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Information Sheet 2.

Drawing Standards

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Differentiate American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and
International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)
2. Identify each symbols related to Electrical Installations

Learning the Standard Drawings is required for an Electrician to

conduct installation within the safety and standard parameters. In this topic
we will discuss the importance of standards drawing based on the
installation requirements.

Who is ANSI (American National Standard Institute)?

 Promotes the use of U.S. standards internationally,
 Advocates U.S. policy and technical positions in
international and regional standards organizations,
 Encourages the adoption of international standards
as national standards where they meet the needs of
the user community.

International Standardization
 ANSI facilitates the development of American
National Standards (ANS) by accrediting the
procedures of Standards Developing Organizations
(SDOs) and approving their documents as
American National Standards (ANS).
 Serves and protects the public interest since
standards developers accredited by ANSI – and the
ANS they develop – must meet the Institute’s
requirements for openness, balance, consensus,
and due process and adhere to ANSI's neutral
oversight, assuring that all interested parties have
an opportunity to participate in a standard’s

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Who is IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)?

 World leading organization for the preparation and

publication of international standards for all
electrical, electronic and related technologies.
These are known collectively as “electrotechnology”
 IEC is a global, not-for-profit membership organization,
whose work underpins quality infrastructure and
international trade in electrical and electronic goods.
 IEC International Standards serve as the basis for risk
and quality management, testing and certification to
verify that manufacturer promises are kept.
International Standardization

 IEC provide instructions, guidelines, rules or definitions

that are then used to design, manufacture, install, test
& certify, maintain and repair electrical and electronic
devices and systems.
 IEC International Standards are essential for
quality and risk management; they help
researchers understand the value of innovation
and allow manufacturers to produce products of
consistent quality and performance.
 IEC International Standards are always used by
technical experts; they are always voluntary and
based on the international consensus of experts
from many countries.
 International standards also form the basis
for testing and certification of a country own basic
standards like Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) for
This approach allows laws to stay current because standards are regularly
reviewed and updated.

Relation between ANSI and IEC

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ANSI is the prevailing standard in North IEC prevails in much of the rest of the
America and some select regions world

ANSI standards can specify: IEC standards dictate the intent of the
o sheet metal thickness design what test or environment the
o paint color design must comply
o barriers and other Features
o Equipment from various The standard may specify a degree of
manufacturers. compartmentalization, but how this is
achieved in design may vary by product
This means that most manufacturers or manufacturer.
equipment designed to the same
standard vary little from one another. Manufacturers of IEC equipment are
free to innovate in their equipment,
while complying with the same testing
and performance requirements.

Neither standard is better or worse, but understanding the differences in each

region is critical when designing and specifying equipment.

Electrical testing and ratings between IEC and ANSI are not necessarily the
same or equivalent. IEC equipment may not pass the equivalent ANSI test,
and vice versa, due to these differences.

A good example is with temperature rise testing, where there are some
contacts which have the same ratings, while others may have a higher or
lower temperature restriction.

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Enclosure types also do not compare apples-to-apples. NEMA ratings used
with ANSI equipment do not compare directly to IP ratings in IEC.

IP Ratings are also used for Phone water resistance


Identifying Drawing Standard

Types of figure

Here is the main figure types used in IEC publications:

Diagram- Drawing showing the functions of the objects composing a system
and their interrelations using graphical symbols (ISO 10209:2012, 11.52.2,

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Technical drawing- Technical information, graphically presented in
accordance with International Standards of technical drawings.

Graphical symbols for use on equipment- Visually perceptible figure with

a particular meaning used to transmit information independently of

ANSI Drafting standards- Dimension

A dimension in a drawing consists

of the following items: dimension
arrow, dimension line, dimension
value, and extension line.

Arrowheads are used to terminate

dimension lines. The point of the
arrowheads on the leader line must make
contact with the Feature line. The standard
size ratio for all arrowheads on Mechanical
Drawings is ~2.5:1 (Length to width).

