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Focused Conversation Data Analysis

Level of Questions Purpose Questions to Answer

✔ To examine the data ✔ What do you see?
O ✔ To identify factual ✔ What factual statements can you
Objective Level information make based on the data?

✔ To encourage ✔ What surprised you?

R participants to make ✔ What encouraged you?
Reflective Level connections ✔ What discouraged you?
✔ To encourage free ✔ How does this make you feel?
flow of ideas and

✔ To identify patterns ✔ Describe the “Big Idea”

I and determine their ✔ What does the data tell us?
Interpretive Level significance or What new insights do you have?
meaning ✔ What good news is there for us
✔ To articulate to celebrate?
underlying insights ✔ What doesn’t it tell us and what
else might we need to know?

✔ To propose next ✔ What are our proposed next

D steps steps?
Decisional Level ✔ To develop an action ✔ What decisions can we make?
plan ✔ What is our action plan for
✔ To make decisions moving forward?
✔ To experience
“coming together”

Toolbox for Teachers 1

Teacher Team Meeting: March 14/21
Focus: To identify a problem of practice based on ELA Running Record

Conversation Step Your Comments

● to identity a problem of practice based on ELA running
O record assessments
Objective Level ● To analyze, assess, and discuss the use of Reading A to Z
Running Record assessments in the classroom
● to understand the use of running records in the classroom
● how can running records drive instruction and guided
reading groups?

● is reading A to Z a substantial assessment tool?

R ○ how do we know?
Reflective Level ● Reading A to Z is useful for some students but not all
● can serve as baseline/midline/endline assessments
● running records allow teachers to better see where a
student is in comparison to others
● teachers feel that reading A to Z is better for younger
● older students should be using higher level passages and
more rigorous assessments
● based on running record data students struggle when
I answering inference and fact/opinion questions
Interpretive Level ● students also struggle with vocabulary
● data analysis is inconsistent
● inconsistency in students moods, attention span, emotions
etc. affects running record data
● students data can improve or decline rapidly
● how do we allow students to consistently improve without
● based on attendance, participation, consistency
● consistency in running records/assessment of students is
needed by the teacher
● find better/easier ways for students to access reading tools
● become more consistent with running records and
D assessments
Decisional Level ● push students
● use other tools from reading a to z so that it is consistent

Toolbox for Teachers 2

● tools = reading passages, comprehension questions,
quizzes on skills
● practice inference questions daily -- formal and informal
● practice fact/opinion questions daily -- formal and informal

Toolbox for Teachers 3

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