hatred between
blacks and whites.
2. A in the room proved a blessing as temperatures were very high for this time
of the year.
3. The celebrity has been constantly inundated with mail from teenage girls
since he played a boy looking for affection.
13. .....................................
1. After a successful debut fame went to his head and the young actor started
squandering thousands of dollars on hotels and expensive cars.
2. Isn‘t it ridiculous that they _ themselves as experts on computers without even
knowing what a processor is?
3. ―Do you _ seeing a movie tonight?‖ - ―Sorry, but I‘d rather stay home.‖
14. .....................................
1. They searched and wide for the missing child.
2. Julie is by_______the most accomplished student in her class.
3. from being strict and old-fashioned, the new manager was actually supportive
and innovative.
15. .....................................
1. Though he desperately tried to free one of his hands, he couldn‘t as it was held
. He realized the kidnappers meant business.
2. Sue saw a window of opportunity and made it a point to work with this experienced
director. She somehow felt it would mean getting on the _ track to fame.

3. He didn‘t hear her come in as he was asleep. He‘d been working so long that
now he was dead to the world.
16. .....................................
1. It‘s vital that your attention remain _ on your goals.
2. She got in the car, her safety belt and drew away from the kerb.
3. Feeling increasingly nervous about his role as best man, he _ the rose to the
lapel of his jacket.
17. .....................................
1. The millionaire took out a $100 banknote from his wallet and handed it to the
2. There‘s a chance of him coming to the party. He dislikes being in large
groups of people.
3. The girls on the beach got jealous of Jane. There wasn‘t an ounce of on her
and her tanned skin was glistening attractively in the sun.
18. .....................................
1. In academic circles he is often regarded as the of this new theory. Others
only draw on his observations.
2. I tell you what. One day I‘ll settle down, get married to a nice girl and _ at least
10 children.
3. I want to confess, . I feel terribly guilty. I‘ve sinned against my God and my
19. .....................................
1. There is no point in currying with him by saying blandishments. He‘s a man
of integrity.
2. All the MPs voted in _ of the new regulations aimed at improving safety on the
3. Jack, can you do me a and give me a lift to the centre?
20. .....................................
1. The song Auld Lang Syne is an old in most parts of the UK.
2. The two-year-old, ridden by Richard Guest, is the in next week‘s Cheltenham
Gold Cup.
3. The Earl of Essex had notoriety as the of Queen Elizabeth.
21. .....................................

1. Carl and Mike are very good friends and it‘s not surprising. You know, birds of a
flock together.
2. She had to replace her pillow with a synthetic one as it turned out she was
3. Winning the competition was another _ in the cap of the athlete‘s successful
22. .....................................
1. Hardly anything positive can be said about Chris. Perhaps his only redeeming
is his loyalty.
2. The summer‘s edition of the magazine will contain a special _ on holidays in
the Mediterranean.
3. As technology becomes cheaper, GPS is going to become a standard in
mobile phones.
23. .....................................
1. A farmer himself, Tom holds that solitude and fresh air are two of the best of
country living.
2. Graceful and statuesque, her beauty was accentuated by her well-defined facial
3. Ornithologist Ted Mannings noted that there had been some excellent on
wildlife in the news recently.
24. .....................................
1. Once the data is collected, it is _ into a computer system that works out the
possible results.
2. Frank‘s suspicion grew even stronger, _ by an inexplicable fear that one day
his wife might leave him for somebody else.
3. I‘ve really got up to the back teeth with your constant demands. Enough is
25. .....................................
1. It‘s hard to eke out a living when you get chicken _ for your hard work, isn‘t
2. Lacy didn‘t feel any affection towards her new child. She thought of it as just another
hungry mouth to _.
3. The youngster soon began spending about 7 hours a day surfing the Internet to
his addiction to pornography.

26. .....................................
1. I don‘t up to going out this evening, I‘m afraid.
2. The nurse gave him an injection and he didn‘t a thing.
3. I pretty confused about my future at the moment.
27. .....................................
1. I‘ve been on my________all day, and I‘m looking forward to sitting down with a nice
cup of tea!
2. Martha thought she was going to be out of work for months, so she really landed on
her with that new job!
3. He‘s been living here for two years now, but he‘s getting itchy _ and wants to
28. .....................................
1. When night , the town quickly turned into a paradise for excitement seeking
2. He from grace as it transpired that he was involved in some monkey business.
3. As usual, Ruben out with his girlfriend over a trivial issue and now found it
hard to say sorry.
29. .....................................
1. I told the builders that the wall rather damp when I touched it.
2. Dr. Rowan_______that it was time for him to retire after fifteen years as chairman.
3. Karin in her bag hoping her wallet was there.
30. .....................................
1. We had to________in the area to keep out intruders who made our land a perfect spot
for their revelries.
2. The horse cleared the last and it was obvious that the gold would go to
3. One of his irritating traits is sitting on the when a decision should be made.
31. .....................................
1. After Barbie ditched him for a younger man, Ken realized he was unable to _
for himself.
2. Your immune system, when working properly, can _ off a whole range of

3. His mother didn‘t want any women around him, so she would _ them off with
biting remarks.
32. .....................................
1. For centuries the land along the River Nile has been exceptionally _ , thus ideal
for farming.
2. Our advertising agency is seeking young copy writers with a _ imagination to
come up with original ideas.
3. Even in old age, most men still remain _ unlike women who lose their
reproductive powers earlier.
33. .....................................
1. The press wanted to know which players the coach was going to _ in this
important match.
2. Some instruments were giving wrong readings due to a strong magnetic .
3. For a moment the shoplifter disappeared from the shop assistant‘s of vision.
34. .....................................
1. Tired of having to her way onto buses at rush hour, Jane bought a car.
2. She vowed to _ the court‘s decision to give custody of her children to their
3. Julie had to _ the impulse to answer back when she was reprimanded for her
35. .....................................
1. Angela keeps her by constantly dieting and exercising.
2. When I saw the________on the cheque I gasped with astonishment.
3. A key in producing any new legislation is the Prime Minister.
36. .....................................
1. I am not exactly sure what the rate of unemployment is, though it is certain to be in
double .
2. Mary could just make out some dim standing in the doorway.
3. Since key________in the government are challenging the motion, it is unlikely to pass.
37. .....................................
1. If you don‘t want to buy the printed version, you can always download the
appropriate from the Internet.
2. The group was highly organized. They were walking in________tied to each other.

3. At her lawyer‘s suggestion she was determined to _ for divorce.
38. .....................................
1. When his wife passed away, Luis began longing for someone to _ the void.
2. Curious about what had been happening in the town during his absence, Morris asked
his friend to him in on the latest gossip and news.
3. Currently, our university is looking for a suitable candidate to________the post in the
physics department.
39. .....................................
1. A of dirt and oil lay over the surface of the pond.
2. Loma Rook has been ail over the world promoting her latest .
3. If you wrap the cheese tightly in plastic _ and put it in the fridge it will last
40. .....................................
1. My new boss fault with everything I do.
2. If my mother out I‘ve crashed the car. I‘ll be in big trouble!
3. Kirsten is shy, so she _ it hard to talk to strangers.
41. .....................................
1. The material was so that it tore under the slightest pressure.
2. We are rarely given the time to read all the print when we sign a contract.
3. It was a day so we decided to go on a picnic.
42 ......................................
1. The onions should be _ chopped and then sprinkled on top of the dish.
2. The argument is really quite balanced, and it is as yet unclear what the final
decision will be.
3. The engine has been tuned to give the best possible performance.
43. .....................................
1. They‘re spoilt, these children. Their mother does all the work in the house herself and
they hardly ever lift a _ .
2. With his extended connections in high circles, Carl seems to have a in every
3. The boxer carried on fighting despite breaking his little _ and it paid off as he
won the match.

44. .....................................
1. The charismatic speaker his audience with enthusiasm.
2. Jake‘s boss _ him for his laziness and lack of initiative.
3. The potter _ the huge vases.
45. .....................................
1. On my arrival a man from Texas greeted me with a sunny smile and a
handshake that I thought would crush my hand.
2. You‘d better take a stand and don‘t yield an inch on this matter. If they sense
you‘re indecisive, they‘ll make mincemeat of you.
3. She‘s always been a _ believer in the idea of globalization. Even its worrying
consequences for the poor won‘t change her mind.
46. .....................................
1. I‘m surprised Sheila was so supportive when your mother was ill as I‘ve always
thought she was rather a cold .
2. Sian fell like a out of water when he first went to work for the company.
3. Jane may have a fancy job title, but really she‘s just a big________in a small pond.
47. .....................................
1. He‘s alleged to have made his fortune by _ in troubled waters after the collapse
of communism in Russia.
2. Penny‘s so lacking in confidence that she‘s forever________for compliments.
3. As usual several reporters were hanging around the bar for tidbits of gossip.
48. .....................................
1. Most of what they serve at that place isn‘t _ to eat.
2. Since his accident he‘s only to do part-time work.
3. According to doctors, elderly people should try to keep themselves by taking
regular exercise.
49. .....................................
1. Can‘t you understand, Brenda? I want a long term solution and not the quick
you're suggesting.
2. It‘s hard to a date for our wedding. We‘re both leading very busy lives these
3. Jack, can you me a drink? I could do with one. It‘s been a hard day.
50. .....................................

1. International watch dog organizations say the elections have been and as
such should not be recognized.
2. Our bank promises to have our interest rates for 5 years at 5%. It‘s a real
3. When the gymnast ended his performance, all the eyes were _ on the judges.
51. .....................................
1. There was a small crack on one of the table legs and the varnish on the top began to
2. His eyelids became heavy as he‘d been struggling not to out. Finally
tiredness got the upper hand and he fell asleep.
3. It‘s amazing that each of snow is different from others, just like fingerprints.
52. .....................................
1. The radio-controlled device wasn‘t working. He suspected that the battery must have
gone .
2. Travelling across the Netherlands you immediately notice that the land is _.
3. You can be sure there are no hidden charges. All you pay is a rate of $100
per annum at the beginning of the year.
53. .....................................
1. In an attempt to design an improved version of the stealth airplane, scientists were
closely examining the bird‘s smooth movements in .
2. Once inside the room, he spotted another of stairs that he suspected might
lead to the professor‘s secret laboratory.
3. When the ball bounced off the wall and smashed Mr. Wilson‘s window, all the boys
took .
54. .....................................
1. He was lying on the hot beach watching kites gently in the morning breeze.
2. I remember being woken up by the smell of fresh bread upstairs and into my
3. Jenny has got tired of her idea at weekly meetings as it has been consistently
rejected by the majority.
55. .....................................
1. He saw a _ of birds flying southwards in search of a warmer environment.
2. Each year a lot of pilgrims________to the shrine to worship the goddess.

3. The shop assistant was almost always surrounded by a of school children
screaming for free biscuits.
56. .....................................
1. It is believed that the wreck has been lying deep on the sea _ since the war
hostilities ended.
2. You‘ve been talking for two hours. Please let me have the __ now. I‘d like to
address the public.
3. Trade unions pointed out that there was a significant lack of communication between
the management and the shop .
57. .....................................
1. The flowers we planted in the damp conditions.
2. In Germany, baroque art in the 17th and 18th centuries.
3. She raced down the street, her winning lottery ticket at the man in the comer
shop, then burst into tears of joy.
58. .....................................
1. Illegal work migrants are into the country through the porous borders,
stirring up outrage among right wing parties.
2. Those were the wild days. Alcohol was _ freely and promiscuity was spreading
3. It is suspected that chemical waste has been into the river since the start of
the factory‘s operation.
59. .....................................

1. The official was forced to pay only a _ visit to the region as she had to leave
for the capital the next day.
2. Early in the morning, a powerful blast sent hundreds of shreds of glass _ in all
directions. The guerrilla war began.
3. Our boss is in the habit of into a rage each time we mention a pay rise.
60. .....................................
1. The company asked a group a series of challenging questions to develop their
selling strategies for the next product.
2. George! Are you with me? I get a feeling you‘ve switched off. Please, your
attention on the lesson.
3. The photos of the landscape seemed out of due to the shaking of the train. All
of them were taken when he was travelling across Russia in a rickety wagon.

61. .....................................
1. Whenever she came and made a scene, he would sit back, his arms and listen
to her impassively.
2. Johnny, could you up your clothes and put them on the chair before I get
3. After a training session, you may our exercise machine and store it under
your bed, saving precious space.
62. .....................................
1. The instructions should be concise, but also easy for the user to _ .
2. Free-range farms allow poultry to _ their natural behaviour patterns.
3. He wants to be a policeman, although his father would like him to in his
steps and become a doctor.
63. .....................................
1. The embassy was closed down a recent spate of violence and an upsurge of
nationalistic feelings.
2. The band has a huge _ among teenagers, especially in the USA and Canada.
3. Josh informed us he was going away the _ day which didn‘t come as a surprise.
64. .....................................
1. She had memories from her last business trip to Jamaica. She met a gorgeous
businessman whose attitude to life was similar to hers.
2. They came to the airport to bid all their guests a farewell.
3. I don‘t think George wants to many her. He‘s only of her, that‘s all.
65. .....................................
1. Unfortunately Jake and I got off on the wrong _ from his first day in the
company, and our working relationship has been difficult since then.
2. When it comes to letting the children go out during the week, their mother always
puts her down.
3. I really put my in it when I let slip we‘d been to the cinema together before,
didn‘t I?
66. .....................................
1. The police used _ to disperse the gang of football hooligans.
2. The _ of the explosion destroyed many of the surrounding buildings.
3. His _ of argument persuaded me to change my ideas.

67. .....................................
1. The government has been to withdraw the controversial education bill.
2. I could see that the door to my office had been and my papers were missing.
3. The leading actor‘s performance was not natural at all and came over as
melodramatic and _ .
68. .....................................
1. I had to out $100 to get a seat next to the stage during the concert, but it was
worth it.
2. Shortly before the storm began, a _ of lightning appeared in the sky
illuminating the countryside.
3. Take the right _ and go straight on for about 2 miles. The chapel is on your left.
69. .....................................
1. Sadly, it's not our parents that our opinions about the world, it‘s the media.
2. By the time Kate was in the fourth _, she had already won a few major
3. Kelly was diagnosed with a particularly virulent of the disease.
70. .....................................
1. Please _ this email to anyone in the department who would benefit from a
training weekend.
2. Let‘s sit further________so we can get a better view of the play.
3. A bit more________planning would have prevented our staffing problem.
71. .....................................
1. Though all the evidence suggested it was suicide, the detective suspected _ _
2. I strongly disapprove of film celebrities using language during interviews.
3. The player committed only a single during the first half of the match.
72. .....................................
1. People say that Frank is a nasty individual but whenever I‘ve met him, I‘ve always
him very pleasant.
2. You‘ve fault with absolutely everything at the hotel - I‘ve never known
anyone complain so much!
3. Despite all the evidence against him, he was _ not guilty when the case came to

73. .....................................
1. Their friendship provided a solid _ for their marriage.
2. All the funds raised by our _ go to various animal causes.
3. There was no to the accusation he had made.
74. .....................................
1. It seems to be fashionable to wear jeans which are at the edges.
2. Tempers are getting rather in this heat today.
3. Constant abrasion means that even the thickest ropes can become over time.
75. .....................................
1. The meal was really expensive, but at least we got a drink at the end.
2. I‘m afraid I‘m terribly busy at the moment - I‘m not until next Friday.
3. Do you believe in will, or is our destiny decided?
76. .....................................
1. I can‘t put up with your eating habits. I won‘t have you eat cheeseburgers and
fries all the time.
2. The party was getting boring by the minute and Susan with a few friends made a
decision to take _ leave and slip out of the garden when the hosts were not
3. Please, pardon my I didn‘t want to offend anybody, but I feel strongly about
the issue.
77. .....................................
1. Norah couldn‘t get over him. Though it had been five years after their divorce, he
was still _ in her mind.
2. We‘re not going to hold out long in the middle of the ocean without some
3. This ossified company requires some unconventional thinking and ideas.
78. .....................................
1. The investigation has found that more soldiers died from rather than enemy
2. His hosts turned out to be very and talkative and before long he felt as if he
was part of their family.
3. As it was only a _ match, there were very few fouls and zero hostility on the

79. .....................................
1. A small lunatic _ _ in the party is believed to approve of the use of violent
methods to achieve political gains.
2. The girl had curly blonde hair with a cute _ running across her forehead.
3. The boss used _ _ benefits to make him change his mind and stay with the
company for the next five years.
80. .....................................
1. The troops at the _ had to endure lack of food and comforts for many months.
2. When the baby lay on his _ he started to cry.
3. Michelle maintained a brave as her way of dealing with personal tragedy.
81. .....................................
1. The community‘s perception of cohabitation is still very conservative in this region.
Most people on such a practice.
2. The teacher looked at the child with a unable to believe his excuses.
3. He knew from the beginning that his mother would at him disapprovingly. So
he chose not to tell her who he wanted to invite to the party.
82. .....................................
1. She leads a very and varied life, although sometimes she finds there‘s not
enough time in the day.
2. In the photograph Hilda was wearing a________skirt and patterned blouse.
3. Brad‘s all right, but he‘s a little too________of himself sometimes.
83. .....................................
1. I don‘t really know what it is, but I have a feeling that somebody is watching
2. ―Are you OK?‖ - ―Yeah, don‘t worry. I just feel a bit...........That's all.‖
3. An agonizing pain went through her arm as she banged her________bone on the pole.
84. .....................................
1. Raymond had no qualms about using his connections to________his artistic career.
2. If you want_______details about our service, don‘t hesitate to visit our Web site.
3. Since the insurance company dismissed his claim, he had no choice but take the
matter .

1 ........................................
1. This is a very competitive business and companies are always trying to _ an
advantage over their rivals.
2. As their performances improved, the players began to in confidence.
3. Financially, she won‘t much by changing jobs, but she feels that she‘ll get
more satisfaction.
2. .......................................
1. Although initially regarded only as a soap star, Emily has the respect of the
critics for her recent film roles.
2. For young singers, there is nothing to be from over-exposure in the media at
an early stage in their career.
3. The former model is reported to have a lot of weight since her retirement.
3. .......................................
1. Despite lack of practice, his improved as the chess match progressed.
2. Hunters returned empty-handed, the _ having been protected by animal rights
3. It was the first of the season and ten goals were scored.
4. .......................................
1. After a of five years, Jennifer decided to go back to work full-time.
2. There is a _ in the magazine market which needs to be filled.
3. The children squeezed through a _ in the wall.
5. .......................................
1. The teacher asked the children to round her in a circle while she read the
2. Nathan started to up all his books and pens and put them in his briefcase
before leaving his desk.
3. From your email, I that you‘re not too happy with the service this company
has been providing.
6. .......................................
1. The voters felt the elections were grossly rigged. Therefore, they on the main
square in the capital chanting angry slogans.

2. After the first two slow months, finally the campaign momentum, exceeding
all expectations.
3. Roger knew he had to keep a cool head in this situation. So he his thoughts
and started considering all the options.
7. .......................................
1. The train left the station, momentum as it went.
2. People were outside the store, eager to snap up bargains on the first day of
the sales.
3. The whole family were out in the orchard olives.
8 ........................................
1. All the enemy forces were put on high alert and ordered to _ up for the final
2. With our state-of-the-art bike even the highest hills seem to be child‘s play. You
simply change and conquer them easily.
3. Police in riot clashed with demonstrators calling for a total ban on abortion.
9. .......................................
1. The five-star who is believed to have been responsible for ordering ethnic
cleansings is to stand trial next week.
2. It later turned out that Mary had failed to inform her________practitioner that she had
occasional blackouts.
3. Taking part in this knowledge quiz requires good brains and fast reflexes.
10. .....................................
1 Today‘s world has seen the widening of the gap between teenagers and their
parents. They seem to have no common ground on which to build their relationships.
2. The company made plans to produce a new of computer processors that
would set standards for years to come.
3. Physicists are working on a new method of improving the of electricity
without harming the environment.
11. .....................................
1. My mother was always such a lovely person, who wouldn‘t hurt a fly.
2. If you have a heart condition you should take regular but exercise.
3. There was a mountain pass at 5,000 metres but the slopes were quite .
12. .....................................

1. Do you know where I can this suit dry-cleaned?
2. I‘ll my secretary to fix up a meeting sometime next week.
3. I‘m not sure exactly what they earn, but I know they paid a lot more than me.
13. .....................................
1. Sarah has that rare _ of being able to really listen to people.
2. Joe's always had the of the gab, which is why he became a politician.
3. There‘s a free_______in every pack of Busy Bee‘s Frosted Honey Flakes.
14. .....................................
1. It‘s a ten-minute drive from here, _ or take a minute or so.
2. I‘ll lend you the money if you me your word that you‘ll pay it back this time.
3. She didn‘t want to _ the impression that she was too keen to accept his
15. .....................................
1. Having been _ to understand that their travel expenses would be paid, the
speakers at the conference were annoyed to find that this was not in fact the case.
2. I haven‘t much thought yet to what I‘m going to do once I‘ve finished this
3. Jim was an exceedingly spoilt child as his mother had always way to his
every whim.
16. .....................................
1. Martin felt a________of satisfaction at having been of help in the charity drive.
2. Her brisk walk in the crisp autumn countryside had given Zoe‘s face a healthy pink
3. The coal fire gave off a soft which created a romantic atmosphere in the
17. .....................................
1. The quiz contestant ran out of time and was unable to __ for the jackpot
2. Although his career was progressing well, the young journalist knew he had a long
way to before he would be ready for promotion.
3. Keeping animals‘ in captivity may against your principles, but it is the only
way to preserve some species.
18. .....................................

1. The story that Miranda got hitched to an old media tycoon, but later ran off
with a handsome model she‘d once met at a party.
2. It without saying that you should be careful while paying by credit card on
the Internet.
3. The jacket may be fashionable right now, but it‘s only a matter of time before it
19. .....................................
1. He won his first _ in 2000, at the Sydney Olympics.
2. The three wise men bore gifts of frankincense and myrrh.
3. The puppy was as good as while I was looking after him.
20. .....................................
1. Some people say that the 1950s were the _ age of Hollywood.
2. When Mr. Thomas left the firm he was given a handshake by his superiors.
3. The rule about crossing a road in Britain is to look right, left, then right again.
21. .....................................
1. There‘s a(n) chance that he‘ll win.
2. He‘s not particularly _ at chess, but he‘ll improve.
3. After reading his report, we have a fairly _ idea of what went on at the meeting.
22. .....................................
1. I waited years to do it. but I finally _ my own back on him for his disloyalty to
2. Loud noise is something that has always _ on my nerves.
3. The party was a great success as all the guests on like a house on fire.
23. .....................................
1. The model moved with such that she appeared to float across the stage.
2. She was given a week‘s in which to pay the outstanding debt.
3. It‘s hard to believe that she didn‘t even have the to apologise after it was
proved she had made the mistake.
24. .....................................
1. You should use a high of oil to protect your car engine.
2. Mickey re-sat the maths exam to improve his .

3. For civil service positions the _ depends on both qualifications and length of
25. .....................................
1. They added up the cost of the cruise and the _ total came to £10,000.
2. A trip to the seaside can be a day out.
3. Petula has always had plans for the future.
26. .....................................
1. As a very good student, he got a government of 1000 dollars to pay his
university fees.
2. They will never you permission to build a house on this site. They are
planning archaeological excavations here.
3. She looks fantastic in this bikini, I you, but beauty will fade away one day.
27. .....................................
1. Most young people in industrialized countries take all the luxuries of modern
civilization for..............What‘s more, they think they deserve them.
2. The court the company permission to go ahead with the building plan despite
fierce opposition from the local communities.
3. Mr. Nice is not perfect, but he is the only party leader the nation can trust in
these difficult times.
28. .....................................
1. Be shrewd and _ _ this opportunity before it‘s too late. It won‘t happen again
2. Despite her lengthy explanations, the people in the audience didn‘t fully what
she was trying to get across.
3. It is still unclear how the man was able to slip from the of the two burly
29. .....................................
1. The late singer would turn in his if he could now listen to his songs being
2. A new spate of terrorism is a matter of _ concern. No one can feel safe and it
may strike at any moment and in any form.
3. The UN specialists have been actively searching for a mass where more than
100 people are believed to have been buried alive.

30. .....................................
1. In his eyes, the painting with its landscape and some fat cows on the field
was a classic example of bad taste and mediocrity.
2. The brick that fell off the roof missed his head by 6 inches, his arm lightly.
3. During Susan‘s career as a model she had to watch her diet and was used to
throughout the day.
31. .....................................
1. The sports centre offers a variety of sports facilities such as swimming pools
and gyms.
2. All experts agree that a _ divide is emerging in society. Never before has the
nation been so split in their views on moral issues.
3. The thing about these state-of-the-art binoculars is that they allow you to
measure distances between you and the objects you are looking at.
32. .....................................
1. You won‘t find a better person to look after your plants than Roy. He‘s said to have
2. Wow! What a fantastic haircut you‘ve got! The girls will be with envy when
they see you.
3. The commission gave the project the light and the work went ahead without
33. .....................................
1. The report blamed the managerial staff for negligence. The workplace was
found filthy and the workers hadn‘t been paid overtime.
2. Nobody at the studio expected that the movie would become a blockbuster and would
100 million dollars worldwide.
3. It‘s a shame that such a small country spends almost 20 % of its domestic
product on weapons of mass destruction.
34. .....................................
1. If your parents find out you are going out with this good-for-nothing boy, they are
going to _ you for at least a week.
2. In an act of retaliation the guerrillas razed the village to the _ because of its
cooperation with the forces loyal to the government.

3. The air traffic control was forced to the plane after a technical problem was
reported by the cabin crew.
35. .....................................
1. The city‘s two football are in need of new turf, so they will be closed for the
2. Although the castle buildings are closed during the week, the are open to the
public from 9 to 5 every day.
3. Since all possible problems have been foreseen, there should be no for any
36. .....................................
1. The religious order is distancing itself from this tiny splinter _ that formed
quite recently.
2. Girls began screaming and weeping when their favourite pop jumped onto
the stage.
3. This free software, though not as advanced as professional programmes, lets the users
their photos in different categories.
37. .....................................
1. The small fishing village has into a major resort in just a few years.
2. The market for male beauty products has _ rapidly in recent years.
3. I‘ve _ used to the idea that some of my ancestors may have been criminals.
1. .......................................
1. He had fallen into the of having a cup of coffee from the vending machine
every time he passed it.
2. Interrupting his wife is a really bad of his.
3. Mother Benedicta, immaculate in her black and white, starched coif, listened
carefully to what was being said.
2. .......................................
1. All hell broke loose when the police entered the brothel. They met with a _ of
bullets and the sound of machine gunfire.
2. Sleet and have wreaked havoc in the rural areas. It is reported that livestock
have been severely affected by these weather conditions.

3. Allan stood on the pavement trying unsuccessfully to a cab to get to the
airport as quickly as possible.
3. .......................................
1. Dennis Shepron has been as the greatest portraitist of his century.
2. Although she had a cultivated accent, she obviously from a working-class
3. He a taxi, jumped in and it sped away.
4. .......................................
1. Ladies and gentlemen, I‘m sure you‘ve enjoyed the show so let‘s give our artists a
big _.
2. Scuba diving is fantastic. Why don‘t you try your________at it and have some fun?
3. The negotiator was using subtle persuasion to make the hijacker over his
5. .......................................
1. When you put the items into the boxes, make sure you them gently as they‘re
extremely delicate.
2. The amount of paperwork I have to at the office is enormous. Please
somebody help me.
3. Loraine came up to the closed door. She pressed the _ down, but the door
refused to give up.
6. .......................................
1. This season we‘ll beat other competitors down. They‘ve been saddled with
enormous debts and an expensive workforce.
2. Cinderella was suffering so much at the _ of her stepmother that sometimes she
wished she hadn‘t been born.
3. Going to the pub? It‘s impossible. I have my full with Smith‘s report doe on
his desk at eight sharp tomorrow morning.
7. .......................................

1. At the end of the holiday, on to any unused foreign currency because it may
come in handy on another occasion.
2. If your call is not answered within two minutes, you‘re advised to up and dial
3. The company decided to a portrait of the retiring managing director in the

8. .......................................
1. He was his jacket in his wardrobe when he saw a paint stain on the sleeve.
2. My daughter enjoys around my study and watching me work on the
3. Against all odds, underdogs Redwood United are still onto the top of the
league table.
9. .......................................
1. Sarah is to show groups of visitors around the archaeological site in return
for a small fee.
2. Are you with the local history course that you‘re doing?
3. Dora‘s mother was only willing to go and see films which had a ending.
10. .....................................
1. The Americans claim that these three countries terrorists and are actively
engaged in terrorist activities.
2. It‘ll do you no good if you________resentment indefinitely. Try to forget what he has
done to you and you‘ll feel better.
3. The ship had to spend two more days in the while the pirates bought some
supplies from the locals.
11. .....................................
1. Can you speak up a bit? You see my father is of hearing.
2. He‘d had a time since the doctors told him he had prostate cancer. His psyche
couldn‘t return to normal.
3. Come on! No _ feelings. I admit I made a mistake, but it wasn‘t intentional.
Stop making such a fuss about it.
12. .....................................
1. Anna is rude to everybody, so it‘s________surprising that most people can‘t stand her.
2. We‘d moved into the new house before things started to go seriously wrong.
3. You ever come across old-fashioned equipment like that in offices any more.
13. .....................................
1. Rick does a tot of dangerous sports, but fortunately he has come to no so far.
2. I don‘t suppose I‘ll win this competition, but there‘s no _ trying.
3. I know you‘re fairly fit, but a bit more exercise wouldn‘t do you any .
14. .....................................

1. Some environmental groups claim we can solar energy to generate electricity
for all the people living on our planet.
2. He led the horse out of the stable, put on a , attached the plough and went
towards his small field.
3. All her colleagues were delighted when Pam was back in _ after the operation.
15. .....................................
1. I take off my to Robert. Not only did he pass the test, but he also got full
2. You have to wear a hard here. After all, it‘s a construction site and we don‘t
want to pay any fines.
3. The player got rave reviews in sports magazines after he‘d scored a _ trick.
16. .....................................
1. The reptile lays its eggs in mid-June and they 2 weeks later.
2. When the plane caught fire on landing, the passengers and the crew managed to leave
the aircraft using the escape _.
3. Fed up with his brother‘s reign, the prince decided to a plot to force him into
17. .....................................
1. The princess would scream her off in the tall tower, but nobody could hear
2. I must say I‘ve never had a good for facts and history was the subject I
disliked most.
3. Fame and popularity quickly went to his _ after Rufus received a prestigious
movie award for the best young actor.
18. .....................................
1. They turned left and towards the port.
2. Two students holding a banner the demonstration.
3. Terry the team of researchers as he was the acknowledged expert.
19. .....................................
1. His two-storey detached house was located in the of the town next to the
2. Unfortunately, there is no other way you can remember these facts except learning
them by .

3. The moment he saw his first airplane he set his on becoming a pilot.
20. .....................................
1. To tourists‘ delight, a great wave hit the region at the beginning of the
2. Janine deeply regretted the things she had said in the of the moment.
3. Put the ingredients in the saucepan and________for two minutes.
21. .....................................
1. When the oral exam came to an end and she was informed that she‘d passed, Edna
a sigh of relief.
2. Suddenly, one of his heavy suitcases fell from the platform and landed on the rails.
He jumped down, picked it up and________it back on.
3. Upon seeing a shriveled cadaver, some of the medical students had to leave the
dissecting room and in the lavatory.
22. .....................................
1. Mike‘s a _ sleeper. You can switch on the telly and he won‘t wake up.
2. Visibility is greatly reduced due to _ snow and strong winds. Motorists are
advised to drive carefully.
3. The navy suffered losses as the aircraft carriers came under a sudden attack
of the enemy‘s air force.
23. .....................................
1. Surely you can‘t be _ responsible for a mistake that was nothing to do with
2. As a student. Kate certain extreme views but she has become much more
conservative since then.
3. Sebastian Coe the world record for the 800 metres for many years.
24. .....................................
1. I was sitting at the next table to them so I couldn‘t overhearing their
2. My financial situation is pretty bad anyway, so this unexpected bill doesn‘t exactly
3. I wish you wouldn‘t yourself to my CDs without asking me first.
25. .....................................

1. They went upstairs as water was now waist _ and was still rising. Luckily, help
was on the way.
2. Try to avoid food which is _ in fat and doesn‘t have any nutritional value.
3. With her competitive spirit she always aims _ whether it is her professional or
private life.
26. .....................................
1. I‘ve applied for that job I told you about but I think it‘s _ unlikely that I‘ll get it.
2. Carol‘s students all think very her and consider her the best teacher at the
3. The hotel was _ recommended in the brochure but we found it _
something of a disappointment.
27. .....................................
1. The examiner gave the candidate no _ as to whether she had passed.
2. A helpful is to put the mixture in the fridge for ten minutes before balking it.
3. It‘s a delicious dish with just a of allspice and nutmeg.
28. .....................................
1. He began his career in a small dingy club where he was spotted by a studio manager
and the rest is .
2. This massacre will go down in as one of the most vicious acts of human
3. A good insurance sales agent will always ask you about your medical________to
make sure you‘re not suffering from any incurable diseases.
29. .....................................
1. We met at university and I must say we __ it off straightaway. We‘ve been
friends ever since.
2. The scandal _ the headlines in the morning. The campaign strategists were
unable to avert disaster.
3. The worst _ region of the country was the south. The flooding caused a lot of
damage leaving many people homeless.
30. .....................................
1. Strange as it may seem, we didn‘t encounter any problems. The whole plan went
without a .

2. It‘s becoming dangerous to a ride these days. You never know who‘s behind
the wheel.
3. The drunkard fought hard to himself up onto the bed, but kept falling off.
31. .....................................
1. If you don‘t finish the job on time, we‘ll _ you personally responsible.
2. The ancient theatre in Ephesus could up to 25,000 people which is a great
architectural accomplishment even by today‘s standards.
3. Would you like to the line? I‘ll see if I can put you through to the manager.
32 ......................................
1. If the good weather , we‘ll have the picnic.
2. In the long run, gold its value.
3. The state a celebration every year in honour of its struggle for independence.
33. .....................................
1. The new device, which we add as a standard feature, can help you to _ in on
your car should it be stolen.
2. Frank was a born mechanic. He‘s always felt at with bikes and cars.
3. There‘s no need for you to drive your message...............I‘ve already understood what
you want me to do.
34. .....................................
1. Concerned doctors him up to a drip immediately and close relatives were
2. By then it was dark, so I found the edge of her coat, my finger through a
buttonhole and led her across the car park.
3. It is increasingly common for teenage boys to be________on steroids in their efforts at
35. .....................................
1. It was embarrassing when the started shouting at the guests. Some people
took offence and left the party.
2. As an Olympics _ _ city it boasted a couple of privileges that other towns could
only dream of.
3. The TV viewers were thrilled when they learnt that Gina, the winner of the latest
edition of Big Brother, was going to a new TV game show.
36. .....................................

1. Abortion became a issue just before the elections were to be held. The nation
seemed to be split in two.
a ride these days. You never know _ himself up onto the bed, but kept
2. Hundreds of new cheap cars were leaving the assembly line and they were selling
like _ cakes in poorer provinces.
3. The last dish was piping when it arrived at their table.
37. .....................................
1. The customers were thrilled when the owner of the pub told them everything was on
the .
2. Judging by the way people reacted to his jokes, he really brought the down.
He was given a standing ovation for his dazzling performance.
3. The castle used to _ a posh restaurant and a luxurious hotel.
38. .....................................
1. The role of the man has changed a lot. Now he is expected to do some chores
that he once didn‘t touch at all.
2. With millions of sold albums, he certainly became a name in the music
3. The invention of the washing machine and other appliances means less work
and more time for your family. At least, in theory.
39. .....................................
1. The atmosphere got spooky in the castle. In addition, the wind outside kept
sending shivers down her spine.
2. The joke was so funny and witty that the audience was with laughter.
3. ―When the night falls, a pack of wolf comes out of the forest _ at the moon,‖
he began his story.
40. .....................................
1. It‘s a instinct, surely, to save others, especially a child.
2. His ambition from adolescence was to become a rights lawyer.
3. The writers which interest me most are those whose novels explore the strengths and
weaknesses of nature.
41. .....................................
1. The moment he realized it was a tele-marketeer who called him, he up and
went back to dinner.

2. She quickly took off her suit and it in the wardrobe before taking a plunge
into the bath.
3. Each day thick smog over the city centre preventing the sunshine from
reaching the streets.
42. .....................................
1. When he fell off his bicycle, he his arm.
2. John really me when he said I was a manipulative and calculating person.
3. The muscles in my leg really after running the marathon.
1. .......................................
1. The hotel manager wanted the builders to give him a better _ of the cost of the
new leisure complex before he gave the go-ahead.
2. Our for the holiday is to set out on foot, then resort to public transport when
we get tired.
3. I don‘t care what you say, she‘s not my __ of a good mother, allowing her
children to roam the streets at that time of night!
2. .......................................
1. I think what you said yesterday how difficult it is to get anyone to agree on
2. The lecturer his talk with a really colourful selection of slides.
3. It was universally agreed that the book which won the photography prize was
beautifully .
3. .......................................
1. The city is keen to shake off its as a post-industrial problem area.
2. It was only with the spread of cinemas in the 1920s that people began to regard the
moving as a real art form.
3. Throughout the trial, Hopkins was the very of respectability.
4. .......................................
1. It is often said that children learn best by _ .
2. The new sofa looked quite expensive, but in fact it was made of leather.
3. Alison could do an almost perfect of their teacher, and she always made
everyone laugh.
5. .......................................

1. The importance of security was upon them as they entered the building.
2. I was by how well she handled those customers.
3. As the dog trotted across the wet cement, its paw prints were into the surface.
6. .......................................
1. Ed‘s answers during the viva gave a false _ of his knowledge. Normally
articulate and bright, he could hardly utter a single word.
2. The stand-up comedian did a nearly perfect of the rock star. People were
shrieking with laughter.
3. At first, I was under the that they were reticent. Only later did I learn they
were extremely talkative.
7 ........................................
1. Parker in a brief speech that he would be leaving the company.
2. It was once believed that dreams _ future events.
3. The driver _ left but immediately turned right!
8. .......................................
1. A key witness can often provide detailed corroboration, thus having a dramatic
on the outcome of a complex legal case.
2. It‘s generally agreed that the of television in the modern world is
3. Martha Graham played a major role in developing the theory of modern dance, so
extending her to a whole new generation of dancers.
9. .......................................
1. The government today announced a new to encourage reading among young
2. I‘m not very satisfied with my new secretary as she refuses to use her own
and is always asking me to give her instructions.
3. The home team took the _ early in the match, forcing the other side to play a
defensive game.
10. .....................................
1. We need a new captain who can _ the team to regain their past form.
2. The new manager doesn‘t exactly _ confidence in his workers.
3. His meeting with this unknown woman was to his greatest poem.
11. .....................................

1. Police _ has revealed that the spy escaped to a country from which he cannot
be extradited.
2. Are these cave paintings proof that on alien once visited our planet?
3. Martha is a brilliant student but doesn‘t show much in her everyday life.
12. .....................................
1. He has shown no in taking part in the trek across the mountains.
2. I believe that it is in the public that the facts of the situation are made known.
3. There is a disturbing lack of in recycling in the area where I live.
13. .....................................
1. Don‘t agree to anything until you have been through everything and checked exactly
what is .
2. It‘s clearly none of your business so why did you feel the need to act ?
3. Becoming with someone so soon after the divorce was not exactly what he
had planned.
14. .....................................
1. I would like to take with the remark you made in your editorial about Gaelic
2. While thumbing through a back of The Financial Times in the dentist‘s
waiting-room, Mike came across his dream job.
3. Every time he suggests they should see a counsellor, his wife manages to evade the
15. .....................................
1. Ministers have been told to wait until the Foreign Secretary _ a formal
statement before speaking to the press about the incident.
2. The subject of legalizing drugs is one of those controversial which is unlikely
to be resolved soon.
3. In the next two _ _ of the National Reporter we will be bringing you a special
report on the health care crisis.
16. .....................................
1. The department________a travel warning alerting tourists to possible terrorist threats.
2. A coin and three new stamps are going to be the victory over the invading
3. As soon as I‘m with a passport, I‘ll pack and go to Australia.

17. .....................................
1. When the news _ was first shown on TV, nobody believed it would capture
people‘s attention. But, it did.
2. Miranda felt attached to this particular of clothing that brought back good
memories of years spent with Ricky.
3. And now, another on the agenda today is our policy towards the trade unions.
1. .......................................
1. The next card that he took from the pile was the of diamonds, a valuable
acquisition indeed.
2. Safety can‘t be compromised. Always use a proper when you inspect the
underside of your car.
3. Don‘t worry, mum. I‘ll do it before you can say _ Robinson.
2. .......................................
1. If it hadn‘t been for his flak , the reporter would have been killed in the war
2. Yes, he did return the book, but it was dog-eared and its dust was missing.
3. Take them out of the oven and serve your _ potatoes with a green salad. It‘s
3. .......................................
1. The traffic extended for three kilometres.
2. Martha was in a terrible and didn‘t know what to do.
3. Try some of my blackberry_______; it‘s delicious!
4. .......................................
1. At least a size too big, Hannah‘s straw hat was down over her eyes.
2. He a few coins into a fat Coca-Cola machine outside the saloon, but nothing
3. Roads leading to the sea were reported to be _ by lunchtime, with those inland
unusually quiet.
5. .......................................
1. Amy went off and her friends in the restaurant.
2. Once he‘d the two last pieces of wood together with strong glue, the model
was complete.

3. When all the other children _ in, the noise was deafening.
6. .......................................
1. The striker limped off the pitch, complaining about his left knee _ .
2. Diana dismissed his idea of having a bank account as she thought it was old-
fashioned and would take away her freedom.
3. After many talks behind closed doors, the two parties issued a _ statement
calling on the government not to sign the treaty.
7. .......................................
1. It‘s hard to how tall buildings are when you see them from the air.
2. I have been asked to a song-writing competition.
3. It‘s a mistake to _ people by appearances alone.
8. .......................................
1. It‘s not sensible to _ to conclusions before all the arguments have been
2. All the people in the shop got angry when an old lady tried to _ the queue
demanding special treatment.
3. When Malysz appeared on top of the ski the crowd went wild cheering and
chanting his name.
9. .......................................
1. The police car moved into action when the driver the lights and ignored their
command to stop the car.
2. He for joy upon learning he‘d won a lot of money in the lottery.
3. Seconds before the explosion, the pilot _ _ clear of the helicopter.
10. .....................................
1. Roy married a woman ten years his _.
2. I‘ll always remember Mrs. White, my teacher in________school.
3. Ripton was at that time a official at the Treasury.
11. .....................................
1. It‘s as well I remembered to take the map with me, or we‘d never have found
our way there.
2. There‘s no need to get upset because I‘ve said I don‘t agree with you.
3. Do you think you could phone back in about ten minutes - I can‘t speak to you

1. .......................................
1. When the publishers rejected her first novel, Celeste felt such a
disappointment that she burst into tears.
2. As you know, Gary is a sportsman who loves football, basketball and cricket.
3. He ground the knife blade to give it a edge.
2. .......................................
1. How can anyone track of what‘s going on in this mess!
2. You‘re doing really well, so please________it up!
3. I try to up with the latest news via the Internet.
3. .......................................
1. If it hadn‘t been for the diary she , the police wouldn‘t have known who her
biological father was.
2. An additional cup of coffee her going for another two hours of intensive
3. Rules should be________to a minimum. We don‘t want to stifle creativity, do we?
4. .......................................
1. Barbara emerged as a _ player in the game, a name to be reckoned with.
2. To get access to the information stored on your computer you have to in a 15
digit code.
3. A self-study exercise book without the________at the end is more than useless.
5. .......................................
1. It wasn‘t until he found out he had lung cancer that he decided to _ the habit.
2. Make sure you‘re punctual today. We‘re going to off the meeting at 4 on the
dot and we won‘t wait for you.
3. Unless you start behaving yourself, the principal may you out of school.
6. .......................................
1. I had plenty of time to before my train left.
2. Gerald managed to _ everyone‘s enthusiasm for the film by revealing the
3. Susanna, wearing a stunning black number, was dressed to .
7. .......................................

1. Gary was cautious not to believe the man‘s promises to get rich fast. He knew full
well that making a overnight was next to impossible.
2. Can‘t we take a rest? My feet are me. We‘ve been doing shopping for the last
five hours.
3. I don‘t think my attitude to mercy _ will change as I grow older.
8. .......................................
1. Michael‘s a very vindictive man. If you mess up with him, hell certainly repay you in
2. Thank you very much for your invitation, but unfortunately we are unable to
attend the ceremony.
3. Susan will make a perfect victim in any relationship. She‘s the of person who
will sacrifice everything for you.
9. .......................................
1. He had to his estate car goodbye to pay off some of his debts and pay the
2. There, there. Show me your knee and Mommy will it better.
3. Does he always _ up to the boss like that? Doesn‘t he know it‘s so degrading?
10. .....................................
1. I need a bicycle repair to mend my puncture.
2. Jim‘s mother bought him a new drum for his birthday.
3. This coffee table is only sold in _ form for home assembly.
11. .....................................
1. Carmen had always hypnotherapy until she found it actually worked.
2. She was _ sideways when she heard she had won the lottery.
3. After negotiation, the price was down on condition we paid cash.
1. .......................................
1. The _ Party has been in power for ten years now.
2. The woman was suffering from excruciating _ pains on her way to hospital.
3. Sometimes women are used as cheap by some unscrupulous employers.
2. .......................................

1. The approaching army siege to the town in early winter and now was waiting
patiently for the town residents to put up the white flag.
2. His first flight the foundations for the whole aviation industry.
3. The undercover agent the briefcase on the table, opened it and started
handing the money to the drugs dealer.
3. .......................................
1. Australia is a of diverse nationalities and cultural traditions.
2. We saw the bird _ briefly on a nearby fence before it flew off.
3. Even the strongest swimmer couldn‘t swim to in such rough water.
4. .......................................
1. The ships their catch at the harbour in the early hours of the morning.
2. She‘s a plum job with the BBC - she‘s really delighted.
3. After three years of wild living he up in serious debt and had to sell his house.
5. .......................................
1. The first of our journey was from New York to Boston where we wanted to
stay a couple of days.
2. He doesn‘t know the word poverty. He‘s been living in the of luxury since he
was born.
3. It is a funny sight when kittens milk with their small red tongues. They are so
6. .......................................
1. Children are hyperactive today, but if you show them a few tricks I‘m sure they‘ll
into silence.
2. You have to be vigilant all the time when you work as a bodyguard. A single _
of concentration may mean someone‘s death.
3. I‘m afraid that once he‘s released, he‘s going to into his old wicked ways.
7. .......................................
1. The annoying thing about Tom is that he always has to have the word in
every discussion.
2. The _ person I expected, or wanted to meet at the reception was my former
3. He didn‘t win the competition, but he made it through to the six.
8 ........................................

1. Vanessa is tired because she‘s had a lot of nights recently.
2. There were lots of arrivals at the party because of traffic problems.
3. Mike was in his _ _ thirties when he finally found a career that he liked.
9. .......................................
1. The ship was six months after the beginning of construction work and went
on its maiden voyage a week later.
2. There have been reports that forces loyal to the ousted president have a new
offensive on the capital.
3. The software company its highly anticipated update of their operating system
in June.
10. .....................................
1. Do you really think you‘re above the ? One day you wont get away with it.
2. When faced with the _ of the jungle and the rat race so prevalent in the city,
Roger simply wanted to get away from it all.
3. The film features a sullen cup who takes into his own hands and metes out
11. .....................................
1. Game wardens traps to catch poachers and hunters.
2. If you pay on our installment plan, we will your carpets free of charge.
3. You can‘t simply the blame on the government whenever things go wrong!
12. .....................................
1. In their desperate struggle to get a conviction, the police succeeded in________the
blame for the murder on an innocent bystander.
2. If the actress persists in marrying a wealthy man more than twice her age, she will be
herself open to the obvious criticisms.
3. At the end of the event, the organisers are on a meal to thank all those who
have helped.
13. .....................................
1. And with a_______of two goals to nil, Barmworth are very likely to win the cup.
2. Police are following up a new in an effort to solve the baffling case.
3. Rick Shears is the male in this exciting, action-packed adventure.
14. .....................................
1. At the hairdresser‘s, he picked up a magazine and started to through it.

2. Carlson stopped drinking and made up with his parents in an effort to turn over a new
. He wanted to become a better person and father.
3. Spring was in the air. Flowers were coming out and most trees were coming into
giving the countryside this unique green shade that woke up sleepy villagers.
15. .....................................
1. Don‘t on the fence. It‘s strictly prohibited in the zoo for safety reasons.
2. Ron is careful about his diet eating only _ meat as his doctor recommended
cutting out all fat foods.
3. It‘s been a dreadfully _ year for the car industry with sales down by 45 percent.
16. .....................................
1. Without doubt, the last few decades have seen a quantum _ in computer
2. It wasn‘t difficult to check that February had 29 days in 2000 as it was a _ year.
3. Tim didn‘t at the chance and later terribly regretted it. Even his wife found it
hard to comfort him.
17. .....................................
1. The coach will the decision on the striker‘s fitness until next week.
2. Do you want to me your phone number so I can get back to you?
3. It‘s important to include all the spices in this recipe for curry; if you anything
out, it won‘t taste authentic.
18. .....................................
1. The official inquiry into the embezzlement of the council money will be by
Detective McKay.
2. Her recent behaviour has him _ to believe that she wants to convert him to
3. It has been reported that it was human error that to the plane crash.
19. .....................................
1. When Daniel went to a new school he felt out. The teachers and his peers
didn‘t seem to take any interest in him.
2. It took only 30 minutes to crack the case as the burglar had hundreds of
fingerprints all over the place.
3. The hurricane a trail of devastation and mayhem on its way through the
southern states.

20. .....................................
1. The final of their journey was the most demanding as they had to make their
way through a dense jungle.
2. No, it was only a joke. I was just pulling your . Charles isn‘t a fortune teller.
3. Luckily, the policeman survived the accident with only one broken and
several cuts.
21. .....................................
1. If you carry on keeping people at arm‘s , you‘re very-unlikely to strike up a
real friendship.
2. There‘s no need to ask him to retell the story. He‘s already described it at great
3. She‘s travelled the and breath of the earth in the quest for the purpose of life.
22. .....................................
1. Regrettably, we were _ down by the travel representative who didn‘t pick us up
from the airport.
2. To eke out a living, the widow had to her late husband‘s room to a student.
3. Lily doesn‘t know how to fill in a simple form, alone run a business.
23. .....................................
1. You can be sure I‘ll do my_______best to teach you how to operate the machine.
2. The two parties involved in the discussions came to the conclusion that further talks
should be held at management.
3. The product was intentionally placed at eye _ to attract customers‘ attention.
24. .....................................
1. The team felt embarrassed after their outright defeat. All the players wanted to suffer
in silence, _ their wounds in private.
2. Huge flames were at the walls of the barn when the fire brigade finally
arrived to put out the fire.
3. Looking out of the window, I saw a small cat on the roof its fur with its red
25. .....................................
1. To be honest, we still don‘t know what kinds of problems ahead, but we‘re
not afraid.

2. The castle used to on the hill above town before it was destroyed by the
Teutonic Knights.
3. It‘s not a crime to tell a white _ now and again, especially if you don‘t want to
hurt anybody‘s feelings.
26. .....................................
1. Since they re-routed heavy goods traffic down our street you take your _ in
your hands every time you step out your front door.
2. Tony‘s been living the high since he had that lottery win.
3. The portrait is interesting, but it isn‘t very true to .
27. .....................................
1. Please, make sure you don‘t wake Susan. She‘s such a sleeper.
2. Many can‘t understand how, being a woman, she can travel________to foreign lands.
A small suitcase is all she takes.
3. The cover-up failed completely. As more and more facts were coming to_______,
some decided to seek refuge in a neighbouring country.
28. .....................................
1. As dawn broke and the sky we were at last able to get our bearings.
2. Her face as soon as we suggested a trip to the beach.
3. My workload has considerably since an assistant was hired to help me.
29. .....................................
1. He was drawn to London by the bright________and the promise of a rewarding career.
2. As a philosopher and a mathematician, Russell was one of the leading of his
3. In the darkness, the reflection of the harbour _ glittered on the water.
30. .....................................
1. The boss set an upper _ for the amount of overtime anyone could do in a week.
2. We have no extra money - our finances are stretched to the _.
3. There‘s no to what you can achieve if you really try!
31. .....................................
1. What are you doing here? Didn‘t you see the sign, son? This area is off for
unauthorized personnel.
2. If your boss your creative vision, don‘t despair. Set up your own firm and
spread your wings.

3. I‘m usually quite lenient, but there are even to my patience. You‘ll be
grounded for one week.
32. .....................................
1. When the general died of gunshot wounds, the next in the of command took
2. The house seemed deserted. The only signs of somebody‘s presence were some
clothes hanging on the washing _ in the backyard.
3. The future looks grim for those who haven‘t fled to the neighbouring country.
Almost 80 percent of the population live below the poverty .
33. .....................................
1. The actress forgot her on the opening night of the play.
2. This anti-ageing cream will reduce _ on your face.
3. Don‘t ever cross railway _ at this point; it‘s far too dangerous.
34. .....................................
1. There‘s a telephone _ established to the village, so it‘s not cut off from the
outside world.
2. The fossil was quickly described as the missing between two large animal
3. Common goals and shared experience _ both families. In addition, they often
help each other in times of need.
35. .....................................
1. Anxious, she was tapping her fingers on the table, chewing her _.
2. The disaster would have left most people emotionally devastated, but Frank knew
how to keep a stiff upper .
3. His speech impediment was the result of the cleft he was born with.
36. .....................................
1. Sadly, the police used ammunition to break up the riot and several deaths
soon followed.
2. Even extreme measures like wires and dogs didn‘t deter the prisoners from
trying to escape.
3. Nothing could have been done to avoid some vulgar language on the show as it was
broadcast _ .
37. .....................................

1. Just look at Richard - he‘s _ proof that you don‘t need a degree to be successful.
2. It was the worst storm in memory, but thankfully the sailors all returned
3. People say that he is the image of his father, but I can‘t see it myself.
38. .....................................
1. Another lorry drove up to the back of the warehouse and was efficiently up
with textile goods.
2. The hijacker certainly meant business when he aimed a gun at one of the
3. At work, Jessica found it hard to collect her thoughts as her mind was________down
with marital problems.
39. .....................................
1. The anonymous buyer purchased all the items belonging to the famous 19th century
sculptor , stock, and barrel, even his wigs.
2. In a widely publicized televised debate, the two candidates will _ horns to win
the hearts and minds of the undecided voters.
3. Any security expert will tell you that a good on the door is the first effective
line of defence.
40. .....................................
1. The businessman was forced to say goodbye to all of his property. Even his ski
in the Alps was confiscated by the Tax Office.
2. Scores of fishermen decided to _ a formal complaint to the Ministry to voice
their anger over the total ban on cod fishing.
3. The holiday is bound to be fantastic. Our family are going to in the most
luxurious hotel on the west coast.
41. .....................................
1. The couple used to spend each winter holiday in a small _ cabin near a lake, far
from the hubbub of the city life.
2. Big timber companies trees at such a pace that it‘s impossible for the
rainforests to recover.
3. I slept like a________after an 8-hour trek in the mountains.
42. .....................................
1. All the castle towers north across the entrance to the harbour.

2. It doesn‘t _ as if we‘ll have the chance to see the museum.
3. It‘ll take some time to through the report and make a decision.
43. .....................................
1. When the hull of the ship hit the iceberg, a few rivets came __ and fell on the
2. The residents are advised to stay at home as the lion which has escaped from the zoo
is still on the .
3. With his wife and children away, George was at a________end and didn‘t know what
to do in his spare time.
44. .....................................
1. Her husband died two years ago, but Jane is still mourning his _ _.
2. When the actor went up onto the podium to collect the award, he seemed at a
for words and tears were running down his cheeks.
3. Although the patient suffered massive _ of blood, the doctors opted for an
alternative method to transfusion.
45. .....................................
1. Normally talkative, he was for once _ for words when Janet told him she
would never be with him.
2. Some literary critics claimed the charm of the book was in the translation.
3. The poor boy came to the city only to get in the maze of its streets.
46. .....................................
1. Terence and his friends are a strange, arty____ of people.
2. Many of us are not satisfied with their _ and yet do nothing to improve their
3. At the auction I bought number 3 which was an antique ring.
47. .....................................
1. I have to admit that with John and me it was _ at first sight.
2. There is little lost between me and my next-door neighbour.
3. I‘m hoping it‘s just a case of puppy _ as I‘m certainly not letting my son get
married at the age of sixteen.
48. .....................................
1. Though affluent and successful, Carl prefers to keep a profile, avoiding the
media attention.

