Mercury Dominant Planet in The Birth Chart An Irresistible Mind

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Mercury Dominant Planet in the Birth Chart: An

Irresistible Mind

stargazer July 13, 2020

Mercury is one of the most important planets in astrology. But in some charts, it
is more emphasized than in others.

How does the influence of a Mercury dominant planet manifest?

Each planet has its unique characteristics in astrology, representing different parts
of us. When a planet is particularly strong in chart, its qualities become more emphasized
in your personality, too.

If you have Mercury as your dominant planet in your natal chart, you are smart,
great at networking, funny, and you excel at logical thinking

. Many Mercury dominant people possess literary talent.

With this planet as your dominant planet, you are a quick learner and have a sharp

If Mercury is strong in your chart, you are called a Mercurian.

Mercurians are a lot like Mercury: vivid, talkative, and observant. Mercury is a
very quick planet, and so are people with this planet emphasized in their horoscope.
They are lively and they wish they were three people so that they could live

Learn what being a Mercury dominant personality reveals about you in astrology!

Mercury Dominant Birth Chart

Knowing your dominant planet offers additional insight into your personality.

Usually, there are planets in the natal chart that receive more aspects than the rest or
that are placed in a more important area of the chart.

How to know if you have a Mercury dominant birth chart?

There are some aspects and positions in the natal chart that have a bigger influence than
others. If you have three or more of the following in your birth chart, you are a
Mercury dominant person in astrology.

You have a Mercury dominant birth chart if:

1.You are a Gemini or Virgo rising

In astrology, both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by the planet Mercury. If you are a Gemini
or Virgo rising, this makes Mercury your chart ruler, which is a very important
planet in the natal chart.

Gemini and Virgo have different traits, but they both make Mercury emphasized in your
natal chart.

2. Mercury conjunct the ascendant or Midheaven

When talking about conjunction with an angle, most astrologers use an orb up to 10

The areas around the ascendant or Midheaven are extremely important. The areas
around the angles are called the Gauquelin sectors, and planets here become
more powerful.

Mercury conjunct the ascendant gives you a lot of Mercurian qualities, to the extent
where you sometimes appear to be a Gemini or Virgo rising, no matter your
actual rising sign! This placement suggests that your physical appearance is Mercurian,
too. The Mercury dominant appearance is slender, airy, short, very quick, and

Mercury conjunct Midheaven is another aspect that makes this planet

particularly important in the natal chart.

Mercury on the Midheaven becomes elevated. Here, planets is there for everyone to
see, it becomes visible to the world. What is on the Midheaven represents what you
strive to achieve in this lifetime.

Mercury conjunct Midheaven is a strong career indicator, too. (The Midheaven is the
cusp of the tenth house, governing the life areas of career and public reputation.)

The conjunction is the most powerful, but any aspect between Mercury and the
ascendant or Midheaven emphasizes the importance of this planet in your birth chart.

3. Aspects to Mercury

If a planet receives a lot of aspects in the birth chart, it has a great influence
over your personality, especially if they are personal planets (the Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn).

Sun-Mercury and Moon-Mercury aspects are particularly important.

Planets that are in aspect with each other color how each planet manifests in your
life. For example, if your Mercury is conjunct Venus, their energies blend together, and
there will be some Mercurian traits to your Venus.

If Mercury is one of the most aspected planets in your natal chart, its influence is felt in
several parts of your personality, and Mercury becomes you dominant planet.

Mercury in Astrology
Mercury is a planet known to humanity since the early days. It has been in use in
astrology for a long time, as it is one of the seven visible planets. Mercury is one of the
personal planets, used both in modern and in traditional astrology.

There are two zodiac signs associated with Mercury in astrology: Gemini and Virgo.
(However, some astrologers consider the asteroid Chiron to be the ruling planet of Virgo,
so see what works for you the best.) There are two houses where Mercury is in accidental
dignity: both in the third and sixth.

Why is Mercury important in astrology?

This planet takes place between the Sun and the

Earth, and in astrology, it represents the bridge
between you and the world. It enables us to think
and share our thoughts with each other .

