Sec 3 Chapter 2

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& Linear Inequalities

1. Solving a Linear Inequality

Adding a number to both Subtracting a number from both
sides of the inequality sides of the inequality
r>).' x+a)\'+a x-aly-a
x>y t+a2y+a x-a>y-0
I r<_y x+a(t'+a x-a{)'-n
r<) Y+A{}'*4 x-esv-a
Dividing a positive
numbei c from
ugl!tp--$1g a..
OiqdilS g,negative
number dfrom
both sides of the to both sides of the ,both sldes of the
inequalifv inequality mequailry

x),y cx ) gr- _>!_ dx dv

,(; )'
CC ad
,ry -t
a <a
xlt; cx2cy CC dx d1'

ry ,t i'
x<y cx{cy L C
dx> dy -);
xy .t)'
I r<)) cx{cy CC dx
> dr- -7-

When solving a linear inequality of the form ax + b ) cx + d,apply the above guidelines to reduce the inequality
to the form x ) k or ir < ft. This is called the solution of the inequality.

2, When solving a pair of simultaneous linear inequalities, we only consider the common solutions of the
inequalities with the aid of a number line.

Forexample, to solve 2x + |( x ( I -x, we have

2x+l<x and x{i-x
'2x<1 #O
x (-l H)
i "2
-l I
The common solution is,r < -l .
t*-t*t *t blank rvith ';>', '=' or '<'.
(a) ls 30 (b) -z
(c) -
(-3)' (d) -24 --s
(e) f-1) --g l'-l\' (r) JG--t6 Jro
\ r/ - \-l/ -
(g) h-3 -4, where /z is areal number
(h) ft + l0-h + 7, where k is a real number
(i) 12-p -k 14- p,rvherep is a real number
CI) 16 - 4q- - q), where q is a positive number
Fill in each blank with')', "(' ,'>'or'<'
(a) Ifa+ | = b, then a _b. (b) If c < d and c ) -2,then d

(c) rfh> r\trrrvrf-2_-r.

k.then -4
(d) If m > n, then 3m --3.
(e) Ifp< q, then -6p
3. Solve each of the following inequalities, illustrating each solution on a number line.
(a) a+7>3 (b) b -2 < s
(c) -c+l)2 (d) -6d-3>-o
(e) 12-e<-2 (0 20+4f </- I
(g) 3-2e<-4-s (h) 2(I - sh) > 4(3 - tt)
(i) 2(i + 3) > 4(1 - t) CI) 8j-1>4(-3j)
(k) e(l - 2k) < 2(3 - k) (l) 2(5-41)> 5/+1.
(m) 4(.2m + 3) > 2(m + 7) - 3(2m - r)

4. Find the smallest integer value of x which satisfies each of the following inequalities.
(a) 2x+l > 16 (b) 9x+12>30
(c) 10x+2>20

5. Find the largest integer value of 1'which satisfies each of the follorving inequalities.
(a) 3y-2 < 13 (b) 16r,+ I < 31
(c) 4(2v + 3) < 24

(-IIA})'I LR :
6. Given the inequality ]/. t, * \(ir - 6) >
13, find

(a) the least integer value of ft. (b) the least prime number /r.

7. Given the inequatity 3(.r + 2) > 5(r - 1 ), find the greatest possible value of .r if it is
(a) a rational number, (b) an integer.
(c) a prime number.

8. Solve the inequality 6 * -r { 30 and illustrate the solution on a number line.

(a) If -t is a prime number, rvrite dorvn the possible values of r that satisfy the inequality.
(b) Given that.r is a perfect square, find the largest possible value of _r.

9. There are 21 $2 notes and $10 notes in an envelope. If the total vrilue of all the notes is less than gll0,
find the minimum number of $2 notes in the envelope.

t 10. Shirley scored 72 marks for her first History test and 58 marks for her second History test. What is the minimum
mark she must score for her third History test to meet her tar-eet of obtaining an average of 70 marks or more
for the three tests?

11. Vishal and Nathan intend to buy a present for their classmate. Vishal agrees to pay $50 more than Nathan.
Given that the present costs not more than $220. rvhat is the greatest amount Vishal has to pay'l

12. Afruitsellerboughtacrateof l90kirvi fruitsfor$66.50.Ifhesellseachkiwifruitfor55cents,whatisthe

least number of kiwi fruits he must sell in order to make a profit of not less than $20?

13. Kate intends to give her 12 good friends a treat at the school cafeteria. Her friends can have either a cupcake
or a cup of ice-cream. A cupcake costs $1 .20 and a cup of ice-cream costs $1.50.
(i) What is the maximum and minimum amount of money Kate may have to spend?
(ii) Kate intends to spend not more than $ 16 on the treat. If two of her friends insist on havin-e cupcakes,
) what is the maximum number of cups of ice-cream her friends ean have?

14. The perimeter of a square is not more than 50 cm. What is the largest possible area of the square? Give your
answer correct to 4 sisnificant fisures.

