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troubleshooting vacuum vacuum tower seal drums, 81

system, 1 vacuum tower top pressure, 97
troubleshooting vacuum systems, vacuum tower top
xvi, 18 pumparound, 225
tube leak, 149 vapor baffle, 180, 205, 232, 236
tube support baffles, xxi, 216 Vapor Baffle, xxi
turbine, 174 vapor distribution, 216
turbine exhaust back-pressure, 176 vapor pressure of the water, 20, 56,
turbine exhaust steam, 164 59, 95,166
turbine exhaust surface vapor temperature, 152
condenser, 198 Velocity Boost, xxi, 4, 9
turbines, 10 Velocity Steam, xxi
turbine speed, 159 Vendor Performance Curve, xxii
turbine's shaft seal, 72 Venturi Effect, xxii, 3
visbreaker residue vacuum
upper explosive limit, 68 flasher, 117
visbreaker vacuum tower, 161
Vacuum Breaking, 63
vacuum condensate, 231 wash oil grid, 138
vacuum gas oil, 86 wash water pH, 132
vacuum heaters, 218 waste gas, 238
vacuum heater transfer line, 70 waste gas burner, 184
Vacuum Measurement Systems, 37 Waste gas burner fouling, 100
vacuum pumps, 202 Waste Oil Recovery plant, 183
Vacuum Tower Feed Stripping, 92 waxy deposits, 185
Vacuum Tower Flash Zone wet steam, xxi, 102,141, 226
Pressure, 224 wet vacuum towers, xxii, 229
vacuum tower heater, 173 Worn Steam Nozzles, 119
vacuum tower off-gas, 203
vacuum tower operation, 235 Zero Order Reaction, 75
Troubleshooting Vacuum Systems: Steam Turbine Surface
Condensers and Refinery Vacuum Towers. Norman P. Lieberman.
© 2012 Scrivener Publishing LLC. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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