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Definition why guidance and counseling shouldn’t be generalize
for all clients from different social-culture background.
Guidance (bimbingan), based on acronim:
o B (bantuan / helping)
o I (individu / individual)
o M (mandiri / independent) Religion Background
o B (bahan / material) Guidance is intended for all of individu able to
o I (interaksi / interaction) view every challange to the positive ways, instead of
o N (nasihat / advice) fallen out in negative, so they can be lived in
o G (gagasan / idea) accordance with the rules of religion.
o A (caring)
o N (norma / norm) Pedagogic Background
So guidance is help given to individuals, so that Educational activities that are characterized by
individuals become independent, by employing various good administration, curriculum, and adewuate teaching
interaction, materials, advice, in caring environment and larning process, and personal service to students
and based od applicable norms. through guidance. In this relationship, guidance has
Counseling (konseling), based on acronim: very important role in education, which is to help each
o K (kontak / contact) individual develop optimally. Thus, the actual
o O (orang / people) education will be reflect in the student’s personalities
o N (menangani / handle) who develop academically, psychology, physiology,
o S (masalah / problem) and socially.
o E (expert)
o L (laras / harmony) Science and Technology Background
o I (integrated) In this era, information and technology are
o N (norms) developing rapidly, so it need guidance and counseling
service, so that individuals can know the positive and
o G (guna / useful)
negative impacts of these development. Thorugh
So counseling is contact between two people (who guidance and counseling, individuals are directed to the
are counselor and client) to handle the problems of positive impact of science and technology .
clients, in environment of expertise which in harmony
and integrated, based in norms that apply to goals that
are usefull for clients.

Background of GC
Psychology Background
This background gives understanding about client’s
behaviors which is service target. The field of GC is
client’s behavior, that is need to be changed or
developed if they want to overcome the problems they
face or want to achieve the goals. Psychological
background concerns the problem if individual
development, individual differences, individual needs
of adjustment, and learning problems.

Social-culture Background
There are cultural demands that need to be fulfilled
by individuals, so guidance is really important to do.
Because as is a guidance, individuals can adjust their
behavior accordance with their culture in order to be
well received in that environment. Guidance and
counseling’s concept that will develop is guidance to all
of Indonesian with “kebhinekaan” it cultures. That’s

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