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Rochelle M. Ramos
Joan A. Salem
Dino S. Palattao
Leomar R. Rabago
Cristie B. Maltizo
Chapter 1



The emergence of technology brought rapid changes in the world; it enables to establish a better way of

doing things. Today the world celebrates, because of the various benefits of technological innovation. Due

to the advancement of technology, communication barriers reduced, and new medium launched to connect

global audiences such as internet. The evolution of internet has led its use as the best medium of

communication. Social media is one of the greatest inventions of technology, and it is now the most

popular and widely used. Social media open a new world of information and opportunity to human beings.

Because of its ease of use, speed and reach, social media is fast changing the public discourse in society

and setting trends and agenda in topics that range from the environment and politics to technology and the

entertainment industry (Asur and Huberman, 2010).

Social media usage is very popular among students as it provides them the freedom to do whatever

they want to do using social media. They can produce and share the content, comment on anything that

posted, connect and talk with their friends anytime and anywhere as well as make new friends. Social

media can also use as an educational tool for learning among students. They can communicate with their

instructors or classmates online, if they face any issue related to their studies. Like Google Meet, they can

actively participate with the discussion and always stay connected with their lessons in a new way

providing flexibility in learning.

The use of social media is rapidly growing; there is a sharp increase in the use of social media by

students or the educational society (Raut and Patil, 2016). Students primarily use social media to

communicate and exchange ideas with lecturers (Sudha and Kavitha, 2016). Social networking sites like

Google meet and YouTube have been studied widely. Social networking sites considered its potential to

become an essential resource to support their educational communications and collaborations with faculty

(Badria et al. (2017). When social media is used positively, it can assist students and young people in

acquiring knowledge that can be applied to their academic performance. Positive practices of social media

increase student’s social intelligence (Paul et al. (2012).

There is a direct correlation between university and college students' use of social media and their

academic performance. Especially among students, that comprise the majority of users on social

networking sites. The primary goal of online social networking services is to create and reflect social

relationships between users, or people who have same interests or activities. With the proliferation of social

networking sites displayed on the internet, like in Youtube, students are tempted to ignore homework and

reading times instead, they are browsing movies. Today, most students possess Google Meet and YouTube

account. Even before the pandemic, students were able to sneak to watch videos while lectures are taking

place and even now in the present learning modality. As a result, the majority of students' academic

performance suffers because of social media distraction. Social media can describe as a coin; both have

positive and negative sides.

In the last previous years, social media is used to connect with higher education and students is

increasingly responded (Martinez-Aleman & Wartman, 2009). This in turn put pressure on members of

faculty to use social networking within the classrooms and outside the classrooms to connect with students.

There are many advantages for universities and colleges and that can be gain by connecting with students

through the social media. Students are not always have Media literacy skills that can help them to

effectively analyze, understand, and evaluate new forms of information and make smart decisions about its

quality and uses (Rowland‟s et al., 2008).

The ability to create groups on social media allows instructors or teachers to interact with students

and communicate critical class instructions as well as essential study material. Students can also use these

groups to express their thoughts, fresh ideas, and even concerns about their academics with their classmates

and instructors. This will encourage students to participate in their group discussion, therefore improving

their knowledge. Professors can also give a connection for students to contribute their homework or

assignments to such study groups via Link provided by the instructors. All of this will save students a lot of

time and effort that they may put towards learning. If students are working on a group assignment, social

media can help them collaborate just like using Google Meet. This allows them to interact readily and

exchange project information, saving them time and energy that may be better spent on project work.

Students use social media platforms like YouTube, which has millions of instructional videos that assist
students widen their horizons and develop a variety of different skills and abilities. If students come across

any interesting and educational movies connected to their studies, they can share them with friends or

classmates who would benefit from watching them. Many students do not participate fully in class or group

project discussions. Some of them do not prefer even face-to-face communication with their classmates.

Participating in online learning conversations on social media is easy and comfortable for such students.