15. Findtherangeofvaluesofxrvhichsatisfyeachofthefollorvingpairsofinequalities.
(a) r+l<5and2:;>-B (b) 4x+2<l0and3x-I>11
(c) r+ I <14and2x+3> 12 (d) 6+2x )0and20-4r> l-2x
(e) -r+3 <22 and l4<5x-2 (f),r-1(10and4x+1>7
(g) 2.r- 3 < 5 and I -6x ='-l (h) 10r-l<lland5r-2>1
(i) 2.r - 9 < 14 and 3.r - 8.,> I 1
CI) 14-x ) 3 and 1-2.r < 10

1:y1'13,11:',1'ly tW
16. Solve each of the follorving inequalities'
(ar 96
*=i ,,

(c) lll
> 3'-t (d)
+ +.r*
(e) 2x+1 .,3-r-4.2
*J (o T-?!+<+
(s) 5.i-;7 = 2x-41
- 'l (h)
+ > zl-0,
(t,|846 **-3 = 2"13*i
2x-l CI) !-+.r-1,
(k) r-l- - 3) > + 5)
,(4,r 7(x

17. Solve each of the following pairs of inequalities.

(a) 2-x12x+3<x+6 (b) x+2<14<3x+l
(c) 8x+ I <2x + I < 3x+2 (d) 3x-3{5x+9<x+35
(e) 6x+414r-2<2x+l (0 x+2>l-3xlx-ll
(g) 3x-5 <26 <4x-6

18. Solve each of the following pairs of inequalities.

(a) ,-+. t-P . '*l tn) 2.+ = Il# =
(c) Zr+3rUol5>3x+2 =4
(d) 2x-rtir**+>2x-rt+
(e) ;.+=+);-5 (0 tr-*u.+r+10(x+5
(e) -2x+o=llt'<5x-6 (h)

19. Given that y sarisfies rhe inequa titV |O' - 4, , +. find the largest possible integer value of 1'.

20. Given that 3 -3x < 2 + 2x 15x+ l,solve the inequality and find the leastpossible value of xif
(a) x is an integer,
(b) x is a prime number.

21. Given that 3x + 5 .'-4x -2 < 3x +7,list the ir-rteger values of -r that satisfy the inequality.

{,ll ii\}'1-LrR :
22. Given that + = + - 4 . find the least possible value of q if
(a) q is'an integer,
(b) 17 is a prinre numbcr.

23. Given that r

+ - i(.. i) = ],t. - e). find the least possible value of.r if
(a) r is a rational number.
(b) .r is an inteccr.

24. Given that + = + - l, fi'd

(a) the least integer value of .r'.
(b) the smallest value of l if it is a prime number.

) ,t. Thc velocity of a flying object is given by r, = 60 - 50r. rvhere l is the velocity in m/s and r is the time in
seconds. When rvill the velocitv be betrveen 40 m/s and 50 m/s?

26. Find the possible inte-eersxthat satisfy the inequalities 5 (.r- I < 9 and q* . 2-r +l* a ,*.
27 . Two sides of a triangle have lengths 3 cm and 8 cm respectively. The longest side has a length of r cm. Write
dorvn an inequality that must be satisfied by .r.

28. Thc sum of three consecutive integers, e, b and c, ri,'here a I b ( r:, is at most 370.
(a) What is the greatest possible value of b?
(b) Find the square root of the largest possible value of c.

7D. The length of a rectangular plot of land is four tirnes its breadth. What is the largest possible area of the plot
of land if its perimeter is not more than 220 rn?

30. The sum of the ages of Huixian and Farhan is at least 53 years. If Hu'ixian is twice as old as Farhan, rvhat is
the minimum ase of Farhan?

31. In a set of 20 True/False questions, 2 points are awarded for a conect answer and I point is deducted for a
wrong answer. No points are arvarded or deducted for an unanswered question. Michael ansrvered 18 questions
and left the rernaining unansu'ered.If liis total score is grcater than 30, find the minimum number of qucstions
he ansrvcred correctly.

32. There are at most 65 fruits in a crate. If the total nurnber of pears and oran-ees is trvo-thirds of the number
of strau,berries. find the maximum number of strarvberries in the crate.

33. Ethan has at most $200 in his rvallet. If he has three $50 notes. trventy $2 notes and some 5O-cent coins. fincl
thc r-naximLu-n nurnber of 5O-cent coins Ethan has.

34. Given that-5 { a { 3 and-8 < b < -2. lind
(a) the -ereatest possible value of a + b.
(b) the least possible value of a - b.
(c) the largest possible value of ab.
(d) the smallest possible value of +,
(e) the greatest and least possible values of at.

35. Given that 2 < x< and-5 <.r < 2, find
(a) the greatest possible value of (.r' - r')r,
(b) the least possible value of (x + r')r.

(c) the largest possible value of ?I ,

(d) the largest possible value of
; .

(e) the greatest and least possible values of ,tt - -y

36. Given that -2 < p = -; and -1 < q < 6. find

(a) the least possible value of p' - qt,

(b) the least possible value of p2 + q),
(c) the largest possible value of pq,

(d) the smallest possible value ,f .

(e) the greatest and least possible values of pt + 4'

37. (i) Solve the inequalities -10 < I - 2x < -l .

(ii) Hence write down all the integers that satisfy -10 <l -2x<-1.

38. Solve the inequality 2(x+ 1) > f fr - ol.

39. (a) List all the integers that satisfy -5 < x < 3.
(b) Solvethe inequalitiesx-3 < 2-r-1{ 5 +-r.

40. (a) Represent -3<.r{2*on a number line.

(b) Solve the inequalities 4.r + 5 <5,r-2<4r+J.

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