2. To investors‘ horror, the shares of the company remained at an all time .
3. Incompetent staff and standards made the school land at the bottom of the
49. .....................................
1. Each time a guard was walking past their cell, the inmates took the trouble to _
their voices.
2. Let me make myself clear. I will never myself to negotiate with brutal
3. The profits for the second half of the year will be in comparison with the first
six months.
50. .....................................
1. It is still difficult for Katy to get over the fact that her best friend left her in the
when she most needed her.
2. The company is bound to from one crisis to another if it doesn‘t improve the
standards of its products.
3. He must have felt sick. In the morning, I saw him get up and towards the
51. .....................................
1. Our fishing _ looks so convincing and real that no fish is going to resist it.
2. In an effort to back old customers, the dealer decided to extend its guarantee.
3. Ben promised her to give up gambling. But after a while he found the of
casinos too powerful to fight against.
1. .......................................
1. The two contenders in the forthcoming election were female.
2. The _ difference between African and Indian elephants is the size of their ears.
3. His imaginative _ course won him the cookery competition.
2. .......................................
1. The government intends to________interest rates at a high level in order to discourage
public spending.
2. Amanda continues to _ that her dismissal was unfair.
3. Their house is so big that it must cost a fortune to .
3. .......................................

1. The runners set off at a pace that simply could not be .
2. He still that he was innocent after the verdict despite all the evidence against
3. It is not surprising that the number of accidents is increasing when our local roads are
so poorly .
4. .......................................
1. The professor urged Mary to _ in modern languages while at university,
commenting favourably on her linguistic skills.
2. At the conference the speaker called this country the polluter in the northern
3. On returning from negotiations, his superiors congratulated Frank on winning a lot of
concessions that would benefit the company in the future.
5. .......................................
1. I‘m sure Maria will for the beach as soon as she‘s unpacked.
2. How much do you think Fritz will _ every month in this new job?
3. Philippe has done so well lately that I‘m sure they will _ him sales director
6. .......................................
1. As a trainee, he has to survive on a modest salary, though he _ little extra on
2. The boss _ him do overtime every day.
3. A Japanese company _ the electronic components found in this product.
7. .......................................
1. She asked if I wanted a hand with the bags but I told her I could_____ them on my
2. I honestly don‘t know how we‘re going to now Keith‘s lost his job.
3. I‘ve really had enough, but I think I could another of those delicious cakes if
you insist.
8. .......................................
1. The student looked confused, but still _ a witty answer to the examiner‘s
2. Before being taken on by a first division team, the coach had a couple of
small clubs in the north.

3. It‘s a mystery to me how people _ without electricity 200 years ago.
9. .......................................
1. You have a big chance of getting through the examination process. I‘ve heard that the
pass is only 50%.
2. I know full well that I will never dissuade you from meeting this man, but let me tell
you he‘s mischievous and wants only your money, you _ my words.
3. His calculations were wide of the . That‘s why the newspaper refused to
include them in its latest issue.
10. .....................................
1. When Laurence spilled the blackcurrant juice, it the new white sofa.
2. Since time was of the essence, the teacher____ the tests quickly and efficiently.
3. They the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary by hosting a large
party in the grounds of the estate.
11. .....................................
1. Life was good for Sergeant Collins. He was stationed in _ quarters so he was
able to spend almost all his free time with his wife.
2. It wasn‘t until the honeymoon that she realized he had money. She felt
3. Some jazz musicians bristled with rage when they learned the performer had _
jazz with techno music.
12. .....................................
1. The________media have changed the way we live and communicate with people.
2. The_______of workers are in favour of the strike.
3. The flowerbeds are a _ of colour at this time in summer.
13. .....................................
1. Trying to the Chinese language may be a harrowing experience for any
2. Only a closed circle of employees had access to the copy that had
disappeared from the company‘s headquarters.
3. It‘s awful watching you be so subservient to your father. You‘re 25 and you should
be the of your own destiny.
14. .....................................

1. The between Manchester United and the home team was disrupted by unruly
2. Joan and Bob are so well suited that everyone says they are an ideal .
3. Even the world grand master was no for the computer at chess.
15. .....................................
1. His house was starting getting on his nerves as he always made a mess in the
2. The species begins to at the age of two when both animals reach adulthood
and their reproductive organs are fully formed.
3. Clinton decided to choose Gore as his running in the presidential elections.
16. .....................................
1. She decided she wasn‘t university_______, and went to secretarial college instead.
2. Her dress was made of a soft, entirely natural .
3. The writer spent some months in the Far East collecting _ for a new book.
17. .....................................
1. It‘s a sad observation, but nowadays it seems your personality doesn‘t _ in
social situations, but how much money you have.
2. Acne is no laughing , especially if you‘re a self-conscious teenager.
3. Emma doesn‘t want to form any relationships with males. As a of fact, she is
thinking of becoming a nun.
18. .....................................
1. I didn‘t to hurt your feelings. Please put it down to my sharp tongue.
2. Don‘t mess with us. To demonstrate that we business we‘ll kill one hostage
every hour on the hour.
3. To overpower 3 men without any weapon was no _ feat. A week later he was
presented with an award for his bravery.
19. .....................................
1. The college principal said that he to bring the catering facilities up to date.
2. We decided to ask the lecturer exactly what he when he used the word
3. Of all the awards that the actress won during her career, the Oscar the most
to her.
20. .....................................

1. I don‘t think Mike will up to his new duties as deputy. He doesn‘t command
enough respect.
2. Money-obsessed individuals people by the things they possess, not by who
they are as a person.
3. Though the new law came into effect last year, locals still materials in inches
rather than centimeters.
21. .....................................
1. Some critics of the Internet accuse it of being a for corporate advertising.
2. The old lady claimed to be a who could communicate with the dead.
3. The thief is described as being of height and has several tattoos on his neck.
22. .....................................
1. Most companies will reasonable travelling expenses, provided that receipts
are kept.
2. Villages are often established where two rivers _ because this offers their
inhabitants ideal conditions for trade.
3. With rapid developments in genetics, the sports world will soon new
challenges, as athletes use this technology to enhance their performance.
23. .....................................
1. He only has to look at her and she begins to _ .
2. It was so hot that the butter started to .
3. Her anger began to _ away as she read the letter.
24. .....................................
1. Apparently this has been the wettest autumn in living .
2. She has set up a charitable fund in________of her husband.
3. Having a photographic , she finds it easy to remember faces.
25. .....................................
1. Jack is now on the and will be released from hospital by Monday. This is
what the doctors are saying.
2. Even a hardened criminal has a chance to _ his ways and eventually lead a
normal life.
3. Frank, I‘m asking you again to _ that broken bike of mine. You‘ve promised
me this.
26. .....................................

1. Branwen had got herself into such a , that she didn‘t know what to do.
2. The colonel was eating his lunch in the officer‘s .
3. Clean this room up immediately - it‘s a complete .
27. .....................................
1. Joanne felt dreadful when her jokes 2 students were staring at her with blank
2. The businessman dreaded the thought of disappointing his contractors and
the deadline.
3. So far invincible, the Swedish tennis player his match in the Russian rising
28. .....................................
1. It is a huge exaggeration to call this illness life-threatening. It is only a
2. Serve the dish with a _ sauce as it loses a lot when it‘s spicy.
3. Luke is and soft-spoken which is extraordinary for somebody who has to
deal with hardened criminals.
29. .....................................
1. I know you don‘t words, but you should‘ve held your tongue this time.
2. Then take the beef and it up with some onion and other ingredients.
3. ―Have you noticed the way these men walk?‖ - ―Yeah. Strange, isn‘t it? They seem
to as if they were gays.‖
30. .....................................
1. I don‘t working long hours if I‘m paid for it.
2. When he mentioned the film, the starring actors sprang to _.
3. He was famous for his positive frame of and an outstanding sense of humour.
31. .....................................
1. A injury kept Gerry away from the office for a couple of days.
2. Shirley has had a few roles in films, but she is certainly not the star that she
makes herself out to be.
3. When Francis was at university, he majored in modem languages but his
subject was European Studies.
32. .....................................

1. To the collector‘s delight, the stamps were in condition although they were
very old.
2. It wasn‘t until the 12th century that the country began to its own coins.
3. Linda liked the dish as such, but she hated the _ sauce her mother always
33. .....................................
1. When Brian tells other people what he did at the party, he tends to _ out some
of the more embarrassing details.
2. Although I like living in this city, I a lot of things about the little village I
come from.
3. Tickets were hard to get, but I was determined not to the opportunity to see
the band on one of its rare live appearances.
34. .....................................
1. We left early and so the rush hour traffic.
2. When he was at school, Simon never an opportunity to boast about his
3. Petra completely the point of what the lecturer had said and so asked an
entirely inappropriate question.
35. .....................................
1. A British trade left this morning for China.
2. The new manager told the staff that his was to improve the company‘s image.
3. The police mounted a rescue to find the climbers lost in the Cairngorms.
36. .....................................
1. Try_______some cornflour into that sauce to thicken it up.
2. You can have some fun business with pleasure at these conferences.
3. Sharon‘s twin daughters are so similar that I keep them up.
37. .....................................
1. Which of car is Alfonso thinking of buying?
2. In the railway museum, you can see a working of the very first steam
3. The company training policy was considered to be a of good practice.
38. .....................................

1. Though incredibly successful in the world of sport, the athlete is _ about his
2. I don‘t expect much, really. All I want is accommodation and something to
3. The girl caught Mike‘s eye because of her clothes and shyness.
39. .....................................
1. You can put your mind at rest. A nurse will systematically __ your mother‘s
2. Secret services around the world routinely phone calls of those suspected of
terrorist activities.
3. The engineer‘s eyes became bloodshot from staring on end at his computer .
40. .....................................
1. Mary, you‘re crying for the................I will never be able to earn enough to buy you a
2. The news was fantastic and she was over the _ about getting a new job.
3. What? You help around the house once in a blue and you‘re saying I should
appreciate it?
41. .....................................
1. Steve made the of his holiday even though it rained every day.
2. It will take half an hour at the to reach the port.
3. For the part, life in our town is fairly peaceful.
42. .....................................
1. He decided to a campaign against deforestation.
2. No matter how much she tried she just couldn‘t the horse.
3. She‘s going to the medal on velvet and have it framed.
43. .....................................
1. It‘s always been her dream to join the police as she is mad about horses and
everything to do with them.
2. The company a vigorous campaign to explain that its business practices were
3. The Queen walked into the hall, came up to the stairs and a few steps leading
to the throne.
44. .....................................

1. Can‘t you see what you‘ve done? She‘s crying. You and your big . Next time,
hold your tongue, will you?
2. The dish on the table looked great and made my _ water.
3. When Jane was born, her father didn‘t pay any attention to her. He probably thought
she was nothing else than another _ to feed.
45. .....................................
1. The party leaders got together to plan their next in the election campaign.
2. Chrysoula hated playing chess with Yannis because he always took so long it was his
3. It‘s high time we made a ; there‘s so much to do.
46. .....................................
1. The reporter was profoundly _ by the scale of the humanitarian crisis that had
claimed thousands of lives by then.
2. When our new neighbours________in, our family was the first one to greet them.
3. Since he has _ up the ladder, he can hardly recognize his former colleagues.
47. .....................................
1. The film was very and nearly everyone shed a tear.
2. house can be a stressful experience unless you plan it carefully.
3. I looked at the injured dog carefully, and it didn‘t seem to be .
48. .....................................
1. You press this button and the photocopier produces copies. It‘s as easy as
2. Faced with _ allegations of using public funds to support his mistress, he had
to resign from the committee.
3. The stuntman suffered injuries after falling from a speeding train.
40. .....................................
1. The thing that Rita hated most about supermarkets was the fact that she was exposed
to piped flowing from speakers.
2. Your saying that you love me is _ to my ears and it means more than dozens of
3. This time you‘ve got to face the and answer for your disgraceful behaviour.
50. .....................................

1. In Agatha Christie‘s crime stories, the detective always solves the _ of who the
murderer is.
2. Angela invariably dresses in black and has an air of about her.
3. A bidder paid six million dollars for the Impressionist painting at yesterday‘s
auction in New York.
1. .......................................
1. ―Who‘s gonna be at the party?‖ - ―Mike, Jena, Ricky, to _ but a few.‖
2. It‘s too early to _ _ the successor to the chairman. Despite his old age, he‘s still
going strong.
3. Your carrying on being a lawyer is out of the question. You‘re giving our profession
a bad .
2. .......................................
1. He was the first to discover a new type of lily, which he _ after his daughter!
2. Mark was as the successor to the team‘s previous coach.
3. The authorities have not yet those responsible for the accident.
3. .......................................
1. She crossed her legs and took out a __ file from her bag. For the next five
minutes she was preoccupied with looking after her fingers.
2. Could you_______this loose board to the floor? Somebody may hurt themselves.
3. The tax increase turned out to be the final in the coffin of small businesses
and many had to be closed down.
4. .......................................
1. The incumbent President won in the second round of the presidential elections by a
2. I had a escape the other day. If it hadn‘t been for my mother, the car would
have hit me.
3. He felt there were too many candidates on the list, so he thought it appropriate to
it down to only three.
5 ........................................
1. Amy is by _ rather a shy person.
2. Generally, the of a shop‘s response should depend on the seriousness of a
customer‘s complaint.

3. Eric always had a keen love of _ so I‘m not surprised that he has chosen an
outdoor job.
6. .......................................
1. Many athletes have more ability than the current champion; his success is
due to his positive attitude and good coaching.
2. It‘s only _ to feel embarrassed when you do something stupid.
3. Honey is a completely product with an excellent reputation for boosting the
immune system.
7. .......................................
1. She has a _ figure and looks good in everything she wears.
2. Kristina keeps her house so _ and spotlessly clean.
3. Julia wore a _ checked suit on her first day at work.
8. .......................................
1. A mobile phone is an absolute________for this job, as you will need to be available at
all times.
2. The summary of his findings is, of , very brief, but it gives as much
information as is relevant.
3. There was no for her to give up her job - it was entirely her own choice.
9. .......................................
1. I‘ve nearly broken my to come and help you and now you‘re saying I needn‘t
have come here.
2. Unlike others in the crowd, he didn‘t have to crane his to get a good view of
the Queen heading for her palace.
3. Some of his fans thought he‘d gone mad when he had a small tattoo done on the nape
of his .
10. .....................................
1. Our charity raises money for the homeless and for people in in the inner city.
2. People to be made aware of the additives that certain food contains.
3. We have no of these toys now that our children have grown up.
11. .....................................
1. Rufus heaved a sigh of relief when the doctor told him the AIDS test was _.
2. Racists always have a terribly attitude to ethnic minorities, to say the least.

3. Asked whether she would get into university, she replied in the _ . No wonder,
her parents were bitterly disappointed.
12. .....................................
1. Since the introduction of the _ watch scheme, much fewer burglaries have been
2. Kids, don‘t be so noisy! You‘re bound to disturb the whole _.
3. The President‘s pen put up for auction was worth something in the _of 5,000
13. .....................................
1. The story about a mayor who has feathered his _ and fled the country has
grabbed the national headlines.
2. When children grow up and finally leave the , their parents are usually
overwhelmed with emotions.
3. The bird is famous for building its high in the mountains.
14. .....................................
1. I‘ve decided to paint the house in colours like cream and beige.
2. Doris hid her anger by keeping her voice _ when she spoke.
3. The two sides agreed to meet on _ ground to discuss a truce.
15. .....................................
1. It‘s to impossible to change this ossified system. Remember, old habits die
2. If you keep skiving, you‘re_______in line to be sacked. Is that clear?
3. When the child‘s father died, a few social workers tried to find his of kin, but
to no avail.
16. .....................................
1. React immediately and such unruly behaviour in the bud. Otherwise, you‘re
asking for trouble.
2. Promise! You won‘t let the cold at your extremes when you ski with your
3. I‘ll be back in a minute. I‘ve got to __ home to take some documents I‘ve
17. .....................................

1. She was a cute blonde with large blue eyes and a snub much like female
manga characters.
2. You know what. I don‘t like the way you poke your _ into other people‘s
3. Karen can‘t understand why her boss looks down his _ at the staff even when
they record good results.
18. .....................................
1. It was a local citizen of who founded the civic centre.
2. Tom found a short on the table telling him that his dinner was in the oven.
3. A of bitterness was heard in Cynthia‘s voice.
19. .....................................
1. I down the numberplate of the speeding vehicle.
3. They that Mr. Ponsonby had chosen not to wear a dinner jacket for the
formal banquet.
3. The speaker in closing that a solution to the problem of the thinning ozone
layer was still no nearer to being found.
20. .....................................
1. I‘ve got no money in my purse and there‘s left in my account.
2. I don‘t want to go to the party with you, in fact, I want to do with you ever
3. She is ruthless and will not at to get what she wants.
21. .....................................
1. It escaped my that my keys were still on the table when I closed the door.
2. Gilbert handed in his _ after he had found a better job.
3. The large on the bench read ―wet paint‖.
22. .....................................
1. Gill‘s been going to school since she was three and she enjoys it.
2. Our mother used to sing us rhymes at bedtime.
3. They have some beautiful yellow roses in the across the street.
23. .....................................
1. For years the two families haven‘t been on speaking terms with each other, a
grudge that refuses to fade away.

2. With a blank expression on her face Jennifer was sitting at the counter, a bit tipsy,
a glass of red wine.
3. The singer has been _ his vocal cords and it‘s hoped he‘ll be fine to give a
recital soon.
1. .......................................
1. The young prince wants the best apartment you‘ve got, sir. Make no mistake about it,
money is no .
2. The special edition of a complete collection of the director‘s movies has become an
of desire among film buffs.
3. I didn‘t say that and I strongly to words being put in my mouth. Is that clear?
2. .......................................
1. Everyone knows that you are to wear a seat belt in this country.
2. I asked him to pass the ball and he duly _.
3. Thank you so much for your help - I am much to you.
3. .......................................
1. You are strongly advised not to _ the solar eclipse without using special
2. Employees are required to _ the non-smoking rule, applied on the company‘s
3. Few people today _ the spring equinox in the traditional way.
4. .......................................
1. An independent panel of experts has that there‘s a worrying drop in the
badger population.
2. The contestants were expected to have _ all the rules, so it came as a surprise
when one of them had to be voted off the programme for cheating.
3. Once on the moors, Linda always birds wading in the shallow waters.
5. .......................................
1. During the , many ordinary citizens suffered.
2. Paragliding is a dangerous________but an enjoyable way to spend time.
3. The student_______prevented lectures from taking place.
6. .......................................
1. I had to wait some time to try on the trousers as all the changing rooms were .

2. Once you‘ve retired, why don‘t you look for a part-time job to keep yourself ?
3. It was five minutes before the start of the concert and very few seats were _.
7. .......................................
1. As far as I can remember, he‘s never had a permanent occupation. He‘s satisfied with
jobs that he does from time to time.
2. It seemed _ that she asked me to lend her some money. After all, she‘s a
3. Chris was so scatter-brained that he often wore invariably brought smiles to
people‘s faces.
8. .......................................
1. The against winning the lottery are about 6 million to one. So, I‘d rather you
spent that money on my new shoes, honey.
2. Strangely enough, her description of the mugger was completely at with
those of other witnesses.
3. The cellar was full of and ends the beggar had been collecting for years.
9. .......................................
1. When he took off his socks at the dinner table, the guests took and left the
room a few seconds later.
2. Having a small amount of soft drugs for your personal use is not a criminal in
certain countries.
3. No_______, but could you stop talking gobbledygook and get to the point?
10. .....................................
1. We can‘t wait while our rivals are gaining ground in the market. I think we need to
adopt a more strategy and reach out for the teenage sector.
2. Girls don‘t like his rude manners and find his jokes about sex extremely...............No
wonder, he‘s come in for a lot of flak recently.
3. The allied troops launched a new _ to bring the defiant city to its knees.
11. .....................................
1. Mr. Poftmon was in his writing a report.
2. The press _ to give you further details.
3. The Prime Minister has been in for five years.
12. .....................................

1. He made a pledge not to touch a drop at the party. Unfortunately, he had too
many and eventually landed under the table.
2. The assumption proved wrong and now they were back at square in search of
a plausible explanation.
3. His mother was truly relieved when she saw her son back coming from the war still
in piece and, surprisingly, in very good health.
13. .....................................
1. I used to think she was and trustworthy — but I was wrong.
2. The offer will remain _ until the date specified.
3. I‘ve completely run out of ideas, so I‘m _ to suggestions.
14. .....................................
1. The new law means that the tax system will in a different way from now on.
2. Before you _ this machinery, make sure you are wearing the appropriate safety
3. The surgeon decided not to as he felt that the patient‘s condition would
improve without surgery.
15. .....................................
1. The new system proved superior to its predecessor. The department was
encouraged to have it installed on all its computers.
2. The two detectives working on the case of the rapist were convinced that he was
in the vicinity of shopping malls.
3. I‘m sorry, but you can‘t see Dr. Jenkins. He‘s now on a patient.
16. .....................................
1. Physiotherapy is recommended following an _ on your back.
2. Removing the hardened sediments from the antique vase is going to be a delicate
3. There were several nuclear reactors in at the time of the accident.
17. .....................................
1. In his new job, Alex was quickly shown that his place was at the bottom of the
pecking .
2. The shop must have lost my as the product wasn‘t delivered on time.
3. The new governing body was doing its best to establish at least a semblance of
political in the country that had seen violence for the last 7 years.

18. .....................................
1. This time I may _ your negligence, but I won‘t be so lenient in the future.
2. The rooms in the chalet the mountains giving visitors a wonderful view.
3. It‘s important not to the fact that some men can be as sensitive as women.
19. .....................................
1. I‘ll be happy to move because we‘re _ on both sides by neighbours we don‘t
get on with.
2. I was _ for promotion last year, even though I outperformed everyone else in
my sales department.
3. I don‘t see how such a crucial piece of evidence was during the investigation.
20. .....................................
1. The television channel was by the number of letters that came in. It took
almost three weeks before the staff read them all.
2. Though the army put up a good fight, it was finally by the enemy forces and
had to concede defeat.
3. After spending six moths in the space station, the two astronauts felt by a
feeling of sadness and homesickness.
21. .....................................
1. I share a flat with two friends but we all do our cooking.
2. My grandfather used to a cat called Charlie that hissed at every visitor to the
3. When Mrs Brindle demanded to know who‘d broken the window, none of the
students would up.
1. .......................................
1. Many young fathers usually up and down the corridor waiting for their wives
to give birth to their children.
2. He thought the whole process was moving at a snail‘s and wanted some
immediate changes to speed it up.
3. Don‘t strain yourself. Do your exercises at a slow .
2. .......................................
1. It‘s a of lies. Take it back or else I‘ll take legal measures to teach you a

2. The room was dingy. A small table in the middle was home to empty bottles of
whisky, cigarettes and a of dog-eared cards.
3. Come on, Bill! it in. I can‘t stand your stupid jokes.
3. .......................................
1. After the concert, all the equipment was away and transported in a convoy of
lorries to the next venue.
2. George in his job and went travelling around the world for a year.
3. The club was absolutely _ and there was no room at all on the dance floor.
4. .......................................
1. Simon gently raised the dog‘s wounded paw and noticed that one _ was badly
2. The space shuttle was standing erect on the launch________ready for blast-off.
3. Could you pass me the writing _? It‘s on the table. I need to jot down a few
5. .......................................
1. The Prince‘s wedding to a divorcee made the front in the press across the
2. She wasn‘t sure whether her husband had arrived on this plane and asked the airport
staff to him. A few minutes later he turned up carrying two big suitcases.
3. On Sunday mornings he would sit in his rocking chair and _ through the
Sunday papers looking for interesting stories.
6. .......................................
1. The lawyer for the defence made it a point to convince the jury that the accused
wasn‘t as black as he had been by the prosecutor and his team.
2. Sandra a rosy picture of life in the city, which she thought would make her
mother come to live with her.
3. The only things that proved he once works of art were a few easels and lots
of canvas scattered on the floor.
7. .......................................
1. What‘s up? You look so as if you‘ve seen a ghost or apparition.
2. Because she wanted to lighten up the living room, the interior designer suggested the
walls be painted________blue.

3. You must be kidding saying you‘re depressed. Your worries into
insignificance compared to problems people in developing countries have to struggle
8. .......................................
1. The fortune teller has published a book on how to read somebody‘s .
2. Believe me! It‘s a bargain. I‘m not going to this stuff off on you.
3. Toni‘s been widely known as a corrupt individual and many have come to him to
grease his _ .
9. .......................................
1. The conservatory door had a glass in its centre.
2. A of experts on the environment will discuss the depletion of the ozone layer.
3. Lights were flashing urgently on the aeroplane‘s control _ .
10. .....................................
1. Her_______in the conspiracy was comparatively minor.
2. Jeanette Duffy was overjoyed to hear that she had got the________of Juliet.
3. Forensic examination revealed that a vital _ of the plane was missing.
11. .....................................
1. The young actress was delighted to land one of the leading in Bloomfield‘s
latest film.
2. Spare are not always available for older domestic appliances.
3. The medicine should be diluted so that it is two water to one third medicine.
12. .....................................
1. The annual conference is being held in Blackpoll this year.
2. The horse is going to auction, and any interested may make a bid for her.
3. A search was organised to look for the missing children.
13. .....................................
1. Though Peter was confronted with taunting words, he chose to let it and said
2. Knowing that her admitting to the mistake might have a devastating impact on her
career, she attempted to the buck to a girl she worked with.
3. For those tourists who count every penny we suggest getting a cheap weekend bus
if you want to see the city.

14. .....................................
1. Figo got control of the ball and it to Ronaldo who scored a beautiful goal in
the last minute of the match.
2. To everybody‘s surprise, Janet her driving test first time. Some people
suggested she must have bribed the examiner.
3. His head bore the brunt of the impact when he fell over and out. It took five
minutes to bring him round.
15. .....................................
1. ―Where are the boys?‖ They‘re the time in the lounge watching a movie.‖
2. As expected, his fascination for extreme sports wasn‘t sustained and it simply turned
out to be a interest.
3. It‘s madness. Our politicians keep bills that are bound to severely affect tax
payers and they think people will vote for them in the next elections.
16. .....................................
1. Gandhi was renowned for his resistance and other non-violent methods he
used to achieve his goals.
2. Even smokers should be concerned about their state of health. Some
evidence suggests they may get infections as frequently as those who smoke
3. The grammar of the language Rick was studying seemed difficult. Especially
its voice gave him a lot of headache.
17. .....................................
1. We guarantee that one nicotine a day is enough to make you quit smoking
completely. You can trust us.
2. Though only in his twenties, Jerome already has a large bald on the crown of
his head.
3. Let‘s make peace and _ up our differences. I hate it when we argue.
18. .....................................
1. Those who know him agree that recently Sam has developed a worrying of
behaviour. He tends to go round trying to stir things up.
2. The shirt suited him very much. It was plain with no whatsoever.
3. His original production set the for almost all science fiction films. Even now
some directors say they‘ve been greatly influenced by his revolutionary techniques.
19. .....................................

1. Those who too many compliments should be avoided at all costs. They are
insincere in their expressions of admiration.
2. Mary felt exploited as she had to _ through the nose for her stationary bike.
3. Now you will have to the penalty for your fraudulent activities. The tax
office is after you.
20. .....................................
1. Chances of finding a job that well are not as good in the north of the country.
2. It is because he never _ attention in meetings that he often gets things wrong.
3. Next time she me a compliment, I‘ll be sure to watch my back.
21. .....................................
1. As your mind works at mental effectiveness in the morning, set aside some
time and do your studying in the early hours of the day.
2. Only the two surviving mountaineers reached the of the mountain. It looked
like a Pyrrhic victory. Most of their friends lost their lives trying to beat nature.
3. The roads were terribly congested at _ times and the traffic was often reduced
to a crawl.
22. .....................................
1. Mary seemed to be a square in a round hole. She didn‘t fit with our team and
was eventually given the chop.
2. If you don‘t stop being so smug, one day somebody will take you down a or
two, teaching you where you‘re in the pecking order.
3. The shirt was flapping in the air hanging on a clothesline with only one that
was keeping it in place.
23. .....................................
1. Eager to improve her writing skills, Maria was looking for a few pals in
language newspapers.
2. If you want to find out more about our activities, why don‘t you put to________paper
and send us a letter?
3. Villagers always________up their animals when the night falls for fear of big cats.
24. .....................................
1. As an undercover agent, Ben has managed to the Mafia structure on the west
coast, contributing to many arrests.

2. The cave was almost pitch-black and his eyes found it extremely difficult to
its thick darkness.
3. There are fears among educators that this selfish philosophy may the
educational system.
25. .....................................
1. The guru‘s followers claimed he was able to _ miracles. Later though, it turned
out he was just another skillful conman.
2. After many years of obscurity, the singer agreed to live once again to help
with a charity campaign.
3. Science has nothing to do with speculation. That‘s why our institute makes it a point
to a lot of experiments before reaching any conclusions.
26. .....................................
1. Traditionally, this car has been sold on its safety more than its , but the new
215 model is as fast as anything else in its class on the road today.
2. The company‘s poor _ this year has been blamed on rising fuel costs.
3. I saw an interesting of ―Aida‖ at the Edinburgh Festival last year.
27. .....................................
1. I found that the sports car particularly badly on wet roads.
2. The advice service _ a useful function until it was closed last year.
3. He in front of a live audience last week for the first time.
28. .....................................
1. She put the_______cash in the office safe, locked up and went home.
2. He was convicted of theft and sentenced to two month in prison.
3. I think it‘s_______of you top argue about such a minor matter!
29. .....................................
1. I can‘t stand Valerie: she is always trying to _ a fight with people.
2. It‘s easier to________up a language if you have an ear for it.
3. We always contestants out of the studio audience.
30. .....................................
1. The survivors were on the brink of despair when suddenly the radio receiver
up the signal.
2. The staff took advantage of the curator‘s visit and his brains about the new
conservation policy.

3. From Jane‘s point of view, the meeting was a disaster as the members holes
in her theory.
31. .....................................
1. Josh, why are you always _ a quarrel with people who wish you well? It‘s
2. In the evening, the children would sit at the kitchen table at the disgusting
food provided by their stepmother.
3. Even after many years, Rufus still clearly remembers the time spent on his
grandfather‘s farm looking after animals and apples from his orchard.
32. .....................................
1. During the weekend, thieves stole a priceless _ from the gallery.
2. There‘s sound, but I can‘t get any on this TV set.
3. The newscaster gave an accurate _ of the tense situation caused by the
transport strike.
33. .....................................
1. The boxer looks tough and he doesn‘t give up easily. He has this ability to pick up
the after each round.
2. In the army Forrest used to spend hours taking his machine gun to and
reassembling it again hundreds of times.
3. The table was a mess, it was cluttered with bits and scattered all around it.
34. .....................................
1. Tattoos and body are not allowed in the army. Anyone breaking this rule will
be expelled from our regiment. Is that clear?
2. The explorers had to face subzero temperatures and winds before reaching
the summit.
3. Luckily, the alarm gave out a loud________sound that scared the burglars away.
35. .....................................
1. He discovered a button was missing in his trousers and had no other choice but use a
safety to keep it in place.
2. It‘s unreasonable to your hopes on this risky investment. You‘ll be sorry if it
doesn‘t come off.
3. The people at the ceremony were in shock when he announced he didn‘t want to
marry her after all. I can tell you, you could hear a drop.

36. .....................................
1. It was too good to be true. He had to himself from time to time to make sure
it wasn‘t a dream.
2. Robert likes to exaggerate and to show off so you‘d better take what he says with a
of salt.
3. Our family began to feel the _ when our father lost his job and went on the
37. .....................................
1. The policeman the angry protester against the wall to stop him escaping.
2. Grandmother recalled that, for her wedding, the hairdresser _ her hair up to
create an elaborate display of curls and braids.
3. He eventually _ the blame on his sister, though she was quite obviously
38. .....................................
1. No wonder the _ _ burst. It was 50 years old and rusty. It‘ll take some time
before we remove the water from the house.
2. When Watson arrived at the house, Holmes was chewing over another mystery,
sitting in his chair and smoking his favourite .
3. Having a vehicle is still a dream in this country. The majority is still too poor
to afford anything let alone a car.
39. .....................................
1. His mother noticed that he had always had perfect and could play musical
instruments at a professional level without looking at notes.
2. Some of the football fans were charged with invasion and grievous bodily
3. The roofs of the buildings _ steeply almost touching the ground.
40. .....................................
1. He picked up a pebble and it into the lake aiming at the duck. Fortunately, it
managed to escape.
2. Most students who have taken part in the CAE exam feel that the reading section was
at a very high level.
3. Upon arriving at the campsite, some of us made a fire while the others________the
41. .....................................

1. During the interrogation, he admitted seeing the man, but couldn‘t _ him.
2. No matter how many advertisements you‘re going to in newspapers, it won‘t
improve the company‘s image.
3. Your remarks at the funeral were out of . Think twice before you say
42. .....................................
1. Can I have a piece of this _ chocolate? I have a weakness for it.
2. Even though the policeman was in clothes, she saw him through and alerted
her accomplices.
3. During the exam you‘ll be provided with paper and other stationery.
43. .....................................
1. They had a cunning to overthrow the government.
2. This room could be made so much more attractive with a different colour _.
3. Suddenly he understood he was no longer part of her of things.
44. .....................................
1. He‘s responsible for buying and equipment for his company‘s factories.
2. A new hydro-electric power tectonics has allowed people to construct
earthquake early warning systems.
3. The robbers changed the number _ of their car to throw the police off the scent.
46. .....................................
1. The youth claimed that the police had the drugs in his house.
2. Tom has _ peas at the end of the garden.
3. He stood there patiently, his feet wide apart.
47. .....................................
1. At an open-air rally he made a speech from a raised constructed at the last
2. Don‘t be silly Loraine, shoes went out of fashion 3 years ago. Take them off
at once.
3. The former president hailed the candidate‘s international and his knowledge
of foreign affairs.
48. .....................................
1. The situation is complicated as several different factors come into .

2. Much of his humour involves a on words.
3. Apparently the police do not believe that foul _ was involved in the death of
pop star Jason Gordon last week.
49. .....................................
1. If they go on down the seriousness of the accusations, they are in for a lot of
trouble in the court.
2. Scientists God shoulder great responsibility as you can‘t predict long-term
consequences of consuming genetically modified foods.
3. The naughty pupil was made to spend an hour in detention for truant.
50. .....................................
1. The manager_______a severe headache as his reason for not attending the meeting.
2. The accused not guilty to armed robbery.
3. Paul with his father to buy him a motorbike for his birthday.
51. .....................................
1. The pensioner owned a small vegetable where he spent most of his days
looking after his carrots and tomatoes.
2. As the unfolds, the film gathers pace and the actors can show their full
3. The two generals met in a private house at night to against the emperor and
to discuss how to run the empire together after his death.
52. .....................................
1. The company knows that staying in business involves investments. That‘s why we
intend to _ this year‘s profits back into building a few new factories.
2. When the right time comes farmers________their lands using horses.
3. Only one snow moved into the city to remove the overnight snow.
53. .....................................
1. That big field near the woods has just been _ up, so if you‘re planning to take
the dog for a walk today you‘d better go to the park instead.
2. I turned to speak to my passenger for a second, and the next thing I knew I‘d
into the car in front.
3. Despite her fatigue, the teacher _ on until she‘d marked every child‘s
54. .....................................

1. Backed up by some colleagues, Jasper __ up enough courage to stand up to the
2. The chicken was killed, and cut into pieces for further processing.
3. The estate agent must have the number out of the air. The house definitely
costs much less.
55. .....................................
1. You idiot! You should have _ the TV in before switching it off.
2. The radio station the band‘s new single free of charge in exchange for the
3. I‘ve just the hole in the roof, but it‘s leaking already. Maybe, you can do
something about it.
56. .....................................
1. The thug punched him in the nose. Luckily, the bone was intact.
2. His new book entitled ―The Black Jungle‖ tries to the mysteries of a
few tribes that still inhabit this part of the world.
3. To ensure that a wall is straight during the construction process, use a _ line
from time to time.
57. .....................................
1. On a hot summer‘s day, there is nothing I like more than to into an outdoor
swimming pool.
2. Investors were frantic when stock market prices began to .
3. They decided to take the and go and work overseas.
58. .....................................
1. As soon as Godzilla invaded the power station, the Japanese capital was into
2. To consumers‘ delight, beef prices to a new low after more cases of mad cow
disease emerged.
3. The warm sea was beckoning enticingly. She quickly removed her clothes and
into the water.
59. .....................................
1. The pop star was charged with the boy with alcoholic beverages and making
indecent proposals.

2. As a captain, George spent almost all his life on ships that were _ between
Cairo and Lisbon.
3. Emigrants from post Communist countries were their trade on the Warsaw
streets trying to sell cheap clothes and cigarettes.
60. .....................................
1. I don‘t take very kindly to people who my ideas.
2. I‘m such a bad cook I can‘t even an egg!
3. People who _ in this area of the river will be prosecuted.
61. .....................................
1. Sadly enough, the black rhino has been _ to extinction despite the game
wardens‖ frantic efforts to save it.
2. The eggs served by his wife were bland and dull in comparison with his
mistress‘s gourmet food.
3. Critics called it a blatant act of plagiarism when her book was released. She seemed
to have a lot of ideas from other authors.
62. .....................................
1. They claimed that the whole country is now under their control, but they admitted
there might be some of resistance here and there.
2. The company caters for business people with deep and high disposable
3. I see them together almost day and night. It seems they are living in each other‘s
63. .....................................
1. I take your about severely punishing those who have committed serious
crimes. But giving a life sentence for manslaughter is an exaggeration.
2. You lose a in this game when you don‘t answer a question.
3. Although it wasn‘t her fault, Mary somehow knew her colleagues would a
finger of blame at her.
64. .....................................
1. All the sunflowers in the park were in the same direction.
2. Recent technological advances are the way forward for a whole generation of

3. Two policemen were standing behind a tree, _ their radar equipment at the
oncoming traffic, in order to catch speeding drivers.
65. .....................................
1. At the moment, the evidence to John being guilty of the murder.
2. The bibliography at the end of the book readers in the direction of further
reading on the subject.
3. Mrs. Bell generally __ out any discrepancies between what was recorded in the
minutes and what was actually discussed at the meeting.
66. .....................................
1. My fiancée gave me a in my ribs when I started to talk about children with
my future in-laws. It was a clear signal that I should drop the subject.
2. Ron, I‘ve heard you fun at this disabled man. Shame on you!
3. It‘s easy to holes even in the best plan. Can‘t you say anything positive for a
67. .....................................
1. The engineers from both universities decided to their knowledge and
expertise to develop a more efficient fuel cell.
2. As in a classic crime story, the victim was lying on the floor in a of blood
surrounded by a group of police officers.
3. Each evening David headed for the pub where he drunk his favourite draught ale and
played a game of with his friends.
68. .....................................
1. I‘m not going to take that job as the salary is too .
2. That was a terrible film last night - the acting was particularly _.
3. They are very _ now that David isn‘t working.
69. .....................................
1. It was supposed to be romantic. So, on the beach Mark the question, but
Lucy told him she wasn‘t ready yet to become his wife.
2. The racing driver took the bottle of champagne. Then he the cork and started
spraying the contents onto the people nearby.
3. Yesterday was the last time we met. I just____ in to see her and ask how she was
70. .....................................

1. The spokesperson for this small religious denomination assured the officials that it
didn‘t any threat to the local community.
2. She sat on a chair striking a _ ready for a photo to be taken.
3. One of the mafia‘s men attempted to as a doctor to get access to the witness
on a life support system in hospital.
71. .....................................
1. A little bit of feedback would make a pleasant change from my boss‘s
continual carping.
2. Unfortunately, your test result came out again, so you‘ll have to take another
course of antibiotics.
3. You need to attach that wire to the _ pole of the battery.
72. .....................................
1. The clergy denounced the incident as a case of demonic...............The priests claimed
the woman was simply insane and had to be treated in hospital.
2. With ball standing at about 80 percent, the English football team controlled
the game and routed the opposing side, winning 10-1.
3. In the end, the ring leader was charged with illegal of explosive materials and
sent to prison.
73. .....................................
1. There‘s no point in raising the matter again; I have no intention of changing my
2. Bettina has worked there for ten years and thinks she should have been offered a
better in the company by now.
3. The airline‘s financial is healthier now than it has been for many years.
74. .....................................
1. The old chap looked miserable. Blind and as deaf as a , he was unable to look
after himself.
2. He took up the of a manager at a large multinational company without
3. This particular border was regarded as a strategic point and became the target
of a military operation.
75. .....................................
1. We can assure you that you‘ll spread wings with our company and realize your full
if you decide to work for us.

2. The therapy has a lot of advantages, but you have to know there are some _ _
health risks. You liver may be damaged as a result of the treatment.
3. Undoubtedly, with picturesque scenery and unspoilt surroundings, the area has the
for the development of the tourist industry.
76. .....................................
1. This mug cost me only one _. Not much for a souvenir of this kind.
2. Stray dogs, if caught, are kept for some time at the local _ facility on the
3. If they don‘t give in, the artillery is ready to the town until it‘s razed to the
77. .....................................
1. Shall I you another cup of tea?
2. Just look at those black clouds - it‘s going to _ very soon.
3. Molly was able to out all her troubles to her best friend.
78. .....................................
1. The streets filled with theater-goers as they were out of the building after the
2. It‘s suicidal. If you keep criticizing our sponsors, they are sure to give up _
money into our project.
3. Did you know that the stream that is out of the ground here is believed to
have healing powers?
79. .....................................
1. His secretary arranged a lunch with European contractors to be held in the
2. At one point in history the country became a colonial _ that others respected
3. A reliable source close to the minister said that the final decision was made in the
corridors of _.
80. .....................................
1. The of the law requires an incisive mind, as well as legal training.
2. Ruby‘s constant resulted in her receiving the Young Pianist of the Year
3. It was his to wear a hat whenever he went out in the sun.

81. .....................................
1. Doctor, how can you advise people to shed weight if you‘re overweight? Come on,
you have to practice what you .
2. As an effective teacher, he never fails to the virtues of hard work and
3. Zealous Christians in the first century were instructed to _ the good news from
House to house just as Jesus did.
82. .....................................
1. When Betty said she didn‘t love him anymore, there was a silence and
surprisingly, he started to sob.
2. The woman was heavily _ when she arrived at the maternity ward.
3. Literary critics hailed the book as a masterpiece, saying it was with both
affection and brutality.
83. .....................................
which made all the
1. The company had to increase their insurance which made all the policy
holders see red.
2. We pride ourselves on selling only quality goods. They cost much more, but
our ultimate goal is to satisfy even the most choosy customers.
3. These days when time is at a you have to organize your life wisely.
84. .....................................
1. Although they are not with us any more, their heroic deeds will always be _ in
our minds and hearts. Let‘s pray.
2. Initially, some procedures may problems, but once you‘ve got used to them,
everything will go smoothly.
3. Men are selfish and insensitive, company excepted, of course.
85. .....................................
1. Life her with many opportunities, which she let pass her by.
2. When he retired he was with a charming gold clock.
3. The evening news is always by the same newscaster.
86. .....................................
1. So far, efforts to________the peace between the two nations have failed.
2. I can recommend the pears, which we in sugar syrup every autumn.

3. Susan managed to her sense of humour, despite the fact that she was in a
difficult situation.
87. .....................................
1. To call for assistance _ the bell at the reception desk.
2. The reporters began to the politician for more information about the reasons
for his resignation.
3. The police finally confirmed that they intended to _ charges against both
88. .....................................
1. ―Can you spare me a minute, boss?‖ - ―Sorry. I‘m for time right now. Can
you drop in a bit later, Ron.‖
2. The organizers _ _ the building company to meet the deadline and build the
stadium in time for The World Cup.
3. In the workplace, Janet felt discriminated against and finally _ charges against
two of her colleagues who had been making offensive remarks.
89. .....................................
1. Being in the black is a marvellous thing and now I‘m sitting enjoying life.
2. Miranda‘s not just a face. It may surprise you, but she‘s got an Ph.D. in
3. A small seal covered in oil is not a sight and those responsible for the oil spill
should be brought to justice.
90. .....................................
1. It‘s difficult when problems _ on your mind and there‘s nothing you can do to
solve them.
2. The Persian prince often went hunting with his favourite bird of on his
3. Children are usually easy for all kinds of corrupt individuals. So, parents!
91. .....................................
1. Loraine got scared to death when she accidentally her finger on a needle left
by a drug addict.
2. The dog paused for a moment, its ears and listened attentively for any sounds
coming from beneath the rubble.

3. His shameful desertion of his wife his conscience to the end of his days and
was the only thing he regretted.
92 ......................................
1. This ski resort can _ itself on drawing huge crowds of millionaires and tones of
American celebrities.
2. The antelopes got a bit agitated when a _ of lions came closer to the herd near
the waterhole.
3. Robert‘s new car was his and joy. He bragged about it everywhere he turned
93. .....................................
1. Sadly enough, he was cut off in his leaving a wife and three small children.
2. After a thorough investigation, a neo-Nazi activist became the _ suspect in a
murder case of a black woman.
3. Adidas wanted to show its new commercial in time when it was most likely
to be spotted by large audiences.
94. .....................................
1. The three colours include red, yellow and blue. By mixing them you can
come up with any other colour you like.
2. It is at school that children should have the best teachers because it is a
crucial stage in their mental development.
3. Our concern is to provide customers with the best products and service they
deserve. Nothing is more important than this.
95. .....................................
1. The book has been out of for 50 years and can only be found at auctions.
2. You can only have yourself to blame. If you had read the fine you would
know the contract is binding for ten and not five years.
3. Our new photo machine is able to develop and pictures faster and with better
96. .....................................
1. I felt quite sick when the dentist started to around my mouth.
2. Sniffer dogs were brought along to the area for clues.
3. The press are well known for the way they into people‘s backgrounds.
97. .....................................

1. Pia‘s under a lot of stress because she‘s in the applying for a new job.
2. The company was trying to develop a new manufacturing in an attempt to cut
3. Many people buy cosmetics in an attempt to slow down the of ageing.
98. .....................................
1. The requirements are not the most challenging. All you have to do is to a
letter without serious spelling mistakes.
2. If you want to enter the place, you need to a valid membership card.
Otherwise, forget it.
3. Our south-east division is able to _ the required number of CDs within three
99. .....................................
1. 30% of the company‘s of olive oil is solely for export to Europe.
2. What did you think of the amateur drama group‘s________of ―Hamlet‖?
3. Everyone in full time education will be offered cheap rail fares on of their
student union cards.
100. ...................................
1. Recently, a small pilot has been launched in the neighbourhood. It aims at
integrating immigrants into the local community.
2. If you wear a suit and tie in business situations, you a professional image.
3. The sound system went kaput and the guest speaker had to _ his voice to be
heard at the end of the room.
101. ...................................
1. The prince to her on one knee on the balcony. Two weeks later the wedding
took place and they lived happily ever after.
2. The committee was established to work on the changes to the annual budget.
3. Scientists have a plethora of theories to explain how fish know which way to
go to their breeding grounds, but no definite explanations have been given so far.
102. ...................................
1. To his point, John quoted some famous experts on the subject.
2. I don‘t feel any need to myself any more as I‘ve already achieved much
during my career.
3. The task didn‘t to be very difficult. In fact, it was child‘s play to us.

103. ...................................
1. The government‘s decision to be disastrous for the educational system.
2. They never actually that the accused was guilty of the crime.
3. Everyone said William would never make it to university but he them all
104. ...................................
1. The government was not able to details of its plans for new road construction.
2. They had to for a possible emergency by stocking up with food and other
3. The new bill attempted to _ consumers with the means to fight back against
unscrupulous retailers.
105. ...................................
1. Though well into her 20s by now, Jane‘s father still for her, including buying
all her clothes.
2. Results show that the substance can be handled without adverse health effects,
that there is adequate ventilation.
3. Data from other experiments have the basis for continuing intensive research
on the Martian climate.
106. ...................................
1. Newspapers are prepared to pay large sums of money to obtain interviews with
2. New information concerning the case has come to light and will be made
next month.
3. The local MP called on athletes to perform a service by supporting local
charity events aimed at improving sports facilities for the young.
107. ...................................
1. The accident happened when he wanted to lift his oak table. He _ a muscle and
had to be treated by a doctor.
2. On our way home we off the road to buy some strawberries from roadside
3. It came as a surprise when it turned out that he wasn‘t the one who made decisions. It
was his deputy who strings.
108. ...................................

1. The investigators are _ the machine apart to find out what went wrong.
2. Luke found himself stuck behind the steering wheel but was just himself out
when the ambulance arrived.
3. Who‘s that faces at the window?
109. ...................................
1. To his surprise, the girl clenched her fist and him in the jaw. That was
punishment for his pulling her ponytail.
2. As soon as I produced my ticket, the conductor it and let me get on the train.
3. When Miriam heard the fantastic news, she the air in victory. The job was
110. ...................................
1. It was chance that he met her once again in a small forgotten village in the
2. The tie was made of silk and cost 100 dollars, which was far beyond his
3. Relief agencies were concerned about the lack of water and food.
111. ...................................
1. He took a week off work with the express of finding a new job.
2. I‘m sure Tony deleted my file on , although he says it was an accident.
3. I don‘t mind living at home for now as it suits my_______of saving money.
112. ...................................
1. The young man devoted his life to the of pleasure.
2. I have to admit that hill walking is a which doesn‘t interest me at all.
3. The flustered mother ran out of the supermarket in hot of her absconding
113. ...................................
1. He lost half of his money doing business with Russians, but __ it down to
2. Can you believe it? Linda, our new manager, a tempting proposal to him and
he flatly rejected it.
3. If the police is reluctant to a stop to car theft, I don‘t know who I should turn
to then.

1. .......................................
1. You can get a massive discount on this item, sir if you buy it in .
2. Nobody knows what to expect from him. He‘s been something of an unknown
since he joined our department.
3. The help of a surveyor may be indispensable before you build a house.
2. .......................................
1. He reached into his pocket and produced a buck and a _ which he handed to
the newsagent.
2. After living for five years in the student , the painter moved to a more
luxurious part of the town. It was a turning point in his artistic life.
3. The economy looks robust with sales up in the first of the year.
3. .......................................
1. There are fears in some that the ending of the scheme could cause
recruitment problems for schools.
2. The house has 25 rooms, including special for visiting royals.
3. The rock face looked much steeper at close and the ill-prepared group began
to wish they‘d stayed in bed.
4. .......................................
1. Lucy, I won‘t have you go to the funeral in a mini skirt. It‘s out of the ! Put
on something decent and less provocative.
2. When a Protestant began to _ his religious beliefs, Rimond realized his faith
was not based on accurate knowledge, but ceremonies.
3. There is no that money can‘t give you happiness. Still, life‘s hard without it.
5. .......................................
1. The law passed by Congress was viewed as a _ fix and not a permanent
solution to the problem of the homeless.
2. Experience is advantageous, but not essential in this job. If you‘re on the
uptake, we‘ll teach you everything you need.
3. The mayor was infamous for his temper and journalists often exploited this
personality trait to wind him up.
6. .......................................

1. If we‘re very we may see some deer, but the slightest sound will scare them
2. I‘ve never seen the roads so as they were during the petrol crisis.
3. You can tell everyone next week, but for now I‘d like you to keep it , please.
7. .......................................
1. In court, the prosecution lawyer _ a similar case of a man who had been
sentenced to death for the same type of crime.
2. The priest _ a certain passage from the Scriptures to support his radical ideas.
3. Her husband was as saying that the princess was feeling well after the birth
of their first child.
1. .......................................
1. In my previous job I got the feeling I was taking part in the rat and I
eventually summoned up enough courage to quit.
2. The boy had his leg bitten by a poisonous snake and it was a against time to
get the antidote.
3. Regardless of your background, _ or religion you have the right to a fair trial.
2. .......................................
1. It is difficult to hang curtains on that because there is a narrow pelmet
hanging over it.
2. I think I‘d prefer to fly to Edinburgh rather than go by .
3. Maude held on firmly to the as she climbed slowly up the stairs.
3. .......................................
1. Yes, he did complain about occasional aches and pains shortly after the operation,
but now he‘s as right as .
2. The plane whizzed overhead spilling a of leaflets urging the rebels to
3. Heavy winds and torrential have wreaked havoc in the north of the country.
4. .......................................
1. It is_______to find a shop that gives a truly personal service these days.
2. One CD by that group is no longer available in the shops and was classed as _
in one online auction.

3. I have joined an organisation that is dedicated to helping preserve species of
5. .......................................
1. Don‘t your voice when you‘re talking to me. I' may look old, but I‘m not
2. A young inexperienced mother is likely to the alarm each time her child
3. What the general had seen on the ground made him important questions
about the soldiers‖ safety.
6. .......................................
1. Paul his glass to drink our health.
2. The government has the tax on Cigarettes.
3. I that question at our last meeting, if you remember!
7. .......................................
1. Other colleagues grew jealous when he it in and became financially
2. The burglars went straight into the living room and through the drawers to
find the jewellery and other valuables.
3. The cold autumn days set in and each day Paul the dead leaves lying on the
ground in front of his house.
8. .......................................
1. He became the first driver to exceed a speed of 100 mph during a
2. Despite her efforts to support for her new project, nobody seemed to be
3. President Smith addressed an election _ in the city centre as part of his
9. .......................................
1. Vinnie successfully his father‘s business before joining the army.
2. The magazine editors have been heavily criticised because they _ an article on
exam-cheating techniques lost month.
3. We a wire from the ground floor to the basement so that everyone could get
access to the Internet.

10. .....................................
1. The whole place with music.
2. His cruel words still in her ears.
3. There was something about her story that true.
11. .....................................
1. The mountain stretched in front of their eyes for miles. Its snowcapped peaks
were glittering in the morning sun.
2. Our store offers a wide of sports equipment which is specially designed for
the demanding customer.
3. The media tycoon was shot at point-blank outside his mansion in the early
morning hours. The case is being investigated at the moment.
12. .....................................
1. A mean spirit is _ as a severe character failing by some people, as it shows a
lack of openness and generosity.
2. If she wins the next tournament, she will be as number one in the world.
3. Sotheby‘s my grandmother‘s chest of drawers highly.
13. .....................................
1. This bird is so that it appears on the endangered list in many countries.
2. Sadly, restaurants that source only local products are all too these days.
3. Sam took advantage of a opportunity to meet the elusive leader of the
political movement.
14. .....................................
1. Tickets for students and pensioners visiting the museum are at a special .
2. Libraries are disappearing at an alarming . Soon well become a nation of the
3. I don‘t_______their chances of staging the next Olympics. The city lacks basic sports
15. .....................................
1. The old car was _ down the lane, belching thick clouds of smoke into the
evening air.
2. When the cups and saucers started , their first thought was that it was an

3. Peter proudly began off the list of important historical dates he had been told
to learn.
16. .....................................
1. ―Did you know that sushi is made from fish?‖ - ―What? You mean, they
don‘t fry it?‖
2. The operatives working overseas are sending us only data and it‘s up to us in
the department to analyze it and consider any possible risks.
3. The press will be after us if they find out our factory is releasing _ sewage into
the local river.
17. .....................................
1. I finally him after getting his home number from his wife.
2. After hours of negotiation and lengthy disagreements, they finally a compromise.
3. Her hair was so long it to her waist.
18. .....................................
1. When Laura checked the shirt label, she saw that it ―Hand wash only‖.
2. Unfortunately I the map wrongly and we ended up too far south.
3. The sergeant_______out the names of the officers who would work on the case.
19. .....................................
1. My_______of the situation is that Ann is quite eager to leave.
2. The audience were treated to a(n) _ of the first chapter of the novel.
3. The last volume of Bogarde‘s biography makes interesting .
20. .....................................
1. After working so hard to finish their house, Bob and Clare were _ for a holiday.
2. Mark is popular at parties because of his wit.
3. My daughter says she doesn‘t feel to get married yet.
21. .....................................
1. Many people, through lack of opportunity, are not able to their_______full potential.
2. Greg woke with a start only to that it had been just a dream.
3. Sanders became a rich man when he was able to a lot of money on his old
22. .....................................
1. The pianist never _ the potential he‘d known as a teenager.

