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Chiong Trisha Marie

Specific instructions:
1.. Communicate effectively.
2.. Plagiarism is a serious offense with appropriate sanctions.

an association founded by employees in a certain trade, industry, or corporation to improve

wages, benefits, and working conditions

A labor union defends workers' collective interests by bargaining with employers on issues such
as salaries and working conditions.

Guide Question:
1. Based on the story/case presented, identify and explain briefly at least 4 issues related to
improving your understanding about human resources management in systematic
way and consistent with evidenced-based approach.(Minimum-Maximum 10 lines/10
points each/40 points)

After assessing the case, the first issue is the company does not have proper management
relationships. Managing relationships, organizations can rely on accurate, reliable, and timely
people data to inform decisions that directly impact a workforce. The second issue is poor
employee evaluation. The practice of reviewing an employee's job performance and productivity
is known as performance evaluation or performance appraisal (PA). The assessment is carried out
in accordance with previously specified criteria that are in line with the organization's aims. The
third issue is not giving proper employee wages and benefits since the company was reported to
the labor union for the late salaries and irregularities in overtime pay. Wages and perks are the
main reasons why individuals go to work every day. The fourth issue is workplace bias. Some
employees get special treatment due to the close relation or good image they have to the CEO's or
BOD. These biases can have a negative impact on businesses, such as during the hiring process
when managers examine different prospects or treat certain employees differently than others, to
name a few examples.

2. As a student of HRM, HRVC seeks your advice or opinion. What will you say to: 5 lines
(minimum-maximum) only/item
a. Abigail; (5 points)
• My advice to Abigail is not to step down on others to get to the top. She should practice
healthy competition and have a healthy relationship with co-workers. She is known by
her co-workers to have a close relationship with the BOD and talk dirty about her peers
for them to get fired and her promoted.

b. Frank; (5 points)
• Frank always puts others first and make him selfess that he doesnt have the personal time
to be mentally, physically healthy because he doesnt push himself up. He should also
learn how to accept things like the VP promotion that led to his behaviour changes after
being turned down.
c. Brenda (5 points)
• Brenda has great performance and should continue doing well in her work. My advice is
that she should practice proper communication and not gossip about her peers especially
during work. Practicing a healthy workplace goes a long way.

3. Assume that you are the newly appointed CEO of HRVC. Based on the facts presented:
a. What will be your HRM goals and strategies? Identify 3 HR goals and its corresponding HR
strategy. (6 points)
- Employee Training every month to keep staffs competitive and efficient.
- Team Building Activities every quarter to strengthen workplace relationship
- Proper Employee Evaluation to not hire or fire employees unrightfully and give them
right justification.

b. Justify and briefly explain the relevance of your HRM goals and strategies.(10 lines
minimum-maximum) 10 points
- The technique of attracting, developing, rewarding, and retaining people for the benefit of
both the employees as individuals and the organization as a whole is known as strategic
human resource management. HR departments that conduct strategic human resource
management do not operate in isolation; they collaborate with other departments within a
company to understand their goals and then develop strategies that align with their goals
as well as the organization's. It is important to implement HRM goals and strategy
because when a human resource department prepares its plans for recruitment, training,
and remuneration based on the organization's goals, it increases the likelihood of
organizational success.

c.. How will you achieve those goals and execute the strategies? Explain. 15 lines(minimum-
maximum) 15 points
- To achieve the goals and strategies, I will simply create a proposal and a timeline to when
it is supposedly executed. I will pitch my ideas to the head or BOD for them to give me
approval or a go sign. Starting off with the employee training every month that is
essential to develop and utilize the skills and talents of employees. Next is the team
building activities done quarterly that can help to have a healthy workplace by making a
strong bond with coworkers. And the employee evaluation to know and assess

4. If your were Jennifer what career plan will you pursue? What are the HR activities necessary
to support Jennifer's employment goals? ( 15 lines minimum-maximum/15 points).

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