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1 If x ( n )=¿ , then the region of convergence (ROC) of its Z Transform in the Z plane will be
( Unit 1)

1 1 1 1 1
(A) <| z|< 3 (B) <| z|< (C) <|z|< 3 (D) <| z|
3 3 2 2 3

Answer D

2 The Input x(n) and output y(n) of a system are related as y(n) = x(n)cos(3n). The system is

(Unit 1)

(A) Time invariant and Stable (B) Stable and Not Time Invariant
(A) Time Invariant and Not Stable (D) Not Time Invariant and Not Stable

Answer D

3 Let y(n) denote the convolution of h(n) and g(n),where h(n) =¿ and g(n) is a causal
sequence. If y(0) =1 and y(1) =1/2,then g(1) equals (Unit 1)

(A) 0 (B) 1/2 (C) 1 (D) 3/2

Answer A

4 Two systems with impulse responses h1(n) and h2(n) are connected in cascade. Then the
overall impulse response of the cascaded system is given by (Unit 3)

(A) Product of h1(n) and h2(n) (B) Sum of h1(n) and h2(n)
(C) Convolution of h1(n) and h2(n) (D) Subtraction of h1(n) and h2(n)

Answer C

1 2
5 If the Region of Convergence of X 1 ( n ) + X 2 ( n ) is <|z|< ,then the region of convergence of
3 3
X 1 ( n )− X 2 ( n ) includes (Unit 1)

1 2 3 1 2
(A) <| z|< 3 (B) <| z|< 3 (C) <| z|< 3 (D) <| z|<
3 3 2 3 3

Answer D
6 Consider the signals x ( n )=2n−1 u(−n+2) and y ( n )=2−n+2 u(n+1), where u(n) is the unit
step respose.Let X(ejw) and y(ejw) be the DFT of x(n) and y(n) respectively.The value of the
integral (Unit 1)

∫ ❑ X (e¿¿ jw)Y (e ¿¿ jw)¿ ¿ ( Rounded off to one decimal place is -------------------
2π 0

Answer 7.9 to 8.1

2014 Set 1
7 Let x ( n )=¿. The Region of convergence of the Z-Transform of x(n) (Unit 1)

1 1 1 1
(A) |Z|> (B) |Z|< (C) >|Z|> (D) Does not Exist
9 3 3 9

Answer C

8 The Region of Convergence of Z Transform of the sequence ( Unit 1)

5 6 5 6 6
(A) |z|< (B) |z|> (C) <|z|< (D) <|z|<∞
6 5 6 5 5

Answer C

2014 Set 2

7 −1 3 −2
9 An FTR system is described by the system function H ( Z )=1+ Z + Z The system is
2 2
( Unit 3)

(A) Maximum Phase (B) Minimum Phase (C) Mixed Phase (D) Zero Phase

Answer C

10 Let x(n) =x(-n). Let X(z) be the Z Transform of x(n).If 0.5+j0.25 is a zero of X(z), which
one of the following must also be a zero of X(z) (Unit 1)

(A) 0.5-j0.25 (B) 1/(0.5+j0.25) (C) 1/(0.5-j0.25) (D) 2+j4

Answer B

11 Consider a Discrete time signal x ( n )=n ; 0 ≤ n ≤10

0 ; elsewhere and the signal y(n) is
convolution of x(n) itself the value of y(n) is ---------------- ( Unit 1)

Answer 10

2014 Set 3
12 The input-output relationship of a causal stable LTI system is given as
y ( n )=αy ( n−1 ) + βx (n) If the impulse response h(n) of this system satisfies the condition

∑ ❑h ( n )=2 the relationship between α and β is ( Unit 3)

(A) a = 1 - b / 2 (B) a = 1 + b / 2 (C) a =- 2b (D) a = 2b

Answer A

13 Let H 1 ( z ) =(1−PZ −1 ) and H 2 ( z ) =(1−Z−1 ), H ( z )=H 1(z)+ r H 2(z) The quantities p, q, r are
real numbers. Consider P= q=−1 /4 ,|r|< 1, if the zero of H(z) lies on unit circle, then r =
( Unit 2)

