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yone , today group 7 presents

a presentation on space and stars. Today we will explain you a lot about space and
stars. We hope thta you will gain knowledge about space. So first lets go on a
journney and explore a stars life from birth to death. A star is formed from a
cloud of gas and dust, also known as a nebula. Nebula is a dense cloud of gas and
dust and as time goes on more dust and gas is added to it . After sometime ,
because of becoming too huge and dense it collapses under its own gravity.he
collapse causes the material at the center of the cloud to heat up-and this hot
core is the beginning of a star. A nebula is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium
, so obviously the core of the star will also be made of hydrogen and helium . The
hydrogen in the star under hot temperature and high pressure fuses into helium ,
the energy released during this fusion gives a star its brightness and hotness and
makes it a star . Now depending on size and density of the nebula the star formed
can be a massive star or average star. Our sun is average star . The life of a star
depends on its size , a bigger star will exhaust its fuel quickly and die sooner
and it is the vica versa with smaller stars. The sun's life time is approximatly 10
billion years , but bigger stars can have a life time in millions of year which is
relativly smaller . Now the next stage in the life of a star is becoming a red
giant , lets take the example of our sun . After approximately 5 billion years from
now the sun will exhaust its hydrogen and start burning helium causing it to expand
, then it will be known as a red giant . Upon becoming a red giant the sun will
engulf the inner three planets , mercury , venus and earth. Bigger stars turn into
bigger red giants known as red supergiants. Soon after becoming a red giant , our
sun will shed its outer gas layers , the gases will come together and form a
planetary nebula . Now as i said the sun will form a planetary nebula and not
become one . The helium at its core will be exhausted after some time and again
gravity will take place and sun will collapse into a very dense object , the white
dwarf. The white dwarf will be a very small object only a little bigger than
earth . Now we have talked about a average stars lifetime but what about a massive
star , after becoming a red supergiant the gravitational collapse is more massive
and it is converted into a supernova. Now a supernova again undergoes a
gravitational collapse and depending on the size of the star , it either is
converted into a neutron star or a black hole , these two are the densest objects
in the observable universe. A black hole specially is so much dense that to imagine
it , imagine a point the mass of a mountain . Its gravitational pull is so strong
that even light the fastest object cant escape it. Hello ever

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