Rational Exuberance

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For professional use only May 2021

Multi Asset Monthly

Global Strategy

Rational exuberance
Economic outlook Model portfolio
Macro data are increasingly heralding the start of the
economic normalization process in regions where the
vaccine roll-out has been smooth. In the US more
infrastructure spending has been announced. Inflation
numbers and expectations have risen, but we see this as a
temporary phenomenon that will not lead to tighter
monetary policy. In the medium term, the sustainability of
the recovery will depend on how long it takes to attain herd
immunity, how willing policymakers are to continue
providing stimulus, and how much permanent damage the
economy has suffered.

Market outlook
Investors have fully embraced the reflation story. Ample
liquidity, fiscal support and strong earnings offer support to
equity markets. We expect this strength to continue
through the second half despite high levels of investor
optimism and some signs of exuberance. The cyclical
commodity markets are also benefiting from this trend. On
the other hand, the rise in government bond yields is Current active views are shown by coloured circles; circles with thick grey
putting pressure on fixed income returns. We think that edges represent previous views. The five rankings for the views are (from
monetary policy support and further economic progress will left to right): strong underweight, moderate underweight, neutral,
moderate overweight, strong overweight.
contain the impact.

For professional use only May 2021


Asset allocation and scenario update ________________________ 3

Asset allocation ________________________________________ 3
Background: Spring scenarios update ______________________ 4

Market review __________________________________________ 6

Bull market in risky assets driven by strong fundamentals ______ 6
Equities ______________________________________________ 6
Fixed income __________________________________________ 6
Commodities __________________________________________ 7

Economic outlook ________________________________________ 8

Back to secular stagnation, or on to a better equilibrium? ______ 8
The regime shift faces some formidable political constraints ____ 8
Economic constraints are unlikely to bite anytime soon ________ 9

Emerging markets _______________________________________ 10

Strong external demand, fragile domestic demand ___________ 10
Pressure on EM currencies may intensify ___________________ 10

Fixed income outlook ____________________________________ 11

Markets are calm, but volatility could be around the corner ___ 11
Timing is crucial in tactical positioning _____________________ 11
EMD hard currency sovereigns benefit from stabilizing rates ___ 12

Equity outlook __________________________________________ 13

From early recovery to mid-cycle _________________________ 13
Investor behaviour ____________________________________ 14
Positioning ___________________________________________ 14

Commodity outlook _____________________________________ 15

Recovery theme keeps commodities buoyant _______________ 15
Correlation breakdown signals normalization _______________ 15

Asset allocation and maintain a cyclical preference for industrials and materials at the
expense of consumer staples and healthcare.

scenario update We previously downgraded financials from a large to a moderate

overweight to reduce our sensitivity to increased bond market
volatility This month we went overweight in the technology sector.
• Normalization path is becoming more tangible The tech sector underperformed in Q1 as investors turned towards
purer reflation trades, but it offers superior long-term profitability
as vaccination roll-outs pick up pace and growth and is well-placed to benefit from structural economic
changes. As we move towards the next phase of the business cycle,
• Economic policy support remains supportive investor preference may start to shift from cyclical towards secular
• We maintain our pro-cyclical stance growth, and from weak balance sheets to strong balance sheets. The
technology sector scores well on both metrics.,
Asset allocation
We retain our preference for cyclically sensitive assets in our tactical In our regional allocation, we maintain a moderate overweight in the
asset allocation. This preference is driven by a benign combination of UK relative to Swiss equities. The UK is well-advanced in inoculating
several factors. First, in developed markets the normalization path its population, and it is sensitive to commodity prices through its oil
has become more tangible, thanks to the rapid progress of the US and mining exposure. The region is cheap on all metrics and is under-
and UK in their vaccination roll-outs. owned by institutional investors.

We expect the speed of vaccinations in continental Europe to Real estate

increase as more vaccines become available in the second quarter. We are neutral on global real estate. Rising yields as a result of US
Secondly, earnings growth exceeds consensus expectations by a wide fiscal pulses and economic normalization are a medium-term
margin across all sectors and full year estimates are being revised headwind. Banks are also tightening credit standards. In the US,
higher. housing and labour data are on the mend, but office vacancy rates
and mortgage delinquencies are rising. Valuation of the asset class,
A third factor is economic policy support. On the monetary side, both absolute and relative, provides support.
central banks in developed markets will remain accommodative for a
long period, even in the wake of rising inflation data. Inflation rates Investor positioning in global and US real estate is strongly
may indeed rise as the economy re-opens and because of base underweight. Net flows are limited. Positioning in European real
effects, but this should be a temporary phenomenon. estate is still overweight but has come down rapidly, as outflows
The Fed’s reaction function has turned more dovish and taper talks
are not expected any time soon. On the fiscal front, the US is taking Real estate is undergoing structural change that is amplified by the
another leap forward with the “Build Back Better” programme, a Covid crisis. The trend towards e-commerce reduces demand for
package aimed at helping the US to regain or even surpass previous retail real estate while strengthening real estate logistics. Increased
trend growth. This package encompasses broad infrastructure working from home will continue to affect office demand. These
spending and support for the welfare state. themes will continue to weigh on the asset class in 2021 and beyond.

We consequently maintain our moderate overweight in equities, as Commodities

well as our large overweight in EUR and USD high yield and in cyclical We are neutral on commodities, with a positive bias expressed via
commodities like Brent and WTI. In the rates market, volatility has overweights in cyclical commodities crude oil and aluminium. High
made us more cautious. We closed the overweight in German Bunds investor positioning in agriculture and industrial metals is a risk. In
but maintained a moderate underweight in US Treasuries. From a precious metals the cyclical recovery continues to dent investment
fundamental perspective, we think the spread between the two demand. The agricultural segment rallied on US planting delays amid
regions has room to widen further. colder weather and a lingering la Nina weather pattern affecting the
crop outlook in Brazil.
Fixed income
In government bonds, we moved US Treasuries from a large to a In oil we remain constructive on Brent and WTI. Recovering oil
moderate underweight and closed the overweight in German Bunds. demand as mobility increases, particularly in the US, and a forecast
With this trade we seek to capture the different macro and supply rise in global refinery demand from April on (after maintenance)
dynamics between the two regions, although at a lower conviction should tighten the market. OPEC+’s gradual ramp-up in production
level than before. In spreads we have large overweights in EUR and should be well digested. In industrial metals we see indications of an
USD high yield. High yield offers an asymmetric return profile, increase in end-use orders after Chinese New Year, leading to
outperforming when government bond yields drop and stabilizing expected metal inventory draws and supporting prices. We prefer
when they rise. aluminium, as environmental production curbs are coinciding with
rising green demand.
Our equity allocation is tilted to benefit from the twin themes of
rising bond yields and rising commodity prices. In sectors, we

