User Manual Mcdonald Bryan

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Bryan McDonald’s User Manual

The purpose of this manual is for those who engage with me to better understand why and how I
operate, both professionally and personally. This includes the way I interpret situations, and the style and
circumstance in which I am my best. I hope that, through better understanding, I can help build mutual
acceptance and trust.

Why I Teach

I teach for two reasons: first, to help students discover the same elegance and satisfaction I have
found through my years of math, and second, to help create opportunities and safe spaces for all of my
students, particularly my LGBTQ+ students. I want students not only to want to learn in my classroom,
but I want them to feel safe to be themselves and to learn about others, in whatever capacity that may be.

How I Operate


- Adaptable
- Open-Minded
- Personable and open to building relationships
- Loves collaborating


- Gets frustrated at a lack of communication

- Frustrated by a lack of structure
- Can be stubborn

Personality Type

- Enneagram Type 4: The Individualist (Wing 5)

Gaining and Losing My Trust

I am, in general, a very trusting person. It takes me a little bit of time to warm up to others, but
when I do, I love to collaborate. I feel that I work best when I am able to bounce ideas off of my peers
and interact with them. I tend to believe in the best in people and try my best not to assume anything
about people. However, if I feel that someone has betrayed my trust, it can be difficult to regain it. I am a
very analytical person, so if I am presented evidence that I should not trust in someone, then I will not. By
the same token, if I am presented sufficient evidence to prove that someone is trustworthy, I will often
give them my trust.
How I React to Change and Stress

In general, I react readily to change and stress, often acting and adapting in the moment and
processing later. With my background as a performer, I often need to make quick decisions and have
conviction in those decisions. I believe that change is necessary, and I know that stress is a given in any
environment I will find myself in. However, because I often have to make decisions more quickly than I
would like to in response to change and stress, I often reflect on my actions, especially in the face of
change and stress. This means that, after the fact, I have a tendency to overanalyze.

Things I Do That May Annoy People or Be Misunderstood

I am very particular about the words that I use and how I communicate, because I seek most often
to understand and ensure that I am being understood. While this seems like a good thing, it can sometimes
lead to me asking more questions than maybe seem necessary, or interrupting interactions to ensure that I
(and those around me) are on the same page. Additionally, this means that I have a tendency to

Best Way to Communicate with Me

I prefer communication in person or over the phone, to avoid as much miscommunication as

possible. As an introvert, interacting with people in any capacity takes energy out of me; because of this I
will often ensure that I have all of my thoughts gathered prior to communication. I also often take a lot of
time to process information and will sometimes spend more time reflecting on information presented to
me than is maybe seen as necessary; as such, it is better to give me information all at once, and to allow
me ample time to process.

Best Way to Convince Me

I believe in evidence before anything else. If I am presented with a strong argument that
addresses multiple (preferably all possible) perspectives and has taken each of those perspectives into
mind, and there is significant evidence for an action to be made, then I will often follow that course of
action. Additionally, having an organized argument presented with recorded evidence that I can reference
later on would be a great addition to an argument.

Outside of Work/Formal Situations

I believe very strongly in several things, and one of those things is in having healthy boundaries
with work. I care a lot about doing things right and being thorough. I think that forming positive
relationships with my coworkers is important, and I am quick to make friends. As an introvert, I enjoy my
alone time, but I also thrive in positive experiences with others, and under the right circumstances, I like
to get outside of my comfort zone. In my free time, I enjoy dancing, crafting (such as knitting and
sewing), and participating in artistic projects in whatever way I can.

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