Answer (-0.6 to -0.4)

14 The Z transform of the Sequence x(n) is given by X ( z )= with the region of
convergence |z|>2, then x(2) is -------------- ( Unit 2)

Answer (11.9 to 12.1)

15 The Z transform X(z) of a sequence x(n) is given by X ( z )= −1 . It is given that the
1−2 z
region of convergence X(z) includes the unit circle.The value of X(0) is ( Unit 2)

(A) -0.5 (B) 0 (C) 0.25 (D) 0.5

Answer D

2014 Set 4
16 The sequence x ( n )=0.5 n u( n) where u(n) is the unit step response is convolved with itself

to obtain y(n).Then ∑ ❑ y ( n ) is ------------ ( Unit 1)

Answer (3.9 to 4.1)

N−1 − j 2 πkn
17 The N point X of a sequence x ( n ) ;0 ≤ n ≤ N −1 is given by X ( K)= ∑ ❑ x (n )e
√ N n=0

0 ≤ k ≤ N −1 Denote this relation as X=DFT(x). For N=4, which one of the following
sequence satisfies DFT(DFT(x)) =x? (Unit 1)

(A) x ={1 2 3 4 } (B) x ={1 2 3 2 } (C) x = {1 3 2 2 } (D) x = { 1 2 2 3 }

Answer B

18 The Region of Convergence of Z Transform of the sequence

¿ (Unit 1)

5 6 5 6 6
(B) |z|< (B) |z|> (C) <|z|< (D) <|z|<∞
6 5 6 5 5
Answer C

2015 Set 1
19 The pole-zero diagram of a causal and stable discrete-time system is
shown in the figure. The zero at the origin has multiplicity 4. The impulse
response of the system is h [n]. If h [0] = 1, we can conclude (Unit 3)

(A) h [n] is real for all n

(B) h [n] is purely imaginary for all n
(C) h [n] is real for only even n
(D) h [n] is purely imaginary for only odd n
Answer A
20 The Z Transform of a system is H ( z )= If the ROC is |z|<0.2 ,then the impulse
z −0.2
response of the system is (Unit 3)

(A) ( 0.2 )n u(n) (B) ( 0.2 )n u(−n−1) (C) −( 0.2 )n u(n) (D) −( 0.2 )n u(−n−1)

Answer D

2015 Set 2
21 Two Causal Discrete time signal x(n) and y(n) are related as y ( n )= ∑ ❑ x ( m) if
m =0

the Z Transform of y(n) is 2 The value of x(2) is ----------- (Unit 1)
z(z −1)
Answer 0

22 Consider two real sequences with time with time origin marked by bold value x ( Unit 1)

x 1 ( n )={ 1 23 0 } , x 2 ( n ) ={1 32 1 } let X1(k) and X2(k) be 4-point DFT of x1(n) and
x2(n),respectively. Another sequence x3(n) is derived by taking 4-point Inverse DFT of x 3(k)
=x1(k)x2(k).The value of x3(2) is --------------

Answer 11

23 The unit impulse response h(n) of a linear time invariant system is given by
h ( n ) =u ( n+3 ) +u ( n−1 )−2 u(n−7) where u(n) is the unit step sequence.The above system is (
Unit 1)

(A) Stable but not causal (B) Stable and Causal

(C ) Causal but Unstable (D) Unstable and not causal

Answer (D)

24 Consider two 16 point sequences x(n) and H(N0.Let the linear convolution of x(n) and
h(n),while Z(n) denotes the 16 point inverse DFT of the product of the 16 point DFTs of x(n)
and h(n).The values of k for which z(k)=y(k) is (Unit 1)

(A) k = 0,1,2….15 (B) k = 0 (C) k = 15 (D) k =0 and k = 15

Answer B

2015 Set 3
25 The impulse response of an LTI system can be obtained by ( Unit 1)
(A) Differentiating the unit ramp response
(B) differentiating the unit step response
(C) integrating the unit ramp response
(D) integrating the unit step response
Answer B