The development of the smartphone has increased social media usage. It allows users to access

many social networking sites with only a few clicks. These Social Medias have a significant influence on

students, prompting a vast number of studies and each has its own set of findings. Some studies show that

social media has an adverse impact on school performance while others show that it enhances users'

learning and improves their communication skills. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of

social media on the academic performance of Florencio L. Vargas College third-year BSE students in the

Academic Year 2021-2022.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Dependent
variable variable
Social Media Academic performance

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm of study

This paradigm shows the relationship between the two variables. The independent variable

on this study is the social media while the dependent variable is the academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The study will attempt to, assess the impact of social media on the academic performance of the

third-year BSE students of Florencio L. Vargas College, School Year 2021- 2022. Specifically, the study

seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Gender;

1.2. Age; and

1.3. Civil status

2. Which social media platforms are respondents more exposed of:

2.1. Google Meet

2.2. Youtube

3. How much time do students spend using social media everyday:

3.1. 30 minutes

3.2. 1-2 hours

3.2. 3-5 hours

3.4. more than 5 hours

4. What is the academic performance of the respondents in terms of their general average grade?

5. Is there a significant difference of social media platform to the academic performance of the



This study is guided by lone hypothesis:

There is no significant difference of social media to the student’s academic performance.

Significance of the Study

The study will examine the impact of social media and will definitely change people's perceptions of

how social media influences student knowledge and performance of third- year BSE students of FLVC. The

importance of this research is to inform all students how it can help them as well as the school, in

maintaining a positive learning environment through these platforms. The findings of the study will be

beneficial to the following:

Institutions. They can assess to how they can improve after using the platform, with the goal of encouraging

everyone to learn.

Students. As they have exposed to online learning, they can act as a bridge in designing an integrated online

learning modality, since the trend is heading us to that path. They may offer these ideas, which range from

abstract to specific changes, using this knowledge.

Teachers. They can benefit from the research study since it will help them expand the requirement for online

learning modality to their own method, since they understand the interplay between learning and the

modality applied in an online context. This study is important to them since there is no technique utilized to

establish in the teaching and learning process, they may design personal teaching tools and strategies that are

effective for their students.

Future Researchers. Making online learning a new advancement in today's environment, it benefits the future

researchers by adding to their increasing Review of Related Literature and Study. In this method, the

research may supported by facts and proofs.

Researchers. The study will help them with more information on the impact of social media on student’s

academic performance.

Social networks are gaining popularity among students worldwide as a new way to spend free time

and as a separate channel for locating important educational and entertainment information. As a result, it is

important to examine the impact of social media on its users, particularly, on how the use of social networks

affects the academic performance of the students. The current study will uncover this information, providing

the researchers with an opportunity for exploration and gain of new knowledge. Consequently, this paper can

use for the future studies.

Scope and Delimitation

This study deals with the impact of social media to third year BSE student’s academic performance

in Florencio L. Vargas College. This study will conducted to explore, provide, and have knowledge to

researchers and to the students.

This study limits its coverage on third year BSE students of Florencio L. Vargas College for

Academic Year 2021-2022 only. The researchers will then do a survey and the respondents of this study will

cover 27 third year students who are taking BSE under the department of College of Teacher Education will

answer the questionnaire.

Furthermore, the researchers will get the desired results in regards to the impact of social media on

student academic performance. The primary data will use to supplement the information provided by the

respondents in the survey.

Definition of Terms

In the course of this research study, there will be terms that are highlighted by the researchers, which was

given operational definitions.

Social media

It refers to websites and applications that emphasize communication, community engagement,

interaction, content sharing, and collaboration.


In this study, it refers to a collection of tools that serve as a foundation for the development of further

applications, processes, or technologies.

Social networking

In this study, it refers to the practice of connecting with friends, family, coworkers,

customers, or clients via social media sites on the Internet.

Social networking sites

Social networking sites (SNSs) are online communities in which users can create public profiles,

interact with real-world friends, and connect with others who share common interests.


In this study, it refers to a strong influence or a strong effect.

Online Learning

In this study, it refers to a type of education that occurs on the internet.

In this study, it refers to the way in which something exists or done.

Academic performance

In this study, it refers on the students’ academic achievements in a classroom setting.

