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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT usw 1 v7) ‘Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July $01 Pavement Material & Construction ‘Time: 3 hes. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting @ ‘at least TWO questions from each . PART-A 1. a. Explain the desirable properties of aggregates to be ‘construction, Stage the te"ts conducted for each property. b. Explain the following tests on aggregates and state ‘Budelines for flexible pavements : ()— Grushing test. Pes of pavement (08 Marks) limits as per MORTH ’) Impact test. (12 Markey 2. Compare bitumen and tar. What are the requiggments OMijigumen used for road works? (0 Marks) b. Explain with neat sketch manufieturing py , (10 marks) 3 a Compare the salient features / cha jf outback and emulsions. Under wht condition each one is used. (10 Marke) b. What is stripping? What are its plain any one test on bitumen adhesion, (10 Marks) 4. Explain proportioning of a futch's method, (08 Marks) b. Explain the step by step (12 Marks) Sa i sketch, explain ts operation and applications. (10 Marks) b. What are the dj s of compacting equipments used for pavement construction? Write an expl rollers in road construction. (10 Marks -valuate adequacy of compaction, (2 Marks) s in which construction of embankment becomes necessary. (08 Marks) ‘material specification and construction steps for Bituminous surface dressing. (10 Marky &. Explain We objectives, type of material and method of application for (i) Prime coat i) Tack coat (10 Marks) pM witha nea seth ite mee he sep involve pins (10 Marks) construction of cement conerets pavements, (19 Marks) BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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