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( you all introduce yourself )

A very good morning to Puan Lin and all our fellow friends. I am Baalleeenjit Kaur, this is Deonita
Moniicaa, this is Eunice Chai and this is Balveen Kaur.

Baalleen: We are all here today to present our choosen ways to help the flood victims. Before we
start, we've watched a few videos about how the flood last year in Klang affected many people.
Not only in Klang, but in other areas as well. Not only the victims lost their property, but they have
also lost many of their loved once who were washed away by the flood. May their soul rest in
peace. But let's not forget out humanism. There were many people out there that volunteered and
helped countless souls by giving them shelter, food and basic necessity, most of all giving them
moral support. As an example the Sikh Organisation Gurdwara Sahib Petaling Jaya helped many
people ....they gave them food, things and most importantly hope. We who were not affected by
the flood are the ones that can give them who are affected a little light of hope.

Eunice: During the flood all of us came together and helped the victims and that is so beautiful. We
as humans are supposed to help other humans in need. As the saying goes, what goes around comes
around. Not all heroes wear a cap and save the world. They are some who just comes out of the blue
and saves countless lives. The people who volunteered to help the flood victims are true heroes. We
should respect them.

Balveen : Our unique ways malaysians help flood victims are by helping to clean up once the water
recedes, joining rescue missions, donating foods and clothing, donating blood, destributing packets
of groceries, donating toys and books for children, donating mineral waters to the flood victims and
by volunteering to help flood victims by organising flood campaign. We feel that all this ways carries
a valid point that is that we have to basically donate goods to the flood victims.

Deo : As said by Mr Asyraf Suhaimi, ““It wouldn't cover the financial losses they’ve experienced to
their homes and appliances, but we are hoping it would at least give them some relief during this
trying time. "

Deo: Our poster here is about how you should donate goods to the flood victims and how it will help

(Explain the poster a bit)

Eunice: Last but not least, we all should at least take the initiative by helping or donating some basic
needs to the flood victims. WE must keep in mind that we are all humans and we have a heart for a
reason. :)

Everyone: That’s all from us. Tw

First is all then me start then Eunice, then is balveen then deo and then Eunice lasty all

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