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: Blofz a . e tndibicinerd | D) Republic of the Philippines vin a @ Third Judicial Region BSG: REGIONAL TRIAL COURT * Guagua, Pampanga OFFICE. Branch SOLICITOR GenteaL IN THE | MATTER OF THE ocr 02 zo 4 INTESTATE ESTATE OF THE DECEASEC EDGAR POSKET MANAGEMENT Sebvite DEOCARI | ! alien 2635 For: Issuance} Letters of Administration) (Sec. 2, Rule 79, Rules of Court); > Settlement ahd Distribution of Estate (Rul 88 & 90, Rules of Court}, provisional remedy of pointment of Administrator. SUSAN SILVA UY, a oe XK , PETITION (For Issuance of Letters of Administration| the serdoent and Dis buton of Eatae of Edgar D. Uy) COMES NOW the Petitioner, by the unnersigped counsel, and it: to this Honbrable Court, most respectfully alleges Petitioner’ for brevity) is of legal age, Filipino, deceased ‘dgar, D, Uy and a resident of 599 Zon Rita, Pampanga, |) I, JURISDICTIONAL FACTS. 2. _ [This| petition covers the settlement EDGAR DJ UY|who died on 20 June 2016 as 1, _ |Petitioner SUSAN S. UY (hereinafter th to as the widow of the t Dila-dila, Sta. ithe Estate of idenced "a Death records le! determine 3. was a resi is Firy-eigne Milllon Six Hundred Forty-Fou Hundred (P58,644, over this Tl, HEIRS OF THE DECEDENT. 5. ‘on 08 Sep! Contract hi decedent the spouses was not settled as required by law.” 6. the decede a. Ct letters of admi province in ‘of Court (Emph ? "Section 19. original juris the gross value of the probate ih Metro Manila, where such gross value exceeds If no judicial ‘conjugal partnt death of the made, any dis terminated mat Should the surviving spouse contract @ subsequent marriage wit ison eufemai smarty eine canoe sep 134, the property Philippines). ificate| hereto attached as Annex ih by the deceased and after diliger that he died without leaving a will) The probable gross value of the estat Fifty-Four Pesos and Forty- 254.63). Hence, the Honorable Cour io mb of 1974. This fact is proven by the 20 June 2016, the conjugal partn int — who are all their legitimate children: ristophier S. Uy Per available rch, it was At the time of his death in 20 June 2016, the decedent lent bf ila~dil it . the deceased jousand Two Centavos s jurisdiction The Decedent and the Petitioner were lawfully married thelr Marriage ret attached as Annex ”B”. Despt tie death of the Ip property of Aside from the Petitioner, the following are the heirs of persons settled, - If the decedent time of his death, whether a citizen or an alien, hi on granted, and his estate settied, in the Reg| lich he resides at the time of his death, 200." i OHS Jurisdiction in civil cases. ~ Regional Trial Courts x0xx. | 100 (4) In all matters of probate, both ‘state exceeds One hundred thousand 10.00); al ‘Section 19, Chapter Il, Batas Pambansa Bip. mination of the marriage by death, the conjugal par same proceeding forthe setement of te esate of receding is insted, te suring 5 rship |property elther judicially or jeceased spouse. TTupon the bpse of te socmenth position or encumbrance involving the conjugal part riage shal] be void. the subsequent marriage.” (Article ip property shall be jeceased. shall liquidate the iy one year from the ‘no liquidation is property of the be asa iUy Lagdameo . Cris Michael S. Uy As proof thereof, |attached as Annexes “C” to ['E” are the birth certificates of the said children. TI. OTHER PERSONS WITH INTEREST IN THE|ESTATE OF THE DECEDENT. 7. On the basis of records and docume! vailable to the Petitioner, [the following creditors have an interest In the estate of the decedent. They may be served with notices, summons and other processes of the Honoreble Court at their addresses stated below an afford them an opportunity to ee icipate in the intestate proceedings to completely adjudicate ite: a) Department of Agriculture with office address at Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City, 11¢D; wufort, Sth Avenue corner 23rd Street, Bonifacio Global b) Eastwest Bank with corporate business acres at The ‘a City, Taguig, 1634; c) BPI Family Savings Bank, Inc. with cqrporate business address at Paseo de Roxas corner Dela|Rbsa St. Makati City. 1200; d) Te rota Financial Services Philippine| Corporation wit business address at 2F GT Tower [Int Bldg. Ayala Ave. cor./HV dela Costa St. Salcedo Village, Makati City, 12 7; and e) Philippine Business Bank with business and main ice address at 350 Rizal Avenue Extension, corner 8° Avenue, Grace Park, Caloocan Ci ity. IV. PROPERTIES: OF THE ESTATE AND THEIR PROBABLE VALUES. 