Multi Asset Monthly 3

Table 1: Equity market forecasts First, our assumptions about the global vaccine rollout are captured
in Figure 1, which shows the portion of the fully vaccinated
Index Current +3m +6m +12m population in the US, EU, Japan and the UK in various cases.
According to our base-case analysis, we expect about 66% of the
S&P 500 4211 4300 4400 4500
population to be vaccinated by the end of the year.
Stoxx 600 437 450 460 470
Figure 1: Vaccination scenarios for population of US, EU, Japan, UK
TOPIX 1898 1950 2025 2075

FTSE 100 6952 7050 7150 7350

MSCI EM Free 1365 1370 1400 1425

Source: NN Investment Partners, 30 April

Patrick Moonen
Principal strategist
Source: NN Investment Partners
The expected strong growth of the global economy depends on
Background: Spring scenarios update
continued fiscal support as well as the reopening of businesses. This
The views embedded in our New Future scenarios are based on the
is certainly the case in for the US, where fiscal policy is moving from
idea that after the pandemic, the world will strive to “return” to
relief support to a debate on investments and social reforms. Further
some sort of normality. The political and economic environment has
fiscal support is also needed in Europe, where the rollout of the
already changed in many ways, so the post-pandemic world will be
recovery plan is slow, and in emerging markets, where fiscal
different from the pre-pandemic one and we are heading “back” to a
headroom is limited.
new future.
We need to look at two more unknowns: inflation expectations and
Our investment scenarios are designed to describe the context in
animal spirits. These unknowns allow us to explore how market
which various possible market environments might evolve. The base
participants will respond to the US Federal Reserve’s new strategy,
scenario describes what we see as the most likely outcome. The
and to better capture potential deviations from market
alternative scenarios are meant to explore a wide range of possible
futures. They are not meant as forecasts.
New Future scenarios in detail
The scenarios are organized in terms of a few critical unknowns that
We maintain our three scenarios: cruise control (base case), full
span the space of possible outcomes. Our spring update features four
throttle, and idling engine. They are summarized in Figure 2.
unknowns: the global vaccine roll-out, fiscal stimulus, inflation
expectations and animal spirits. We discuss them in turn.

Figure 2: Overview of the New Future scenarios

Source: NN Investment Partners

Multi Asset Monthly 4

Cruise control
The cruise control scenario describes a world in which the
aforementioned advances in the US on the fiscal and vaccination side
warrant an upgrade of the economic outlook. We now expect the US
economy to grow by 6.6% in 2021, compared with 4.3% for the
Eurozone. This goes hand in hand with a gradual labour market
recovery in both regions. Similarly, core inflation improves only
gradually in the base scenario. This is also a positive backdrop for the
Chinese economy, which is expected to grow by 9.4% in 2021.

In this environment, financial markets price in reflation and the

comeback of the affected parts of the service sector. US yields have
some room to edge higher, but the actual inflation trajectory should
limit the rise. The Fed continues to anchor inflation expectations
reasonably well. The European Central Bank, meanwhile, finds it
more difficult to create room to manoeuvre, given the institutional
setting and the lack of further fiscal response.

The strong increase in global earnings that analysts anticipate is

materializing and might even exceed expectations. This should lead
to decent equity returns in 2021.

Full throttle
The full throttle scenario offers an alternative future in which global
growth surprises on the upside. Various factors are at play: significant
pent-up demand, strong capex growth and excessive fiscal stimulus.

The high growth comes at a price. The global economy shows signs of
overheating and labour markets recover so quickly that the actual
inflation numbers overshoot the Fed’s 2% target. The Fed might be
forced to taper early and raise rates prematurely, or they might be
tested repeatedly by the market. In either case, the FOMC might face
problems anchoring inflation expectations. This conflict paves the
way for higher yields in the US.

In this scenario, equity markets perform well, at least initially, due to

strong earnings growth. The crucial point is that equity valuations
and rates might rise sharply, because animal spirits detach valuations
from fundamentals.

Idling engine
The idling engine scenario is one in which various factors become a
drag on growth and undermine the recovery assumption that is
crucial for global growth in 2021. Major setbacks for the vaccine roll-
out in the G3 region may trigger such a negative spiral.

Policy mistakes are another possible trigger. For example, a

premature tightening of monetary policy by the Fed or the ECB might
derail the current rally. On the political side, any return to the
austerity policies of 2011 might worsen the economic outlook in the
European Union. For example, the September general elections in
Germany and the French presidential elections next April might
create opportunities for right-wing parties to force a debate about
austerity. This scenario is clearly a drag on equities and creates
deflationary pressures on bond yields.

We maintain this relatively pessimistic scenario not because we

deem it probable, but because it highlights the importance of the
sustained stimulus and the economic recovery of the sectors most
affected by the pandemic.

The scenarios are updated on a quarterly basis. The next update will
be at the end of the second quarter.

