Activity 2

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Activity 2 : Designing a 3-stage Lesson for Teaching Writing (60 minutes)

Refer to Unit 8 (Our World) in the Get Smart textbook for Year 4 (page 84)

Lesson : Week : Choose Day :Choose an item. Date :2 March, 2020

an item.
Time : 0900-1000 Class : 4 Subject : English language
Theme : Word of Self, Family and Friends Topic : MODULE 8 : AMAZING ANIMALS
Language Focus : Comparative adjectives (-er / more than)
Skills Main : Writing Complementary : Listening
Content Standard: 4.2 Communicate basic information 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
intelligibly for a range of purposes in print familiar contexts
and digital media
Learning standard: 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using 1.2.2 Understand with support specific
suitable statements information and details of longer simple
1) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to describe dinosaurs using facts
from the textbook or other resources.
2) By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to underline facts about the dinosaurs
mentioned in the audio.
Success Criteria/ 1) Pupils can make a poster about dinosaurs.
Can do statements 2) Pupils can underline the facts about dinosaurs.
Teaching aids Flashcards, speaker, CD audio, textbook and A3 drawing papers.
CCE : Language HOTS: Choose an item.
Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : Share Experience
1. Introduce the lesson – Unit 8 Amazing Animals (Our World) using flashcards
(introduce the vocabulary of the dinosaurs. For example, Gallimimus,
Tyrannosaurus rex (T-rex), Diplodocus, Velociraptor, etc).
Pre Lesson 2. Reinforce the vocabulary through matching pictures of the dinosaurs with its
respective names (the names of the dinosaurs are written on the whiteboard while
the pictures are handed to a few selected pupils at random to get them to match it
with their names on the whiteboard).

1. Teacher plays an audio about the dinosaurs (Get Smart Textbook page 84),
CD2_040_08_Our World.
2. Get pupils to listen and pay attention on the facts of each dinosaur.
3. Play the audio again and get pupils to underline the facts of each dinosaur which
will serve as the content of the next activity (making a poster).
4. Show an example of a poster of a dinosaur and explain the main content of a
Lesson Development
poster. Then, divide pupils into a group of 6 pupils.
5. Explain their roles in the group (a presenter, two commenters, one pupil cut the
picture, one pupil write the facts and another one decorates the poster).
6. Group work – Get the pupils to discuss the layout of the poster and the dinosaur
that they need to choose for their groups’ poster. Pupils are free to choose any
dinosaurs that they want to do for their tasks. Remind them of the time limit for
the group work.
1. Pupils present and evaluate each other’s work by using 3 stars and 2 medals
method (select a few pupils to give 3 words of praises and 2 comments to improve
Post Lesson
the presentation or product).
2. Lastly, instill moral value of the lesson, “Learn about creatures of the past” and to
be appreciative of the animals from the prehistoric era.
Assessment Writing task
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is : 28/34
Choose an item.
Complementary Skill
34 / 34
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is : 30/34
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.

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