2. Mark his ambition when his novel became a bestseller.
3. Helen she had been cheated by the shopkeeper when she checked her change.
23. .....................................
1. The couple was looking for a place in a friendly, crime-free neighbourhood to
their three children.
2. If the problem of unemployment is not resolved, poverty will soon _ its ugly
3. The driver died on the spot, yet miraculously those in the of the car emerged
24. .....................................
1. The skyscraper,________up on the horizon made an awesome sight.
2. It must be an exhausting life for her, triplets.
3. The wild horse was neighing and , unable to be ridden.
25. .....................................
1. You have been late every day this week; what is your ?
2. Dora is so headstrong; her actions defy all .
3. Within , I am prepared to work overtime.
26. .....................................
1. Can‘t we have a________discussion about this, without anyone losing their temper?
2. I don‘t think it‘s to expect us to work extra hours without any extra pay.
3. Considering that it‘s an expensive city, the cost of the hotel we stayed in was quite
27. .....................................
1. In a retaliatory gesture, the country________its ambassador from Germany. Soon after
this incident war erupted.
2. Hundreds of grocery products are to be________as the banned preservative may cause
irreparable damage to your eyes.
3. The witness _ the whole event perfectly and proved a precious asset to the
28. .....................................
1. In certain parts of the world radio can be very poor. If this happens in your
case, we strongly suggest that you contact your local dealer.

2. Much to her surprise, Dorothy was given a frosty _ at the annual meeting of
shareholders. Most of them were giving her the cold shoulder.
3. When the newly married couple appeared in the entrance, it was the signal that the
wedding _ should begin.
29. .....................................
1. She‘s changed beyond . Once an ugly, shy girl and now an attractive, self-
confident businesswoman.
2. For years Danny has been doing his best to achieve and respect. All in vain.
People still ignore his efforts.
3. Independence came at a price, yet it was worth it as the country gained diplomatic
around the world.
30. .....................................
1. None of the companies wanted to sign a contract with the budding singer
claiming his lyrics contained racist remarks.
2. In the summer thermometers temperatures of up to 30 degrees Celsius in the
3. He was immediately sacked when it emerged that he had a long criminal
which he hadn‘t mentioned during the interview.
31. .....................................
1. It will take the team‘s star player time to his form after being out so long
through injury.
2. It was difficult for the emergency services to any bodies from the buildings
in the aftermath of the earthquake.
3. She needed several weeks to from the illness she picked up in the tropics.
32. .....................................
1. Rescuers _ six bodies from the wreckage of the ship.
2. The police _ all the property stolen in the robbery.
3. Maria from her illness in record time.
33. .....................................
1. He‘s been in the since I remember and now the bank is threatening to take
legal action unless he pays up all the money he owes.
2. This issue has nothing to do with us. I suspect it must be a herring to divert
our attention.

3. The lawyer‘s face became _ with rage when the judge dismissed his evidence
as insignificant.
34. .....................................
1. The raging fire spreading west has so far a couple to villages to ashes, but it
has an appetite for more.
2. With new filters installed, the factories have _ air pollution drastically over the
past two years.
3. I was really sorry for Jeff. He was to living in a small rented room after his
company went bankrupt.
35. .....................................
1. When I saw her, she was still from the shock of discovering the body.
2. While he was in the fish, it broke free and swam away.
3. He was off the names of the players in the various teams.
36. .....................................
1. Concentration camp guards to people by their numbers, not names in an
attempt to rob them of their identity.
2. When asked, the man at the travel information office to his long list of hotels
and recommended The Lion.
3. The charges to another Mr. James and were sent to you purely by chance.
37. .....................................
1. The material may be used behind radiators as it can________heat, thus cutting costs.
2. Days spent in custody made John on his miserable life and rethink his
3. It‘s not always true that your clothes __ your social status. Some rich people
dress scruffily.
38. .....................................
1. After further the company decided not to appeal against the council's refusal
of their planning application.
2. The fact that we have not asked you to do this job is no _ on your of the work.
3. For a moment everyone in the room was dazzled by the _ of the sun on the
39. .....................................
1. Her poor exam results are not of her general ability.

2. Cyclists are advised to wear _ clothing at night.
3. George is a very quiet and _ man who rarely acts or speaks without thinking.
40. .....................................
1. Because the doctors couldn‘t find the man‘s name in the national of organ
donors they decided not to carry out the operation.
2. He spotted Jane at the cash in the local shop when she was paying for
3. At this time of the year thermometers usually temperatures between 20 and
25 Celsius degrees.
41. .....................................
1. I the parcel I sent you because I didn‘t want it to get lost.
2. Gloria for a course to learn pottery at the college yesterday.
3. The fact that he had been insulted suddenly _ on his face when he flushed with
42. .....................................
1. You can set your watch by when he comes to the office. He‘s here at 7am, _ as
2. The doctor recommended visits on a _ basis, each Monday for the next six
3. At first glance, the language seems easy with only verbs and simple grammar
structures, but its pronunciation is a challenge.
43. .....................................
1. The doctor encouraged her to give free________to her pent-up feelings and emotions.
her in. But in
2. Everybody thought Tom had enough authority to her in. But in fact she did as
she liked.
3. Many believe that keeping a tight _ on children can teach them self-discipline
and help them become law-abiding citizens when they come of age.
44. .....................................
1. We regret to inform you that your application has _ _ on the grounds of
been inadequate qualifications.
2. Unfortunately, the child‘s body _ the donor‘s organ and it died within a week.

3. It s emotionally devastating to feel by your own family, especially if you‘re
sent to an orphanage.
45. .....................................
1. Mike will make an excellent drug counselor because as a reformed drug user he
knows how to to those afflicted by this addiction.
2. Their accounts of the event don‘t to each other. In fact, they‘re totally
3. I want you to _ the story you‘ve just told me to the respective authorities. I‘m
sure they will find those revelations interesting.
46. .....................................
1. You‘d better not use that in non-defining clauses. It‘s grammatically
2. She had easy access to the actor due to their family ties. I reckon she was a close
of his.
3. ―I tell you I‘m badly off.‖ - "Well, it‘s all _ . By Polish standards you‘re not
that poor at all.‖
47. .....................................
1. I liked the _ atmosphere in the office. There were very few rules you had to
obey and I really felt comfortable.
2. Certain strict work regulations have to be if we want to create more jobs.
3. After crossing the finish line, the marathon runner sat on the grass and his
stiff thigh muscles.
48. .....................................
1. Two men were arrested in connection with the murder, but they were later as
they both had an unshakable alibi.
2. Green Peace claimed that the factory owned by Mr. Goblin had tones of
chemical waste straight into the sea.
3. The band‘s new album is due to be _ in June followed by a European tour.
49. .....................................
1. After the earthquake, _ was immediately sent to the stricken village.
2. It was such a(n)________to know that he had returned safely.
3. It is hoped that the new drug will bring________to arthritis sufferers.
50. .....................................

1. Proper eating habits and going to bed at a fixed time can stress and make you
feel more energized during the day.
2. She desperately tried to the boredom by telling jokes. But their faces
remained gloomy.
3. We regret to inform you that the management wishes to you _ of your duties as
of 2nd May.
51. .....................................
1. Despite assurances from the tour company‘s local representatives, the stranded
holidaymakers _ unconvinced by the reasons given for the cancellation of their
2. Does anything of the castle‘s original furnishings, or have all these items
been brought in from elsewhere?
3. Now that the farewell concert has taken place, only the group‘s financial affairs
to be wound up.
52. .....................................
1. There‘s only a possibility that our sales will grow next year. Recession is the
buzzword at the moment.
2. Casio has even installed control in some of its watches to make it easier for
TV viewers to operate their TV sets.
3. Catching the rebels is still extremely difficult as they choose to hide in parts
of the mountains.
53. .....................................
1. The postmaster‘s from office was seen as a positive step to rid the town of
2. Be careful when using any stain product. Too much of it may ruin your
3. The company failed to transport our furniture on Monday. Needless to say,
when the new owners arrived on that day, they were disappointed.
54. .....................................
1. Unfortunately, his tactless behaviour and authoritative mien further
discussion impossible.
2. As a civil servant, Claire was praised for her attitude to needy people. She always
assistance to those who were in dire straits.
3. This Greek word is often as ―brotherly love‖ in foreign translations.

55. .....................................
1. You‘d better listen to me, boys because I‘m not going to _ it. STOP PLAYING
2. Truancy didn‘t pay off and Chris had to _ a year. Luckily, he learnt a lesson
and was one of the best students in his new class.
3. By popular request, the channel will the award winning documentary that
was last shown two years ago.
56. .....................................
1. The loud _ from the pistol caused me to start in surprise.
2. Look at this interesting news about the fall in unemployment.
was better this term, which pleased her parents.
3. Sally‘s school was better this term, which pleased her parents.
57. .....................................
1. These blue lines________our growth rate on the graph. We‘ve really made great leaps.
2. Don‘t worry. We‘ll get all these problems out of our way in no time. They
only a minor challenge to our efforts.
3. I‘m sure that you all agree that Mr. Gerstt is the right person to_____ our company
to talks with our business partners.
58. .....................................
1. A career as a sales____ doesn‘t appeal to Josh as he thinks it‘s dead boring.
2. The findings were considered accurate as a large sample of the population
had taken part in the poll.
3. I wouldn‘t say that the minister‘s favourable comments were _ of the
majority‘s view of the war. The public doesn‘t like it.
59. .....................................
1. The mayor was not completely in favour of the plans for a new bus station, and at the
end of the meeting he stated what his one was.
2. He knew that she was often too tired to go out to eat on Fridays, so he made the
for 8:30 on the Saturday.
3. In order not to break up the local Indian community, a was established on the
outskirts of the town.
60. .....................................
1. The temptation to move to a much better job abroad proved too hard to .

2. Groups of soldiers loyal to the former Prime Minister are continuing to rebel
forces in parts of the country.
3. Staff will obviously any change that results in a net increase in the hours they
are expected to work.
61. .....................................
1. The scientists at the military lab devised a new virus which shows an extraordinary
to all known antiviral remedies.
2. Come on! You can do better. Your answer means you take the line of least .
3. Though hidden in caves and poorly armed, the freedom fighters put up a strong
against the invading troops.
62. .....................................
1. Jess made a _ to be more organised in future.
2. There is little hope of an early to the miners‘ strike.
3. The U.N. has passed a to establish irrigation schemes in developing countries.
63. .....................................
1. We refuse to negotiate with terrorists and all those who to violence to settle
political disputes.
2. The seaside________was virtually swamped by tourists from all over the world in the
3. Don‘t worry. I‘m not going to mortgage our future. I‘ll take out a loan from the bank
as a last .
64. .....................................
1. We must try to protect our natural .
2. The Health Service does not have the _ _ to care for patients as well as conduct
3. The parents left the children to their own .
65. .....................................
1. The full details of the case were not printed in the newspapers out of for her
2. With to your proposal, I regret that I am as yet unable to make a decision.
3. His decisive handling of the crisis won him the of his peers.
66. .....................................
1. In to increased demand, the company have doubled their output.

2. I was surprised to receive an immediate _ to my query.
3. The _ to our plea for information was overwhelming.
67. .....................................
1. When our neighbours started having noisy parties every night, my husband
by getting up at seven every day and playing the radio at full volume.
2. Unfortunately, the patient has not________to the treatment given.
3. I‘m surprised that no-one has _ to the advertisement you placed in the local
68. .....................................
1. He won‘t until all the Nazis charged with genocide are brought to justice.
2. To avoid eye strain, __ your eyes for a few minutes every 45 minutes in front of
the computer screen.
3. There‘s no point worrying too much. You can assured we‘ll do our best to
complete the bridge on time.
69. .....................................
1. The National Guard was brought in to________order when angry demonstrators went
on the rampage through the city.
2. Nothing will the customer‘s confidence but a few reassuring words from Mr.
3. A group of specialists are working on a plan to the sculptor‘s masterpiece to
its former glory.
70. .....................................
1. Your constant skiving at work may one day _ in your dismissal. Make no
mistake about it.
2. You‘ve seen only a small part. Wait for the end and you‘ll be impressed.
3. The experiment produced a freak . The substance hadn‘t killed the rats, but
only made them intoxicated.
71. .....................................
1. Sponge is famous for its outstanding ability to water and is indispensable in
every household.
2. The book Train Your Mind describes a case of a Russian who was able to all
the information that came his way. It is said he knew a 20-volume dictionary by heart.

3. It‘s one thing to find dedicated workers and quite another to _ them as
headhunters are constantly on the prowl.
72. .....................................
1. It has been a hard, yet successful day for Josh. Bushed, he to bed to get
strength for the next day full of new challenges.
2. When the voters sent her a signal that she was no longer their favourite, she _ _
from political life and settled down in the countryside.
3. The trial was eventually drawing to a close as the jury _ to decide about the
defendant‘s future.
73. .....................................
1. After three months in the Himalayas, he celebrated his by throwing a party
for all his family.
2. He gave her 5% of his profits in for her assistance in setting up the business.
3. He said he was travelling to Plymouth but that‘s a lie; I saw a(n) ticket to
Norwich in his wallet.
74. .....................................
1. If you don‘t have enough money to phone home, you can always the charges.
2. After hearing an appeal from local residents, the housing committee decided to
their decision to construct a motorway next to the town.
3. Be careful as you your car out of the garage - it‘s a tight squeeze!
75. .....................................
1. Following the accident, the company has agreed to carry out a thorough of its
safety procedures.
2. The whole policy of allowing members to borrow the club‘s equipment is now under
3. Sally was thrilled to see a positive________of her first novel in the local newspaper.
76. .....................................
1. The soil on the lower slopes of the mountain was enough to produce a very
good coffee crop.
2. The room was decorated in________shades of brown and orange.
3. Leo felt quite sick after eating two helpings of an extremely________chocolate cake.
77. .....................................
1. In July the beach is always packed with surfers that_______waves of the blue sea.

2. When you pillion it is sensible to hold on tightly to the person in front of you.
3. Our company‘s had a bumpy recently, but now things are getting back to
78. .....................................
1. ―Are you feeling any better now?" - "Absolutely. I‘m as as rain.‖
2. His drug taking was going on under his mother‘s nose. I wonder how come
she hadn‘t seen anything suspicious.
3. The spokeswoman has said the initiative is not groundbreaking, but it‘s a step in the
79. .....................................
1. By _, at least half that cake should‘ve been mine.
2. The concept of parental is not an unlimited one.
3. An American network will choose the titles and provide technical help in return for
the to screen the film.
80. .....................................
1. When he got out of the bath, there was a of dirt around it.
2. The Hubble telescope allows astronomers to see beyond the outer of our
solar system.
3. There was a crack on the _ of her coffee cup so she asked the waiter to change
81. .....................................
1. The leader and his right hand have been caught this morning in a large-scale
police operation.
2. She put the saucepan on the gas _ and went on to make other preparations for
the party.
3. His assurances that he was still madly in love with her didn‘t _ true. Her
instinct had never let her down.
82. .....................................
1. She had dark around her eyes from too many sleepless nights.
2. The thief escaped with a diamond brooch, two gold and some cufflinks.
3. Only one of the _ on the electric cooker is working.
83. .....................................
1. The number of people leaving the nursing profession is on the _ again.

2. The people were starving and had no choice but to against the government.
3. In stunned silence, he watched his students _ one by one from their seats and
walk out of the room in protest.
84. .....................................
1. The player felt she was of the title and filed a formal complaint to the Tennis
2. Recently we‘ve seen the number of people being _ on the streets fall due to
more police patrols.
3. You‘re risking being _ of your self-esteem if you let those thugs harass you.
85. .....................................
1. News of the influential diplomat‘s death________international political circles.
2. As the town was still reeling from the first tremor, a second one it to its
3. The hammock gently in the afternoon breeze, and it wasn‘t long before
James fell asleep.
86. .....................................
1. Her title in the latest production got rave reviews in the press.
2. The nation has put him on a pedestal and he‘s become a model for teenagers.
3. Soon after they got married, Lucy realized her husband wanted her to play a
subservient_______in the marriage confining her to the kitchen realm.
87. .....................................
1. One of the jars slipped from her bag and down the road towards the bus
2. At one time the interviewee loosened his tie and up his sleeves as it was
getting hot and stuffy in the examination room.

3. Jane blushed and her eyes when her mother started to show her boyfriend
some photos of her when she was 5.
88. .....................................
1. There‘s a man on the _ and I think he‘s going to jump!
2. My mum will hit the _ when she sees this enormous phone bill.
3. We‘re taking so much stuff I think we need to tie some to the of the car.
89. .....................................

1. It‘s not sensible to believe politicians. They only claim that they will out
corruption, but once in power they do very little to keep their promises.
2. The Bible‘s right in saying that the love of money is the of all evil. It has
brought more suffering than all the wars waged so far.
3. I think your analysis is not complete. We need to get to the of the problem to
find a real solution.
90. .....................................
1. She is going through a patch at the moment. She‘s learnt her husband has
been cheating on her for the last six years.
2. Strong winds and seas provided a dramatic setting for the action movie.
3. We can‘t be more specific right now, but a estimate is that about 20 people
have been killed in recent clashes with the police.
91. .....................................
1. These dogs are trained to up sheep and prove invaluable when some of them
want to stray from the flock.
2. And finally, let me off the show with a song by Bruce Klain, our last artist
3. ―These puzzles don‘t fit.‖ - ―Look, you should put them the other way _ .‖
92. .....................................
1. I‘m afraid you have to wait here. The doctor is out on his..............He‘ll be back in 20
2. The squad stormed the warehouse where the hostages were kept. The witnesses say a
few of ammunition and screams could be heard.
3. Three of negotiations didn‘t produce a breakthrough and other options had to
be considered.
93. .....................................
1. New DNA testing techniques are said to have helped dozens of convicts on death
be acquitted and become free citizens again.
2. With an incredible record of winning 4 championships in a _, the sprinter is
expected to dominate the event this year as well.
3. Can you imagine our annoyance with Terry when we found out he‘d booked seats in
the first ? We could hardly enjoy the movie.
94. .....................................

1. A confused computer gave the weary couple a awakening at one o‘clock
every morning.
2. Pietro guessed that the sign was _ , but he was too perturbed to pretend anger.
3. Amazingly, it was a child playing those haunting notes on a instrument.
95. .....................................
1. You‘ve the surprise by telling Jane all about it!
2. When the stock market collapsed many traders were financially _ .
3. The crops were by the unprecedented dry weather.
96. .....................................
1. At this stage of the investigation, we can‘t _ out the possibility of him being
killed, but it‘s too early to say for sure.
2. Political commentators agree that the ex-dictator used to the country with an
iron fist, nipping dissent in the bud.
3. The golden of business says that the customer is always right and I can‘t
agree more.
97. .....................................
1. To make sure the old air defence system is working properly military scientists are to
a series of tests in mid-air.
2. Damn! We‘re stuck in this town. The timetable says coaches don‘t_________on
3. Here‘s the latest news. A massive police operation is under way as two dangerous
criminals have got out of a high security prison and have been on the for
about six hours.
98. .....................................
1. The old lady placed her foot on the first of the ladder. She then crept up
slowly until she reached the window.
2. All her excuses have _ hollow so far. He isn‘t going to believe a word of what
she is saying.
3. Your wife has just____ in to say that she‘s got two tickets for the opera tonight, so
don‘t make any other arrangements.
99. .....................................
1. Some of Joel‘s responsibilities included dealing with the mail and errands for
his lazy colleagues.

2. After the match feelings among Manchester fans were high and it was only a
matter of time before violence broke out.
3. The expat has been the hotel since 1999, attracting mostly rich British
100. ...................................
1. I hate doing things in a , but this is what I had to do this morning when 1
2. The discovery of the ore in the mountains sparked a gold with thousands of
people descending on the area.
3. His eyes turned into saucers and he felt a sudden adrenalin _ seconds after he
jumped out of the plane.
1. .......................................
1. The company had no choice but the worker for his rude comments aimed at
his fellow female employees.
2. She lowered her body and took a _ of potatoes on her back, breathing heavily.
3. It was almost midnight so Ron decided to call it a day and hit the . He
desperately needed some sleep.
2. .......................................
1. The USA has accused the rouge country of providing a haven for a bunch of
especially dangerous terrorists.
2. You‘d better keep a distance from the cage. The gorillas can be unpredictable.
3. It‘s very sensible to keep all your important documents and valuables in a built-in
3. .......................................
1. Being a good student, she was almost sure she would through the
2. The ship set on its maiden voyage at the end of March with 122 souls on board.
3. After the storm they inspected the boat and to their relief it turned out that only one
had been badly damaged.
4. .......................................
1. I thought she was a friend, but later I discovered she was under false colours
and was just using me to enlarge her social circle.

2. I think you‘re a bit close to the wind by spending so much time online at work.
3. Mary was terribly anxious about her driving test but in fact she found it plain
and passed at the first attempt.
5. .......................................
1. We watched as the lion its teeth into its prey.
2. When it finally in that she‘d won the championship, she felt able to celebrate
3. My heart _ when I realized just how difficult the work I‘d been given really
6. .......................................
1. It‘s _ fat that you have to cut down on, not fat in general.
2. Many claim that television and the cinema are with sex and gore and moral
values are practically nonexistent.
3. Gerard‘s tracksuit was completely _ with sweat after a strenuous training
7. .......................................
1. The fans at the stadium went ecstatic when the goalkeeper managed to _ the
2. A good computer programme will you having to do your accounts in writing,
which can be time-consuming.
3. Two hours later, they eventually found all the missing children _ _ one.
8. .......................................
1. I suspect that the new tax on airline fuel is really aimed at raising revenue rather than
at the planet!
2. If you buy goods online, you will be yourself the effort of going to the shops.
3. Fiona was rather extravagant and _ regularly did not come easy to her.
9. .......................................
1. Obviously you need to the fish before frying it.
2. The crowd watched the fireman the wall, smash the window and get inside
the burning building.
3. It‘s expected that with a continuous flow of cash from foreign benefactors, the
educational programme will be implemented on a massive .
10. .....................................

1. Don‘t show that huge spider to Miranda or you‘ll probably her to death!
2. The rise in violent crime in our capital is likely to away tourists.
3. There was another bomb in the business district yesterday and we all had to
leave our offices.
11. .....................................
1. Harry, don‘t make a . I‘m not going to buy you this awful toy gun.
2. When the detective finally arrived at the _ of the crime, a large group of people
had already gathered around the body.
3. The opening _ of the movie is set in the majestic snow-capped mountains of
the north.
12. .....................................
1. The inspector didn‘t fall for her lies. He somehow knew she was trying to put him off
the to save her husband.
2. Her velvet voice and a distinctive _ of perfume fueled the flames of love
between them.
3. The animal has an acute sense of smell that enables it to from over 500
13. .....................................
1. The business may look a bit slow, but wait till the winter sale. People will _ up
all the clothes in the shop.
2. Put one of ice cream in a cup and sprinkle it with shredded coconut. It‘s
3. Their team seems invincible. I would be surprised if they didn‘t _ first prize.
14. .....................................
1. The acting is fabulous, but the is far below expectations. Too pompous arid
intrusive. At least that‘s what the critics say.
2. After a short trial period, the satellite channel decided that their signal should now be
3. The only thing the bachelor was able to make was eggs and sandwiches.
16. .....................................
1. It was a close thing when Michael just through his exams with the lowest
marks he‘d ever had.
2. The worker the wall with a little knife to remove the old wallpaper.

3. The chair legs the concrete when the class stood up. This sound always gave
her goose pimples.
17. .....................................
1. After six months‘ hard work at a town centre restaurant, Kevin eventually succeeded
in together enough money to go on a trip round the world.
2. With so many labour-saving devices on the market Kate finds it irritating that her
mother continues _ the skin from potatoes with a blunt knife.
18. .....................................
1. In each interview he liked to stress the fact that he built his media empire from
with only 50 pounds in his pocket.
2. His left leg began itching from the dust and sweat and he bent down to give it a good
3. The kitten looks lovely and innocent, but if you push it a bit too hard it‘ll you
with its sharp claws.
19. .....................................
1. If there are too many people calling you in the workplace, you should ask a colleague
to your phone calls.
2. The room was divided into two parts by a flimsy that gave some semblance
of privacy for those on both sides.
3. It quickly turned out that the small enterprise was only a _ for the mafia‘s dirty
20. .....................................

1. All the candidates to be employed in the intelligence unit must be thoroughly

as they will deal with confidential documents.
2. The magazine recommends that men should be regularly _ for prostate cancer
when they reach a certain age.
3. It‘s believed that the concert will be _ live on television in at least 55 countries.
21. .....................................
1. The police will the border if they sense you want to leave the country without
2. Write the address, put a stamp in the right corner and the envelope.
3. There are speculations that the two companies are planning to________the deal soon,
but no concrete facts can be given.
22. .....................................
1. Browsing the Internet is much easier if you have a _ engine such as Yahoo or
2. The inspector produced a warrant and the policemen started to turn the house
upside down.
3. You may _ for your glasses all day and I‘m sure you won‘t find them in such a
23. .....................................
1. He‘s going to buy a _ ticket for United so he can go to all the home games
without having to queue all night.
2. Add the vegetables to the frying pan and _ well with pepper and salt.
3. He‘s a real United fan and always buys a ticket so he can go to all the home
24. .....................................
1. The work may be a little difficult at first, but after a few months I‘m sure it‘ll become
nature to you.
2. Frank noticed that the hand wasn‘t moving on his alarm clock.
3. Ayrton Senna is believed to have been an exceptional racer with a driving technique
to none.
25. .....................................
1. More and more women want their children to be born by Caesarean
2. Due to a serious car accident a large _ of the motorway had to be blocked and
traffic was diverted.
3. The cellist fell in love with a woman from the brass in the orchestra.
26. .....................................
1. Although he had a lucrative job and was financially , he felt a big spiritual
void in his life.
2. The skipper went down the hill towards the harbour to his fishing boat to the
quay as a storm was looming on the horizon.
3. Doing business with the Chinese is always a lengthy process. Mike, however, has
managed to________an important deal within two weeks.
27. .....................................
1. If these documents fall into the attorney‘s hands and _ the light of day, heads
will roll.

2. After lunch, the host family went to the railway station with Jake to _ him off.
3. Boss, you can take a day off. I‘ll to it that everything runs smoothly in the
28. .....................................
1. After a while, the rain became so heavy that we were forced to shelter.
2. Mr. Williams moved to London to _ his fortune.
3. To climb this mountain, you must first permission from the appropriate
government department.
29. .....................................
1. Our Volvo has __ better days. However, we are very attached to this car and
won‘t get rid of it soon.
2. It remains to be how the situation will develop, but let‘s keep our fingers
crossed and hope for the best.
3. Ricky has always _ himself as the life and soul of the party. He is, however, a
crashing bore.
30. .....................................
1. Customs and Excise say that for every kilo of drugs they , ten times that
amount gets through.
2. Rival companies would dearly love to get a bigger slice of the action and will
any opportunity to do so.
3. Critics of the scheme will on this last point to argue against any further
31. .....................................
1. In an overnight operation the police have two tones of cocaine. Its market
value is estimated at five million dollars.
2. Franz didn‘t have to be asked twice. He immediately opportunity and left for
a new job in sunny Florida.
3. The car won‘t start. I guess the engine must have up. We‘d better go on foot.
32. .....................................
1. At the interview don‘t yourself short. Tell them about your strong points and
the qualifications you possess.
2. You‘re naive if you think business is about friendship and loyalty. Your partner will
you down the river if need be.

3. Confronted with the spectre of destitution the owners decided to off part of
the property.
33. .....................................
1. She seems to have a sixth _ about people‘s foibles.
2. There was a of longing in her voice as she spoke of her home.
3. I couldn‘t understand your argument; it just didn‘t make _ off part of the
34. .....................................
1. Documents of a highly _ nature are jealously guarded in the government
2. From a young age, Ian had been to other people‘s feelings.
3. The planetarium‘s telescope is so that only trained specialists are permitted to
use it.
35. .....................................
1. The midfielder was _ off the pitch for a brutal foul on the captain of the
opposing team.
2. Upon hitting the planet, a huge asteroid has tons of dust flying into the
planet‘s upper atmosphere.
3. The lecturer seems to have most students to sleep with his long-winded
explanation of this very simple process.
36. .....................................
1. We need to give some consideration to the downturn in our sales, and come
up with a new marketing strategy.
2. The economy situation is so _ that the government has been forced to raise
3. He seems a real joker, but there‘s a more _ side to him, you know.
37. .....................................
1. No one takes Mr. Potter any more, after he disgraced himself at the party.
2. Teenagers are often at risk of getting into trouble with the law.
3. But_______, don‘t you feel that hitch-hiking is too risky nowadays?
38. .....................................
1. Don‘t feel sorry for her. Mum. It‘ll her right. After all, she should have
known that playing with fire is risky.

2. Forget gourmet food. They don‘t _ anything like this in that squalid restaurant.
3. The tennis player‘s most effective weapon was his _ which inflicted much
damage on other contestants.
39. .....................................
1. After she had as an MP for thirty years, she resigned to live a quiet life in the
2. The player _ the ball over the volleyball net.
3. We were fresh cucumber sandwiches and lemonade by the hostess.
40. .....................................
1. We are always pleased to be of to our customers.
2. Mother brought out the lovely willow pattern tea .
3. A short was held to celebrate the renewal of their marriage vows.
41. .....................................
1. You need to spread the cement evenly before it begins to _.
2. The runner________a world record 25 years ago and surprisingly, no one else has ever
come close to his phenomenal time.
3. My new car has________me back almost 20,000 pounds.
42. .....................................
1. The house itself is nothing special, but it has a wonderful on a hill
overlooking a river.
2. The _ of the film is Germany in the years immediately after the Second World
3. For their anniversary he gave her a large diamond brooch in a gold _ .
43. .....................................
1. When the first snowflakes began to________on the roads, all services were on standby
to remove the snow from the streets.
2. Claire wanted nothing but to get married to a nice boy and down in a quiet
3. I hope a new series of talks will eventually the differences and lead to a
peaceful coexistence of the two sides.
44. .....................................
1. After a long series of meetings with the management, the workers for a 3%
pay increase.

2. Before leaving for Australia, Ray sold his car and his account at the local
3. The contents of the jar during the long car journey and it no longer looked so
45. .....................................
1. Doro wanted exactly the right of blue for the walls of her bedroom.
2. In summer, people with a pale complexion always need some kind of .
3. The artist‘s particular use of colour and helped to create an atmosphere of
foreboding in the painting.
46. .....................................
1. The minister in the Conservative party tried to find fault with the
government‘s line of reasoning to raise taxes.
2. The jury reached a unanimous decision. The accused was guilty, without a of
a doubt.
3. Her room was always dark, even on a sunny day. A big tree that grew in front of the
window cast a long making the room look grim and gloomy.
1. The university took pains to off its reputation as the worst educational centre
on the west coast and with good results.
2. It‘s no use asking my father to let me stay out till midnight. He‘s going to his
head and say no.
3. Ruth, come on, a leg! We don‘t want to be late, do we?
48. .....................................
1. The evolutionist‘s convincing explanation has Bill‘s beliefs and made him
question his religious convictions.
2. Margaret is still badly after the mugging that happened yesterday. It‘ll take
her some time before she gets over it.
3. A powerful earthquake has_______the foundations of all the buildings in the area.
49. .....................................
1. It‘s a that you were unable to see your son‘s match. He played brilliantly.
2. French cuisine can still put all the dishes cooked in other countries to _ . It‘s so

3. Father, I‘ve grossly sinned committing adultery and I‘m feeling a sense of
and guilt.
50. .....................................
1. At the zenith of his sporting career, his was lean and fit. Now out of and with
a spare tyre around his waist he is a shadow of, his former self.
2. Anne never allowed the mass media to her outlook on life. She preferred
thinking for herself .
3. At first the idea was distant and unclear, but it was beginning to take _ in her
51. .....................................
1. ―Jane knows how to upset people.‖ - ―Yes. She‘s got a tongue, hasn‘t she?‖
2. Don‘t be late as the performance starts at 5 o‘clock _.
3. There‘s been a _ rise in the number of people interested in broadband Internet
connection over the last six months.
52. .....................................
1. She went to a garden _ to take a rake she needed to deal with the leaves.
2. As the animal grows, it must its skin many times.
3. Recent scientific evidence _ new light on the way people had hunted in the past.
53. .....................................
1. Jane‘s smooth legs in nylon tights invariably turn men‘s heads each time she
shows up in the pub.
2. It was by luck that he passed the exam. The questions he had to answer were
the only ones he‘d prepared for the previous day.
3. The size of the project was enough to put him off. It meant he would work
non-stop for 2 years.
54. .....................................
1. You‘ve got to do something with your shyness, Ian. Let me bring you out of your
and take you to a party.
2. His jaw dropped when it occurred to him that he had to out 500 dollars for a
single therapy session for his depressed dog.
3. The invading army threatened to the town if the citizens didn‘t surrender in
six hours.
55. .....................................

1. The robber used the small girl as a human to get out of the bank.
2. Never look directly at the sun. In bright daylight always _ your eyes with a pair
of sunglasses.
3. Another part of the Roman soldier‘s battle gear was his big .
56. .....................................
1. After the disaster the design team wanted to _ the blame for the fiasco onto the
manufacturer and vice versa.
2. Thanks to the concerted efforts of local communities there‘s been a marked _
in attitudes towards religious minorities. They can now feel quite safe.
3. The job can be fairly demanding as I do a night every second day.
57. .....................................
1. Nothing can prevent us from playing football. We get together at the pitch every
Saturday come rain or .
2. Give him a chance and you‘ll see he‘s going to in the class. He always does
his best when properly motivated.
3. The hair gel will do the trick. Not only will it introduce some order to your hair, but it
will also make it _ _.
58. .....................................
1. Peggy took off her hat to reveal a _ of red curls.
2. The_______of the explosion shattered windows in many surrounding buildings.
3. It came as a to me to discover that Simon was leading a double life.
59. .....................................
1. In his haste to locate the exit, he accidentally the torch directly into my eyes.
2. After five applications of soap and oil, the newly polished saddle in the sun.
3. In secondary school, she athletically but was academically poor.
60. .....................................
1. The acrobat fell________of the safety net and died on the spot.
2. Don‘t sell yourself at an interview and don‘t hesitate to say a few words
about your skills and abilities.
3. Don‘t mention politics in his company. He has a temper.
61. .....................................
1. The band‘s new single has _ to number one in less than a week which is an
unprecedented achievement.

2. Sarah stopped her pranks the moment the headmaster a warning glance at her.
3. Should a natural disaster strike, looters will be on sight. There will be no
mercy for those preying on human suffering.
62. .....................................
1. When her mother abandoned them in the late seventies, she had to _ the
responsibility of looking after her younger siblings.
2. It was extremely unfriendly when most of the students gave her the cold
because she got top marks each time they took exams.
3. On her way home Susan pulled up on the hard to check the tyres.
63. .....................................
1. When the ousted leader went into the court he waved his fist towards the judge in a
of defiance.
2. If you‘re afraid to venture into this dark forest, let me you the way to the old
witch‘s house.
3. All the evidence is intended to that colours exert a strong influence on our
64. .....................................
1. Yes, I clearly remember that flamboyant dullard, officer. He always off in
front of the girls about how smart and rich he was.
2. The profile him in a good light and he was certainly an ideal candidate to
take over after Frank retired.
3. Little John was struggling with the tyre so out of pity he came to the boy and
him how to change it properly.
65. .....................................
1. The city‘s population has been ever since it was announced that the mines
had run out of coal.
2. Morris is not a violet. He may have some hang-ups, but he is not lacking in
confidence in social situations.
3. It is not that I‘m________from talking to you. It is your attitude that is putting me off.
66. .....................................
1. The president told the reporters that seeing the gruesome crime on the screen made
him_______and that the perpetrators would be hunted down.
2. At the moment I‘m deputizing for Carl because he‘s been on________leave for about
a week.

3. I can tell you, she must be and tired of his womanizing and they‘ll split up
67. .....................................
1. Don‘t expect praises from your boss if you are going to with his archrival.
Disloyalty is severely punished here.
2. To eke out a living the postman was forced to have another job on the which
he obviously kept secret.
3. After being flagged down the vehicle pulled up on the of the road.
68. .....................................
1. There were scratches along both _ of my car when Julia returned it to me.
2. My mother always with my brother whenever we have an argument.
3. The coach asked Ernesto to change so both groups had an equal number of
good players.
69. .....................................
1. Rita was so squeamish that she always fainted at the of blood when she was
given an injection.
2. As he was approaching 80, his began deteriorating and now he found it
difficult to recognize people.
3. Special military units were sent to the affected region and ordered to shoot looters on
70. .....................................
1. On entering the cemetery, the old woman made the _ of the cross as if she
needed God‘s help to ward off evil spirits.
2. At the first _ of exhaustion, stop exercising and have a rest for a few minutes.
3. Why don‘t you up for a swimming course? I‘m sure you‘ll manage to
overcome your fear of water.
71. .....................................
1. The emergency services received a distress from the boat 30 kilometres off
the coast of Malaysia.
2. I‘m afraid, Mr. Gloomy, that your wife's strange moods may the beginning of
3. If we lay off more workers, it will send the wrong to the investors. They
might think we are on our last legs.

72. .....................................
1. The introduction of sound in the film industry struck the death knell for
2. Surprisingly, the statement issued by the department was _ on the subject of
immigrants. There wasn‘t a single reference regarding the problem.
3. The crowd gathered in the courtroom fell _ when the foreman read out the
73. .....................................
1. Jane visited me unexpectedly last night but I managed to throw together a _
meal of omelette and salad.
2. The maths exam was so . I passed with flying colours.
3. He was a child and was not capable of following the regular classes at school.
74. .....................................
1. I didn‘t meet a interesting person at the party.
2. As a mother, I know how difficult it is to raise children.
3. A ticket to Northampton costs and a return costs £40.
75. .....................................
1. After the accident the press kept the pilot‘s praises for his cool head and
bravery. But for him, all the people on board would be dead now.
2. What? That‘s not what you told me. Why are you a different tune?
3. Tell us what you know about Capone. Either you‘ll be _ or you‘ll end up in jail
with a heavy sentence.
76. .....................................
1. It‘s not fair to in judgement over somebody you don‘t know very well.
2. Frank was revising the whole year to for the entrance exams.
3. Do you really think I‘m going to by and watch you treat women like that? No
77. .....................................
1. Roger needs to be cut down to..............He fancies himself as a bit of a Don Juan, but
in fact he‘s merely a poor imitation of a gentleman.
2. The recruitment committee used to up all the candidates and choose only
those who complied with their standards.
3. You must be pulling my leg. A flat of that can‘t be that expensive.

78. .....................................
1. As the soup began to cool down, a _ started to form on its surface.
2. The actor arrived at the award ceremony by the of his teeth due to
exceptionally heavy traffic.
3. The doctors took a graft from the victim‘s leg to replace the burnt area on his
79. .....................................
1. Shouldn‘t you be at school right now? If your father learns you are lessons,
you‘ll be grounded.
2. Once at the lake, Daniel would spend time stones and watching ripples
spreading on the surface of the water.
3. The boxer jumped up and down as the rope made circles in the air.
80. .....................................
1. When a moose stepped onto the road, the driver on the brakes screeching to a
2. Deeply offended, upon leaving the room she the door so hard that two
pictures hanging on the wail fell on the floor with a bang.
3. Communist newspapers were quick to attack the conservative candidate and _
him for violating human rights.
81. .....................................
down our staff
1. If the worst comes to the worst, we‘ll be forced to down our staff and cut
2. Theoretically, there seems to be a chance of her pulling it off. Still it‘s next to
3. I don‘t know how Mary does it, but she always looks so _ despite eating tons
of chocolate.
82. .....................................
1. Although he was being chased by two federal agents he managed to give them the
2. I‘m sure he didn‘t mean to say that. It must have been a Freudian _ .
3. You‘ll be a fool if you allow an opportunity like this to through your fingers.
Act immediately.

83. .....................................
1. The thief the watch into his pocket when he thought no one was looking.
2. Several visitors to the castle almost _ on the newly polished floor.
3. The speaker _ a few references to the local football team into his speech, which
the audience appreciated greatly.
84. .....................................
1. Standards at the school seemed to be before the new head arrived.
2. I had planned on _ out before the meeting ended, but I didn't get a chance to.
3. Time was _ away and making the deadline seemed an ever remoter possibility.
85. .....................................
1. Before making a phone call, please insert a coin into the .
2. The cost of a half-hour landing at the new airport is the highest in Europe.
3. If your problem is urgent, I might be able to find time to you in this evening.
86. .....................................
1. Poor light and lack of ventilation may _ down the learning process and
contribute to your getting bad grades.
2. Only after the incident was shown in motion on a big screen, was the judge
able to spot a knife in the culprit‘s hand.
3. Bear with me. I‘m a bit on the uptake. Can you explain it to me once more?
87. .....................................
1. I wouldn‘t trust them if I were you. All their explanations________of a big ploy.
2. Some psychologists are strongly against corporal punishment. Most parents, however,
don‘t hesitate to________their children now and again.
3. Visitors to this country are advised to _ their lips while eating as a sign of
respect for the host.
88. .....................................
1. The party at the mansion went on into the hours. The last guests left at about
4 a.m.
2. Most people in the street tried hard to avoid the beggar who was kneeling on the
pavement, asking for _ change.
3. The government has prepared new laws that were to help businesses to
compete on equal terms with the mighty international companies.
89. .....................................

1. You must appreciate her intelligence and common sense. It was a move to
invest in electronics and now she‘s rolling in it.
2. I like looking for my job. Scruffiness may cost you dearly when dealing with
3. The military used a state-of-the-art bomb to carry out a surgical strike.
However, some collateral damage was reported.
90. .....................................
1. The car skidded on the ice and into a tree at the side of the road.
2. The football _ the glass in the window into a thousand pieces.
3. The managing director his fist down on the table in anger at the committee‘s
91. .....................................
1. The cream has an enhanced formula that will leave your skin silky .
2. It proved to be a bloodless revolution. The UN praised the old regime for the
transition of power.
3. If the wood still feels rough, you need to it with a piece of sandpaper.
92 ......................................
1. The students their giggles as the teacher approached.
2. I love mashed potatoes in gravy.
3. When they found the body it was obvious that the victim had been with a
93. .....................................
1. Five hundred years ago a stone road used to its way through the rolling hills
of the province.
2. If I were you, I wouldn‘t trust him. He seems to be a in the grass. Mark my
3. Sarah was taken in by some oil peddler who claimed that his elixir could
reverse the ageing process.
94. .....................................
1. It was a decision he made at that time. Now he wishes he had given more
thought and consideration to the scheme.
2. Consumers will________up almost all the products in a shop if there‘s a clear-out.
3. The cold in the middle of the summer ruined some of the crops.

95. .....................................
1. What are you doing? Have you lost your mind? It‘s a posh restaurant and you‘ve
your fingers to get the waiter‘s attention.
2. The plank in two under the weight of the motorbike causing it to fall into the
3. When the sergeant burst into the barracks, the privates to attention.
96. .....................................
1. Tony is rather lacking in graces, but when he unwinds he can be quite
interesting to talk to.
2. Elephants are animals and tend to congregate in groups.
3. Increased _ mobility has blurred the lines between the middle and upper
classes in Britain.
97. .....................................
1. If a politician is _ on crime, he is very likely to be portrayed as a weak person,
not capable of brining justice to the country.
2. He genuinely feels that her style of promoting goods is too aggressive and may do
more harm than good. As a seasoned salesman he‘s always opted for a sell.
3. Years of leading a cloistered life had a positive effect on her body. Her skin became
smooth and to the touch again.
98. .....................................
1. The soldier died a hero‘s death on foreign far away from his homeland.
2. This very place with its poverty and a high unemployment rate is fertile for
crime and violence.
3. If your dogs still certain areas in the house, one method to stop them doing it
is by spraying those places with some perfume.
99. .....................................
1. My old friends are always a sight for eyes when I come back to my
hometown after my journeys.
2. I hate playing tennis with my uncle because he‘s such a _ loser. He often gets
angry when he‘s defeated.
3. George sticks out like a thumb with his prominent ears and large eyes.
100. ...................................

1. A powerful hurricane was forecast and a few weathermen wanted to the
alarm on national TV channels.
2. You have to base your predictions on evidence, not rumours.
3. Jane doesn‘t sleep well most of the time, whereas her brother, Luke, is a _
101. ...................................
1. Now he‘s a paragon of virtue, but a few years ago he did nothing but wild
2. Unlike his predecessor, the new instructor didn‘t doubts in the hearts of new
recruits. He chose a more positive approach.
3. At this time of year peasants their fields with wheat.
102. ...................................
1. ―The milk must have gone _ if you haven‘t kept it in the fridge.‖ - ―Yes, it‘s
gone off.‖
2. At first they seemed a perfect couple, but later their relationship turned due
to her daily spending sprees.
3. Your spiteful comments are just _ grapes. You simply can‘t stand the thought
of him being so successful.
103. ...................................
1. I can‘t carry on any longer. Please, give me some breathing before I drop.
2. Back then, NASA was seriously thinking of setting up a __ station in
cooperation with its Russian counterpart.
3. Garry, can you clear a _ on the table? I‘ve got to put these groceries
104. ...................................
1. Please, me the details and tell me how it all ended.
2. Yes, I‘m talking to you. You couch potatoes. Look at your tyre. Stand up and
exercise with your private TV instructor.
3. Mike doesn‘t know the meaning of the word rest. He works even in his time.
105. ...................................
1. Your behaviour as an adult can volumes about the kind of upbringing you
received in your childhood.

2. Don‘t let the regime stop you talking about human rights. You have to your
mind and make yourself heard.
3. The psychologist encouraged the parents to highly of their son in his
presence to make him feel more confident.
106. ...................................
1. The way he looks at you volumes about his feelings.
2. Sylvia usually her mind, so shell tell us what she really thinks.
3. Mr. Jones often _ highly of you to his friends.
107. ...................................
1. Throughout his school years, Billy suffered ridicule because of his
2. We can assure you that we‘re doing our best to create this recognition
software by November.
3. The Prime Minister delivered his to hundreds of students gathered at the
university to highlight the main points of his economic plan.
108. ...................................
1. Your cynicism will disaster for all of us if you don‘t keep your mouth shut.
2. After university, Ivan had a short in the fishing industry and later got a
permanent job.
3. This golden beach always casts a magic over holidaymakers. In fact, they
keep coming here each year.
109. ...................................
1. It must have been Jenny who _ the beans. I saw her talking to the Newsweek
reporter the other day.
2. The recession hit big Asian tigers first, but within a week it over into other
3. It‘s no use crying over milk. You can‘t turn back the clock, can you?
110. ...................................
1. The class fell silent the moment the teacher began to________a tale about knights and
their fights with fire-blowing dragons.
2. All of a sudden, the pilot lost control of the plane and seconds later it went into a
heading quickly for the ground.
3. In certain areas women still cotton by hand but it‘s a dying art.

111. ...................................
1. You can put me in prison, but you‘ll never break my . I‘m a free man.
2. The curator told the visitors that the castle is often haunted by the ghastly _ of
a butler.
3. Working in a group towards a common goal requires team which involves
willingness to make sacrifices.
112. ...................................
1. The couple up when she found out he‘d been dating somebody behind her
2. I think we need to the cost of food and transport between us. It‘s a fair deal.
3. Suddenly a loud sound was heard. Her big suitcase had _ open and spilt its
contents all over the place.
113. ...................................
1. You must be out of your mind to invite that killjoy to our party. He‘s bound to
2. Parents are advised not to their children with expensive presents. It won‘t
take long before they take them for granted and demand more.
3. I‘m afraid bad weather may _ our plans of going out tonight.
114. ...................................
1. Supermarkets face prosecution if food is put on sale.
2. A child will eventually become a self-centered adult.
3. At the polling station, more than half the voters had cast ballots.
115. ...................................
1. She was given a head start in the race to give her a________chance.
2. At the dance I saw Henry a green striped blazer.
3. As well as being a great________event, the Grand National is a big event on the social
116. ...................................
1. With their tricky questions the examination committee tried to put me on the ,
but somehow I didn‘t fall into their trap.
2. This vibrant town is an ideal for all those who want to have good fun.
3. Timothy squinted his eyes and yes, he managed to _ the small dot on the

117. ...................................
1. Janice decided to wear the dress with the red and white _ .
2. There were dark clouds in the sky and of rain were beginning to fall.
3. Eating too much chocolate can give you .
118. ...................................
1. Most spectators thought the match was over. But, miraculously, within seconds the
boxer to his feet ready to continue the fight.
2. Suddenly, a fresh but stupid idea to his mind. Roland could tell the customs
officer that as a special agent he could possess drugs.
3. A new breed of high tech companies that up only 5 years ago are now
competing with traditional businesses that find it hard to be more flexible.
119. ...................................
1. The bird its wings and flew gracefully over the river.
2. The news of the victory _ quickly round the city.
3. The soldiers_______out and started to walk towards the wood.
120. ...................................
1. Spending a fortnight in the Bahamas did wonders for Joanna‘s psyche. Back at work
she was ready to________into action.
2. I reckon all his eccentric antics _ from the years he spent alone on a desert
3. The nutritionist advised the audience to drink at least two litres of mineral or _
water to help the body perform its complicated processes.
121. ...................................
1. Her irritating shopping habit makes her buy clothes on the of the moment.
2. I‘m sure this defeat will make him stronger. It‘ll him on to work harder
during training sessions.
3. There was no time to lose. The cowboy mounted the horse and started to________it
122. ...................................
1. The woman showed lavish hospitality treating them to a meal that they
devoured instantly.
2. Here‘s your money, 20 quid. Now, I don‘t owe you anything and we‘re all _.

3. What they liked about the house was the hall which was 20 _ metres, almost
double the size of their old one.
123. ...................................
1. Everything had to be in the right place. So he would _ his CDs to form a neat
2. The big chimney overlooking the industrial town had become its first ghastly
3. Enough was enough. The teacher blew his when she saw chewing gum fixed
to his chair.
124. ...................................
1. Each time the workers threatened to a strike, the owner of the factory felt
inclined to talk about a pay rise.
2. Even though he was an acclaimed actor, he admitted that he suffered from
fright now and then.
3. Another in his career began when he met a TV producer that promised
endless opportunities in the film industry.
125. ...................................
1. I must get my car serviced as the engine often in the morning.
2. Each time we want to do something positive, Jack our plans saying they‘ll
never come off.
3. During the play a small boy in the back row of the kept fidgeting and
disturbing others.
126. ...................................
1. The bull his back foot to shake off the flies which kept in landing on him.
2. BMW the vehicle‘s identification number under the bonnet on their latest
3. Michael off to his room after losing an argument with his father.
127. ...................................
1. When he finally announced that he would _ for election, a lot of prominent
people offered him their support.
2. His songs will the test of time because they have universal appeal.
3. Don‘t allow these small obstacles to in your way. Success is close at hand.
128. ...................................

1. It seems a good idea to _ the receipt to a guarantee when you buy something.
This way you‘re less likely to lose them.
2. Fruit and poultry are a diet of this indigenous tribe. They rarely eat anything
3. Mary often fobs him off with some _ excuses that she‘s always tired after work
and can‘t meet him.
129. ...................................
1. When he found a new in the distant galaxy, he decided to name it after his
2. As the actress was approaching 60 she began to in low-budget films to make
ends meet.
3. The prosecution is expected to produce his _ witness in the case who is going
to tear the defense‘s line of reasoning to shreds.
130. ...................................
1. His scruffy clothes stand in _ contrast to his financial means.
2. She felt terribly embarrassed standing naked in front of the doctor‘s assistant.
3. The walls of the room looked and plain. Josh felt a little paint and a couple
of plants would make the room more lively.
131. ...................................
1. Many people who respected and knew him came to have a last look at him as his
body was lying in .
2. Little Josh was sent to a school because his parents were unable to provide
him with private education.
3. The last that passed this law was Wisconsin. Now the lawyers could celebrate
their unprecedented legal victory.
131. ...................................
1. Despite feeling incredibly angry, the politician kept his voice _.
2. Over the last few months, we have seen a _ rise in the cost of air fares.
3. A job will guarantee you a permanent source of income.
132. ...................................
1. The workers used a powerful hammer to crack the road surface.
2. Having worked 10 years in the same workplace Matt felt he had run out of _
and needed a change.

3. The cook recommended that they should vegetables instead of boiling them.
134. ...................................
1. Though still robust, each day the old farmer struggled to conquer the hill on
his way to the town market.
2. The mayor could proudly announce that there had been a _ drop in violent
crime since he took office. Indeed, some surveys showed it had fallen by 55 percent.
3. ―Did you bring any souvenirs?‖ - ―Forget it. My eyes turned to saucers when I saw
the prices. A single postcard cost $10.‖
135. ...................................
1. The recent crisis left the finance minister with little choice. He simply had to
down from his post and find himself another job in the private sector.
2. Do you want to know why our company is so successful? Let me tell you. We‘re
always one ahead of our competitors.
3. He took another________up the ladder, lost his balance and plunged to the ground.
136. ...................................
1. The government has to take________to hold down taxation if it wants to be re-elected.
2. One of the guides showed the tourists the flight of________that led down to the castle
3. Our theatre group had to learn a set of very intricate before we could perform
the local folk dance.
137. ...................................
1. Obscene images may in your children‘s minds for years so make sure you
know what your children watch on TV.
2. It has nothing to do with being pragmatic. It‘s about principles and I will________to
them no matter what you think.
3. The frail man was making his way to the bathroom with the help of a walking
138. ...................................
1. The British troops have encountered resistance when entering the rebellious
town. The insurgents were ready to die for their cause.
2. He was scared _ of talking to his father about his plan to marry a woman 30
years his senior.
3. Beat the whites until _ , add a teaspoon of sugar and mix well.

139. ...................................
1. I‘ll have a glass of mineral water, please.
2. To be honest, the painter‘s style is to my liking, but the things he chooses to paint are
so ordinary. I can‘t understand why he only deals with life.
3. Why do you keep fidgeting all the time? Can‘t you sit for a moment?
140. ...................................
1. This antiseptic may a bit, but it is essential to clean the wound.
2. Bees usually _ in self defence. Unlike people, they don‘t do it for fun or
3. A police operation fell flat when one of the dealers recognized the agent.
141. ...................................
1. I think a bee only _ once, then dies.
2. This cut on my knee really _.
3. That kind of sarcastic remark always me into making a rude reply.
142. ...................................
1. Keep the sauce on low heat and it gently from time to time.
2. The photo album helped to _ fond memories of his childhood years in the
3. There are fears that the imposed curfew may up more trouble for the new
143. ...................................
1. Can you come back later this week? At the moment we haven‘t got this model in
. But the supplier has promised to provide them by Friday.
2. Due to the considerable threat from extremists the officials advised people to _
up on gas masks.
3. The country, a local bully, was notorious for trying to build up a_____ of biological
weapons to threaten their neighbours.
144. ...................................
1. With their new ultrasound system, the institute a march on other scientific
communities and proved once more who ruled the roost.
2. The girl in the corner another glance at Mark and blushed when their eyes
met as she hadn‘t expected him to look in her direction.

3. Look at this article here! It says a certain professor one of his students‖ ideas
and used them in his book. What a disgrace!
145. ...................................
1. George certainly has a strong to work in a mortuary amid all those corpses.
Very few people could do this job without feeling sick.
2. When the doctors realized she‘d swallowed almost thirty pills she had her _
3. Now it was his turn to enter the examination room. His body began to sweat and he
felt he had butterflies in his .
146. ...................................
1. This detective is renowned for his doggedness. He will leave no unturned to
find the culprits.
2. Karen was told at the airport to book two seats due to her obesity. In fact, she
weighted 22 _ and 4 pounds.
3. When it became obvious that the protesters wanted to the shop, the police
came into action.
147. ...................................
1. He trial and was later convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol.
2. No amount of coercion could make him change his position. He firm on his
3. Once in the pub, he him a beer and they started talking about their childhood
148. ...................................
1. Garry‘s so ruthless that he would at nothing to get what he wants. So watch
your back.
2. The formula one driver lost precious minutes at a pit and came third in the
3. Many disgruntled Internet users wanted the Internet provider to put a to spam.
149. ...................................
1. The_______is about a young man who travels round the USA.
2. Wait until you‘ve heard both sides of the before you make a judgement.
3. Today‘s front page concerns revelations about the travel industry.
150. ...................................

1. It was too hard for the guys to keep a __ face and they all burst out laughing
giving the game away.
2. What have you added to my drink? I ordered a vodka, not a cocktail.
3. The woman had long red hair with a parting in the middle.
151. ...................................
1. I had to my neck to catch a glimpse of my favourite singer.
2. You should always warm up before the soccer game, otherwise you may
your muscles.
3. Can you please the pasta before you pour on the sauce.
152. ...................................
1. Relations between the two countries have been for the last decade and now
efforts are being made to put the healing process in motion.
2. She _ a muscle in her leg while running on the track.
3. The cook the pasta and put it onto the plates, sprinkled it with some cheese
and served immediately.
153. ...................................
1. Whenever he talked about philosophy, he would from the point and talk
about his family.
2. One reporter is said to have been hit by a bullet in the exchange of fire
between the two warring factions.
3. No matter how hard the organization encouraged pet owners not to abandon their
animals, the number of dogs and cats in the city rose by the year.
154. ...................................
1. Dean never took orders from other people and didn‘t obey any social rules. He was
often described as a man with a rebellious .
2. As usual, the gambler was on a losing _ throughout the night. He lost almost
20,000 dollars playing roulette.
3. Suddenly, a of lightning split the sky in two and a few seconds later loud
thunder was heard.
155. ...................................
1. The policeman was subjected to a of abuse when he asked what the young
men were doing on the roof of the building.