26 Suppose x[n] is an absolutely summable discrete-time signal. Its z-transform is a rational

function with two poles and two zeroes. The poles are at z=+−2 j Which one of the
following statements is TRUE for the signal x(n)=? (Unit 2)

(A) It is a finite duration signal

(B) It is a causal signal
(C) It is a non-causal signal
(D) It is a periodic signal Answer C

27 Two sequences x1[n] and x2[n] have the same energy. Suppose x 1 ( n ) =α 0.5n u(n) where α
is a positive real number and u(n) is the unit step response .Assume x 2 ( n ) =√1.5 :n=0,1
remaining for all Zero. The real value of α is---------- ( Unit 1)

Answer 1.5

28 A realization of a stable discrete time system is shown in the figure. If the syste
is excited by a unit step sequence input x[n], the response y [n] is ( Unit 2)

(A) (A) 4 ¿(B) 5¿

(C) 5¿ (D) 5 ¿

Answer C

2016 Set 1
29 Consider the sequence x ( n )=a n u ( n ) +b n u (n) where u[n] denotes the unit-step sequence
0<|a|<|b|<1 The region of convergence (ROC) of the z-transform of x[n] is ( Unit 1)

(A) |z|>|a| (B) |z|>|b| (C) |z|<|a| (D) |a|<|z|<|b|

Answer A

30 If the impulse response of a discrete time system is h ( n ) =−5n u (−n−1 ) ,then the system
function H(z) is equal to ( Unit 1)

−z z
(A) ∧t h e systemis stable (B) ∧t h e system is stable
z−5 z−5

−z z
(C) ∧t h e systemis unstable (D) ∧t h e systemis unstable
z−5 z−5

Answer ( D)

31 A system is defined by its impulse response h ( n ) =2n u (n−2), The system is

( Unit 1)
(A)Stable and Causal (B) Causal but not Stable
(C ) Stable but not Causal (D) Unstable and Noncausal
Answer B
2016 Set 2
32 The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the 4-point sequence x(n) =
{,x(0),x(1),x(2),x(3),}= {3,2,3,4} X(k) = {x(0),x(1),x(2),x(3)}={ 12,2j,0,-2j} is the DFT of

the 12-point sequence x1(n) = {3,0,0,2,0,0,3,0,0,4,0,0} the value of

x 1(8)
x 1(11) | |
is -------------

( Unit 1)

Answer 6

33 The ROC of Z Transform of the discrete time sequence

x ( n )=
1 n ( )
u n −¿ is (Unit 1)

1 1 1
(A) <| z|< (B) |z|>2 (C) |z|< (D) 2<|z|<3
3 2 3

Answer A

34 Two Systems H1(z) and H2(z) are connected in cascade as shown below. The overall
output y(n) is the same as the input x(n) with a one unit delay. The transfer function of the
second system H2(z) is ( Unit 2)
(1−0.4 z¿ ¿−1)
H1 (z )= ¿
(1−0.6 z ¿¿−1)¿

(1−0.6 z ¿¿−1) z−1(1−0.6 z ¿¿−1) z−1(1−0.4 z ¿¿−1)

(A) ¿ (B) ¿ (C) ¿
z−1( 1−0.4 z ¿¿−1)¿ (1−0.4 z ¿¿−1)¿ (1−0.6 z ¿¿−1) ¿
(1−0.4 z ¿¿−1)
(D) −1 ¿
z ( 1−06 z ¿¿−1)¿

Answer B

2016 Set 3
35 A Discrete time signal x(n) =δ ( n−3 ) +2 δ (n−5) has Z-Transform X(z).If Y(Z) = X(-z) is
the z-Transform of another signal y(n),then ( Unit 1)

(A) Y(n) =x(n) (B) y(n) = x(-n) (C) y(n) = -x(n) (D) y(n) = -x(-n)