Marco Willner
Head of investment Strategy

Multi Asset Monthly 5

Market review Figure 2: Regional equity performance (EUR)

• Risky assets continued their strong

performance in April
• US bond yields retreat following last month’s
steep rise
• Strong fundamental support continues to
drive bull market
Bull market in risky assets driven by strong fundamentals
In April, risky assets continued their strong performance. Equities,
Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners
real estate and cyclical commodities posted positive returns. Credit
spreads tightened. German and US government bonds converged as Sectors
Bund yields rose while Treasury yields declined following a steep rise. From a sector point of view, cyclical sectors like financials (strong
results) and materials (rising commodity prices) showed strong
The main drivers behind this bull market have strengthened due to a performance as did typical growth sectors like technology (stable US
benign combination of several developments. US President Joe Biden yields and strong results) and communication services (strong
has announced the Build Back Better programme consisting of multi- results). Utilities and consumer staples were at the bottom of the
year, multi-trillion-dollar fiscal spending on physical infrastructure league table. Sector returns were more balanced, based on a
(the American Job Plan) and on human infrastructure (the American combination of both cyclical and secular growth. This might be the
Family Plan). trend going forward as we move further along the business cycle
from the early-recovery phase to the mid-cycle phase.
Central banks in the developed world, meanwhile, remain committed
to monetary policy support, even in the wake of temporarily higher Figure 3: Equity performance by sector (local currency)
inflation data. Macro data came in strong, confirming a V-shaped
recovery and the path towards normalization.

In April the corporate earnings season started and the numbers again
beat expectations by a wide margin, in Europe and in the US and
across all sectors. Profit guidance was also positive, acting as an
additional driver for equities.

Figure 1: Year-to-date asset class performance (EUR)

Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners

Fixed income
In government bonds, the spread between US and German yields
narrowed. This move was probably caused by the dovish Fed and is
likely to be temporary.

Figure 4: Long-term government bond yield trends

Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners


Regional performance was mixed. The US regained its top spot driven
by a renewed interest in growth sectors like technology and
communication services. Emerging markets suffered a difficult start
to the month. Several countries in Asia continue to struggle with the
pandemic. This is denting their growth outlook. The narrowing of the
positive growth gap with developed markets is not helping either.

In the second half of April, emerging markets experienced some relief Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners
as a result of the weakening US dollar and the stabilization of US
bond yields. Japan was the month’s worst performer. The vaccination In fixed income spreads, global high yield performed well and spreads
process is slow there and is lagging other developed economies. The tightened. Lower US yields and the rapid improvement in corporate
appreciation of the yen versus the US dollar was also a headwind. profitability were tailwinds.

Multi Asset Monthly 6

Figure 5: Credit spreads

Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners

Commodities posted a strong month in April. The industrial metal
and energy segments both did well, helped by high OPEC+ output
compliance and expectations of rising demand as the economy
normalizes. Precious metals lagged but still printed positive returns
for the month.

Figure 6: Commodity sector performance in USD

Source: Refinitiv Datastream, 30 April 2021

Patrick Moonen
Principal Strategist Multi-Asset

Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners

Multi Asset Monthly 7

Economic outlook balanced; i.e., fiscal, monetary, structural and incomes policies must
all participate and work towards the same goal. It is also important
that policy stimulus be targeted at improving the economy’s
institutional structure and enhancing its long-term growth potential.
• The Covid response is much different from
policy after the Global Financial Crisis Clearly there has been something of a regime shift in the philosophy
of policymakers. Several among them feel that persistently low
• Economic constraints are unlikely to bite sovereign borrowing costs offer a unique opportunity for fiscal policy
anytime soon to push the economy to a better equilibrium. They also recognize
that a persistently higher nominal growth path is the only way to
Even though there are some regional differences in vaccination make rising sovereign debts sustainable. Of course, low borrowing
progress and the degree of stimulus, the global economy is set for a costs are no accident, but rather the inevitable consequence of an
strong boom in the second half of this year. In many ways this boom excessive demand for safety; i.e., stimulus becomes very cheap just
is the flipside of the slump we saw over the past year. It is driven to a when the economy needs it the most.
considerable extent by the easing of restrictions and the release of
pent-up demand and excess savings. Meanwhile, central banks have tacitly accepted that they cannot
attain a higher inflation equilibrium all on their own; they need the
Nevertheless, there is an additional element to this boom that can help of fiscal and other policies to achieve that. The best way for
potentially make all the difference in the longer term – the policy central banks to contribute to the recovery is to keep sovereign
response. Last year governments around the world quickly borrowing costs low until the baton of assuring debt sustainability is
implemented large-scale disaster relief programmes designed to passed to persistently better nominal growth.
protect incomes and the balance-sheet quality of households and The regime shift faces some formidable political constraints
businesses hit by the Covid shock. Central banks made strong Not all policymakers share this new philosophy. This is an important
commitments to doing whatever it takes to keep sovereign and reason why the success of the regime shift is far from assured; there
private borrowing costs low for the foreseeable future. are potential political constraints which could stop this shift in its
tracks. US President Joe Biden seems determined to do whatever it
This was very different from the response to the Global Financial takes to cement the regime shift more strongly. In this respect, he
Crisis (GFC) in 2008, when discretionary fiscal easing was modest seems very much aware that the regime shift contains a political
relative to the size of the shock that was hitting the economy and dimension as well as an economic one. The former must change
some central banks, like the ECB, allowed sovereign and private dramatically for the latter to succeed. To achieve that, the vast
borrowing costs to spin out of control. What’s more, fiscal easing was majority of Americans must experience a visible improvement in
quickly followed by a few years of severe fiscal tightening, which their standard of living so as to increase the probability that the
dampened the early phase of the expansion considerably. Democrats will retain their majority in Congress after the 2022
midterm elections.
The lukewarm policy response and the policy mistakes made after
the GFC arguably aggravated secular stagnation forces, which had Biden’s public investment initiatives are in fact a double-edged
already been slowly gaining strength before 2008. The essence of this sword. On the one hand, they intend to improve physical and digital
economic affliction is a low willingness to take risk, or, to put it infrastructure and to make the economy more green; at the same
differently, an excessive demand for safety. This expressed itself in time these initiatives will create a lot of jobs. Similarly, investment in
various ways. Rising inequality caused a larger share of income to end “social” infrastructure – programmes such as childcare and child
up in the hands of wealthy households, which tend to save a lot. benefits, care for sick and elderly and easier access to education –
Rising market power delivered a sharp rise in profits for corporates, will improve the lives of especially disadvantaged groups in society
but a large share of these gains was not invested in productive assets and increase labour supply as well as skills within these groups.
but rather in ways to retain and increase market power and/or share
buybacks. In the financial sector there was a growing demand for In Europe the political constraints are of a somewhat different
safe government bonds because of strong growth in EM countries, nature. One of the key underlying tensions in the institutional design
which as a rule do not produce safe assets themselves, and also of the euro area is the need for an area-wide safe asset, on the one
because of changes in financial sector regulation. Meanwhile, the hand, and the need to constrain national fiscal policy, on the other. A
supply of safe government bonds did not keep up with demand safe asset is valued by the private sector as a hedge against bad times
because of fiscal austerity. and its existence allows the public sector to stimulate the economy
Back to secular stagnation, or on to a better equilibrium? when such bad times arise. In a monetary union, central bank and
The big question facing markets is to what kind of equilibrium the market disciplining mechanisms to constrain profligate national fiscal
economy will return once the post-Covid boom has petered out. One policymakers are weaker. The ECB’s targets for area-wide inflation
the pessimistic side of the spectrum is an equilibrium with further are one reason. The fatal design flaw was the failure to recognize that
enhanced secular stagnation forces, if for example the crisis leaves binding the hands of national policymakers deprives them of the
permanent scars on confidence, private investment, labour supply or means to stabilize their economies in the face of idiosyncratic shocks.
worker skills. On the optimistic side of the spectrum beckons an
equilibrium with higher productivity growth, higher inflation and Some degree of fiscal risk-sharing is thus inevitable. The European
higher equilibrium yields as well as higher returns on risky assets. Stability Mechanism and the Next Generation EU fund are important
steps in this direction, but they are as yet insufficient. This has forced
One of the major determinants of where we will end up is the size the ECB to make national sovereign bonds safer by acting as a
and quality of the policy response. It is not enough for policy to conditional lender of last resort. Because of its flexibility with respect
provide a substantial impetus for current demand. It is also especially to the capital key, issuer and issuance limits, this conditionality is
important that policymakers credibly commit to maintaining this until virtually absent in the ECB’s Pandemic Emergency Purchase
the private sector is willing and able to support a robust nominal Programme (PEPP), which is precisely why this instrument has been
growth momentum on its own. This boils down to ensuring that there so successful in containing peripheral spreads. Virtually all
is a permanent positive shift in the private sector’s willingness to take policymakers agreed that the combination of large-scale fiscal and
risk. In addition to that, the policy mix must be coordinated and monetary easing was necessary to fight the fallout from the Covid