2. Sensibly, Mick decided to postpone his purchase of a CD player until the recently
advertised models came on _.
3. When Jenny returned to school after the holidays, she was surprised to find that she
had been placed in a higher _ for maths.
156. ...................................
1. Thousands of people slowly past the coffin to pay their respects to their
beloved princess.
2. The school has always students to allow those with similar abilities and
results to realize their full potential.
3. The room was cold and gloomy. To make matters worse, the rain _ down the
wall through the leaking roof.
157. ...................................
1. The team is now back to full after a number of injuries to key players last
2. It‘s always an advantage to be able to negotiate from a position of .
3. It is easy to understand the of public feeling against the use of nuclear energy.
158. ...................................
1. My boss lays particular on accurate typing and the correct use of English.
2. In some languages getting the _ wrong can completely change the meaning of
a word.
3. My uncle had a nervous breakdown as a result of and overwork.
159. ...................................
1. It was supposed to be an advanced course, but she felt disappointed as the exercises
were too simple and the teachers didn‘t________her enough.
2. The project is not a one-time event to be forgotten. It is intended to over 50
years to have an impact on the next generations.
3. Don‘t put on my shirt. You might it. Can‘t you see you‘re much bigger than
160. ...................................
1. Aid relief agencies are being _ to the limit. The death toll is rising, but there
are hardly any more supplies to be distributed.
2. She got up, sat on the edge of the bed and her body to relieve muscle tension
and stiffness after a night‘s sleep.

3. ―It wasn‘t all true what Steven said in the court.‖ - ―You know, to some extent. He
simply must have a few facts to help his friends.‖
161. ...................................
1. The press believed his answers to the questions were not true.
2. speaking, she is a teaching assistant, not a qualified teacher.
3. You must act in accordance with the wishes of your colleagues in this matter,
regardless of what you yourself want.
162. ...................................
1. Our actions will be swift and decisive. We‘ll right at the heart of terrorist
organizations that threaten our existence.
2. It‘s not always easy to the right balance between your domestic
responsibilities and a professional career.
3. Hundreds of workers went on following a row over a pay rise.
163. ...................................
1. I see people struggling to learn the rules of this game, and it me that their
goal is not to win, but to avoid shoeing themselves up.
2. Later in the evening, Connie _ up a conversation in Polish with Andrei from
3. The comedian Harry Enfield‘s ―Kevin the teenager‖ character an immediate
chord with any long-suffering parent of that age group.
164. ...................................
1. There are some examples of inefficiency which cannot be overlooked.
2. Tim is a(n)________young man so he‘s used to being admired.
3. Families of workers will be paid subsistence by the Union in recognition of their
participation in the struggle.
165. ...................................
1. The club‘s of wins was abruptly broken by an unknown football team from
the south.
2. His knowledge of Japanese was so limited that he could hardly a sentence
3. Jane looked gorgeous in her low-cut dress with a of pearls around her neck.
166. ...................................

1. Soon after she tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs, the association
decided to _ the athlete of all her titles.
2. The doctor asked Charles to down to his pants and lie on the couch in the
3. He will be remembered as the artist who managed to create an unforgettable comic
full of witty remarks and incisive observations.
167. ...................................
1. The celebrations kicked off on the of eight to joyful cheers and songs.
2. His dog used to touch his hand to make Bill him on the back which it
enjoyed immensely.
3. Everybody agreed that it was a sheer of luck that he managed to get into this
stage of the quiz.
168. ...................................
1. Some experts on the economy say the country‘s _ currency may have some
positive effects, despite an array of disadvantages.
2. language and graphic descriptions will not make you popular with most
3. Don‘t be misled by the way he looks. Yes, he is over 70, but still going .
169. ...................................
1. It him as odd that the company used child labour instead of proper workers.
2. The specter of a new spate of violence __ terror into the hearts of the innocent
3. He was off the medical register due to a wrong diagnosis that caused a
patient‘s death.
170. ...................................
1. The rebels decided to give up the armed________and call a truce.
2. Life was a _ for Roger because he was from a very poor family and had to
work from a very young age.
3. The government has not yet recognised the strikers‘ for better working
171. ...................................
1. On his way home, Charlie got in a gigantic traffic jam caused by an
unexpected visit of the head of state.

2. When the teacher turned back, she pulled faces and her tongue out to
demonstrate her displeasure with the grade she‘d got.
3. A clerk came up to the board and _ another job advert. Soon the unemployed
rushed to have a look at it.
172. ...................................
1. Her expression was a _ in grief as she surveyed the damage caused by the fire.
2. My niece is carrying out a _ into the learning styles of primary school children.
3. You‘ll find Professor Roberts in the at the end of the corridor.
173. ...................................
1. You shouldn‘t have broached this _ in her company. She‘s very sensitive when
it comes to religious issues.
2. It is suspected that the inmates have been to torture in an attempt to extract
vital information.
3. Physics was the_______Morris liked the most due to his inspiring teacher.
174. ...................................
1. The existing range will soon be _ by an entirely generation of multifunctional
2. If he had in this round, he could have gone on to the finals.
3. Once Flavia had Simon as chief executive, she revealed her plans for the
175. ...................................
1. Shortly after the university offered its first online service, other educational
institutions followed _ to remain competitive.
2. At our hotel we are doing our best to every taste imaginable.
3. Don‘t buy this...............The sleeves are a bit too long and the lapels are too big.
176. ...................................
1. World leaders are attending a in Paris.
2. The climbers reached the of the mountain at midday.
3. Having won three Olympic gold medals, Davies felt he had reached the of
his ambitions.
177. ...................................
1. Many senior citizens receive a to their basic pension.
2. Apart from regular exercise, I take a vitamin and mineral every day.

3. I enjoy doing the crossword in the colour of the Sunday newspaper.
178. ...................................
1. The sports club is dependent on the local council for financial .
2. Some famous celebrities have agreed to lend their________to the campaign.
3. Most tall buildings have steel frames in order to provide the necessary level of
structural _ .
179. ...................................
1. Six massive stone pillars were the arches that ran across the top.
2. How long have you been Real Madrid, may I ask?
3. John and Maryanne are more than capable of _ themselves financially.
180. ...................................
1. In many parts of Russia alcohol reigns _ . That‘s why the average life
expectancy for men is not very high.
2. The Court has upheld the District Court decision to ban smoking in public
3. One of the streets was named after a local hero who had made the sacrifice
during the uprising.
181. ...................................
1. We were relieved when the news finally came that our father had only minor
injuries in the car crash.
2. The words from the Bible him throughout the ordeal in the dungeons.
3. He claimed it was his ingenious ideas that had his country‘s economic
growth while the rest of the world was struggling.
182. ...................................
1. I knew there was no alternative but to my pride and get on with the job.
2. In a country where most people live below the poverty line, this year‘s debt servicing
is likely to________up 28% of export earnings.
3. You don‘t have to _ every bit of propaganda - you should make up your own
183. ...................................
1. The company had a voracious appetite for small firms and indeed within five years it
up dozens of them.

2. Having written a suicidal note, Garry took some pills, them and drank down
a bottle of whisky.
3. Though intelligent and hard to fool, she _ the story about him being a CIA
184. ...................................
1. The terrified TV viewers watched the hurricane across the country leaving a
trail of devastation.
2. Preliminary results suggest that the Conservatives will to victory getting
almost 80 percent of the votes.
3. It took Frank only 5 minutes to the leaves off the path leading to his house.
185. ...................................
1. I came home to find my son up bits of glass from the kitchen floor.
2. The holiday brochure showed majestic forests over the mountains.
3. The new boss has promised there will be changes within our department.
186. ...................................
1. The party was in full _ when a new wave of fun-loving teenagers hit the disco.
2. With a powerful________of the club he hit the ball and it landed near the pond.
3. The presidential campaign has now focused on those _ states that may decide
the results at the polls.
187. ...................................
1. Quite a number of families in the area have decided to _ from electric to gas
central heating.
2. If you should detect a leak,________off the mains water supply and call a plumber.
3. Tanya is bilingual in Welsh and English and can effortlessly from one
language to the other.
188. ...................................
1. With the death of the monarch, many________allegiance and joined the uprising.
2. When her English teacher started rabbiting on about grammar, she often off
succumbing to daydreaming.
3. She felt uncomfortable watching the gory scenes of a violent film shouting out from
the screen. She quickly over to Animal Planet.
189. ...................................

1. I want to remind the witness to tell the truth. Bear in mind you‘ve on the
2. The new prime minister will be into office tomorrow. Today official
preparations are under way for the occasion.
3. I‘ve always by the book‘s learning techniques and I always will. They proved
extremely effective during my university years.
190. ...................................
1. Not long ago, having a mobile phone was considered a status __ . Nowadays, it
is part of our culture.
2. The organization has decided to choose the panda as an apt of the ideals it
3. The activist shot his right fist up in the air as a of ongoing defiance.
1. .......................................
1. The dwellers felt that the city was severely congested. In the rush hour the traffic was
nose to for miles.
2. Bond, be careful when you arrive in Hong Kong. They might send undercover cops
to you wherever you go.
3. Once you‘ve prepared the sauce, top and the carrots and peel the potatoes.
2. .......................................
1. Only when you _ a simple assessment test, will we be able to tell you which
group you‘ll be assigned to.
2. We‘re going to __ in a few places of interest while visiting this part of the
3. With such a carefree attitude, Elizabeth will never any responsibility for her
3. .......................................
1. Two French journalists are believed to have been hostage by an unknown
paramilitary organization.
2. You should‘ve seen her face. She was so____ aback that she remained speechless
for a minute or so.
3. We had this picture when we were coming out of the church on our wedding
4. .......................................

1. At the party, Jasmine immediately got involved in small about fashion and
2. She quickly became the of the town when she got pregnant. Old women
wondered who was the father of the child.
3. The dealer spent hours trying to _ her into buying the model, but Linda kept
changing her mind.
5. .......................................
1. His wife went mad each time he told __ stories about his affairs with other
women before they‘d got married.
2. Doing this piece of work before the deadline is a order. We won‘t manage to
do it.
3. Although he lost a few important matches in his career, he always walked as
if he was the winner.
6. .......................................
1. There was a gentle __ on the door and soon after a big red head emerged from
behind the door.
2. With a little interest in electronics almost anybody can your telephone line
and listen to your conversations.
3. The plumber was busy in the kitchen repairing a leaking _ .
7. .......................................
1. The sect became the of vicious persecution once the new law came into
2. At the end of the fiscal year it was announced that the company met its of
selling more than 10,000 cars.
3. Install a good lock in your garden shed as it is usually an easy for thieves.
8. .......................................
1. Climbing to the top of the bridge on the ladder was no easy .
2. George was taken to for not researching the project more carefully.
3. Our first today is to come up with a design for the new bridge.
9. .......................................
1. Gavin has a for fast sport cars.
2. I love the _ of that spicy tomato sauce.

3. After a brief of city life, the farmer returned to the country.
10. .....................................
1. A number of people were offended by the joke, and I too found it rather .
2. Paramol‘s infant cough medicine is a clear, liquid that can be mixed with
milk or water.
3. I realise that her jewellery is very expensive, but I find it rather gaudy and .
11. .....................................
1. The cart was pulled by a of oxen.
2. It was a real _ effort - everyone contributed something to the success of the
3. All the players perform well individually but they seem to lack a little spirit.
12. .....................................
1. She saw the agents out of the building chasing a masked individual.
2. The planning department is intending to _ down a couple of old buildings to
make room for a new shopping mall.
3. Be careful. He‘s got the gift of the gab. If you let him, he‘ll your arguments
to shreds during the debate.
13. .....................................
1. If you can yourself away from the television for a moment, I‘ll show you the
new CD I‘ve bought.
2. Wendy entered the tutorial expecting the professor to her essay to pieces.
3. Tennis players are apt to ligaments and muscles if they don‘t train regularly
14. .....................................
1. Katherine and her sister look so alike that I simply can‘t them apart.
2. I expect the boss is going to _ me off for not getting my work done on time
3. I bought my niece a toy clock because she‘s just learning to the time.
15. .....................................
1. All those late nights she spends in the office must be on Margaret‘s health.
2. At this stage, there‘s no who will win the election.
3. Dyslexics often have difficulty in left from right.

16. .....................................
1. The hot weather may just _ us to head for the coast.
2. Don‘t fate by travelling on Friday the 13th!
3. Nothing would me to go on a camping holiday.
17. .....................................
1. He had to make serious decisions at the age of 15. What's more, he had
nobody to turn to or confide in.
2. The dish looked appetizing with a large piece of meat and a heap of fries.
3. On the first of January 2002, the euro became legal________in most EU countries.
18. .....................................
1. The professor didn‘t like the technical________scientists used to describe the process
as it was a bit misleading to the layman.
2. The president‘s second in office was marked by economic growth and
3. Joanne got a bit apprehensive as the summer _ was drawing to a close. It meant
more exams and hard work.
19. .....................................
1. A cathode is the technical term for the positive of a battery.
2. Please check which your plane leaves from before we go to the airport.
3. Alicia scanned the technology lab for a free computer _, but none were
20. .....................................
1. Having read the________of the contract, she signed her name.
2. In of its content, the book lacks substance.
3. They‘ve just moved in but they are already on first name with their
21. .....................................
1. The aim of this task is to your knowledge of vocabulary.
2. The drug company has decided not to its products on animals in future.
3. In order to _ out his new theory, the scientist has taken over the university
22. .....................................

1. I can‘t have mistaken him for somebody else. I‘m sure I saw this actor in the
the other day.
2. The cameras allowed the medical students to watch the developments in the
operating _ live.
3. In the headquarters a huge war _ map was dominating one of the walls
depicting all the movements of the two armies.
23. .....................................
1. With the armour 2 inches the vehicle constituted one of the safest places in
the conflict zone.
2. Mary‘s French accent was still easily recognizable though she‘d spent the
last 10 years in Germany.
3. By the time the fire brigade arrived, the room was _ with smoke.
24. .....................................
1. Please, handle this object with care. Its sides are brittle and wafer .
2. The humming bird was flapping his wings furiously. The cameraman wanted to
capture its extraordinary movements, but suddenly it disappeared into air.
3. The abrupt downfall of the despised leader was sure to the ranks of his
political party across the country.
25. .....................................
1. I reckon his high expectations regarding the exam results are based on wishful
. He will never get more than 50%.
2. ―What did you say?‖ - ―Nothing. I was just aloud.‖
3. Laura kept highly of him in spite of, the social gaffes he often made in public.
26. .....................................
1. Don‘t dismiss the idea as nonsense because you don‘t believe in certain phenomena.
Give it a lot of and you might see things from a different perspective.
2. I it odd when the dealer offered to sell me a car for much less than the actual
price. We didn‘t clinch the deal.
3. I‘m sure she just can‘t bear, the of still working with the man who set her up.
27. .....................................
1. The tailor‘s deteriorating eyesight was making it more and more difficult for him to
the needle.

2. I‘m sorry. What did you say? I‘ve just lost the of our conversation because of
this phone call.
3. Marooned on a desert island hundreds of, miles away from the mainland, the
castaways felt their existence was hanging by a .
28. .....................................
1. Due to excessive hunting, the continued existence of several species is now under
2. The prisoners are only kept in order by the of violence.
3. I know that my new deputy is far better qualified than me, but I think of her as an
asset to the company rather than a _ to my own promotion prospects.
29. .....................................
1. Moving at full , our boat was making its way up the mighty river.
2. The assailant‘s cold fingers were squeezing around her throat in an the attempt to
3. Instead of helping small businesses, the new tax is bound to the economy and
give rise to greater unemployment.
30. .....................................
1. I only just scraped my final exams, but I was quite pleased anyway.
2. It‘s very hard for teachers to get to students who would rather not be in the
classroom at all.
3. Remember that you should always look your completed exam paper before
you hand it in.
31. .....................................

1. You don‘t need to take a taxi. It‘s a stone‘s _ from here. It‘ll take you about 5
2. Nobody wants to break the news to the boss. We all know very well that he might
a tantrum and get sulky.
3. I might a party next week when my folks are away. Want to come?
32. .....................................
1. Hordes of beachcombers waited patiently for the to go out, ready to explore
the freshly exposed strip of the beach.
2. As a professor, he made it a point to challenge traditions and swim against the

3. The police did their best to stem the of mass hysteria following a series of
sniper shootings in the area.
33. .....................................
1. The match resulted in a which pleased neither player.
2. Molly realised too late what a looking after small child was going to be.
3. The ticket to the ball said black for men.
34. .....................................
1. America with Japan in the World Championship.
2. Linda is to the house all day because she‘s waiting for a delivery.
3. The fortunes of the company are _ to the success of the industry as a whole.
35. .....................................
1. We have no reason not to believe him. His testimony in with that of our key
witness in this case.
2. The two countries ended the period of mutual hostility 10 years ago. Now they are
forging close .
3. A new assortment of silk arrived at the clothes shop just before the Christmas
36. .....................................
1. Moira had a really _ budget and had to think twice before spending every cent.
2. The dress suits me, but it is a bit _ around the chest.
3. As expected, security was at the summit of industrialized nations. Some
terrorist groups had vowed to carry out attacks.
37. .....................................
1. There should be no delays, I promise. We‘ll complete the task in no at all.
2. Have you heard the latest? Harris in jail now. He‘s doing for burglary and
physical assault.
3. Jane‘s party was one of the best I‘ve ever been to. We all had a whale of a .
38. .....................................
1. The worst was still to come. The revelations about the pair was only the________of
the iceberg and all the tabloids were scenting blood.
2. Her knowledge of a few Asian languages was to the scales in her favour.
Unfortunately, she didn‘t come out well during the interview.
3. The service was excellent and he decided to give the waiter a generous .

39. .....................................
1. He the waiters, even though the service was appalling.
2. The rubbish from the dustcart was into the landfill.
3. The glass _ over and smashed on the floor.
40. .....................................
1. Most people regard Einstein as the cleverest man that ever lived, but he had himself
rejected this_______during his life.
2. The book‘s_______had to be changed as it was decided it was too controversial.
3. Two of the world‘s best teams will be battling it out in Rome tonight for the
41. .....................................
1. In recognition of Trevor‘s efforts, the company offered him a small of its
2. This machine can only be operated by means of a special________obtainable from the
kiosk opposite.
3. Residents who rarely exchanged a single word were seated next to each other and by
this_______Mrs. Thackeray found herself next to Miss Bellamy.
42. .....................................
1. Two days after the disaster the officials announced that the death _ was 124.
2. Working too hard may take a heavy________on your social life and your family.
3. When the church bell began to , the women at the funeral started weeping.
43. .....................................
1. Going to gymnastics classes gives you good muscle .
2. Don‘t you dare speak to me in that_______!
3. I‘ve been trying to ring you all day, but I just get the engaged _.
44. .....................................
1. He had a friendly, open face and she________an instant liking to him.
2. In appearance Emily _ after her father, but she inherited her intelligence from
her mother.
3. It _ some time to sort out our marriage problems, but now our relationship is
pretty good.
45. .....................................

1. Don‘t you think Michael is a little too long in the for you? He would make a
good shoulder to cry on, but not a husband.
2. The human rights activist pledged to fight and nail to eradicate social
3. Melanie has a sweet and is known for devouring large quantities of chocolate.
46. .....................................
1. She bought a lovely white in the sales. It looks great with her new shorts.
2. I‘ll have to check. I can‘t give you the answer off the of my head.
3. I can‘t get the off this jar. Have you got a strong wrist?
47. .....................................
1. Liam won‘t he playing for the team this week - he _ a muscle in last week‘s
2. Christl was angry because she her dress on the door handle when she was
getting into the car.
3. Paco out of the house this morning - he must have got up late again.
48. .....................................
1. I feel a sharp pain over here, doctor. I must have a muscle or something.
2. Look at this hole, I bet you‘ve _ your trousers on the barbed wire when you tried
to climb over the fence.
3. Emily was in two minds and was between her loyalty to the company and
moral principles she wanted to stick to.
49. .....................................
1. The referee a coin to decide which team was going to begin the match.
2. Agitated and upset, Janet and turned all night unable to get to sleep.
3. Another draft was no better. Ricky screwed it up .and it into the wastepaper
bin in the corner.
50. .....................................
1. He was about to________on the subject of racial inequality when the meeting abruptly
ended amid serious accusations on both sides.
2. I‘m sure the concert will a lot of hearts and evoke good memories.
3. You must be losing with reality. Life is much more brutal than you think.
51. .....................................
1. As soon as the boat the shore, Ben leapt quickly out and hauled it up.

2. When Sally opened her present she was very _ by her parents‘ generosity.
3. When Jim accidentally _ the switch, the alarm went off, much to his
52. .....................................
1. The steak was so _ that you couldn‘t cut it, let alone chew it!
2. Gerald thinks he looks in that black leather jacket with the studs.
3. This new washing powder is really _ on stains!
53. .....................................
1. The community‘s help was crucial in the investigation. Before long the police
managed to________the sniper.
2. The record is absolutely wonderful. I especially recommend 3 which features
elements of native American music.
3. I‘m giving up. I‘m unable to keep _ of all the sports events. There are certainly
too many of them nowadays.
54. .....................................
1. Financial experts agree that between the two nations is booming and their
economics look strong.
2. I‘m a lawyer now, but I don‘t feel ashamed that my father was a carpenter by .
3. On the shop assistant‘s advice she decided to her old dishwasher in for a new
55. .....................................
1. Hugh had to be a doctor for seven years, but wasn‘t sure he wanted to be one.
2. They have dogs in the airport that are specially _ to sniff out explosives.
3. The firemen________their hoses on the burning factory, but it was too late.
56. .....................................
1. Higgins applied for a because he had been unhappy at the club for the last
two seasons.
2. The offer of a free meant that the breakfast cereal became hugely popular
with children.
3. After the war, the of power back to the local population was a long and
complicated process.
57. .....................................

1. The jeweller was careful not to fall in the set by the conman who tried to
swindle him out of his money.
2. The mafia man died in a booby blast 10 yards from his house.
3. Jane was caught in the poverty . She couldn‘t take this low-paid job as it
would mean losing her substantial welfare benefit.
58. .....................................
1. After passing my exams, I decided to myself to a long holiday.
2. I‘m afraid you didn‘t _ the issue with appropriate care.
3. The doctor decided to her patient‘s rash with antibiotics and an ointment.
59. .....................................
1. After a month of hard work, I deserved to be better.
2. The delicate statuette had to be with care.
3. The disease was________with experimental medicine.
60. .....................................
1. Antibiotics are often the only effective way of infections.
2. If you try _ your daughter like an adult, you may find she is easier to deal with.
3. Jane enjoys_______herself to an expensive dinner out every now and then.
61. .....................................
1. The doctors were relieved when the girl began to get better after emergency .
2. Each time they fell out with each other, Scott gave his wife the silent________which
was meant to cause additional psychological damage.
3. The professor‘s _ of the subject didn‘t go down well with the rest of the
academic community. They thought it too simplistic.
62. .....................................
1. The fan is now in custody awaiting________for his antisocial behaviour at the match.
2. A two-year period of the prototype was initiated before the plane became
part of the commercial fleet.
3. After much and error the scientists finally developed a machine that would
withstand the harsh arctic conditions.
63. .....................................
1. His constant questions surely her patience.
2. We the door, but it was locked.

3. His case is being _ at the High Court at the end of the year.
64. .....................................
1. They were concerned that the experiment might off a series of unexpected
changes in the ecosystem.
2. James raised the gun and pulled the _.............The bullet whizzed through the air and
hit the padlock. It dropped on the floor and the door opened wide.
3. The law enforcement agents managed to bring the man to court, but those
who ordered the assassination slipped through the net.
65. .....................................
1. You‘d better remove these logs from the floor. Someone might over them
and hurt themselves.
2. I guess she wanted to _ me up with some tricky questions of hers, but I was on
my guard throughout the interview.
3. The adventurer completed his round-the-world in a record time of 78 days.
66. .....................................
1. Winning the championship was a personal for Boardman, as well as for
everyone in his team.
2. There were yells of from the campaigners when the result of the election was
3. The revolutionary new museum building has been acclaimed as a of modern
67. .....................................
1. After the whole ordeal, we wondered if it was worth the _ .
2. The at the football match arose when fans of the losing team didn‘t agree
with the referee‘s call.
3. His chronic back was caused by his sleeping on a soft mattress.
68. .....................................
1. Is that story_______or did you make it up?
2. He‘s a friend and I trust him completely.
3. What you‘ve said is but it doesn‘t change my opinion at all.
69. .....................................
1. The tree had to be cut down because of a disease and now only its sticks
from the ground.

2. Can you put your suitcase in the _ ? There‘s no room inside the car.
3. A small baby elephant was standing at the water hole with its in the water
while its mother was on the alert for predators.
70. .....................................
1. In the evening, Dad would come to our room, us up in bed, sit down and read
us a story.
2. Frank, you look disgraceful. Get your hands out of your pockets, stand straight and
your shirt into your trousers.
3. Financial advisors are currently urging people to cut down on spending and _
away some money just in case.
71. .....................................
1. and that‘s all for today. We hope you‘ll in to our next programme due in
2. The concert was a disaster with two musicians playing out of _. A fair number
of people left the hall to show their displeasure.
3. You‘re mistaken in thinking I‘ll dance to your and do what you want. I‘m
free to make my own decisions.
72. .....................................
1. The writer would in his grave if he knew they‘ve made his play into a
2. As it could have been expected, the most dramatic change happened at the of
century when the war broke out.
3. Next month my grandfather will 95. It‘s incredible if you know that he‘s been a
heavy smoker since the age of 15.
73. .....................................
1. It was when he realized he was unable to support his big family that he to
2. Months into years, and still there was no news about her husband‘s
3. To soften his resolve Mary on the waterworks. A few minutes later, confused
and a bit guilty, he changed his mind.
74. .....................................
1. The plumber his wrist while wrestling with one of the pipes in the cellar.

2. It‘s not true what they are saying. They‘ve just my words to make me your
3. The mountain trail many times on its way to the top. The group reached the
summit just before 4 o‘clock.
75. .....................................
1. The secretary refused to _ in his personal details as she hadn‘t received any
specific instructions from the boss.
2. She‘s not really your , Eric. Don‘t get so depressed because she wasn‘t
suitable for you.
3. His blood was A, which ruled him out as the child‘s father. He gave a sigh of
1. .......................................
1. You shouldn‘t drive a car the influence of alcohol.
2. She wrote her first three books another name.
3. ―You‘ll find his records filed the heading ―Non-resident,‖ said the clerk.
2. .......................................
1. As a member you‘ll be protected against your employer‘s unethical practices.
2. Once in power, contrary to what his citizens thought, he pursued a with
Russia rather than strengthening ties with western countries.
3. They pointed out that the law clearly stipulates that marriage is a _ of a man
and a woman. So giving equal rights to same sex marriages is against the constitution.
3. .......................................
1. ―To operate a computer, first you need to switch on the visual display..............‖
―What?‖ - ―I mean the monitor."
2. After every third of your coursebook, there‘s a revision section that is
intended to refresh your memory.
3. I‘d like to have a big storage in the comer and a double bed opposite the door.
4. .......................................
1. I must have_______him when I mentioned how badly he handled the issue.
2. Carl‘s love affair with a stewardess seriously the balance of his family life.
3. The dinner was a disaster. Not only did he _ the bottle of wine, on the table,
but he also forgot his wallet and couldn‘t pay the bill.

5. .......................................
1. His experience and expertise didn‘t go to waste. He put them to good when
in Africa helping farmers increase their yields.
2. It‘s no accusing yourself of not doing enough. You can‘t turn back time.
3. Don‘t swallow the cream. It says ―For external only‖ on the label.
1. .......................................
1. The departure of so many members of staff left many positions in the
2. Don‘t just sit there with a expression on your face!
3. Despite strong demand, some offices remained at the rear of the building.
2. .......................................
1. The police searched for the missing girl in..............She was nowhere to be found.
2. I can‘t understand how you can go out with somebody who is so and big-
headed. He completely lacks a self-sacrificing spirit.
3. The farmer offered the horse some sugar in a attempt to get him to leave the
3. .......................................
1. I thought the hotel was excellent for money.
2. I know that piece of pottery is in rather bad taste, but it has sentimental for
3. I was foolish enough to take her comments at face , even though I know she‘s
a compulsive liar.
4. .......................................
1. It became obvious that the majority of people was dissatisfied with the
current state of affairs. Only a small number wanted no changes.
2. Bruce felt free riding on his powerful bike across the open spaces of Texas.
3. The spa offers a________range of beauty treatments including Jacuzzi and massage.
5. .......................................
1. The image has brought back good memories. The children would over a
small wall that surrounded the garden.
2. By far his greatest sporting achievement was winning an Olympic gold medal in the
pole _.

3. The jewellery and other valuables were safe lying deep in a bank __ guarded by
strong doors and sophisticated burglar alarms.
6. .......................................
1. A flight in a balloon provides passengers with an incredible bird‘s-eye of the
town and the surrounding area.
2. On their estate agent‘s advice, they arranged a meeting with the owner to the
house before buying it.
3. The elderly man was mugged in full _ of the passers-by during the morning
rush hour.
7. .......................................
1. As a wine connoisseur, he made sure his cellar was always full of wines.
2. Most of the cars he buys still work, but it‘s a profit he wants to make, and not
the fun of driving them that makes him buy more.
3. It‘s been a year for the music industry with new promising artists making the
8. .......................................
1. She had a clear of what she wanted to do in her future career.
2. Some nocturnal animals can boast exceptional night .
3. I think we should take all the factors into consideration. Otherwise we risk being
accused of having tunnel .
9. .......................................
1. Last night‘s events are still _ in my mind and I don't think I‘ll ever colours that
jump out at you.
2. The artist uses wonderfully _ colours that jump out at you.
3. She has a _ imagination and writes amazing stories.
10. .....................................
1. Hundreds of the city dwellers have sent a petition to their concern over plans
to build a new highway.
2. The business deal looks straight, but my inner tells me to be extra careful.
3. There are no disagreements or feuds. We all speak in one giving our
unanimous support for the project.
11. .....................................

1. You won‘t get any repatriation. The contract you‘re showing me was declared null
and _ a long time ago.
2. When his child died Ron tried to fill the by helping others cope with similar
3. The plot of the film is interesting. Unfortunately, it lacks pace and is _ of
12. .....................................
1. The tension between rival groups mounted and the situation was extremely .
2. If anything was less than perfect the __ singer would fly into a rage and start
sacking people.
3. The liquid had to be carefully transported to prevent it from evaporating and
possibly exploding.
13. .....................................
1. The of violent crime has decreased slightly in the first quarter of the year due
to new laws targeting young offenders.
2. A _ of Shakespeare poems dating from 17th century went under the hammer
last May.
3. Can you please turn the down? The music is too loud in here.
1. .......................................
1. Dolphins are often seen to follow in the of ships.
2. In certain parts of Ireland they still hold a to mourn the dead.
3. The hurricane left a trail of devastation in its _ .
2. .......................................
1. When she entered the competition, Amy never expected to off with the first
2. They returned home early only to _ in on thieves stealing their silver!
3. If you don‘t tell me what's going on, I‘ll out the door and never come back!
3. .......................................
1. Being a man of habit, he always gets up at 5 pm, drinks coffee and the dog
for about 15 minutes. Then he is off to work.
2. This denomination doesn‘t appeal only to poor people. In fact, its members come
from all of life.

3. Now Mary knows she‘s got friends to fail back on. If her husband out on her
and their three small children, somebody will always come to the rescue.
4. .......................................
1. The toothpaste‘s enhanced formula will off decay, bad breath and a host of
other dental ailments.
2. Exhausted as he was, Abraham had spent the whole night in the maternity
looking after his pregnant wife.
3. The child was made a of court when the news about her being neglected by
her father emerged.
5. .......................................
1. They considered painting the room in colours; oranges, pinks or yellow.
2. Put on a _ coat before you go out in the snow.
3. Their welcome immediately put me at ease and made me feel as if I were
6. .......................................
1. He couldn‘t wear his black pullover because it was still in the .
2. I just had time for a quick before I had to leave the house again.
3. The effect is created by first carefully drawing the shape with a crayon and then
applying a of white paint.
7. .......................................
1. Sandra shuffled to the kitchen, took her anti-depressant pills and them down
with lots of water.
2. In a Hollywood manner, the couple _ their dirty linen in public before splitting
3. After almost seven months the bottle with his message was finally ashore and
found by a beachcomber who informed the services.
8. .......................................
1. You should use water, rather than milk, for the tablets down.
2. I find it very relaxing to hear the sound of waves _ on the shore.
3. Penny says she‘s _ her hands of the committee as they spend hours talking but
never resolve anything.
9. .......................................
1. I‘m afraid we‘ve _ our time on measures that no one is going to implement.

2. Good food is on the children: all they want to eat is burgers and chips.
3. Our journey has not been - at least someone is at home!
10. .....................................
1. The reporter got furious when the editor suggested that he should his article
2. Ron thought this story of hers was a feeble excuse that didn‘t hold at all.
3. He fitted the description of a prodigal son. First he spent his father‘s money like
and then came back home asking for mercy.
11. .....................................
1. There is no evidence that a rise in the number of the unemployed is connected to the
latest crime .
2. A of panic swept over her when she realised what she‘d done.
3. The of immigrants into the country is the direct result of its neighbour‘s
12. .....................................
1. When the lightning struck, a of panic came over her, but she somehow
managed to keep calm.
2. This latest crime________has caused a lot of concern among sociologists.
3. If you‘d like to give camera two a you‘ll see that you‘re on TV!
13. .....................................
1. She looks a bit old-fashioned in these flared trousers, doesn‘t she? They are on the
2. You‘re so stubborn. Do you always have to get things done your own ? Listen
to some good advice for a change.
3. That‘s your appreciation for my hard work? I‘ve gone out of my to please
you, and you turn your back on me.
14. .....................................
1. Demand for beach toys is very this year because of the bad summer weather.
2. The villagers were angered when the council spokesperson put forward a rather
argument for closing the local school.
3. This tea‘s far too _ ; there‘s too much water in the pot.
15. .....................................
1. I love this sweater but it‘s beginning to________thin at the elbows.

2. Carla used to have very long hair but these days she tends to it short.
3. If Roumen carries on working such long hours, he‘ll soon himself out.
16. .....................................
1. The boxer in at about 15 stones, but still he looked small in comparison with
his rival.
2. Believe me, it wasn‘t a rash decision. I swear I have up the pros and cons and
decided not to take a loan.
3. Alice felt _ down by her household chores. What‘s more, she didn‘t receive
any support from her husband.
17. .....................................
1. For almost five years the majority suffered a lot under the________of heavy taxes.
2. Lisa‘s shed some _ recently and now looks slimmer and fitter.
3. He was just a small cog in the machine and his views carried little .
18. .....................................
1. OK, Miranda. It‘s high time we went. We don‘t want to overstay our , do we?
2. I‘m confident that the singer‘s new record will be a addition to your
3. Regular guests say the hotel always tries hard to make all its visitors feel .
19. .....................................
1. The girl from the village drew some water from the to offer it to several
pilgrims on their way to the holy place.
2. It‘s_______worth spending your money on the singer‘s latest album. It‘s terrific.
3. He saw tears_______up in her eyes after his biting remark.
20. .....................................
1. Though her efforts mostly unnoticed, she took a lot of satisfaction in helping
those in need.
2. The outpatient _ down with tuberculosis which, it is thought, he picked up
during one of his visits.
3. As he grew older Frank‘s eyes deteriorated and his hair _ white.
21. .....................................
1. The formal version given by the police says that he fell asleep at the when he
was driving home. The press, however, is full of conspiracy theories.

2. You can do your bit to help our planet. You can simply your old bike out of
your garage and travel to work on it.
3. The whistle blower was described by the company as a cog in the with no
access to the original documents.
22. .....................................
1. All he really needs now is to be able to _ away the days hanging out with his
friends. But he knows it‘s impossible before he retires.
2. Johnny, can you leave us for a ? I have to talk with your mother in private.
3. Her husband was doing the washing-up she was watching a video sitting in
an armchair drinking beer. Life had never been better.
23. .....................................
1. Smart advertising agencies know how to _ up interest in useless products,
don‘t they?
2. Next you have to _ the cream and add two egg yolks.
3. All I‘m asking you for is giving me a fair crack of the . I surely deserve to be
given the chance.
24. .....................................
1. The master kept _ to the dog, but it was nowhere to be found. Of course, he got
2. Lora used to sit on the porch and listen to the wind _ through a small wood in
front of her house.
3. Each time the train pulled in and began to announce its arrival, scores of
village children ran to the station to greet the old machine.
25. .....................................
1. The sale of _ goods, especially dishwashers, has risen by 22 percent, which
shows strong consumer confidence in the economy.
2. Are you feeling OK? You look as as a sheet. Do you care for a glass of
3. The court battle lasting over five years has bled us . Now, saddled with big
debts we‘re struggling just to get by.
26. .....................................
1. His jaw dropped and his mouth was _ open the moment he saw his mother-in-
law in rollers and thick make-up.
2. When the news began a grin lit up the anchorman‘s face.

3. The experts‖ projections proved of the mark as investors lost a lot of money
on the company‘s shares.
27. .....................................
1. Students on that course are expected to read really , even beyond the
immediate subject matter.
2. Supporters of slow food aim to promote the idea as _ as possible.
3. It is _ believed that tourism has a positive effect on small island communities.
28. .....................................
1. I‘m not about Barbara‘s new hairstyle - it makes her look too serious.
2. Steve didn‘t really know the answer to the last question in the quiz, so he just made a
guess and to his astonishment got it right.
3. It is now an offence to pick________flowers in the countryside.
29. .....................................
1. This new electric drill I bought seems to have a of its own.
2. After my grandmother died, I discovered she had left me her ring in her , and
I still wear it today.
3. Having the to win is what turns good athletes into champions.
30. .....................................
1. When you‘re an invader, you can‘t the people‘s hearts by using strong tactics.
A completely different approach is recommended.
2. Let me put it this way. Our offer is by far the best and it is only a formality to
this lucrative contract.
3. Football experts agree that the team will _ hands down. It‘s a sure thing,
believe me.
31. .....................................
1. I‘m getting impatient with you, George. You are supposed to _ down on your
holidays. Instead you‘re making business calls.
2. You need to_______this clock every 10 days. Otherwise, it‘ll stop working.
3. Leaving the mountains behind, the two rivers through the forest looking like
two dark blue ribbons.
32. .....................................
1. The political party itself is internationally recognized, but its military is on
the list of terrorist organizations.

2. The north _ of the palace needs a complete reconstruction. It has been grossly
neglected for decades.
3. He immediately spotted her hidden talent and took her under his _ to unlock
her enormous potential.
33. .....................................
1. The party will never succeed until it manages to ease the tensions between its
conservative and liberal .
2. The consortium agreed that the for the aircraft would lie made in Canada.
3. The hotel consists of a large block with two smaller, on each side.
34. .....................................
1. The journalist had to the tears from his eyes as he gazed at the devastated
2. Please you feet before entering the house.
3. The government has invested in a new research facility in an effort to out the
common cold.
35. .....................................
1. The local population of blue butterflies has been almost entirely out thanks to
the use of agricultural pesticides.
2. The intruder carefully the door handle with a cloth to remove all traces of
3. Chloe‘s mother _ a tear from her eye as her daughter received her degree
certificate from the university‘s vice chancellor.
36. .....................................
1. It is not necessary to queue up in the bank as you can funds from the ATM.
2. The UN leaders decided to________troops from the area.
3. He was obliged to his statement or face the threat of dismissal.
37. .....................................
1. His parents couldn‘t recognize their son. He‘d changed from the lively boy he used to
be into a individual reluctant to talk to others.
2. The reason why people have _ money from this bank was the worrying report
about its financial problems.
3. A recent poll shows that the public would like to have their troops from the
occupied region for fear of terrorist attacks in their own country.

38. .....................................
1. Nobody‘s going to take your plate away from you, so there‘s no need to
your food like that.
2. They‘re certainly not well-off, but at least they manage to keep the from the
3. He seemed charming at first, but he turned out to be just another _ in sheep‘s
39. .....................................
1. The heating‘s off, it‘s no you‘re cold.
2. Penicillin is considered one of the drugs of modern medicine.
3. The children stared at the magician in absolute as he produced a song-bird
from his hat.
40. .....................................
1. Let me give you a of advice about how to make a favourable impression at
the interview.
2. By nightfall, there was still no of the missing hikers.
3. Don knew Steven could not be trusted to keep his _.
41. .....................................
1. Diana her hair in a simple ponytail tied with a pretty blue ribbon.
2. Andy a puzzled look on his face as he read the anonymous letter.
3. She was upset by the fact that her boss told her off simply because she _ _
sandals for work.
42. .....................................
1. I tried that diet too, but it didn‘t _ for me.
2. If I go cycling I _ up such an appetite that I put back on all the calories I‘d
burnt off!
3. Tony‘s taken up boxing to try and _ off the stress his job causes him.
43. .....................................
1. The president the crowd shaking hands and cracking jokes with potential
2. Despite initial problems, the plan out quite well, getting much publicity from
the press.

3. Dr. Johnson‘s new diet has miracles with obese patients. Most importantly, it
seems not to cause the yo-yo effect.
44. .....................................
1. Terry couldn‘t understand why his printer was not _ properly.
2. The politician said that the government was currently _ on a new policy to
combat crime in the inner city.
3. Tania had the job of through a large pile of documents that needed checking
before being forwarded to another department.
45. .....................................
1. As usual, Paul has managed to out of attending the monthly committee
2. She may not want to tell me why she‘s not coming to the party, but I‘ll the
reason out of her sooner or later.
3. I know you‘ve been lying to me, so there‘s no point in trying to your way
back into my favour by bringing me flowers and chocolate!
46. .....................................
1. I think his career as a comedian is coming to an end. His jokes and stories have
thin and there are many more boos than applause during his shows.
2. Sonia was absolutely out after having to work at the office for 14 hours
without a single break. That‘s what I call modern slavery.
3. We‘d better get a new carpet. Our old one has a lot over the years.
47. .....................................
1. The computer cost a lot, but it‘s so efficient, I really think we got our money‘s
2. That new car of his is _ a fortune.
3. Forget about him. He‘s not_______worrying about.
48. .....................................
1. The jubilant father his arms around his newborn child, holding it to his chest.
Tears welled up in his eyes.
2. Jenny was so up in her embroidery that she didn‘t hear her husband come in.
3. The little gift for his mother was _ in blue patterned paper and tied with a red

49. .....................................
1. I might be about this, but I think you‘re making a terrible mistake.
2. This is the time to discuss such an important matter - I‘m much take too busy.
3. Do you agree that it‘s morally to cheat other people?
1. .......................................
1. The team showed no improvement on their previous terrible performances and so it
was inevitable that they would lose again.
2. A change in the law has been agreed but the government have to announce
exactly when it will come into force.
3. I expect John will contact me with the details but as I haven‘t heard from him.
2. .......................................
1. As a rule, you can‘t to your children‘s demands unless you want them to be
2. The farmers didn‘t expect the land to _ bumper crops this year round due to
unusually heavy rains.
3. Though repetitive, the exercises will positive results within 3 weeks.
3. .......................................
1. Think lucky you didn‘t manage to get tickets for the concert; it was so awful
that we left at the interval.
2. After so much hard work, you owe it to________to take a short holiday.
3. You have only to blame for not being shortlisted; you should have got your
entry in on time.

15. ACT 35. ALIEN 55. ASSUME
17. ADD 37. ALLOW 57. ATTACH
5. BAD 13. BARE 21. BEAST
6. BADLY 14. BARK 22. BEAT
8. BALL 16. BASE 24. BED

26. BEST 46. BLUE 66. BRED
28. BIG 48. BODY 68. BRIEF
29. BILL 49. BOIL 69. BRIGHT
32. BLACK 52. BOLT 72. BROAD
33. BLAME 53. BONE 73. BROKE
36. BLAST 56. BORE 76. BRUSH
40. BLEW 60. BOW 80. BURIED
41. BLIND 61. BOX 81. BURN
44. BLOOD 64. BREAK 84. BUTT
6. CAP 16. CASE 26. CHANCE


125. CROP 131. CRUSHED 137. CUSTOM
126. CROSS 132. CURRENT 138. CUT
127. CROSSED 133. CUP 139. CUTS
128. CROWNED 134. CURE
129. CRUDE 135. CURL

2. DARK 26. DIED 50. DOT

73. DRY 77. DUE 81. DUTY
74. DUAL 78. DULL 82. DYING
76. DUCK 80. DUST

4. FAILURE 14. FAR 24. FED
5. FAINT 15. FAST 25. FEED

31. FEND 49. FIX 68. FORK
34. FIGHT 52. FLAT 71. FOUL
38. FILL 56. FLOOR 75. FREE
45. FIRM 64. FOND 82. FULL
46. FISH 65. FOOT 83. FUNNY
48. FIT 67. FORCED
1. GAIN 13. GIFT 25. GRAND
4. GAP 16. GLOW 28. GRASP
5. GATHER 17. GO 29. GRAVE
12. GET 24. GRADE 36. GROUP

1. HABIT 15. HAT 29. HIT
13. HARM 27. HINT 41. HUNG

3. JAM 7. JUDGE 11. JUST

2. KEEP 4. KEY 6. KILL

8. KIND 10. KIT
1. LABOUR 18. LED 35. LIP
2. LAID 19. LEFT 36. LIVE
3. LAND 20. LEG 37. LIVING
5. LAP 22. LET 39. LOCK
8. LATE 25. LIE 42. LOOK
10. LAW 27. LIGHT 44. LOSS
13. LEAD 30. LIMIT 47. LOVE
14. LEAF 31. LIMITS 48. LOW
15. LEAN 32. LINE 49. LOWER
16. LEAP 33. LINES 50. LURCH
17. LEAVE 34. LINK 51. LURE
5. MAKE 15. MATE 25. MEND

33. MISS 40. MOON 47. MOVING
1. NAME 9. NECK 17. NOSE
2. NAMED 10. NEED 18. NOTE

7. ODD 14. OPERATE 21. OWN
1. PACE 7. PALE 13. PASS

35. PIN 66. POKE 97. PROCESS
48. PLAY 79. POWER 110. PURE

112. PURSUIT 113. PUT
18. READ 43. REIN 68. REST

76. RICH 85. ROCKED 94. RUDE
77. RIDE 86. ROLE 95. RUINED
79. RIGHTS 88. ROOF 97. RUN
80. RIM 89. ROOT 98. RUNG
82. RINGS 91. ROUND 100. RUSH
84. ROBBED 93. ROW
7. SAVE 28. SEEK 49. SHAME
11. SCENE 32. SELL 53. SHEER
14. SCORE 35. SENT 56. SHIFT

66. SICK 97. SOFT 128. STAPLE
67. SIDE 98. SOIL 129. STAR
68. SIDES 99. SORE 130. STARK
69. SIGHT 100. SOUND 131. STATE
70. SIGN 101. SOW 132. STEADY
71. SIGNAL 102. SOUR 133. STEAM
72. SILENT 103. SPACE 134. STEEP
73. SIMPLE 104. SPARE 135. STEP
74. SINGLE 105. SPEAK 136. STEPS
76. SIT 107. SPEECH 138. STIFF
77. SIZE 108. SPELL 139. STILL
78. SKIN 109. SPILT 140. STING
81. SLIM 112. SPLIT 143. STOCK
82. SLIP 113. SPOIL 144. STOLE
85. SLOT 116. SPOT 147. STOOD
86. SLOW 117. SPOTS 148. STOP
87. SMACK 118. SPRANG 149. STORY
93. SNAKE 124. STAGE 155. STREAM

163. STRIKES 175. SUIT 187. SWITCH

1. TAIL 18. TERM 35. TIES
4. TALK 21. TEST 38. TIP
6. TAP 23. THICK 40. TITLE
14. TELL 31. THROW 48. TORN
16. TEMPT 33. TIE 50. TOUCH

54. TRADE 62. TRIAL 70. TUCK
57. TRAP 65. TRIP 73. TURNED
2. WALK 15. WEAR 28. WILD
4. WARD 17. WEIGHT 30. WIN
6. WASH 19. WELL 32. WING
12. WAVE 25. WHITE 38. WOLF
13. WAY 26. WIDE 39. WONDER

41. WORE 45. WORM 49. WRONG
42. WORK 46. WORN

Part II
1. .......................................
1. Our local of Floyds Bank has closed down, so now I have to trek all the way
to the town centre to cash my cheques.
2. A great-aunt of mine was a millionairess but I belong to the poorer of the
3. Sid ducked just in time to avoid a large _ which fell from the old apple tree.
2. .......................................
1. The casting director has an excellent eye for talent and generally manages to _
young actors who go on to perform very well in the show.
2. Brian was in a really bad mood, ready to _ a fight with anyone who disagreed
with him .
3. In the darkness, it was just possible to out the outline of a building in the
3. .......................................
1. Intricate stone carvings decorate the steps at the of the monument.
2. The tourists used the village as a to tour the surrounding country-side.
3. Oil is used as a to which fragrances are added for the purpose of massage.
4. .......................................
1. They never thought Harry would be capable of such behaviour.
2. He murmured ―All right‖ in a voice.
3. From a position in the company, Hannah worked her way up to a directorship.
5. .......................................
1. Although he has a gentlemanly appearance, there is something________about him.
2. Only those with licence plates that end in a(n) number can drive through the
town centre today.
3. He can‘t find a matching pair of socks since they are all .
6. .......................................
1. Taking on extra staff was a leap in the as we had no idea how many people
we needed.

2. Brian‘s a bit of a horse as he never seems to confide in anyone about his
private life.
3. Please don‘t keep me in the about what‘s really happening at work.
7. .......................................
1. I expect we‘ll again one day, but bye for now.
2. The company‘s service didn‘t my requirements.
3. You‘re going to________a lot of problems as you go through life.
8. .......................................
1. My grandmother was strict, but the advice she gave me was always , and I
did my best to follow it.
2. She tossed and turned for several hours and then towards morning she fell into a
3. The bodywork of the car appears to be quite _ , but the engine definitely needs
9. .......................................
1. We are hoping to _ a good deal of money with this scheme.
2. The purpose of the campaign is to________awareness of some very important issues.
3. He speaks quietly simply because he does not wish to his voice.
10. .....................................
1. Everybody who read the articles must have been _ by the courage shown by
the little boy in the face of such adversity.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport bought a house in France a few years ago and there
once they had retired.
3. It was clear from the graceful way in which the girl _ that she had had ballet
11. .....................................
1. The most memorable _ we visited was the Piazza Navona.
2. I am the only one in my family whose is normal.
3. When the road sign came in I realised I only had a few kilometres of my
journey to go.
12. .....................................
1. The refugees are finding it difficult to to their new surroundings.
2. The management has revised company policy to the demands of its workers.

3. The hotel is not large enough to _ the star and his entourage.
13. .....................................
1. The peacock strutted around proudly, the of his tail a beautiful sight.
2. I‘m a great _ of country and western music.
3. Switch on the if you are cooking in the kitchen.
14. .....................................
1. Could you add this up for me? I‘m no good at all with .
2. The cocktail party was attended by several well-known public .
3. Models have to watch their________all the time so they eat very carefully.
15. .....................................
1. Despite one or two problems, Ian‘s travels were, for the most thoroughly
2. I accept that it was foolish on my________to get involved in something so risky.
3. Ambition played an integral________in his downfall.
16. .....................................
1. I‘ve decided to your advice about the best way of getting to the airport.
2. Melanie likes to________a relaxing herbal bath every day after work.
3. Lance has decided not to painkillers any more, but to try natural remedies
17. .....................................
1. Anna in bed looking at the ceiling and wondering whether or not to get up.
2. I‘m going to _ a dustsheet down on the floor and start painting the walls
3. Will you _ the table while I get the meal ready?
18. .....................................
1. You should take a look at this new evidence as it may influence your choice.
2. It was too late when the father realized he was too on the boy. Now he knew
he should have adopted a more lenient approach.
3. You can‘t teach an old dog new tricks, can you? Your grandfather‘s too old for that.
Remember old habits die .
19. .....................................
1. Just because she‘s a girl, it doesn't necessarily that she likes pink!

2. Whatever Sally did, Tina would _ suit, never taking the initiative herself.
3. I can usually _ what he says, but all that jargon confused me.
20. .....................................
1. The other guests aren‘t checking in until this afternoon, so you can take your _
of the rooms in the hostel.
2. I suggest you go to a street market if you want to _ up some really good
3. Be careful on the metro because that‘s where thieves go to pockets.
21. .....................................
1. Developments took a new _ on Tuesday, with the stock market tumbling by
2. Mark admitted that he had spoken out of .
3. The of the century found Europe in a state of turmoil.
22. .....................................
1. Why don‘t more women for public office?
2. Does your car on unleaded petrol or diesel?
3. We are going to________a series of advertisements in the local paper.
23. .....................................
1. There was a very _ contrast between the scenes of wealth I saw in some parts
of the country and the scenes of poverty I witnessed in others.
2. Trudy is a very________businesswoman and that is what has enabled her to make all
the right decisions for her company.
3. There was a very _ bend in the road and for a moment I nearly lost control of
the car.
24. .....................................
1. My cheque was returned, as I had forgotten to it.
2. These traditional dances, though still popular today, back to the Middle Ages.
3. Those hats Sally wears really________her; they‘re like the ones my grandmother wore.
25. .....................................
1. There‘s no in doing further research into time travel as it‘s clearly never
going to be possible.
2. On entering the old castle, you get a real _ of history and how life must have
been in the past.

3. Penny was so absorbed in the sci-fi novel that she had lost all of time passing.
26. .....................................
1. Where once had stood a busy shopping centre was now only an empty _ .
2. Technology has made rapid progress in a very short of time.
3. Aunt Vera‘s living room is so crowded with furniture that there is no to move.
27. .....................................
1. Joanne‘s _ in the art competition won first prize.
2. He gained to the football match by climbing over the wall of the stadium.
3. The last in the balance sheet was dated 11th September.
28. .....................................
1. We plan to sail for the island as soon as the sun comes up.
2. Don‘t forget to your alarm clock, as we‘ve got an early start tomorrow.
3. I‘m counting on you to a good example to our new employees.
29. .....................................
1. It was an accident so there‘s no point being with him.
3. The animal known as a ―liger‖ is a between a lion and a tiger.
3. It didn‘t _ my mind that my business partner might be stealing from the
30. .....................................
1. A ramp will be installed beside the steps to _ the needs of people in
2. The theatre can an audience of 200 at the most.
3. Some time is required for children to to new surroundings.
31. .....................................
1. The tsetse fly is a _ which spreads diseases to cattle and humans.
2. The computer engineer found a in the software which was corrupting files.
3. There has been a stomach going around school for weeks.
32. .....................................
1. The police do not have enough evidence to anyone with the murder.
2. If you can be responsible for booking the flights for everyone, I‘ll be in of
finding us a good hotel.
3. The bull lowered its horns and began to_______towards the people in its path.

33. .....................................
1. Don‘t cheat – you‘ve just put a card down and it‘s my _ now.
2. I‘m exhausted because it‘s been very busy at work and I‘ve been on the all
3. Daniel had a at fixing the washing machine but he couldn‘t make it work
34. .....................................
1. She couldn‘t the pressures of her new job and eventually resigned.
2. He was unwilling to __ the goods the two men offered him, as he suspected they
were stolen.
3. It wasn‘t very polite of you just to off without saying goodbye to anyone.
35. .....................................
1. What‘s today‘s exchange between the dollar and the euro?
2. We‘re stuck in traffic, and at we‘re going to arrive late.
3. The crime _ has risen alarmingly in the last five years.
36. .....................................
1. This chair is so that I need a cushion.
2. Ian has always found maths a subject to do.
3. A winter had destroyed all the flowers in the garden.
37. .....................................
1. The_______and delicate movements of a ballerina are a wonder to watch.
2. Hazel‘s green jumper matched her eyes.
3. After a supper, they retired to bed.
38. .....................................
1. At the end of the talent show, the judges will the three contestants who will
proceed to the next round of the competition.
2. Did you know that it is now against the law to wild flowers in the National
3. Graham was in a bad moon and was ready to a fight with anyone who
disagreed with him.
39. .....................................
1. The latest _ of the magazine includes interviews with all sorts of celebrities.

