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Sun Dominant Planet in the Birth Chart: Traits,

Personality, Appearance

stargazer September 2, 2020

How to know if the Sun is your dominant planet in astrology?

Everyone knows their Sun sign. Even people who are skeptical about astrology can tell
you what their Sun sign is. This is the zodiac sign you look up in the magazines when
reading the horoscope.

Of course, if you know some astrology, you know that talking about your Sun sign is
just scratching the surface. Even though the Sun is super important in the natal
chart, there is so much more to astrology!

However, in some people’s chart, the Sun becomes even more important. If the Sun is
your dominant planet in astrology, your personality is infused with the
qualities of the Sun. As a Sun dominant, you are a lot like the stereotypical Leo.

The Sun takes up the central place in the natal chart. In astrology, the Sun is the core
of your personality. Just like the Sun is the center of the Solar System and all the
planets revolve around it, you are the center of the natal chart and all the other planets’
functions support you.

Without the Sun, there would be no life. The Sun supplies us with energy, light, warmth.
These are things you can notice about Sun dominant people in astrology, too. They
have incredibly high energy levels, and they radiate with warmth and

People with a Sun dominant planet enjoy being in the center of attention and shining
bright just like the Sun does. Another typical Leo trait, right?

Keep reading to learn more about the Sun dominant planet in astrology!

Sun Dominant Planet in the Birth Chart

Of course, the Sun is not a planet. Neither is the Moon. However, the luminaries has been
referred to as planets since the early days in astrology. Because of this, astrologers call
them planets for the sake of simplicity and tradition.

In astrology, the Sun rules Leo. In the chart wheel, it is in accidental dignity in the fifth
house, the natural house of Leo. You will see in a minute why this is important.

Dominant planets stand out in the natal chart. They can be placed in a position
where they become more powerful, or they can have a lot of aspects to the rest of the
chart―or both.

If a planet is conjunct the angles in the birth chart, especially if it is conjunct the
ascendant or the Midheaven, it becomes very influential. Planets here are placed in
the Gauquelin sectors.

The Sun conjunct the ascendant makes you come across as a Leo rising sometimes. If it is
on the Midheaven, it becomes visible to the world, making you well-known in your

If a planet is part of a stellium, has several aspects with other planets, it transmits its
energy in the birth chart, affecting various parts of your life. The Sun aspecting a lot of
planets suggests a versatile personality that can see the world from many angles.

Leo, the zodiac sign ruled by this luminary is strongly connected with the Sun. Several
planets or a stellium in Leo also emphasizes the importance of the Sun in your birth
chart. If you have a lot of planets in your fifth house, that is another plus point for the

If you have a Sun dominant planet, you want to pay special attention to the
house of your Sun in the natal chart. This house tells in which life area the Sun
primarily comes to expression.

Sun Dominant Chart

Here is a list of some indicators that you might have the Sun as your dominant planet in
your natal chart.

The more you can notice of the following placements and aspects, the stronger the
influence of the Sun in your birth chart.

Sun conjunct the ascendant

Sun conjunct the Midheaven
Sun in Leo
Moon, the ascendant, or the Midheaven in Leo
the Sun in aspect to the Moon, the ASC or the MC
several planets or a stellium in Leo
several planets or a stellium in the fifth house
Leo signature sign

You can also use a dominant planet calculator to find out if you have a Sun dominant

Sun Dominant Personality in Astrology

What is the Sun dominant personality like in astrology?

The Sun emphasizes the fire element in your birth chart. You embody the qualities of fire
very strongly.

Sun dominant people have a radiant personality. They are impossible not to notice, let
alone ignore. The Sun suggests a very Leo-like personality, someone in love with the
limelight and attention.

A Sun dominant personality has a lot of self-confidence. A prominent Sun in the natal
chart indicates high self-esteem, what makes you attractive in the eyes of other people.
People ruled by the Sun are often charismatic and people are instinctively drawn
to them.

With the Sun strong in your chart, you are usually popular and well-liked. You make
friends easily. A Sun dominant personality is often extroverted. Leos and people with a
strong Sun enjoy making new friends and they have a large social circle. They feel the
best when they are the center of attention.

People with a Sun dominant planet can always find the silver lining. You are a born
optimist. Fire signs―Aries, Leo, Sagittarius―do not lose hope easily. Even if
they feel down, these periods rarely last for long. They bounce back quickly and work on
finding new ways to make something work.

Because of their optimism, Sun dominant people are great at motivating others. Most
people find a Sun dominant personality very inspiring. They are enthusiastic, and
their enthusiasm is contagious.

A strong Sun in the birth chart suggests that you are a born leader. You often grow into
an authority person later in life.