Multi Asset Monthly 8

pandemic. However, a rift is likely to open up between the hawks and Inflation expectations accelerated upwards and term premiums rose
the doves. The hawks would like PEPP flexibility to be dialled back as to very high levels. As a result, policymakers lost their ability to use
soon as possible and do not mind a rise in real yields driven by better stimulus to stabilize their economies and had to embark on a painful
growth outlook. In fiscal space, they may well advocate a return to process to make bonds safer again by restricting their supply (fiscal
the pre-Covid fiscal rules, which were all about fiscal austerity for austerity) and anchoring inflation expectations to a low target.
high-debt countries without much in the way of fiscal risk sharing.
Obviously these economic constraints are much likelier to bite in the
Meanwhile the doves would like the ECB to retain maximum US than they are in Euroland. The US is less mired in secular
flexibility to keep sovereign yield curves low and flat until the stagnation and is benefiting from bigger stimulus as well as a more
economy is well on its way to a better equilibrium. In fiscal space credible commitment from policymakers to continue along this path
they would like to see a change in the rules to make more room for until the economy has attained a better equilibrium. Several pundits
public investment coupled with growth-enhancing structural reforms worry that this may result in excessive stimulus, in which case US
and a larger degree of risk sharing. It is still uncertain how all this will inflation expectations and term premiums would rise significantly.
play out. Nevertheless, in 2022 there is the possibility of a dovish Needless to say this would be very ugly for risky assets globally. One
window of opportunity. In Germany, the relatively dovish Greens can never exclude such a scenario. In a sense, the Biden regime
may well play a key role in the formation of a new government. If change is a big macro experiment which probes the inflationary limits
Emmanuel Macron wins the French Presidency again, and if Mario of the US economy as well as the willingness of investors to hold US
Draghi remains Italy’s Prime Minister, the big three EMU nations may Treasuries.
become very reform-minded.
On the other hand, the experience of the past decade suggests that
Economic constraints are unlikely to bite anytime soon these limits could be much further away than many experts thought
Along with political constraints, there are also economic ones. The possible. Before the Covid crisis, US unemployment fell to very low
essence of these constraints has much to do with the levels without triggering inflation and Japan shows that debt-to-GDP
aforementioned trade-off between stimulus and safety. When the ratios can rise to very high levels without triggering a rise in real
economy is in an excessive safety regime, stimulus is very cheap and rates. Hence, we view the possibility of moving into a regime of
effective. As more and more stimulus is added, safe government excessive stimulus to be a tail risk. The key driver in this respect will
bonds will gradually become less safe -- their supply will increase and be the behaviour of inflation expectations. These expectations have
a structural rise in private sector risk appetite will over time reduce spent most of the past decades at the lower end or even somewhat
demand for them. This will be expressed in rising inflation below levels consistent with the inflation target, so it seems unlikely
expectations and a rise in the term premium. The rise in the term that the post-Covid boom (by definition a temporary phenomenon)
premium would be triggered by an upward shift in the balance of will unmoor them to the upside. This argument is strengthened by
inflation risks, which reduces the attractiveness of Treasuries as a the fact that a combination of more public and private investment
hedge against lowflation, and by a structural shift in investor could push US supply limits out substantially.
portfolios away from safe towards riskier assets.

It is easy to see that this process can overshoot towards a regime of Willem Verhagen
excessive stimulus. This actually happened in the 1970s, when safe Senior Economist
government bonds lost their safety to a considerably degree.

Multi Asset Monthly 9

Emerging markets in new cases. Elsewhere the pandemic is creating the most problems
in Turkey, Iran, Russia and most Latin American countries.

