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* R A N - 3 1 0 4 *

T.Y.B.A. (Sem : VI) Examination
November / December - 2019
History of America (1921 to 1962 A.D.)
History - Paper : XXI

Time: 2 Hours ] [ Total Marks: 50

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
T.Y.B.A. (Sem : VI)
Name of the Subject :
History of America (1921 to 1962 A.D.) History - Paper : XXI
Subject Code No.: 3 1 0 4 Student’s Signature

(1) âï“ “„bf 1 afrS>eps R>¡.

(2) S>dZu bpSy>“p v$ip®h¡gp A„L$ âï““p NyZ v$ip®h¡ R>¡.
â. 1. “uQ¡“p âï“p¡“p„ V|„$L$dp„ S>hpb Ap‘p¡. (10)
1) hp¡tiÁV$“ ‘qfjv$ ¼epf¡ A“¡ ip dpV¡$ bp¡gphhpdp„ Aphu ?
2) dlpd„v$u“p¡ A„s gphhp lºhf¡ ¼ep ‘Ngp gu^p ?
3) ¼ep hj®dp„ A“¡ ip dpV¡$ ey.A¡k.A¡. A¡ kp¡rhe¡V$ friep“¡ dpÞesp Ap‘u ?
4) ""A¡V$gp„qV$L$ QpV®$f'' “p d|msÐhp¡ S>Zphp¡.
5) Ad¡qfL$pdp„ r“N°p¡ A“¡ f¡X$ C[ÞX$e“p¡“u lpgs L¡$hu lsu ?
â. 2. C.k. 1929 “u dlpd„v$u“p L$pfZp¡ S>Zphp¡. (13)
â. 2. âdyM ä¢L$gu“ ê$Th¡ëV$“u Ap„sqfL$ “urs“p¡ ¿epg Ap‘p¡.
â. 3. Ad¡qfL$p“¡ buÅ rhðeyÙ sfa v$p¡fu Ne¡gp ‘qfbmp¡“y„ rhíg¡jZ L$fp¡. (13)
â. 3. Ad¡qfL$pdp„ “uN°p¡“u lpgs ky^pfhp ’e¡gp âeГp¡ S>Zphp¡. “pNqfL$ l¼L$ Qmhm“u
rhõs©s dprlsu Ap‘p¡.

RAN-3104 ] [1] [ P.T.O. ]

â. 4. V|„$L$“p¢^ gMp¡. (Nd¡ s¡ b¡) (14)
1) hp¡tiÁV$“ ‘qfjv$“u L$pdNufu
2) eyÙp¡Ñf Ad¡qfL$pdp„ rinZ, kprlÐe A“¡ L$gp“p¡ rhL$pk
3) k„ey¼s fpóV²$ k„õ’p (ey“p¡) “u õ’p‘“pdp„ Ad¡qfL$p“p¡ apmp¡
4) C.k. 1945 ’u 1962 ky^u“u Ad¡qfL$p“u rhv$¡i“urs

(1) As per the instruction No.l of page No.l
(2) Question No.l is Compulsory.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the Questions.

Q-1 Answer the following questions briefly. (10)

1) Where and why was the Washington conference called ?
2) What measures did president Hoover take to end great depression ?
3) In which year and why the U.S.A. recognized the Soviet Union ?
4) Write original roots of "Atlantic Charter"
5) Narrate the condition of Negroes and Red Indians in America ?

Q-2 Describe the reason of great depression of 1929. (13)

Q-2 Give an idea of domestic policy of president Franklin Roosvelt.

Q-3 Analyze critically the force which led the America in to World (13)
War Second.
Q-3 Write a detailed note attempts made to improve the condition of
Negroes in America. Give a detailed informative on the civil right
movement in America.

Q-4 Write Short Note (Any Two) (14)

1) The function of Washington conference
2) Development of education, Literature and Art in past war in America
3) The contribution of America give in the establishment of UNO
4) Foreign policy of America during 1945 to 1962 A.D.

RAN-3104 ] [2] [ 000 ]

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