8. During} the marriage of the Petit ler and the deceased, they, acquired various personal, ag well as, real properties with various improvements with a probable gross value. of Fifty-Eight Million Six Hundred Forty-] Two Hundred Fifty-Four Pesos and Forty-’ (P58,644, 254.43), our Thousand 9. | At the same time however, they also debts amaunting to Fifty-Three Million Nine Hundred Eighty- Three Thousand Seven Hundred Severjty-Four Pesos (P53,983,774.06). 10, | Thus, |the NET Value of their ousang only equivalent to Four M n Six Hundred Sixty Thousan Eighty and Thirty-Seven Centavas (P- V. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 11, | The decedent died intestate and the appointment of |an administrator for an settlement) and ‘distribution of his estate. 12. | Petitioner requests that Letters of issued to Her by the Honorable Court. She is cor is able and willing to execute the duties of her tr ADMIN: TRIX upon posting of a bond,’ in si the Honorable Court may direct. etent to serve,” 13. Being the widower and nearest of kin]of the decedent, Petitioner has substantial prospective interest in estate of the Iso, |béing the mother of the other renjaining heirs, and the fact that all the iven their consent for itratrix|as proven by their Joint Affi of Consent hereto attached as Annex “F”, she has the highest interest and in lotive to manage the estate| economically, with integrity and efficiency. _—— “When and to| whom letters of administration granted. ~ If no execujor fs named in the will, ‘or executors are incompetent, refuse the bust, or fal to give bond, or a ‘administration shail be granted: 00." 6, Rule 78, Rules of © Rules 83 and 84, Rules of Court. 7 Rule 81, Rules of Court. WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is prayed that: 1) Honorable} Cou! for the hearing of this PETITION with notices decedents|and other parties with interest in their] notice published |in a newspaper of general Province PRAYERS. it |ssves an ORDER fixing the tir relation to)Sections 3 and 4, Rule 76 of the Rules|of 2) be issuec After hearing, an ORDER and Letters| in favor Of SUSAN S. UY as REGULAR [most respectfully Immediately upon receipt of thls} Petition, the ime, date and place heirs of the tates with said lation in the if Pampanga conformably with Sectidn|3, Rule 79 in if Court, Administration MINISTRATRIX in accordance with Sections 5 and 6, Rule 79 of the Rules of Court. 3) Honorable] Court; with said notice published Immediately after _ issuance if Letters of posted in Administration; 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS b ee by the nd accordance with Section 3, Rule 86 of the Rules of 4) respective |filiations, an ORDER be issued adjud: — Susan S| Uy, Christopher S. Uy, Christina Uy-1 in rt. the Petitioner lameo, and Cris After |hearing to determine the ree and their Michael S.|Uy as legal heirs of the decedent - 7D. Uy. 5) After jall the assets of the decedent have been inventoried, expenses and debts of the estate been paid, a DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION AND/OR PARTITION|be issued by the Honorable} Court distributing the remaining net ite to the heirs of the d sed conformably with Rule 90, Rul Court and in accordance with the successional rights of each heir as determined under Articles * to 1010 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. Petitioner, prays for such other reliefs just] and equitable under the er Meycauayan City for Guagua, Pampanga. 19 March 2017. THE Phase III, Barangay Pandayan Meycauayan City, Bulacan, LAW OFFICE OF BERNARD JOSEPH DOMINGO No, 25 Jasmine Street, St. Michael H4mes PTR No. ie 0002730903; 01/03/17; Meyca MCLE Compliance No. V-0014163, 11 February 2016, VERIFICATI: 599 Zone 7 accordance i. Tam Admit dD ‘SUBS Province of Bulacan, t her SSS ID identity. L es S. UY, of legal age, Fillpino citizen, wido the ect to 3.1 via under oath that I have not comme take to and m. 1e Petitioner in the present Petition (For istration, and the Settlement and Distrit requested ATTY. BERNARD JOSEP! Ing the Same fssues In the Supreme Court, Ifted jor| is pending before the Supreme 's, or different divisions thereof, or any othe ather tribunal or agency thereof ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affix jarci 2017, in Meycauayan City, Bulacan. RIBED AND. ‘SWORN: to before me, a Notary with} SSS No. 03-2495784-2 as Competent -dila] Sta. Rita, Pampanga after having b¢en ith law, hereby depose and state that: same; that sald allegations and q my personal knowledge and ba: promptly inform the Honorable ION AND CERTIFICATION OF NON-FORUM SHOPPING i, and residing at uly sworn to in ance of Letters of Estate of Edgar , DOMINGO to 9 petition; that and explained proficient; that I ussions are true our authentic any other action court of Appeals, * day of March 2017. Aff

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