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Bone: Treasure Hunters

by Jeff Smith

Book Summary

The book I read was called Treasure Hunters. The story took place in a city called Atheia,
a place where most of the characters lived. The Bone cousins and Princess Thorn and
Grandma Ben were visiting the city and they had to hide from the guards who
worshipped the Lord of the Locust known as Tarsil. They went to the city to find Briar
because they wanted to stop her from releasing Tarsil from the Dragon’s curse. Tarsil
wanted to take over Atheia and create terror all over Atheia and kill Princess Thorn.
Tarsil wanted to kill Princess Thorn because she was a dragon worshipper and didn’t
want Tarsil to be free from the Dragon’s curse. With the help of Briar, Tarsil was
released and returned to human form. Tarsil went after the Bone cousins and Princess
Thorn and arrested all of them. As soon as they got arrested, the rat creatures decided to
attack Tarsil and his guards the Pawans.

I really liked reading this book because the pictures and the words looked like a comic
book. I liked the pictures because there was a lot of details, and lots of colors. If I could
change something I would make the book longer because I want to know what happened
to Princess Thorn and if the rat creatures lost the battle against the Pawans. I want to also
change the pictures for the battle between Briar and the captain of the Pawans because
there is too much blood in the pictures. I would recommend this book to my friends
because there is so many exciting things that happen in the book that you don’t know
what will happen next.

Conclusion of the Story

The guards pulled the gate down and fell back as Tarsil went to hide. The rat creatures
attacked the gate and broke through the gate by punching with their amazing strength.
The rat creatures starting attacking the guards because they hated any living thing that
wasn’t a rat creature and the guards wanted to take over their valley. The battle between
the guards and the rat creatures was very short because the rat creatures had amazing
strength and speed. The rat creatures beat the guards without losing one rat creature.
After the battle, the rat creatures went to look for Tarsil and they finally caught up to him
and they killed him. As soon as the rat creatures killed Tarsil, they went back to their
valley because they saw no one else left to kill. When all the rat creatures were out of
sight, Grandma Ben came out of hiding and went to look for the Bone cousins and
Princess Thorn in the dungeon. Grandma Ben found them locked in the dungeon and she
kicked open the bars that they were trapped in and helped them get out. The Bone cousins
and Princess Thorn and Grandma Ben left the city because Tarsil was dead and couldn’t
hurt anyone else. The people of Atheia came out from hiding in their houses and took the
bodies of the guards to the Valley so that the rat creatures could eat them.
Main Characters

Fone bone is the youngest bone cousin and he is in love with princess thorn. Fone bone
wears a giant goblin’s hat and has a gray rag that he wears when he goes out because all
the guards will recognize that he is a bone cousin.

Phoney bone is the second youngest and he loves Gold. Phoney bone wears a purple shirt
with a star on it and he also wears a green Gnome’s hat.

Smiley bone is the oldest bone cousin and he takes care of a baby rat creature because the
rat creature is his pal and Smiley bone wears a red coat.

Princess Thorn is the Dragon princess. She worships the dragons and has great strength.
Princess Thorn wears a blue dress with a white head scarf and a brown headband.

Grandma Ben is Princess Thorn’s grandmother. Grandma Ben is the Queen of the
Dragons. Grandma Ben wears a black dress with a white apron over it and she wears a
red head scarf on her head.

Moral of the story

The moral of the story is never give up on what you believe in. I think that is the moral
because Princess Thorn and the Bone cousins and Grandma Ben went to the city of
Atheia to stop Tarsil from taking over the city and causing terror and they never gave up.
Even when the Princess Thorn was captured by guards and was told she would be burned
alive, she never stopped wanting to stop Tarsil from taking over the City. When Grandma
Ben saw that the Bone cousins and the princess were arrested, she never gave up looking
for them and would fight every guard to find them.

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