This planet helps us to communicate, share

information, give and receive. Without Mercury, we
couldn’t cooperate and human civilization couldn’t exist
in the form it does today.

Mercury rules all forms of communication:

talking, reading, writing, the internet and media are all
associated with this planet in astrology.

Besides communication, Mercury is also the planet of

rational thinking. It represents the thinking process, gathering and processing
information, reasoning, logical abilities. Mercury in a harmonious aspect with the Moon
suggests great memory.

Mercury is a very fast moving planet with its orbit of 88 days. People who have a Mercury
dominant planet in the birth chart are quick and agile themselves, too. They think and
talk fast, and they want to be always on the go.

Some more things associated with Mercury include transportation, vehicles, short trips.
This planet is also connected with young age.

Besides thinking and communication, the Messenger of Gods, Mercury was also the god
of deception and thieves in Roman mythology.

If you want to learn more about Mercury in astrology, read this article about
what this planet means in the birth chart.

Mercury Dominant Planet

With your Mercury dominant planet, you possess a lot of Mercury’s traits.

If you are a Mercurian, you are intelligent, have great communication skills, and
generally speaking, you are fun to be around.

This planet is usually strong in the charts of actors, writers, programmers, or

people in fields where you need strong logical thinking, such as science or

In a relationship, people with Mercury dominant planet need an intellectual

connection. They are drawn to smart people, and need fascinating discussions
about just anything in the world. Mercury is not emotional at all.

With your Mercury dominant planet, you are curious and open-minded.

There is an intellectual need to discover how the world works. You are interested
in a lot of things, however, you can be a jack-of-all-trades person, without taking the time
to master something.

A lack of deep concentration and focus is often one of your weak points, unless
the chart as a whole says otherwise.

Having a strong Mercurian influence in your natal chart suggests outstanding hand
dexterity. Mercury rules the hand in astrology, and people with Mercury dominant
planet are usually great at different arts and crafts.

Mercury Dominant People: A Way With Words

Mercury is the planet of communication in astrology. It is about connecting with
others, and this is important to people with a Mercury dominant chart, too. Mercurial
types excel at communication.

With Mercury strong in your chart, you often choose a career where you have to interact
with a lot of people. You are a social butterfly.

Mercurians tend to talk a lot. But besides talking, they are great listeners, too, and they
are particularly good at spotting small details. Mercury is a great observant.

With this planet strong in your natal chart, you are great at picking up tiny clues.
Mercury dominant people understand nonverbal communication well, too.

Some of them have a talent for impersonating others. You can easily pick up any
accent or way of speaking. Mercury and Gemini are usually emphasized in the natal charts
of actors.

Mercury dominant people often love to gossip. They enjoy small talks and superficial
conversations, too. Actually, it doesn’t matter that much what they are discussing, what
matters is that they get to engage with others.

Mercury is a very flexible planet, both signs it rules are mutable by modality. With this
planet strong in your natal chart, you are quick to adapt. One of the downsides is that
you change your mind often, what can be annoying to others and it can slow you down.

Networking comes easy to you. Mercury wants to make new connections all the time,
and your good social skills help you make new friends. This is a great asset in any area of

You need reading and writing like you need the air you breathe. This planet is
also strong in the charts of writers. There is an intellectual urge to share what you notice
around you, and many Mercury dominants simply need to write. If their profession
doesn’t include writing, they usually keep a diary.

Reading is a must for them, too. Many people who have this planet strong in their
charts learned to read at a very young age, often on their own. And they haven’t stopped
ever since.

Usually, people with a Mercury dominant birth chart have a wide range of interests.
Gemini is known as a versatile sign, and you are into a lot of things. However, you often
lack the concentration necessary to learn something very well.

Mercury Dominant Planet and Personality: A Bright Mind

In astrology, Mercury is the planet of the conscious mind, rational thinking, logic,
to put it short, the left side of the brain.

If you have a Mercury dominant personality, you have strong intellectual urges. You
are incredibly curious.

People who have this planet strong in their charts are in love with learning. You
usually never stop educating yourself, this planet makes you a lifelong learner.

