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/* Module : MainFile.

* Author :
* Email :
* Course : Computer Graphics
* Description :
* Date :
* History:
* Revision Date Changed By
* -------- ---------- ----------
* 01.00 ????? ???
* First release.

/* -- INCLUDE FILES ------------------------------------------------------ */

#include <gl/gl.h>
#include <gl/glu.h>
#include <gl/glut.h>

/* -- DATA STRUCTURES ---------------------------------------------------- */

// Our point class.
class GLintPoint {


/* -- GLOBAL VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------- */

/* -- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------- */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Function : void drawDot( GLint x, GLint y )
* Description : Draw a point at location (x, y) in the window.
* Parameters : GLint x : X coordinate of point to draw.
* GLint y : X coordinate of point to draw.
* Returns : void

void drawDot( GLint x, GLint y ) {

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Function : void myInit( void )
* Description : Initialize OpenGL and the window where things will be
* drawn.
* Parameters : void
* Returns : void
void myInit( void ) {
glClearColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
glColor3f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
glPointSize( 1.0 );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glLoadIdentity( );
gluOrtho2D( 0.0, 640.0, 0.0, 480.0 );

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Function : void myDisplay( void )
* Description : This function gets called everytime the window needs to
* be redrawn.
* Parameters : void
* Returns : void

void myDisplay( void ) {


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Function : int main( int argc, char** argv )
* Description : This is the main function. It sets up the rendering
* context, and then reacts to user events.
* Parameters : int argc : Number of command-line arguments.
* char *argv[] : Array of command-line arguments.
* Returns : int : Return code to pass to the shell.

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

// Initialize GLUT.
glutInit( &argc, argv );
// Set the mode to draw in.
glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB );
// Set the window size in screen pixels.
glutInitWindowSize( 640, 480 );
// Set the window position in screen pixels.
glutInitWindowPosition( 100, 150 );
// Create the window.
glutCreateWindow( "Lab" );
// Set the callback funcion to call when we need to draw something.
glutDisplayFunc( myDisplay );
// Initialize some things.
myInit( );
// Now that we have set everything up, loop responding to events.
glutMainLoop( );

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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