2. This is a very important and we should discuss it seriously.
3. When she decided to leave the job, money wasn‘t the _ - she left because of the
40. .....................................
1. The holiday _ on a Saturday last year, so we didn‘t get a day off.
2. Leonora suddenly _ silent, which made her staff wonder if she was upset.
3. After the arrival of the new team of managers, profits rapidly.
41. .....................................
1. I don‘t know how to juggle all my duties. I always have my hands _ with work.
2. The chances of him surviving the crash were nil. He hit the building driving at
3. Fiona doesn‘t want to live a dull existence like her mother. She‘s always wanted to
live her life to the _ .
42. .....................................
1. Don‘t forget to the cheque before you send it.
2. Colloquial words sometimes very quickly and make you seem old-fashioned
if you use them.
3. They haven‘t been able to this piece of china but they think it‘s probably
from the around the 15th century.
43. .....................................
1. The patient his gaze on the hypnotist‘s swinging watch.
2. Although the plumber the broken drainpipe, he charged a fortune for it.
3. Well, have you a date for the wedding?
44. .....................................
1. ―We‘ve achieved a great deal in a short______of time,‖ said the company director.
2. Mandy liked most things about her friend‘s new home but thought that the dining
table took up far too much _.
3. ―I‘ve arranged a car parking for you,‖ said the administrator.
45. .....................................
1. Heat the vegetable mixture and serve it on a _ of rice.
2. After an eventful day, he was glad to lie down on his _ for a few minutes.
3. Gardeners prepared the flower with the appropriate soil for roses.

46. .....................................
1. Just because your parents are both teachers, it doesn‘t that you‘ll be one, too.
2. To get to the campsite the road round to the left and then turn right opposite
the supermarket.
3. Millions of viewers _ the fortunes of the characters in the soap opera every
47. .....................................
1. I didn‘t like the on that carpet so I chose some plain fabric instead.
2. The _ of events was the same as at all of our meetings.
3. I can‘t make that jacket as I have lost the _ for it.
48. .....................................
1. Given the panic that followed when the disco caught fire, the eye witness gave an
incredibly accurate _ of the events.
2. Luisa declined to comment on the issue on of the privacy policy her
organization strives to respect.
3. It‘s really difficult to _ for her unusual behaviour over the last 2 weeks.
Normally, she is so level-headed.
49. .....................................
1. Although the two women look remarkably alike, there is no family between
2. A on my beautiful gold chain broke and I lost it.
3. There is no________between the minister and the spy ring, despite the rumours which
are circulating in the government.
50. .....................................
1. Your subtle hint seems to have missed its ; perhaps you should try being less
2. All schools and businesses remained closed for the day as a(n) _ of respect to
the victims of the disaster.
3. The_______she received for her project was one of the highest in the class.
1. .......................................
1. In the term, there is very little chance of funding for further research into the

2. There will be a break after the next lecture to give students the chance to grab
a coffee.
3. After climbing to the top of the stairs, the elderly professor was rather of breath.
2. .......................................
1. We will do all the work, but they will all the credit, as usual!
2. She will __ offence if you tell her that hairstyle doesn‘t suit her.
3. They threatened to David to court unless he stopped playing his drums at
3. .......................................
1. Would you mind casting your to the committee?
2. I have my _ on a really nice jumper I saw in Benetton last week.
3. My manager usually turns a blind________if I‘m a bit unpunctual in the mornings, as
she knows I often stay late at the end of the day.
4. .......................................
1. When I‘ve had a________day at work, all I want to do is go home and relax in front of
the television.
2. You shouldn‘t have been so on Jackie – she only made a small mistake and
there was no need to shout at her like that.
3. I‘m a bit of hearing. Would you mind speaking up?
5. .......................................
1. The team has been working against the________to get the project finished on time.
2. A group of idealists are trying to turn the back by living in a remote village
without electricity or running water.
3. Could you set the for six, as I have to catch an early train tomorrow?
6. .......................................
1. My car‘s being repaired so could you possibly me up tomorrow?
2. I did not have much of an appetite and could only at my dinner.
3. You can take your of good cafes in Barcelona.
7. .......................................
1. She the pillow angrily and started crying, wishing she hadn‘t told him
2. Danny holes in the reports and filed them.

3. The accountant quickly the amounts into the calculator.
8. .......................................
1. He tried to make his voice sound but it was obvious that he was excited.
2. To the observer, Shakespeare‘s tragedies do not differ much from one
3. He‘s been working here for 12 years, and I‘ve never seen him come into the office in
9. .......................................
1. Half the staff in our office have down with flu so the rest of us are doing
2. Her style of writing means that her characters to life on the very first page.
3. For teenagers buying clothes, style tends to before comfort.
10. .....................................
1. The race for the White House was a heat. The polls showed that two
candidates were running neck and neck.
2. After spending 6 hours in the extreme cold without proper clothing, the mountaineer
realized that his right leg had gone .
3. Even earsplitting music won‘t wake him up. He is to the world when he‘s
11. .....................................
1. I was a flight and the best man won.
2. In order to qualify for this position, you must have a driving licence.
3. She look a sheet of paper and began the letter again.
12. .....................................
1. You can stay with us if you like, we‘ve got a _ room in our house.
2. It‘s very difficult to get parts for machines as old as this, so it‘s hard to get
them repaired if they break down.
3. I like my job but the hours are long as it doesn‘t allow me much _ time.
13. .....................................
1. If you go to the top of that hill, you get an incredible of the whole city.
2. In my , this problem is not as serious as you say it is.
3. In of the cost involved, we decided not to go ahead with the plan.

14. .....................................
1. It was a match and the result was in doubt until the very last minute.
2. Pay attention to what I‘m about to tell you and then you won‘t make the
same mistake again.
3. Harry had always been to his parents and so his decision to keep such an
important matter secret took them by surprise.
15. .....................................
1. We had to hire an extra to help us with the sheepshearing this year.
2. The loose, flowing script left me in no doubt as to whose had penned the
3. It was pointless denying it; they knew I‘d had a in their downfall.
16. .....................................
1. I‘m sure Tom will take all these points into before he makes a decision.
2. Paul gave us an interesting_______of his trip when he returned.
3. Alison regretted having taken so much trouble on Basil‘s _ .
17. .....................................
1. This type of food is far too _ for someone recovering from such a serious
2. He was said to be extremely _, but he never shared a penny with his friends
and relatives.
3. The _ cultural history of Greece attracts thousands of tourists every year.
18. .....................................
1. Her spirits as the weeks went by and her brother still failed to return home.
2. The ship without trace soon after entering the area known as the Bermuda.
3. As soon as she got home, Martha into her favourite armchair with a sigh of
19. .....................................
1. The first was a delicious ratatouille served with a crusty white roll and butter.
2. The pilot was advised to change _ approximately 3 minutes before the aircraft
disappeared from the radars.
3. On hearing that he had failed the Carlton started talking about dropping out
of university.
20. .....................................

1. The idea that we shouldn‘t be eating food that has been flown half-way across the
world has really _ off in recent years.
2. Although he‘s not a professional musician, Clive has always his singing very
3. An international charity has over the running of the second-hand shop in the
21. .....................................
1. Mr. Brown has only recently been elected to the of directors.
2. To my mind, an ironing is a very mundane thing to give as a wedding present.
3. The wood of this tree provides the basic raw material from which various types of
are manufactured.
22. .....................................
1. The case against Kay was dismissed because of the lack of evidence.
2. We exchanged some _ words but in the end were reconciled.
3. It was an extremely winter with temperatures remaining below zero for
weeks on end.
23. .....................................
1. I couldn‘t really to what he said because it was so far from my own
experience, so I kept quiet.
2. I would like to this point to something that was mentioned earlier.
3. She‘s conscientious worker, but she finds it difficult to to people.
24. .....................................
1. Henri his way carefully between the chairs to reach the front of the hall.
2. There was a wide choice of restaurants, so Hans one he hadn‘t visited before.
3. Emily was_______out as the best player after the team‘s success last week.
25. .....................................
1. The doctor promised that these pills would the pain.
2. If it will your mind, I‘ll speak to the boss for you.
3. At last the rain began to off.
26. .....................................
1. We‘re getting rather _ on petrol; I think I‘d better stop at the next service
station and put some in.

2. My boss said that my work was of a standard and that I would have to
improve or I might lose my job.
3. Marianne‘s life hasn‘t been going too well lately and so she‘s been feeling rather
27. .....................................
1. It struck me as the way that Andrew never spoke about his past.
2. All the houses with numbers are on the other side of the road.
3. In the twenty years I‘ve been living here we‘ve always had good neighbours.
28. .....................................
1. No sooner does a fashion appear to be and buried than someone decides to
revive it.
2. Few places are more depressing than a seaside resort in the_______of winter.
3. Every time I pick up the phone, the line goes _ .
29. .....................................
1. Coralie thought she had made a of the interview, so was surprised to be
offered the job.
2. Anita‘s finances were in such a that she decided to employ an accountant to
sort them out.
3. Chatting on the phone to his girlfriend, Lucas had completely forgotten the pasta
sauce, which was not a sticky black_______in the bottom of the pan.
30. .....................................
1. The witch cast a________on a dog to see if she could change it into something else.
2. I was under her from the moment I saw her.
3. We have had a long of bad weather lately, haven‘t we?
31. .....................................
1. In order to understand the diagram you need to look at the_______at the bottom.
2. What makes this piece of music interesting is the change of_______in the middle.
3. According to my boss, the to success is nothing more than self-confidence.
32. .....................................
1. When I received the flowers, I was________by his thoughtful gesture.
2. We have not yet understood what Penny to abandon her children.
3. The police _ quickly to disperse the crowd that had gathered.

33. .....................................
1. For two days mourners desperately wanted to tribute to their deceased leader.
2. Hard work and determination to master the English language will dividends
in the future. Keep up the good work!
3. You can‘t rely on people who lip service to the ideals you stand by.
34. .....................................
1. When you take into the difficulties they faced, you must admit the team did
well to come second.
2. After he had visited the theme park, Trevor gave us a detailed of the
3. Clara asked the shop assistant to charge the jacket to her _ .
35. .....................................
1. As stones cascaded past his head, he held to the rope to avoid falling.
2. He‘s just lazy, and I am running out of time and patience with him.
3. You would be best advised to leave for the airport as as possible.
36. .....................................
1. Be sure to the details in case they are needed at a future date.
2. Both male and female members of the tribe _ their teeth to points, maintaining
a centuries-old tradition.
3. I watched the soldiers past me on their way to the barracks.
37. .....................................
1. My mother always seems to take my brother‘s when we have an argument.
2. It was terrible experience; the worst was not knowing what had happened to
3. In the play, Peter plays the of a romantic and rather naive young man.
38. .....................................
1. The idea of spending a year travelling before going to university has really _
off in recent years.
2. Although she‘s only an amateur artist, Chloe has always _ her work very
3. A new manager has over the running of the club where we go dancing at the
39. .....................................

1. Several hours after going to bed. I was still awake.
2. People came from far and to take part in the demonstration.
3. With both candidates attracting similar levels of support, the election is open.
40. .....................................
1. The police have several theories about the case, but no evidence as yet.
2. She found all this sudden concern for her welfare rather to take.
3. He found that running 50 miles a week was very on his knee joints, and
finally gave it up.
41. .....................................
1. I‘d say there‘s a_______chance the government will fall before the next election.
2. Many sporting bodies now give awards for play.
3. The decision may seem harsh but I am convinced it was _ .
42. .....................................
1. Not being for the school team is probably one of the most painful memories
of childhood.
2. John‘s problem was that he had fights with colleagues who were better
placed in the company than he was.
3. The carcass had been _ clean by vultures and other animals.
43. .....................................
1. The new recruits were sent to an army in the middle of the desert.
2. Many professional artists prefer to use paints with an oil _.
3. The pain seems to be at the of the spine, doctor.
44. .....................................
1. She felt a sharp pain down her left arm as she got out of bed.
2. I‘ve put some tissues in your schoolbag in case your nose starts to again.
3. You‘ll need more memory on your computer if you want to that program.
45. .....................................
1. Angela gasped as she felt the pain in her knee again.
2. There is a _ bend in the road just after the post office so don‘t drive too fast.
3. The slightly taste of the drink will not appeal to everyone.
46. .....................................
1. The phone was this morning so I was unable to contact you sooner.

2. Nobody could wake Roger; he was _ to the world.
3. Despite delays on the motorway, they managed to arrive on time.
47. .....................................
1. There‘s not much _ in working so hard unless they give you a pay rise.
2. In one we are all to blame for what went wrong.
3. A of panic spread round the room as they saw the stranger enter.
48. .....................................
1. The car skidded on a patch of oil and went into a(n) .
2. The government have tried to put a positive _ on the conflict.
3. It‘s lovely weather today – let‘s go for a(n) in the country.
49. .....................................
1. The government‘s new policy standards of education throughout the country.
2. The school concert enough money to build a new library.
3. Her grandfather_______horses for many years.
50. .....................................
1. The children were the task of collecting recyclable waste from home as part
of an environmental project.
2. The targets that have been seem a bit on the ambitious side to me.
3. The procedure for appointing his successor has not yet been in motion.
1. .......................................
1. Tania was rather _ to realise that her boss was dissatisfied with her work.
2. Although looking through all the old family photographs was quite a _ and
time-consuming process, Gerry thoroughly enjoyed it.
3. There has been rather a response to the charity‘s latest appeal for donations,
so more advertising has been planned.
2. .......................................
1. The TV reporter gave a full of the run-up to the election.
2. You need to take the family‘s views into before you decide where to go on
3. Please don‘t make a fuss on my .
3. .......................................

1. Bond managed to break into his adversary‘s house and plant a _ there.
2. There is a nasty _ going round at the moment so take plenty of vitamins.
3. A caused the whole computer system to crash.
4. .......................................
1. Several newspapers have _ the government with lying to the public about the
true extent of the environmental damage caused by the explosion.
2. I didn‘t have any cash on me, so I just _ the meal to your account at the hotel.
3. As the riot police _ , the demonstrators broke ranks and fled.
5. .......................................
1. She passed her driving test at her first in spite of feeling nervous.
2. Do you think they‘ll really make a of this restaurant - it‘s not in a very good
3. Tommy, you‘ve had your with the computer – now let Susie use it for a bit.
6. .......................................
1. Expecting me to cook a meal for six with only an hour‘s warning is a bit of a
2. John told a_______story to his teacher about the dog eating his homework!
3. That very _ tree has been on our property since my grandmother‘s day.
7. .......................................
1. The company has announced that it may have to off workers or relocate them
to other factories.
2. I‘m sure Martin will try to the blame on someone else for his mistake.
3. We flowers on my grandfathers grave every year.
8. .......................................
1. Farmers are worried about the winter that has been predicted for this year.
2. We need to think _ about how we‘re going to compete with our rivals.
3. Tom finds it to follow orders, so I don‘t think he‘s going to enjoy the army!
9. .......................................
1. My cat climbed up to a high of the oak tree and could not make its way back
2. Our London has a vacancy for an accounts manager.
3. The_______of philosophy dealing with morality is called Ethics.

10. .....................................
1. Sylvia was out in the meadow, wild flowers.
2. Floyd is so quarrelsome; he is always fights with his schoolmates.
3. the winning entry from so many impressive paintings in the competition was
no mean task.
11. .....................................
1. As the weather deteriorated, it became obvious that we would have to back
and find a hotel in the town we‘d just passed through.
2. When you see the hotel on your left, you need to right immediately
3. If you the piece of paper over, you‘ll see my address on the back.
12. .....................................
1. His face when someone mentioned his ex-wife.
2. Last year, my birthday on Easter Day.
3. The information was classified, but somehow it into the wrong hands.
13. .....................................
1. I could see the horse galloping at speed towards the fence with the rider
shouting for help.
2. My grandmother lived a life and everyone at her funeral had a different story
to tell about her adventures.
3. The bill for the repairs needs to be paid in before the end of this month.
14. .....................................
1. She picked up the phone only to find that the line was .
2. Latin and Ancient Greek are _ languages, and are no longer spoken in daily life.
3. The ambulance rushed the woman to hospital, but she was pronounced________on
15. .....................................
1. They claimed that the boxing match had been because it was clear
throughout the fight that Lewis was the stronger of the two.
2. The date of the wedding has finally been _ for March 23rd.
3. Martino not only my computer but he also installed a new games package.
16. .....................................

1. The psychiatrist concluded that the patient had a personality.
2. John and Sue aren‘t going out any more - they up a few weeks ago.
3. Let‘s drive across to France and we can _ the petrol.
17. .....................................
1. All members of the History Society have free to over 200 castles and
monuments throughout the country.
2. The closing date for the competition is Friday May 8th and the winning will
be published in the July issue of The Traveller.
3. Each dictionary contains detailed information about the etymology, or
origins, of the word.
18. .....................................
1. Just because Francine doesn‘t say much, it doesn‘t necessarily____ that she‘s not
2. Most people in South America the Catholic faith.
3. If you the route shown on the map, you should reach the town by nightfall.
19. .....................................
1. I.Q. tests are a _ way of measuring someone‘s intelligence and are not always
2. Petrol is found in its form and then is refined for use.
3. I will not tolerate _ language in my classroom.
20. .....................................
1. Chris gave us all a very interesting________of his trip when he got back to the office.
2. Don‘t go to any trouble on my , I‘ll fit in with whatever‘s convenient for you.
3. If you take into __ how little time Sandra was given to do this work, she has
done it very well.
21. .....................................
1. The match is being televised in over sixty countries around the world.
2. People who fish on this part of the river usually use bait.
3. It‘s hard to imagine that a qualified electrician would have left________wires exposed
in an area where children play.
22. .....................................
1. There was a nasty _ on the table where the coffee cup had been put down.

2. When Agnes reached the halfway she felt unable to continue the race.
3. The children all stood up as a of respect when the head teacher came into the
23. .....................................
1. Paul is always of money by the end of the month.
2. The boss had to cut his holiday in order to sort out the crisis in the factory.
3. After one of the forwards was sent off, the team were one player for the rest
of the match.
24. .....................................
1. Jane didn‘t relish the _ of telling the class they would have to miss the match.
2. Being a working mother is often a thankless _ .
3. The policeman took his son to for throwing the stone through the window.
25. .....................................
1. Her hands were swollen and from the unaccustomed hard work.
2. Dieticians consider vegetables to be the healthiest option.
3. I think you got a________deal when you joined that firm,
26. .....................................
1. I admit that I found the film to understand in places.
2. The government is encouraging people to save for the future.
3. The desert has a dry, _ surface which can sustain little life.
27. .....................................
1. When all the facts came to , there was such a scandal that he was forced to
2. We built a huge bonfire in the garden out of all our rubbish and set _ to it.
3. It has been decided that, in the _ of all the criticism it has received, the scheme
will be abandoned.
28. .....................................
1. From her description of events, it was hard to get a clear mental _ of exactly
what happened.
2. As regards the economic situation, the overall looks much the same as it did
six months ago.
3. For some reason, we never get a very good on this channel on our TV.

29. .....................................
1. The police _ an appeal for witnesses to the murder.
2. Do you know where this passport was ?
3. The publishers the most recent edition of this dictionary last month.
30. .....................................
1. Unfortunately, the company has a very_______attitude towards safety.
2. George gets some occasional work but most of the time he‘s unemployed.
3. Like most people, I feel much more comfortable in________clothes.
31. .....................................
1. The government has set up a to investigate why so much public money was
spent on a building which nobody wants to use.
2. The lift is out of________so we‘ll have to use the stairs.
3. She doesn‘t get a salary but they give her twenty per cent on everything she
32. .....................................
1. If you‘re looking for a bargain, the sports shop in town has got a special on
tennis rackets at the moment.
2. Zack came in for a good of criticism after the team‘s failure to win the cup,
but he seemed unaffected by it.
3. The television company has a lucrative with a soft-drinks manufacturer
which will sponsor the series.
33. .....................................
1. On a day, there is a spectacular view across the valley.
2. Mike earns a_______thousand pounds a week.
3. It is_______to everyone that the government will have to call elections soon.
34. .....................................
1. For this activity, it is advisable to________the class into three groups.
2. The best way to________the logs is with an axe.
3. The managing director decided to the difference between the two proposed
prices for the new product.
35. .....................................
1. Stand with your knees and then slowly straighten them.

2. Sally is angry and seems _ on quarrelling with everyone again.
3. This key is _ out of shape and I can‘t use it.
36 ......................................
1. The atmosphere in the room was very and she went over to open a window.
2. There was a look of resentment in her eyes which was to hatred.
3. There are links between the school and local industries.
37. .....................................
1. When buying a house, it is always a good idea to have some money in _ for
unexpected expenses.
2. These fine textiles were woven by________in India.
3. The newscaster reported that the situation in the capital was getting out of .
38. .....................................
1. They gave us a full of their experiences in India.
2. Jane asked the grocer to put the goods on her and she would pay later.
3. The residents‘ opinions on the new road were not taken into .
39. .....................................
1. The country grew _ after the discovery of oil off its coastline.
2. The sky over the Pacific is a blue, unlike the pale colour of European skies.
3. The country has a _ cultural history which the people are proud of.
40. .....................................
1. My heart when I realised we had to walk another 10 kilometres before we got
to the youth hostel.
2. The ship _ without trace over three hundred years ago.
3. We were out playing with the children when the neighbours‘ dog its teeth
into the ball and ran off with it.
41. .....................................
1. The_______outside was a pleasant spot to sit and take morning tea.
2. The_______had been inspected before the match.
3. Inside the _ , pandemonium broke out when the sentence was announced.
42. .....................................
1. The house was furnished with great .

2. Having acquired a for the good life, Maria found it hard to settle at home
3. I strongly felt that the remarks Michael made at the party lacked _ .
43. .....................................
1. Remember to keep your on the weather so that you don‘t get caught in the
2. They bought the shares with an to making a quick profit.
3. Although they knew about the planned party, the boy‘s parents decided to turn a
blind and let it go ahead.
44. .....................................
1. Don‘t let your emotions dictate you what to do. Keep a cool and put your
feelings aside.
2. Dennis dozed off as soon as his hit the pillow and was fast asleep for 14
3. Many a farmer from our village decided to for the lights of the big city
tempted by the promise of quick money.
45. .....................................
1. I‘m not going to________the whole story. I‘ll just sum up what happened.
2. The series is very popular because viewers can to the main characters in it.
3. The examples given here don‘t to my personal experience.
46. .....................................
1. Most of us take an interest in the lives of the famous, but it is usually tempered with a
of scepticism and a touch of irony.
2. Her subtle _ on the arm having no effect, Shirley was forced to kick her
husbands‘ leg, in order to shut him up.
3. Even farmers have felt the as fuel and fertiliser prices outstrip the price of
their crops.
47. .....................................
1. My mother has always told me that I should my family and friends first in
my life. Now divorced and lonely, I know she was right.
2. In my opinion, Norah tends to be snobbish and self-centered, to _ it mildly.
3. The fire brigade did manage to________out the fire, but it devoured almost everything
in the house.

48. .....................................
1. Grangers, the restaurant chain, is taking advantage of property prices to snap
up new outlets in the north-west.
2. Depression can leave the mother feeling for much of the time, often crying
for no reason.
3. That was a rather trick you played on me at the company dinner, putting me
next to the managing director.
49. .....................................
1. The President held for four years and was then re-elected.
2. The Manager‘s bore no resemblance to other rooms in the building.
3. If I had known they had a(n) in Norwich, I wouldn‘t have driven all the way
to London.
50. .....................................
1. When I hesitated over the price, the salesman came up with a special .
2. There is a great of rubbish at the bottom of the garden.
3. The two sides tried and failed to come to a .
1. .......................................
1. I‘ve never heard Stella utter even a rebuke to any of her children.
2. The weather seems unusually for the time of year.
3. Your daughter is suffering from nothing more than a eye infection.
2. .......................................
1. It is to say that most of the jokes would have bombed, if he hadn‘t had such a
pleasant personality.
2. There‘s a amount of operatics involved, mostly courtesy of Andrew Tomaz
and his orchestra.
3. And if your skin is __ and sensitive, you shouldn‘t start off with anything less
than a factor 15 sunscreen.
3. .......................................
1. The proceeds of the live aid concert will be equally between three
international charities.
2. Gordon was disappointed that his new suitcase _ along the seam the first time
he used it.

3. The group played together for three years, but when the lead singer decided to go
solo, they up.
4. .......................................
1. Many workers _ the changes with suspicion and fear that redundancies will
2. They watched the plane take off and gradually disappear from .
3. We had a breathtaking of the mountains from our hotel room.
5. .......................................
1. The journalist gave a lot of details about the case but refused to________his source.
2. When she was a baby, Paulo‘s parents wanted to her Sheba but were talked
out of it.
3. If you wanted to sell that painting, you could your own price.
6. .......................................
1. Shopkeepers have noticed that business has been since parking was banned
in the High Street.
2. At first, Melanie was to take in the full implications of what her manager was
saying to her.
3. Darren blamed his late arrival on the fact that the clock in his office was running
7. .......................................
1. I am indebted to J. Brown for his hair-raising of life in jail.
2. The judge took into _ the family‘s cramped living conditions and financial
3. Thomas refused to open an with the bank, preferring instead to keep his
money in a suitcase.
8. .......................................

1. You‘d better check the time as my watch is a bit .

2. He drove all the way to Birmingham in the lane.
3. Only cotton garments with colours should be washed on programmes 7 and 8.
9. .......................................
1. There seemed to be a _ of oil on the surface of the water.
2. It‘s best to withhold judgement until I‘ve had time to develop the .
3. Her parents first met an international festival.
10. .....................................
1. Eating good food should be a natural of everyday life.
2. Salty was delighted to be offered a in a new television drama.
3. William was keen to acknowledge the _ played by his parents in establishing
his successful business.
11. .....................................
1. After twenty years touring the provinces as a stand-up comedian, Bill Ryder has at
last achieved a of success with his own TV show.
2. He‘s been a heavy smoker most of his life, so I imagine his sense of must be
fairly diminished.
3. I turned down his invitation to the concert since Stravinsky‘s music has never been to
my _.
12. .....................................
1. The company‘s new policy will be decided at the next meeting of the .
2. Fortunately there were only 28 people on when the ship ran aground.
3. I am not sure if the deal Peter has proposed is entirety above .
13. .....................................
1. Alice was sitting with her , in her hands learning her ABC.
2. Look first at the title at the of the page to get a general idea of the subject.
3. At the age of 33, he was appointed________of Italian at Manchester University.
14. .....................................
1. With the onset of teenage years, she was afraid that one day she would out
into spots that would ruin her impeccable face.
2. When their young brother died in a tragic accident, they decided to cast lots to
determine who was going to the news to their mother.
3. Diplomatic talks have been under way to _ the cycle of violence in the region.
15. .....................................
1. Part of next year‘s funds will be allotted to making a football _ on the school
2. The Italian tenor‘s voice reached an unexpected high during the opera.
3. Her parents first met at an international________festival.
3. The hot was poured and spread onto the roof of our house.

16. .....................................
1. There is no way to edit a four-hour film.
2. The unrelenting problems of his life gradually removed that _ smile from his
3. Harold sat in the _ _ chair to watch TV.
17. .....................................
1. The council is planning to a road right through here next year.
2. The bank decided it was not prepared to _ the risk of investing in such a
speculative venture.
3. The project could _ into trouble if the committee refuse to make further funds
18. .....................................
1. Most mourners __ tears over the man‘s grave. He was regarded as one of the
most respected people in the local community.
2. Could you fetch me a hoe from the tool_______? I need to remove some weeds.
3. He thought it strange that millions of people their blood during the war in the
name of patriotism.
19. .....................................
1. We have devoted a good of time to trying to make the system work.
2. The workers were prepared to do a _ with management to put an end to the
3. Our aim is to give our customers a________which is fair and square.
20. .....................................
1. Try to stay calm, otherwise the dog will your fear and attack you.
2. Ian is creative but he has no business , which is why his restaurant went
3. Some young people become gang members in order to gain a of identity.
21. .....................................
1. The committee decided to the money equally between the two charities.
2. I can‘t believe that John and Maggie have decided to up after 20 years of
3. To serve a watermelon you need to________it down the centre with a sharp knife.
22. .....................................

1. Our football coach always said that teamwork was the to success in life.
2. If you aren‘t sure of the answer to a question, there‘s a on page 274.
3. I pressed the wrong and I deleted the file from the computer!
23. .....................................
1. He decided to some money aside each month in order to save for a new car.
2. You must now wait for the gelatine to _ before you carry on making this
3. Not only did he win a gold medal, but he also the world record for this event.
24. .....................................
1. What‘s her address?
2. The strong makes it dangerous to swim here.
3. We‘d better transfer some money into our account.
25. .....................................
1. There are many factors that need be taken into before a decision can be made.
2. We listened with horror to his of the bank robbery he had witnessed.
3. I‘m afraid the money seems to have been put in the wrong _.
26. .....................................
1. Detectives decided to place a________inside the suspect‘s car.
2. Jenny shrieked when the large landed on her arm.
3. Many people were absent on account of a stomach .
27. .....................................
1. The police _ the crowd in an attempt to break up the demonstration.
2. I couldn‘t believe what the hotel _ for putting an extra bed in the room.
3. Following lengthy questioning, the police formally________the suspect last night.
28. .....................................
1. Many children hungry when their family is affected by long-term
2. I‘ve been in the same kind of job for years and I‘d like to have a at something
3. That beef will quickly off in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.
29. .....................................
1. His lack of experience started to _ against him when he tried to be convincing.

2. The stress of working in politics is beginning to on him.
3. Experienced software developers can whether a piece of code is functional
just by reading it.
30. .....................................
1. The pilot noticed that there was a small amount of ice on the left and so take-
off was delayed.
2. The injured seagull was taken to the local veterinarian surgery with a broken .
3. Some football managers opt for two players on each _ so that they have added
cover on each side of the pitch.
31. .....................................
1. To everyone‘s annoyance, Reg barged in and stood at the of the queue.
2. All complaints should be addressed to the of the department.
3. Whilst hammering, Dominic hit his thumb instead of the of the nail.
32. .....................................
1. I usually have a________meal at about 8 o‘clock in the evening.
2. Jones was lucky to get off with such a sentence.
3. Borrow this magazine if you want some________reading for the journey.
33. .....................................
1. The new exams will students under even more pressure.
2. The police advise homeowners not to spare keys under the door mat.
3. In our culture, we _ our children‘s education before everything else.
34. .....................................
1. Francesca and Kate both a strong resemblance to their brother.
2. Life is too short to a grudge against your critics.
3. Once you reach the crossroads left, and after that it‘s the second turning on
the right.
35. .....................................
1. Tragically, the secret papers into the hands of the enemy.
2. In the photograph, her long dark hair to her waist.
3. The moment he entered the country, he _ ill and had to be taken to hospital.
36. .....................................
1. I fed after eating those mushrooms; they must have been off.

2. The joke that Todd told was not very so nobody laughed.
3. That‘s ; the car won‘t start, even though I had it serviced this morning.
37. .....................................
1. The toddler looked up pitifully at his mother, aware that he had not received a fair
when the cake had been handed out.
2. The manager informed his staff that despite the economic downturn, there was every
reason to believe that the forthcoming would go ahead as planned.
3. It‘s a sad fact that in every newspaper there‘s a good of material that you can
flick through mindlessly.
38. .....................................
1. We‘ve finally the date for the wedding - it‘s September 30th.
2. The interest rate has been at 6.5%.
3. The shelves were to the wall with screws.
39. .....................................
1. We drove through the countryside looking for a nice for a picnic.
2. When the accident happened, reporters were on the within minutes.
3. You can‘t wear that jumper, there‘s a of paint on the front of it.
40. .....................................
1. They were _ on a diet of bread and potatoes.
2. He slowly his arms above his head.
3. The participants________a number of questions at the meeting.
41. .....................................
1. I hurt my _ while I was climbing.
2. It‘s at the _ of the page.
3. I‘ll have to the bill.
42. .....................................
1. She knew she would be expected to________for her indiscretion.
2. They decided to________a visit to the bank manager to arrange an overdraft.
3. The trick, when bargaining, is not to a higher price than is necessary.
43. .....................................
1. John was asked to give a detailed _ of his movements on the night in question.
2. She wondered how the extra £1,000 had been found in her _.

3. It was obvious that money was of no to her.
44. .....................................
1. Whether to join the European Monetary Union or not is very much a(n) issue
in the UK politics scene.
2. Many regard Queen‘s 1987 Wembley concert as one of the greatest rock
shows ever.
3. In a(n) interview, the Prime Minister admitted that he had mishandled the
45. .....................................
1. The dog would greet his enthusiastically at the door every evening.
2. Be very alert to his manipulations; he is a at getting his own way.
3. Tim is fiercely independent and certainly his own________; nobody tells him what to
46. .....................................
1. To cut costs, the film was arranged to be on location in Spain and Malta.
2. The midfielder took a good at goal, but missed by an inch. The spectators
gave a sigh of disappointment.
3. When the alarm bell rang, the janitor immediately out of his chair towards
the door to alert the services.
47. .....................................
1. When I was at university, I lived for one in a room which overlooked the
2. When the _ ―British Sign Language‖ is used, it can only refer to the signs
used in the British system.
3. The wrongdoer was fined and sentenced to a _ of imprisonment, which many
considered excessive.
48. .....................................
1. If I‘ve read the map correctly, this road should us back to town.
2. Akiko is auditioning to play one of the roles in this year‘s production of
Romeo and Juliet.
3. If you‘re not sure about table manners in other countries, just follow your host‘s
and you won‘t cause offence.
49. .....................................

1. It took us an hour to reach the of the queue for checking-in.
2. All that attention at the party has gone to Paula‘s .
3. I certainly wouldn‘t go on that mountain-climbing holiday with her, as I‘ve got no
for heights.
50. .....................................
1. The group a new album last month.
2. The engineer _ the safety catch carefully and then started the machine.
3. Last year the factory _ five per cent more toxic fumes into the atmosphere.
1. .......................................
1. I wanted to study IT but there wasn‘t a on any of the courses.
2. The young Kenyan runner stumbled during the race and had to make do with second
3. I wish Nina would tidy up; she leaves her clothes all over the .
2. .......................................
1. Although Melissa accepted the invitation, she failed to up on the evening of
the party.
2. After three hours of battling against the blizzard, the hikers decided to back
and head for home.
3. Whenever she needed help with her maths homework, Chloe would to her
grandfather, who had taught the subject in his youth.
3. .......................................
1. Be careful with the faulty on that bracelet or you might lose it.
2. One about the new public transport scheme is that it will need large subsidies.
3. The fishermen were pleased to have such a large of fish.
4. .......................................
1. The guidebook is with many useful maps and lists of cheap places to stay.
2. Each team had to their task within 30 minutes to stay in the competition.
3. It took me ages to the forms I needed for my visa.
5. .......................................
1. We will use the most modern technology to _ with the problems of
decommissioning and nuclear waste.

2. Always remember to _ to the person on your right during a bridge competition.
3. They are the only ones to _ in the futures market and as a result they saw a lot
of new work.
6. .......................................
1. The police officer warned the boys to keep of trouble.
2. Sophie isn‘t at all about her plans for the future.
3. From this viewpoint you can see the Rif Mountains on a _ day.
7. .......................................
1. I think it‘s _ to say you could have tried harder.
2. Keith has done _ amount of work for his project already.
3. Sally obviously gets her complexion from her mother.
8. .......................................
1. We found a quiet, secluded by the river for our picnic.
2. We realised we were in a tight when the border guards pointed their guns at
3. Although running on the _ is recommended as good exercise, I find it rather
9. .......................................
1. The police have yet to the identity of the victim or a motive for the crime.
2. She‘s been trying to herself as the obvious candidate to take over the job.
3. If you want to fit in, you‘ll have to quickly _ a good working relationship with
the boss.
10. .....................................
1. Even though they don‘t work together any more, Michelle and Peter are still very
2. The scientists are _ to reaching a breakthrough in their research programme.
3. Don‘t get too to Anthea, she‘s got a really bad cold.
11. .....................................
1. After lunch, we had a _ of cards, just to pass the time.
2. His grandparents had a in Luca‘s upbringing, as his parents worked full-time.
3. Mrs. Spencer opened the door and said, ―If you lay a on my son, there‘ll be

12. .....................................
1. Jenny‘s boss asked her to give the team a brief of what she‘d seen at the
2. When booking your holiday, please take into the fact that cancellations are
charged at 10%.
3. Do not leave your company laptop in your car on any .
13. .....................................
1. New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the to vote.
2. That car has parked __ behind you so be careful when you reverse.
3. I don‘t think that finishing a relationship by text message is the _ way to do it.
14. .....................................
1. We hope to more people from the disease by making the treatment freely
2. Please do not attempt to a seat in the library by leaving your bag there.
3. The government has said that low-income families should more, but this is
15. .....................................
1. The premises of the base about 50 square kilometres which is quite
impressive by Japanese standards.
2. I don‘t think my current salary is enough to all my expenses.
3. Hardly had they heard some gunfire when they ran for to save their lives.
16. .....................................
1. The way she said that to me, it sounded more like a of abuse than an
2. At the end of the autumn________the junior class will be putting on a pantomime.
3. The prospects for employment in the long are uncertain, but we can offer a
range of temporary jobs at the moment.
17. .....................................
1. Joe fastened his jacket against the air, realising all at once that he was
2. With the blockade now lifted, vital medical supplies and _ _ materials are
starting to reach the areas worst affected.
3. We savoured the rough garlic sausage and _ onion, served with hunks of bread.

18. .....................................
1. Suddenly becoming very famous went to his and he became extremely
2. There had been a lot of discontent among the staff and matters came to a _ at
the monthly meeting, when an argument broke out.
3. The groups‘ most loyal fans were at the of the queue, having waited
overnight for the concert tickets to go on sale.
19. .....................................
1. The actor was given his big on television by a famous producer.
2. Fran took a short _ in Italy after her operation.
3. The chairman called for a in the meeting to consider the new proposals.
20. .....................................
1. I‘m having a party at my _ next weekend, would you like to come?
2. If he keeps playing so badly, he will lose his in the team.
3. This café is a very good for meeting people.
21. .....................................
1. When a job opening in Hong Kong came up, Ben_______at the change of it.
2. Being the jealous type, Steve immediately to the wrong conclusion when he
saw his girlfriend in a café with another man.
3. The child _ with joy when he heard he was going to visit the zoo.
22. .....................................
1. I feel rather today, so I‘ll just stay in.
2. My mother has a very opinion of my friends. I‘m not sure why.
3. He spoke in a(n)________voice, anxious not to be overheard.
23. .....................................
1. There are several courses of action to the government.
2. The job is still if you‘re interested.
3. The two boxers looked at each other with hostility.
24. .....................................
1. It‘s quite difficult to with a class full of excitable teenagers.
2. There are many business that in human resources management, but only a
few which are established and reputable.

3. The second and third part of his paper with various aspects of affair.
25. .....................................
1. The weather is exceptionally for November.
2. I chose a curry from the menus as I don‘t like very hot food.
3. The politician was lucky to come in for such _ criticism over the affair.
26. .....................................
1. The youngsters were rooted to the __ with fear when they were caught
2. I decided to try a of sailing while holidaying in the Lake District.
3. James only had a small in the TV show, but he hoped it would lead to better
27. .....................................
1. There was much controversy about the new education .
2. A hummingbird is a tiny multi-coloured bird which sucks the nectar from flowers
with its long curved .
3. There was a reminder from the electricity company because we forgot to pay last
month‘s _ .
28. .....................................
1. The president won the election by a very majority, thanks to the hard work of
his campaign team.
2. Unfortunately, the company takes a very view of market possibilities.
3. Peter had a escape from drowning when his boat capsized and flung him into
the water.
29. .....................................
1. The fog and ice meant that it was a very _ journey.
2. Business is rather at present but we hope it will pick up soon.
3. You‘d better check the time – the clock might be a few minutes _ .
30. .....................................
1. An was passed by the government to protect wildlife.
2. Throughout the first , she kept forgetting her lines.
3. The juggling was a great success with the youngsters.
31. .....................................

1. Emilio is becoming the best player on our team.
2. My watch is a few minutes _ so we should still be able to catch the train.
3. The children were _ asleep by the time we finally got home.
32. .....................................
1. When they got back after a month away there was a of dust over all their
2. I‘m going to get the developed as soon as I get home.
3. We bought a camcorder because we wanted to the children as they grew up.
33. .....................................
1. The last of the book isn‘t quite as exciting as the rest of it.
2. He always plays the of the hero in his films.
3. Because one small stopped working, the whole machine broke down.
34. .....................................
1. The company‘s prospects look good in the long .
2. A contusion is the medical for a bruise.
3. The terrorists each received a 30-year prison _ .
35. .....................................
1. The clock‘s has luminous hands and numbers, which shine in the dark.
2. Matilda made a________as she swallowed the foul-tasting medicine.
3. Slowly, the climber inched his way up the jagged________of the cliff.
36. .....................................
1. For more information about assessment you should speak to the of
2. At mealtimes, my father usually sits at the of the table.
3. No, I won‘t come mountain-climbing : I‘ve no for heights.
37. .....................................
1. I watched Fabio‘s face up as his new girlfriend walked into the room.
2. New information has come to about the night of the murder.
3. Being a sleeper means that you often feel tired in the morning.
38. .....................................
1. I pushed the stone back into so no-one would know I‘d moved it.

2. A restaurant meal should be served ten minutes after you your order.
3. I felt my father his hand on my shoulder as we waited for the news.
39. .....................................
1. He struck me as a hen-pecked husband who was being continually upon by
his family.
2. The manager was disappointed to lose the match, but he _ it down to illness
and injury.
3. Could you________me through to extension 324 please?
40. .....................................
1. Everyone was surprised to discover that the young man was eligible to for
2. The factory closure became such a contentious issue that even the national
newspapers decided to a series of articles on it.
3. The supervisor had to through the safety guidelines several times before she
was convinced that all the staff had understood.
41. .....................................
1. The road was blocked for hours when a lorry _ its load on a bend.
2. He seems to have _ a lot of weight since starting his new job.
3. We don‘t allow the dogs into the house as they too many hairs on the carpets.
42. .....................................
1. If the college buys its computer equipment in bulk, it may get a special_______from
the supplier.
2. There has been a great of money invested in research into global warming in
recent years.
3. Some people complain about having to walk home in the dark, but for me it‘s no big
43. .....................................
1. I‘ve got a terrible of direction.
2. Can you make any of what he‘s trying to say?
3. There‘s no in waiting here any longer.
44. .....................................
1. This is the exact________where the famous scene from the film was shot.

2. When they felt the first of rain, they gathered the picnic together and rushed
3. The high _ of my trip around India was definitely the trip to Calcutta.
45. .....................................
1. Her accidental death left a in the acting world which will take a long time to
2. The printed document was declared________by the corporate lawyer.
3. The ship sailed silently through the black , unaware of the danger ahead.
46. .....................................
1. Nick his drink down on the wooden seal and rushed indoors to answer the
2. The Robinsons off at seven in the morning after a particularly frantic packing
3. If we the fire alarm going, we could leave the building in the confusion.
47. .....................................
1. Hours before the awards ceremony, the actress had her hair________and styled.
2. My electricity was when I forgot to pay the bill.
3. Unfortunately, the government costs by reducing its funding for education.
48. .....................................
1. Pat has always wanted to be able to _ with the National Theatre Company.
2. When the chimney caught fire we had to _ quickly.
3. He doesn‘t appropriately for his age.
49. .....................................
1. Timothy _ into the room and started shouting at the others.
2. During winter water pipes often due to the freezing temperatures.
3. If the banks of the river should , the town will be severely flooded.
50. .....................................
1. The police have two men with robbery and they will appear in court
2. When he realised how late it was, George out of the house and ran down the
road to catch the bus.

3. The hotel agreed that it was their mistake and said that I wouldn‘t be for the
phone calls that appeared on my bill.
1. .......................................
1. People in our office tend to _ out for a drink most Fridays.
2. Would you like me to have a at mending that broken lamp for you?
on talking about her health problems for hours!
3. Maria can _ on talking about her health problems for hours!
2. .......................................
1. Sarah had to admit that ―mind gym‖ was a she‘d never come across before.
2. The local politician is hoping to be re-elected for a second of office.
3. I think that in the short , we should concentrate on keeping the service
3. .......................................
1. The of the company has decided that all products should be environmentally
friendly from now on.
2. The price of most university accommodation includes room and _ .
3. This salad bowl and the chopping _ on sale over there are made from non-
renewable wood from the rainforests.
4. .......................................
1. It all came to a when Julie discovered the box of old letters.
2. The newly appointed of the department addressed the school warmly.
3. Shaking his in total disbelief, the coach left the pitch.
5. .......................................
1. With the likelihood of further rain today, there appears to be little prospect of any
from the suffering.
2. The white-washed houses stood out in sharp _ against the smooth grey cliffs.
3. My sense of at not having to go must have been obvious to everyone.
6. .......................................
1. It is that she is to blame. The evidence is overwhelming and I don‘t
understand why she is denying it.

2. The bank robbery was supposed to be sailing, but now things had gone
wrong and one security guard lay dead on the floor.
3. The vast with a few hills was tempting settlers with its natural beauty.
7. .......................................
1. Naomi is a very approachable woman and people find her to talk to.
2. My grandmother thinks that I have a very life compared to her experience of
being a teenager.
3. It‘s to see why so many people support the local team who have done so well
in recent seasons.
8. .......................................
1. House prices dramatically last year and they bought themselves a small flat
near the town centre.
2. I always thought that love at first sight only happened in films but I _ for Jill
the moment I set eyes on her.
3. He out with his father after a blazing row and hasn‘t spoken to him since.
9. .......................................
1. I feel a bit ; I think I‘ll go and lie down for a while.
2. Wendy kept us entertained with _ stories.
3. A very thing happened to me last week, and I still can‘t explain it.
10. .....................................
1. Fortunately for Grace, there was a good of support for her idea of organising
a party to celebrate the school‘s centenary.
2. If your school wants to save money, there‘s a special on English books on the
Internet at the moment.
3. As part of a reciprocal between the two governments, students on a gap year
will no longer need to apply for a work permit.
11. .....................................
1. In the kitchen the children were working __ out to finish the work before their
favourite sitcom.
2. Although he was short, ugly and had feet, it was his personality that drew
most of the girls towards him.
3. Her refusal came as a complete surprise. They wrongly thought she would be
glad to accept the offer.

12. .....................................
1. We went on a coach tour and visited several local beauty .
2. The day after the injection she came out in __ and had to go back to the doctor‘s.
3. As soon as she another dog, Molly starts barking and pulling at the lead.
13. .....................................
1. You could have _ me down with a feather when she told me she a boy off his
2. He didn‘t look where he was going and________a boy off his bike.
3. We‘ve down our prices by an extra twenty-five percent!
14. .....................................
1. The new no-smoking policy is going to come into________next month.
2. The class turned up in despite the bad weather.
3. They decided to use to extract the information from their prisoner.
15. .....................................
1. Older people prefer to travel off , when the buses aren‘t crowded and journeys
take less time.
2. The sun had gone behind a distant , leaving streaks of pink and pale yellow in
its wake like a glorious memory.
3. At the of their careers, the comedy duo were regularly getting 27 million
viewers, including the Queen!
16. .....................................
1. In a united of defiance, the protesters refused to disperse when ordered to do
so by the police.
2. The burglars were in the of breaking in when he spotted them and called the
3. His was not well received by the audience and he left the stage to total
17. .....................................
1. Watch out - that wire might be _----------don‘t touch it.
2. When we go there, you‘ll be able to see a real elephant.
3. I would never have believed that was a performance.
18. .....................................

1. Stella bought the for her new living-room curtains in the market and made
them up herself.
2. Jake is going to Italy to get for his new historical novel, which will be set in
Ancient Rome.
3. A waterproof such as plastic or glass should be used to cover the top of the
19. .....................................
1. A van suddenly _ out in front of Roy‘s car, forcing him to brake.
2. The movie was on location and includes some amazing African scenery.
3. The Spice Girls _ to fame within a very short time.
20. .....................................
1. ―Blog‖ is a_______used for a kind of Internet diary.
2. What will the President do when his of office finishes in April?
3. I‘ll see you sometime during the summer and will discuss the idea then.
21. .....................................
1. When learning to drive, you are taught to check your _ mirror before setting
2. The bird‘s was clearly broken so we took it to a vet.
3. The east of the stately home was built in the 15th century.
22. .....................................
1. Chris arrived very early for his flight in order to be at the of the queue when
the check-in desk opened.
2. My sister‘s got a really good for figures, but I‘m hopeless at maths.
of department so hell be even
3. George has just been promoted to of department so he‘ll be even more busy
from now on.
23. .....................................
1. Although it‘s not very high, it‘s a________wage for the job.
2. A number of people came along to the meeting.
3. I think it‘s only _ to say that she didn‘t know all the facts.
24. .....................................

1. Both natural ability and hard work an important part in the development of a
top athlete.
2. We can‘t win right now but we may have a chance later, so let‘s for time.
3. The firm have decided to down their financial problems to avoid alarming
their customers.
25. .....................................
1. Stuart is an excellent actor but he cannot _ criticism of any sort.
2. The insurers said the company would have to some of the costs of repairing
the damaged wall.
3. Both of the children a very strong resemblance to their grandfather.
26. .....................................
1. Children can on very quickly, so be careful what you say.
2. Roger tried to me out by saying he knew where I had been that day.
3. If you aren‘t careful, you‘ll your death!
27. .....................................
1. Sarah felt great when she heard about the accident.
2. The conference catering arrangements are not Mrs. Robinson‘s _.
3. The new printing company my uncle established is now a thriving .
28. .....................................
1. The_______between our two companies should be profitable for both of us.
2. In my opinion, the principal didn‘t_______with the students in the right way.
3. A great of time and money was invested in the new project.
29. .....................................
1. The council is expected to________the plans for the new sports centre this week.
2. After struggling for three hours to finish his essay Dick went for a walk to his
3. We hope that this meeting will the way for future co-operation between our
30. .....................................
1. When the commanding officer entered the room, the young cadets all________to

2. They were moving steadily through the seemingly impenetrable jungle when
suddenly a large animal at them from out of the undergrowth.
3. With the arrival of the ebullient young actor, the party really to life
31. .....................................
1. Following a strong opening on Wall Street, the market made a modest , closing
the day up 2.7 at 2030.7.
2. It would turn into a victory if he could go to the conference having won a
second term in office.
3. Undoubtedly this was the best _ of the match, crowned by a brilliantly-
disguised forehand down the line.
32. .....................................
1. A personal was assigned to help me with my German class.
2. He has recently become the new _ of the basketball team.
3. A luxurious transferred the tourists from their hotel to the ancient monuments.
33. .....................................
1. I‘m not quite sure how to fill this form in - do you think you could lend me a
2. I think we have to act now before the situation gets completely out of .
3. Keep the map to________in case we need to consult it during the journey.
34. .....................................
1. The main character is unlikely to be killed in the first .
2. Any kind of violent _ on the premises of this university would lead to your
instant dismissal.
3. She may strike you as an unapproachable person, but her aloofness is just a(n)
36. .....................................
1. There has been a steady _ in the number of guidebooks published recently.
2. As she‘d taken on a lot of extra responsibility at work, Martina felt justified in
putting in for a .
3. The ancient farmhouse had been built on a slight overlooking the vast open
36. .....................................
1. If you‘re like me, you‘ll always your favourite chocolates in the box till last.

2. This new gadget will _ me from having to chop up the vegetables by hand.
3. I had hoped to up enough to buy a new motorcycle, but it‘s hard when you
really enjoy going shopping!
37. .....................................
1. The antique shop, as it turned out, was merely a for his spying activities.
2. If it‘s very cold tonight, put an extra on your bed.
3. To be honest, I bought the book because it had an attractive.
38. .....................................
1. University tend to be shorter than school ones.
2. Be sure to read all the of the agreement before signing anything.
3. Sam always speaks of his boss in glowing .
39. .....................................
1. I don‘t like the actress who plays the in that new television drama, though the
rest of the cast are good.
2. The Welsh team have just gone into the________after scoring twice in five minutes.
3. The from the presenter‘s laptop stretched right across the room and I was
afraid someone might trip over it.
40. .....................................
1. When you reach the beach,________towards the tall cliffs on the right.
2. The crowd cheered as David managed to _ the ball into the net in the last
minute of the game.
3. The people at the _ of the queue had been waiting outside the ticket office for
41. .....................................
1. You must try to________that irritating habit of biting your nails.
2. When on holiday, I enjoy listening to the waves as they _ along the shore.
3. After such a long, sweltering summer, I‘m longing for the weather to 3.
42. .....................................
1. Because of repairs being done to their own ground, the Rovers will have to _
somewhere else this season.
2. The children wanted to in the park some more, but their mother insisted they
got back.

3. Rachel tried to convince Alan to join forces with her, but he wouldn‘t .
43. .....................................
1. His latest novel centres on the uneasy relationship between the two countries at the
of the last century.
2. The last person I expected to up at our wedding was my ex-boyfriend!
3. I usually _ to my mother for help or advice: she‘s a better listener than my
44. .....................................
1. It‘s a good time to buy a television because prices are very at the moment.
2. They spoke in voices and I couldn‘t hear what they were saying.
3. Jessica seemed in very spirits last night, so I tried to cheer her up.
45. .....................................
1. Students are advised to keep their options and not to take the first offer of a
university place they get.
2. It is also important to find a doctor who is prepared to be frank and _ with you
and answer all your questions.
3. His interpretation is to criticism on two main grounds.
46. .....................................
1. The only aspect of the job I dislike is having to with customer complaints.
2. The group finally signed a with Sony and will be launching their first album
next year.
3. If you want to work in a casino, you need to be able to cards rapidly and
47. .....................................
1. You should your head as the entrance to the chapel is a bit small.
2. His wife hated it when he changed his too often. Sometimes he couldn‘t
decide on a single thing.
3. All the facts stuck in her..............Even after 20 years she could recall them easily.
48. .....................................
1. I tried hard to think of a solution to the problem, but unfortunately nothing to
2. When the fire alarm went off, we all _ out of our chairs and rushed out of the

3. As tourism increased, new hotels _ up all over the coast.
49. .....................................
1. The college is an educational with a very high reputation.
2. As a young man, he rebelled against the _ .
3. The local government have provided funding for the of a community centre.
50. .....................................
1. Zoos make a useful contribution to conservation, but animals are better off in their
2. Nick‘s got a________talent for music, and can play several instruments.
3. I don‘t like eating anything heavy in the evening, but prefer some yoghurt with honey.
1. .......................................
1. There has been a rather response to the advertisement that the company
placed in the local newspaper.
2. Although double-checking the customer database was a rather and time-
consuming process, a number of serious mistakes were uncovered as a result.
3. Jamie was _ to realise that he was fundamentally unsuited to the job he was
doing, and so hadn‘t been thinking of alternatives.
2. .......................................
1. Mr. Jones, the primary school headmaster, had to his remarks to the teaching
2. I was advised to _ my letter to the Editor in Chief.
3. I think we should try to the problem of truancy in schools.
3. .......................................
1. The use of wind power is still controversial but, in its________, we can say that it‘s a
renewable source of energy.
2. It soon became clear that what my neighbour really wanted was to ask me a .
3. Because of their effect on the environment, large cars have fallen out of in
some parts of the world.
4. .......................................
1. Harris was a wealthy collector of art.
2. She was a charming little girl, with________blonde hair tied up in pig-tails.

3. You are advised to carefully read the print before you sign.
5. .......................................
1. The director wore himself out trying to persuade the others that there were some fine
tragic in the rest of the cast list.
2. Some look-alike________are even being supplied in similar packaging to that used by
the industry leader.
3. Originating in Spain, merino sheep are now found in many of the world,
being well adapted to hot climates.
6. .......................................
1. We put on advertisement about a nursery school in the newspaper to the
2. That lecturer really does your powers of endurance, he is so boring.
3. This machine is designed to people‘s hearing.
7. .......................................
1. Contributions to the international charity appeal have one million dollars.
2. Eric over, picked up the photograph and realised he was looking at himself as
a small boy.
3. In the 1970s, Britain only had three TV channels and popular programmes often
an audience of over 20 million.
8. .......................................
1. It takes a long time to learn to play a musical instrument well and it‘s all too easy to
lose _.
2. The cottage is in the of the village, opposite the green.
3. I didn‘t have the________to tell him he would probably never be good enough to join
the team.
9. .......................................
1. Eric‘s constant interruptions during the meeting pushed my patience to the .
2. We classes to ten students so everyone can receive individual attention.
3. Parents should set a on the amount of television their children can watch.
10. .....................................
1. Michael‘s been up at school again according to his teacher.
2. If Elizabeth likes Tom so much, why is she hard to get?
3. If you get involved, you‘ll be with fire!

