Activity 2: Sets and Its Diagrammatical Representation, Concepts On Subsets of A Set

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Activity 2


Class XI

Chapter/Unit SUBSETS

Topic SETS

Time 40 minutes

Nature of Activity Individual

What will I learn? (Learning outcome)

To find the total number of subsets of a given set and verify that if a set has n number of
elements, then the total number of subsets is 2n.

Skills: - Visualizing, Creating, Accuracy, Precision

What do I require?

Hardboard, white thick sheets of paper, pencils, colours, a pair of scissors

coloured paper, felt tip or sketch pens, geometry box, glue stick,
What do I need to know?

Sets and its diagrammatical representation, Concepts on subsets of a set.

What do we have to do?

Calculation of number of subsets of a set

➢ Teacher’s activity
Teacher will explain the subsets of various sets

How will I proceed?

➢ Student’s activity

Student will

a. Using a sheet of paper and cut outs as shown, Take the empty set (say) U0 which has no
b Take a set (say) U1 and using a coloured ring of paper, represent one element (say) a.
c. Take a set (say) U2 and represent two elements (say) a and b in it.
d. Take a set (say) U3 and with coloured cut outs represent three elements (say) a, b and c.

What have I observed?

1. Represent U0 in Fig. 2.1
FIG 2.1

Here the possible subsets of U0 is U0 itself only, represented symbolically by . The

number of subsets of U0 is 1 = 2 0
FIG 2.2

2. Represent U1 as in Fig. 2.2. Here the subsets

of U1 are , {a}. The number of subsets of
A1 is 2 = 21
3. Represent U2 as in Fig. 2.3
Here the subsets of U2 are , {a}, {b}, {a, b}. The number of subsets of U2 is 4 =22.
FIG 2.3

4. Represent U3 as in Fig. 2.4 Here the subsets of U3 are , {a}, {b}, {c), {a, b},
{b, c), {a, c) and {a, b, c}.

FIG 2.4

The number of subsets of U3 is 8 =23.

5. Going on this way, the number of subsets of set Un containing n

elements a1, a2, ..., an is 2n.
What have I learnt?

S. No. .
1 1. The number of subsets of U0 is 2−
2 The number of subsets of U1 is 2−
3 The number of subsets of U2 is 2−
4 The number of subsets of U3 is 2−
5 . The number of subsets of U10 is 2−
6 The number of subsets of Un is 2−
What have I learnt ?

The activity can be used for calculating the number of subsets of a given set.

Let me evaluate myself

Q1. Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. If n represent any member of X, express the following assets:

(i) n ∈ X but 2n ∉ X (ii) n + 5 = 8 (iii) n is greater than 4.

Q2 . If X and Y are two sets and X′ denotes the complement of X, then X ∩ (X ∪ Y)′ is equal to
(a) X (b) Y (c) φ (d) X ∩ Y

Q3. In a class of 60 students, 25 students play cricket and 20 students play tennis, and 10 students
play both the games. Then, the number of students who play neither is

( a) 0 (b) 25 (c ) 35 ( d) 45

Q4. Two sets A and B are such that n(A ∩ B) = 21, n(A ́ ∩B ́) = 9, n(A ∩ B) = 7

find n(A ∩B) ́.

Q5. A survey shows that 63% people watch news channel A whereas 76% people watch news
channel B. If x% of people watch both news channels, then prove that 39 ≤ x ≤ 63.


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