Answer C

36 The ROC of the Z Transform of a discrete time signal is represented by the shaded region
in the z plane. If the si gnal x ( n )=0.2|n| ,−∞< n<∞ then the ROC of its z transform is
represented by (Unit 1)

Answer D
37 A Sequencex(n) with z Transform X ( z )=z 4 + z 2−2 z +2−3 z−4 is applied as an input to a
linear,time invariant system with the impulse response h ( n ) =2 δ (n−3) where
δ ( n )=1 ; n=0,The output at n=4 is ( Unit 1)
(A) -6 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) -4

Answer ( C )

38 For a unit step input u(n), a discrete Time LTI system produces an output signal
2 δ ( n+1 ) + δ ( n ) +δ (n−1) Let y(n) be the output of the system for an input ¿.The value of y(0)
is --------------- ( Unit 1)

Answer 0.

2017 Set 1
39 Consider a single input single output discrete-time system with x[n] as input and y[n] as
output, where the two are related as y ( n )=n| x ( n )|; 0 ≤ n ≤10

x ( n )−x ( n−1 ) ;ot h erwise

Which one of the following statements is true about the system? (Unit 1)

(A) It is causal and stable (B) It is causal but not stable

(C) It is not causal but stable (D) It is neither causal nor stable

Answer D

40 Two discrete-time signals x[n] and h[n] are both non-zero for n = 0, 1, 2 and are zero
therwise. It is given that x(0)=1 ,x(1) =2 ,x(2) = 1,h(0) = 1 Let y(n) be the linear
convolution of x[n] and h[n]. Given that y[1] = 3 and y[2] = 4, the value of the expression
( 10 y ( 3 )+ y ( 4 ) ) is ----------- ( Unit 1)

Answer 31

41 Let h[n] be the impulse response of a discrete-time linear time invariant (LTI) filter.
The impulse response is given by h(0)=1/3 , h(1) = 1/3 ,h(2) = 1/3 and h(n) =0 :n¿ 0and n¿ 2
.Let H(w) be the DTFT of h(n), where w is the normalized angular frequency in
radians.Given that H(w0) =0 and 0¿ w 0< π the value w0 is equal to --------- ( Unit 1)

Answer (2.05 to 2.15)

42 Let X(K) = K+1:0≤ k ≤7 be 8-point DFT of a sequence x[n], where
N −1 − j 2 πkn 3
X ( K)= ∑ ❑ x ( n ) e N
The value of ∑ ❑ x (2 n) is ------------ ( Unit 1)
n=0 n=0

Answer 3

43 The ROC of Z transform of the sequence x(n) = u(n+10) –u(n+5) is ( Unit 1)

(B) |Z|<∞ (B) |Z|>∞ (C) |Z|<1 (D) |Z|>1

Answer C
44 X(n) is a real valued periodic sequence with a period N.x(n) and X(k) form N point DFT
pairs.The DFT Y(k) of the sequence y ( n )=
∑ ❑ X ( r ) X ( n+r ) is ( Unit 1)

N −1
(A) | X (k )|
∑ ❑ X ( r ) X∗( k + r )

N −1
∑ ❑ X ( r ) X ( k +r ) (D) 0

Answer B

45 For the given specification find the order of Butterworth filter ( Unit 2)
0.9 ≤ |H(ejw) |≤1.0 ; for 0≤w≤0.25π
|H(ejw) |≤0.2 ; for 0.4 π ≤w≤ π

46 Consider the Z transform X ( z )=5 z 2+ 4 z−1 +3 ; 0<|z|< ∞ The Inverse Z transform x(n) is
( Unit 1)

( A)5 δ ( n+2 ) +3 δ ( n )+ 4 δ (n−1) (B) 5 δ ( n−2 ) +3 δ ( n )+ 4 δ (n+1)

(C) 5 u ( n+2 ) +3 u ( n ) +4 u(n−1) (D) 5 u ( n−2 )+3 u ( n ) + 4 u( n+ 1)