11. .....................................
1. A judge has to try to be in all his or her decisions.
2. This picture would be right for our bedroom.
3. I‘ll be with you in a moment.
12. .....................................
1. He used to be one of the top players in the world but he has now had a _ of 15
consecutive matches without a single victory.
2. Leaving college without completing the course may seem like a good idea now, but I
think you may come to regret it in the long .
3. The film is about someone who escapes from prison and goes on the .
13. .....................................
1. Transfixed by the gargantuan lizard, he gazed in terror at the television
2. Aware that his life depended on it, the young man dived from the _ cliff into
the water below.
3. black tights were all the rage when my mother was young.
14. .....................................
1. The gallery mainly in contemporary abstract paintings.
2. The new corporate tax has________a hard blow to many small businesses.
3. It was somebody in the distribution department that I with last time.
15. .....................................
1. By the age of five, children have a good of right and wrong.
2. In dogs, the_______of hearing is very highly developed.
3. It is not obvious to me in what this word is being used.
16. .....................................
1. The international exchange of ideas has been made easier by the of new
computer technologies.
2. Smoked fish can be mixed with butter to make a delicious________for toast.
3. In order to give their product wider publicity, the marketing department paid for a
two-page _ in a daily newspaper.
17. .....................................

1. Males have dark plumage and a golden crest covering head and , and utter a
call like a bull bellowing.
2. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives are about to pass a that
will deal a serious blow to the campaign.
3. I had a considerable amount of cash on me, but the _ came to a lot
18. .....................................
1. She _ the tray down on a table next to his bed.
2. The teacher _ the class some work to do.
3. The princess was given a necklace _ with diamonds and emeralds.
19. .....................................
1. The quickest way to get back to the hotel is to across the meadows.
2. The newspapers are predicting that the government is going to _ interest rates
next week.
3. As the play was in danger of being too long, the producer decided to part of
the second act.
20. .....................................
1. Our trip to the theme park wasn‘t that expensive as we had been given a coupon
which the children free of charge.
2. Maeve‘s feeling a bit upset because her mother‘s just been________to hospital.
3. After their third unsuccessful attempt to scale the north face of the mountain, the
climbers finally________defeat.
21. .....................................
1. Liz, you should hold your tongue. It‘s rude to your brother names. Nobody is
going to play with you if you persist in being so nasty.
2. She feels notoriously insecure in the company of her fellow employees as she thinks
they might_______her qualifications into question.
3. It‘s getting late and I‘m bushed. I can‘t work any longer. Let‘s it a day and
go home.
22. .....................................
1. The police _ the man with attempted burglary.
2. The taxi driver me ten Euros for taking me to the station.
3. Breaking the door down, the soldiers into the building.

23. .....................................
1. I‘ve got a _ reason for being so angry and I‘ll explain it to you.
2. You need a level of English for that job.
3. People were _ to me in every place I visited and helped me a lot.
24. .....................................
1. Despite the_______fog and his tiredness, he decided to continue driving.
2. He had such a accent that it was almost impossible to understand him.
3. The air in the office was with rumours about the manager‘s state of health.
25. .....................................
1. Buying books over the internet has changed the of the bookselling world
2. James laid the playing cards down on the table and stared hard at his
3. The climbers decided to tackle the more challenging south of the mountain.
26. .....................................
1. I can still remember the poems I learnt by at school.
2. An anti-capitalist demonstration took place in the of the business district of
the city.
3. My friend Paloma‘s was in her mouth when she was about to make her very
first parachute jump.
27. .....................................
1. I‘ve known Sheila for years, but I still find her of land.
2. I‘ve discovered that a _ ancestor of mine was related to Napoleon.
3. Could you pass me the control so that I can change the channel, please?
28. .....................................
1. They built a cottage on their little of land.
2. The play had too many characters and a confused _.
3. Guy Fawkes Night commemorates a to blow up Parliament.
29. .....................................
1. I don‘t know why she ever up with him in the first place. He was always
really horrible to her.

2. I their behaviour down to the weather. Children are often naughty when it‘s
3. I can‘t remember where I my glasses, but they must be here somewhere.
30. .....................................
1. We must repair the fence in the behind the farmhouse.
2. A strong magnetic can be created under certain scientific conditions.
3. The scientist is well known in the of medicine.
31. .....................................
1. She doesn‘t live next door to me, but a bit down the road, opposite the
2. If you need any________information, please don‘t hesitate to call me.
3. to our phone conversation of this morning, I am pleased to inform you that
your goods have now been dispatched.
32. .....................................
1. A serious injury during practice _ a severe blow to his chances of retaining the
championship for the third year in succession.
2. Rhonda often with Japanese businessmen when she worked for Microsoft, so
I think she would be useful in the meeting.
3. Frank the cards, and another round began.
33. .....................................
1. Adrienne has problems buying comfortable shoes due to her feet.
2. The soda we were served was , so we complained to the barman.
3. This phone company charges a rate of 40 p per minute for all calls to the US.
34. .....................................
1. Children can be very difficult at the age of two, but it‘s just a developmental
they go through.
2. Negotiations between the two companies are at a crucial _ and a decision is
expected later today.
3. The mayor‘s opening speech set the for the programme of events to celebrate
the village‘s 800th anniversary.
35. .....................................
1. I wish she would turn down the on the TV as the noise is disturbing me.
2. one deals with European history up to 1500 AD.

3. Dough should be left to rise until its doubles.
36. .....................................
1. The majestic_______in the distance was none other than Mount Everest.
2. Stephen is in the fifth and he is going to do A Levels next year.
3. The government will have to enact some of wages policy if it wants to beat
37. .....................................
1. Nobody was willing to the unpleasant task.
2. We expect the horse to well at the race on Sunday.
3. The clutch, brakes and gears each _ a different function.
38. .....................................
1. She received a(n) prior to submitting the first chapter of her article.
2. The obstacles are intended to block the _ of offensive weaponry.
3. A computerised booking system will be a(n) _ on the current situation.
39. .....................................
1. Studying abroad didn‘t up to my expectations.
2. You have to _ life to the full every single day.
3. It wasn‘t a pleasant experience, but I suppose we and learn.
40. .....................................
1. You‘ve been crying; what‘s the ?
2. It is not so much a of justice being done as of its being seen to be done.
3. I‘m taking these magazines so as to have plenty of reading for the train
41. .....................................
1. Prices seem to have __ up in the last few months, while salaries have remained
relatively stable.
2. The story is set in Paris, but most of the film was on location in Palm Springs.
3. On realising his silly mistake, he out of the room to try and catch up with her
and apologise.
42. .....................................
1. We‘re going to tear them to shreds in the court. Their evidence is pretty .

2. Don‘t you think you should this soup with a bit of water? It would taste
3. You‘d better not mess up with the Russian mafia. I think you‘re treading on
43. .....................................
1. He put the washed vegetables on a chopping _ .
2. I dived off the top today, Dad.
3. It‘s a shame to let the scheme for a new sports centre go by the _.
44. .....................................
1. After such a________meal, the Prescotts thought it better to go for a walk.
2. The_______bracelet was engraved with flowers and leaves.
3. Reports have been coming in of traffic on all routes leading out of the city.
45. .....................................
1. I think it‘s to say that not everyone in the boardroom agreed with the
decision about the site of the new factory.
2. Rita complained that it was not that she had a smaller company car than her
3. My husband looks nothing like his brothers and sisters because he is so .
46. .....................................
1. Her lawyer insisted she was the victim of a concocted by her ex-husband and
his brother.
2. With its stylistic inconsistencies and the many credibility gaps in the , this
book is a huge disappointment.
3. Sow lettuce and spinach on the vegetable in early March, for cutting in May
and June.
47. .....................................
1. It is_______to see why the presenter is so popular — he‘s such a lively person.
2. Although the local people speak with an accent, it is enough for visitors to
3. Tom‘s grandmother hadn‘t had an life, but she‘d always had a very positive
48. .....................................

1. Local fishermen say that the average __ nowadays is three times smaller than
ten years ago.
2. We could not close the window properly because the was rusty.
3. The salesman sounded convincing, but I could sense that there was a _
49. .....................................
1. I wish you‘d stop interfering in matters that don‘t you.
2. The poor state of his health is beginning to his family and friends.
3. The report will the impact of technology on our society in the 1990s.
50. .....................................
1. Paul Smith has always been totally _ to helping others less fortunate than
2. Anna‘s absolutely to her career as a surgeon; nothing else is really important
to her.
3. The singer George Andrew has several of his most recent songs to his wife.
1. .......................................
1. Police were warning people to stay _ of the area last night.
2. The Prime Minister has made it _ that he will contest the next election as
leader of his party.
3. There was a majority in favour of strike action.
2. .......................................
1. Tom and Anna have reached the in their relationship where they feel ready to
make a commitment to each other.
2. The planning of the summer sports event has reached a critical , and certain
financial decisions cannot be postponed any further.
3. Negotiations to buy the building have reached an advanced and an
announcement is expected shortly, which will reveal the identity of its new owners.
3. .......................................
1. Tom was unable to sit his exams as he was up with a bad bout of flu.
2. The government minister has himself open to criticism by his careless and
prejudiced remarks.
3. My English teacher always great stress on correct pronunciation.

4. .......................................
1. Gerry was seen as a computer wizard, capable of debugging convoluted in
his sleep.
2. It was as if the speaker‘s words contained a concealed that only we were
picking up.
3. Remember to dial the area if you‘re phoning from outside Nottingham.
5. .......................................
1. The Smiths have been living a to mouth existence since he lost his job.
2. He no longer competes in tournaments, but he keeps his________in by playing regular
games with friends.
3. I don‘t have a pen to __ at the moment, so I‘ll call you back later from the office
to get the address.
6. .......................................
1. My grandmother‘s face is lined with and the hardships she has had to endure.
2. It‘s been an since we last saw each other.
3. Some people believe that the of chivalry has come and gone.
7. .......................................
1. The young mother the baby in her arms until he was fast asleep.
2. A huge explosion Waverley station this morning, and several people are
reported to have been injured.
3. The shocking revelations about the actress the British show business world.
8. .......................................
1. The censors cut one particular from the film before it was released.
2. I‘d rather go to the cinema; I‘m afraid opera isn‘t my .
3. We couldn‘t get to sleep because we could hear the neighbours making a .
9. .......................................
1. The course will________all of Lawrence Durrell‘s poetry, including some poems that
were never published.
2. By including this condition in the contract, the company tried to itself against
3. When Fred goes on holiday in July, Judith will stay behind to for him.
10. .....................................

1. They expected the traffic to out after the rush hour so necessary road repairs
could be made without causing a lot of inconvenience.
2. Radio stations are on the ground in all the countries where democracy is
almost non-existent.
3. Turning round, she gave him a smile that betrayed a streak of insincerity.
11. .....................................
1. Though the offender clean all the information stored on his hard drive,
experts managed to retrieve some important files.
2. The student, asked by the teacher, took the orange sponge and _ the board
3. Dozens of small villages strewn along the coast were out by the tsunami.
12. .....................................
1. They heard the news of their wrecked holiday plans with________hearts.
2. For anyone convicted of such a crime, there is a penalty.
3. Simon is convinced he will be able to carry that rucksack all the way.
13. .....................................
1. There‘s a in the text at this point, so the meaning is far from clear.
2. After a period of unemployment, the actor had a lucky and got the starring
role in a big musical.
3. During the meeting, there was a in the proceedings while the votes were
14. .....................................
1. The_______of land was too near the river to be safe to build a house on.
2. Police discovered the _ to overthrow the government.
3. Critics raved about the film but I thought the _ was weak and unconvincing.
15. .....................................
1. Nick is such a passionate supporter of his team that ho simply can‘t it when
they lose.
2. Before you take such radical action in mind how terrible the consequences
might be.
3. From this photograph, I can see that you some resemblance to your
16. .....................................

1. The lake is rather this winter - we need more rain.
2. The critics seem to have a pretty opinion of his acting skills.
3. The manager‘s personal assistant came in to the meeting and spoke to him in a
17. .....................................
1. There is a(n) _ invitation for the trade unions to take part in the negotiations,
but they have chosen to ignore it.
2. Most universities have days in May, so that prospective students and their
families can visit and find out more about the institution.
3. Never leave children under alone in a room with a(n) fire.
18. .....................................
1. They the monument to the memory of the soldiers who died in the war.
2. The doctor his life to finding a cure for this fatal disease.
3. She _ the song to her husband, who had helped her through all the difficult
19. .....................................
1. Ann is always gossiping about other people - I wish she‘d________her own business.
2. your head when you go through this doorway, it‘s rather low for someone tall.
3. Colin earns an absolute fortune in his job - you, he has to work extremely
hard for it.
20. .....................................
1. You needn‘t take the pot out of its in order to water it.
2. The government is taking a firm _ on the issue.
3. The witness was asked to take the witness and testify under oath.
21. .....................................
1. After a brief , the shares dropped back to 165 p.
2. Thousands of people attended the _ in the park for World Environment Day.
3. The crowd gasped at the amazing shots of the tennis players during the long .
22. .....................................
1. How much_______do you intend to give of these timetabling changes?
2. I knew he would take no until he‘d checked police and security records.
3. After a week, Maria handed in her and booked a flight to Valencia.

23. .....................................
1. Adults are supposed to be learners in comparison to children.
2. I forgot that my watch was fifteen minutes so I arrived late for the interview.
3. The first part of the film is terribly and my wife actually fell asleep at one
25. .....................................
1. Adrian‘s the kind of person who likes to plan and decide how to spend each
day of his holiday.
2. Most people believe a good education will enable their children to get in life.
3. If you look to your left, you should be able to see our hotel straight by the
25. .....................................
1. The thing I like about our boss is that he never shows to anyone - he treats us
all the same.
2. If our clients want to postpone the meeting, the delay might actually work in our
3. Thanks for answering my calls this morning - I owe you a _.
26. .....................................
1. I felt when I got up this morning but I don‘t feel too good now.
2. There is a _ line between perfectionism and obsession.
3. If you want to change our arrangement, that‘s with me.
27. .....................................
1. The mountain is usually blocked by snow between March and December.
2. You cannot get into the military zone without a security _ .
3. Rovers‘ captain sent a fantastic between two defenders to set up a scoring
chance for the striker.
28. .....................................
1. Mark still looks handsome at 57, although his hair has gone a bit .
2. He returned home from the hospital looking painfully .
3. He sat down to his meagre dinner, a soup made from two tomatoes and an
29. .....................................

1. With only minutes to go the Brazilian Formula One driver is in the _ .
2. Do you know who is playing the _ in that new Broadway musical about
3. We always wait for the conductor of the orchestra to give us the .
30. .....................................
1. News of their defeat was delayed for over three hours.
2. Her head swayed like a and exotic flower on a delicate stalk.
3. It was with a heart that I said goodbye to George at the station.
31. .....................................
1. Despite being in her fifties, Jocelyn has hardly a on her face.
2. The patient of people waiting in the queue at the bank shuffled slowly
3. A tree had fallen across the railway in the storm, making train cancellations
32. .....................................
1. I was on the of booking my flight when my boss said that I might have to
change my holiday dates.
2. As the meeting drew to a close, the chairperson moved on to the final on the
3. They couldn‘t see the of getting to the airport too early, as the check-in desk
only opened one hour before the flight departed.
33. .....................................
1. In the very first year of operation, the company _ over £100,000 each month.
2. I thought he would have no head for business but he‘s out to be rather good
at running his own company.
3. The first two or three years were hard but I think the business has _ the comer
34. .....................................
1. I had to the entire business when the manager became ill.
2. Two rivers down the mountain and feed the lake below.
3. We need to through the song one more time before we record it.
35. .....................................
1. Working during the summer was a good opportunity to some experience.

2. Opposition parties have started to ground on the government in the polls.
3. Stock markets tend to _ when central banks reduce interest rates.
36. .....................................
1. The live in a log cabin in the forest.
2. The father was so in thought that he didn‘t even notice the children had come.
3. He took a _ breath before beginning to recite the poem.
37. .....................................
1. My boss is extremely efficient, but unfortunately she‘s not always very________to
other people‘s worries.
2. In the play, James Collard gave a _ portrayal of the artist as a young man.
3. My brother was always an extremely _ child, and we had to be very careful
what we said to him.
38. .....................................
1. I can‘t being with Julio when he‘s in a bad mood.
2. The fans said they would outside the stage door until the band appeared.
3. Do you think Sam will be able to _ the suspense of waiting for his present?
39. .....................................
1. The match was a more contest than many had predicted.
2. We can‘t lay the tiles until the floor is .
3. He‘s determined to get for the trick she played on him.
40. .....................................
1. The date for the opening of the new museum has been for next September.
2. A research project has been the task of investigating whether time travel
already exists.
3. Beverley had _ out at dawn, determined to find the archaeological site before
41. .....................................
1. I must have upset her, as she usually chats happily to me, but today she me
dead when we met in the street.
2. Don‘t a lot, please; it‘s just a trim that I want.
3. He was so enraged by his nephew‘s behaviour that he him off without a

42. .....................................
1. My neighbour is 96 but is still able to walk without the of a stick.
2. The electronic whiteboard is a wonderful new learning for use in the
3. Flights carrying donated by charity organisations are now arriving in the
areas affected by drought every day.
43. .....................................
1. While I understand his frustration, I think there was no _ for such rudeness.
2. The referee made a particularly dubious _ towards the end of the match.
3. The manager had to leave the meeting due to the urgent _ from the chairman.
44. .....................................
1. The_______of blood around the body was discovered by Harvey.
2. of this document should be limited to as few people as possible.
3. Rumours and their should be avoided.
45. .....................................
1. After taking the medicine, it‘s recommended that you wait a hour before
2. It was gratifying that a number of people turned up for the director‘s farewell
3. intentions are all very well, but it‘s action that‘s required.
46. .....................................
1. That student is exceedingly good at up ingenious excuses for not having done
her homework.
2. I‘m still over their offer of a place at university as I‘m not sure if it‘s what I
really want to do next.
3. Don‘t talk to me at the moment; I‘m _ out the best way to get to my classes
tomorrow with all the trains on strike.
47. .....................................
1. All right. I have no reason to distrust you. I‘ll take the report as .
2. The publication is certainly a good and its contents are so upbuilding and
3. Posing as a man who was to the gas meter, the agent bugged the living room.
48. .....................................

1. If you have a back problem, you should avoid doing any work.
2. I never sleep well after having a really meal.
3. The traffic is very _ today and a lot of people were late for work.
49. .....................................
1. There‘s a chance that she‘s still in her office, although she did say she was
going out for lunch.
2. Alicia has a small cottage on a island off the coast of Scotland.
3. He was a cold, person, who was difficult to talk to, let alone get close to!
50. .....................................
1. There was no going back. Finally, it occurred to them that they‘d reached the
of no return.
2. She is a real glutton for punishment. She always works out to the of total
3. I‘d like to _ out that this theory lacks scientific evidence to support it.
1. .......................................
1. We are both birdwatchers and spend most weekends in the country.
2. Even though she left the area many years ago, she still has a interest in what
goes on here.
3. He is a professional photographer with a _ eye for detail.
2. .......................................
1. Stephen‘s father is a famous doctor in the of medicine.
2. We walked through the as the summer sun shone down on us.
3. The sports is flooded and it must be drained before the next match.
3. .......................................
1. Heather wore an elegant dress of silk to the ceremony.
2. Everything we‘ve done today has been waste of time.
3. As an experienced climber, he was not put off by the _ rock face looming
before him.
4. .......................................
1. They were in such _ discussion, they didn‘t see me leave.
2. Don‘t go swimming there, it‘s very _ and there are strong currents!

3. Love is a _ emotion that can last for years and years.
5. .......................................
1. The local buses charge a fare of 70p to the town centre.
2. Jeff‘s demand for a meeting with management was met with a________refusal.
3. My car battery‘s completely________because I must have left the lights on all night.
6. .......................................
1. I‘d make a very poor nurse as I can‘t the sight of blood.
2. Please don‘t________on ceremony, just help yourselves to anything you want to drink.
3. The letters GB on the back of a car for Great Britain.
7. .......................................
1. The builders have still not sent us their _ _.
2. The education is controversial but is expected to be approved by a majority.
3. What was the most noticeable about the bird I saw was its bright orange .
8. .......................................
1. Make sure you present your information in the right when writing a letter of
2. To run for the team, simply complete the below and send it in by April 13.
3. At least he is in good _ again.
9. .......................................
1. If you wait outside the building at six o‘clock. I‘ll________you up in the car.
2. He obviously wanted to a fight with me but I refused to react to his
aggressive behaviour.
3. Most fans regarded him as one of the best players in the country and were astonished
when the selectors didn‘t him for the national team.
10. .....................................
1. The colourful decorations gave the office a festive________for once.
2. The minute I walked into the room I could feel the excitement in the _ .
3. According to the latest news, food parcels are being distributed by .
11. .....................................
1. They put a stronger on the gate to stop their dog from getting out.
2. A on a canal regulates the flow of water.
3. Helen blew back a stray _ of hair.

12. .....................................
1. If it‘s only a of a few pence, it hardly seems worth asking for your money
2. I‘d like to have a word with you sometime, about a personal .
3. Household rubbish, including paper, glass, plastic and organic should be
sorted into separate categories.
13. .....................................
1. Audiences prefer to see films in exotic locations.
2. Their new single _ to the top of the charts.
3. A spasm of pain _ _ down his arm.
14. .....................................
1. As we boarded the ship, the occurred to me that I would probably never
return to my country or see my family again.
2. Some people take risks while they‘re driving, with no for the safety of other
3. We over the offer very carefully and after a week or so we decided to accept.
15. .....................................
1. The most expensive hotels are those which the sea.
2. As an actor he had to _ criticism from the press on a regular basis.
3. Cristina found it hard to the fact that her marriage was over.
16. .....................................
1. rain has caused damage to delicate crops.
2. The environment was transformed with the introduction of industry to the
3. The man‘s accent suggested he was from the north.
17. .....................................
1. Although not professionally trained, Damian can produce a technical drawing with a
degree of precision.
2. Cindy thought it really wasn‘t of her boss to blame her for all the mistakes in
the document.
3. In common with most of her family, Glenda has very skin.
18. .....................................

1. The speaker didn‘t deal satisfactorily with the I raised at the meeting.
2. Janet could see no in trying to explain; they would never understand.
3. There will have to be a meeting at some _ ; it‘s just difficult to say when.
19. .....................................
1. I don‘t know how Anne up with him for so long!
2. Critics his bad performance down to exhaustion.
3. They‘re going to _ someone in charge whilst the principal is away.
20. .....................................
1. Dangerous drivers do not have the slightest for anyone else on the road.
2. Some of our staff have expressed _ over the poor lighting in the office.
3. My personal life doesn‘t you so please stop asking me about it.
21. .....................................
1. A member of the rescue team suffered a cut to his hand.
2. The_______roaring sound of the ocean was never far away.
3. Laura was _ in thought and didn‘t hear the teacher call her name.
22. .....................................
1. This is the first time since leaving school that I‘ve been of debt.
2. I am still not where everyone she‘s invited is going to stay.
3. After deducting all the expenses, we were left with a profit of £400.
23. .....................................
1. The result should , even though there were some refereeing irregularities.
2. We don‘t _ much of a chance if they are able to field a full-strength side.
3. I doubt whether he‘ll _ for re-election after this disappointment.
24. .....................................
1. Dr. Saunders was completely overwhelmed by the _ of work she faced every
2. If you turn the up any more, well get complaints from the neighbours.
3. The writer‘s second of short stories has been well received by critics, though
sales are disappointing.
25. .....................................
1. The organisation has a strict________of practice, and employees must make sure they
adhere to it.

2. I would like to make a phone call, but I don‘t know the international _ for
3. I couldn‘t read the message because it was written in some kind of .
26. .....................................
1. As the musicians left the stage, the audience gave them a big .
2. She had a _ in organising this conference, so thanks must go out to her.
3. They still had some time before they needed to go to the airport, so they played
another of whist.
27. .....................................
1. The travel agent says we should an extra hour for our journey in case of
2. The owners of the estate do not fishing in the lake.
3. How much pocket money does Boris his children each week?
28. .....................................
1. Could you give me a very idea of what the building work would cost?
2. It was an extremely crossing and everyone on board the little ferry felt
3. Thomas grew up in a rather________part of Melchester and had some dubious friends.
29. .....................................
1. The opening _ of the film made a real impression on me, and from that
moment on I was completely engrossed in it.
2. Police Inspector Davies always liked to revisit the________of the crime several times.
3. Flavia‘s daughter is really spoilt and creates an embarrassing if she doesn‘t
get exactly what she wants.
30. .....................................
1. Could you_______for me and answer the phone while I‘m out of the office?
2. The book has an unimaginative which does not make you want to pick it up.
3. The detectives were working under to expose the gang leader.
31. .....................................
1. Celia and Dan are going to________a party at the weekend.
2. The police hope the investigation will some light on what happened that

3. I wouldn‘t trust that man as far as I could _ him.
32. .....................................
1. An interim uniting all four committees has just been formed and will meet
for the first time next month.
2. Although it has a black and thin black legs, the waitress swears that the fly is
a mushroom root and is reluctant to replace the meal.
3. An increasing _ of evidence points to a definite link with the contaminated
water supply.
33. .....................................
1. Although it was a warm day, she was wearing a winter coat.
2. I have a schedule next week, so I won‘t be able to go out with you.
3. He wasn‘t used to doing such physical work and got blisters on his hands.
34. .....................................
1. I don‘t want to be the one who has the news.
2. We‘ll aim to _ for lunch around 1.30.
3. The safety harness will your fall.
35. .....................................
1. I really don‘t think that he‘s understood the of the exercise.
2. You should make a of being nice to her as you were so rude the last time.
3. I can‘t see any in pursuing the matter further - we‘re wasting our time.
36. .....................................
1. They say the new minister is a lovely person and very to talk to.
2. My neighbours have not had a very________life, but they always seem cheerful.
3. It‘s_______enough to see why the town is popular with tourists.
37. .....................................
1. I‘m sorry, I didn‘t what you said - could you repeat it, please?
2. They tried as hard as they could, but didn‘t manage to up with Susie and her
3. As she sorted out the children‘s clothes, she would sometimes_________herself
wishing she was somewhere else entirely.
38. .....................................
1. Fiona was quite_______about her reasons for resigning.

2. I am _ to suggestions as to what is the best way to proceed.
3. There are few career opportunities to school leavers without qualifications.
39. .....................................
1. The twins were in the taxi which was taking their mother to the hospital.
2. Tom and Jessica couldn‘t understand why the pizza was by the owner of the
restaurant where they usually went every Friday.
3. The speech was __ at the last minute by the vice-president as the president had
had to go abroad unexpectedly.
40. .....................................
1. Chloe realised that it was pointless arguing with her boss any further because they
were clearly not of the same on the issue.
2. The good thing about having such a close friend is that I can almost read his
and never have to ask him what he thinks.
3. The fact that he‘d offended Tania had been on Terry‘s for some time.
41. .....................................
1. If you would aside for a moment, the president is about to come through.
2. I can_______about five minutes in the sauna, but after that I have to get out.
3. For the poem to a chance of winning the competition, it should be on a
subject that interests the judges.
42. .....................................
1. When they arrived in the banqueting hall, they found a wonderful feast________out in
front of them.
2. She_______her hand on my arm to stop me going further.
3. The workmen had barely _ the foundations for the building when the project
ran out of money.
43. .....................................
1. We saw a _ next to the gate that said the land was private property.
2. Unfortunately, nobody takes any of warnings to slow down, so there are
often accidents here.
3. The boss has given me a month‘s but where I am I supposed to find a new
job in just four weeks?
44. .....................................

1. Petunia was from a poor Shropshire family, from a less _ background than
2. If the Opposition were , they would stop being so abusive.
3. The European market will get through 320 million of the embedded microprocessor
45. .....................................
1. Look at the situation from every _ before you make a decision.
2. The picture was hanging at a peculiar so I straightened it.
3. The photographer took this shot from an unusual .
46. .....................................
1. The many coloured illustrations and diagrams are a particular of this
2. Kathy‘s first job as a journalist was to write a about hairdressing for a local
3. His intense blue eyes are his most striking physical _.
47. .....................................
1. The restaurant was once famous for its food and wine before it started
serving burgers.
2. We walked on through the rain, slowly but surely becoming soaking wet.
3. Despite his long flight, Eric said he felt________and would be present at the meeting.
48. .....................................
1. Any side effect is only temporary and win soon .
2. He won‘t get past the door - there‘s no way he could for an eighteen-year-old.
3. How could she up such a wonderful opportunity to make some money?
49. .....................................
1. Several tons of cargo had to be overboard to prevent the ship from sinking.
2. I was completely _ by my boss‘s negative comments on my work.
3. The passengers were _ violently forward when the bus unexpectedly jerked to
a halt.
50. .....................................
1. Katerina must have reached New York by now, but there‘s been no from her

2. Give me your that you won‘t forget to look me up when you next visit
3. When you see the boss, put in a good for me as I‘m hoping for a pay rise.
1. .......................................
1. A general election will be next month.
2. Three men have been _ for questioning about the robbery.
3. Visitors are _ responsible for any damage caused.
2. .......................................
1. Any new decisions the committee takes must be in with previous policy.
2. If Simon is going to take that , I don‘t think he will persuade anyone.
3. George reached the edge of the field and caught sight of a __ of trees in the
3. .......................................
1. Under the new law, cigarettes can only be advertised at the________of sale.
2. Please, hurry up and get to the------------I‘m leaving in five minutes!
3. It‘s often hard to grasp the Ben‘s trying to make - he never thinks before he
4. .......................................
1. After such a harsh winter, the trees may_______far less fruit than usual.
2. I can‘t having to wait so long for my exam results - it seems so unnecessary.
3. He had such an emotionally exhausting time last year - he must still some
5. .......................................
1. The two contenders in the forthcoming election were female.
2. The_______difference between African and Indian elephants is the size of their ears.
3. His imaginative________course won him the cookery competition.
6. .......................................
1. Leave your key with a neighbour in case anyone needs to _ access to your
home whilst you‘re away.
2. Professor Peters says that you can _ great insight into human nature by
studying people as they wait in queues.

3. I tried hard to convince James that he had nothing to by upsetting his
employers, but he is very stubborn and took no notice of me.
7. .......................................
1. It is only possible to dive safely from the _ end of the pool.
2. Sally was nervous as she walked onto the stage, but she took a breath and
began to sing.
3. You‘ll get into trouble if you get caught.
8. .......................................
1. Sue has developed a range of cosmetics designed for people with skin.
2. The missing laptop is thought to contain highly information about the
company‘s business dealings.
3. Fred‘s got a large bandage on his little finger and feels very _ about it because
he thinks it looks silly.
9. .......................................
1. They to lose a lot of money if they are forced to close down their business.
2. He has treated me very badly for a long time and I think that the time has now come
for me to _ up to him.
3. Wendy is extremely selfish and she can‘t _ it when she doesn‘t get her own
10. .....................................
1. The restaurant out of fish quite early on in the evening.
2. The boat into a storm as it neared the French coast.
3. Mrs. Benson the company single-handed after her husband‘s death.
11. .....................................
1. Tom and Angela were disappointed not to receive a _ of cutlery as wedding
2. The college is drawing up a of rules regarding the use of the computer
facilities in the library.
3. Elsa has been collecting Star Wars figurines for 12 years, and needs one more rare
figure to complete the .
12. .....................................
1. The Department of Education have pledged to class sizes to 25 by next year.
2. On his way home, Peter across the cornfield, ignoring the farmer‘s warnings.

3. I am trying to sugar and milk out of my diet completely.
13. .....................................
1. We need an to the pressing problem.
2. Robbie wrote the best in the history test.
3. Without waiting for their , she left the room.
14. .....................................
1. The pop star has decided to _ a press conference so that she can put an end to
rumours regarding her impending marriage.
2. If you need a lift, I could in on my way to the party.
3. After the heavy rain of last week, it was decided to off this year‘s garden
15. .....................................
1. During the scandal, the newspaper's figures were higher than ever.
2. Cold feet and hands can be caused by poor .
3. Fake fifty pound notes have been found in in some areas of the country.
16. .....................................
1. The young woman moved with _ and elegance.
2. He was only given a couple of days‘ to move out of his flat.
3. Even though he is not a religious man he insists on saying________before he eats.
17. .....................................
1. There was no family _ between us; she just brought me up.
2. Although both teams badly needed a win, the match ended in a .
3. She removed her and unbuttoned her collar as soon as she was out of the
school gates.
18. .....................................
1. The salesman________the customer to believe that the car had had only one previous
2. A narrow path through the wood _ all the way to the back of the hotel.
3. The former soldier found civilian life boring as he had such an exciting life
in the army.
19. .....................................
1. The company its awards ceremony in March last year.

2. John the ladder firmly while his father painted the window frame.
3. The file that was destroyed _ some extremely important information.
20. .....................................
1. The two boys were sent home from school but told to back the next morning.
2. The journalist was asked to________on what had happened the previous night.
3. My brother seemed unwilling to the damage done to his car to the police.
21. .....................................
1. I can‘t see the________of all this paperwork, can you?
2. I was so frustrated that I was on the _ of giving up, but my piano teacher
persuaded me to keep on practising.
3. Now, let‘s move on to the final for discussion at this meeting.
22. .....................................
1. Unfortunately, our request for a loan was down by the bank.
2. We‘ve really_______a corner and things will improve, I‘m sure.
3. Having professional, she made considerable money from athletics.
23. .....................................
1. After a of bad luck, things began to change for the company.
2. Marta knew the training programme would be difficult but she decided that it would
be worth it in the long .
3. Stephan had been working in the office all day and decided that a in the fresh
air would do him good.
24. .....................................
1. The emu‘s egg is unmistakable because of its bright green _.
2. During yesterday‘s fighting, a(n) landed in the city centre, seriously injuring
two people.
3. The house was just a __--------the whole of the interior had been burnt to a cinder.
25. .....................................
1. The_______fog caused a six mile tailback on the motorway.
2. A metal such as lead is used as ballast.
3. By calling him the teacher deeply upset Joe.
26. .....................................
1. Returning to work after such a great summer left me feeling a bit _ .

2. He seemed a little embarrassed when his joke fell .
3. He got a refusal to his request for a few extra days off.
27. .....................................
1. Olga told Mario to still while she took his photograph.
2. When finished, the modernist sculpture will _ in the town‘s main square.
3. I can‘t the way Phil keeps interrupting me when I‘m trying to explain
28. .....................................
1. Many people fail to recognise that the mind needs regular just like any other
part of the body.
2. Trying to get every member of staff to take their holiday at a different time was a
very frustrating .
3. Every in the book is designed to build up your reasoning skills.
29. .....................................
1. We need to agree on what of punishment is appropriate in this case.
2. A strange _ suddenly appeared out of the fog and began to walk towards them.
3. Please hand in the completed to the receptionist before you see the doctor.
30. .....................................
1. The newspaper reporter was urged to the story with sensitivity.
2. Customers are requested not to the goods on display,
3. The manager couldn‘t the pressure and was forced to resign.
31. .....................................
1. She showed me a computer which might _ my particular needs.
2. Police are interviewing a man who is said to _ the description of the attacker.
3. Does anyone to the name of Devian?
32. .....................................
1. We didn‘t like the _ of the hotel as it was rather dark and gloomy.
2. It doesn‘t _ as if we‘ll get a break from the rain today.
3. I have no respect for people who _ down on others with less money.
33. .....................................
1. According to the media, it‘s just a _ of time before an epidemic hits Europe.
2. She looked so low that I asked what the _ _ was, but she assured me she was fine.

3. He had a huge pile of reading to get through in preparation for his exam.
34. .....................................
1. Tom seems to have a chip on his________about his lack of education.
2. It was marvellous how everyone put their __ to the wheel and helped to repair
the damage after the storm.
3. Belinda never speaks to me now that she‘s back with her boyfriend and doesn‘t need
a to cry on any more.
35. .....................................
1. I have a feeling we have made the wrong decision but only will tell.
2. The police arrived in the nick of to prevent the robbery.
3. Now‘s a fine to tell me that you are going to be an hour late!
36. .....................................
1. By the age of 25, Harry had________all of his childhood ambitions.
2. I woke up yesterday to find that my worst fears had been .
3. When I finally met Gillian I________how mistaken I had been about her.
37. .....................................
1. She screamed for and luckily someone heard her through such a difficult
2. Thanks for all your through such a difficult time.
3. Practical is offered through our accommodation service to new students.
38. .....................................
1. This week‘s weather will be mostly _ with temperatures about average for the
time of year.
2. I think it‘s only________to say that the accident was completely my own fault and the
other driver was in no way to blame.
3. The rest of Gwenda‘s family live a _ distance away from her, so she doesn‘t
get to see them very often.
39. .....................................
1. Eric was on the of resigning from the club, when she was unexpectedly
offered the role of Treasurer.
2. Michael had made a of contacting all of his team mates personally to explain
why he would be missing the important match.

3. As they had numbered seats, Diane couldn‘t see the of getting to the concert
hall an hour before the performance was due to start.
40. .....................................
1. The company‘s profits have been affected by increasingly competition from
its nearest rivals.
2. The police use ―sniffer‖ dogs to find hidden drugs, because these animals have an
amazingly sense of smell.
3. She never misses a chance to flatter the senior executives; she‘s obviously very
to get promotion.
41. .....................................
1. After years of study, Matthew is a recognised authority in his .
2. The horses were put out to grass in the nearest the house.
3. Some animals‘ eyes are formed so as to give them an extremely wide of
42. .....................................
1. What I do in my free time is not your .
2. The extent of public _ about the outbreak was testified to by the number of
phone calls placed to hospitals.
3. I am disappointed that he has shown so little _ for staff feelings on the matter.
43. .....................................
1. I suspected that the confusion may have occurred by .
2. The new model has several features that are an improvement on the previous
3. The vase was decorated with a pretty floral _ .
44. .....................................
1. The water is very which makes it ideal for snorkelling.
2. He explained to me rather hurriedly, so I still don‘t have a picture of what he
3. The corridors have to be kept of clutter in case of fire.
45. .....................................
1. What makes Jim________out in a crowd is his long, blond hair.
2. We have to together and fight this!
3. Is he going to for election this year?

46. .....................................
1. I‘m still very about John. I don‘t understand why he treated me so badly.
2. This coffee tastes terribly - is it a new brand?
3. You‘d better take a warm coat if you‘re going out, there‘s a _ wind.
47. .....................................
1. As a result of heavy traffic, they arrived two hours late for the special family dinner
and got a very reception.
2. Everyone else emerged from the cinema raving about the film, but it left me .
3. I find my new boss extremely _ as a personality; she rarely expresses her
48. .....................................
1. The children were surprised to hear the tree branch________as they sat down on it.
2. Barry realised that he needed to _ out of his despondent mood if he was going
to have any chance of getting a job.
3. ―I think you‘d better go back to bed if all you can do is _ at me the first thing in
the morning!‖ Amy‘s mother said.
49. .....................................
1. Yesterday morning, the Prime Minister made his first public _ since the
2. You should never judge people by their _.
3. The Winslow family gave every of being rich.
50. .....................................
1. The texture of this fabric is quite to the touch.
2. Many passengers were ill, since the sea was quite during the crossing.
3. The architect produced a sketch of his plans for the new houses.
21. .....................................
1. It was the ugliest _ I have ever witnessed at a sporting event.
2. You‘re going to really embarrass me if you make a _ about the food in a
restaurant like this.
3. The emergency services were on the within minutes of my phone call.
2. .......................................

1. There was a loud when I stupidly stood on my sunglasses.
2. That was a nasty _ you told about your boss, and it wasn‘t even funny.
3. A large appeared in the wall from floor to ceiling after the earthquake.
3. .......................................
1. I work freelance because working in an office me down to a routine, which I
2. Eileen her hair back in a ponytail to keep it off her face.
3. Jack‘s description of the driver in with that given by the other witness.
4. .......................................
1. The worst thing you could have done was to make him lose _ in front of his
2. The July‘s decision flies in the of all the evidence.
3. She laid the tarot cards up on the table in the shape of a cross.
5. .......................................
1. The country‘s birth rate was studied by a group of demographers.
2. The hotel staff prepared the accommodation for the coming season.
3. Amanda was held in esteem for having landed the advertising account.
6. .......................................
1. As soon as the policeman had turned his back, the prisoner made a for
2. We‘ll be back with you for round three of the competition after a short for
the commercials.
3. Gail and I have decided to make a clean and no longer see each other at all.
7 ........................................
1. I was on the of booking my foreign holiday when I heard that my cousins
from Australia were coming to England, so I changed my plans.
2. The issue of the work canteen was seen by many employees as the most important
on the agenda for the meeting with the management.
3. Naomi couldn‘t see the of double-checking her spelling in a dictionary when
she had a spell-checker on her computer.
8. .......................................
1. I think she‘s now working in a restaurant in the Chinese _ of the town.

2. You‘re lucky to have such a big office; mine‘s about a _ the size of yours.
3. The company‘s results are expected to improve in the final _ of this year.
9. .......................................
1. I suddenly myself feeling sorry for the girl who had stolen my wallet.
2. The doctor spoke very quickly but I most of what he said.
3. Jane was really annoyed when she________her brand new coat on a nail.
10. .....................................
1. I‘d like to _ this meeting by welcoming our guest speaker.
2. It is a generalization that women tend to be more to new ideas than men.
3. Private health care is not an option that is to any people.
11. .....................................
1. They want to the land and have submitted plans for a housing estate.
2. We hope to these ideas in a further seminar.
3. Scientists hope to new drugs to treat the diseases of old age.
12. .....................................
1. The man shouted at us to out as he ran down the street towards us.
2. I wouldn‘t him staying if he agreed to do some of the housework.
3. Can _ the children for me while I go to the dentist‘s?
13. .....................................
1. The old house had been neglected and was in a deplorable _.
2. Until the 18th century, Scotland was an independent with its own system of
3. In many countries, the local authorities rather than the are responsible for
maintaining roads, schools and hospitals.
14. .....................................
1. Only the deceased‘s closest relatives attended the _.
2. Security measures were stepped up in the of the attack.
3. The fishermen soon found themselves in the _ of the cruise-boat.
15. .....................................
1. It has come to my that some pupils have been disrespectful to Miss Jones.
2. Mary had mixed feelings when she finally handed in her _ .

3. The _ on the wall was just a copy of the latest regulations.
16. .....................................
1. If we prices any more we‘ll be making hardly any profit.
2. The censors insisted that some violent scenes were________from the movie.
3. We were so poor that my mother was forced to up her old dresses to make
new ones for us.
17. .....................................
1. Our conversation was interrupted by the unexpected of my sister.
2. You can change the whole of a room by altering the lighting.
3. Henry made his first TV at the age of 25.
18. .....................................
1. Don‘t miss next week‘s special on the history and social role of coffee.
2. One interesting of life in the tropics is that plants grow very rapidly.
3. The News will be followed by tonight‘s _ film at 10pm.
19. .....................................
1. That girl wraps her father round her little and he does anything she asks of
2. There was something familiar about that man on the bus but I can‘t put my
on where I know him from.
3. Sally didn‘t lift a to help when we were clearing up after the party.
20. .....................................
1. I know you‘re very upset now but I‘m sure the feeling will________soon.
2. His comment was so rude that I couldn‘t let it without telling him that I
thought he shouldn‘t have said it.
3. It was so hot in that room that I felt I might out at any moment.
21. .....................................
1. The deadlines are usually in our kind of work.
2. I held on _ to Jim‘s hand while we waited for help.
3. I tried the jeans on but they were too around the waist.
22. .....................................
1. In my , that kind of behaviour is absolutely unacceptable.
2. He found a small _ of hand-written poetry inside an old casket in his attic.

3. It is a good idea to have a of stamps; it saves going to the Post Office.
23. .....................................
1. The house was completely surrounded by a stone wall.
2. Claire‘s colleagues were irritated by her________voice.
3. Many trees were brought down by________winds during the hurricane.
24. .....................................
1. The interpretation given is, in fact, the taken by most modern thinkers.
2. Kate could hear the sighs of impatience growing in the of customers behind
3. The company‘s annual trading figures remained broadly in with expectations.
25. .....................................
1. Please explain to me the of having another meeting.
2. It was at that that most of the audience got up and left.
3. We lost a _ because one person in our team started the race too early.
26. .....................................
1. A poor diet and a hectic lifestyle has made him feel on _ most of the time.
2. With dozens of animal species on the of extinction, our future looks bleak.
3. As the concert hall was packed to the limit, she tried to her way through the
crowd to get a better look of her idol.
27. .....................................
1. The house is situated on the road into the town, which is extremely noisy.
2. Could you explain exactly what your reason for wanting the job is?
3. The railway that runs through Newcastle-on-Tyne is the________line to Scotland.
28. .....................................
1. Felicity _ great insight into the music business during her period of work
experience at the record company.
2. The intruder _ access to the building through a skylight which had been left
3. Greg was horrified to find that after two weeks on his special diet he had actually
29. .....................................
1. She_______the protests as unimportant.

2. Five workers were after a dispute over the new safely regulations.
3. Since the prosecution was unable to produce any concrete evidence, the case against
the environmental group was .
30. .....................................
1. When David heard the news, he was in a terrible _ until his wife managed to
calm him down.
2. Each prospective member has to accept certain obligations in order to join
the confederation.
3. The plans for the renovation of the house really depend on the of the
31. .....................................
1. Despite the poor visibility, the pilot the plane safely and didn‘t have to divert
to another airport.
2. Celia‘s daughter has herself a great job working on the set of the latest James
Bond movie.
3. Carlos kicked the football so hard that it went over the hedge and in the
neighbour‘s garden.
32. .....................................
1. Paula‘s job each day was to the table before each meal.
2. The dog ran across the new path before the concrete had had the chance to _.
3. If you want people to respect local traditions, you have to _ an example.
33. .....................................
1. If you a fight with an organisation that size, you‘ll almost certainly lose.
2. I‘m taking the car to work tomorrow, so I‘ll _ you up at 8 o‘clock if you like.
3. Sam was just about to get on the train when he felt somebody try to his
34. .....................................
1. When interviewing applicants for jobs, you should be careful not to judge people by
2. Dan‘s work has the _ of something done in a great hurry, because he never
goes back and checks what he‘s written.
3. Fiona asked the child actor how old he‘d been when he made his first on

35. .....................................
1. The other children would often laugh at her, _ her names and make her cry.
2. Alan Kelcher was very laid-back, and let his pupils him by his first name.
3. Give her a _ and ask her to go out with you.
36. .....................................
1. Karen and Brad got married last week, in a ceremony in London.
2. She never really got along with her cousin, but they had always managed to be
to each other.
3. He objected to the company‘s no-smoking rule, claiming that it was an encroachment
on his liberties.
37. .....................................
1. Melanie couldn‘t believe her eyes when she realised that Kath had bought her a
2. This hotel looks very _ ; are you sure we can afford it?
3. After his lottery win, he started spending money on a scale.
38. .....................................
1. Karen‘s had a lot of _ on her hands since the last of her children went off to
2. I had the of my life on my holiday in Bali.
3. Employers are getting strict with employees who surf the Internet in the company‘s
39 ......................................
1. Mr. Jones decided that he‘d better have a(n) _ with his son about the complaint.
2. Harry can be relied upon to keep his .
3. I instructed the soldiers not to advance until I gave the .
40. .....................................
1. I‘ve always held her work in regard, but I really don‘t see what she‘s getting
at here.
2. Temperatures in and around the city have soared to the 40s and the humidity
is unbearable.
3. Ben was relishing this quiet stroll through the back streets, his spirits still
from the way the interview had gone.
41. .....................................

1. Ray promised to back to the student committee on the details of his meeting
with the college principal.
2. Patients should _ to the Reception Desk immediately on arrival at the hospital.
3. Most trainee journalists are asked to on local events when they first join the
42. .....................................
1. ―I think this would be a good at which to take a break,‖ said the tour guide.
2. Everyone agreed with Janine‘s that the accounts could have been falsified.
3. The students felt discouraged because what they were doing didn‘t seem to have any
43. .....................................
1. After leaving the expressway, take the road to Woodstock and continue to
left until you get to the town itself.
2. After spending years working as a chemist in the food industry, Des says he couldn‘t
the thought of eating anything out of a packet.
3. Although medical expenses are covered by their travel insurance, holidaymakers
have to the cost of any non-urgent dental treatment themselves.
44. .....................................
1. I hope to _ this company as well as my father has for the last twenty years.
2. This popular soap opera is shown in 20 countries and has for over 15 years.
3. The man arrested for the murder escaped from the police and is still on the .
45 ......................................
1. Pete is on night _ at the moment, but I‘ll take a message for him.
2. The recent increase in inflation has triggered a in government plans.
3. She put a cloak over her thin cotton as the night was chilly.
46. .....................................
1. Doctors report that this eating is becoming more prevalent amongst young
2. Stephen blamed the in his flat on the fact that he could find no one to help
with the housework.
3. The boys were brought up on charges of loitering and public .
47. .....................................
1. Human cloning is an extremely issue.

2. All the products were formulated for skin.
3. This mechanism detects even the slightest movement.
48. .....................................
1. The comedian was in a sorry when he found his programme had been axed.
2. In this post-welfare , travellers need to be reminded of their duty to give up
their seat to old ladies.
3. A of emergency in the disputed area has been extended for a further six
49. .....................................
1. Someone _ into the back of my car yesterday.
2. Halfway down the motorway we _ out of petrol.
3. Mr. Jones the company single-handedly for many years.
50. .....................................
1. In the 18th century, the River Thames was a stinking trough of________water.
2. He got fired on account of his persistent use of language.
3. Since he was evidently already in a temper, I avoided provoking him further.
1. .......................................
1. As a bank employee, Grace is used to large amounts of cash on a daily basis.
2. The staff at the car-hire desk only seemed capable of one client at a time, so a
long queue had formed.
3. You have to be very careful when certain chemicals, as they can cause skin
irritations and other health problems.
2. .......................................
1. James needs to his mind to the task in hand.
2. The information didn‘t to them, so they were told to ignore it.
3. When the dog darted in front of the car, I had to the brakes rather abruptly.
3. .......................................
1. Do you have any _ change for the ticket machine?
2. clothes are more comfortable for travelling.
3. A connection in a plug caused all the lights in the flat to fuse.
4. .......................................

1. As with any complex project, it‘s a _ of getting the right mix of skills.
2. In the brain, the cerebral cortex is a layer of grey lying above each cerebral
3. Helping him to escape had not been a minor _ and he knew that if these people
were caught they would be punished.
5. .......................................
1. Because he failed to _ up for the job interview, Mr. Garrard has been crossed
off the shortlist of applicants.
2. In terms of recognition, Tamsin had little to for all the effort she‘d put into
reorganising the office.
3. Despite her poor reception in New York, the artist is still keen to _ her work
across the rest of the USA.
6. .......................................
1. On his trip across the USA, Brett didn‘t make it to San Francisco because he ran out
of .
2. With the benefit of hindsight we can see that the invention was years ahead of its
3. It‘s not that Phoebe was wrong, she just didn‘t choose a good _ to bring up the
7. .......................................
1. It turns out that the politician a double life.
2. Inefficiency on the part of rail staff to the crash outside the station.
3. The path from the station to the valley below.
8. .......................................
1. It‘s nice to see Mark in such spirits today for a change.
2. She sang in a and slightly wavering voice.
3. I have hopes of Geraldine passing the exam with an A.
9. .......................................
1. I think it‘s_______to say that our team was the most successful.
2. The council seems to have a________idea of what the people really want.
3. Kate has a _ complexion, unlike the others in her family.
10. .....................................
1. I don‘t see the of having a second meeting to discuss the same thing.

2. It‘s important to _ _ out that not all the events in the book are based on fact.
3. I believe the final on the agenda this morning is the matter of a pay increase.
11. .....................................
1. There is a _ seat at the rear of the bus if you want to sit down.
2. She had a _ look on her face as she stared out of the window.
3. There are a number of people applying for the position in the company.
12. .....................................
1. Professor Jenkins is considered to be one of the world‘s leading experts in his _.
2. The players took the to deafening applause.
3. This year‘s contest features perhaps the strongest ever assembled for an
international golf competition.
13. .....................................
1. She‘s in no_______to undertake such a physically demanding trip.
2. He was allowed to leave the country on________that he returned within three weeks.
3. Anyone suffering from a serious medical should think twice before
undertaking strenuous physical exercise.
14. .....................................
1. Sally suffered from a serious mental all her life.
2. My aunt‘s house is almost always in a state of complete _ .
3. It was feared that the crisis might lead to widespread public _.
15. .....................................
1. The wedding reception was a thoroughly enjoyable occasion, but after the bride and
groom left, the atmosphere seemed rather _ .
2. He is extremely particular about everything he eats and drinks and gets angry if
anyone offers him sparkling water that is the least bit .
3. Even though they did not look as stylish as high heels, Sylvia always wore
shoes when visiting her relatives in the country.
16. .....................................
1. I didn‘t feel in a fit to go to the concert so I stayed at home.
2. San Marino is a small independent _ in the mountains with its own currency
and postage stamps.
3. The_______should devote more money to the facilities for the old.

17. .....................................
1. The _ was challenging for even the brighter students.
2. Without regular _ we put on weight much more easily.
3. When I was learning to play the piano I had to repeat the same again and
18. .....................................
1. That kind of music leaves me , I‘m afraid.
2. Jenny has been so towards me lately that I think I may have done something
to upset her.
3. Tom and Bianca were supposed to get married last month, but she got feet
and now the wedding‘s off.
19. .....................................
1. I‘ve decided to paint the bedroom a _ peach colour.
2. Don‘t be too with that class or you‘ll have trouble with them later on.
3. He had no chance of winning the fight - he‘d got _ with years of easy living.
20. .....................................
1. The instructions say you should _ the glue to a slightly damp surface.
2. Jane will need to _ herself more to her work, if she is to get a good degree.
3. I‘ve read the warning but I don‘t know who it can to.
21. .....................................
1. Lucy made a________sketch before she started to work on the painting.
2. He had an unusual accent and spoke in a _ voice.
3. I wish Jeremy wouldn‘t be so with the puppies.
22. .....................................
1. They lost badly, even though the match was against a team of veterans,
including three players who were over forty.
2. You can do Business Studies from________in four weeks, providing you already have
a good grade in maths or English.
3. When it came to paying, the store knocked off ninety pounds because there was the
tiniest little________on one of the panels.
23. .....................................
1. Mrs. Jenkins opened the door a to see who was there.

2. You shouldn‘t have made a about her hair; she‘s really upset now.
3. I want to have a at the cryptic crossword so pleased don‘t throw the paper
24. .....................................
1. Once you‘ve served your in prison, you should be allowed to lead a normal
2. My daughter‘s only four so she hasn‘t learnt to tell the _ yet.
3. The villagers usually _ the festival to coincide with the arrival of migrant birds.
25. .....................................
1. The manufacturers _ the faulty appliances from department stores nationwide.
2. After the diplomatic row between the two countries, Ruritania________its ambassador
for consultation.
3. When the old lady her childhood, her memories were of happy, carefree days.
26. .....................................
1. Our car is always breaking down and it‘s time we bought a new one.
2. Our profit for this year is at an all time and we are optimistic that we will
continue to do well.
3. After Jack received news of his promotion, he was in spirits for the rest of
the day.
27. .....................................
1. John is good at making people feel comfortable, and always managed to the
ice at parties.
2. I hope this car has been serviced properly as I don‘t want to down on the
3. If you this vase it will cost you a lot of money, so please be careful.
28. .....................................
1. The school had a _ of money available to subsidise class excursions.
2. The Websters have dug a small ornamental in their garden.
3. Walter was down at the leisure centre playing with his friends.
29. .....................................
1. Monica was always to hear all the latest gossip.
2. I‘m quite on the idea of working aboard.

3. James had always shown a interest in anything mechanical.
30. .....................................
1. I never really understood how platform shoes on in the seventies. They‘re so
2. John _ the bus in the morning as usual and then drove home in his brand new
3. I must have this cold from Maria; she was coughing and sneezing all last

31. .....................................
1. Sarah finally became a little more with her therapist about her feelings.
2. Staying out in the _ for too long can result in hypothermia, so find somewhere
warm to shelter.
3. The shop was badly damaged by fire and the owner does not know when it will be
for business again.
32. .....................................
1. The ambassador‘s wife had an embassy car and chauffeur at her .
2. This bin is for the of aluminium cans only.
3. When I sensed in the army I was in the bomb _ unit.
33. .....................................
1. It‘s nice to see a________day after all that rain.
2. Can you _ your books off the table so that I can get it ready for dinner?
3. You really need to up that misunderstanding you had with Jane. It‘s been
weeks since you two spoke to each other.
34. .....................................
1. There has been a_____ decline in manufacturing output.
2. They have been in a relationship for some time now.
3. Try to keep the camera while you take the picture.
35. .....................................
1. The scientist‘s proposal to do further research into his subject has been by the
finance committee.
2. When there was a total eclipse, the moon completely out the light of the sun.
3. The road to the airport has been completely by an overturned lorry.