The slow pace of vaccinations and the limited room for policy
• Global trade and commodity prices remain stimulus mean the EM post-pandemic recovery is likely to be slower
positive exogenous factors than that in DM in the coming quarters. It will be also be important
to see whether EM policymakers will be able to regain the confidence
• Pandemic is frustrating EM domestic demand of their own electorates, to prevent a further shift to more populist
• Rising US yields and spiking global price and interventionist economic policies, and of foreign investors, to
secure foreign capital to finance current account deficits.
inflation create headwinds
Strong external demand, fragile domestic demand The experience of recent years has shown that EM policymakers are
With most of the developed world either in a strong recovery mode not always mindful of macroeconomic stability and the business
or easing mobility restrictions, global trade growth remains well- climate. In countries such as South Africa and Brazil, it will be very
supported. This is reflected in solid EM export growth, with most EM difficult to narrow fiscal imbalances again to slow the deterioration in
exporters benefiting from current developments. The East Asian public debt ratios. And in countries such as Turkey and Mexico, after
countries are well-positioned for the strong demand for electronics a clear shift to more state interventionism, much will have to change
and IT-related goods linked to the spectacular trend from offline to to restore the business climate and boost private investment.
online economic activity. The Central European countries are Pressure on EM currencies may intensify
benefiting from strong Chinese capital goods demand and the EM policymakers can no longer count on low US interest rates to
recovery in global auto demand. Mexico is the prime beneficiary of sustain the global search for yield. Given the improving US growth
the rapid US demand recovery. Finally, export revenues are spiking in outlook and the increasing chances of US inflation moving higher, we
the commodity-exporting countries elsewhere in the emerging world expect US yields to keep rising. This would mean that investors will
thanks to the rising metal and energy prices. be less inclined to take on more risk by investing in higher-yielding
EM paper. We have seen this already in the past months, with EM
For 2021 as a whole, we forecast average EM export growth of 26%, capital flows turning more negative. US yields started to rise last
which would more than offset the -6% of 2020. The last time annual August. In seven of the nine months since then, broad capital flows
average EM export growth reached a similar level was in the period to EM have been negative. Negative EM capital flows increase the
of unprecedented policy stimulus by the Chinese authorities after the risk of currency depreciation. The EM export boom has limited the
global financial crisis. It is still early days, but the ambitious damage so far. Only in the countries with the largest policy credibility
infrastructure investment plans of the Biden administration and the issues, such as Turkey and Brazil, have currencies weakened sharply.
EU post-pandemic recovery fund could push DM fixed investment But with EM export growth likely to soften in the coming months, US
growth to levels compatible with further rises in commodity prices yields still grinding higher and the EM growth recovery lagging the US
and double-digit EM export growth. We do not expect a situation recovery, the pressure on EM currencies can easily intensify.
comparable to the 2003-2008 EM export boom, when annual EM
export growth averaged 24%. The US and Europe combined are In this context it is important to also keep a close eye on global food
unlikely to match China’s construction activity of that period, but we price inflation. The surge in recent months is comparable to what we
should not underestimate the potential positive impact of high DM saw in 2010-2011 (see Figure 2). For EM, where the share of
infrastructure investment growth on EM exports. foodstuffs in the CPI basket is generally high, rising food prices tend
Export growth in emerging markets
US$, yoy % change, 50 main markets (source: NNIP, Datastream)
to lead to more inflation overall. With inflation on the rise already,
Figure 1: EM export growth (USD, YoY % change, 50 main markets) this is not really compatible with the current historically low level of
EM interest rates. Currency markets might have to force hesitant
30 policymakers into more decisive action.
20 World food price inflation
10 year-on-year
Figure 2: World food % change
price inflation (source:
% change)
-20 purple = NNIP 60
projections until
-30 end-2021 40
Apr-01 Apr-05 Apr-09 Apr-13 Apr-17 Apr-21 0
Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners

Expectations of high EM export growth for more than one or two -40

years contrast sharply with the poor prospects for domestic demand -60
Jan-91 Jan-95 Jan-99 Jan-03 Jan-07 Jan-11 Jan-15 Jan-19
growth. In the short term, the still-raging pandemic is impeding a
swift recovery. If we look beyond a post-pandemic recovery, we have Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
to take into account the widened macro imbalances, the shift
towards more unorthodox economic policies, a structurally higher
level of political risk, and low working-age population growth. These M.J. Bakkum
factors will make it difficult for EM economies to resume a growth Senior Emerging Markets Strategist
path comparable to that of 2003-2008.

In the short term, the pandemic is preventing a swift pick-up in

consumption and fixed investments in much of the emerging world.
Even in Asia, where the virus had been well-contained in past
quarters, the rapid increase in infections is causing a serious growth
setback. India and the Philippines are the hardest-hit countries, but
Thailand and Malaysia are also under pressure due to a sudden surge

Multi Asset Monthly 10

Fixed income outlook have chosen not to change our positioning and to use our global
macro view as our medium-term anchor. Higher volatility always
creates opportunities, especially when we look at exploiting yield
curve dislocations.
• We expect global interest rates to continue to
rise, with growing risk of a less-dovish Fed Figure 1: PCA residuals show yield curve dislocations

• EMD HC sovereigns seem attractive tactically;

