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R A N - 2 1 9 5

T. Y. B. A. (External) Examination
February - 2021
History Paper - 8
Indian National Movement

Time: 3 Hours ] [ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
T. Y. B. A. (External)
Name of the Subject :
History Paper - 8 - Indian National Movement
Subject Code No.: 2 1 9 5 Student’s Signature

(2) S>dZu bpSy>“p A„L$ âï““p ‘yfp NyZ v$ip®h¡ R>¡.

(1) 1857 ’u 1885 hÃQ¡“u rb°qV$i “urs hZ®hp¡. 20


(1) 1757 iu 1858 ky^u“p L„$‘“u ipk“L$pm“u QQp® L$fp¡. 20

(2) rlÞv$ fpô²ue dlpkcp“p l¡syAp¡ S>Zphu s¡“u L$pdNufu hZ®hp¡. 20


(2) cpfsue õhps„Ôe k„N°pddp„ S>lpghpv$u A“¡ dhpmhpv$u c|rdL$p hZ®hp¡. 20

RAN-2195 ] [1] [ P.T.O. ]

(3$) lp¡dê$g Ap„v$p¡g“dp„ gp¡L$dpÞe rsgL$ A“¡ A“¡ A¡“ub¡kÞV$“p¡ apmp¡ hZ®hp¡. 20


(3) AklL$pf“u Qmhm A“¡ rMgpãs Qmhm“u dprlsu Ap‘p¡. 20

(4) cpfsue õhps„Ôe k„N°pddp„ krh“e L$p“|“c„N“u dprlsu QQp£. 20


(4) rlÞv$ R>p¡X$p¡ Qmhm rhi¡ rhNs¡ QQp® L$fp¡. 20

(5) õhs„Ó cpfs“u kdõep A“¡ rkrÙAp¡ hZ®hp¡. 20


(5) “l¡fy$eyN“u rhv$¡i“urs S>Zphu s¡“u rkrÙAp¡ A“¡ r“óamspAp¡ hZ®hp¡. 20


Instructions: (1) As per Instruction No. 1 of page No. 1

(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the question.

(1) Describe the British policy between 1857 and 1885. 20


(1) Discuss the company rule from 1757 to 1858. 20

(2) Describe the purpose of the Indian National Assembly and describe
its functioning. 20


(2) Describe the role of jaalist and fanatic in Indian freedom struggle. 20

RAN-2195 ] [2] [ Contd.

(3) Describe the contribution of Lok manya Tilak and Anne Besant
to the Homerule movement. 20


(3) Give information on Non-cooperation movement and Khilafat

movement. 20

(4) Discussion of Civil Violations in Indian Freedom Movement. 20


(4) Discuss in detail about the Hind quit movement. 20

(5) Describe the problems and achievements of independent India. 20


(5) Describe the achievements and failures of the Nehruvian foreign

policy. 20

RAN-2195 ] [3] [ 40 ]

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