Study: Cities and Companies Team Up To Tackle Urban Water Crises

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Study: Cities and Companies Team Up to

Tackle Urban Water Crises

Writed by Reuters

1. Summary

This articles is about the cities concerned about the water supply in Asia and
Pacific , and in fact in Africa and America also identified.

Depend on urban population become evolve also the climate change become
increase, cause shortfall of the water. Companies and cities are invest a billion of
dollar for water management project.

Water management project is project to decrease the shortfall of the water.

Instance, two thirds cities from london to los angels working with the private
sector to address water and climate change stresses with 80 cities, approximately
$9.5 billion of investment for water projects, according to a report by the Carbon
Disclosure Project (CDP), a non-profit environmental research group.

Meanwhile, in Latin America with Quito in Ecuador approximately $ 800 million

for water supplies also building 3 hydropower station and cleaning up the
contamined rivers and streams.

To resolve this problem, The city is now investing in boosting its resilience to
future water crises, with water conservation education, building a storm water
management system and new infrastructure.

The United Nations predicts shortfall in global water supply also global demand
in 2030 will be increase due to growing domestic use, manufacturing and
electricity generation

2. Evaluate

I like this article because it can increase our knowledge about how the
globalization hit our earth . One of the effect of globalization is shortfall of the
water . Imagine living without water, all of the living things will be died. Widfire
everywhere. With the uncertain climate our earth will be destroyed. When rainy
season there will be flood, when summer there is no water. It’s a big problem
absolutely. So let’s start from ourselves, keep the earth breathing with a lot of
trees , decreasing garbage by recyling, reuse, and reduce.
3. Question

I wonder why the writer don’t mention about the Indonesia. Because almost
everyday in Indonesia there is problem about water. Instance, the are much water
contamined in Remokalisari, Surabaya. On August 30th 2017 there is case in
Remokalisari allegedly it’s B3 waste who be carried by foreign company.

4. Connect

It’s reminds me how difficult to found clean water in Surabaya . When i go to my

Grand father’s home in Surabaya . The water in Bathub is very not clear , smell
not good and sometimes there is no water.

5. Vocab I Learn

a. Resilience of my anti body is weak, therefore i often get sick easily.

b. I was concerned about my english evaluation last week.
c. Dinosaurs in this era are scarcer
d. Seeking 6000 people who can accepted in STAN
e. In PSSI , shortages 2 football players so the match will be begin

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