Another association of the Sun in astrology is joy. People with a Sun dominant
planet are fun to be around. They have a unique sense of humor, and they are always
up for a good laugh. The Sun is associated with joyfulness in astrology, and to Sun
dominants, a life without joy is not worth living. The Sun also makes you playful and

Leos are famous for their generosity. A Sun dominant personality is similar to a Leo in
this aspect. With the Sun strong in your chart, you find joy in giving and sharing. You like
to give precious gifts or simply gifts that require a generous amount of attention and care.

Sun Dominant Planet Negative Traits

What are some weaknesses of a Sun dominant personality?

With the Sun strong in your chart, you can be too self-centered. Depending on the
aspects of the Sun with other planets, you can be arrogant and egoistic. Leos are often
accused of this, and you can be like that, too. People with a prominent Sun in their
natal chart have a strong ego.

If you are dealing with a Sun dominant, it is the best to avoid hurting their ego. If you do
so, they will be really angry, but they are too proud to show this. Nevertheless, they will
despise you. If you violate the dignity of a Leo or a Sun dominant personality, the
relationship can suffer long-term damage, as dignity is a top priority for them. Caressing
their ego is a way better approach to get what you want.

Leos and Sun dominant personalities are incredibly stubborn. Leo is a fixed sign by
modality, after all, and people with a strong Sun have a fixed opinion, too.

Another Sun dominant weakness is vanity. Being overly status-conscious and even
snobbish is another negative trait of Leo in astrology.

If you live the lower manifestation of the Sun, you want to be the center of attention
all the time.

Sun dominant people have a strong will. This is not bad per se, however, they are are
often too self-willed, not paying attention to other people. Because of this, they often
fail to hear good advice that could help them get something done better or more quickly.
Their stubbornness combined with pride plays a big role here.

A Sun dominant personality can be often childish. An evolved Sun dominant is childlike,
finding joy in small things and adoring the beauty of life. But the negative manifestation
of the Sun can be being incredibly childish, failing to act like a responsible adult.
This can be a burden in interpersonal relationships.

Sun Dominant Appearance

What is the Sun dominant appearance like?

For the Sun to influence your look, it has to be in aspect to the ascendant or
in the first house. The ascendant and the first house are the most important when it
comes to physical appearance. The Sun has to do with your physical body and personal
style if you are a Leo rising, too.

Sun dominants have strong bones, and they are usually either of average height or
tall. This planet can give an athletic body type and a great posture.

People with a Sun dominant appearance have big, bright eyes.

The influence of the Sun can be spotted in an elegant, royal clothing style. Many Sun
dominants like wearing jewelry, their favorite metal being gold, of course. There is a lot of
creativity and self-expression in the Sun dominant appearance in astrology.

People with a Sun dominant appearance often resemble a lion. Many of them have
thick, curly hear, or their facial structure is cat-like.

Sun dominants have a lot of energy. Ruled by the Sun, they go after what they want and
they pursue their goals actively. The Sun conjunct the ascendant or the ascendant in Leo
suggest a dynamic persona who stands out with their vitality and joyfulness.

Most Sun dominants are charismatic and people are attracted to them, especially if they
live the positive manifestation of the Sun.

Sun Dominant Careers

Career is a very complex topic, there are several things you have to take into consideration
when talking about career in astrology. Career can be seen through the tenth house in the
natal chart, the house primarily associated with your profession and public image. You
have to analyze the sign on the cusp, also known as the Midheaven, its ruler, and planets
in the tenth house.

However, there are some careers typically associated with the Sun and Leo. If you have
your natal Sun in the tenth house or conjunct the Midheaven, it has more influence over
your career. Here are some of the professions ruled by the Sun in astrology!

In astrology, the Sun rules creativity and self-expression. Sun dominants do well in
fields that require a lot of creativity.

Careers that involve being in the limelight are naturally attractive to Leos. A
prominent Sun in the natal chart often makes you famous and well-known in the
community (if there are other indicators in the chart, too). Actors and writers often have a
strong Sun in their birth charts.

The Sun also rules children in astrology. Work with children is another frequent Sun
dominant career.

The Sun in Astrology

Part of the astrological big three along with the Moon and the rising sign, the Sun is one of
the most important features of a natal chart.

In the chart, the Sun shows your inner self. This is the core of who you are, your
conscious self. You often identify more with your ascendant when young, the Sun takes
some time to develop. Most people start to identify more with their Sun after the
age of 30.

In astrology, the Sun is the planetary ruler of the zodiac sign Leo. It is in detriment in
Aquarius, in fall in Libra, and the Sun is exalted in Aries. In fire signs, the Sun can operate
very well. In the natal chart, the Sun is in accidental dignity in the fifth house of
joy. This house is traditionally connected with Leo in the natural chart.

The Sun is the polar opposite, and at the same time, the complementary pair of the Moon.
The Sun is the masculine, active principle, while the Moon is passive and reactive.

Here is a short overview of what the Sun stands for in the natal chart:

who you really are, the core of your personality

your father
your husband or you as a husband
the active, masculine principle

If you want to learn more about the Sun, check out this article about the
meaning of the Sun in astrology.

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