Individual Assingnment: Submitted by Nisarga T Darya 21092 Section B DATE: 06/01/2022

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Nisarga T Darya
Section B
DATE: 06/01/2022
Why are professional ethics important?
Many firms have adopted professional ethics because it's an important tool that establishes
rules for behaviour. When structured clearly, it sends out a coherent message to employees
about expectations in the workplace. A code of professional ethics acts as a warning,
informing people about the consequences should they break any guidelines. A moral
statement is also valuable to a company's reputation in society because it's a public
declaration of its principles.
People in every industry encounter professional dilemmas, some on a regular basis. The
outcomes of these predicaments can affect their standing with peers, bosses and others, and
can also affect the course of their careers. In some instances, the decisions may have legal
ramifications. Therefore it is important to understand the key factors involved in a
professional dilemma, carefully weigh the options and make the best decision.
A professional dilemma is an ethical problem that requires an individual to choose a
particular course of action. Usually, the choice itself is black and white: one choice is clearly
the right answer, while the other choice is unmistakably the wrong answer. However, the
consequences or repercussions of choosing the right answer may sometimes make it a
difficult decision.
Personal values are the bedrock of ethics as they guide what a person considers good/bad or
desirable/undesirable. Values create the foundation for personal and societal judgment and
action.6 It is important then before discussing ethics to have a clear understanding of the
personal values that guide us.
Personal values are what a person believes to be important. They help prioritize life’s
demands and often serve as a compass or guide in decision making and behaviour. Yet, many
people are unable to verbalize the values that guide them. This omission does not suggest an
absence of values. Rather values are often so ingrained in personal beliefs and worldview that
they become “invisible.” People often do not recognize the value that is guiding their
decision. Yet, to establish ethical literacy, public relations professionals need to be cognizant
of the values that guide their judgments and behaviour. I consider the following personal
values as the most important elements which guide me when I am struck in ethical dilemma
 Integrity
 Honesty
 Self-respect
 Loyalty
 Empathy
When I was in UG I used to attend and organize many events, management fests and I use to
handle all financial matters related to it one of my lecturers trusted me with the funds for the
registration of the event with extra money for emergency use. Competition went smoothly
fortunately we won that but after those complications started one of my closest friends who
stood beside me in the most difficult situations took that emergency fund went for party
without bring that to my notice and he mislead very one that its his own money and made
them join the party. This came to my notice when I finished all the procedures of collecting
the certificates. now I was in the dilemma weather to inform this to my lecturer or not I
am struck between the most important two values of my life that is integrity and loyalty
to my friend. In that situation I immediately called him asked for an explanation the
response I got is “make up something” anyway they are not going to ask you. But my
consciousness did not allow it I called my lecturer and explained what happened asked for
her pardon on behalf of my friend and asked her not to punish him seriously and vouched that
this kind of incidents will not happen in future for his side. I am satisfied with what I did in
this situation (8/10). Of course, after this incident my closest friend started to keep distance
from me but I am satisfied because he never repeated this kind of mistakes.

Ethical dilemmas are situations in which there is a difficult choice to be made between two or
more options, neither of which resolves the situation in a manner that is consistent with
accepted ethical guidelines. When faced with an ethical dilemma, a person is faced with
having to select an option that doesn’t align with an established code of ethics or societal
norms, such as codes of law and religious teachings, or with their internal moral perceptions
of right and wrong. Explore ethical dilemma examples to see how you might handle these
difficult situations.
An ethical dilemma arises when a person is forced to decide between two morally sound
options, but they may conflict with the established boundaries of a business, a governmental
agency, or the law. Some ethical dilemmas may involve following the truth versus being
loyal to a friend; following the laws or rules versus having compassion for an individual’s
plight; and concerns about an individual person versus the larger impact on a community. An
ethical dilemma differs from a moral dilemma because it very much involves following rules
rather than one’s conscience, although one’s conscience can certainly move an individual to
consider breaking the rules.
I consider the following personal values as the most important elements which guide me
when I am struck in ethical dilemma
 Integrity
 Honesty
 Self-respect
 Loyalty
 Empathy
One such incident happened in my life where I stood by empathy instead of honesty one
of my family members is constantly lying to my parents because of his love life complication
and this is affecting everyone in our family, and it is not personal anymore. I know truth but I
am not telling my parents as it my brake them and that family member is left with no he also
suffered a lot in his life finally he is trying to find happiness I feel pity for both my parents
and that family member. Here I rate my self with (6/10)

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