Chapter 2


The second chapter covers the Review of Related Literature and Studies that would

support the study of the Impact of Social Media on the Academic Performance of third year

BSE students of Florencio L. Vargas College. It aims to summarize, clarify and evaluate the

different related factors found in the study. Furthermore, these literature and study will

either affirm or contradict the respondents’ statement based from the findings afterwards.

Social Media

The use of social media is steadily increasing. Social, which comes from the Latin word socius,

meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ on the other hand, refers to things relating to human societies, communities,

or groups of persons living together or doing things together (Collins English Dictionary, 2016, p.762;

Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, 2009, p.882). It is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Online as “relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or doing

enjoyable things with each other”; “relating to people or society in general”.

The word media, the plural of the Latin word medium (Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, 2009, p.576),

as we have come to understand it, refers to one of the dominant routes, means, channels, or instruments

for communication, information sharing, or entertainment. Traditionally, the different means of

communication including newspapers, radio, television, magazines, and lately the internet, have been

collectively referred to as the ‘media’.

As a result of the aforementioned, social media may be defined as communication that is spread

through social interactions. Social media, according to Drury (2008), is an "online platforms through

which people can share content such as video, photos, images, text, ideas, insight, humor, opinion,
gossip, and news" (Kietzmannn, 2012). Safko and Brake (2008) defined social media as "activities,

practices, and behaviors among communities of people who congregate online to exchange information,

knowledge, and opinions via conversational media."

Concept of Social Media

Social media is a term that refers to a type of technology that uses mobile and web-based

technologies to build highly interactive platforms for individuals and communities to share, co-create,

discuss, and modify user-generated content (Kietzmannn, 2012). The concept of "social media" is talked

about a lot. A website not only provides you with information, but also interacts with you while doing


It is a group of internet-based application, which allows the creation and exchange of users created

content. Do not get confuse by social media with social news because we frequently refer to members of

the news broadcast or reporting as the media. In addition, social news site is also social media site.

Some media website includes:

∙ Social Bookmarking: interact by tagging website and searching through website book marked by

others (Google Search Engine, Google Scholar).

∙ Social News: interact by voting for articles and commenting on them.

∙ Social Networking: interact by adding friends, commenting on photo and profiles, sharing groups for

discussions (Facebook, Google Meet, Zoom)

∙ Social Photo and Video Sharing: interact by sharing photos or videos and commenting on the user

submission. (Youtube).

∙ Wikis: interact by adding articles and editing existing articles. (Wikipedia).

The internet use effect of social media is that students continue to spend more time on social media

than any other site. Total time spent on social media on mobile devices climbed by 37% in July 2012,

reaching 121 billion minutes from 88 billion minutes in July 2011. (Nielsen, 2012)
Commonly Used Social Media Platforms for Studies

Since the technological advancements and the availability of high-speed internet connection

improved, the concept's popularity has increased, contributing to the emergence of social networking

sites. From the findings of recent research, there are widely utilized platforms for education that might

shape the future of social learning, social presence, and an alternative platform to enhance online

learning in developing countries. According to Lisa, C. (2013), instructors of all levels may access a

variety of subcategories under the education category on YouTube, including university, science,

business, and engineering. YouTube even has a section dedicated to teachers and how to use it in the

classroom. Teachers might educate utilizing all of the wonderful videos accessible according to subjects

or searches even if they never visited that part. YouTube is the most common social media tool used to

connect with students, according to a survey by Pearson Education (2010), Social Media in Higher

Education. This communication tool, not surprisingly, offers a solution to traditional means of

exchanging information, such as lectures, podcasts, and current events. YouTube may also utilized as a

place for students to save their digital work. Learners may create their own channels and save projects

there, which has the additional advantage of collecting public comments, which improves the quality of

their work.

YouTube is the most popular site that is used to communicate among students followed by Twitter

then other social networks e. g. LinkedIn, Instagram and What's up then the Facebook. Out of the 270

respondents, 40% of the respondents use YouTube to communicate between them while 20% use

Twitter network. The results demonstrates that YouTube is almost twice popular than the Twitter among

Tabuk university students. (Monia, O., Inam, A., 2018).