Answer B

47 Two discrete time systems with impulse response h1 ( n )=δ ( n−1 )∧h2 ( n )=δ( n−2) are
connected in cascade.The overall impulse response of the cascaded system is ( Unit 2)

( A)δ ( n−1 )+ δ (n−2) (B) δ ( n−4 )

( C ) δ ( n−3 ) (D) δ ( n−1 ) δ( n−2)

Answer D

48 The 4 point Discrete Fourier Transform of discrete time sequence {1,0,2,3 } is (Unit 1)

(A) {0, -2+2j, 2, -2-2j} (B) {2, 2+2j, 6, 2-2j}

(C) {6, 1-3j, 2, 1+3j} (D) {6,-1+3j, 0, -1-3j}

Answer D

49 Which one of the following pole-zero plots corresponds to the transfer function of an
LTI system characterized by the input-output difference equation given below (Unit 2)

y ( n )=∑ ❑ (−1 ) x (n−k )


Answer D

50 The output y(n) of a discrete time system for an input x(n) is y ( n )= ∑ ❑| x( k )| The
−∞ ≤k ≤ n

unit impulse response of the system is ( Unit 1)

(A) Unit step signal u(n) (B) Unit Impulse signal δ(n) (C) 1 for all n (D) 0 for all n
Answer A

1. Which of the following is true regarding the number of computations required

to compute an N-point DFT?

a) N2 complex multiplications and N(N-1) complex additions

b) N2 complex additions and N(N-1) complex multiplications

c) N2 complex multiplications and N(N+1) complex additions

d) N2 complex additions and N(N+1) complex multiplications

How many complex multiplications are need to be performed for each FFT algorithm?
a) (N/2)logN
b) Nlog2N
c) (N/2)log2N
d) None of the mentioned

What is the lowest order of the Butterworth filter with a pass band gain K P=-1 dB at ΩP=4
rad/sec and stop band attenuation greater than or equal to 20dB at Ω S = 8 rad/sec?
a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) 3

What is the cutoff frequency of the Butterworth filter with a pass band gain K P=-1
dB at ΩP=4 rad/sec and stop band attenuation greater than or equal to 20dB at
ΩS=8 rad/sec?

a) 3.5787 rad/sec

b) 1.069 rad/sec

c) 6 rad/sec

d) 4.5787 rad/sec

What is the width of the main lobe of the frequency response of a rectangular
window of length M-1?

a) π/M

b) 2π/M

c) 4π/M
d) 8π/M

With an increase in the value of M, the height of each side lobe ____________
a) Do not vary
b) Does not depend on value of M
c) Decreases
d) Increases

What is the approximate transition width of main lobe of a Hamming window?

a) 4π/M

b) 8π/M

c) 12π/M

d) 2π/M

What is the approximate transition width of main lobe of a Blackman window?

a) 4π/M

b) 8π/M

c) 12π/M

d) 2π/M

Which of the following is introduced in the frequency sampling realization of the

FIR filter?

a) Poles are more in number on unit circle

b) Zeros are more in number on the unit circle

c) Poles and zeros at equally spaced points on the unit circle

d) None of the mentioned

What is the process of converting a signal from a given rate to a different rate?

a) Sampling

b) Normalizing

c) Sampling rate conversion

d) None of the mentioned

Which of the following is the advantage of sampling rate conversion by converting

the signal into analog signal?

a) Less signal distortion

b) Quantization effects

c) New sampling rate can be arbitrarily selected

d) None of the mentioned

If Fx and Fy are the sampling rates of the input and output signals respectively,
then what is the value of Fy/Fx?

a) D/I

b) I/D

c) I/D

d) None of the mentioned

Explanation: The input signal x(n) is characterized by the sampling rate F x and he
output signal y(m) is characterized by the sampling rate F y, then

Fy/Fx = I/D

where I and D are relatively prime integers.

What is the process of reducing the sampling rate by a factor D?

a) Sampling rate conversion

b) Interpolation

c) Decimation

d) None of the mentioned

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