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Mobili 2a1ion And Equipmanl+

Mobitiz2atluisn adsante paymonlu. arepaymenli

undsto Aupplier0
Contra.c Ho belere,
anticipatien oando h Punpose a
penurmance hey dilr pantal paymen1!
which ar baed on aciua penlormanta
c k in
uhera nce he Controc
he baie purpo hi und s do exdendinaneia
auic-kince. wilhin the eo o Condaci do condrur tov
lo mabilize he man anol malera seLOLrLe
Smoo th Aats lha Pxecd
Module - 05
Pe roTn anu Secut
adaoana Se cuiy indud perÅurnans band
b bantOr inuanu.Corngan4 ha
an auaardes mana
proide Secuitu in.xa.riau sidualian ln Corudrurton
incluy umant endprid seeit Condrest
uncderpeicd Cendea Telermanu bond paler4
h Can iracdr
Liauidaded damage
H an CompenAala Omouni puuakle by the
Conhectat tu h Owner or h a due ta
dalayudConatnurten haxina nD Telalieniowth
ihstarn.ay L th onactuaih d bmpl
h ut wilhin Stahd andea ihira
h con trordu shallpay o th
Ouner ge1
Liqidade amaga an Omouno mona manay
Oareed upon
bthpnpa o a tta
Sianina Cndract.
Tirn Linii Cormpleen
1 theCondocdur Cannoi Cormplad: h wak dus
having Sorma unavsidabl problam in lh
ezecuion contractur
Tepmi o
shall giv
enaineerin charga Can cippl4
releraion o
liman wriina o tha e nga- in
cha n
Mod dPpaymenl
Mobrli2ation advance
Fix n d i n a Paymon
Fina paymon
Inlemedialo payment
Acdvanca paymini
Se cund advana paymoal
Mulor 7o
losk may h
hlosk exetuded dapandmen tally hroug
Through tmploymeni
labou. 9uch a Manon biti, Maon e4e. Th ma doriared.
Conmlruc tion Such a brick, Sand, aggregafe, Su thí,
4imber,steel oe ie. qot n
Shep stoe, The a1-enelan ce o
the loabours iskop in Muuder roll by authoied agenrds.
a faymendtotae4+labours hrough mudosooll
Momi nal Mlter aoll
mCett Consists o f o o poh
pant-io NMR 1o Con}s necemany Columm v endering
1 nome obou deig na Horalhe r*s narna,thoir atdendance
Panteulans. ade 2total amoun1 payable fn
2ach labaus NMR h a he provision r enteri ng th
toda amoun o ha m l e Signadur l e l 4 hand thumb
mpre hu labour.. A4 th bo1tom oheom,1he ponon
3uch NMR. fn See Shld sign bel ere Submithn da
PTepa ne
Pou-11. lwle 7ol1 i wed -fov Te co reli nq h i namu o'| u k .
noun o wok ono
An estimate is the anticipated or probable cost of a work and is usualy prepared
belore the construction is taken up.

To prepare an estimate following details required:

a. Drawings consisting of the plan, the elevation & the sections tihrough inportant
b. Detailed
specification giving specific description of all
wurkmanshup. properties
and proportion of materials.

Procedure followed for estimation:

a. Correct dimensions are taken fron drawing.
b. The quantities of various iterns calculated by simple measurements
C.These quantities are used to find the cost.

i. Probable cost to be made ready for taking a project.
i. To obtain Administrative Approval in case of publie corstruction
. To
ascertain the quantities of materials B,g Cement. Steel Aggregates, et
To ascertain the quantity of labour.
.To ascertain the quantity of Tools, I'lants & Eiquipments
To fix up
vi a construction schedule.
vi. To justify the benefit cost ralio.
vii. To invite lenders and prepare lills for payments
. Preliminary estimate or Approximate ur Abstrart estimate or Renngh v t etimah
2. Plinth area estinate.
Cube rate estimate or cubrcal content estimate
4. Approvimate quantity method esthmate.
5. Detaied estimate or item rate estimate

8. Supplementary and revised esimate.
9. Annual repair and maintenance estmate.

estimate or Approximate or Abstract estimate or Rough cost


This is approximate estimate made to find out an approximate cost

in a
time and thus enable the responsiole authority concerned to consider the tinancia
of the scheme, for according estimate is
sancion te the same. The approximate
prepared from the practical knowiedge and cost of the similar works.
The preliminary estimate may be prepared by various ways such as:

i Per unit basis.