headwinds may arise in the medium term
Markets are calm, but volatility could be around the corner
“Stable” is the best word to describe developments in global rates
markets over the past month. After a sharp, volatile rise in yields in
the first quarter, US Treasury yields have declined somewhat and
gradually risen again. We continue to expect stable rates markets in
the near term, with a gradually rising yields in developed markets.
With the expectation of higher US headline inflation in the coming
month the question now is to what extent this will overshoot
expectations and how this will filter through to actual inflation
expectations going forward.
Source: NN Investment Partners
Higher US inflation prints due to base and transitory effects – such as
higher commodity prices and supply disruptions – appear well- Figure 1 shows the results of our principal component analysis (PCA)
flagged and largely priced in. However, US inflation break-evens have on the US, German and UK sovereign yield curves. The chart shows
risen significantly for shorter-term maturities, and longer-dated the PCA residuals, which reflect the differences between the
maturities have also been catching up recently. This could be the first observed and estimated yield changes. By assessing these mean-
indication that inflation expectations are generally rising in the US, reverting residuals, we can determine when sharp yield moves have
following the economic recovery fuelled by fiscal and monetary gone too far and are prone to a correction. This proves very helpful in
policy stimulus. We doubt, however, that this will lead to structurally timing entry points for conviction trades, identifying levels for profit-
higher inflation in the long run. taking and exploiting short-term distortion on the yield curve. The
current residuals represented by the coloured bars show that yields
More important is how the Federal Reserve will respond to stronger are fairly or slightly cheaply valued with little room for large
inflation, growth and unemployment data over the next few months. corrections, commensurate with the current stable yields.
We don’t expect the Fed to change its dovish tone in the near term.
We do see a risk, however, that the Fed could come to terms with The chart also shows the residuals when yields spiked higher on 25
the robust economic recovery sometime in the summer or early February as green circles tracked on the right-hand scale. High
autumn. This could give a clearer picture on the roadmap to tapering volatility clearly creates opportunities across yield curves – for
asset purchases. With fed funds futures pricing in a 25bp rate hike by example, the large distortion in the UST 5y-30y sector showed a
the of end 2022 and another hike in the second half of 2023, the sharp 20bp bear flattening move. This overshoot corrected sharply
market has probably partially taken into account decreasing Fed afterwards and was well-flagged by our analysis.
asset purchases. This is mainly because tapering should be concluded
well before the rate hike cycle begins. The Fed will try to avoid a Finally, given our global macro view for the rest of the year and the
taper tantrum and will try to communicate its path as clearly as expectation for a gradual move higher in yields, we have taken a
possible. We still see decent gradual upside moves in yields, with the closer look at how yield curves would behave in such a scenario.
risk of more volatility in the second half of the year as the market Figure 2 shows the three key drivers for yield curve behaviour: level,
further discounts the path to higher policy rates for the next few slope and curvature. Based on the typical behaviour of the US
years and the risk of the taper-tantrum narrative. Treasury curve, we can conclude that higher interest rates will
generally push yields higher across the yield curve as shown by the
In our model portfolio we maintain a bearish tilt to global interest first principal component indicated as “level”.
rates. We are holding on to our moderate underweight in US
Treasuries and see a clear asymmetry in potential yield moves. In the Figure 2: Key PCA drivers for yield (change in yield, bps)
current stage of the business cycle with an already dovish-sounding
Fed, another negative shock would be needed to materially push
yields lower from current levels.

We have a neutral position in German Bunds, but clearly see Bund

yields moving higher even with the recent significant step-up in the
ECB’s weekly net asset purchases. However, we are unsure to what
extent the ECB will allow the continued tightening of financial
conditions as measured by the European GDP-weighted average yield
curve. If medium-term core inflation projections continue to
undershoot the ECB’s target, then monetary policy could keep a lid
on further European yield rises. Instead, we prefer to maintain our Source: NN Investment Partners
large underweight in 10y Canada as a cyclical tilt and to further
benefit from a more hawkish-sounding Bank of Canada. Figure 2 shows that the short end of the yield curve tends to decline
while the longer ends tends to rise with higher yields, leading to
Timing is crucial in tactical positioning
steeper yield curves. The least important driver for yield curve
A key challenge in stable interest rate markets is the lack of tactical
changes is curvature and it shows that with rising yields the US
trade opportunities. In the current relatively stable environment we
Treasury curve should experience a larger sell-off in the 5y sector,

Multi Asset Monthly 11

especially in relation to the 2y and 30y sector. Understanding these capture political tension. Revisiting that indicator, we see that the
typical yield curve dynamics helps us to understand what we can international political situation is not looking bad and certainly not in
expect when yields continue to rise and how to optimally position extreme territory.
ourselves going forward.
Figure 4: The G3 political turmoil and trade sentiment are still neutral
EMD hard currency sovereigns benefit from stabilizing rates
Last month we updated our view on developed market high yield
credits and we largely continue to stick to that thesis today. This 1

month we looked at allocating to EMD HC sovereign (EMD HC Sov) 0

credits, given the recent stabilization in global rates markets.

Our machine learning analysis shows that the rates market dynamics -2

play an important role for the medium- and shorter-term EMD hard -3
currency sovereign excess returns. The models indicate that
macroeconomic signals derived from commodity prices, Chinese
economic demand, and cyclical survey data play a less important role -5
Jan-20 Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Jan-21 Apr-21
in the medium term than in the shorter term.
G3 Trade Indicator G3 Political Sentiment

Similar to the “search-for-yield indicator” we developed for Source: NN Investment Partners, Refinitiv
developed market credits, we created one for EMD HC Sov to assess
how economic growth, DM monetary policy and interest rates could Going forward, the biggest possible headwind for EMD HC Sov in the
affect spread returns in such a way that they would overshadow the medium term could come from the rates markets, despite the other
carry returns over the next six months. worrying signs of new strains and outbreaks of Covid in the region.
While the rates markets remain on a slow and stable upward trend,
The indicator contains three broad components: economic and this can keep the asset class attractive from a carry perspective.
cyclical signals, monetary policy signals and rates market signals. The
economic and cyclical component contains data such as the At the same time, with the rising vaccination rate and the continued
economic surprise signals, commodity prices and inflation. The strong prints on inflation, growth and unemployment, we could see a
monetary policy component contains data such as the acceleration in higher risk that markets will start discounting a less dovish Fed. This
the change of Fed excess reserves or ECB balance sheet and the big could become a headwind for EMD HC Sov, which in combination
data sentiment on the dovishness or hawkishness of the Fed and the with our analysis makes us neutral on the asset class in the medium-
ECB. The rates markets component is based on data such as changes term. Tactically EMD HC Sov is an attractive asset class to overweight,
in the steepness of the Treasury curve, and the big data sentiment on until the next sharp repricing in interest rates kicks in again.
the direction of DM rates.