The usage of online-based platforms could be a solution to ensure that the learning process runs well

at this time. Virtual meetings via online apps give considerable benefits, especially through video

conferencing, which makes the learning process effective, practical, and safe, as per Pratama et al.,

(2020). Video conferencing may help to develop a sense of connectedness and allowing for interactive

communication. Google Meet is an application that also works as a video communication service. This

tool is useful; especially we are in situations where we should ensure a safe distance to avoid the Covid-

19 virus. This application is highly effective for students, educators, and individuals working from home
because we can simply connect via live video or video conferencing from the comfort of our own

environment. Google Meet's New interface not only allows users to meet face to face in a direct and

effective way, but it is also highly light and speedy. Management is easy and can be followed by a large

number of people (Singh & Soumya, 2020).

Google did not set out to establish a Learning Management System when it launched Google

Classroom (LMS). However, Google discovered that many instructors were using Classroom as the

"hub" for their online learning activities during the COVID-19 outbreak. Over 150 million students,

teachers, and school administrators now use the platform, up from just 40 million last year. Google is

introducing a major update for Classroom this year as a response of the pandemic-driven uptake and

user feedback, some of which will be available sooner. (Sarah, P., 2021)

Social Media Platforms Privacy and Issues

Social Media is public in nature and the decision to post videos, pictures, thoughts, experiences, and

observations to Social Networking sites is personal, a single act can create far reaching ethical

consequences for individuals, (Dela Cruz 2014). Many adolescents and teenagers simply overlook the

distinction between private and public information on social networking sites. Several difficulties and

concerns are being raised in order for users to be aware of the dangers of sharing personal information

on social media platforms, but some people are dismissing them. The lack of awareness and knowledge

about the security and protection that can be utilized in these social media platforms resulted for them to

fall victim of security threats from unknown sources, Ajiebada and Shamsuddin, (2020). Additionally

many have experienced of their account being hacked, at the same time, it use to deceive others and use

it in any illegal transactions.

Another advantage of social media platform is that it can be used as a bridge for educational

purposes. Given the present state of learning, there is no doubt that social media platforms have made a

significant contribution to the education industry. Its significance is presently being felt. Tarantino, et

al., describe social media platforms as a tool for cooperation and information sharing that may be used

in academic settings to enhance student participation for greater learning (2013). However, there are

several drawbacks to incorporating social media sites into academic settings. Because all material on
these sites is readily accessible, students frequently copy content without permission or any attached

citation in there paper, also social media platforms are full of misleading information not knowing the

credibility of the source of the information that being copied.

Other negative consequence of social media platforms is the distraction of these to the academic

performance, Chen & Bryer, (2012); Hurt et al., (2012). Many distractions happened during the actual

use of these platforms, for instance a pop up advertisement in YouTube that tends to distract the

attention of a student while watching educational videos, or sometimes the educational video itself has

some unfiltered part. Social media may also have a detrimental influence on a student's GPA and the

amount of time they spend studying for the purpose of class (Annetta et al., 2009; Junco, 2012b). One

reason for this effect is that social media offers too much information. As a result, students could be

distracted from finishing their assignments (Hurt et al., 2012; Patera et al., 2008). Another reason for

this may be that students who spend more time on social media may have difficulty balancing their

online activities and their academic preparation.

Impacts of Social Media

Because of the pandemic, the Internet has gained a permanent role in people's life. It is impossible to

picture a student who did not bother to check Social Media and Networking Sites at least once a day.

The present situation demands us to stay connected and informed about the current news and trends,

which develop at the speed of light. Is it true that social media and networking sites have an impact on

students' academic performance? Existing research were reviewed to shed light on the positive and

negative aspects of using social media in general, as well as to investigate its effects on students'

academic performance.


Social media platforms are a major issue that is beginning to disturb and obstruct the mind's

ability to think clearly. Students nowadays tend to lose focus while studying and instead prefer to

spend time on social media. All of this amounts to a waste of time that yields no results. Because
they are more focused on using social media sites, students are frequently unable to submit their

work within the required time range. (Ajay, S., 2021)

Based from the study of Kolhar et al. (2021), the majority of students used social networking

sites. Excessive usage of social media for non-academic purposes distracted them from their studies

and academic activities, causing them to miss bedtime and sleep less.