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Extension Line - extended from
the view to indicate the edges
Insert a gap so people are not
referenced with the dimension
confused between the Feature
line and the extension line
(ANSI standard).

Dual Dimensions–Primary units–IPS;

Secondary units (MMGS).

Remember!! a location dimension locates holes or other part features.

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A size dimension provides a radius, diameter, length, width, thickness, etc.

A leader dimension is a leader line

used to point toward a diameter or

A linear dimension is a
dimension that is either
horizontal or vertical to the
dimensioning plane.

An arc is always dimensioned by its radius. ANSI

standards require a radius dimension to be
preceded by the letter (symbol) R as illustrated.

An angular dimension is used to specify the

amount of degrees between two lines.

A point or a center of an arc or circle is generally

measured from two finished surfaces. The method
of location the center is preferred to making an
angular measurement. As illustrated, the center of
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the circle and arc may be found easily be scribing
the vertical and horizontal center lines from the
machined surfaces.

If a number of holes are to be equally spaced on a circle, then the

exact location of the first hole is given by a location dimension. To locate the
remaining holes, the location dimension is followed by
1. The diameter of the holes,
2. The number of holes
3. Then the notation EQUALLY SPACED or “EQ SP” as illustrated

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Holes are often dimensioned in relation to one another and to a finished
surface. Dimensions are usually given, in such cases, in the view which the
shape of the holes, that is, square, round, or elongated. The preferred
method of placing these dimensions as illustrated.

There are basically two types of dimensioning systems use in creating

parts and drawings
 U.S. (IPS)
 Metric (MMGS)
*Dimensioning standards based on ASME Y14.5-2009.

The U.S. system uses the decimal inch

value. When the decimal inch system is
used, a zero is not used to the left of the
decimal point for values less than one
Leading Zero
inch, and trailing zeros are used as

Trailing zero

The Metric system is normally expressed

in millimeters and is rounded to the
nearest whole number - No trailing zeros
as illustrated.
Leading Zero

Trailing zero

Working drawing is usually drawn with all U.S. or all metric

dimensions. Sometimes the object manufactured requires both
U.S. and metric measuring system. Dual dimensioning may be
necessary. The optional secondary units are normally displayed
in brackets [].

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Hole dimensions are used to denote drilled Hole information by a bent
leader line as illustrated.

Placement of Linear Dimensions - Order of Preference. When there is not

enough room on the drawing view between the extension lines to
accommodate either the dimension value or the dimension lines - located
the outside extension lines as illustrated.

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Linear Dimensioning
 Ordinate dimensioning is also known as Datum
dimensioning or Baseline dimensioning
 Used when the location of features must be controlled
from a common reference point or plane.
 Baseline dimensioning ensures the tolerance in
manufacturing does not add up.

Dimensioning from feature to feature is known as Chain Dimensioning.

Chain Dimensioning is commonly used and easy to insert.

 Chains of dimension should only be

used if the function of the object
won't be affected by the accumulation
of the tolerances.
 View the two examples!

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Dimensioning Check List
 Each dimension should be written clearly with only one way to be
 A feature should be dimensioned only once.
 Dimensions and extension lines should not cross.
 Each feature should be dimensioned.
 Dimension features or surfaces should be done to a logical reference
 Dimension features on a view should clearly show its true shape.
 Enough space should be provided to avoid crowding and
 Extension lines and object lines should not overlap.
 Dimensions should be placed outside the part.
 Center lines or marks should be used on all circles and holes.
 Extension lines do not cross unless situation is unavoidable.
 Stagger dimension text.
 Largest dimension placed farthest from profile.
 Dimensions should be evenly spaced and grouped.
 Arrow heads do not overlap.
 Break extension lines that cross close to arrowhead.
 Flip arrows to the inside if needed for room.
 Move dimensions to the view that displays the outline of the feature.
 Insure that all dimensions are accounted for. DO NOT OVER OR


Date Developed: Document No.

EIM NC II February 2022 Issued by:

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