Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory

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Lesson 5: Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory

Learning Compass
1. Described each of the layers of Bronfenbrenner’s Biological Model
2. Identified factors in one’s own life that exerted influence on one’s development
3. Used the bio ecological theory as a framework to describe the factors that affect a child
and adolescent development

Let’s Begin!

Bronfenbrenner came up with a simple yet useful paradigm showing the different factors that
exert influence on an individual’s development. It points out the ever-widening spheres of
influence that shape every individual, from his/her immediate family to the neighborhood, the
country, and even the world!

Walk the Extra Mile!

ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS THEORY also called development in context or human ecology

theory, identifies five environmental systems with which an individual interacts.
 Microsystem – refers to the institutions and group that most immediately and directly
impact the child’s development including: family, school, religious institutions,
neighborhood, and peers.
 Mesosystem – the interconnections between the microsystems, interactions between the
family and teachers, relationship between the child’s peers and the family.
 Exosystem – involves links between a social setting in which the individual does not
have an active role and the individual’s immediate context.
 Macrosystem – describes the culture in which individuals live.
 Chronosystem – the patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life
course, as well as socio- historical circumstances.
The Role of Schools and Teachers
“The instability and unpredictability of family life is the most destructive force to a child’s
Researchers tell us that the absence or lack of children constant mutual interaction with
important adults has negative effects on their development. Bronfenbreener’s Theory reminds
the schools and teacher s of their very important role.

What if…
If there is lack of support, care and affection from the home?
If there is a serious breakdown of the basic’s relationships in a child’s life?
What can the school, the teachers in particular do?
This Theory helps teacher look into child’s environmental systems in order to understand more
about the characteristics and needs of each child, each learner. The school and the teachers
can contribute stability and long term relationships in the home.

Ecological Systems Theory says school, family, peer group, neighbors, culture, etc. all of them
influence child’s development.

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