11. Plunth area basis.
:i. Cubie content basis
iv. Appreximate quantity method.
Plinth area estimate
Plinth areas shouid be calculated by taking the extermal dimensions ofthe building
at the piintn. Courtyard and other open areas should not be included in the plinth
areas. This areas also can find out by walls area of the building plus tloor area of the
Plinth area estimatee is calculated by finding the plinth area of the building
multiplying by the plinth area
Cube rate estimate
the basis of t
Cube rate estimate is a preliminary estimate and is prepared o n
the of the
building. The cube rate being determined fron
cubical contents of the
in the locality.
Similar building havung sumilar spec.icahars and construction,
the cubical contents of the building (length r breadth
This is ralculated by linding
the cube rate.
height) and inultiplying it by
Approximate quantity method estimate
tound in metre and
approximate total lenugth ot walls runung
this method
in of wall gives tairly accurate cost
g h muiiplied by the rate per runing meire
"ors e t h o d the plan or line plan ef the structure should be avaladie.
Detailed estimate or Hem
rate estimate
Ot taiied estirate is
each item of wirks
an accurate estimate and
consists of
working the cost. The detalled estimate working out the quantihes
is preparea wo

Details of
measurements and caleulationof
of each item of work are quantities-
taken out correctly from The detaiis

quantities under each item of work plan and drawn

Detalls of measurement Form
computed in a tabular form

| ltem No. Partiwlars No

Length| Breadth Depth Quantity|

ii) Abstract of estimated cost : The cost of each item of work is

torm from the calculated in
quantities already computed and total cost is worked out in
estimalte Form. The rates of different items of
work are taken from schedule ot Abstrac
or trom rate
Abstract of estimate Form

Item no ParticaularsQuantity | Unit | Rate | Pa | Amount

percentage of 3 to 5%
is added for contingencies, to allow for unforeseen
expenditures, etc. and to 276 added ta meet the expenditure
establishment. The grand total thus obtained is the eshimated of work-charged
The cost of work
detailed estirate is
drawings showing plans, accompanied with: (a) report (b) specification (c)
dterent secions, detailed
calculations (e) basis of rates
adopt in the
key index plan, etc, or
(d) design data and
Such a detailed estimate is
nd also lor execution ot prepared for technical sanction, administrative
a contract with the contractor approval
Revised estimate
Revised estimate is to be
prepared under any one of the
When the original sanctioned estimate is exceeds or following circumslances:
5%. likely to exceed by more than
b. Wihen the
administratve sanction by
on a
work exceeds or
likely to exceed the anount
more than 10%. ot
When there are material deviation frorm the
devintion of a strxthiral nature
original proposal but not due to inaterial

d. When it is fournd that the sanctioned

estimate is more than the actial
Supplementary estimate
It is detailed estimate
and is prepared when additional work are required to
original works, or when further
pogress of the
work. The abstract should show the amount required during development is the
of the original
and the total amount
the including estimate
yuimd supplementary amount for which sanction is

Supplementery and revised estimates

estimation is prepared when it is
necessary to revise the original estimate due
increased volume of work well additional works
as as
included ( supplementary
works).For such a
case revised estimate is prepared for the
original work and detailed.estimate for the
a increased volume ot
original schedule. supplementary works not included in the
The total amount of
revised estimate includes the amount tor
supplementary work also.
Annual repalr and maintenance estimate
Arnual repair and Maintenance Estimate is
detailed estimate and is a

order and safe condition. For prepared

maintain the structure or work in to
includes white
colour painting, washing. building. this
the estimate
provides for patch repairing renewals,minor repairs, etc. For road works
repairs of
etc. bridges and culverts,
The following are the some of the annual repair works listed
for building.
1) Painting work.
a. White washing
b. Colour washing
c. Distempering.
Snocem/Supercem painting for external walls.
Repainting Doors, windows and ventilators.
2) Water proofing Terrace/Bath room/Toilets.
Relaying new type of flooring.
4) Floor polishing.
5) Repair of
plumbing and electrical fixtures.
6) Minor repairs, etc.

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