Observation Form

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Focus Guiding Questions Your


3-stage lesson ● Is there a clear 3-stage structure in the lesson?

structure ● Is enough time allocated for each stage?
● Do the stages ‘flow’ well?

Learning ● Are the learning outcomes clear?

outcomes and ● Do the activities match the learning
success criteria standards and learning  outcomes well?
● How does the teacher communicate the success
criteria to the  pupils?

Pre- / ● Did the pre- / presentation activity fulfil its

Presentation purpose well? ● Was the pre- /
activity presentation activity implemented exactly 
according to plan? If not, what were the
changes that were  made on the spot?

While- / Practice ● Did the while- / practice activity fulfil its

activity purpose well? ● Was the while- / practice
activity implemented exactly according  to plan?
If not, what were the changes that were made
on the  spot?

Post- / Production  ● Did the post- / production activity fulfil its

activity purpose well? ● Was the post- / production
activity implemented exactly  according to
plan? If not, what were the changes that
were  made on the spot?

Classroom ● Does the teacher give clear and simple

language instructions for the  activities?
● Is the level of the teacher’s classroom language
suitable for the  pupils in general?
● Does the teacher speak only English during the
OBSERVATION FORM (Session 12 Activity 1)


Focus Guiding Questions Your


Feedback ● What feedback (verbal or non-verbal) does the teacher

give  during the lesson?
● When did the teacher give the feedback?
● Was there any point in the lesson where the teacher could
have  given feedback but did not do so?

Assessment ● What assessment does the teacher carry out during the
lesson? ● Was this assessment planned or

Other ● Write down any other relevant observations that you may
aspects have  here.
● Examples
o pupils’ unexpected behaviour
o unforeseen problems with the materials
o etc
Overall, was this a successful lesson?

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