Figure 3: Divergence among signals results in neutral total view Fouad Mehadi, CFA
Senior Investment Strategist Fixed Income

2.5 Alireza Kahali

Multi-Asset Strategist



Jul-20 Sep-20 Nov-20 Jan-21 Mar-21

Aggregated EMD Signal Rates Market Signals (35%)

Monetary Policy Signals (35%) Economic and Cyclical Signals (30%)

Source: NN Investment Partners

Figure 3 shows that the indicator has shifted from negative to neutral
since the stabilization of rates-market dynamics around mid-March.
The monetary policy component is the most negative one, in line
with the tapering and rate hike expectations. We also see the
monetary policy indicator bottoming out around the same time that
the rates market stabilized and EMD flows recovered. All in all, we
conclude that neither the rates nor the monetary policy dynamics are
in supportive territory. In conjunction with a positive economic
outlook, this leaves the indicator at neutral.

Generally the movements of EMD HC Sov and US high yield are quite
closely correlated in terms of direction and magnitude, except in
certain situations. One of those situations is the sudden rates market
shifts and turmoil. The other situation is that of extreme
international tensions as were seen in 2018. In our monthly of August
2020, we introduced an indicator based on big-data sentiment to

Multi Asset Monthly 12

Equity outlook half of the year, the numbers will start to normalize.

In the past few months, equity markets have also been driven by the
volatility in the bond market. Rising yields led to a strong
• Earnings show strong, V-shaped recovery performance of value stocks and cyclical sectors. As this upward
momentum faded in April, a partial reversion of the value-versus-
• Yields are a key factor for equities growth trade occurred. The technology sector, which was a laggard
• The next phase of the cycle will bring a more at the beginning of the year, rebounded and financials hit a speed
bump despite very strong first-quarter results.
balanced sector performance
It is clear that yields matter for certain sectors, but are rising yields a
From early recovery to mid-cycle risk for equity markets as a whole? We make two observations.
Global equity markets moved higher again in April. The composition
of this performance, however, was different from previous months. First, the correlation between yields and equity markets is not stable.
The full-fledged reflation trade has made way for a more balanced However, in the early phase of a recovery, both often move in
upward move. One of its main drivers was the stabilization of long- tandem as a better growth outlook compensates for higher yields.
term US bond yields. This translated into a strong performance for Secondly, the cause of the rate rise is important. Is it linked to a shift
growth stocks, which are negatively correlated with bond yields. The in monetary policy expectations, to the improvement in the growth
technology sector was among the best performers in April. Cyclical outlook, or to rising inflation expectations?
sectors like materials also outperformed, while utilities and consumer
staples lagged the broader market. So where do we stand today? All these factors play a role, but we think the rapidly improving macro
outlook is the most credible and sustainable driver. Central banks will
The news on the pandemic front is mixed. On the one hand, the be extremely careful how they communicate their exit strategy from
vaccination roll-out is gaining momentum and the path towards unconventional monetary policy measures and keep a close eye on
economic and social normalization has begun, especially in the UK financial conditions, as the rise in inflation is still considered
and the US. On the other hand, it is a bumpy road, given the temporary.
discovery of more contagious virus strains and vaccine delivery
problems. New infections are soaring in emerging markets like India Figure 1: Risk premium proxy: earnings yield minus bond yield
and Brazil that are not getting the virus under control. In Europe, we
expect the delivery issues to be resolved as more vaccines are
approved, which will also speed up the rate of inoculation and a
gradual re-opening of the economy, hopefully by the summer.

Fiscal policy will continue to provide support. The Biden

administration has announced a huge investment plan both in
physical and “human” infrastructure via the USD 2.3 trillion American
Jobs Plan and USD 1.8 trillion American Families Plan. The plan will
probably be passed using the reconciliation process, precluding the
need for bipartisan support if all the Democrats back the plan. The
debate is also focussing on the revenue side. A corporate tax increase
and higher capital gain tax are in the pipeline. Despite this headwind,
equity markets did not react much to the prospect of higher taxes.

In Europe, the German constitutional court has dismissed objections Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners
regarding the European Recovery Fund. Member states have already
submitted their investment projects for approval and disbursement The net impact will ultimately depend on two factors: expected
of the funds could start sometime in the summer. If these plans are earnings growth and the speed at which yields rise. One way to
well-executed and trigger more private investment, this could turn illustrate this is to relate the equity risk premium to the market
out to be a once-in-a-decade opportunity to lift the economy out of performance one month, three months and six months ahead.
its secular stagnation. For equities this would mean lower risk
premiums and structurally higher earnings growth. Monetary policy Based on this metric, the risk/return trade-off for the US market
remains easy, despite a likely acceleration in inflation in the coming deteriorated rapidly in March. It fell dangerously close to levels that,
months. These temporary upticks are driven by base effects and one- since the global financial crisis, have produced negative results three
off items such as spending of excess savings. months ahead. However, these periods of negative returns often
coincided with tighter monetary policy (2017-2018), which is not in
Companies have published strong first-quarter results. In the US, 85% the cards today. In April, the equity market also received some
of companies beat estimates so far, by more than 28% on average. oxygen from the yield factor as well as from the growth factor.
The absolute earnings growth number is expected to be over 40%.
Eurozone results are equally positive. Guidance is also optimistic and This makes us believe that if yields rise in an orderly way and are
is reflected in an upward revision of the next quarters’ earnings justified by improving macro data, they will not derail the bull
consensus. Even so, we believe that full-year estimates are still too market. Taking into account consensus earnings estimates for 2021
low given the GDP forecasts for this year. (+28%) and 2022 (+12%), US 10-year bond yields could gradually rise
to 180 bps by the end of this year. A higher earnings growth number
The market reaction to these numbers has been somewhat would push this threshold even higher. The key word here is
lukewarm, which could indicate that company guidance figures were “gradually”. A more rapid increase in yields would lead to either a
well above the consensus numbers. This is comparable to what long consolidation period or a short correction in order to push the
occurred in previous reporting periods: a weak start that gains equity risk premium back up to levels consistent with a positive
traction as the season progresses. The second quarter will show the risk/return trade-off.
biggest growth acceleration due to base effects and in the second

