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The teacher divides the class into smaller groups. Members of the group will be asked to

join hands (or if the teacher has a string/rope, each member of the group may be strung or

looped to each other) and ensure that the connection won’t be broken/fragmented. THE

ACTIVITY MUST BE DONE NONVERBALLY (not allowed talking or giving oral

instructions to fellow participants.

Teacher: “Without breaking your connection, bring your group to a certain spot anywhere
in the classroom. You are not allowed to give oral instruction/direction to your members,
connected as one, just bring your group to a certain spot.”

The teacher may ask the groups to transfer from one spot to the other.


Processing Questions:

1. How did you feel doing the activity?

2. Did you fail or succeed in the task? Why did you fail? Why did you succeed?
(Teacher lists down answers of the students) Reasons for the success and failure of the
3. How important is it for a group to have the same direction?
4. What are the possible consequences if some members of the group do not share in
the common goal to reach a certain spot?

Teacher: Our simple activity today teaches us a lesson how important it is for a group
or a community to have a common vision and mission.


Teacher introduces the new vision and mission of LCC Bacolod.

Preliminary points: The reason why LCCB has to revise its Vision and Mission
Statement: We need to be responsive to the challenges and calls of our time (mandates of
our government, international issues such as ASEAN 2015 Integration, UNESCO’s call
for ecological conservation, gender sensitivity, and others).
What may appear relevant five years ago, may not anymore be relevant today, that is why
we needed to revisit our Vision-Mission and make changes so that our direction and
actions may be aligned with what’s “in” in the society.

Session 1: The Vision Statement

Teacher refers to Primer and discusses every essential/key ideas highlighted in the Vision

Session 2: The Mission Statement

Teacher refers to Primer and discusses every essential/key ideas highlighted in the Mission

Teacher may use any of the following differentiated activities to deepen students’
understanding of the revised Vision-Mission Statement:

a. Role play or dramatization – concretizing of the key/essential ideas in the vision-

mission statement. Teacher may assign each group some of these essential ideas for
role playing.
b. Listing down more specific examples to illustrate the key ideas in the Statement
c. Reflection journals: How can a student (of Education) apply the essence of
the VM in his/her chosen field.
d. Taking photos that show/illustrate key ideas found in the VM.

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