36. .....................................
1. According to the in the window, the shop will be closed until the end of the
2. She gave in her and started to look for a new job.
3. Cathy received an excellent in the local paper for her performance.
37. .....................................
1. The job has given me a great opportunity to what I learnt on the course.
2. I didn‘t fill in that section of the form because it didn‘t seem to to me.
3. My friend was told to _ this cream to the burn once a day.
38. .....................................
1. Gossip is a(n) of village life that town-dwellers may find hard to get used to.
2. Do not miss the special on the British pop scene in next week‘s edition.
3. Terry considers her nose to be her prettiest .
39. .....................................
1. Children‘s imaginations are often by trips out of school.
2. Mr. Henderson closed the door, told me to sit down and said the words which I had
been dreading, ‗You‘re !‘
3. The race began when the starter‘s gun was .
40. .....................................
1. My daughter's really hopeless with her possessions - she‘s lost her bus twice
this week.
2. The expedition followed a narrow mountain _ through spectacular scenery.
3. She is delighted with her in geography as it was totally unexpected.
41. .....................................
1. These geese are very regular in their movements and were last seen flying over the
northernmost of Canada.
2. Julian loves to save money any way he can and has found many items for his bed-sit
on the rubbish .
3. When you are cooking brown rice, a useful is to soak it for a few hours
42. .....................................
1. If business does not improve soon, we will serious problems.

2. Since my living room windows west, my plants get direct sunlight most of
the day.
3. Margaret found it difficult to her colleagues after letting them down so badly.
43. .....................................
1. I tried to make it clear I wasn‘t interested, but she wouldn‘t take the _ .
2. When we left this morning, there wasn‘t even a of a cloud in the sky!
3. I can‘t remember the answer, so please give me a _.
44. .....................................
1. This judge is well-known for taking a hard on petty crimes.
2. The lecturer‘s argument was so complicated that few of his listeners could follow his
of thought.
3. Whenever you ring that company, they ask you to hold the then play
recorded music to you while you wait endlessly to speak to the person you want.
45. .....................................
1. We have a _ of nurses available for emergency work.
2. The rain had left a large in the middle of the road.
3. I think is a game played with coloured balls on a table.
46. .....................................
1. It‘s not a _ of whether we want to go on holiday, but whether we can afford it.
2. Amy‘s loyalty is not in since we have complete faith in her.
3. Apart from the obvious of space, do you think the club really needs new
47. .....................................
1. He had to sell the car as we could no longer afford to it.
2. I will always that he was the man who helped me the most.
3. The government is determined to interest rates at the current level in order to
combat inflation.
48. .....................................
1. From what the police spokesman said, we that he‘d been arrested.
2. The car rapidly speed as it went down the hill.
3. The crowds_______in the square to catch a glimpse of the film star.
49. .....................................

1. My daughter was able to do long at the age of seven.
2. The team was relegated to the fourth at the end of the season.
3. He was promoted to manager of the sales _ which pleased him greatly.
50. .....................................
1. Would you_______baby for half an hour while I go to the shops?
2. I don‘t doing the washing up, but I object to drying the dishes as well!
3. It‘s nothing to do with you, so why don‘t you your own business?
1. .......................................
1. To do work of such precision requires a very _ hand.
2. Although he‘s not particularly skillful, Ralph is a very worker and you can
rely on him one hundred percent.
3. There has been a increase in the number of people buying four-wheel-drive
vehicles in our area.
2. .......................................
1. Red is such a colour that it always makes me feel more optimistic.
2. If you catch a cold, you should wear clothes.
3. Someone who has a personality will never be short of friends.
3. .......................................
1. Are you all for your interview tomorrow or do you need help with anything?
2. We need to off before 7am if we want to get to the airport on time.
3. There‘s a _ of instructions in the box that are written in German, but there‘s no
English version.
4. .......................................
1. There are many jobs that my sister could do but she seems unwilling to
herself to anything.
2. The varnish will not have a smooth finish if you it too liberally.
3. I was attempting to complete the whole form until 1 realised that half the questions
didn‘t to me.
5. .......................................
1. The politician insisted that she was addressing the audience in her as a
mother and not as a Member of Parliament.

2. The pop group were delighted to discover that they were playing in a hall that was
filled to .
3. Since animals lack the for reproach, our relationships with them tend to cause
us less concern than those with our fellow human beings.
6. .......................................
1. In Paul‘s opinion, the ban constituted a violation of his liberties.
2. ―If you can‘t be friendly towards him, at least be .‖
3. Harry had worked for the service all his life.
7. .......................................
1. I even managed to save money from my student .
2. Sarah‘s good writer, I you.
3. His request that they _ him asylum was rejected.
8. .......................................
1. Another : never criticise your partner directly.
2. She slowly stuck the _ of her tongue out at the teacher.
3. The Pargeters soon reduced the once-tidy flat to a _.
9. .......................................
1. In my it‘s one of the best films of the year.
2. Diana is an open _ - it‘ll be obvious if she‘s upset.
3. Don‘t expect Mr. Brown to cover for you. He does anything by the _ .
10. .....................................
1. Unemployment has record levels.
2. People are queuing up to see the latest Hollywood _.
3. He his younger brother with his tennis racquet.
11. .....................................
1. Taking lots of vitamin C is believed to increase your to colds and flu.
2. Her uncle was a famous member of the________during the war.
3. The government‘s proposals for cutting back on social spending have met with a lot
of from both politicians and charities.
12. .....................................
1. Not many people swim during the winter, so the is not very crowded.
2. The company has a(n) of cars that are used by members of the sales team.

3. They were not exactly friends, but had played together a few times in the
13. .....................................
1. The cottage was remote, situated on the of a cliff overlooking the Atlantic
2. The Siberian tiger has been driven to the _ of extinction because of illegal
3. His superior speed and agility gave him the over the other competitors.
14. .....................................
1. The buses to the village only on weekdays, which means that villagers
without cars are stranded at the weekend.
2. All rivers, we are told, eventually into the sea.
3. If you into Clive at the market, could you ask him to return that CD I lent
him last week.
15. .....................................
1. Mike's starts at 5 30am tomorrow so he‘ll have to get to bed early.
2. There has been a major in public opinion on genetic engineering in the last
few years.
3. Sarah looked years younger in her new lime green and matching shoes.
16. .....................................
1. There is a clear of special responsibilities among the teachers.
2. She works in the export of the company.
3. The river forms a between the old and new parts of the city.
17. .....................................
1. All young men are obliged to in the army for two years.
2. A small post office was opened to the rural community.
3. I fail to see what purpose an extension to the house would , so I‘ve decided
against it.
18. .....................................
1. Watch your here because the floor‘s very slippery!
2. We need to deal with this matter taking one _ at a time.
3. With every the soldier felt weaker.

19. .....................................
1. The cat curled up on her as she was sitting comfortably in her favourite
rocking chair near the fireplace.
2. Soon after he crossed the finishing line at the stadium, he took a victory _ to
the cheers of thousands of spectators.
3. The scenery is almost idyllic. Small waves _ against the cliffs soothing your
20. .....................................
1. Are you to go out with us tonight, or are you working overtime as usual?
2. My brother‘s very with his advice, which can be quite annoying.
3. This _ offer ends next week, so be sure to get down to the store and take
advantage of it – it‘s your last chance.
21. .....................................
1. These prices do not to weekends and holidays.
2. The doctor instructed her to _ the ointment twice a day on the affected area.
3. Unless you are British, you cannot for a student grant.
22. .....................................
1. Quinn‘s storyline is too for my liking, though there have been several
favourable reviews.
2. The horses broke _ last night and must be halfway to Mexico by now.
3. I don‘t suppose you‘ve got any change in your pocket, have you?
23. .....................................
1. The subject________itself demands the applications of thick layers of paint.
2. However, if a cosmic ray particle collides with inside the magnetosphere,
neutrons can be ejected.
3. The forced sale was over in a of hours.
24. .....................................
1. When groups of visitors come to the television studios, guides them round
the set of the popular soap opera.
2. Any inaccuracies in the data will _ up when the graphs are produced on screen.
3. The success of perfumes bearing the name of top models really does how
influential celebrities can be.
25. .....................................

1. Amaya traced the of his finger thoughtfully across his lower lip as he
watched the forensics team at work.
2. The film has received six Oscar nominations and is a hot for the Best
Director slot - eat your heart out, Spielberg!
3. People leave the countryside they claim to love looking like a _ and expect the
council to foot the bill for cleaning it up.
26. .....................................
1. The office staff couldn‘t get the new printer to properly.
2. Unfortunately, Tim‘s idea for a new office layout didn‘t _ out in the end.
3. Clare had to _ towards a solution to the problem over several months.
27. .....................................
1. The project was going really well until we a snag, and that delayed us.
2. Sue and Raymond really _ it off, and I‘m delighted they liked each other!
3. The old lady her attacker on the head with her walking stick.
28. .....................................
1. Although not a native speaker, Max can express his ideas in English with a _
degree of accuracy.
2. All members of Melanie‘s family have the same very hair.
3. Wallace didn‘t think it was that he was asked to work longer hours than his
29. .....................................
1. The team‘s defence was very and they let in a lot of goals.
2. My parents grew up in a very part of London but they were happy.
3. I feel very sorry for that child because she‘s got no one to look after her.
30. .....................................
1. The pain from her ear infection was almost more than she could .
2. My children_______both mine and my husband‘s surnames.
3. In the opening scene of the play, the two main characters _ a crate into the
room and place it in the middle of the floor.
31. .....................................
1. My cousin isn‘t doing all that well academically but he‘s a genius on the football

2. This company has gained a reputation for being one of the most innovative in its
3. This year, I‘m growing sunflowers in this and next year it will be maize.
32. .....................................
1. George was so exhausted that he was in no to drive a car.
2. Tanya has been training all winter, and she‘s in peak .
3. On no are children under ten allowed on this fairground ride.
33. .....................................
1. The new skyscraper the city skyline.
2. The computer hardware industry is still _ by IBM.
3. When he was growing up he was completely _ by his older sister.
34. .....................................
1. Louise had to push her scooter to start it because the battery was completely .
2. After reaching the top of the last hill, Jeremy lay on his back, exhausted.
3. One cyclist stopped to change a wheel because he had a _ tyre, probably
caused by broken glass on the road.
35. .....................................
1. Roger agreed that it was a(n) in the right direction, but said more progress
was needed.
2. Seeing a friend in the distance, she quickened her to catch up with him.
3. The next in the process involves exposing the metal to high temperatures.
36. .....................................
1. In the days before electricity, my grandmother had a wood-burning kitchen
to do the cooking.
2. You‘ll find a wide of clothes and household goods in our autumn sale.
3. The mountain extends over three countries.
37. .....................................
1. The two nations have a shared culture and a _ language.
2. You are lucky to see this bird today because they are not _ at this time of year.
3. It‘s_______sense for drivers to slow down when it‘s raining.
38. .....................................

1. The travel industry must continue to _ appropriate standards of care when it
comes to airport safety.
2. A number of our employees are expected to for the Chicago post.
3. Health and safety regulations to all employees, regardless of status or
39. .....................................
1. He told her not to stay out late because it was such a area.
2. After years of manual work, the skin on his hands was _ .
3. I can give you a _ idea, but I haven‘t had time to calculate the cost exactly.
40. .....................................
1. He looks much taller on than he is in real life.
2. The nurse pulled the across in preparation for the doctor‘s visit.
3. This laptop has the latest processor and comes with a seventeen-inch .
41. .....................................
1. There was a loud as the tea tray and all its contents fell to the floor.
2. We heard the screech of brakes, then saw a terrible car .
3. A sudden in the system meant that all the computers were out of action.
42. .....................................
1. The death _ was high following the earthquake.
2. Users of the new highway are required to pay a .
3. Working long hours eventually took its________on her health.
43. .....................................
1. The assistant________me to believe that the equipment would operate in any country,
but that just wasn‘t the case.
2. After the presentation, a panel of experts a half-hour discussion, during
which time the audience was able to ask a number of questions.
3. A series of police raids in the early hours of the last Friday morning to
several arrests being made.
44. .....................................
1. Throughout the match, Philip the ball much harder than his opponent did.
2. Consumers were badly by price increases during the last economic crisis.

3. It suddenly him that today was a public holiday and all the shops would be
45. .....................................
1. The sailors feared the storm would _ before they got safely back to harbour
2. If we have a cheap holiday this year then we won‘t have to into our savings.
3. I don‘t expect the news of the discovery will _ for a few more days.
46. .....................................
1. Karen‘s in a higher than me at work so I don‘t feel I can criticize her.
2. Your sales figures have fallen so you‘re in no to ask for a higher salary.
3. What‘s the company‘s on hiring people without a suitable degree?
47. .....................................
1. In my , people don‘t make enough effort to recycle packaging material.
2. The treasures of the Pharaoh‘s tomb are on at the Bodley Museum.
3. The_______of the factory doesn‘t exactly add to the attraction of this property.
48. .....................................
1. The mother the child‘s hand as he was about to walk in front of the speeding
2. All the students _ cheating in the exam will be dealt with by the disciplinary
3. Mary was late for the meeting and only _ part of the chairman‘s speech.
49. .....................................
1. Surgeons announced that the on their famous patient had been a success.
2. Although the revised system has only been in _ for a few weeks, we are
already seeing promising results.
3. It was clear that the President was against any kind of military _.
50. .....................................
1. The marshes were _ in the 18th century by a Dutchman.
2. Those injured in the train crash felt completely of emotion.
3. The twins giggled as the bath water slowly away.
1. .......................................

1. Are you about exactly what you are supposed to be doing?
2. From her balcony, Fiona has a view of the sea.
3. It was to me that Yvonne had been lying all along.
2. .......................................
1. Pam‘s husband has supported her every _ of the way, in spite of the problems.
2. As part of her job, Alison tries to keep in with all new developments in
3. He needed to be one ahead of his opponent in order to win.
3. .......................................
1. It‘s a strange whose origin is unknown.
2. Pearl just stood there with a blank on her face.
3. The of public opinion by demonstrations and strikes is a right of democratic
4. .......................................
1. The_______in the newspaper said the roadworks would begin on July 2nd.
2. It has come to my that staff are dissatisfied with the company cafeteria.
3. Both witnesses failed to the clothes the thief was wearing.
5. .......................................
1. Rules about the use of kitebuggies on the beach only _ during the tourist
2. If you want to get good results at the end of the year, you need to _ yourself to
your studies.
3. Anyone interested in the job is invited to before the last day in June.
6. .......................................
1. Over the next seven days, magazines will run awareness-raising and many
shops will be selling red ribbons.
2. He was a man of 50, with a shock of grizlled hair, bushy eyebrows, regular _
and the finest forehead I ever saw.
3. Jackie Kennedy made style and class two distinctive _ of the new American
7. .......................................
1. Ceramics have to be at very high temperatures in special ovens.

2. The recent economic downturn has meant that more workers can expect to be _
in the next few months.
3. Susan returned from the meeting with new enthusiasm to do what she could
to protect the environment.
8. .......................................
1. The family down the priceless antique from generation to generation.
2. She was upset because a colleague had _ comments about her new dress.
3. Parliament a new lar regarding the regulation of petrol prices.
9. .......................................
1. Unfortunately, the first poet‘s dreary and depressing verses set the____ for the rest
of the reading, resulting in a dull and melancholy evening.
2. I can‘t get a dialling ; are you sure you‘ve got it plugged in?
3. The residents‘ association feels that opening a pub in the street would lower the
of the neighbourhood.
10. .....................................
1. We have suffered the worst floods on________this year, even worse than the floods in
2. There was so little traffic this morning that I got to work in time.
3. I looked through Emma‘s old collection to see if we‘d listened to the same
music as teenagers.
12. .....................................
1. Despite strong opposition, our local football team has managed to_________their
position at the top of their league.
2. Some people the belief that the best parents are those that give their children
the freedom to make their own choices.
3. The Town Council has arranged to a public meeting next week.
12. .....................................
1. A long of people stood outside the theatre, patiently waiting for possible
2. I have John Wilcox on the ; he says it‘s an emergency.
3. The groom began his speech with a well-known from a Shakespearean
13. .....................................

1. She was hoping a reply to her job application would arrive in the morning .
2. The dog had been tied to a outside the building waiting for its owner.
3. Jo was glad to be offered the .
14. .....................................
1. The characters in her novels a strong resemblance to those in the Harry
Potter series.
2. When you prepare your CV, in mind that it should be informative but also
3. I can‘t the thought of taking on any more responsibility!
15. .....................................
1. Although they‘ve tried dozens of local restaurants, Jenny and her husband still
that Richard‘s Place is the best.
2. After retirement, many old age pensioners find it difficult to their previous
standard of living.
3. Families in Britain are not as close as they used to be and very few people
regular contact with relatives outside their immediate family group.
16. .....................................
1. The car quickly________speed as it rolled down the hill.
2. The children_______a lot of wild flowers to give to their teacher.
3. I soon _ that the company were no longer willing to give me the job they had
promised me.
17. .....................................
1. We saw the animal back as the hunter approached.
2. You should the curtains at dusk to stop mosquitoes coming into the house.
3. He waited for the taxi to up to the pavement before attracting the driver‘s
18. .....................................
1. Just you don‘t your head as we crawl through the entrance to the cave.
2. I wouldn‘t volunteering to do some charity work once I graduate.
3. When choosing a course abroad, you should bear in that some schools do not
offer help with accommodation.
19. .....................................
1. Paul retraced his________following the direction he had come in.

2. These small beginnings are the first _ on the road to success.
3. Mind the _ as you walk down to the garden - they‘re very steep.
20. .....................................
1. The manager felt they needed new________in the department, so most of the old staff
have been transferred to other jobs.
2. Merely trying to find out if Roger had spent a good day at work was like getting
out of a stone.
3. Bad temper runs in that family‘s _ .
21. .....................................
1. It took the children some time to down after the excitement of seeing their
school win the football match.
2. Ivana has decided that she definitely wants to in America.
3. Stefan says the time has come to _ this matter once and for all.
22. .....................................
1. Rules about non-student access to the university grounds only _ during term
2. If Declan wanted to read an unfamiliar language like Japanese, he realised he‘d have
to himself to learning long lists of characters.
3. Anyone interested in running a course covering the principles of acupuncture is
invited to in writing, outlining any relevant qualifications and experience.
23. .....................................
1. In my . as project leader, I am pleased to welcome you to the team.
2. The refugee camp was at full and couldn‘t house any more people.
3. Her creative helped her to succeed in the position of fashion editor.
24. .....................................
1. So many things________our attention these days that we are unable to see to them all.
2. Henry does not _ _ to be an authority on tropical fish, but he knows a lot about
3. Every year many innocent people‘s lives.
25. .....................................
1. I didn‘t have a view of the sea from my hotel room because there was a big
block of flats in the way.

2. The town where I live is not very well-known and doesn‘t attract a _ many
3. I didn‘t want to go into detail at that point, so I said I would discuss the
matter further the following day.
26. .....................................
1. David set the for the evening by appearing in a dinner jacket.
2. An ideal marriage, he replied, his implying there was no such thing.
3. I‘ prefer a or two lighter; navy blue is so dark.
27. .....................................
1. The accident occurred on the north of the mountain.
2. There seems to be a new in today‘s class.
3. He was putting on a brave , but he wasn‘t fooling anyone.
28. .....................................
1. Ann is astute and can _ her own in any meeting.
2. Can you _ the line while I connect you to Mr. Brown‘s office?
3. He is very restless and finds it difficult to down a job for long.
29. .....................................
1. One month in a peaceful and unpopulated helped Dennis to recuperate from
his illness.
2. We hope to be able to solve the dispute through negotiation without to strike
3. As a last , the leg will have to be amputated to stop the poison spreading.
30. .....................................
1. The sentry remained at his throughout the night.
2. Your cheque must still be in the .
3. Tony stubbed his toe against a wooden________yesterday and it still hurts.
31. .....................................
1. Apples will for months if stored correctly.
2. Leaving home and earning enough to yourself is difficult.
3. It was hard to from smiling when he told me the story.
32. .....................................
1. Jane left the engine while she delivered the parcel.

2. I‘m surprised to hear the Governor of California is _ for President.
3. I‘ve had that tune _ through my head ever since I heard it last week.
33. .....................................
1. There has been a recent towards domestic tourism with fewer people booking
overseas holidays.
2. The government plans to its attention away from punishing crime to crime
3. I‘m changing to a different________next week so I‘ll be starting work much later.
34. .....................................
1. All households will need to water from the well in the neighbouring village.
2. A member of the audience was chosen to _ the winning ticket.
3. It‘s not a clear-cut question. You will have to your own conclusions from the
35. .....................................
1. Why have you the stew without any vegetables?
2. I have in the army for many years.
3. They closed the hospital even though it had _ the local community very well.
36. .....................................
1. The headmaster must take urgent to stop the bullying that is happening in this
2. I had to stop and rest before I climbed the final of the lighthouse.
3. If you get lost in the woods, you should retrace your and go back to camp.
37. .....................................
1. I gave Marta a final _ goodbye before she disappeared through the departure
2. He was knocked down by a strong________and had to be rescued.
3. A of crime and violence has struck the town in recent weeks.
38. .....................................
1. If you‘ve made a mistake, you can take a _ sheet of paper from my in my desk.
2. The memories of that wonderful year in Australia are still________in my mind.
3. There‘s quite a nice breeze today, so we won‘t get too hot.
39. .....................................

1. If you‘re interested in doing voluntary work, it‘s best to go and _ in person
rather than just send a form by email.
2. In the case of cuts, the first aider should _ pressure to the injured area to stop
the bleeding until medical help can be sought.
3. The charges for hiring the club‘s equipment do not in the case of young
people under 18, who may use it free as part of their membership fee.
40. .....................................
1. My clothes feel very _ since I lost weight.
2. I had to pay for the cup of coffee with a £20 note because I didn‘t have any _ _
3. The little girl had had a tooth for some weeks, and on Friday evening it
finally came out.
41. .....................................
1. That‘s an interesting idea but not relevant to the in hand.
2. It‘s one thing to talk about sailing round the world but it‘s quite another _ to
actually do it.
3. Whether it‘s better to learn English with a native speaker or non-native speaker is a
of opinion.
42. .....................................
1. When groups of visitors come to the castle, guides them round and answer
their questions.
2. The fact that sales of classical music CDs have fallen just goes to how much
is being downloaded from the Internet.
3. Any imperfections in the material will _ up when it is put under a microscope.
43. .....................................
1. He must use the phone a lot; whenever I phone I get the busy .
2. The_______of the book is light-hearted and often tongue-in-cheek.
3. Choose a neutral _ for your floor tiles so they don‘t clash with the furnishings.
44. .....................................
1. The conspirators were to secrecy.
2. Although unemployed, Dudley thought that something was to turn up.
3. The parcel was roughly with string.
45. .....................................

1. The play begins well but finally loses its on the audience‘s attention.
2. The country was caught in the icy of winter.
3. I released my _ on the robber‘s arm and he fled.
46. .....................................
1. There‘s a chance of snow over the weekend.
2. It was only_______that Matthew had to pay for the damage he caused.
3. I had hair when I was younger but it‘s got darker over the years.
47. .....................................
1. After much discussion, we decided to fix the TV aerial to________in the garden.
2. Although the was advertised widely, there were very few applicants.
3. Sven was disappointed that he had received no that day.
48. .....................................
1. Whether the book in is the one published in the USA is something you‘ll
have to find out from the librarian.
2. There‘s no _ of Thea‘s loyally to the company; she has been with them for the
past 15 years, after all.
3. It took the minister some time to finally address the of underfunding in
49. .....................................
1. Professor Nilsson is one of the leading experts in the of genetic research.
2. The company wanted to purchase the football so as to build a new
supermarket there.
3. The walkers were told that they did not have permission to cross the _ .
cellular phone will recharge in less than
50. .....................................
1. Under normal your cellular phone will recharge in less than thirty minutes.
2. There were several in her father‘s will, one of which stated that she would
only get the money after she married.
3. The school was an old, run-down building, where teachers and children had to work
in the most appalling _ .
1. .......................................

1. At the end of the presentation, the speaker allowed us to our own conclusions
from the evidence she had supplied us with.
2. Despite all attempts to her into the argument, Polly remained aloof.
3. We are fortunate to be able to on the experience of some eminent local
scientists in setting up our research project.
2. .......................................
1. London Underground would be cheaper to use if there was a __ rate for all
2. In a _ voice, Helen related the tragic events of the afternoon.
3. In response to the criticisms, the government has issued a _ denial of
involvement in the affair.
3. .......................................
1. If you find a task hard at first, I strongly advise you to at it and I‘m sure you
will soon see a marked improvement.
2. As a doctor who at times has to convey unpleasant information to patients, he often
finds that the words in his throat.
3. As a child, I would spend hours cutting out pictures of my favourite pop stars, which
I would then in my album.
4. .......................................
1. The _ I heard of him, he was living in Hastings.
2. She‘s awful, I hope we‘ve seen the of her.
3. The rain is expected to all week.
5. .......................................
1. The bridge after the heavy rains and was washed down river.
2. Ted_______in the office this morning and was rushed to hospital.
3. Resistance to the motorway _ after we promised to safeguard local wildlife.
6. .......................................
1. The guard dogs were aware of our as we neared the entrance.
2. They needed a new __ if the business was to flourish.
3. The _ to the runway was obstructed with military tanks.
7. .......................................
1. I was feeling a bit because I‘d had a late night and I was beginning to get the

2. I know you can‘t give me the exact figure but could you give me a idea of
what it might cost?
3. The sea was very and I began to feel ill half-way across.
8. .......................................
1. I can‘t why it‘s necessary for us to do this immediately.
2. Many people money as the most important thing in life.
3. I demanded to the manager to discuss my complaint.
9. .......................................
1. I thought my account was still in _, but it turned out I actually owed the bank
some money.
2. The voters are in fact more intelligent than some politicians give them for.
3. Mr. Carson tried to take the for his daughter‘s success, even though he hadn‘t
seen her since she was very young.
10. .....................................
1. A few ornaments would raise the _ of the room a little.
2. He spoke to her in a which made her very angry.
3. There was an _ of sarcasm in his writing.
11. .....................................
1. On her first day in the job, Keira was asked to through a long list of customer
complaints and decide which needed an urgent response.
2. Graham couldn‘t out why he never seemed to get an interview when he
applied for jobs.
3. Milly would get angry when she couldn‘t get the office photocopier to
12. .....................................
1. Unfortunately, the government doesn‘t out much hope of a successful
outcome to the negotiations.
2. The trouble with Robert is that he can‘t seem to down a job.
3. Don‘t worry about Sue - she can her own in any discussion.
13. .....................................
1. Whose idea was it to meet up at a cafe that closed down six months ago?

2. The only spot of that otherwise awful holiday was the trip we made to
3. No matter what day of the week it was, my father always got up _ and early.
14. .....................................
1. The rain came down just after the event had begun.
2. She does seem to be her heart out to anyone who will listen.
3. The home fans came _ onto the pitch at the sound of the final whistle.
15. .....................................
1. I was on the _ of my seat during the grand prix because it was such a close race.
2. If you drink a glass of water before each meal, you‘ll find that it takes the off
your appetite.
3. Jean appeared to be rather on during the evening and the other guests
wondered if she was worried about something.
16. .....................................
1. Jake _ chickenpox from his friend when he was eight years old.
2. A stranger hold of me and stopped me from falling over.
3. I hope you‘re not trying to take photos, because it‘s forbidden.
17. .....................................
1. Understanding ail those complicated mathematical equations proved a tall for
little Jimmy. He felt out of his depth.
2. At that point in her life, Gina made a solemn promise to herself to join the
and become a nun.
3. Though the computer seemed old by modern technological standards, it was still in
good working .
18. .....................................
1. The doctor asked Louis to a deep breath and let it out slowly.
2. My job often requires me to on my engineering experience, which I like.
3. In a desperate attempt to Martha‘s attention, Felix went to work wearing a
bright green suit.
19. .....................................
1. You can‘t argue - the rules are very________on this point.
2. She says her skin is so because she drinks a lot of water.

3. From the top floor of the hotel you get a _ view of the bay.
20. .....................................
1. She forgot to a stamp on the envelope.
2. My grandma‘s got quite unsteady on her feet and usually uses a .
3. I wish the speaker would to the point.
21. .....................................
1. He has an interesting of videos and CDs, including several not usually
available in this country.
2. They knew they were on great danger as the ship was within of the enemy
3. We finally reached the top of the pass, only to find another mountain facing
22. .....................................
1. We don‘t take much _ of the dress code at work and we tend to wear what we
2. I just saw the manager putting up a advertising for a part-time sales assistant.
3. You didn‘t happen to _ where I put that file, did you?
23. .....................................
1. If you need advice on this subject, the best person to is Mr. Gardener.
2. I think we should the problem with caution, as there may be repercussions.
3. As we New York harbour, we‘ll sail past the Statue of Liberty.
24. .....................................
1. Various new safety have been installed, like additional fire extinguishers and
two new emergency exits.
2. I always thought Jenny‘s eyes were one of her most attractive .
3. This Sunday‘s educational supplement contains a six-page article on children‘s books
and many other special .
25. .....................................
1. The aircraft was taken out of service so that engineers could new engines.
2. The MP3 player is small enough to in your shirt pocket.
3. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the tailor; he‘s going to_____ me for a new

26. .....................................
1. Hardly a day _ without him regretting the argument they had had.
2. Fortunately, it seems that your tactless remark unnoticed.
3. I‘ve _ your enquiry on to our sales department, who should be able to help you.
27. .....................................
1. Our teacher _ us through the poem line by line, after which we began to
understand it.
2. Andrew extensive notes during the lecture, because he wanted to remember
exactly what the scientist had said.
3. Zoe down the name and address of the company that her uncle said was
looking for temporary staff.
28. .....................................
1. He money in his wall to the local children‘s home.
2. The little girl was _ by her mother in the old house.
3. The flight to Damascus much later than was scheduled.
29. .....................................
1. We‘re hoping that the weather will _ so we can at least spend part of the
evening outside.
2. The police offenders overnight if they are arrested for being drunk and
3. I realise that 1 will have to learn to my tongue in situations where people are
likely to take offence.
30. .....................................
1. A(n) of spectators blocked the young man‘s view of the race track.
2. The Edinburgh to Sterling_______operates only on holidays and weekends.
3. His speech ended with a from one of Hamlet‘s famous soliloquies.
31. .....................................
1. With a whole array of tools in DIY shops, even women may try their hand at
small repairs.
2. To run a marathon one needs a lot of determination and staying to complete
the race.
3. One day a single sun battery will an environmentally friendly car of the

32. .....................................
1. The prize-winning sculpture is on at the National Gallery this week.
2. As we rounded the bend, the first few houses came into _ .
3. There is a widespread that too much sugar is bad for you.
33. .....................................
1. My country house needs a considerable amount of money to .
2. It is advisable to try to a steady speed at all times.
3. Both defendants________that they were nowhere near the scene of the crime.
3.4 .....................................
1. The teacher up the books that were on the desk and put them away in the
2. The train slowly________speed as it pulled out of the station.
3. Leaders of the main trade unions have _ in Dublin for an emergency meeting
35. .....................................
1. So did you any conclusions once you‘d completed your research into the
2. People don‘t need to learn how to these days as most designs can be created
on a computer.
3. To decide who had won first prize, the organisers of the competition decided to
the names out of a hat.
36. .....................................
1. Alexandra‘s knee injury means that he may well________out on the chance to play in
the final.
2. Unless she gets here soon, she‘s going to the train.
3. A driver had a near today when a light plane made an emergency landing on
a country road just ahead of him.
37. .....................................
1. The situation was already bad but your interference has made it worse .
2. I feel a bit guilty about what happened; _ , there‘s nothing I could have done
to prevent it so I know I shouldn‘t feel bad.

3. I haven‘t officially signed any agreement so I can change my mind if I want
38. .....................................
1. Tina had a sarcastic on her face.
2. The _ of negative emotions can help one to come to terms with them.
3. Jean used an unusual _ which I hadn‘t heard before.
39. .....................................
1. After the dust had _ they were able to see how much damage had been done.
2. They travelled for many years and eventually in Italy.
3. Tim_______the bill for the meal at the end of the evening.
40. .....................................
1. I think you need a different________to deal with the problem.
2. The_______to the city from the north affords the best views of the river.
3. They decided that a direct was the best way to achieve results.
41. .....................................
1. Would you_______for a cup of coffee while you‘re waiting to see Mr. Williams?
2. Our society should take more of the elderly and treat them with respect.
3. Martin doesn‘t seem to that his aggressive behaviour could get him into
42. .....................................
1. Not every unemployed person can Job Seeker‘s allowance.
2. She tried to _ that she was the one who landed the deal but no-one believed her.
3. Manager Paul McLeish helped Rangers their third championship in four
43. .....................................
1. The committee is totally against any new building in a _ belt area.
2. When Frank saw Sally‘s new car, he was _ with envy.
3. I obviously haven‘t got fingers because I can‘t get anything to grow.
44. .....................................
1. Obviously, something had frightened the cat because it out of the house and
up the road with an expression of panic on its face.

2. The critics her last film to shreds and one of them even called it
―comfortably the worst movie in living memory‖.
3. Mike was obviously annoyed by the contents of the letter because as soon as he‘d
read it he it up and threw it in the bin.
45. .....................................
1. When Janet got down to work, every complex problem was swiftly to its
most important points.
2. Everything got worse and worse and eventually he was _ to begging.
3. The doctor noticed that the swelling had been considerably _ by the application
of the new ointment.
46. .....................................
1. They had planned to him hostage to secure the resignation of the President.
2. Pamela fought to _ back the tears which threatened to engulf her.
3. Tamsin thinks she can a party to celebrate, but I think she‘ll find it difficult
to find a venue.
47. .....................................
1. Elizabeth‘s reassuring response put Lynne‘s mind at .
2. The doctor told his stressed patient that he needed more _ .
3. Settling himself comfortably with his head on the head the passenger fell fast
48. .....................................
1. China is likely to be a great military in the future.
2. As soon as it came into , the government set about reforming the National
Health Service.
3. Because fossil fuel supplies are fast running out, alternative sources of will
have to be found.
49. .....................................
1. You should a record of all income and expenses from now on.
2. It had always been Derek‘s ambition to _ _ a comer grocery shop.
3. Some dairy products do not in good condition for long without refrigeration.
50. .....................................
1. The trains are still _ despite the snow.
2. My nose has been all week because of this awful cold.

3. The project had to be completed by July and unfortunately we were short of
1. .......................................
1. He was old and wrinkled, with a (n) of white hair.
2. It was quite a(n) _ to see Peter looking so thin.
3. The _ of the explosion caused the old house to collapse.
2. .......................................
1. Emma likes to attention to herself by changing her hair colour every week.
2. The aim of the report is to a comparison between the effects of poverty on
children living in rural and urban areas.
3. I heard the taxi _ _ up outside my house and knew my father had come home at
3. .......................................
1. I thought the at the hotel was really good, the staff were excellent.
2. I‘ve brought a new dinner , which includes six of everything.
3. Compulsory military _ still exists in Greece, but not in Britain.
4. .......................................
1. The group believed the song a good chance of being a hit but didn‘t dream it
would reach number 1.
2. Being the only child with an American accent, I out amongst the other
children at school.
3. My parents by me all the time I was in prison and did everything they could
to get me released.
5. .......................................
1. She really wanted him to join the company and she got he - though later she
regretted it.
2. The registry office and the hotel where the reception was to take place were a long
apart, so we had to organize transport.
3. Gloria thought that working as a make-up artist might be a __ of getting into
6. .......................................

1. Your work has not been up to standard in the last three months, but we are prepared
to let you make a _ start.
2. Write the report today while the events are still in your mind.
3. You will find that Professor Stanton has an entirely approach to this problem.
7. .......................................
1. Paul is still upset about losing his job so you‘ll need to the subject carefully.
2. The government needs a new to tackling gun crime as their current policy
isn‘t working.
3. With the of summer, I noticed the mornings grow lighter and my mood
change for the better.
8. .......................................
1. Sally‘s front tooth is very------------I‘m sure it‘ll come out soon.
2. Jane has lost so much weight that all her clothes are too .
3. The horse got from the stable and started trotting towards the road.
9. .......................................
1. In ―A Christmas Carol‖, Scrooge starts by being with his money.
2. It is_______to criticise people unfairly.
3. The _ score of a pass candidate is 60%.
10. .....................................
1. Could you _ me how to use this photocopier if you have time today?
2. All this rain we‘re having just goes to that climate change is really happening.
3. If we wait a bit longer, I‘m sure Yuri wall up eventually with another excuse
for being late.
11. .....................................
1. At the start of his career, James was between taking a job in television and
becoming an accountant.
2. The main suspect in the case told the police that his jacket had been when he
fell off his bicycle.
3. In some urban areas, tower blocks are being down to be replaced by rows of
13. .....................................
1. The two teams each other in the final match this weekend.

2. The photographer asked the bride and groom to each other for the final shot.
3. We need to the fact that the problem has got out of control.
14. .....................................
1. I do not with young people staying up till all hours.
2. How many books does this bag ?
3. Ben‘s parents shares in several major multinational companies.
14. .....................................
1. If it is not tended regularly, any garden will soon into a state of disrepair!
2. Successful television personalities generally into one of two categories -
either they are very lucky or they are very determined.
3. Sonia had to miss a lecture, but asked to borrow a Friend‘s notes so that she didn‘t
too far behind with the work.
15. .....................................
1. The police were given the to break up gatherings of three or more people.
2. The study identified which fuels would have been used in electricity generation if
nuclear had not been used.
3. The Chairman of the company was reluctant to hand over _ to the Board of
Directors in his absence.
16. .....................................
1. Although Professor Sims would want to return to the of poltergeist activity,
he said that the report was a very thorough one and well written.
2. Without _ the most feared of all regimes is a totalitarian one.
3. The woman in was asked whether she had intended to leave without paying
for the goods.
17. .....................................
1. The moonlight revealed a strange walking slowly towards the house.
2. We need to out how to raise enough money to rebuild the damaged
3. Before we sign the contract, we need a precise for the final cost and not an
18. .....................................
1. When Andrews boss found out that he had lied on his CV, it him his job.

2. He is the kind of person who aims to win at any and he won‘t help anyone
else in the competition.
3. If we build an airport on this land, the to the environment will be enormous.
19. .....................................
1. It is obvious that the novelist her inspiration from her own childhood.
2. Mandy‘s excitement mounted steadily as the weekend near.
3. The presenter a comparison between the behaviour of animals and the
behaviour of young children.
20. .....................................
1. Your keyboard needs to stand on a surface a comfortable distance away from
the screen.
2. Whichever type of car you hire, with this deal you pay a rate of £30.00 per
3. The landscape to the south of the resort is rather________and uninteresting compared
to the hilly area to the north.
21. .....................................
1. You have a choice. Either you obey the rules or you leave.
2. The tennis player beat his opponent in _ sets.
3. Pam has beautiful teeth - they are pearly white and _.
22. .....................................
1. At school, Roy used to be a sort of developer, lagging behind his peers.
2. The widower spent most of his evening by the fireplace reminiscing his________wife.
3. John only paid up when I threatened to evict him. Still better________than never.
23. .....................................
1. Anger flashed in her eyes and _ flooded her skin as she understood what his
insinuation was.
2. London is a city full of and character, and visitors always enjoy its rich
culture and unique style.
3. With the passing of years, many events in her past life had taken on a different
24. .....................................
1. My favourite of clothing is a cashmere sweater.
2. The journalist wrote a scathing on the government‘s environmental policy.

3. I did not agree to one _ in the contract and so refused to sign it.
25. .....................................
1. A new of talks took place about reducing the harmful effects of CFCs on the
ozone layer.
2. How about a of golf before tea?
3. There was a of thunderous applause as the star came onto the stage.
26. .....................................
1. We‘ll what happens with the weather before making plans.
2. Jenny didn‘t through Martins false promises until it was too late.
3. I‘m sorry but I don‘t think we should each other anymore.
27. .....................................
1. I really dislike the way that our manager is always taking for everyone else‘s
hard work.
2. I am still waiting for the bank to _ my account for the fees they overcharged
3. Once I finish this course, it will count as one _ towards my degree.
28. .....................................
1. The book about wildlife in the Antarctic _ me very deeply and I‘ve been
involved in conservation issues ever since I read it.
2. The politician‘s speech on several topics, but he mainly talked about inner
city development.
3. When Sally_______the painting in the art gallery, all the alarms went off.
29. .....................................
1. You feel bored with your current relationship, but don‘t give up hope, as someone
new is to appear on the scene and steal you away.
2. The men were driven to an isolated area of forest where, still and blindfolded,
they were released unharmed.
3. Alyson is now for Sydney with three friends, who are keeping her company
along the way.
30. .....................................
1. I don‘t with the idea of renouncing discipline entirely.
2. Does the offer you made me last week still ?
3. The kidnappers said they would _ me prisoner until the ransom was paid.

31. .....................................
1. He‘s a nice boy and he‘s very , but he doesn‘t do much work.
2. A light shone through the open curtains.
3. She likes wearing _ colours, but her sister always wears black.
32. .....................................
1. His shot had and accuracy, and the goalkeeper had no chance.
2. Losing in the middle of the day meant that several workers lost hours of
work they had done on their computers that morning.
3. This document gives you _ to represent me at the company‘s annual
shareholders‘ meeting.
33. .....................................
1. Brian deals mainly with the company‘s clients, while Mary handles the financial
of things.
2. We managed to open the box by pushing the of a knife under the lid.
3. The government called for a(n) to the fighting and a return to normal.
34. .....................................
1. I think she‘s got a very good of succeeding as a musician because she‘s very
2. He took the job because it was his only________of earning a living.
3. By_______, the two of us happened to be at the airport at exactly the same time.
35. .....................................
1. When he goes to an Indian restaurant, Henry will always the hottest curry on
the menu.
2. The ship‘s captain is going to the crew to cast off at dawn.
3. Writers should always their thoughts before putting pen to paper.
36. .....................................
1. The poor man didn‘t understand more than the general of the conversation
and looked baffled and tired.
2. Rural poverty was a problem until the 1970s, when the of people to the towns
narrowed the gap.
3. When we looked out the next morning, a of snow over a metre high had all
but buried the gate.
37. .....................................

1. The bad weather is expected to by the afternoon.
2. It‘s time to _ out these cupboards and make some space.
3. The lawyer announced that he had new evidence that would _ the young man
of murder.
38. .....................................
1. If the examiner asks you something, don‘t spend too long thinking about what to say
- just give a _ answer to the question using everyday language.
2. Ginny was delighted to receive fives from the judges, the highest possible
marks anyone could get in the competition.
3. Melanie had always dreamed of having long hair like the other girls in her
39. .....................................
1. This bag comes from the company‘s mid-priced of accessories.
2. The mountain in Tibet is one of the most familiar images in the natural world.
3. There is a wide of food available in restaurants in London.
40. .....................................
1. If money were no _ , as far as I‘m concerned, I would travel round the world.
2. The_______of the game is to score as many points as possible.
3. It was a curious_______, which was presumably used in Victorian kitchens.
41. .....................................
1. No sooner had his wife been allowed to leave hospital than he arranged for a nurse to
her at home.
2. When I was a child, we had to church every Sunday.
3. I‘ll join you for a drink a bit later, but there are a few matters I must to before
leaving the office.
42. .....................................
1. As Sue paper into her printer, I made photocopies of the tests.
2. Since he was constantly misinformation by those around him, he was never
aware of the real situation.
3. Children on plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables are generally healthier than
those who are not.
43. .....................................

1. The pair collapsed in a of giggles as Simon struggled with Sam‘s bag and
pretended to fall over.
2. Your jacket‘s a really good _ - is it made to-measure?
3. Mayor Winston will have a _ when he reads the taxi drivers‘ proposals for
carving up the city.
44. .....................................
1. The old house has a long and mysterious and is now a popular tourist
2. The witness said the thief ran before he had a chance to stop him.
3. I stayed up way _ my bedtime last night just to watch that horror film.
45. .....................................
1. We believe that customers like the personal and so we aim to treat them all as
2. I think there was just a of envy in Michael‘s comments about my new car.
3. I‘ve lost _ with what‘s happening in this programme because I didn‘t see the
last two episodes.
46. .....................................
1. We need to out a way to reduce costs without firing anyone.
2. I usually _ up a big appetite after patrolling the streets all day.
3. This video game doesn‘t the way it‘s supposed to.
47. .....................................
1. The colourful pictures should the children‘s interest.
2. My son will soon the majority of the shares in the company.
3. Be careful! I don‘t think that branch will _ you.
48. .....................................
1. Most of the roads on the island were built by the Ancient Romans and so tend to
proceed in a straight rather than following the contours.
2. Although she usually liked the poet‘s work, Cerise found the final _ of that
particular poem rather disturbing.
3. Please call me on my mobile, as the to the house is being repaired after the
recent storm damage.
49. .....................................

1. Germany don‘t have the players they had in the past, but they remain a major _
in world football.
2. Although one of the engines was off, the pilot had enough to safely fly the
aircraft back to the airport.
3. The emotional of her poetry is such that she has been dubbed the new Sylvia
50. .....................................
1. I heard the _ of the tiny bird‘s heart as I held it in my hand.
2. Many people find the jumping of rock music too much to bear.
3. Whilst on his the policeman heard strange noises coming from the disused
1. .......................................
1. I don‘t know what to, _ of this strange message.
2. Did you _ any progress this term?
3. No one can this new machine work.
2. .......................................
1. After dust in an attic for many years, the collection of paintings is now about
to go on show to the public.
2. As he walked home, Boris was aware of storm clouds _ in the sky behind him.
3. The couple‘s 25th wedding anniversary provided a good opportunity for
together all their old photographs in one large album.
3. .......................................
1. As midnight approached, the guests slowly away from the party.
2. Overnight, the snow had into great piles up against the garden wail.
3. My thoughts back to the days when I believed everything was possible.
4. .......................................
1. Which are you interested in test-driving, madam?
2. Nicky has made a beautiful of a Spitfire fighter plane.
3. Ronaldinho is a role for many an aspiring young footballer.
5. .......................................

1. Caroline has really made progress with her maths - this year she‘s been moved to the
top _ at school.
2. Steve opened the window and a of cold air immediately rushed into the room.
3. On the video recording, they could see a _ of visitors passing through the
exhibition hall.
6. .......................................
1. She claimed she wasn‘t upset, but the on her face gave away her feelings.
3. In his account, he used one _ that was so obscure that I had to look it up.
3. I love drama, music and all other forms of creative _.
7. .......................................
1. After long negotiations, they the dispute without going to a court of law.
2. We looked at lots of apartments to rent and finally we on this one.
3. My family moved to Canada and _ in Toronto many years ago.
8. .......................................
1. Susan Moore is a world on ancient civilisations.
2. Only the treasurer has the to sign cheques.
3. Many schools in Britain are financed by a local in conjunction with central
government funding.
9. .......................................
1. Tom found that having to such a heavy bag anywhere was rather
2. Although we were getting poor results from our research, we were advised to _
on with the experiments.
3. The school is hoping to _ out an extensive programme of repairs during the
summer break.
10. .....................................
1. Police now doubt that anyone will responsibility for the bomb that exploded
2. The old lady‘s that she had seen a UFO was never taken seriously by anyone.
3. If you have an accident and make a _ , you will have to pay more for future car
11. .....................................

1. Many people feel that the government should be more concerned about _
2. He was only a recruit, fresh from college and with no experience in sales.
3. All dishes are served with chips or a salad.
12. .....................................
1. When meat is as________as this, it really needs to be cooked slowly for hours.
2. It‘s_______on Mary that she won‘t be able to come with us.
3. We need to introduce new laws to stop industries from dumping their waste
into rivers.
13. .....................................
1. Children who are _ to their own devices get up to all sorts of mischief.
2. Charles felt out when the other children started playing a board game without
3. After the party, Karen‘s mum was________with all the tidying up to do.
14. .....................................
1. Tom‘s story about the dog was rather boring and failed to the group‘s
2. We didn‘t take the car on holiday as the boot wasn‘t large enough to all our
3. Clarice went on to a number of responsible positions in the company before
her retirement in 2005.
15. .....................................
1. After working hard in the garden he needed to for a while.
2. He had to _ against the gate when he felt dizzy.
3. The future of the economy will _ on the number of goods the country can
16. .....................................
1. In the future we will be obtaining an increasing amount of _ from wind and
2. He did everything in his to find us somewhere to live.
3. Leaders are often unwilling to give up even when they are very old.
17. .....................................

1. One of the special features of the new railway stations is the artefacts on
2. Their is that you should not interfere in this matter.
3. Jane‘s father held her up so she could get a better .
18. .....................................
1. Advertisements _ other companies‘ products down are banned in some
2. The new production system should be up and by the end of January.
3. That play must have been for at least thirty years now.
19. .....................................
1. This jacket‘s a bit _ in the sleeves; I think you should try another one.
2. Try to avoid annoying Richard, because he‘s got a very _ temper.
3. Lucy was rather________of breath after climbing the 350 steps to the top of the tower.
20. .....................................
1. The joiner used an electric to bore holes in the door.
2. The teacher liked to give the students a regular spelling _ .
3. The uniforms were made of khaki which was very unattractive.
21. .....................................
1. The easiest way to get from Glasgow to Ayr is by train, but there‘s also a bus .
2. Most of his in the Ministry of Technology has been as an administrative
3. Restaurant prices include VAT and _ but most people leave tips for the waiters
22. .....................................
1. The local council had clearly underestimated the of local feeling about its
plan to demolish the old building.
2. Clara felt that she had researched the issue thoroughly and so could argue her point
from a position of in the public debate.
3. After last year‘s run of injuries. I‘m happy to announce that the football team is now
back to full _.
23. .....................................
1. News of her brother‘s arrest for shoplifting came as a bitter to Ayesha.

2. In the football match, Raoul received a to his left knee and still has difficulty
3. The doctor asked his patient to give a good into the tube to test his lung
24. .....................................

1. The company has made a huge effort this year to improve on the customer care
2. His friendliness and charm are just a - don‘t be fooled into thinking he‘s soft.
3. It‘s an unusual row of terraced houses, because every house is so different
from the others.
25. .....................................
1. Mr. Groves is a known on local history, so he may be able to help you.
2. I insist on speaking about this matter to somebody in !
3. The headmistress gave Miss Jones to take the class on a picnic.
26. .....................................
1. I was at a _ to know what to say when she told me the bad news.
2. The company made a huge________of over $10 million last year.
3. After the accident, Graham suffered from a temporary of memory.
27. .....................................
1. The chef complained that everyone was getting in his and ordered them to
2. Ron is determined to win this competition and I can‘t imaging him going out of his
to help anyone else.
3. I was surprised that none of the people I asked knew the to the museum.
28. .....................................
1. My uncle was a hippie in the sixties and he still wears his hair long even now.
2. The crowd stood _ to let the bride pass through.
3. One of these days I‘ll pay him for treating me so badly.
29. .....................................
1. Sally always joins me for a________of golf on Saturday mornings.
2. Our house is near the end of the postman‘s so he doesn‘t get here until about

3. Management are meeting with the unions for another of negotiations to avert
the threatened strike.
30. .....................................
1. John accepted that his new position would a lot of hard work.
2. A red sky in the morning tends to _ bad weather is on the way.
3. I didn‘t to tell him, it just slipped out.
31. .....................................
1. Chris Cummings was a good guitarist but he couldn‘t be trusted to up on
time for concerts, so the band asked him to leave.
2. At Open Days, the second-year students potential students and their parents
round all the facilities.
3. He‘s an excellent diver but when he‘s on the diving board in front of an audience he
has an unfortunate tendency to off.
32. .....................................
1. Bruce sent his steak back because it was .
2. They felt very anxious when their car broke down in a _ area of the town.
3. The company spokesman had to answer a lot of questions about the
forthcoming takeover.
33. .....................................
1. This crisis is a of just how badly this department is run.
2. Although it seemed like a good idea when I first heard it on I‘ve decided
against it.
3. She caught sight of her in a shop window and realised how ill she looked.
34. .....................................
1. I‘m living in Paris now but my permanent is Amsterdam.
2. After buying a new computer, Glen had to find a for his old one.
3. Being an orphan, Bobby was brought up alternately in a local authority and
by foster parents.
35. .....................................
1. Did you _ out with Andrew? Why aren‘t you two speaking?
2. If you behind with your schedule, you will be in trouble.
3. A good education is something to_______back on when you need it.

36. .....................................
1. After the accident he was so shocked he lost the of speech.
2. It‘s not in your to cancel the project.
3. You need tremendous in your legs to be a good runner.
37. .....................................
1. You can that book if you want - I‘ve already read it.
2. I‘m trying to cut his hair but he won‘t still - it‘s going to look terrible!
3. Frank used to the butcher‘s shop on Park Road but he‘s retired now.
38. .....................................
1. The moment he saw a six _number of the cheque, the inventor knew he didn‘t
have to worry about the future.
2. Though a quiet man, Bruce was considered a key _ in the events. It turned out
he was the one who pulled the strings.
3. They said the project would be costly, but they refused to give us even a ball-park
39. .....................................
1. You can always_______on family members to help you out.
2. It is always important to your change before you leave the shop.
3. I you as one of my closest friends.
40. .....................................
1. The children were exhausted after the long to their grandparents‘ house.
2. Peter has such a lot of _ that I am sure he will be the best person to lead this
3. Although the house lights were on and his car was parked on the , Mr.
Gregory did not seem to be at home.
41. .....................................
1. The politician is usually a very lively speaker but today his speech was a little
and the audience quickly got bored.
2. Jessica is a good violinist but today she played a few notes.
3. There was a loud explosion and we threw ourselves on to the ground.
42. .....................................
1. The postcard showed a long of beach lined with palm trees.

2. These jeans are comfortable because the fabric has a bit of _ in it.
3. A lion can stay without moving for hours at a(n) .
43. .....................................
1. Having made some money on the stock market, he decided to leave his job and
out into property development.
2. The man screamed in terror as the enraged dog itself towards his throat.
3. The railway company has_______an enquiry into the causes of the accident.
44. .....................................
1. The statue rests on a huge in the middle of the square.
2. A thin of smoke rose from the small chimney.
3. Can you add up this of figures for me?
45. .....................................
1. The painting has an interesting of brightly coloured trees and bushes.
2. Although the Minister seems to have some support, many of his colleagues prefer to
remain in the and keep their opinions to themselves.
3. Years ago, if you came from the wrong kind of it was impossible to enter
some careers.
46. .....................................
1. During the battle, the entire area to the French.
2. While journeying through tropical regions, he________ill after drinking contaminated
3. As the manager had predicted, production by 10% due to staff reductions.
47. .....................................
1. Jenny realised that she had become so engrossed in what she was doing that she had
lost all of time passing.
2. There is no in trying to persuade someone to give up smoking if they don‘t
really want to.
3. Just sitting in this old building gives me a real of history and culture.
48. .....................................
1. The anthropologist subjected the islanders‘ rituals and traditions to _ analysis.
2. When he first went to work in the Middle East, Bill was highly of their
methods doing business.

3. The bridegroom‘s mother fainted from heat at the most _ point of the wedding
49. .....................................
1. Now that Tom has so little time, how does he keep _ of all his investments?
2. Although the they found through the wood was narrow, it turned out to be
easy to follow.
3. The station is no longer used and the railway has become overgrown with weeds.
50. .....................................
1. You need to_______the fact that Bettina doesn‘t want to go out with you anymore!
2. The team will be attempting to climb the north of the mountain today.
3. She was looking the other way so I asked her to turn round and _ me.
1. .......................................
1. This is an area of outstanding natural beauty as well as being _ to a variety of
beautiful birds.
2. The team performed well when they played at , but they only drew in the
return match.
3. She has been living on her own all her life and is not at all keen on moving into an
old people‘s _ despite her advancing years.
2. .......................................
1. It was Martin that had the idea of redesigning the company logo and it‘s now
much more recognizable.
2. Anna continues to win so many contracts, she‘ll have a , if not brilliant future
in this company.
3. The day began cloudy and cool but ended with _ sunshine and warm
3. .......................................
1. Hotels tend to their prices in the summer season.
2. We‘re hoping that the show we‘re putting on next month will __ a lot of money
for charity.
3. The advertising campaign ought to the profile of the company.
4. .......................................