Mercurians are quick to gather information and connect the dots. Mercury dominant
people are hungry for novelties. The flip side of this is a short attention span, especially if
Gemini is stronger in your chart than Virgo. You easily get bored.

However, there is a tendency to get lost in the details.

Besides learning and gathering information, Mercury is eager to share its

knowledge with others. The third house, traditionally connected with Gemini in the
natural house is the house of primary education, and people with a Mercury
dominant planet make great teachers.

If they don’t choose teaching in the classical sense of the word, they still teach others in
some way, through books, articles, or just sharing their latest observation in a

Mercury dominant people have a flair for languages. They learn foreign languages easily,
many of them is fluent in several languages. One of the strengths of Mercury is that you
are able to speak a language without an accent, even if you learned it as an adult.

Generally speaking, Mercury dominant people are masters of the language. They are
terrific writers, communicators, and they can coin wonderfully accurate words.

Sometimes it seems like Mercurians ran on puns. Humor is also connected with Mercury
in astrology. If Mercury is strong in your chart, you have a great sense of humor, and
your talent for cheering up others contributes to your popularity.

However, sometimes your humor turns into scold and it can hurt the feelings of
other people. Not all people appreciate irony, unlike Mercury dominants.

Mercury Dominant Careers

There are some career paths typical to each planet in astrology. When a planet is strong in
your natal chart, you are more probable to choose a vocation connected with this planet.

First of all, career is a very complex topic. You have to examine the whole chart: the
earth houses, the Midheaven, and generally speaking, look at the chart as a whole.

Mercury dominant planet in the natal chart can be a strong career indicator. The best way
to choose a career is to build on your natural strengths.

Mercury dominant people are social butterflies. They can leverage their great social skills
in a career that requires working with people, making new connections. The more
people you get to talk to, the happier Mercury is. However, Mercury is not a nurturing
planet, and unless the Moon is also strong in your chart, professions where you have to
take care of people are not for you.

Another thing Mercury is great at is writing. You can excel in any field that requires a
lot of writing. Some Mercury dominant careers include a teacher, writer, journalist,
interpreter, or jobs in the field of media or advertising. Many Mercury dominants are in
creative fields, especially literature or acting.

If Uranus is involved, you can do well in computer science or in any field that requires
strong analytical thinking skills. If Virgo is stronger than Gemini in your natal chart,
science is also an option. With Mercury strong in your chart, you have great reasoning
abilities and strong logical and analytical thinking.

A career where you have to do hands-on projects is very suitable for a Mercury dominant
personality. But great hand dexterity is needed in a lot of fields, for example, a pianist
or surgeon must have it.

Mercury Dominant Planet Weaknesses

People who have Mercury strong in their charts have a lot of strengths. However, they also
have some weaknesses that can undermine or hinder their success if they don’t watch out
for them.

The first thing you have to know about Mercury is that it has a very short attention
span. Always hungry for information, Mercury wants something new every minute.

A Mercury dominant personality gets bored very quickly. Being in a low-stimuli

environment is a smaller torture for a Mercury dominant in the long run. And in the short
run, too.

With Mercury strong in your birth chart, you are prone to recklessness. You are
always on the go (or at least want to be), talking to people out there and
absorbing new information. However, it’s just as important every now and then to
take a rest.

A strong Mercury in the natal chart suggests that you are often nervous, and you should
relax more. Or at least channel this in a creative way.

One more very characteristic weakness of Mercury is the lack of massive action. It’s great
to have many ideas, but it’s not enough if you want to achieve results. Mercury is a
thinker, but it doesn’t tend to be a doer.

Mercury makes you an analytical and rational thinker. However, humans were not made
for rational thinking only. Mercurians can be senseless and with little empathy
unless their chart is balanced.

Developing empathy is important here. Your jokes can be hurtful, and there are many
people who don’t appreciate scold and irony, especially if it was inspired by them.

In astrology, Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, and those with a strong Uranus
experience a lot of the same things as those with a strong Mercury, even though the two
planets manifest in a different way.

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