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Our services use cookies and other similar technologies, such as pixels or local

storage, to help provide you with a better, faster, and safer experience. Here are
some of the ways that our services, including our various websites, SMS, APIs,
email notifications, applications, buttons, widgets, and ads, use these
technologies: to log you into Twitter and Periscope, save your preferences,
personalize the content you see, protect against spam and abuse, and show you more
relevant ads.
Below we explain how Twitter, our partners, and other third parties use these
technologies, your privacy settings, and the other options you have.

What are cookies, pixels, and local storage?

Cookies are small files that websites place on your computer as you browse the web.
Like many websites, Twitter, Periscope, and our other services use cookies to
discover how people are using our services and to make them work better.

A pixel is a small amount of code on a web page or in an email notification. As

many services do, we use pixels to learn whether you�ve interacted with certain web
or email content. This helps us measure and improve our services and personalize
your experience.

Local storage is an industry-standard technology that allows a website or

application to store information locally on your computer or mobile device. We use
local storage to customize what we show you based on your past interactions with
our services.

Why do our services use these technologies?

Our services use these technologies to deliver, measure, and improve our services
in various ways. These uses generally fall into one of the following categories:

Authentication and security:

To log you into Twitter and Periscope.

To protect your security.
To let you to view content with limited distribution.
To help us detect and fight spam, abuse, and other activities that violate the
Twitter Rules and the Periscope Community Guidelines.
For example, these technologies help authenticate your access to Twitter and
Periscope and prevent unauthorized parties from accessing your account. They also
let us show you appropriate content through our services.


To remember information about your browser and your preferences.

For example, cookies help us remember your preferred language or the country that
you are in. We can then provide you with Twitter and Periscope content in your
preferred language without having to ask you each time you visit Twitter or
Periscope. On Twitter, we can also customize content based on your country, such as
showing you what topics are trending near you, or to withhold certain content based
on applicable local laws. Learn more about trends and country withheld content.

Analytics and research:

To help us improve and understand how people use our services, including Twitter
buttons and widgets, and Twitter Ads.
For example, cookies help us test different versions of our services to see which
particular features or content users prefer. We might also optimize and improve
your experience on Twitter and Periscope by using cookies to see how you interact
with our services, such as when and how often you use them and what links you click
on. We may use Google Analytics to assist us with this. Learn more about the
cookies you may encounter through our use of Google Analytics. We might also use
cookies to count the number of users that have seen a particular embedded Tweet or
timeline. Learn more about the analytics cookies used by Twitter for Websites

Personalized content:

To customize our services with more relevant content, like tailored trends,
stories, ads, and suggestions for people to follow.
For example, local storage tells us which parts of your Twitter timeline or
Periscope Global Feed you have viewed already so that we can show you the
appropriate new content. Cookies can help us make smarter and more relevant
suggestions about who you might enjoy following based on your visits to websites
that have integrated Twitter embeds, including embedded timelines.


To help us deliver ads, measure their performance, and make them more relevant to
you based on criteria like your activity on Twitter and visits to our ad partners'
For example, we use cookies and pixels to personalize ads and measure their
performance. Using these technologies, we can show you ads and evaluate their
effectiveness based on your visits to our ad partners' websites. This helps
advertisers provide high-quality ads and content that might be more interesting to
We also work with third-party advertising partners, including Google, to market our
services and serve ads on behalf of our advertisers, including through the delivery
of interest-based ads.

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