We have all had the experience of telling ourselves we will only check our updates and then

finding ourselves scrolling aimlessly for hours. Using gadgets near sleep can be especially harmful

since the blue light from our smartphones confuses our bodies into believing it's still daylight

outside, disrupting our normal cycles. When we gaze at electronics, we also blink less, which, when

combined with blue light, can cause eye tiredness and strain. (Netsweeper, 2021)


Another important effect of social media is that it improves student academic performance

and understanding by encouraging them to obtain data and information. When students are given

projects in school, they use a variety of online resources to gather knowledge and find solutions to

their problems. (Ajay, S., 2021)

Participants in the classroom-based study had a generally favourable impression of utilizing

YouTube for instructional purposes in the classroom. Many students had high expectations for the

usage of YouTube in the pre-semester survey; the results of the post-semester survey revealed that

these expectations were mainly realized. Students used words like enjoyable, interesting,

educational, and engaging to describe their experience. (Fleck et al. (2021).

In addition to the benefits of classroom, Netsweeper (2021) claims learning in social media

enables through sites like YouTube wherein it allows students to access material about mental

health and well-being, which can be difficult to accomplish without stigma offline.
Chapter 3


This chapter will presents the methods and procedures that will apply in this study. It will represents

the research design, the respondents of the study, the instrument that will be using, the data gathering

techniques or procedures that will employ and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study will make use of descriptive correlational research design. Since the study calls for the

impact of social media on academic performance of selected students of Florencio L. Vargas College, this

design is considered appropriate because it enables the researchers to create data through the standardized

collection procedures based on highly structured research instrument(s) and well defined study concepts and

related variables. The data will gather and the mean and frequency distribution will be derive from the

descriptive presentation of the variables. Descriptive research does not require an internal validity to describe

the characteristics of a population. This type of research is used to calculate frequencies, averages, and

statistic of data. By such description, this is how the researchers will manage to do the study. From the given

data, they will try to match the respondent’s choice to see the effectiveness of Study Techniques/Strategies.


The study will be conducted through online with the third-year BSE students of Florencio L. Vargas

College who were chosen as the respondents. The target number of respondents will comprise of 27


Sampling Technique/ Method

Frequency Percentage
Bachelor of Secondary Education 27 100%
Total 27 100%
The researchers randomly selected the respondents of this study where there is an equal opportunity

to be in the sample population.

Table 1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents

Data Gathering Tool/ Instrument

The researchers will be using self-made questionnaire through Google Forms. The research

instrument is comprised of three different sections: Demographic Profile of the Respondents, Closed Ended

Survey Questionnaire (The social media platforms that students more expose of and the time spent in using

this social media platform every day.), and Open Ended Survey Questionnaire (General Weighted Average

2nd year second semester).

Section 1. Personal Profile

This part looks at the personal profile of the respondents in order to answer the SOP #1, which is the

demographic profile of the respondents. This composes of age, gender, and the Civil Status of the


Section 2. Closed Ended Questionnaire

For this part, the respondents will immersed to answer the following questions:
1. Which social media platform are you more exposed?
2. How much time do you spend in using this social media platform every day?

The respondents will choose their answers in the options that the researchers have provided.

Section 3. Open Ended Survey Questionnaire

This part, the respondents gives their General Weighted Average in their 2nd year second semester.

Data Gathering Procedure

A permission from the Dean of the College will be solicited in order to determine the total population

of the respondents and the procedure to gather the data. Upon approval of the authorities, the researchers will

immediately conducted the data gathering. Through Google Forms, the distribution of the questionnaires to

the respondents will properly supervised by the researcher.

There will be communication letters asking for their participation in achieving the goal of the

research. After which, the data will be analyzed, treating it with statistical treatment by the statistician. It will
be presented and interpreted. From which, the answers to the SOP as well as the goal of the research shall be


Statistical Tool

Responses from the survey were analyzed using descriptive statistics particularly:
Frequency table counts and percentage distribution. This will be used to assess the demographic profile
of the respondents.
Weighted mean. This will be used to assess the impact of social media on the academic performance of
third year BSED students of Florencio L. Vargas College.

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