1. She really needs to find a new for all her energy or shell end up very
2. You can change the if you don‘t like the football.
3. The management needs to open some sort of of communication with the
5. .......................................
1. Due to the new regulations, we are now facing problems of a completely different
2. When the _ was finally given, the soldiers looked uneasily at each other.
3. The repairs are going to cost something in the of £2000.
6. .......................................
1. It would be silly to let things that have happened in the past a wedge between
us now.
2. Of course, banning boxing will simply _ the sport underground.
3. You want £200 for that old car? You certainly a hard bargain.
7. .......................................
1. Nikki already had a idea of how she wanted her career to develop.
2. It soon became that Paula would not be able to finish the race.
3. The area in front of the fire exit should be kept at all times.
8. .......................................
1. The fireman________out his hand but the man refused to let go and take it.
2. The money I spent on the course really_______my budget.
3. I can remember a time when the market stalls from one end of the street to
the other.
9. .......................................
1. The college offers a wide of courses, from business studies to hair styling.
2. We looked out of the plane window as we flew over the of mountains.
3. The bird is just out of of my binoculars, so I can‘t make out what species it is.
10. .....................................
1. The team did so________in the heats that they did not even reach the quarter-finals.
2. Some of our trees were damaged in the storm.
3. Their roof has been leaking for some time and is in need of repair.

11. .....................................
1. He that it was getting even colder in the evenings.
2. I always the school rules when I was a pupil.
3. The scientists the behaviour of rats during the experiment.
12. .....................................
1. You can‘t help Sarah; she‘s a hopeless .
2. Their lawyer is optimistic because he says they have a really strong _ .
3. If that is the_______, then we‘ll have to completely rethink our strategy.
13. .....................................
1. Julie decided that the new skirt didn‘t her well enough to wear to the
2. A technician is conning in tomorrow to new locks on all the windows.
3. His combination of talent and dedication will him for inclusion in the
national team.
14. .....................................
1. She has a small of land behind the house where she grows tomatoes.
2. You might need to wear a for a while; at least until your eye recovers from
the operation.
3. She lost her job last year and she‘s been going through a bad ever since.
15. .....................................
1. The police are trying to the missing man‘s movements.
2. We walked along a muddy_______at the side of the forest.
3. I love the first on the album but am not so keen on all the others.
16. .....................................
1. We had had a lovely day and were for home when the accident happened.
2. The situation may seem awful at the moment but it‘s to get better at some
3. The company is________by the terms of international trade agreements.
17. .....................................
1. The fact that Mary comes from a good and stable shows in her impeccable
2. Many regard Paris as the of the finest European cuisine.

3. He spent the last years of his life in a for the elderly in Brighton.
18. .....................................
1. When I call my sister in Australia the is so clear I can hardly believe she‘s on
the other side of the world.
2. Everyone joined in the first of the chorus of the song but nobody knew how it
went after that.
3. Do you know what of business Charles is in?
19. .....................................
1. He has his own small veterinary and only has one other person to help.
2. It is common these days for someone to greet you as you enter large
American stores.
3. With_______you‘ll soon get the hang of using the crutches.
20. .....................................
1. She says she‘s going to sue him, but don‘t worry, it‘s just a(n) threat.
2. This morning the roads were of traffic.
3. His life was________after the death of his wife.
21. .....................................
1. I think that your brother will an excellent doctor when he qualifies.
2. I am afraid I can‘t____ the meeting on Saturday because I‘m busy.
3. What do you of the new manager in the production department?
22. .....................................
1. My teacher has told me that information for my project will be easy if I use
the Internet.
2. A crowd was in the square, anxious not to miss the performance.
3. that Mary was annoyed, John decided to say nothing more.
23. .....................................
1. For the third time in a week her neighbour asked her to him off in town on
her way to work.
2. Much as I might like to, I can‘t just________everything and go off on holiday.
3. I think we should this subject, as it seems to be upsetting Mandy.
24. .....................................
1. The village where I live is situated at the _ of the River Wye.

2. Clearly feeling insulted, Helen told Sheila to watch her .
3. We could just make out a gleam of light at the of the tunnel.
25. .....................................
1. One of the problems affecting parts of the rain forest is the presence of miners hoping
to gold.
2. He doesn‘t me as being very interested in our project.
3. If the transport workers tomorrow, many people will be unable to get to work.
26. .....................................
1. The official listened to the whole story, but it was difficult to tell whether he believed
it because his did not change at all.
2. ―Yours faithfully‖ is a polite which can be used to close a formal letter.
3. Her technique isn‘t perfect but she puts great into her piano playing.
27. .....................................
1. That garden bench looks very made and probably won‘t last long.
2. The fence is in need of repair because of the storm we had last month.
3. Susanna wants that hat so she is prepared to queue all night before the sale
28. .....................................
1. Darren‘s got a very mind, and always knows when people are trying to get
the better of him.
2. Be careful not to go too fast as you cycle down the hill because there‘s a
bend at the bottom.
3. There‘s been a _ rise in the number of burglaries in this area; I think we‘ll have
to get an alarm installed.
29. .....................................
1. During the concert, Tori suffered an unexpected _ of memory for a few
2. The owners do not accept any responsibility for or damage to vehicles parked
in this car park.
3. When Jason set up his own business he expected to make a________for the first few
30. .....................................
1. Paychecks which are not after six months will be disposed of.

2. The employee he had been in bed with a bad cold on the day of the meeting.
3. Government policies and the ensuing strikes _ a number of lives.
38. .....................................
1. I listened to a(n)________commentary of the match on the radio.
2. I think I left the tap ; I‘d better go back and check.
3. The flight to Edinburgh has been cancelled three days .
39. .....................................
1. In the term, this new proposal could mean a property tax with substantial
rebates for the poor.
2. Running up the stairs left her of breath.
3. The kids made work of the cakes and ice-cream at the party.
40. .....................................
1. Could you________me at the next comer? I can walk from there.
2. The temperature tends to sharply at night at this time of year.
3. I think we should this subject before we have a big argument about it.
41. .....................................
1. The farmer wasn‘t willing to sell his land, to say the least. Actually, he his
two pit bull terriers on a group of developers.
2. Teachers who tell off-colour jokes in the class a bad example. They should
be reprimanded.
3. With her heart on marrying him, there was no stopping her.
42. .....................................
1. Just one day was enough for them to up a close friendship.
2. Lightning can if you stay under a tree in a thunderstorm.
3. He decided to a deal with the lawyers to lessen his sentence.
43. .....................................
1. Milton received a _ to his pride when he failed to get the job.
2. The victim was knocked unconscious by a violent to the head.
3. The witness gave the police a blow by account of what he had seen.
44. .....................................
1. She wasn‘t concentrating properly and did her homework _.
2. He reacted _ to the injection and felt sick all day.

3. I need some sleep; I‘m exhausted after that long drive.
45. .....................................
1. Elaine‘s self-confidence is just a _ because in fact she‘s a very shy person.
2. The arrangement is that we have to pay the builders half the money up and
the other half once they‘ve completed the work.
3. You must have got dressed in a hurry this morning - you‘ve got your sweater on back
to .
46. .....................................
1. I‘m not sure whether to apply for the job as it will________moving away from home.
2. I‘m sure John didn‘t to be offensive; he‘s just not very tactful.
3. I‘m sorry but I really cannot understand what you _.
47. .....................................
1. When Frank was entertaining the children, I saw a of him I hadn‘t seen
2. Ken works as a teacher, but he also sells insurance on the .
3. Ellen fell off her bike and got scratches all down her left .
48. .....................................
1. I‘m going to her to a special meal in an expensive restaurant for her birthday.
2. Paul is an unpopular boss because he tends to his employees very badly.
3. The doctors are not quite sure of the best way to her illness.
49. .....................................
1. She‘s to find out about it one day - we can‘t keep it a secret forever.
2. He was legally _ to report to the police once a week, but did not always fulfill
this requirement.
3. The planes for the disaster zone were well equipped with medicine and
50. .....................................
1. My Spanish is not all that now as I haven‘t used it for ages.
2. The food was so________that it seemed to be burning my tongue.
3. The robbers drove off with the police in _ pursuit.
1. .......................................

1. Pacific and Australasian history _ outside my area of expertise, so ask
Professor Moore instead.
2. It‘s easy to for a trick when the other person seems genuinely kind.
3. We watched the rocks before they crashed into the river.
2. .......................................
1. The minister‘s private secretary refused to reveal anything, even though the
journalists_______her for information.
2. Annie finished cleaning the ground-floor rooms and then _ all Mrs.
Hemingway‘s blouses for the coming week.
3. The lift suddenly stopped between floors with a terrifying crash, and even though
Steve the emergency button numerous times he could get no response.
3. .......................................
1. What I like most about my house in the mountains is the breathtaking .
2. In my , everyone should be encouraged to travel abroad.
3. As we rounded the bend, the lake came into _ .
4. .......................................
1. We will give you a quote of the exact cost in a few hours, but I would say you‘re
probably looking at a(n) of about £3,500.
2. Stewart suddenly saw a strange hovering outside his window.
3. The of the man killing a large animal found on the cave wall dates back to
around 2400 BC.
5. .......................................
1. Paula said to her in too if we go to the seaside tomorrow.
2. You can on me to support you at the meeting.
3. You should yourself lucky that you left the island the very day before the
volcano erupted.
6. .......................................
1. My father gave me a lift into town and me at the railway station.
2. The estate agent _ the asking price for the house in the hope of a quick sale.
3. Without any warning a piece of plaster suddenly from the ceiling.
7. .......................................
1. However much use you make of the city‘s public transport system, with this type of
ticket you pay a________rate of £10.00 per week.

2. The printer needs to stand on a _ surface which will remain still when the
scanner is in operation.
3. The southern part of the island is rather and featureless, but much drier and
sunnier than the mountainous area to the north.
8. .......................................
1. The parcel was tied up with _ and his name was carefully printed in gold
2. For their anniversary, he presented her with a of exquisite pearls.
3. After committing a _ of traffic offences, he was finally disqualified from
driving for five years.
9. .......................................
1. He took the rest of the day off because he wasn‘t .
2. Since Mark got that new job, they‘ve been really off.
3. John should do _ in the test. He has done a lot of studying.
10. .....................................
1. I think on the decision that was reached was the right one.
2. After an amazing run half the length of the pitch, the player lost his at the
critical moment.
3. The_______of power in the region has shifted dramatically in the last thirty years.
11. .....................................
1. Mark Whitely has a regular_______in the Arts section of The Guardian.
2. I could see a________of smoke rising from the chimney of the cottage.
3. Only one _ remained of the four that had supported the roof.
12. .....................................
1. Have we got time for another of drinks before we go?
2. There were 15 of us all the table.
3. It was disappointing to see the politician on his critics.
13. .....................................
1. He had a fine of comic timing - even mediocre jokes sounded funny when he
told them.
2. The good he showed when he handled the Manchester crisis is what earned
him the promotion.

3. It is not clear which of the word ―healing‖ is used here by the poet.
14. .....................................
1. Many newspapers were extremely of the way the Government handled the
2. The moment in the match came when the visiting team were awarded a
3. Robson‘s second novel did not achieve the acclaim of his first, but it too is a
fine piece of writing.
15. .....................................
1. We were to an expensive meal out as a reward for the hard work we‘d pot in.
2. The wood was sanded and then with a varnish to protect it.
3. When I first took up the post, I was with suspicion by my colleagues.
16. .....................................
1. The television company _ in close collaboration with teachers to devise the
series of educational programmes.
2. My sister gets up if I borrow her clothes without asking her first.
3. The modem perfectly the first time I tried it, but it‘s not showing any signs of
life now.
17. .....................................
1. Feeling shy from being surrounded by so many unfamiliar people, the small boy
back when he was offered some cake.
2. The fate of the condemned man _ in the balance for weeks while the court
considered his appeal.
3. The walls of the castle were________with rich tapestries.
18. .....................................
1. Let me give you a _ outline of our plan to develop the business.
2. Lucy arrived at the party with a smile on her face, accompanied by her new
3. The robbery took place in daylight, so it‘s amazing no one saw anything.
19. .....................................
1. Determined to reach the summit, the mountaineers________on despite the blizzard.
2. The committee her to make a speech, so she reluctantly agreed.
3. Steve his shirt then hung it on the back of the chair.

20. .....................................
1. We don‘t know much about Anya as she tends to to herself.
2. The explorers could no longer going once their supplies had run out.
3. The young elephant tried hard to _ up with the rest of the herd.
21. .....................................
1. They asked George to take of the project.
2. There is a small________for using the swimming pool.
3. Melanie was put in of ordering stationery for the whole office.
22. .....................................
1. We‘ll your lateness just this once.
2. The houses_______a school playing field.
3. Fred didn‘t_______the pains in his chest. He immediately consulted a doctor.
23. .....................................
1. She_______herself so hard she had a nervous breakdown.
2. His possessiveness finally her away.
3. The behaviour of their son________them to despair.
24. .....................................
1. Are you completely as to what you have to do now?
2. The sound isn‘t very _----------I think there must be a problem with the speakers.
3. The sky was and there wasn‘t a cloud in sight.
25. .....................................
1. The leader seemed to be almighty. With a of the pen, he could send people to
2. A powerful_______of lightning heralded the coming of the storm.
3. Though relatively young, the businessman suffered a massive which was
attributed to loads of stress. He was immediately rushed to hospital.
26. .....................................
1. They are unjustly trying to________the blame for the accident on her.
2. The government is hoping that these initial talks will _ the foundations for
more concrete negotiations.
3. Someone is coming this afternoon to the new carpet in the lounge.
27. .....................................

1. This medication could affect your so you must only take it before you go to
2. Success in motivating your staff requires striking a delicate between
asserting your authority and giving praise.
3. She could not explain the deficit in her bank _ .
28. .....................................
1. Our new house will be ready for in just over a fortnight.
2. The_______of the university by protesting students lasted for three weeks.
3. Gardening is a relaxing as well as therapeutic for those who suffer from
29. .....................................
1. Suspicion immediately on the last person to see the woman before her
2. Their relationship just to pieces after they‘d only been together for a few
3. As more jobs became available in the improving economic situation, the rate of
unemployment sharply.
30. .....................................
1. Tina was keen to buy a folding bicycle that would inside the boot of her car.
2. Marius painted in a very individual style that didn‘t _ easily into any traditional
3. Greg borrowed his brother‘s suit to wear at the wedding, but to be honest it didn‘t
really him very well.
31. .....................................
1. The _ to success is fraught with difficulties.
2. The Weather Service issued a warning to people in the of the hurricane.
3. They followed the until they came to a gate.
32. .....................................
1. These paper tissues have been with eucalyptus oil, which helps to relieve
2. The various issues involved in the problem are quite different and should be

3. At the time I his comments as a joke, but now I realise he was probably quite
33. .....................................
1. Eric swam only one of the pool before cramp and fatigue brought his
exercise to an end.
2. The director is renowned for making films that exceed three hours in .
3. She bought a of lilac velvet with a view to making the dress herself.
34. .....................................
1. The smoke from the fire in the air for days.
2. I around for an hour, then got tired of waiting.
3. I on tightly as the motorbike roared round the corner.
35. .....................................
1. Actors must learn their to do any part justice.
2. The storm brought the telephone down.
3. You need to be able to read between the _ to understand this document.
36. .....................................
1. Mark his trousers, folded them and put them in a drawer.
2. He forward through the crowd, anxious to get back to his seat in time for the
second half.
3. The staff for better working conditions and higher wages.
37. .....................................
1. My grandmother managed to five children singlehandedly.
2. Before ending the meeting, the Managing Director asked if anyone wanted to
any objections.
3. They will _ the flag while we sing the national anthem.
38. .....................................
1. If you want to the flight, you won‘t have time to check your luggage in.
2. I‘m afraid we don‘t have any replacement parts for this of camera.
3. Listening to love songs after a break-up tends to me depressed.
39. .....................................
1. The campaign is moving into top as the election approaches.
2. Have you packed your climbing _ ?

3. The reverse on this car is difficult to find.
40. .....................................
1. The talented writer was renowned for his _ sense of humour.
2. Alan‘s cough kept him up all night.
3. The recent _ spell is worrying to farmers.
41. .....................................
1. I think that after today‘s confrontation, Helga will learn to watch her________when
addressing the manager.
2. They stayed in a small cottage, situated at the of the river.
3. He stood before the of the cave and asked me to take his photograph.
42. .....................................
1. We could solve the problem at a single________by removing the ringleaders from the
2. He‘s been so preoccupied with the news that he hasn‘t done a work all day.
3. The procession traditionally starts in the square on the of midnight.
43. .....................................
1. Their new _ of clothing is meant to appeal to a younger target group.
2. There was no point in shooting at the wolf as it was already out of .
3. Prices at the store _ from the easily affordable to the extremely expensive.
44. .....................................
1. The_______of your course fees must be paid by December.
2. You need excellent as well as grace to be a dancer.
3. Health experts agree that between work and leisure should be encouraged.
45. .....................................
1. Beryl was in a bad mood and spoke to him in a tone.
2. Watch that bread knife; it has a very _ edge.
3. These lemon sweets are too for my taste.
46. .....................................
1. Clarissa‘s bad temper _ something of a shadow over the whole meeting.
2. One of the director‘s main responsibilities is to the show before rehearsals

3. The opposing sides in the dispute agreed to _ aside their differences and work
for the common good.
47. .....................................
1. When the police interviewed him, he he‘d been miles away at the time of the
2. The avalanche is believed to have almost a hundred lives, although exact
figures are not yet available.
3. When he was made redundant, he swallowed his pride and _ _ unemployment
48. .....................................
1. The coconut hit the with a dull thud.
2. Although the committee covered quite a lot of today it was felt that a second
meeting would be necessary.
3. Politically correct non-sexist terms like ―chairperson‖ have rapidly gained .
49. .....................................
1. If your injury is very minor, it will be by a nurse rather than by a doctor.
2. This particular coat is made of a fabric which has been with a special
substance to make it waterproof.
3. He had a reputation for being a very demanding boss, but personally I found he
his staff fairly.
50. .....................................
1. I would like to my disapproval of the action that has been proposed.
2. You should for the course by the end of February.
3. You need specialised equipment to the noise level from wind turbines.
1. .......................................
1. I have absolutely no what he means!
2. Can you give me a general of what your plans are?
3. He still makes mistakes, but I think he‘s got the right now.
2. .......................................
1. After four world tours in three years, the singer has decided to take a well-earned
from travelling.

2. After buying gifts for all her family, the lottery winner decided to donate the _
of her winnings to charity.
3. The runner was advised to give her injured knee a thorough before beginning
her training programme again.
3. .......................................
1. It is said that everyone has their _ but Senator Jacobson never accepted a bribe
in his life.
2. Erica paid the _ for her constant lateness when she was turned down for a
3. Most of the stock in that shop is being sold at half today because it‘s closing
4. .......................................
1. I can‘t believe he‘s considering getting to her; we must talk him out of it.
2. I tried to call him several times, but his line is constantly .
3. He left the room, saying that he did not want to be _ in that sort of discussion.
5. .......................................
1. With the local bus every hour, our village is quite accessible.
2. With tears _ down her cheeks, Mandy rushed from the room.
3. a successful business requires determination and initiative.
6. .......................................
1. Apples are in supply this winter because of the summer drought.
2. In the term, our company prospects look very promising.
3. Henry would have finished his explanation but Sarah cut him .
7. .......................................
1. Lois has a very _ _ sense of humour and sometimes it‘s hard to know whether
she is actually joking or not.
2. I must stop and get some pastilles on the way to the cinema because I have a rather
cough and don‘t want to spoil everyone‘s enjoyment of the film.
3. After six months at sea, the long distance yachtswoman was glad to be back on
8. .......................................
1. Her attempt at making rice pudding failed when the mixture refused to .
2. She_______the alarm clock so it would ring at 6 a.m.

3. Far from being impractical, Tom proved that his feet were firmly on the
9. .......................................
1. Last year‘s champion is in with a chance of repeating his success in the grand
prix next weekend.
2. Some of the home owners are hoping to get compensation for the poor building work,
and I think they have a very _ case.
3. There‘s no point in trying to put the tent up, the wind is far too _.
10. .....................................
1. The sleuth was known for analyzing each case with a critical __. That‘s what I
think makes a good detective.
2. When talking with your potential employer try not to avoid contact.
3. Working with a computer for two long each day may lead to strain and pains
in your wrists.
11. .....................................
1. I‘ve made my final offer, so the _ is in their court now – we‘ll see if they
accept it or not.
2. Sally suggested that they get together and discuss the problem face-to-face, but
Rupert won‘t play and apparently wants to bring in a lawyer instead.
3. If everyone‘s here and ready now, then I think we should get the rolling.
12. .....................................
1. The gang kept a restaurant as a for an illegal gambling house.
2. Politicians often maintain a united even if they personally disagree with their
party leader.
3. With her qualifications and personality, Sonia has a great career in __ of her.
13. .....................................
1. William is a good talker; he‘s never________for words!
2. If you want to get your umbrella back, you can try the________and found office at the
3. It‘s easy to get in a big city like London.
14. .....................................
1. The managing director would like to________candidates as a group before beginning
the individual interviews.

2. I‘m not sure what to do - it‘s not the sort of problem we expect to now we
have all this modern technology.
3. The union officials said the management had agreed to the majority of their
15 ......................................
1. It‘s not fair. You always with dad!
2. Joe stood on the _ _ of the swimming pool, poising himself for a dive.
3. Would you like a _ salad with your steak, madam?
16. .....................................
1. I‘m grateful that you took the to make all these arrangements for me.
2. The_______with Judy is that she always thinks she knows better than everyone else.
3. When he was younger, Alan used to steal things and he was always getting into
with the police.
17. .....................................
1. The writing is so that I can hardly read it.
2. I‘d been standing in the queue for over half an hour when I suddenly began to feel
3. There‘s still a chance that she‘ll get here on time if the traffic isn‘t too heavy.
18. .....................................
1. Could you give me an of how many people are coming to dinner tonight?
2. Sitting in the freezing cold watching a football match is not my of a romantic
night out!
3. I have no _ why Bill left the party so suddenly.
19. .....................................
1. Demand for ice cream has traditionally tended to off in the winter months.
2. If it isn‘t maintained properly, a modern school building will soon into a state
of disrepair.
3. Denise‘s family problems led her to behind with her college work.
20. .....................................
1. A good _ school gives a child solid basis for his further education.
2. The book‘s_______aim is to amuse, not to inform.
3. Children tend to like bright________colours.

21. .....................................
1. They set off at the crack of dawn, hoping to _ the traffic.
2. We had to _ a path through the undergrowth in order to reach the edge of the
3. You first the eggs and flour together and then you add the sugar.
22. .....................................
1. Jones is a key in the trade union movement.
2. James is like a father _ to me.
3. We don‘t have an exact , but it could cost as much as £10,000.
23. .....................................
1. You can on me for support in the meeting.
2. Children learn to _ at quite a young age.
3. I completely agree with you but my opinion doesn‘t really _.
24. .....................................
1. His intelligent sense of humour made him popular.
2. Mild, wet winters and summers are characteristics of the Mediterranean
3. The paint on this window isn‘t _ yet, so don‘t touch it!
25. .....................................

1. She ran up the last of stairs to the door of his office.

2. His _ from persecution led him to Australia.
3. I love to watch Canada geese in .
26. .....................................
1. My sisters have had a _ relationship with one another since they were children.
2. A wind suddenly came out of nowhere and we turned the boat around.
3. Even after recent injuries, we have a________team for the next game.
27. .....................................
1. The draught from the windows always seems to________out the candles in the dining
2. Could you help me up these balloons for Tim‘s party?
3. If you don‘t stop switching the lights on and off, you‘ll _ a fuse!
28. .....................................
1. David‘s brother is a drummer in a famous rock .
2. A metal encloses the wooden strips at each end of the barrel.
3. Primary education deals with the age of five or six to eleven or twelve.
29. .....................................
1. He gave up his regular in The Guardian for the sake of becoming a radio
2. A tall of smoke rose from the scene of the accident.
3. The tall marble _ on that rock is a monument to the soldiers who died here in
30. .....................................
1. Under British for a time, the economy flourished.
2. As a I finish work at 5.30.
3. I can‘t see the point of this_______which says we can‘t cycle to school.
31. .....................................
1. He was so shocked after the accident that the police couldn‘t get any out of
him at all.
2. They were certainly under a lot of pressure, although this in no excuses their actions.
3. The whole sorry affair left me with a of complete helplessness.
32. .....................................
1. Chris is not a man to _ ; he‘s got a foul temper.
2. After reading it again, she decided to out two whole sentences.
3. How long did it take you to the Channel last summer?
33. .....................................
1. Sarah‘s the only person I know who takes the to bake her own bread.
2. Apparently the clients had________finding the right exit from the motorway.
3. As far as I‘m concerned, air travel is more than it‘s worth.
34. .....................................
1. I last saw Marta getting on a ship that was for Spain.
2. Knowing John, he‘s to be late for the meeting.
3. The bank robbers had _ the hostages together with rope.
35. .....................................
1. Jones does a wicked of the headmaster that is just like him.

2. From what you said I got the _ that you weren‘t at all that interested in going to
the party.
3. From the look on their faces, it seemed that Neville‘s impassioned speech and vision
had made no _ on his companions.
36. .....................................
1. My mother _ down an old photograph album for us to see.
2. The pollution from the factory has local people many problems.
3. The concert was watched by millions of viewers and _ people together from all
around the world.
37. .....................................
1. Getting on the Olympic team became her _ objective.
2. A number cannot be divided by any other number except itself, e.g. 1, 3 and
3. Middle age can be the of the life if you have the right attitude.
38. .....................................
1. My_______is that the plan will never work, but I could be wrong.
2. She waited until the whole of castle was in and then took a photograph.
3. The pictures are currently on in local art gallery.
39. .....................................
1. Doug was put in________of the garage while his boss was away on holiday.
2. You can have a newspaper delivered to your hotel room each day, but there is an
extra_______for this service.
3. The shoplifter was taken to court on a of theft and resisting arrest.
40. .....................................
1. There have been complaints by residents living on the outskirts of the city of attacks
by a_______of stray dogs.
2. You should be a bit more suspicious! That story is obviously a of lies from
start to finish.
3. James found it difficult to climb because of the heavy he was carrying on his
41. .....................................
1. The dish was quite tasty but rather , and would have benefited from some sort
of sauce.

2. I use a special shampoo for hair which seems to give it more shine.
3. The weather forecast says it will be today with occasional showers.
42. .....................................
1. In class today, our chemistry teacher gave us very________instructions about how we
should proceed with the experiment.
2. It was to everyone watching that the athlete had not recovered from his injury.
3. The water is very on this side of the bay and you can see plenty of fish.
43. .....................................
1. The President highlighted the relationship that existed between the two
countries, who, he said, were now ―the closest of allies‖.
2. Relations with management have not improved and there‘s a chance the
unions will call a strike next week.
3. I never liked kissing my grandmother, because I couldn‘t stand the smell of
her perfume.
44. .....................................
1. I know that Simon meant when he corrected my pronunciation, but I thought
it was rude rather than helpful.
2. She is aware of the risks involved in bungee jumping, but that‘s not going to
stop her doing it.
3. Andreas did exceptionally _ in his test, meaning that he qualifies for a
45. .....................................
1. An_______number of players is needed to begin the game.
2. I don‘t eat sweets very often but I enjoy the bar of chocolate.
3. That‘s ; I‘m sure I left my glasses here, but they‘re gone.
46. .....................................
1. The curtains were pulled across the windows, allowing only a single of light
to cut through the gloom.
2. Staring at the others, Martin secured his hair with a at the nape of his neck
and then collapsed with laughter.
3. It is the 40% tax_______which is currently under scrutiny by the government.
47. .....................................
1. Apparently one of the workers from the bridge during its construction.

2. The group silent as everyone stared in wonder at the active volcano.
3. The price of petrol _ sharply yesterday.
48. .....................................
1. Chris bought a folding bicycle that was small enough to inside the boot of his
2. Gina is hoping that her grandmother‘s wedding dress will________her well enough to
be worn without major alteration.
3. The police officers looked at the CCTV footage closely and agreed that the man
seemed to _ the description of the escaped prisoner exactly.
49. .....................................
1. The robberies seem to follow a similar of events.
2. Cut round the edges of the dress then stitch the seams of the material together.
3. The curtain material has an attractive of circles and stars.
50. .....................................
1. Your will follow you on the next flight, sir.
2. These exercises are designed to develop the muscles in your .
3. The road was blocked by the of a fallen tree.
1. .......................................
1. One minute before the end of the match Manchester managed to the score at
2-2 and retain its position at the top of the Premiere League.
2. The company attempted to serious charges against computer software pirates
to teach them a lesson.
3. A high of security should be maintained across the country due to terrorist
2. .......................................
1. I have the _ that some members of the group are less than happy with the
planned excursion.
2. Vaclav did his best to leave the conference audience with a positive _ of the
work of his organisation.
3. On one of the Roman tiles you can see the _ of a dog‘s paw, made before the
clay had dried over two thousand years ago.
3. .......................................

1. She tends to look older than her age because of deep around her face and
2. Due to a technical fault on the tracks, two commuters _ were temporarily
3. She was offered a part in the school play if she could learn her by the
following day.
4. .......................................
1. Before signing the contract, make sure you read the small _.
2. Pat wore a dress with a pretty floral _ on it.
3. The wild cat hadn‘t left a single for us to follow.
5. .......................................
1. Pressure of work _ Kostas from taking more than a week‘s holiday last year.
2. The secretary_______a record of everything that was said during the discussion.
3. Mr. Wilson _ a dog for company as he really enjoyed going for long country
6. .......................................
1. ―Can you _ all those enquiries yourself, or would you like some help?‖ David
asked the company new receptionist.
2. Having decided to reorganise their office space, the company needed to find
somebody who could _ the project for them.
3. Although afraid of offending her hosts, Stella simply couldn‘t _ to finish the
enormous portion of meat she was given.
7. .......................................
1. Under pressure from the opposition, the government decided to call a _
2. Not only will keeping fit help you control your weight, but it will also give you a
sense of well-being.
3. Latest figures confirm a _ increase in unemployment despite recent
government measures.
8. .......................................
1. We are pleased to announce that to popular demand our travel pages will be
2. The visitors are not to arrive for another two hours yet.

3. A decision will be made after consideration of the facts.
9. .......................................
1. She‘s always on the------------I don‘t know how she has the energy.
2. He‘s going to start his own company, which sounds like a smart .
3. Be careful. They‘ll be watching your every _ .
10. .....................................
1. Very few people survive being by lightning.
2. I was by the resemblance of John to my late father.
3. It me that I had had a lucky escape.
11. .....................................
1. The council will probably a very tight budget for next year, which means
there will be hardly any road words.
2. It would be helpful if you could _ the table for me, while I see to the meal.
3. The police decided to _ a trap for the kidnappers.
12. .....................................
1. The office stationery is white with a thin blue round the edge.
2. Several High Street shops were extensively damaged by a huge _ of rioters.
3. The brass _ at the company picnic played my favourite music.
13. .....................................
1. I told the doctor that 1 regularly get a pain in my chest.
2. Recent events have brought into _ focus the need for a change in the law.
3. I arrived just as instructed at six to find that I was the only one there.
14. .....................................
1. Despite the young actor‘s inexperience, the director him in the lead role.
2. The flickering candle _ frightening shadows on the walls of the cellar.
3. Once on the open sea, he his line and sat on the deck waiting for fish to bite.
15. .....................................
1. My previous neighbour always that she knew a lot of famous actors, but I‘m
not sure it was true.
2. After the business trip, John made sure he his expenses promptly.
3. Loss of habitat and damage to the environment has the lives of many animals.

16. .....................................
1. The local football is the only one in the area still without floodlights for
evening matches.
2. Professor Twain‘s research is recognised as having broken new in the field of
medical engineering.
3. We were thrilled to discover that the _ on which our house is built had once
been the location of a 12th-century castle.
17. .....................................
1. Everyone knows that one good deserves another.
2. They suddenly came to a sharp in the road.
3. When Tim jumped out from the shadows like that, he gave her a nasty .
18. .....................................
1. exercise will help you stay healthy.
2. Walter used to be a long-distance lorry driver, but now he‘s got a job in an
3. When the nurse checked the sleeping patient, his breathing was with no sign
of distress.
19. .....................................
1. The pedestrian‘s shoe left its in the fresh cement on the pavement.
2. Nobody said anything definite, but I got the _ that they were unwilling to hire
3. Harry will keep you entertained: he does a very good of his new manager.
20. .....................................
1. He had an operation to his hearing but unfortunately it was only partially
2. The police were called in to order.
3. Some states in the USA may decide to________the death penalty for serious crimes.
21. .....................................
1. The hunter looked at the recently made paw _ and knew the lion must be
2. As I couldn‘t afford an original painting, I had to buy a instead.
3. Ruth bought a skirt with an attractive geometric .
22. .....................................

1. The young mother felt proud that she was managing to her children alone.
2. As soon as he spotted the danger, the security man rushed to the alarm.
3. In order to pay for the project, you‘ll need to much more than £1000.
23. .....................................
1. Despite the dreadful journey, they arrived home in the knowledge that their
ordeal was over.
2. Do you think it is to ride a bicycle without a helmet?
3. To be on the side, we should set the burglar alarm.
24. .....................................
1. I‘m angry that they cancelled the arrangement at such notice.
2. Sam was rather _ _ with me when we spoke on the phone, so I must have done
something to offend him.
3. As we‘re rather _ of time, I think we‘d better get on to the main point of this
meeting straight away.
25. .....................................
1. The travel agent explained that you pay a small deposit now and the balance is
for payment four weeks before your date of departure.
2. Dave‘s plane is _ to land at 19:50, so we don‘t need to go to the airport for
another half-an-hour yet.
3. According to his boss, everyone in Malcolm‘s office is for a rise in the next
few months.
26. .....................................
1. I find it difficult to myself deadlines because I need some flexibility in my
2. My brother_______up a new business last year, and it‘s really taken off.
3. My favourite poem has been to music and sounds beautiful as a song.
27. .....................................
1. According to a recent , the number of science graduates is likely to fall in the
2. Rolf decided to turn one room in his new flat into a so that he could keep his
work and his family life separate.
3. In the 19th century, it was not unusual for wealthy people to devote themselves to a
life of .

28. .....................................
1. The entrance fee is £25 but there is a reduced for children.
2. Tropical rainforests are shrinking at an alarming .
3. The _ of interest on loans of more than £10,000 has been reduced.
29. .....................................
1. Having sold a million copies of their album, the received a gold disc.
2. The nurse tied a________with the baby‘s name around its wrist.
3. A of light shone beneath the door.
30. .....................................
1. I could see the horse galloping at speed towards the fence with the rider
shouting for help.
2. My grandmother lived a life and everyone at her funeral had a different story
to tell about her adventures.
3. The bill for the repairs needs to be paid in before the end of this month.
31. .....................................
1. He spent about an hour trying to explain it all to me but I still felt totally------------it
just seemed impossible.
2. His kind words were completely _ on her - she was too immersed in her own
3. Celia didn‘t notice how long the flight took; she spent the whole time in her
32. .....................................
1. ―I‘ve got to go now, but I‘ll try to up with you later in the park,‖ said Jake.
2. The organisers agreed to the costs of clearing up after the pop concert.
3. The company has failed to________its targets for the second consecutive year.
33. .....................................
1. Once you hear her _ of the story, I‘m sure you‘ll understand why she resigned.
2. I could see Chen on the far of the room, talking to the Russian delegates.
3. Our_______lost 2-1 in Saturday‘s match and that knocks them out of the cup.
34. .....................................
1. Despite the traffic problems, Joe managed to _ up for his interview on time.
2. I think we should back before it gets dark or we‘ll get lost.

3. I was sure the holiday would out fine in the end.
35. .....................................
1. Because of her red hair and________complexion, she avoided sunbathing.
2. Though unable to give an exact figure, he gave us a _ idea of how much the
trip would cost.
3. He was informed that the merchant was an astute but businessman.
36. .....................................
1. The driver of the blue car that he was turning right, but turned left instead.
2. The tests _ that her dog might be suffering from heart disease.
3. Mark had never before his intention to go to university.
37. .....................................
1. Results this season have well below expectations and so the team coach has
been sacked.
2. There have been so many interruptions today that I‘ve, behind with my work.
3. Jack didn‘t answer the-phone because he had asleep on the sofa.
38. .....................................
1. Unpacking the enormous suitcases was a slow .
2. The strikers are in the of organising talks with the management.
3. By a of elimination, I worked out which street the house must be in.
39. .....................................
1. The British Ambassador us in his villa on the outskirts of the city.
2. I can assure you that I never even _ the notion of trying to lie to you.
3. After dinner Paul _ us with jokes and tales of his travels.
40. .....................................
1. It‘s difficult to put an exact________on how much the museum extension will cost.
2. Che Guevara was a leading in the communist revolution in Cuba.
3. The government need to _ out what they are going to do to lower
41. .....................................
1. If you want to learn Spanish, ask if there s a beginners‘ _ at the local college.
2. In the of the conversation I realised I‘d forgotten her name.
3. It was a simple meal: the main was roast chicken.

42. .....................................
1. Her lack of self-confidence is reflected in the rather colours she chooses to
2. It was a speech and some of the audience lost interest and left before the end.
3. The sharp pain in her back had subsided to a _ ache.
43. .....................................
1. I have to catch an early to Paris.
2. She broke her leg after falling down a of stairs.
3. The children took _ when they saw the schoolteacher, his face red with anger,
striding across the playground towards them.
44. .....................................
1. The_______of the painting is thought to be the artist‘s mother.
2. The festival organizers would like to point out that all times and dates of events are
to change.
3. Some politicians change the rather than answer a question they find awkward.
45. .....................................
1. The_______of this needle is so small that I can‘t thread it.
2. Suddenly they found themselves at the of the storm.
3. Joe has an for recognising gifted new artists.
46. .....................................
1. I would almost certainly place him in the top _ of pupils.
2. The_______comprised two guitarists, a drummer and a vocalist.
3. The documents were crudely held together by an elastic .
47. .....................................
1. Helen rubbed her carpet as hard as she could but the stain still wouldn‘t out.
2. I‘m afraid people don‘t much meaner than my neighbour; she even re-uses
her old tea bags!
3. Matt has gone out this evening to try and forget how badly his presentation went, but
in the cold light of day it‘ll________back to haunt him.
48. .....................................
1. At first, the method may not yield instant results, but in the long it is
extremely effective.

2. His high place in the popularity polls convinced him he should _ for
Parliament in the next elections.
3. The engineers are trying hard to design a car that would on water only in an
effort to eliminate air pollution for good.
49. .....................................
1. Looking at Barry‘s assignment, you get a real of the pride he takes in his
2. There is no _ in washing the car before the journey, it‘ll only need doing again
once we get there.
3. Fortunately, Louis had the to check the brakes before he rode off on the bike
he‘d borrowed.
50. .....................................
1. The researchers interviewed a wide _ section of society for the survey.
2. I heard that in some countries it‘s considered rude to your legs when other
people are present.
3. I get very _ with her when she tells lies.
1. .......................................
1. Sven was the star __ in the school revue with his impersonations of all the
2. It‘ll be my to cook a meal for us both next weekend.
3. Don‘t drive too fast as you approach the next because there‘s a sharp
2. .......................................
1. The maze was made out of neatly trimmed hedges.
2. I couldn‘t get the tickets because the _ office was closed.
3. In the past some teachers used to naughty boys on the ears.
3. .......................................
1. When he‘s not working, George‘s main________is music, particularly jazz.
2. Politics is of no_______to Suzanne and she knows nothing about it.
3. We had to pay a very high rate of on the loan from the bank.
4. .......................................
1. He uses a _ for his hair even though he is almost bald.

2. After my _ with the police, I always carry my papers with me.
3. The fire spread through he at a frightening speed.
5. .......................................
1. Terry‘s in the of applying for a new job with a pharmaceutical company.
2. Scientists arc developing a new that will allow minerals to be extracted from
3. You must check the temperature at each stage in the cheese-making .
7. .......................................
1. Although access to its website is free, there‘s a small if you want to receive
the company‘s monthly newsletter.
2. Simon decided to take of his own financial affairs at the relatively early age
of seventeen.
3. Derek is in of the office whilst his manager is on maternity leave.
8. .......................................
1. The film company supplied an information for the sponsors.
2. She didn‘t trust him when she discovered he had told her a_______of lies.
3. The dealer shuffled the and dealt the cards.
9. .......................................
1. It was a rather day, with so much mist and low cloud that we hardly got to
see any sunshine at all.
2. Thelma explained to the doctor that what she felt in her knee was more a kind of
ache than a sharp pain.
3. The film is really action-packed from start to finish with never a moment.
10. .....................................
1. Shops originally had sales so that they could _ their shelves of old stock and
make room for new things.
2. After the barbecue party, Sammy was told to up the mess his friends had left
in the garden.
3. Petra was told to _ everything out of her bedroom so that it could be used for
guests in future.
11. .....................................
1. The stone columns were designed to a heavy ceiling.
2. We are hoping that some large corporations, will offer their to our project.

3. Our survey shows that most people the idea of flexible working hours.
12. .....................................
1. A wooden had been nailed over the broken window pane.
2. The local tourist________is offering several bargain breaks this spring.
3. The guesthouse charges £10 per night for room and , so it offers good value.
13. .....................................
1. Being disabled need not be a(n) to professional success.
2. I was attacked by a youth wielding an iron .
3. There is a very high note to sing in the fourth of the piece.
14. .....................................
1. Farmers have been warned not to trees growing on the hillside.
2. The roads into disrepair as the government no longer had the funds to
maintain them.
3. That old car of mine finally apart last week!
15. .....................................
1. The company needs to this problem before it gets worse.
2. This glue will any material to any another surface.
3. Before we all leave, we should a date for the next meeting.
16. .....................................
1. The checked on the curtains looked lovely against the plainness of the white
2. As a sociologist, I‘m always looking for a in the way people behave.
3. If you‘re going to make your own clothes, you have to learn how to follow a .
17. .....................................
1. Politicians seem able to with every available tide, depending on what suits
2. Marilyn Monroe had the ability to make everyone‘s head .
3. I‘m not sure how the meeting will _ out. Now that our key people won‘t be
18. .....................................
1. The painting would look more , if you lift it up a bit at the left.
2. The two horses are now and the race is almost over!

3. Steve had to go back to an easier because the game was too difficult.
19. .....................................
1. This case would be reported in the next________of the magazine.
2. Let me just say that I take with the Minister over this question of public
3. Of course I believe he is evading the yet again.
20. .....................................

1. For the first time, she notices the _ on her father‘s face.
2. They made the children stand in four .
3. The dresses he designs closely follow the of the boy.
21. .....................................
1. Eddie is hoping to get a part in the new________of the musical Cats.
2. They are increasing the of ice cream because of greater demand during the
hot weather.
3. Students should note that of a current student card entitles them to a 10%
22. .....................................
1. Selling their flat was a silly thing to do, in my .
2. As we entered the valley, the village came into .
3. A tall man with a big head is blocking my _ of the stage, and I can‘t see the
23. .....................................
1. He made his_______on the fashion industry in the 1970s.
2. The university student was delighted with her in the final examination.
3. It was a of the child‘s developing independence that he didn‘t want to sit
with his father on the train.
24. .....................................
1. it to me straight. Did you have something to do with the theft?
2. The newcomer on the tennis scene can certainly as good as he gets, as was
proved by the results of his last game.
3. I‘ll take an hour to get to the airport, or take five minutes.
25. .....................................

1. If your cat‘s coat is , feed it Catto cat food!
2. The _ rumble of traffic woke her.
3. We could just see the _ glow given off by the fire‘s last embers.
26. .....................................
1. The date of the church garden fete has been to July 30th.
2. During the writer‘s early childhood, her family to the country.
3. The soprano‘s rendering of the aria________the audience to tears.
27. .....................................
1. When we arrived at midnight, the party was already in full _.
2. When you look at issues like crime and education, there has been a noticeable
in public opinion, away from government policy.
3. Amazingly, the _ which her grandfather had built in the garden for them all to
play on was still there when she visited the spot fifty years later.
28. .....................................
1. Because of a lack of adequate regulation, the system whereby students supposedly
have equal access to the college computer network is open to abuse.
2. The company‘s estimates of how quickly demand for their products would rise have
tended to be rather _ of the mark.
3. Although she hadn‘t slept very well, Hayley was feeling awake and ready for
the day ahead.
29. .....................................
1. In this goalless draw with Tottenham, Queens Park Rangers supplied the only
chances, Sinton clipping the and Barker hitting a post.
2. Down in Bristol recently, I went to a local _ which offered live jazz and was
packed every night.
3. Interestingly, the wrapped of soap came into use only at the beginning of the
twentieth century.
30. .....................................
1. Tina was employed two years ago on a basis and has since found a
permanent position in the marketing department.
2. Such a(n) style of dress is not acceptable in such a professional working
3. Unless you become less in your attitude to money, we shall soon be in debt.

31. .....................................
1. is becoming less of a social issue in most countries today.
2. Regular reunions have helped me keep in touch with friends from my _ at
primary school.
3. The Russian ice skater was simply in a of her own and easily won the gold
32. .....................................
1. I know what I‘m talking about. I‘ve experienced his anger first _ and let me tell
you he can be really nasty.
2. Confronted with unprecedented mobbing in the workplace, Lisa decided to in
her resignation and look for another job.
3. It‘s high time the police realised the situation is getting out of .
Reinforcements are needed to quell the riot.
33. .....................................
1. I hope your new plan for raising money will __ out better than the last one did.
2. The amount of money spent on space research is likely to public opinion
against them.
3. The children had to somersaults and then race up the ladder.
34. .....................................
1. Some middle-aged parents find it hard to to their teenage children.
2. Geraldine reluctantly began to the events of the morning.
3. The company claims that they will try to _ pay increases to inflation.
35. .....................................
1. The latest _ of the magazine contains a feature about guitar making.
2. The most serious that the two sides in the case had to resolve involved an
alleged breach of copyright.
3. The main _ for the family to decide was not whether to buy the new car, but
whether to pay cash for it or not.
36. .....................................
1. Shakespeare‘s writing is characterised by an incredibly use of imagery.
2. I‘ve never enjoyed Christmas cake - it‘s far too for me.
3. The night club was the exclusive preserve of celebrities and business people.
37. .....................................

1. The prosecution will attempt to _ that you were at the scene of the crime.
2. We all doubted her abilities, but she was determined to _ us wrong.
3. This problem is very complicated and may to be impossible to solve.
38. .....................................
1. Press any to start the computer.
2. Scientists think they have found the_______to some hereditary diseases.
3. It was an awful performance, with the soloist singing in the wrong _ .
39. .....................................
1. I didn‘t want to arrive late so I left earlier than I needed to, just to be on the
2. Since they haven‘t phoned to tell us otherwise, I think it‘s _ to assume that
they‘re still coming to see us next weekend.
3. Don‘t worry I won‘t tell anyone what you‘ve just told me - your secret is
with me.
40. .....................................
1. The train stopped just _ of the station so we got off and waked to the platform.
2. It was the awful weather that made us decide to cut the holiday _ .
3. The group were running of supplies and drinking water, so they reluctantly
turned back.
41. .....................................
1. In the of the meeting, it became clear that Mr. Jennings had misread the
2. It is not clear why the ship changed________before reaching its original destination.
42. .....................................
1. There are very few pandas left in the wild and they are in danger of out
2. After walking all afternoon in the summer heat, we were _ for a long, cool
3. It is now a week since the discovery was first made, and the initial excitement is now
down a little.
43. .....................................
1. Once the ship gets out into open sea, the captain will a course for the island.

2. This is a special type of cement that should very quickly, and then we‘ll be
able to walk on it.
3. The new sales manager is determined to _ _ new targets for the company.
44. .....................................
1. It‘s dangerous to _ lanes on the motorway without indicating first.
2. Although we flicked the a number of times, the machine would not work.
3. We will no longer be using the old accounting software after we _ over to the
new software next month.
45. .....................................
1. Even the most hardened criminal is entitled to a trial.
2. The parents are dark-haired but all the children have got hair and blue eyes.
3. The weather forecast for tomorrow is with some scattered shower.
46. .....................................
1. On a Friday night, the in the city centre are crowded with young people.
2. I was so hungry after school that I ate two whole of chocolate.
3. Some prisoners spend hours looking through the at the world outside their
47. .....................................
1. A professional singer should be able to reach a high like that.
2. He left without saying a word and didn‘t even leave a(n) _ to explain.
3. The lifeguards know just how dangerous the sea can be, so .
48. .....................................
1. Execute me, is that seat or is someone sitting there?
2. This country has been of malaria and other tropical diseases for many years.
3. After three weeks of captivity, the animals were set _ and returned to the
49. .....................................
1. Small towns have little on a Saturday night.
2. Both men were found guilty of murder and sentenced to imprisonment.
3. You take your in your hands every time you cross that road in the rush hour.
50. .....................................
1. I‘m learning to pots out of clay in my spare time.

2. Penelope won a contract to _ clothes for a well-known fashion house.
3. If you want to be a professional tennis player, my advice is to yourself on

3. BASE 20. PICK 37. LIGHT
4. LOW 21. TURN 38. PICK
5. ODD 22. RUN 39. ISSUE
6. DARK 23. SHARP 40. FELL
7. MEET 24. DATE 41. FULL
11. SIGHT 28. SET 45. BED
15. PART 32. CHARGE 49. LINK
16. TAKE 33. GO 50. MARK
17. LAY 34. TAKE
3. EYE 14. CLOSE 25. EASE
4. HARD 15. HAND 26. LOW
6. PICK 17. RICH 28. DEAD
9. COME 20. TAKEN 31. KEY
10. DEAD 21. BOARD 32. MOVED
11. CLEAN 22. HARD 33. PAY

35. FAST 41. FAIR 47. SENSE
36. FILE 42. PICKED 48. SPIN
37. PART 43. BASE 49. RAISED
38. TAKEN 44. RUN 50. SET
39. WIDE 45. SHARP
5. GO 22. MARK 39. RICH
6. TALL 23. SHORT 40. SANK
7. LAY 24. TASK 41. COURT
8. HARD 25. RAW 42. TASTE
9. BRANCH 26. HARD 43. EYE
13. FULL 30. CASUAL 47. PUT
16. SPLIT 33. CLEAR 50. DEAL
4. VIEW 10. PART 16. EASY
5. NAME 11. TASTE 17. RUN
6. SLOW 12. BOARD 18. SHED

19. DEAL 30. WING 41. FOOT
20. SENSE 31. HEAD 42. PAY
22. KEY 33. PLACE 44. LIVE
23. SET 34. BEAR 45. MASTER
26. BUG 37. DEAL 48. LEAD
28. GO 39. SPOT 50. RELEASED
1. PLACE 18. HEAD 35. FACE
2. TURN 19. BREAK 36. HEAD
5. DEAL 22. LOW 39. PUT
6. CLEAR 23. OPEN 40. RUN
7. FAIR 24. DEAL 41. SHED
8. SPOT 25. MILD 42. DEAL
10. CLOSE 27. BILL 44. SPOT
11. HAND 28. NARROW 45. VOID
12. ACCOUNT 29. SLOW 46. SET
13. RIGHT 30. ACT 47. CUT
14. SAVE 31. FAST 48. ACT
15. COVER 32. FILM 49. BURST
17. RAW 34. TERM
1. GO 2. TERM 3. BOARD

4. HEAD 20. TERM 36. SAVE
7. EASY 23. FAIR 39. LEAD
8. FELL 24. PLAY 40. HEAD
10. DEAL 26. CATCH 42. PLAY
12. SPOTS 28. DEAL 44. LOW
15. PEAK 31. RALLY 47. MIND
16. ACT 32. COACH 48. SPRANG
19. SHOT 35. RISE
4. FINE 18. SET 33. FLAT
12. RUN 27. REMOTE 41. SHOT
13. SHEER 28. PLOT 42. THIN
14. DEALT 29. PUT 43. BOARD

45. FAIR 48. CATCH
2. STAGE 19. MIND 36. DEEP
6. AGE 23. SLOW 40. SET
9. COVER 26. FINE 43. CALL
11. WIPED 28. THIN 45. GOOD
13. BREAK 30. HEAVY 47. READ
14. PLOT 31. LINE 48. HEAVY
16. LOW 33. TURNED 50. POINT
17. OPEN 34. RUN
1. KEEN 10. AIR 19. PUT
4. DEEP 13. SHOT 22. CLEAR
7. BILL 16. HEAVY 25. CODE
8. FORM 17. FAIR 26. HAND

28. ROUGH 36. EASY 44. SMART
32. BODY 40. MIND 48. PASS
34. BREAK 42. LAID 50. WORD
1. HELD 18. LED 35. TIME
4. BEAR 21. POINT 38. FAIR
6. GAIN 23. RUN 40. KEEN
10. RAN 27. STAND 44. CLEAR
12. CUT 29. FORM 46. BITTER
14. CALL 31. ANSWER 48. SNAP

27. SET 41. REPORT
14. WAKE 28. 42. POINT
16. CUT 30. GRAND 44. RUN
19. FINGER 33. HIGH 47.
21. TIGHT 35.
22. BOOK 36.
49. RAN
23. HIGH 37.
50. FOUL
24. LINE 38.
18. 34. STEADY
7. LED 23. CRACK 39. FIRED
8. HIGH 24. TIME 40. PASS
10. POINT 26. HIGH 42. FACE
12. FIELD 28. POOL 44. LINE

2. WARM 19. LAP 36. RANGE
3. SET 20. FREE 37. COMMON
8. TIP 25. TIP 42. TOLL
9. BOOK 26. WORK 43. LED
10. HIT 27. HIT 44. HIT
13. EDGE 30. BEAR 47. VIEW
14. RUN 31. FIELD 48. CAUGHT
17. SERVE 34. FLAT
2. STEP 13. POST 24. CLAIM
9. TONE 20. BLOOD 31. KEEP
11. HOLD 22. APPLY 33. SHIFT

34. DRAW 40. LOOSE 46. FAIR
37. WAVE 43. TONE 49. FIELD
39. APPLY 45. HOLD
1. DRAW 18. DRAW 35. DRAW
2. FLAT 19. CLEAR 36. MISS
8. SEE 25. FIT 42. CLAIM
10. TONE 27. TOOK 44. TORE
12. HOLD 29. HOLD 46. HOLD
13. BRIGHT 30. LINE 47. REST
15. EDGE 32. VIEW 49. KEEP

5. WAY 11. TORN 17. FIGURE
6. FRESH 12. FACE 18. COST

19. DREW 30. HOLD 41. ATTEND
20. FLAT 31. BRIGHT 42. FED
22. LATE 33. END 44. PAST
25. ROUND 36. DRIFT 47. HOLD
26. SEE 37. CLEAR 48. LINE
10. CLAIM 27. WAY 44. COLUMN
12. TOUGH 29. ROUND 46. FELL
13. LEFT 30. MEAN 47. SENSE
15. REST 32. TOUGH 49. TRACK
17. VIEW 34. HOME

5. ORDER 21. MAKE 37. BEAT
12. CASE 28. SHARP 44. BADLY
13. FIT 29. LOSS 45. FRONT
17. HOME 33. WORK 49. BOUND
18. LINE 34. HOT 50. HOT
3. VIEW 17. HUNG 31. PATH
12. ROUND 26. LAY 40. DRY

7. DRY 24. DRY 41. DRY
10. EYE 27. BLOW 44. WELL
11. BALL 28. BAND 45. ODD
13. LOST 30. RULE 47. FELL
14. MEET 31. SENSE 48. FIT
5. KEPT 14. CAST 23. SAFE
8. DUE 17. TURN 26. SET

29. BAND 37. FALLEN 45. EYE
32. MEET 40. FIGURE 48. RUN
34. TURN 42. DULL 50. CROSS
2. BOX 19. ISSUE 36. RICH
6. BEAT 23. MARK 40. SHORT
8. PACK 25. DULL 42. DYING
9. DULL 26. MOVED 43. SET
12. BOARD 29. BAR 46. BARS
13. BAR 30. CASUAL 47. NOTE
14. FELL 31. CLASS 48. FREE
15. FIX 32. HAND 49. LIFE

Sách tham khảo
- Cambridge Proficiency Examination Practice 1-6, Nxb University of Cambridge
Local Examination Syndicate.
- Advanced Expert CAE, của Jane Bell và Roger Gower, Nxb Pearson Longman, 2008.
- CAE Result, của Kathy Gude and Mary Stephens, Oxford University Press, 2008.
- CAE Practice Test Plus của Alan Stanton và Susan Morris, Nxb Longman, 1999.
- Cambridge CAE Course của Mary Spratt & Linda B. Taylor, Cambridge University
Press, 1997.
- CPE Use of English, của Virginia Evans, Express Publishing, 2002.
- Fast Track to CAE, của Fiona Joseph, Nxb Pearson, 1999.
- Objective Proficiency, của Annette Capel và Wendy Sharp, Nxb Cambridge.
- Proficiency Masterclass, của Kathy Gude, Oxford University Press, 2002.
- Progress to Proficiency, của Leo Jones, Nxb Cambridge, 1993.
- Test Yourself to Proficiency, của Susan Morris và Alan Stanton, Nxb Nelson, 2007.
- Upstream Proficiency và Upstream Advanced của Virginia Evans và Jenny Docley,
Express Publishing, 2003.


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