Multi Asset Monthly 13

Investor behaviour Equity Sector Allocation
Investor sentiment indicates a high level of optimism, which is Figure 3: Equity sector allocation
understandable but not irrational, given the sharp improvement in Energy
the underlying fundamentals. But optimism in itself is not enough to Health Care
trigger a market correction. It simply means the market has become Materials
more vulnerable to bad news. In the absence of such news, markets Staples
can consolidate, or they can grind higher. Consumer Disc.
Of course, there were signs of exuberance earlier in the year, Real Estate
especially in hard-to-value assets like special-purpose acquisition Industrials
companies (SPACs) and crypto currencies, and we witnessed a strong -2 -1 0 1 2
rise in IPOs, including SPACs, and secondary offerings. A positive sign Source: NN Investment Partners Allocation preference

is that the frenzy in these types of assets has faded over the past few
weeks, illustrating a more rational exuberance that makes investors From a regional perspective we maintain a moderate overweight in
discriminate between fundamentally driven and speculation-driven the UK and a moderate underweight in Switzerland. We kept our
asset prices. So it seems premature to talk about a widespread equity overweight in US small-cap stocks following the sharp pullback, as we
market bubble at this point. think the earnings growth for these types of company will be very
strong over the current and next quarters, given their higher
Figure 2: Investor sentiment indicator (Z-score) cyclicality. The biggest risk for this trade would be a shift to quality
and a sharp rise in real yields.

Finally, we maintain our value versus growth overweight. We have

entered the phase in the cycle where earnings growth is not a scarce
asset. Low valuations however are much harder to find, hence our
value overweight.

Patrick Moonen
Principal Strategist Multi Asset

Source: Refinitiv Datastream, NN Investment Partners

Moreover, equity inflows are accelerating and equity buybacks will

probably jump this year, following the strong increase in expected
cash flow generation by companies. If companies in the financials
sector meet minimum regulatory requirements, they too will be
allowed to buy back shares again.

In the light of the strong fundamentals and the absence of a taper-
tantrum type of move in real bond yields, we maintain our moderate
overweight in global equities.

One focus point in the coming months will be the gradual shift from a
pure reflation and cyclical trade towards a more balanced trade.
History shows that as the economy moves from the recovery phase
to the mid-cycle phase, sector performance starts to shift from
cyclical-growth sectors towards secular growth and quality. This cycle
has not reached its midpoint but it is advancing very quickly due to
the event-driven nature of the preceding downturn and the
unprecedented policy support that followed. With this pattern in
mind, we made some changes in April. We downgraded energy to
neutral, upgraded technology to a moderate overweight and
consumer staples to neutral. Materials remains our preferred sector
as it is a beneficiary of higher commodity prices and more
infrastructure spending.

Multi Asset Monthly 14

Commodity outlook Figure 2: Correlation (BCOM vs MSCI World, daily return series)

• Most prices rebound to pre-pandemic levels

• Correlation breakdown signals normalization
Recovery theme keeps commodities buoyant
Commodities continued to rise in April with the help of cyclical
sectors, particularly agriculture. The energy sector continued its
upward trend and industrial metals rallied even more robustly
against a backdrop of strong demand in China, supply restraint and
broad economic recovery data in developed markets. In contrast,
precious metals underperformed but found support against further Source: Bloomberg, NN Investment Partners
downward pressure. The rally in the agriculture sector was driven by
bad weather that affected crops and by massive orders from China. To capture the cyclical traits, we employed the Pettitt test, a non-
parametric test that detects sudden changes in central tendency of a
With more than 80% of individual commodities rebounding to pre- time series, and identified seven structural change points during the
pandemic levels, the economic recovery theme in most developed sample period. In periods when systemic risk accumulates and both
regions is still dominating commodity markets. Investors are willing equities and commodities sell off, such as during the 2008 financial
to look through headwinds caused by the resurgence of Covid-19 in crisis and last year’s Covid crisis, the correlation between the two
some developing countries, so we have maintained our cyclical asset classes is high. In other words, certain shared global drivers of
positions in WTI, Brent and aluminium. risky assets could result in high correlation. Conversely, correlations
tend to be lower during periods of recovery or normalization.
Figure 1: Commodity sector performance YTD (USD) The most recent structural change point was a downturn on 8
January, indicating that the market has started to overlook the
pandemic and has stayed in normalization mode despite the
repetitive virus resurgences in EU, US, and emerging markets. In
contrast, gold serves as a much better candidate for hedging purpose
under those circumstances. As Figure 3 shows, the correlation
between gold and equity moved around zero in the same sample
period and the relationship usually turned to negative in a crisis.
Figure 3: Correlation (gold vs MSCI World)

Source: Bloomberg, NN Investment Partners

Correlation breakdown signals normalization

Although commodity investing is usually considered an effective way
to diversify a traditional portfolio, certain correlations with some
equity and fixed income assets do exist. The negative relationship
between gold and US real yields is one example. Intuitively, higher
real yields simply make the US dollar a more attractive asset than
gold as non-yielding asset. However, real yield is not the only driver
of gold prices, so the relationship might break down when other Source: Bloomberg, NN Investment Partners
intrinsic drivers prevail, such as demand and supply dynamics.
Having confirmed the normalization trend in the commodity market
From a top-down perspective, the commodity sector as a whole also with the evidence from our correlation analysis, we anticipate that
tends to move together with other risky assets. Figure 2 illustrates towards the end of 2021, commodities, being less synchronized with
the correlation between commodities and equities since 2001 the equity market, will be supported by the current cyclical tailwind
through April 2021 on a 6-month rolling basis. Unsurprisingly, the and catch-up with equities to some degree after a decade of
correlations stayed positive but below 0.5 for most of the time, which underperformance.
validates the potential diversification effect of commodity investing.
The correlations showed a strong cyclical pattern and sometimes
went above 0.5, however, indicating that the diversification benefit is Chengbo Yang
not constant. Junior Data Scientist

Multi Asset Monthly 15


Ewout van Schaick Marco Willner

Head of Multi Asset Head of Investment Strategy

Maarten-Jan Bakkum
Willem Verhagen
Emerging Markets Strategist Multi Asset
Senior Economist

Patrick Moonen Aviral Utkarsh

Principal Strategist Multi Asset Multi Asset Strategist

Fouad Mehadi, CFA Alireza Kahali

Senior Investment Strategist Fixed Income Multi Asset Strategist

Koen Straetmans Chengbo Yang

Senior Strategist Multi Asset Junior Data Scientist

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Multi Asset Monthly 16

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